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Announcer this is cnn Breaking News. Welcome to the lead. Im jake tapper. Im standing on a roof torp looking out over tel aviv. It is just after 11 00 p. M. Here and were covering three major stories right now. The war here. The end to the Chaotic Speakership Saga Back in washington, d. C. And former President Donald Trump in a stunning appearance on the stand today in his new york Civil Fraud Trial. Well start with Breaking News from israel. It is been 18 days since the attacks by hamas caught this country and most of the world by surprise. Just over an hour ago, from this rooftop, we heard explosions presumably from israels iron dome Defense System intercepting several rocks fired on tel aviv from gaza and minutes ago they confirmed that four people were injured with something possibly shrapnel hitting this town. A reminder that hamas continues to try to kill as many israeli civilians as they can with their rockets. Theyre just not able to do so because of the iron dome Defense System. Meanwhile, this evening, israels Prime Minister netanyahu addressed this grieving nation, still mourning after hamass Horrific October 7th Terrorist Attack where 1400 were murdered and speaking in hebrew he alluded to the massive intelligence and ready iness failures of his administration that day. Saying, quote, everyone will have to give answers including myself but that will only happen after the war, unquote. And meanwhile, there are roughly still 600 american citizens stuck in gaza. Amidst a full blown humanitarian crisis there for the 2. 3 million palestinians. The United Nations organization in gaza said it will be forced to stop operations today due to a lack of fuel. Blocked from entering gaza as isreal is certain that hamas will steal any Fuel Shipment news gaza and use that fuel to launch its rockets into israel. And kill innocent israeli citizens. Humanitarian concerns have been echoed by Western Allies who have called for a humanitarian pause in israels strike on gaza. That suggested pause essentially just a rebranded term for a ceasefire which israel is wholly opposed to given the 1400 murders and more than 200 people still being held hostage by hamas in the web of underground tunnels. All of this as another chapter unfolds, of course, as we mentioned earlier, in the complete and utter dysfunction in washington, d. C. Among House Republicans. This afternoon, after four candidates and 22 days of selfinflicted pain and paralysis, upon the congress and the legislative branch of congress, and of course on the u. S. Government and the u. S. People, republicans finally named Conservative Congressman mike johnson of louisiana as speaker of house. And were going to tell you more about speaker elect johnson. Or Speaker Johnson, rather, in a minute. But first lets get to the big Breaking News of the hour. Former President Trump fined 10,000 for violating a gag order again. The judge there trumps new york Civil Fraud Trial warning the former president today to, quote, dont do it again or it will be worse. Cnns Brynn Gingras is live out the courthouse. And the judge issued the fine after trump took the stand. What happened . Reporter yeah, that is right. Actually trump right now is in with the judge. The courtroom is cleared. His lawyers are with him. It is unclear what theyre discussing. Possibly this 10,000 fine. I want you to, jake, to listen to first what trump said and then i could explain how this all unfolded this afternoon in court. This is judge is a very partisan judge with a person who is very partisan sitting along side of him. Perhaps even much more partisan than he is. Reporter you heard him call the judge partisan and the person sitting next to him, to the right is his court clerk and to the left is the witness box and sitting there was Michael Cohen. Well trump was brought back into the courtroom and the judge made him take the stand and answer under oath when he was talking about when he said the person next to him is very partisan and under oath trump said that he was talking about Michael Cohen. Well after he got the stand, the judge said this, as a trier of fact, i find that the witness is not credible and he was referring to my law clerk. Remember, there was a gag order in place, it was that trump could not speak ill about anyone associated with this judges staff. This is the second time the judge has said he has violated this gag order and he put down this 10,000 fine. Well trumps attorneys fought that saying that it is unusual that a law clerk would be sitting right next to the judge. And that they feel like this case is being tried by two judges. But that did not stand. That argument did not stand and the judge kept that 10,000 fine in place. Something else very important to discuss here, jake, the fact that Michael Cohen was crossexamined at the end of the day. Hes no longer on the stand. But there was some flipflopping that happened. That essential angered trump so much he threw up his hands and left the courtroom for the end part of day. We are actually hearing from Michael Cohen right now about that ex change that happened on the stand. Were expecting to hear from the new York Attorney general. There is a lot that has happened in the last hour of this civil trial and well continue to update you, but as of now the civil trial will now continue tomorrow. Jake. Brynn gingras, thank you so much. I want to go to elie honig. What are the risks for donald trump being questioned under oath . Well any time anyone takes stand, particularly if under multiple indictments, they have the risk of refusing to testify and the judge could have used that against him. And the second risk is what happened. Donald trump took the stand and the judge said, i find you noncredible. I dont believe you. An hence the judge ruled against donald trump and levied the increased fine. And when the judge said, quote, dont do it again, or it will be worse, what could worse mean . Does it mean more than 10,000, which lets be honest, that is Pocket Change for donald trump or did he mean jail time, maybe . That is the dilemma that the judge has here. The two tools at his disposal are one, fines, and two, jail time. In fact, the judge went out of his way last time to warn donald trump, if you do it again, i could fine you more and i can at least theoretically imprison you. I dont think that is likely and the financial amounts are not enough to deter donald trump so the judge will have engage in escalating deterrence and i think the judge needs to be responding accordingly. I dont know that a 5,000 fine and a 10,000 fine will do it. Lets turn to the Georgia Election subversion case where 18 codefendants were charged with trying to over turn the states 2020 Election Results and just into cnn, new reporting, georgia prosecutors are considering plea deals with six additional codefendants. Jenna ellis and Sidney Powell and ken chesebro and scott hall have pleaded guilty. Six more plea deals, that would mean almost half of the codefendants will have flipped on trump. Well, yeah, jake. So that would mean 19 defendants and four have pled that brings us down to 15. If another six plead, that gets us down to nine remaining codefendants. This is what you have to do as a prosecutor. Im going to interrupt. Im sorry. I have to apologize. Were going to Michael Cohen who is speaking live outside of the courtroom. Hes got the wrong guy to intimidate. As you seen, i havent stopped since i dont know how many years now and i wont, until i said, accountability is had. Why do you think my name is Jeffrey Levine. And i just want to expand on one thing that michael said and then ill share some additional thoughts. First thing was, not only did the judge deny the motion to dismiss, but he did it twice. And the second time he did it, he said, absolutely denied. So, like many other things with michael, i could say in over 30 years of practicing law, ive never seen a judge issue a ruling that said absolutely denied is enough. Absolutely denied, that is going beyond. And then he followed up, the judge, saying there is enough evidence in this room to find you liable. So it wasnt solely on michael. He is a witness. He is not the witness. Because there is a lot of other evidence. As for my other statements, i just want to say and ive said this before regarding michael, that a little light dispels a lot of darkness. And michael has gone on this path to shine that light. And he has an enormous burden in doing so. Like today and yesterday. His family and he have paid dearly for his choice to shine that light. And i say this not only as michaels lawyer, but weve known each other since middle school. So ive known michael nearly 45 years. And im really pleased to be here under these circumstances. Im pleased to be here to Support Michael and to witness him righting wrongs and speaking truth to power. In particular here in this so the testimony of Jeffrey Levine about his client Michael Cohen, elie honig, let me go back to you. Do you think the plea deals in the georgia case, we already have had four individuals flip on trump, there might be six others. Do you think they could undermine the credibility of the case . Well, jake, i think on one hand it is ai good thing for prosecutors to get plea deals because youre locking in convictions and sort of showing the world that, yes, these people who i charged are guilty. But however we do have to ask what is in the plea deals. Because here is the reality now. Weve seen four people plead guilty so far. All four of them were charged with being part of this massive racketeering enterprise. The goal was to steal the 2020 election. Looking at a fiveyear minimum in prison. What theyve been allowed to plead guilty to, none have had to plead guilty to racketeering, and not a single one them is doing a day behind bars as a result of pleas. Now are they going to cooperate in a way that is effective and useful to the d. A. That remain tos to be seen. And shes still out there spewing Election Fraud lies. So it matters, jake, what is in the details of these plea deals an it is fair to question whether theyre getting too lenient of a deal here. All right, elie honig. Thank you very much. And i want to bring in cnns kristin holmes, the second fine that trump has received from this judge who has warned that it could be worse. What is the reaction in trump worl what happened today. Officially theyre say the same thing, this is a democratic judge trying to take away Donald Trumps First Amendment rights but privately there is questions about how exactly this is going to work and a lot of skepticism as to whether or not donald trump could actually abide by this gag order. You have to remember, that for years Donald Trumps advisers and even more recently Campaign Advisers had been trying to manage his messaging. They know that is not possible. And remember, that is when donald trump believes that the people trying to manage his messaging have his best interest at heart which he does not believe in the case of this judge. Part of Donald Trumps strategy when it comes to his legal peril is to play this out in the court of public opinion. That means taking every opportunity he can to talk to the media. That is why hes always going over to the cameras. That is why hes posting on truth social. He wanted to create his own narrative around this and then again play this out in the court of public opinion, not in the courtroom. This severely limits his capabilities to do that. So whether or not he could actually abide by a gag order, that is a real question. Even among his closest aides and advisers who have tried and tried to keep him on message often to only be left with their mouths dropped open when he said something that they cannot believe came out of his mouth. Thank you so much. To another big story this hour. The newly minted speaker of the house mike johnson, he was a key figure who once led efforts to over turn the free and fair 2020 election. And that is not the only controversial mark on his resume. Stay with us. The challenge before us is great but the time for action is now. And i will not let you down. [ applause ] were back with our other big domestic story tonight after 22 days of complete chaos on capitol hill, House Republicans have finally managed to select a new speaker of house. His name is congressman mike johnson. He is a fourterm congressman from louisiana. He did what over a dozen republican speaker candidates were unable to do, which is get 217 votes. And unite the party including the hard right and the right and the few moderates that are left. We want our allies around the world to know that this body of lawmakers is reporting again to our duty stations. Let the Enemies Of Freedom Around The World hear us loud and clear. The peoples house is back in business. Speaker johnsons ascension does not come without controversy. He seems, he has a manner that is moderate. But he is without question one of the most conservative members of congress in the house. Hes one of the most staunch opponents of abortion. He led efforts to over turn and decertify the 2020 election. An election that has been proven time and again to have had no widespread voter fraud. Perhap perhaps the following two moments sum it up. A floor speech that occurred almost simultaneously as rioters smashed the windows on january 6, the second just last night. Madam speaker, we have a solemn responsibility today. We must vote to sustain objections to states of electors committed by states that we believe clearly violated the constitution and the president ial election of 2020. This is the threshold legal question before us. And it is an issue before us for the state of arizona. You help the efforts to over turn the 2020 election oh, gosh. Shut up. Shut up. Next question. So it was important then but doesnt want to talk about it now. Interesting. Any way, who exactly is congressman, Speaker Mike Johnson and what does he stand for. Brian todd takes a look at Speaker Johnsons record. Frankly, we did win this election. Reporter in the contentious days after the 2020 election, when then President Trump was desperately maneuvering to hold on to power. Mike johnson was one of trumps most zealous supporters in congress. The system is set up for massive fraud and error. And irregularity and we cant have that in our election system. Reporter the republican from louisiana led a group of conservative lawmakers who signed a court filing which tried to nullify Electoral College votes in several states won by joe biden. A legal efforts that wau rejected by the Supreme Court. I think all of that is partly what makes him a favorable candidate for donald trump. You could expect democrats to be looking to highlight this stuff. Reporter just after the 2020 election was called for joe biden, johnson posted on x, then known as twitter, quote, i have just called President Trump to stay this. Stay strong and keep fighting, the nation is depending upon your resolve. Today outside of court the former president complemented the congressman. I think hes doing well. A respected congressman. Reporter but if you think he came out of nowhere to win the speakership. You might not be alone. Long time senator Susan Collins from johnsons own party said, quote, i was going to google him this morning. A lot people dont know him which means he doesnt have a lot of enemies. Reporter first elected to congress in 2016. Johnson staunchly aposed abortion and celebrating the Supreme Court decision to over turn roe v. Wade and calling it a great joyous occasion. The founders and who put this country together recognize that life was sacred because it is given to us by our creator, by god. Reporter johnson has also been a fierce opponent of lgbtq rights. In the mid 2000s in the wrote in the Shreveport Times that homosexuality is a unnatural and dangerous lifestyle that would lead to legalized pedophilia. Hes the least experienced speaker elected in 140 years. Is he in over his head . The speaker job is an on the job training situation. Nobody is prepared for that role unless theyve already been in it. Reporter analysts say mike johnson wont have much of a Honeymoon Period as house speaker. One of first big tests coming in the day leading up to the November 17th Government Shutdown deadline, a test to see if he could work with democrats to keep the government funded and navigate the hardline republicans who tossed Kevin Mccarthy from power. Jake. Brian todd, thank you so much. Let bring in Republican Congress man mike waltz of florida. Congressman, thanks for joining us. Every single republican who was present today voted to make mike johnson the new speaker. Congratulations. Did you ever think your party would come to a consensus over anybody . I have to say, it did seem at one point that there would be no one who would be able to get 217. But then when Mike Johnsons name emerged, it seemed like the party pretty quickly coalesced around him. Yeah. Jake, i think mike johnson sits right at in that sweet spot, frankly, within our coalition. He is admired for his work on judiciary, whether that is on the social issues that he does have a very conservative view on, and that he has a lot of support with our delegation. At the same time, he sits right next to me in Armed Services and has a very clear eyed view of the threats facing this country, of the need for american strength, of the need for investment in our defense and from the overwhelming threat that is coming from the chinese kplunist party, from iran, from russia and north korea. So i think that he really sits in a unique spot. And as you could see already, there is there is a very substantive base as a constitutional lawyer. And a deep heft and knowledge to his belief that he could back up intellectually and substantively all day long but his demeanor is not as confrontational. I think that made it palatable for our entire conference. Hes ready to get back to work. He shares many of our vision for why we were elected and why we have the majority and im looking forward to supporting him. Yeah, he does he has a more moderate style. But he is and i dont think he would disagree with this, he is one of the most conservative members of congress. And i wonder if you worry at all that he will try to bring the party with him to the far right when there are more moderate members and other people who might not want to pass a, for instance, a National Abortion ban, because theyre not comfortable with that. Well, look, i think he would wear what you just said as one of the more substantive and conservative members of our conference as a badge of honor. And i think what so many people appreciate about him is his views are deeply rooted, theyre thoughtful, he articulates them well and no one, i dont think, really has a belief that hes just doing it for pure politics or telling people what they want to hear. Will he have to govern an entire conference and get us all on the same page with a narrow majority . Absolutely. That is why this job is one of the toughest that i think there is anywhere in the world. All right, Republican Congressman mike waltz, thank you for being with us. Thanks, jake. Coming up next, next up for Speaker Johnson, fights over funding for ukraine. Funding for israel and not to mention that Government Shutdown which could be on the way next month. So how do House Republicans move forward . Were going to pick up the conversation in a moment. You want to be able to provide your child with the tools or resources they need. With reliable internet at home, through the internet essentials program, the world opened up. Fellas, fellas. Thats how my son was able to find the hidden genius project. We wanted to give yall the necessary skills to compete with the future. Kevins now part of this next generation of young people who feel they can thrive. Were back with more on todays lesson in democracy is messy after weeks of ugly in fighting, republicans finally got their act together and elected donald trump is talking outside of the courthouse. Lets listen in. And he was caught lying, like nobody has ever lied. It was better than a perry mason moment. And that should be the end of the case. That should in any other case, any other judge, this would be the end of the case. Were being railroaded here. The city and state are railroaded. Businesses are leaving because of this. But he theyre only witness, the chief witness, the only witness, just admitted, number one, he lied and he admitted he lied. He said he lied numerous times and then he said, as for the best Television Show that youll ever imagine, he said, i did not i did not ask him to manipulate figures. That should be the end of the case. If we had a jury, this case would have never started practically. Also, it is a statute that is never used. It was only used for trump. This is a very unfair thing and other businesses are watching it and if they move to new york, theyre crazy. As far as the speaker is concerned, he is a fantastic gentleman and i think hes going to do a great job. Mike johnson, louisiana. Hes going to do a great job. Thank you, everybody. All right, donald trump speaking outside of the courtroom there. Lets bring in elie honig. Explain to our viewers what exactly this most recent airing of grievances is about and what you think he this will result in if there is a penalty or not . Yeah, so let me try to clarify this, jake. So what donald trump is talking about here is the testimony of Michael Cohen. Michael cohen over the years during his congressional testimony and at this trial has explained the instructions that donald trump gave him in different ways. At times Michael Cohen has said, no, donald trump never specific told me to inflate the value of assets and other times he said it was generally understood. Donald trump knew to make his will known without specifically saying it. There is a bit of a discrepancy there. That is fair game for crossexamination. That is fair game for trumps lawyers to argue to judge ultimately here. Michael cohen is not credible. His testimony has been inconsistent. Here is where donald trump is off the rails, though. This does flotnot mean the case over. Witnesses sometimes have inconsistenties and it is to the trier of the fact. And is it doesnt mean game over and i won and lets go home. It means this witness has had some damage done on crossexamination and we expected and it will be up to the judge. Were being railroaded here and elie honig, in addition, do you think that donald trump, who has been repeatedly told an threatened with a gag order, do you think him going out there and saying were being railroaded here, do you think that that will have any impact, again his explaining, his taking issue with the manner of the trial, et cetera . Well hes towing the line as weve seen quite a bit. The gag order in this particular case, there is actually two, there is a separate gag order in one of the criminal case mrs. D. C. , but the gag order in this case, this is the civil trial in new york, is very narrow. All of the judge said it you cannot say anything about my staff. The judge actually accepted himself. He just said, my clerks, my courtroom staff. And so, i think trumps general comments about the conduct of the trial are probably not specific enough to violate the gag order. In contrast, i should note, to comments that donald trump has made now twice which the judge has found do specifically go to the clerk and that is why the judge has found donald trump violated that gag order twice and fined him twice. All right, elie honig, thank you so much. I want to bring in jamie gangel right now. To talk more about Speaker Mike Johnson. And jamie, weve been talking about Speaker Johnson and what is interesting, one of the things that has been going on with Speaker Johnson is that he hes a very smooth operator. Like, i covered him way back in 2005. And i was in louisiana. And i was covering a parish there that continued to claim the Public School students and continue to do school prayer, Public School prayer even though courts kept telling them to stop. And he worked toer a group called the alliance for the Alliance Defense fund or Something Like that. And he presented these very, very Christian Conservative views in a very moderate and mainstream presentation. And i remember turning to my Producer Avery Miller at the time and said this guy is going to be a congressman very quickly. I did not know, this is about 18 years ago, i would not have predicted he would be speaker within 20 years but it does not surprise me because he has these have conservative views as Congressman Waltz acknowledged earlier. Hes one of the most conservative members of the house and yet in manner and bearing, he seems like a next door dad. Right. So, look. Werek looing outside right now jamie, im sorry for interrupting. Letitia james is speaking. Lets listen in. Basically corroborate the testimony of witnesses. It is important to know that Michael Cohen is not the main witness. His evidence has been Koosh Raetzed by the mountains of evidence, enough evidence to fill the courtroom. And so i look forward to this trial continuing and i look and of course i look forward to justice. Thank you very much. And let me also remind you that judge has already made a decision with respect to the summary judgment. There is sufficient evidence to prove that in fact mr. Trump and the Trump Organization and the other defendants committed widespread fraud. Hes not the main witness. Are you satisfied all right. So that was Tish James Talking right then. Jamie gangel, what is your impression right now of what is going on in this courtroom right now with donald trump . Well, the thing that struck me today was the fine for the gag order. 10,000 fine. And it reminded me, jake, you may remember, when we covered Bob Woodwards First Book On Trump fear, and woodward tells the story of how trumps own lawyer, john dowd, said you cant go on the stand. If you testify, was the quote, youll end up in an orange jump suit. And i remind everyone of that because one of things that the judge did in the Gag Order Ruling was trump took the stand. He was under oath. And he said, oh, i was talking about Michael Cohen, not your clerk. The judge said, that wasnt credible. So just big picture, that was my takeaway from todays court appearance. And what does this tell you about what comes next in the trial. Michael cohen is on the stand now and hes a very important witness. But there is a lot of evidence here that needs to be gone through. There are other witnesses from inside of the Trump Organization, there are financial documents, and so the point that the Attorney General made there is this is a long trial, there is a lot of evidence and she made another really important point to keep in mind. The judge has already given what we call summary judgment. Meaning shes already found in favor of the a. G. Against donald trump on one of the allegations in this case. The allegation of repetitive and persistent fraud. So the a. G. Has already won that issue. But there is still a long way to go. Kp Michael Cohen is important but this case does not rise or fall on Michael Cohens testimony. Thank you very much. Here in the middle east, Emergency Aid that should be headed into gaza has been crippled by a fight over fuel. Were going to tell you where that stands next. Welcome back to the lead. Were live from tel aviv. Diplomatic tensions are escalating after the United Nation sect general said this at a u. N. Security Council Meeting yesterday. It is important to also recognize that the effects by hamas did not happen in a vacuum. The Palestinian People have been subjected to 56 years of suffocating occupation. He went on to say he was not trying to justify the appalling attacks. But in response israels ambassador to the United Nations called for gutierrezs resignation. Today israels ambassador to the u. N. Said that israel will block visas to u. N. Representatives that the type has come to teach them a lesson and then made this Statement Today to set the record straight. I am shocked by the misrepresentations by some of my statements yesterday in the security council. As if as if i was justifying Acts Of Terror by hamas. This is false. It was the opposite. Lets bring in Clarissa Ward who is live in cairo, egypt. Clarissa, a diplomatic fight has been playing out for quite sometime as the Fuel Shortage is intensifying the humanitarian crisis in gaza. Bring us up to speed. Reporter so, there has been so much back and forth about this, jake. The israelis have been saying that hamas actually holds hundreds of thousands of liters of fuel, but when we talk to humanitarian organizations, hospitals, the u. N. On the ground, they say this has reached a crisis point. The World Health Organization saying that 12 of gazas 35 hospitals are now essentially out of commission. Eight of those because they have simply run out of fuel. The u. N. Relief and works agency that operates inside of gaza has said previously that they would be forced to stop their operations tonight, earlier this afternoon speaking to cnn, they appeared to sort of calibrate that message slightly and said that if they one out of fuel, tonight or tomorrow, they will be forced to drastically reduce their operations. Weve been in touch with a number of doctors and hospitals on the ground who say that they really are now on their last drops of fuel. And what is important to remember here, jake, of course, is that because the electricity has been cut off, it is fuel that powers the generators and it is generators that then allow incubators, Ventilator Machines and crucially Desalination Plants because clean water is no longer accessible, people are Drinking Brackish Water according to doctors on the ground. And that is leading to spiking of rates in disease, but also Preeck Lamsia In Preg Women and this is making it clear that fuel is very much at center of efforts to try to get that aid in. But also appears to be deeply involved in a broader deal that may be surrounding the Hostage Issue or some kind of a possible humanitarian pause. Making it all that more complex and all that more dangerous for people on the ground who so desperately need to get it, jake. So israel argues that if they let fuel in, hamas Controls Gaza and they will seize it and the fuel will be used to fuel rockets, which Attack Civilians in israel and that the fuel will be used for oxygen in the tunnels. Is there any way to guarantee that the fuel will go to the hospitals an go to the Desalination Plants and is it true that hamas has fuel of its own . Reporter so, we actually put this to the u. N. Because the way it is been explained to us, is that the transportation of fuel would be going directly from one official body to another official body. That hamas was not be involved at any point with this transport of fuel into gaza. And we asked the u. N. Agency that operates inside of gaza if they have ever had hamas come and try to appropriate fuel, if theyve had hamas steal fuel from their warehouses as the idf has claimed. They told us that they have never experienced that. In terms of israels allegation about half a million liters of fuel that hamas holds, that is impossible for us to verify. But certainly if it is there, it is not getting to the hospitals in gaza. All right. Thank you so much. Soermtds with the Israel Defense forces are among the hundreds missing after hamass surprise Terrorist Attack on october 7th. Remember, There Is Con Corruption in israel. Every young man and young woman except for those exempt has to join the military and that includes 19yearold rony. Rony was stationed at a Military Base in Southern Israel near the gaza border. He last texted her mother saying, quote, dont worry, im okay. I love you. With four heart emojis. I want to bring in ronys aunt. Who joins me now live. Thank you for thank you for being here. Im sorry were meeting under these circumstances. Its horrible and i cant imagine what youre feeling. Ill tell you. Well, tell me. Thank you for letting us tell our story. Shes a beautiful girl. She is. I have nieces. She is my niece. Shes 19yearold girl, she, you know, you say shes a soldier, shes part of idf. But she was captured at israeli territory from a safe base. She has long lashes and beautiful eyes, and she loves taylor swift, and she loves harry styles. She has one more year to finish her duty, and she was planning on going with her mom and her sister to one of these concerts in europe, and then she planned on going to travel to new york and maybe study there. And shes just a 19yearold girl who is away from home. We dont know, we dont know what happened to her. We dont know her whereabouts. We dont know if shes alive or dead. We dont know how they treat her. We certainly dont trust this murderers and monsters to keep her safe. We saw what theyre capable of. Yeah. When our families were butchered and our homes were burned. You know, her dad and her mom, they have the weirdest prayer to know that to hear something, to hear you can you imagine to have to choose between finding out that shes being captured by hamas isis or being burnt to death. So hard that shes unrecognizable. Yeah. No, i cant. Its awful. The reason i mentioned that theres conscription in israel is because its important to understand that theres no choice, you have to be in the military when youre 18, 19 years old, some of the religious communities are exempt. But everybody is in the military when theyre 18, 19 years old. Because in israel, you have to be in the military. And you want to be in the military, because you want to defend your family and your home and your border. You know, you learn so many values when you go to the army. If you meet, you know, kids 18, 19 years old here, we grow up so fast. Like, there is a transition in the two or three years that were in the military, that were changing. We have responsibility. Were responsible for people. Were responsible for homes. Were responsible for our borders. Youre responsible for protecting the rest of israel from attacks. Yes. And infiltrations. And her job is to be a lookout at the border, at the hottest border in israel. At the gaza strip. Inside israeli territory. I get it, i get it. Did you hear from how did you find out, and have you heard from the idf . Have you heard from the government . Have they been keeping you up to speed on whats going on . What happened is that this black saturday, october 7th, there is a genocide that happened here in israel, inside israeli territory. 1400 people killed. Yes, and thousands wounded and families that have been evacuated and stripped apart, and 220 missing, kidnapped, people who are women, children, babies, elders, that were stolen from their beds. Even before it was morning, and stolen from a Music Festival that Me And My Friends were supposed to go to and a cousin of ours. You were going to go . Yeah, we were going to enjoy it. We had friends from new york coming in. Why didnt you go . Because we had bruno mars the day after. So you wanted to save your strength. Yeah. So simple, right . I want you to look at the camera. What would you say if hamas or somebody from qatar or egypt or turkey, who might have influence, what do you want them to know about roni to get her home . What do you want to say to them . I want to say i want to i dont want to speak to hamas. Maybe somebody who has influence with them. But yeah, i want to talk to the international community. I want to speak to every Citizen Of The World who does not believe in terror and does not believe the 40 beheaded kids are responsible for anything but their own, you know, anything else. I want to reach out and say to you that it is your responsibility to bring her home. And not only roni, 30 kids that are in captivity in gaza, in tunnels, in the dark, that no one knows if, you know, someone has them, someone is wiping their tears, that their parents are murdered, and theyre orphans right now, because vicious, vicious monsters decided that this is how they fight. Dont believe hamas isis. Dont believe them, as they say its for the palestinians. Theyre against the palestinians. Theyre against their own people. They use them as shields. They block the roads when idf say evacuate because were coming for hamas, were not coming for people. Its your responsibility to tell the story and to understand the narrative, and to understand that there is a very short window for these people to come back, for my roni to come back. And if you go and you support this, you know, you feel you want to talk about the misery, there is lots of misery here in israel. Israel wants to live inside of israel territory. I reach out to you and i say, roni is just a 19yearold girl. Shes someones daughter. Shes someones sister. Shes someones grand kid. We miss her and we need her home. This is not the first time my family has suffered from terror attacks. This is happening to us, generation after generation after generation. This is the fourth generation that we lose our family members. So dont there is no good terror and bad terror, theres only bad terror. There are only bad monsters who steal babies from their beds. I dont want to go into graphics. You can find everything, everything online, because hamas isis has published it. Okay. Tair, i hope you come back again with roni. I wish. Thank you so much. Thank you so much. Well be right back

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