Transcripts For CSPAN Senate Judiciary Committee Takes Up Ju

CSPAN Senate Judiciary Committee Takes Up Judicial Nominations September 25, 2017

The judge to serve ofthe 10th Circuit Court appeals. If confirmed, she would fill the seat vacated by Supreme Court justice neil gorsuch. This is 2. 5 hours. Good morning and welcome everyone, especially the nominees and the families to todays nominations caring for today with her from two panels. On the first and we went from judge eid of colorado, Supreme Court, nominated to the Circuit Court judge on the tenth Circuit Court. Dedicate the pronunciation wrong . [laughing] on the second panel we will hear from for nominees to District Court. Senator coons, do you have any opening remarks today . Thank you, senator tillis for the opportunity to serve alongside as the Ranking Member in todays confirmation hearings. Id like to welcome each of the nominees, their families and friends to the senate and congratulate you on your nominations and i look forward to opposing questions to you. The positions to which you been nominated are important in the federal judiciary is aldo is a bedrock of our constitutional democracy. Judges do the hard work of resolving disputes between real people, cases the term whether criminal trials and sentences are fair but ensure most treasured rights and freedoms are protected. Given the weightings of the responsibility of life continue the comes with the judicial appointment, these rings are critical opportunity for the American People dont about a nominees record and with that nominee respond to questions to get for that i regret the specific timing of todays hearing, a day when many colleagues particularly someone might set the aisle could not be here. Yesterday the senate finished its legislative business so that senators could travel to spend the recess with the families and some are today celebrating rosh hashanah, the jewish new year. I understand some of my call xrays concerned with the chairman about being unable to attend in light of the Senate Schedule and this religious holiday and asked during the postponed. Hearings like todays arche tool for evaluating nominees for judgeships, figuring out the sentence responsibly on the constitution to provide advice and consent. Thats what its extraordinary for nominations are to be held when the sin is not otherwise n session, take over the objections of several minority members. It did not happen previously and is not business as usual. Today we will consider a nominee to serve on the tenth circuit whom President Trump is previously listed as a nominee for the Supreme Court. We also have District Court comedy for the longest open vacancy in the country, they can see the Previous Administration attempted to address twice. I know my North Carolina supports this nominee but i would respectfully note the nominees also opposed by several groups including the congressional black caucus. I wish as a duplicative proceed with visit at a time when more of my colleagues couldve attended. It is important we continue to function as the committee consistent with the senate institutional norms and traditions. Let me briefly also say word about an local tradition of this committee, the blue slip a in recent weeks ive seen reports questioned the centuryold senate tradition. The blues the process ensures senators, republicans and democrats alike get to weigh in on judges nominated from their home state. These blue slip practices were honored by chairman leahy and even honored by chairman grassley. If a senator does not return a supportive blue slip that nominee did not proceed to hearing in the committee over much of the last century. This is not a partisan issue. And might you a different president might make different nominations to the same judicial vacancies and in certain cases home state senators have objected and those objections were respected. I can live with that as long as the tradition applies equally to both sides no matter who occupies widest or i think all should be afforded the opportunity to ensure hosted senators are consulted on nomination for seats in the states that we should Work Together in a bipartisan way to uphold the long tradition of this important body and as a component part about this committee serves its role in our constitutional order. Thank you for the Opening Statement opportunity and look for todays hearings. Thank you. A couple of things. Senator gardner, i apologize for calling you corny in the heat of the moment as soon as my glasses gator i will not pronounce any other words or names for the remainder of this hearing. On the topic of this hearing today, last week my scheduler put this hearing on my calendar because by rule we notice these hearings a week in advance. When i got here in monday night i had full expectations that i would be working on wednesday because the business was scheduled to the end of the day. None of us knew that we would be out of session until yesterday afternoon or evening as a matteroffact during the senate large republican members yesterday we had no notion were going to be out of here. By the same token, where the number of family members and nominees before sipping preparing for this moment who traveled some distance to get here. I think its reasonable to request members and the something really pressing occurred at about 5 00 just a afternoon till today thats more pressing than a judicial nomination hearing. I think it is appropriate and i think that i think the chairman for moving forward and welcome all the family members who are here today. With my friends, comics outstanding but i think its important to have it. Today what we want to do is move on to the agenda and get my colleagues an opportunity to introduce the nominees of either of the two panels and will begin with the distinguished gentleman from alabama, senator shelby, for your comment. Thank you. Thank you, mr. Chairman. Senator coons, other members of the committee, i want to thank you for holding this hearing today in view of what happened yesterday. Today we have before us here the first of i hope will be five more District Court nominees in my state of alabama, Annmarie Carney axon. I had the high honor to recommend, senator strange will not be here today. Hes busy but he recommends and he backs her all the way on this. Annmarie carney axon is a member of the Birmingham Law Firm wallace, jordan, ratliff and brandt where she litigates etruscan estate and business cases both trial and appellate court. Before joining the firm she was an assistant Vice President of amsouth bank an associate of a rhode island laufer. After graduating from law school at the university of alabama, she served as a law clerk to the Federal District judge johnson in the Northern District of alabama. She also received her undergraduate degree from university of alabama. She is married to distinguished lawyer in her own right. She has a couple of children but shes been involved that only as a lawyer but has been involved in the community, president of the ywca junior board, president of the girls on the run board of directors and a member of for Communities Foundation board and a member of the American Cancer Society where she has toiled for many years. I recommend her to this Committee Without any reservation. I think shell be a distinguished and outstanding Federal District judge. Thank you, mr. Chairman. Thank you, senator shelby. And with the case of all the other senators, i know you and other commitments and schedules and please feel free to leave as appropriate. Thank you. Senior senator from North Carolina, senator burr. Senator tillis, senator coons, to all my colleagues on this committee, im pleased to appear before you today to voice my unwavering support for thomas farr to service judge against assisted work for the Eastern District of North Carolina. I also want at this time welcome his wife who was here today. As far as legal career includes more achievements than this committee has time to hear this morning. But if you want to give you some highlights of that. He earned his jd from Emory University and besieges llm from Georgetown University and following Law School Graduation he had the same title as some in this room have, counsel for the Senate Committee. As he served on the Senate Committee on labor and human resources. He then served as a staff attorney to the office of Personnel Management followed by a clerkship for judge Frank Bullock junior in the United States District Court middle district of North Carolina. After his clerkship, he stayed in North Carolina where he is at an accomplished legal career in private practice working on issues of constitutional law, Employment Law and workplace safety. He as represent both business and workers in his employment practice. He has argued before the Supreme Court. He has received numerous honors for his work, including being named in North Carolina superlawyer annually since 2006. The name a fellow with the college of labor and Employment Lawyers, and most recently receiving a ranking of unanimously wellqualified to serve on the federal bench by the American Bar Association. Hes also demanded gets back to his community. Currently he is serving as a board member of the shepherds table soup kitchen in raleigh, North Carolina. In addition, his significant professional experience, the committee has received letters of support for his nomination from individuals of both parties. No one can personally i can attest that he has the requisite expertise, character and judgment required for the federal bench. Hes in and was earned the right to serve as a federal judge and who understands the privilege of receiving this appointment turkey will serve in this role honorably, and its my hope that he will get a swift confirmation by this committee and by the United States senate. Senator tillis, let me add at the end, most important thing is, tom farr is a good man. I think what we look for are good people to serve in the capacity like a district judge. He fills every piece of the word good. I think the chair. Thank you, senator burr. Senator isakson. Thank you very much. Senator coons, its great to be with you. Chairman hatch, always a pleasure to have your and we appreciate very much. On daughter daughter to join the judiciary from georgia senator perdue. First i like to introduce to you or talk to you for Billy Ray Billy is from georgia come serve in the Georgia State send from six years, went from there to the superior court of going to count and from there to the court of appeals in the state of georgia and is been outstanding participant of the bench in all those times. Whats most interesting about is some is they have deep and stored tradition in terms of Public Service. His family includes two democratic, richard racer can use as district represented district three and congress of the United States from georgia and the other one robert way one of my best friends who served in the Georgia Statehouse of references for tinges. A tradition of Public Service in the family also has a tradition of getting the job done. When it showed in the states that he created hyades law, wrote it, push it through and passed it. The most significant reform of dui laws in the state of georgia for which dates to landmark and recognize run the country. Equally well he was an innovator on the bench pictogram a drug court which in georgia was a race step 490 with a firsttime offenders with narcotics and drug violations to try to get them the right path. Hes a leader and his penalty on the bench in georgia. He will be a leader on the benh into United States of america and im pleased to commend billy to you with my highest recommendation. Equally as well michael brown. I guess were supposed to do both at the same time, is that correct, mr. Jealous ex michael is a great lawyer from georgia. The former federal prosecutor. He has a great experience on both sides of bench and its got a great life practice and all that he has done. A graduate of the school in atlanta come later Georgetown University in washington and a graduate of law school at university of georgia. He clerk for judge edmondson on the court of appeals for the 11th circuit in 19941995. Before entering Government Service he spent four years as mitigating associate at the stored law firm of king and spalding which among other things produced people like griffin bell, sam nunn and Larry Thompson all known to each of you on this committee as outstanding jurists from the state of georgia. He served six use District Attorney and the Southern District florida and tried more than 25 cases before the bench. Current Equity Partner in alston and bird named by chamber usa is one of americas leading lawyers for business law. He served in the editorial Management Board of the georgia law review, outstanding citizen and i commend them to you with my highest recommendation. Thank you, senator isakson. Senator perdue. Senator tillis, senator coons, committee members, thank you for having this hearing today. Its my high honor to be a today to introduce to outstanding individuals who have been nominated by President Trump to fill to judicial vacancies in the Northern District of georgia. Mr. Mike brown and judge billy ray. I would be brief and not echo what the senior senator from georgia has just done to introduce these two fine man. Both of these gentlemen that serve my state well in various positions at the course of their careers. After graduates audits and users of Georgia School of law in 1984, mike went on to clerk for judge edmondson on the Atlantic Basin at 11 security server six years as an assistant United States attorney in both the new edition of george and the Southern District of florida. When he tried more than two dozen cases. His career has included stints at two of atlantas most respected law firms, where he currently serves as cochair of the government and internal investigation team. Judge ray graduated from university of Georgia School along with honors in 1990 and begin his legal career a as a Trial Attorney in private practice in georgia. In 1986 judge ray won a seat in the state senate where he served with distinction for six years. After being appointed by former georgia governor roy barnes to fill it unexpired term for superior Court Judgeship in gwinnett county, judge ray would auto surf serve in the position for ten years and was the presiding judge one of our states first treatment court. Judge ray carley sits on the court of appeals of georgia where he has served since 2012. I practice for both of these impressive nominees without reservation and applaud the president for selection of two such qualified and wel wellregd georgians to fill the seats on the federal bench in my state. Thithis is a high honor, mr. Chairman, to introduce to you both of these candidates from georgia. Thank the chair. Thank you, senator perdue. Senator cardin. Thank you, mr. Chairman for as he only western augustana of southerners upset if i talk funny. [laughing] chairman tells commits great to see, Ranking Member coons thank you so much for the opportunity before this committee and, of course, to Charing Cross and Ranking Member points taken thank you for leadership. Its an opportunity to be before the skinny. Its an honor and general pleasure to be attentive to use my good friend Justice Allison eid and offer my strong support for her confirmation as a judge on United States Circuit Court of appeals for the tenth Circuit Court of appeals. Theres no doubt that she is superbly qualified for the position. Its great to see her entire family here and

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