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[gavel pound] this is the first Public Meeting for the month of september. I should like to take this opportunity to pay tribute on behalf of the council to his eexcellency. Four his service and for the council for the month of august. I am sure i speak for all members of the council and in expressing deep appreciation to the ambassador. For the great skill with which he conducted the Council Business last month. The provisional agenda for this nonproliferation in the Democratic Peoples republic of korea. The agenda is adopted. [gavel pound] in accordance with rules of theprocedure, i invite representative of the republic of korea to participate in this meeting. It is so decided. [gavel pound] in accordance with rule 37, i invite the representative of their public of career to participate in this meeting. It is so decided. [gavel pound] nowhe Security Council will give consideration to item number two of the agenda. Give the floor to this gentleman. Mr. President , members of the Security Council. In a statement by the official news agency on three december the Democratic People republic of korea announced it had successfully conducted a sixth Nuclear Explosive test. Characterize the event. Perfect test they further said it also marked a very significant occasion in attaining the final goals of completing the state nuclear force. The executive secretary secretary of the Preparatory Commission indiana said in a vienna said it its data indicated the event measured approximately 6. 0 magnitude. Measured al sources yield is high 6. 3. In any case, there is evidence, the yield of the device was srger than any of the dprk Previous Nuclear tests. Experts estimate between 50 and 100 kilotons or on average more than five times more powerful than the weapon detonated over here a shema. Over her oshima. Over hiroshima a smaller event was registered after the event. They have not yet completed the analysis of the second event. Experts speculate it could have been caused by the collapse of the tunnel used in Nuclear Tests. Mr. President , in an earlier statement the same day, the dprk official media had claimed their leader had inspected what they claim to be a Hydrogen Bomb which was conspicuously displayed in front of an intercontinental missile. The article stated the Hydrogen Bomb was a multi functional thermonuclear nuke with great destructive power which can be detonated at high altitudes for superpowerful emp attacks. This was a rare reference by the dprk to the use of emp. An electromagnetic pulse. It is triggered by a Nuclear Weapon with aim of widespread damage to sensitive electronics. This is the second emergency Security Council meeting on nonproliferation in the dprk in less than a week. And the 10th time the Security Council has met to discuss the dprk this year. On 31 august, the Foreign Ministry issued a statement to reject the Security Councils recent president ial statement and said that the Ballistic Missile launch of 29 august was the first step taken by the Korean Peoples Army in a specific operation and a meaningful prelude to restraining guam. Their report today indicated the dprk may be preparing new Ballistic Missile tests. Alarmed atnt, we are this dangerous provocation. Secretarygeneral condemns the underground nuclear test announced by the dprk. This act is yet another serious breach of the dprks International Obligations and undermines International Nonproliferation and efforts. Is also profoundly destabilizing in the regional and international security. Country is the only that continues to break the norm against nuclear test explosions. Secretarygeneral reiterates this call on the dprk leadership to cease such acts and comply fully with International Obligations under the resolutions. Mr. President , the secretarygeneral counts on the Security Council to remain united and take appropriate action. As was said in the Security Council meeting last week, as tensions rise, so does the risk of misunderstanding and escalation. The latest series of developments require a copperheads of response in order to break the cycle of the dprk. Such a response must include wise in bold diplomacy. As the Council Considers its action, the secretarygeneral reiterates the importance of humanitarian efforts regardless of the situation. To people of the dprk rely provide things in need. We will rank nation with the concerned international organizations. Members of the council and other governments concerned. Thank you. I thank you for your briefing. To councilthe floor members who wish to make statements. Floor to the representative of the United States. Fore want to thank you allowing us to have this prompt meeting as it is very urgent and we want to thank the ambassador of egypt and his team for the way inhand and calm which he led this month. For more than 20 years, the Security Council has taken actions against north Koreas Nuclear program and for more than 20 years, north korea has defied our collective voice. It is worth taking a few moments to recount some of the history. In 1993, the Council Approved , calling on north korea to remain in the nonproliferation treaty. That did not work. North korea withdrew and continued its nuclear pursuit. In 2006, the Six Party Talks faltered and north korea conducted several Ballistic Missile launchers. 5,at led to resolution 169 condemning them. The same year, north korea conducted its First Nuclear test usch led to resolution 1718 out in a you and sanctions regime aiming to stop all nuclear Ballistic Missiles and other weapons of mass instruction programs. After Six Party Talks fell apart again in 2009, north korea conducted additional missile launches and its Second Nuclear test. ,hat led to resolution 1874 which expanded sanctions including an arms embargo and cargo inspection obligation. In 2012, the leap day deal failed and north korea conducted two new space launches. The Security Council responded with the adoption of resolution. 087 following north koreas Third Nuclear test in 2013, the ,ouncil adopted resolution 2094 expanding sanctions to restrict financial, maritime, aviation and diplomatic activities. By 2016, north korea had conducted its Fourth Nuclear test and another space launch. They follow that with more missile launches. In response, the Council Adopted multiple resolutions expanding sanctions even further, targeting whole sectors of north koreas at economy. This year, the council got even more serious. First we adopted resolution 2356 , designating highranking north korean government officials as military Strategic Rocket forces command for individual sanctions. Last month after the regimes first two icbm launches, we , theed resolution 2371 strongest sanctions we have ever imposed on north korea. That resolution band north andan exports of coal, iron seafood and impose several measures that will significantly cut off the revenues needed to fund their Nuclear Program. Why did i take the time to go through this . To make this point. The United Nations Security Council has spoken with unusual unity and consistency on north korea. That is a good thing. Along the way there have been problems with ample mentation and the council has at times with implementation and at times the council has been too slow or week. This is not a time when we have allowed division to stop any action. Despite our efforts over the past 24 years, the north korea Nuclear Program is more advanced and more dangerous than ever. They now fire missiles over japanese airspace. They now have icbm capabilities. They now claim to have tested a Hydrogen Bomb. And just this morning, there are reports the regime is preparing for yet another icbm launch. To the members of the Security Council, i must say enough is enough. We have taken an incremental approach and despite the best of intentions, it has not worked. Members of this council will no doubt urge negotiations and a return to talks, but as ive but as i have just outlined, we directgaged in numerous and multilateral talks and time after time they have not worked. The time for half measures and the Security Council from the Security Council is over. The time is to exhaust all of our diplomatic means before it is too late. We must now adopt the strongest possible measures. Kim jonguns actions cannot be seen as defensive. He wants to be acknowledged as a being apower, but Nuclear Power is not about using those terrible weapons to threaten others. Nuclear powers understand their responsibilities. Kim jongun shows no such understanding. His abusive use of missiles and his Nuclear Threats show that he is begging for war. War is never something the United States wants, we dont want it now. What our countrys patients is not unlimited. We will defend our allies and territories. The idea that some have suggested a socalled freeze for freeze is insulting. Aen a rogue regime has Nuclear Weapon and an icbm pointed at you, you do not take steps to lower your guard. No one would do that. We certainly wont. The time has come to exhaust all diplomatic means to end this crisis and that means quickly enacting the strongest possible measures here in the un Security Council. Only the strongest sanctions will enable us to resolve this problem through diplomacy. We have kicked the can down the road long enough. There is no more road left. This crisis goes well beyond the u. N. The u. S. Will look at every country that does business with theh korea as a country and United States will look at every country that does business with north korea as a country that is giving aid to the reckless and Dangerous Nuclear intentions. What we do on north korea will have a real impact on how other outlaw nations who seek Nuclear Weapons choose to conduct themselves in the future. The stakes could not be higher. The urgency is now. 24 years of half measures and failed talk failed talks is enough. Thank you. I think the representative of the United States for her statement. I give the floor to the representative of japan. Appreciate the president for convening this urgent briefing. Requested by the u. S. , republic of korea, france, u. K. And japan. Ago, the a week Security Council gathered to condemn the lunch of the Ballistic Missile launch of the Ballistic Missile which flew over japan. Announced north korea it had succeeded in miniaturizing a Nuclear Warhead to be attached to an icbm. Only hours later, north korea conducted the sixth nuclear test. Een together, it is clear how belligerent and dangerous north korean actions are and how it is not a problem just for north korea, but for the entire International Community. The Security Council must not waste any time in putting an end to such an egregious and unacceptable challenge to the security and safety of the world. ,egarding the Nuclear Testing north korea is the only one to have conducted Nuclear Tests in the 21st century. Exactly one year ago, north korea conducted the First Nuclear test and the Council Members were united in expressing condemnation in the strongest terms. The International Community urge north korea to stop, but north korea port precious resources to enhance poured precious resources to enhance nuclear capabilities. The sixth nuclear test exhibited the magnitude of the explosion far greater than the previous one and has raised the threat to an unprecedented level. Launches, theile Security Council has adopted stern president ial statements less than a week ago. I will not repeat the discussion, but let me just remind you that missile launches and Nuclear Tests are part and parcel of north Koreas Nuclear development. Taken together, the threat it poses has entered truly a new level more grave. Test by north korea is a clear violation of the Council Resolutions and is a brazen challenge to the International Disarmament and nonproliferation regime centered on the treaty on the nonproliferation of Nuclear Weapons. Japan, dprkates the declaration. Japan strongly condemns north korea and has directly launched their protest against north korea. Fact that manyhe number of members of the world as well as the secretarygeneral they have already issued statements strongly condemning north korea. , theeyond condemnation tourity council must act stop north korea from continuing down this road. We should make it clear to the north koreans that continuation will bring about serious consequences. We must put maximum pressure on north korea to change its policies. It continues to be critically important for all the Member States to faithfully implement the existing resolutions that have been unanimously adopted, 2321 and 2371. But that is not sufficient. Japan stresses the need for the council to adopt swiftly a new resolution which further robust sanction measures. In paragraph 29 of resolution 2371, the Security Council toressed its determination take further significant measures in the event of a further dprk launch or nuclear test. The council must act on this determination accordingly. Japan is looking forward to continuing to work closely with all the members of the council on this urgent and grave threat to the peas and security of the world. I thank you, mr. President. I think the representative of japan for his statement. I give the floor to the representative of france. Mr. President , at the outset i would like to thank egypt for its excellent President Council and i congratulate eiji of ethiopia. Ethiopia on its succession to the Council President this month. You can count on france possible support this coming month. Which is said to be particularly busy. I thank you for convening the emergency meeting. Urge that the joint request of the u. S. , republic of korea, japan, france and the u. K. I thank jeff feldman for his highly elucidating presentation. Traversed north korea a major threshold in escalation following two intercontinental Ballistic Missile launches and the open endangerment of countries in the region. Last night it undertook a sixth nuclear test. This was immediately detected by the International Monitoring system of the contra top brands of Test Ban Treaty organization. Seniormost officials most vehemently condemned this incident. Beyond the expression of solidarity, which on behalf of france, i especially address to countries in the region. To thearticularly International Community as a whole that i call for there to be a clearheaded resolute approach with a full grasp of the gravity of the situation. Clearly, each of us today is concerned by this. For each of us is threatened. Frank. Be in the course of a few months, the threat has changed both in die mention and nature. The threat is no longer merely regional. It is a global threat. Is no longer virtual, it is imminent. It is no longer merely a serious threat, it is an existential threat. This grave global threat undermines our security, it undermines stability and undermines International Peace. Through this test, the pyongyang regime persists in violating its obligations and in defying us. Each north korean action reflects a reckless ongoing methodical effort on a part of the regime to as soon as possible deliver on its dangerous obsession. Im referring to the possession ofi am referring to the possessn of a nuclear arsenal, which is designed to shift not only bounces, theglobal capacity of Nuclear Capacity and icbms now constitute a ubiquitous danger. Mr. President , in this context, weakness or vacillating is not an option. For this reason, france calls for an expeditious, resolute, united response by the council underpinned by three elements. The prompt adoption of new sanctions against the north korean regime. The stringent and limitation of existing sanctions by all stakeholders, and lastly the adoption of additional measures by the european union. Time is ticking. Let us be aware of this. We know pyongyang has not hesitated, will not hesitate even at the cost of the lives of its people to breach the most basic rules we have set forth in terms of nonproliferation and beyond. This is a major and avowed undermining of all foundations of our systems of law and security. We cannot countenance this. We share ay, responsibility to uphold this and reinforce this. Our credibility is at stake. To those who believe that the willingness of dialogue in the International Community is lacking. The present conditions it is evident north korea has not given the slightest signal, not the slightest pledge of a possible willingness to negotiate on its nuclear Ballistic Missiles. Given the contempt for international law, we must not compromise. Decisionsn of our own cannot be subject to bargaining. We cannot allow our reactions to be dictated. North korea must really push its must relinquish its Nuclear Program. It must comply. Join the comprehensive nuclear Test Ban Treaty. Eturnting north korea to r to the negotiating table, we continueinue to existing sanctions. They are effective. Lets recall Major Economic sanctions were only adopted by the council in 2016, so they continue to be stepped up. We must further step up, we must maximize pressure on the pyongyang regime. France supports the prompt adoption of new sanctions by this council, particularly in the economic realm and other sectors. We are firmly committed to similar initiatives at the european union, as i mentioned. Alarming spiral of princeton ship and provocations ship andsman provocations from north korea must accept the responsibilities of the soul response we forward isan put strict, unambiguous policy based on the goals of a complete dismantling of the north korean program. Only on the basis of this resoluteness,most only this way can we change its calculations to prompt the north korean regime to return to the negotiating table without preconditions. That is the only way we can pave the way to a political resolution to the current crisis. Mr. President , in the light of this heightened, extremely grave threat, the council must rise to the responsibility it has a ssumed. You may rest assured that france is committed to this. Thank you. Gentleman e thank the gentleman from france for his statement. Thank you, mr. President. This is the sixth time the Security Council has come together to condemn a nuclear test by north korea. The sixth time the world has held its breath. North korea is the only country in the 21st century to have conducted such tests against all International Standards of behavior. In addition, we have met many times in recent months following other north korean provocations, most recently just last week in response to its reckless missile test over japan. Yesterdays nuclear test explosion was by far the largest yet. Combined with the increasing range of its missiles, north korea poses a threat not simply to its region, but truly to global peace and security. This latest test has been rightly condemned already most of the governments represented here today. Eight sanctions resolutions on north korea. The country is subject to the most stringent sanctions currently applied by this council, and still north korea continues to put its illegal missile and Nuclear Programs ahead of international law, international security, and the will of this council. This is a disturbing and unprecedented situation. Rarely has estate remained so defiantate remained so against repeated powerful rounds of sanctions. It is clear existing sanctions applied by the Security Council on north korea are having an effect. In particular, the measures against commodity exports in the Financial Sector applied in 2016 are making it harder and harder for pyongyang to acquire the hard currency necessary to fund its program. Each day that gets harder still. Thanks to the efforts of many states around this table. Those who doubt this impact need only read the statements coming from the north korean regime. They rail against the sanctions we have placed upon them. Dprk isso clear that uniquely willing to put their illicit programs ahead of the wellbeing of its people. Those people suffer appalling repression and suffer to even see it themselves. The leadership of north korea has chosen this path of the finest at great cost. Threat to this unique International Peace and security , the Security Council must condemn this test and the entire north Korean Missile and Nuclear Program. We continue to wish for a peaceful way forward. Dialogue will always be our end goal, but returning to dialogue without a serious sign of intent setupyongyang would be a to failure. North korea must change course to allow a return to dialogue. Were they to do so, the opportunity exists to end this crisis. Until that moment, we must stay the course on sanctions and continue, as the secretarygeneral has called for, to present a united front. Weekd when we met last that a new Security Council resolution was required. In light of yesterdays nuclear test, our resolve to act has increased still further. We must increase the pace of implementation of existing sanctions and work rapidly toward the adoption of a new and effective resolution while continuing to enforce the measures this council has already agreed. We should go forward by taking steps to sever the funds on which the regime relies to pursue its illegal and destabilizing programs. We should further restrict the unethical exploitation of north korean workers overseas. North korea has created a deeply dangerous and unstable situation. The United Kingdom will work with our partners on this council and beyond to tackle the challenge. I urge all states to join us. I think the representative of the United Kingdom for his statement. I get the floor to the representative of china. Thank you, mr. President. On the third of september, the the generale opposition of the International Community, regarding the relevant resolutions of the Security Council, conducted a nuclear test, which are president strongly opposes and condemns in violation of the Security Council resolution. Achieving the nuclears asian of the Korean Peninsula and achieving peace and stability in the region is the firm stance of the present and the International Community. Tostrongly urge the dprk face up to the strong will of the International Community on the issue of the denuclearization of the International Community and abide by the relevant resolutions of the council, stop actions that are not in line with its own interests either and truly returned to the track of solving issues with dialogue. The situation on the peninsula is deteriorating constantly as we speak, falling into a vicious circle. The issues must be resolved peacefully. China will never allow chaos and war on the peninsula. The parties concerned must strengthen their sense of urgency, take due responsibility, play their do measures,e practical make joint efforts together to ease the situation, restart a dialogue, and prevent further deterioration of the situation on the peninsula. Russiaposal by china and takes a two track approach, which promotes the denuclearization of the peninsula and the establishment of a piece mechanism in parallel , the suspension of initiatives for the dprk to suspend spending legalization efforts and to suspend largescale military exercises and the steps are the basis on which both countries jointly propose a roadmap to resolve the issues. This joint initiative by china and russia is practical and feasible, aimed at addressing the most urgent security concerns, easing the tension as soon as possible, preventing the escalation of the situation, achieving through dialogue the denuclearization of the peninsula, and achieving peace and stability of the region. We hope the parties concerned will seriously consider this and actively respond to it. China calls upon the International Community to jointly and comprehensively and fully implement the relevant resolution of the Security Council on dprk, firmly push forward the goal of denuclearization of the peninsula, which is our overall goal. President , we extend our gratitude for the briefing on the latest north Korean Nuclear test. Missileocative Nuclear Activity by pyongyang has recently gained dangerous momentum. We are deeply troubled by the testing announced by pyongyang officials of a thermoNuclear Explosive device for icbm. There is no doubt that we are experiencing one of the greatest and most traumatic stages of development gravest and most dramatic stages of development on the Korean Peninsula. This looms larger than ever before. Blatant display of disregard by north korea of the relevant Security Council vehementns warns condemnation. We cannot disregard the fact that dprks leadership through its action to undermine the global nonproliferation regime is posing a great threat to peace and security on the Korean Peninsula and that the global level. Pursuit of such a policy is fraught with serious repercussions for the dprk itself. At the same time, it is evident to us military solutions cannot thele the issues plaguing Korean Peninsula. Given the unfolding situation, there is an urgent need to maintain a cool head, to refrain from any action that can further escalate tensions. We reaffirm the need for comprehensive and full compliance by all stakeholders with the relevant Security Council resolutions, including the recent resolution 2371 adopted by consensus. Many today dealt into the history of attempts to halt dprks nuclear and missile programs. Evidence ofrves as the fact that we found that it to use Security Council resolutions that were only. Eared towards sanctions we call upon all stakeholders to immediately returned to dialogue and negotiations as that is the tha to comprehensively that is the sole way to comprehensively resolve the situation. Mr. President , the Russian Federation calls for the International Community not to emod to a motion, to act tion, to act in a calm way. We stress a comprehensive settlement to the issues plaguing the Korean Peninsula can be arrived at through political diplomatic channels, i now give the floor to the representative of the republic of korea. Thank you, mr. President. I would like to thank you for convening this emergency meeting of the Security Council on the latest of their test conducted this sunday. I would like to take part in this important discussion. It is with a deep sense of disappointment, frustration, and

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