Commercial fishery hauls slow down as major spawning begins in Sitka Sound Posted by Katherine Rose | Apr 7, 2021 The Sitka Sound Sac Roe Herring fishery remained open for the 11th day in a row Tuesday (4-6-21) Seiners hauled in around 900 tons of herring during Monday’s opening, according to a press release from the Alaska Department of Fish and Game. Estimates are not yet available for today’s/Tuesday’s opener. To date, the commercial fleet has harvested around 14,700-tons of herring, cumulatively. State biologists observed around 20.0 nautical miles of spawn during an aerial survey Tuesday morning. The majority of the spawn was concentrated along the Kruzof Island shoreline from Lava Island to Rob Point. Spawn was also observed near the Magoun Islands, from Point Brown to Kresta Point, Promisla and Eastern Bays, as well as Whiting Harbor, near Indian River, and Pirates Cove.