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That operation as describing it as a welcome sign that they can continue similar drops in the days and weeks to come. At the same time, a senior us official now says, israel has quote, basically accepted the terms of a Ceasefire Deal release more hostages, and that its now up to hamas to agree. Theres a lot alvarez joining us now live from washington. Priscilla, whats the white house saying about todays drop . Jessica, theyre describing this as a success, but theyre cautioning that more needs to happen to address this humanitarian crisis in gaza. Now, heres what we know so far this included 66 bundles and was done with the Jordanian Air force. In total, it was 38,000 meals though it did not include water or medical supplies. Now the location was chosen then because us officials assessed it was an area where people were sheltering and in need and after the air jobs happen, they did see that civilians approach the assistance and also began to distribute it. But what Administration Officials have been saying is that they want to flood the zone that includes these humanitarian airdrops, while also exploring other avenues like a maritime corridor to get even more assistance in. But none of this is a substitute to the land crossings and making sure that humanitarian aid can also come through there. So while they are touting today as a success, theyre also making clear that a lot more needs to happen to address this dire humanitarian situation that is unfolding in gaza. So priscilla, were also getting word today from a us official on progress toward a ceasefire, a hostage deal. What can you tell us about the latest on those talks . Yeah. Senior Administration Officials expressed some optimism in the direction of these talks have been ongoing for weeks and they said that israel has basically accepted a framework. Now, this framework includes a sixweek ceasefire over the course of those six weeks, a couple of things would happen. There would be a surge of humanitarian aid that would go into gaza the un also would allow for the release of the hostages that are deemed most vulnerable. Thats women, the elderly and the wounded. Now, it would also allow for officials to work on some of the stickier points over the course of that time. That includes the release of hostages who are idf members, while also trying to work through a more enduring plan thats how a Senior Administration official put it. But all of this is going up against the clock. Theyre trying to reach this deal before ramadan and all parties have said that this is a sensitive and delicate opportunity and also that they have to just work around the clock until they can finish the deal and its not a done deal until it is all the way to the finish line. I will also say that this is happening when Vice President Kamala Harris is scheduled to meet with israeli war cabinet member benny gantz on monday. That is a conversation the two will have that well touch on the hostage deal, the humanitarian aid christ humanitarian aid to address the crisis in gaza. And also the day after planning. Thats a priority for the Vice President going in the weeks to come. And thats something that the two will discuss. Benny gantz will also be meeting with National Security adviser Jake Sullivan while hes in town. Jessica, much more to come on that, but thank you so much for that updated reporting. Priscilla alvarez for us in washington, dc, if a new ceasefire really does come together and more hostages are released, and we begin inching closer to an aim the of this conflict, it does raise that question that priscilla was just talking about of what happens, what comes next to gaza as we move ahead and bring me now is Aaron David Miller. Hes a former State Department Negotiator and Senior Fellow at the carnegie endowment. And hagar chemali, shes a former spokesperson for the us mission to the United Nations and the host of the youtube who show. Oh, my world, it is great to have both of you. Thanks so much for coming on this evening. Erin, lets start with you and this potential deal that we seem to be inching closer to its now on hamas to agree. Do you get the impression that we might get to a finish line here . Unfortunately i. Cannot hear aarons, so were going to see if we can work that out, but he got lets go to you for a second. Well work on that audio as well. I want to ask you about these aid drops and what do you make of the aid drops from the United States today and them happening now yes. Well, so these aid drops are not easy to pursue as you as you talked about with the spokesperson john kirby, highlighting how difficult they are, how how extraordinarily expensive it is, how dangerous it is to pursue two airdrops. And the fact that the United States was able so quickly after this tragic event to announce that they would be doing this at a day later to actually airdropped them in partnership with the jordanians is really quite significant. Now, that said, while airdrops are fantastic and helpful, theyre not the most efficient way to get aid to people because they are dangerous, as we said, this is a war zone, but because they cant carry as much aid and food as Truck Convoys can. But what ultimately, what this does is highlight not just helped dire the humanitarian situation is on the ground and how dangerous it is for the palestinians and the risk of famine, obviously, but also how what kind of job the israelis are doing and getting humanitarian aid in and that is not a good job and they could be doing better. And we know that i worked in the us government. I worked closely with the israeli government. I know they could better. They promised 200 trucks a day. Theres a reason for that humanitarian aid is very important during a war. As secretary of defense, lloyd austin said, civilians these are the Center Of Gravity in anymore. And since the beginning of january, we know the average according to New York Times has been 96 trucks a day. But the last month have really been 50. And sometimes as little as 20. And so thats why these, these aid drops are so important, but it doesnt cover the real problem at hand, right . And theyre talking about how do they potentially expand as it the maritime corridor to your point, is it somehow getting more trucks and which is what it sounds like in order to meet the need really needs to happen. But obviously, regardless of how youre delivering it, this Safe Delivery of this aid is really front of mine rat right now, after the deadly disaster around that convoy last week do you get the sense that this is changing aides, aid groups approach on the ground. It certainly, as you said we did start to see these airdrops from the us almost immediately after well, theres certainly going to be thinking of more creative ways. But when youre talking about maritime corridors and airdrops, obviously, these are really only things that can be done with by governments. Its not that easy for International Organizations to come up with a maritime corridor because thats not something that its something that the government has to allow that something that israel pasta has to permit. And so thats something thats better done between the United States and israel, for example. But the fact by the way that the us is rushing to do this as quickly as it can highlights what an emphasis us is put, placing on the need for humanitarian aid and how much theyre willing to carry on themselves. And it also highlights most critically the need for a ceasefire the fact that the us is saying they seem very hopeful that a ceasefire is close. We saw that israel has accepted the latest terms and that now the ball is how hamass court i its hard to say how hamas will react. They rejected the last two proposals and so its hard to say, but at the same time its not in hamass his interest to have this kind of fighting during ramadan. But id also argue it wasnt in hamass interests to pursue the Terrorist Attack of october 7 and sacrifice their entire people in what was to be expected to have an israeli bombardment. But that said to answer your ultimate question, there will be more governments looking at creative ways, but for International Aid unfortunately, theyre going to have to continue focusing on the border over land. Right. And i believe we have Aaron David Miller back with us now. Aaron, ill ill post you my original question, which is just this idea of potentially inching closer to a ceasefire. As we were just discussing, israel according to a us official, basically agreed to it. Its now in hamas. The ball is in hamass court. What do you make of where we are in those discussions and how they could potentially go forward as i mentioned before, it just ignore it ever, nobody ever lost money betting against an Israeli Palestinian agreement and byinlarge, airbus really negotiations usually have only two speeds. And i think this is shown that slow and slower, that said, i think we probably have the best opportunity since the last hostage for Prisoner Exchange in jane in november. Partly because in many respects, both israel and hamas now are under great pressure to cook, to cut a deal. Hamas needs to reup and rearm. They want to defer or delay what is going to happen. Israel is going to mount a considerably heavy Ground Campaign into rafah. So hamas needs to buy time. They also the advent of ramadan and the prisoner releases will boost hamas is stuck among the local population. And i think the israelis two are under greater pressure from hostage families from the war cabinet. Benny gantz, the former minister of defense, and a putative successor to Benjamin Netanyahu is doing washington on monday. I think hes supposed to sit with Vice President harris and Jake Sullivan and i think the war cabinet, benny gantz and his colleague gadi eisenkot, quote, if former Chief Of Staff are also much more inclined to to du hostage for prisoners change. I would only caution the key here. And i think hes really concerned is hamas does not have all of these and i would suggest you that part of the reason for this delay is that the israelis need assurance in verification of which hostages are going to be returned, which hostages are alive . And reportedly 30 of the 134 were either killed on october 7, their bodies brought back to gaza to trade or died in captivity. So the names of the hostages, validating proof of life i think its essential to this to go station. But again, by ramadan, i think theres a reasonable chance for an agreement and aarin, i just want to ask you because of your background in Hostage Negotiations what why do they not know where all these hostages are . Help people understand why they dont have, maybe have a good handle on where they are. Hamas likely because on october 7 of the 250 plus israelis and foreign nationals, including eight or nine americans that were taken. Were not taken only by hamas palestine Islamic Jihad whollyowned subsidiary of the government of iran may have some. And there were reports that clans and families, perhaps even criminal elements ended up taking several. So despite the best intelligence at these and the americans have part of the problem here is verifying that hamas has all of the hostages that they want to trade. And i think this is going to prove to be a serious issue for negotiation. One final point. Im not sure theyve reached an agreement on how many palestinian prisoners and of what of what type and character are going to be exchanged. And for this israeli government, the most rightwing extremist in the states history. A large Prisoner Exchange, including highquality prisoners in eyes, those who have israeli blood on their hands, who have there been charged for convicted of killing israelis . Hamas is going to demand substantial number of those. So again im hoping that in fact were close to an agreement, but, you know, as you know, nothings done until its done. Nothing is agreed to until everything is agreed to hear it all the time in washington, right. Aaron, david miller, and hagar chemali. I think both of you i appreciate it. Thank you jessica still ahead. First lady jill biden, putting trump on notice, blasting him at a Campaign Event is her Campaign Role coming into focus . 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A trio is the first two would triple protection the intestinal worms. Worm disease, no problem with some a trio, this drug class has been associated with neurologic adverse reactions, including seizures, use with caution and dogs with a history of these disorders for winning protection should go with sympatric, a trio im eva mckend in washington, and this is cnn with Super Tuesday now, three days away this afternoon in North Carolina, former President Donald Trump attacked President Biden on his border policies, claiming the current Commander In Chief is trying to overthrow the government bidens conduct on our border is by any definition a conspiracy to overthrow the United States of america. You know, he talks about democracy. He is a danger to democracy cnns Steve Contorno is in richmond, virginia, where trump will be holding another event tonight. Steve, what are you learning there . Well, the governor or excuse me, the president is going to be here in a few hours, or actually hes able to speak hopefully in the next 15, 20 minutes here and and he is coming here after this event in North Carolina, where he has given us a preview of how he is going to use these charges. A politicized them and the cases that he is facing all throughout the country, turning them into a general election issue. And thats what his campaign wants. They want him to focus on the general election to put this primary very behind him, but he couldnt help himself today from taking a shot at nikki haley, his opponent in the gop primary. Take a listen i havent heard about her, so i wont even use people say dont even talk about his, dont talk to it, but i have to when i have so i have to talk front row joes because shes bad news. I know very well. Shes very average North Carolina and virginia will both hold their primaries on tuesday, on Super Tuesday as we get deeper and deeper into this election calendar, jessica and speaking of the election calendar, a trump also picking up some delegates today in michigan, missouri, philipson on that yeah, cnn can now project that President Trump will when all 54 delegates at stake in the missouri caucuses, that state caucus see today, idaho will be caucusing today as well trump was also awarded all the delegates at the Michigan Republican convention today, all the delegates, that were at stake, 39 of them that as an addition to the 12 he won last month when the state held its convention, little bit of drama in michigan though, there are multiple people right now who claim to be the gop leader in that state, which is a bit of a problem for the Republican Partys. We get deeper into this election cycle because that is such an important state and in such as big swing state, if they dont have their ducks in a row, that if the states going to be one on the margins, that could be trouble for them. Jessica yeah. Yeah. Michigan is going to be a big one coming up in the fall. Steve contorno for us in richmond, virginia tonight. Thanks so much. And this is going to be a big week for President Biden, of course, as we just mentioned, Super Tuesday days away. And on thursday he will deliver the State Of The Union to congress so while the president is doing those lastminute preparations around that, he has who you could argue is his biggest supporter on the Campaign Trail. Jill biden, sharpening her attacks on the republican president ial, likely republican president ial candidate, donald trump but donald trump he spent a lifetime tearing down and devaluing our existence he mocked womens bodies disrespects our accomplishments and brags about assault now hes bragging about killing roe v. Wade, donald trump is dangerous to women. And to our families we simply cannot let him win. Cnn senior white house Producer Betsy Klein is joining us now and betsy, when i covered him in 2020, i remember jill biden at one point, helped pull like a protest or offstage. They would say that was her philly side coming out was kind of joke around that but what were really seeing her sharpening her attacks on the former president in support of her have absolutely jazz. Weve seen the first lady criticize republicans and former President Trump in the past. But her remarks, this week really marked a clear shift in her tone and her willingness to take the gloves off. And as she campaigns for her husbands forth and to final president ial bid, she has motivated in part by trump saying recently that if he is the republican nominee, she would work even harder. So now were seeing her in this general election Campaign Role coming into sharper focus. She is now in the middle of a force stop swing to a series of Battleground States launching that women for bidenharris coalition today, invasion i guess. And shes able to really connect with that group because like most of the first ladies who have come before her, she is significantly more popular than her husband. Her Disapproval Ratings are about half her husbands. Shes a less divisive, biden and she can speak as a teacher and as a working mom and grandmother. And really the person who knows the president best yeah. And so should we expect to see more of her . I would imagine on the Campaign Trail in the coming months, especially as this general elections likely to start really coming into focus really in the next week yeah, i think this week is just the start of an active Campaign Season for the first lady. We know shes been working behind the scenes, sitting in on some of his political meetings, helping with some of his hiring decisions for key staff. But we really expect her to ramp up that presence on the road in the coming months. And notably, the campaign is really planning to leverage that popularity beyond the trail. Shes been a strong grassroot and high dollar fundraising draw. And there are now plans to use this week swing for a series of digital ads. Jess. All right, betsy klein for us in washington. Thanks for coming on. We appreciate it. And joining me now to dissect this all and much more, cnns se comp and Alencia Johnson, shes a former Senior Adviser to the biden 2020 campaign. It is great to have both of you, alencia, lets start first with you. We just heard from betsy on these kind of sharpening attacks from jill biden, is this something . And that you would expect having been there for 2020 and as they get, they look ahead to the general election in 2024 not only do i expect for this to continue to happen for us to actually see more of dr. Jill biden on the Campaign Trail. I actually think its a very smart strategy, given that a key part of the base that is frustrated with republicans assault on womens bodies and receptor rights and abortion are young people and women who dr. Biden, she speaks to write, she speaks to a mother as a woman, as a teacher. All of those things, and shes able to bring some a bit of communists . And the way that only a first lady can, because shes not the president who can sometimes be a polarizing figure, but she has this way of people, feeling like americas friend or mother and having that plain speak conversation with folks is a smart strategy, especially around these issues of agency and autonomy on womens bodies in the x threat that donald trump is on the nextgeneration here in this country and se, first ladys often are much more popular than their husband and do have a higher Popularity Rating amongst americans. Thats not abnormal. A she going to be able you think to move some of these . Its critical base. Voter basis, people that theyre a little soft on their coalition, maybe women voters of color, but also potentially these independent voters that theyre going to need as well in these swing states. Yeah, listen, i i agree with everything that alencia just said. And listen, this is what surrogates are for surrogates are to speak to different groups and you bring in different surrogates to represent different, different Voting Groups and speak to people that maybe the principal cant cant address as authentically. However, joe joe bidens great. However, this is a different kind of primary and the knock, the number one knock on joe biden is his age, his Cognitive Health is physical health. And i think it actually just looks it doesnt look great to put his wife out there to speak on a lot of these issues because i think the sort of Subliminal Message that some voters will get is hes not up to the job now, thats unfair because every campaign and candidate will send surrogates out, right . Including first ladies and kids and thats usual and normal. But i think in the lens of this primary i dont mind not actually sure that it helps them interesting point. I want to talk to about this new, New York Times polling. We have mentioned several times in the last couple of hours, one poll is a snapshot. However, alencia its not a great snapshot for joe biden right now. You see that just generally, the horse race there for who would you support in the 2024 election . Well, this is among hispanic voters, 46 . Joe biden, 40 . Thats one key demographic. Joe biden is going to need to do much better with if hes going to win it also showed that biden is tied with trump among women. Why do you think these core pieces of the Biden Coalition are softening on him, at least according to these numbers heres what ill say about those polls. If the election was tomorrow, i would feel extremely worried versus the election being several months away where im still wearing. But theres a bit of time for us to use those polls are democrats to use those polls as information. Im glad were having this conversation that the latino population and black voters, young voters, progressive voters, are frustrated with the Bidenharris Administration for whatever reasons they may be, but they are also a lot of achievements from this white house that they should be campaigning on. A lot harder when it comes to working for those communities. I think these polls give the campaign the indication and the time that they need to go and build with those coalitions. Thats what the uncommitted vote was four and a primary. And michigan, an order for the campaigns who understand the gas that they have to meet up. And so while those polls may seem discouraging and i feel like weve been talking about those polls for over a year now, election okay, its still very far out. Weve got to get through Super Tuesday and then weve also got to get through the Democratic National convention, where the party build a platform. All of the pieces of the coalition that makes up the democratic base. And so i actually look at these polls as an opportunity for us to see a way forward with these communities and se do you agree do you believe there is still time . I do think this is i want to know what you think about this because these are two candidates that are so welldefined and known by american voters, right . Does that play into this at all . Do you agree theres still time for biden to make it up or for trump . To lose it in some places for sure. I think bidens problem is, in some cases, messaging, right . The economy is tough to message on because a lot of people dont feel like its doing well, thats really tough and its a number one issue on immigration and other number one issue, its bad policy and ive had democrats told me that sort, of offcamera and privately like these, you just got bad facts on the border and thats going to be really hard to reassure people in any amount of time unless he changes that policy there are other sort of tertiary issues israel as important, crime is important. Its really tough to move those kind of titanic issues you know, overnight. And its going to take time. I dont know that its enough time. Frankly, for biden to do that and for trump. I mean, every day is another chance for trump to dig himself into a deeper hole. And i think nikki, haleys success winning 40 of the Republican Party and a number of states should be a huge warning sign for donald trump that he might not have a big enough base. To win a general election even if he, even if he wins the nomination for the Republican Party, general is going to be real tough. And as i want to, as you mentioned, nikki haley, we saw her get the endorsement of senator Susan Collins and lisa murkowski, just now, they did wait until this last minute before Super Tuesday and where she is really battling an Uphill Battle and try and trying to take on donald trump. Do you think that is . Too little too late . What does it say to you . Is it helpful yeah, every endorsement is helpful and those are two big name republican senator women, and thats, thats important look, nikki haley just raised 12 million or her campaign is not on its last legs . Thats not what youd say of a campaign that just raised 12 and i think theres this sort of Media Narrative that hes gotten in the bag. Republican party is divided. The only way to correctly describe a Republican Party that the front runner is losing 40, 40 to someone else is divided its not coalesced around donald trump. And i think as long as she still has buyers meaning donors and voters who really want a trump alternative and are telling her to stay in it. I think shes gone and i think she should and ill let say i want to look ahead to next week. We talked about Super Tuesday, then the president is going to give his state of the Union Address were he really is going to have an opportunity to talk to millions of people and talk to them directly. Is this. What do you hope he his messages, its a long speech obviously, and we in dc can get a little more obsessed with it than perhaps the average american but but, but what do you you hope he says, and how do you think it starts to shift their focus, which is really, were seeing this unfold to this general election yeah, i think this is going to be a twofold speech. One, it is going to talk about the achievements that he has made as president of the United States from the economy around how he envisions protecting Abortion Rights. Hes going to make the case that he is the president for of shoring up and saving democracy and listing out the record achievements that hes made that fortunately, a lot of people dont give him credit for or Pay Attention to. But hes also going to draw a distinction shan between him and donald trump. And i think were going to see that very clearly him and the current Republican Party, hes going to make that case to the American People and actually think that saved the union will be watched by a lot of people because we have so many ways of getting information, not just cable news, the rotten social media, and so voters heres our kind of disconnected and getting their information from a lot of different places. And so oftentimes they ms where President Biden is giving some speeches or where hes out talking to folks about policy. This is the onetime i do think hes going to get a real large audience outside of maybe the debate stage or the convention, the summer so the white house is going to use that to their advantage in really probably, as we saw in last years State Of The Union, makes some jabs that the Republican Party that they may not be able to come back from all right, Alencia Johnson s. E. Cupp. Were going to leave it there, but i appreciate you both coming on on this saturday evening. Great to see you sure still ahead. Devastation in texas as the Smokehouse Creek fire becomes the largest in that states history, it has already burned through 1 million acres and it is not slowing down. Were going to take you there live next to you in cnn Frank Sinatra actions with the mafia. And all these nightclubs were owned by the mob. 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Com our firm has offered a free book about mesothelioma for over ten years mesothelioma is really all we do. 80087 to 4901 in texas at least two people are dead as the Smokehouse Creek fire becomes the largest in that states history, burning through 1 million acres in just a matter of days. Firefighters are now racing to contain the fire. But there are growing concerns that incoming dry and windy weather could just fan the flames cnns Camila Bernal is on the ground in fritch, texas. Where camila we can see behind you just scorched earth yeah. Its truly devastating and heartbreaking and were also feeling that when those wind goes stuff 40 to 50 miles an hour, its been hot throughout the day, really the hottest. Its been over the last couple of days, and its dry, so its difficult for those firefighters as they continue to fight these flames. The largest fire in the state right now more than 1 million acres burned and only about 15 containment. So it has been a difficult weekend of firefighting and in the meantime, its making it also difficult for the families that are trying to clean up the Johnson Family here told me they were going to be working in their Cleanup Efforts all day, but because the wind has been so strong they have not been able to do that. This is the home where they raised their family more than 20 years here. And of course, when they came here for the first time, they were in shock, they were heartbroken. Theyre telling me that theyre starting that mourning process, but its difficult both financially and emotionally, and its impacted the Cattle Industry here the Texas Panhandle, because 85 of the cattle in the state is raised here in this area. So youre seeing ranches entire big ranch, is that went up in flames and laws so many heads of cattle and so its that Rebuilding Process starting from zero, trying to figure out exactly what theyre going to do next. But its been extremely difficult and they know that this is just the beginning. Jessica so much devastation there. Camila bernal for us in texas. Thank you so much and cnns elisa raffa is in our Weather Center with more on that incoming whether that official said could cause the fire to spread, at least that we just saw camila their her hair blowing in the wind. That is not you did not want wind where there is fire know, and the wind gusts will continue to pick up as we go through the night tonight. And then even into sunday, we have red flag warnings in effect for 13 Million People from the Texas Panhandle where camila just was into the oklahoma panhandle, even stretching into Western Kansas and nebraska. Another so a red flag warnings in iowa and missouri. Heres a look at those fires more than 1 million acres burn in parts of Northern Texas would only 15 containment. You could see the burn scars from satellite thats how large the area is. The satellites are up in space. And we can see the burn scars on the ground. So the ground is very dry and scorched the air is very dry. Look at the relative humidity values through tonight and into tomorrow, really only about ten to 15 , 20 top. So the air is very dry, then you have the winds that are kicking because of the storm thats bringing Blizzard Conditions to california. Youre looking at gusts upwards 30, 35, even up to 40 Miles Per Hour from alice well kirche to amarillo and then headed up into the central plains. So thats going to leave us with a critical fire Weather Outlook for today and tomorrow in the areas that have already had devastating wildfires the last couple of days so again, weve got the wind, weve got the dry air, and we have these temperatures that are much above average hi guys will be in the 80s for water this area through the next couple of days, which is a good ten to 15 degrees above normal. So with the warm conditions, the when the dry air again going to make it difficult for firefighters lets just not not that the conditions you want to lisa. Thanks so much a surprise on the shores of alaska, a possible spy balloon, who found it. Thats next back room deals, cia secrets, a fares, bribery, corruption, prostitution theres so much more to the store in knighted states of scandal with jake tapper tomorrow at nine on cnn, were traveling all across america, talking to people about their hearts hows the heart . I feel like its good. How do you know let me shaye something. It looks like a credit card, but it is the cardia mobile cart with cardio mobile card, you can take a medical grade ekg in just 30 seconds from anywhere. Cardio mobile card is proven to detect atrial fibrillation. What are the leading causes of stroke . Checking your heart at time anywhere has never been easier. Dont worry hey, good cardio mobile card for just 99 at cardia. 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Given its heritage and farming, great infrastructure to build a company and the ability to attract foreign talent of w made a ton of sense for us our aspiration is that were accompanied that this country can be proud of the whole story with Anderson Cooper tomorrow at eight on cnn the fbi may soon be taking possession of a suspected spy balloon that was found off the alaskan coast by a Fishing Vessel. And while its not certain if its an actual spy balloon, officials felt like it looked enough like one to warn and investigation cnns Katie Bo Lillis has more on this what my colleague, evan perez and i have learned from our sources is that commercial fishermen off the coast of alaska found an unknown object. That word them enough that they took pictures of it and contacted Law Enforcement when the fbi saw these images, officials determined that whatever this object was bore enough resemblance to a Foreign Government operated Surveillance Balloon that they wanted to check it out for themselves. Now, fbi officials will meet the Fishing Vessel when it comes into a port expected to be sometime this weekend, the bureau will then take possession of the object transported to the fbi lab in quantico, virginia and analyze it as has been done with previous Surveillance Balloons. Now all of our sources emphasized that it wasnt clear exactly what the object was, and that it may not be a Surveillance Balloon at all. But the concern for officials is that it could be another Foreign Government operated balloon similar to the chinese Surveillance Balloon that blew blew off course and transited across the continental us in february of last year before being shot down off the atlantic ocean. That balloon entered us territory through alaskan airspace after that episode, though, the us widened the aperture of its Radar Systems so that it could better detect objects traveling above a certain altitude. And it certain speeds. Now, these more sensitive Radar Systems have allowed the us military to spot more unidentified objects in us airspace. Not all of which are Surveillance Balloons. There were three additional shootdowns of unidentified highaltitude objects in the weeks following the chinese balloon incident. And just in the last couple of weeks, the north American Aerospace Defense Command or nor add, sent fighter jets to intercept and examine a small balloon spotted floating over the southwest, drifting east, nor had later said in a statement that the balloon was, quote, likely a hobby balloon, and that it posed no threat we will continue to watch, of course, to see what the fbi is able to learn about this mystery object. Now, Bobbing Across The Ocean on a fishing boat on its way to port. But right now, its just the mystery. Catch it the day. Katie bo lillis, cnn, washington what our report, katie bo, thanks so much. I had in our next hour what america can learn from the bravery of ordinary russians after the death of russian Opposition Leader alexey alone right back Frank Sinatra had connections with the mafia and all these nightclubs were owned by the mob want to make those guys that he was to vegas. The story of sensitive tomorrow at ten on cnn type two diabetes discover the ozempic tries zone i got the Power Of Three. I learned my a1c cd risk and lost some weight in studies, the majority of people reached an a1c under seven and maintained it. Im under Seven Ozempic lowers the risk of major cardiovascular events such as stroke, heart attack, or death in adults, also with known heart disease. Im lowering my risk. Adults lost up to 14 pounds or lost weight. 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On this weeks episode of the whole story with Anderson Cooper, cnn commentator van jones returns to his Home State Of Tennessee to unpack how the volunteers states politics have dramatically changed ahead of Super Tuesday right . When we were little you, im telling you now, i wasnt always telling you. Youre bigger than me and my protector. I just Morgan Rimmer brand that must do okay. Dealer we thank you for, this food theyre about to receive. Thank you for lynne anthony, angela, have a safe trip over here and let them have a safe trip going back plus a man so when i lived here, democrats ran the state. I come back, its right up lately by republicans what difference is that . Mate . Just living here in tennessee, having the republicans in charge with memphis, democrat Run Memphis The State republican state values, i look different like now a gun issues. Anybody whos had just go get a gun. Thats how i governor made it. So you dont have to have a license and anything. You can just go get a gun. Thats the most ridiculous thing ive ever heard. And it affects big time because you always hear about shooting every day and all new episode of the whole story with Anderson Cooper, one whole hour, one whole story airs tomorrow at 08 00 p. M. Eastern and pacific only here on cnn we have more news for you ahead, right back tomorrow. Van jones. Its home to find out what is driving the divide in tennessee politics there, very active, 20 to 30 year effort to separate us. The whole story with Anderson Cooper tomorrow at eight on cnn ive never once had to wait for insurance to approve a test or proven medication, you didnt have to worry about any of those things thanks to the donations and our family is forever grateful because its completely changed our lives the all new Godaddy Arrow helps you get your Business Online and minutes with the power bi, with the perfect name. 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Conservative republican steve garvey is the wrong choice for the senate. Our republican opponent here on this stage has voted for donald trump twice. Mr. Garvey, you voted for him twice. As your own man, what is your decision . Garvey is wrong for california. But garveys surging in the polls. Fox news says garvey would be a boost to republican control of the senate. Stop garvey. Adam schiff for senate. Im adam schiff, and i approve this message. Online now to request sure. Free quote, im arlette

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