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Transcripts For CSPAN Sebastian Gorka On Combating Terrorism
Transcripts For CSPAN Sebastian Gorka On Combating Terrorism
CSPAN Sebastian Gorka On Combating Terrorism December 24, 2017
Welcome everybody to the
Heritage Foundation
. Im delighted to introduce
Sebastian Gorka
. He will deliver the first
Daniel Morgan
lecture at the
Heritage Foundation
on the topic of defeating terrorism in the age of trump. Gorka is a
National Security
strategist and a nonresident scholar. He recently served in the white house as
Deputy Assistant
and strategist to president donald trump. Also as
Vice President
National Security
support and professor of strategy under regular warfare. He has also served as the chairman of the nose group of guest instructor at the
United States
Army Special Operations
command at fort bragg. Nose group of guest instructor at the
United States
Army Special Operations
command at fort bragg. At theassociate fellow special operations university. He received a doctrine at the university of budapest and is the author of the
New York Times
defeating jihad the winnable war. Please help me to introduce
Sebastian Gorka
. Sebastian i like to thank john as well, especially at former for making the whole series possible and most widely of all, for giving me my official heritage type. I do like my salmon type. Im going to talk for 25 or 30 minutes and then we will have a q a session from the podium. It will be very brief and i will try to set the stage for what has changed. A change has been absolutely monumental clinic comes to counterterrorism policy out of the
United States
but also the effect of that policy on the ground. The obamaack to administration. Lets look at the reality of the terrorist threat globally and in the
United States
. The group that the
Obama Administration
have called the jdk, isis, the
Islamic State
of iraq have grown out of being a small affiliate, a small subgroup out of al qaeda and iran for being the first
Jihadi Movement
since the dissolution ozment of the original in 1924 to reestablish and
Islamic State
, a bureaucracy in the middle east. According to the financial times, this threat group was able to raise at least 2 a mother fromy as illicit oil sales, racketeering, local taxation, hostagetaking, it controlled territory in multiple countries of the middle east, iraq and syria being the foremost but also having territory owning affiliates as part of nigeria. To unclassified colonists on the front page of i alone hadon post, operational affiliates in 18 nations around the globe. That was the reality of the threat we face. That held ground in the middle east. It wasnt running, it wasnt hiding. , it hadiddle east alone 6 million human beings that it controlled on the territory. That is just three years ago. We have been told by the last administration that isis is a generational threat a generational threat. How children, our grandchildren would be fighting isis jihadis decades from now. I guess the
Trump Administration
has redefined generation to last just a few months. Because where are we today . Year into the
Trump Administration
, one of the most important things were steve bannon and myself, steve was the chief strategist. One specific aspect of the
Islamic State
, we call it the physical caliphate. We wanted to make sure that within weeks or maximum, months of coming into office with the unleashing of our military to do the job they are trained to do, the physical caliphate would be no more. We can actually make that statement, there is no isis caliphate any longer. Without with our iraqi partners, we have taken about think about rocco. Ago, thehree weeks last isis stronghold in syria has fallen as well. Not quite a generation, maybe eight months. So how is this possible . How have we gone from this massive historic caliphate rebuilding organization to it being in its death throes, currently. Very simply, because of two things. 8 correct determination of what the threat is and after the correct determination, the application of a strategic response. Administrationma last diagnosis so inaccurate . What was the problem . We could have several day symposiums on that. But let me give you the barebones. The
Obama Administration
came into office with a strategic intent to put america back in its box. You remember this phrase from the president , we believe in american exceptionalism the same way the greeks believe in greek exceptionalism. If that was the case, then you dont believe in american exceptionalism. If you look at the
National Security
strategy of the
Obama Administration
, it talked about strategic patients. Leading from behind. What happens when you are patient . What is leading from behind . Logically, what is it, is not want. You cannot leave from behind, you can follow from behind but you cannot leave. Renege your responsibilities, and you allow others to tilde vacuum, to have things like isis becoming as possible as they did. One, there was a flawed understanding of americas role. When it came to threat assessment, there was an even insulation. Atic the last administration denigrated the role of religion. But only that but because they did not take it seriously personally in many cases. They could not understand how religion could be a driver for violence. Instead of looking at the religious ideology of groups leftal qaeda and isis, the and ministration was driven by very very flawed concepts from social clients, specifically social movement theory. Can google it, social. , social movement there would have you believe that all death violence of an organize nature is the result of physical and economic issues. The people only become revolutionaries or terrorists because they lost their job, this is you get not my pain, im just reminding you of history. The roman state spokesman for the
Obama White House
actually said on
National Television
that we will be safe, there will be no more 9 11s if we have jobs for jihadis. Is it bad snl skit. Have you ever lost a job . Been fired . I am sure, immediately you want to go out and behead somebody, yes . So this flawed understanding, this denigration of the role of ideology, ideology was deemed to , i spent six years in the defense department. Half of my offices were muslim. Andook muslim girls brigadiers from around the world, people were fighting jihadist. Com. We took them with our allies and partners after spending a year in d. C. Study for a masters. We took them around and one of the places we went was the
Obama State Department
through the cutting edge of county messaging, the county messaging department. Yet have a dozen government officials who were supposed to be undermining the jihadi narrative and i had a muslim will asked that panel what they thought the role of ideology was. A great question, is per question. What was the answer . In unison. Play in has no role to this war. Stunning, i asked them to repeat the answer just so everybody in the room could believe what they were hearing. Ideology has noble to play. Causes andbout root upstream factors. That is john brennan. It is a very marxist interpretation of a threat. You brought it all down to us. Physical things. It cannot be spiritual. It must be physical. That tells you a lot about how the lesson ministration saw the world. It was a flawed diagnosis and as such, if you misdiagnose a patient, what are you going to give them in terms of treatment . The wrong treatment. Thursdayst got sicklecell anemia or cancer. You have food, go home and hydrate and take some aspirin, what will happen to your patients . They will die, that is the problem, misdiagnosis. That all changed when a certain
Real Estate Developer
from queens decided to run for the highest office in the land. I first met donald trump in the summer of 2015, i was invited to come and talk to him at a republican president ial debate. I helped him prepare for the debates and it was the high point of my left to come work with him as
Deputy Assistant
but i realize that i could have worked with this man within the first 30 seconds of meeting him because he is kryptonite to
Political Correctness
. Faceoked at the threat we clearly as a war. Not as some problem to be managed. But as a war. Not only that, he wants to win that war. That is what we have been doing as a nation. No longeral caliphate exists. Our troops have been published. I had the top of the top special operations guy on detail for the
National Security
council. Ithout apropos coming up to me he said sir, you have no idea how the morale amongst our forces has skyrocketed. Micromanaged and we are allowed to do our job and if it is clear that the president trusts us, much easier to win a war when that comes to your forces. We have gone under secretary mattis with a strategy of attrition, he has said this openly, a strategy of attrition to a strategy of annihilation. Think about recent, unclassified reports, u. S. Troops and their partners had over a thousand jihadis surrender to them in a day. Perspective, when did we ever have jihadi surrender . The whole point of jihad is what . You die. You die trying to kill the your 72because you have versions, you have the short salvation. The surrendering to end of the dow, you go straight to hell for that one. That tells you how much it really has moved from attrition to annihilation. What us to have to appreciate . We have to appreciate what the president has done in terms of leadership, not only the most his own allies but on among his own government, against the muslim partners. If you want to understand who the president is and where this nation is going in terms of
National Security
, you dont have to wait until monday for the release of the
National Security
strategy which i can type because i was in the meetings and it will be a very sound document. The
National Security
strategy whoeparated by nadia shaba this will be a very different document. It will be the
Shopping List
of nss is we have had since the bush years that throws everything in and has no prioritization, it will be a very rational document that prioritizes and will have the president possibly senate. It wont be a design by committee atrocity. It will be a president ial document. Nss, i cant to the strongly recommend two things if you want to understand where we counterterrorism, go back and read the president s warsaw speech and the president riyadh speech. , i knowly essential about the speeches, great members of the white house team, that have filled the first law of war. It was a bit obligated but it everybody, when you got infected cocktail parties can quote this to you. Every time they get it wrong. They said know your enemy, read the book and get for free online, it takes 90 minutes to read. , what he said was if you know your enemy, you will when half of your battle. If you know yourself and why you are fighting. Are, youow who you will win every battle as a war. He is absolutely right, whether you are fighting the nazis, whether you are fighting al qaeda, whether you are fighting allowed to know the enemy for the last eight years. Dont take my word for it, google it, in 2011, the white house instructed in an unclassified memo to the chairman and joint chiefs that in all counterterrorism training and federal prosecutions of law enforcement, there should not be mention of islam and the were jihad is prescribed. Think about that for a second. You are not allowed to discuss jihad when you are trying to train people to defeat jihadists. That is like saying during world war ii to not mention the word nazi because you can offend some germans. Absolutely asinine and absurd. That is gone. The
Political Correctness
is gone. Look at the riyadh speech, what is the president doing in riyadh . He could have given a nice, critical speech. The usual kind of diplomacy but of thewent to the heart muslim world, the area where islam was founded and this was muslim heads of state. He did not say hey, we like you, he said gentlemen, sort out your society. He said regular places of , raker of extremists societies of terrorists. As an arab woman told me to ask later, that is the speech we have been waiting for for 16 years. Not eight years, 16 years. Issues under the the carpet, hoarding at our muslim friends to start by clearing out their own front doors. Their own backyards. So what happened eight days later or nine days later . They get serious. Last month, mbs and saudi arabia got even more serious. Be done withcan leadership masses. On top of that, you have to know who you are and why you are fighting. This is close to the
Brandenburg Gate
speech. Why . Because of what it says about us and the return of america. It is not an accident that we chose the location of that speech to be where it was, it was not easy but we wanted the president to give that speech at the side of the warsaw uprising. In that speech, what did he say . We are a judeochristian nation. Are andly, it is who we we will stand shoulder to thatder with any nation stands for those values, whether it is israel or poland. Back and were not ashamed of who we are. That is the second part. And why you are fighting. If you dont know why you are fighting, you will never ever win. Technically, what should we expect in the future . About consulate talked this as an ideological war. Book defeating jihad talks about killing terrorists, that is great. That it is not a victory because when you have enemies that have a massive recruiting court, you can kill a jihadi with a drone strike and 20 guys tomorrow will volunteer to replace them. What have you just created . The last 16 years of what can be described charitably as exquisite whack them all. Longer when people no want to become jihadists. That is victory. Body bags, it was a bad metric during vietnam and not a better metric today. Just imagine the cold war, we must defeat the ideology. The great margaret thatcher, the great ronald reagan, they delegitimized the ideological communism, we must do the same with the global jihad is in. I look forward to the nss talking about the needs to focus our efforts with our muslim allies, especially the varieties, the egyptians. Emirates, the egyptians. Churchill was right when he said you dont go to war. You dont go to war unless you define your victory conditions. If you dont define victory conditions, you will never know if you want. In my as im concerned, book, defeating jihad i called the threat we face today a new form of hybrid to italian areas of totalitarianism. It has connections to the fascism of the 30s and 40s and the communism of the cold war. Those may have been secular, antichristian but this religious totalitarian hotels arianism is late because it is a totalitarianism. If you disagree with a jihadist, just as if you disagree with the nazis, there is one option left for you. Surrender. Then thent surrender only other option is to destroy them. Is a newace today totalitarian threat, not islam, anybody who says islam has no idea of the muslim world, they should travel from indonesia to saudi arabia. They should travel from jordan to pakistan. They can see that there is no monolithic islam. We have to make sure our muslim friends can defeat the seventh century version of islam that guides groups like isis and al qaeda. We would have one very simply with the falling of the trade when the black light of jihad is as universal that is universally as the swastika of the nazis, we will have one. Then, they will no longer be able to recruit. Thank you. [applause] thank you very much for the very strong remarks right now. Like to follow your speech with a series of questions on a wide range of foreign and
National Security
policy issues, your party referenced the new
National Security
strategy to , the firstxt week since 2015, in your view, what will be the fundamental difference between the new and the
Obama Administration
s strategy. . . Sebastian the style of the document will be very different. It was the product of an interagency process. This document will be the president s document. It is not understood, the fake news is still doing its thing. The president is neither an interventionist nor an isolationist. This may be copper kidded for the first palm is of the road to get their heads around but he is andher an isolationist libertarian model who thinks we should ignore everyone else and be fine. That is absurd after pearl harbor and 9 11. Nor is he an interventionist. Unamericanentally to invade other peoples countries and occupy them. If 1776 mean something doesnt intend to six is about antiimperialism, it was born in a response against imperialism. It will be a very wise middle secondly, as all
National Security
strategies should do and have done for about 25 years, it will prioritize as michael professor
Graham Allison
at harvard had a great video lecture online, you can see john hopkins applied physics lab. It starts with saying some things are more important than other things, not everything is equal and some nations are more important to america than other nations. Thats not politically correct but it is a fact of life as in some people are more important to you than other people. As such, this document will prioritize issues and relationships and you can expect three things to be prioritized. China, and the law ideological nature of the threat we face with terrorism. Thank you very much. I would follow with a question which i expect future heavily in the new strategy, the decertifiedcently the
Heritage Foundation<\/a>. Im delighted to introduce
Sebastian Gorka<\/a>. He will deliver the first
Daniel Morgan<\/a> lecture at the
Heritage Foundation<\/a> on the topic of defeating terrorism in the age of trump. Gorka is a
National Security<\/a> strategist and a nonresident scholar. He recently served in the white house as
Deputy Assistant<\/a> and strategist to president donald trump. Also as
Vice President<\/a> for
National Security<\/a> support and professor of strategy under regular warfare. He has also served as the chairman of the nose group of guest instructor at the
United States<\/a>
Army Special Operations<\/a> command at fort bragg. Nose group of guest instructor at the
United States<\/a>
Army Special Operations<\/a> command at fort bragg. At theassociate fellow special operations university. He received a doctrine at the university of budapest and is the author of the
New York Times<\/a> defeating jihad the winnable war. Please help me to introduce
Sebastian Gorka<\/a>. Sebastian i like to thank john as well, especially at former for making the whole series possible and most widely of all, for giving me my official heritage type. I do like my salmon type. Im going to talk for 25 or 30 minutes and then we will have a q a session from the podium. It will be very brief and i will try to set the stage for what has changed. A change has been absolutely monumental clinic comes to counterterrorism policy out of the
United States<\/a> but also the effect of that policy on the ground. The obamaack to administration. Lets look at the reality of the terrorist threat globally and in the
United States<\/a>. The group that the
Obama Administration<\/a> have called the jdk, isis, the
Islamic State<\/a> of iraq have grown out of being a small affiliate, a small subgroup out of al qaeda and iran for being the first
Jihadi Movement<\/a> since the dissolution ozment of the original in 1924 to reestablish and
Islamic State<\/a>, a bureaucracy in the middle east. According to the financial times, this threat group was able to raise at least 2 a mother fromy as illicit oil sales, racketeering, local taxation, hostagetaking, it controlled territory in multiple countries of the middle east, iraq and syria being the foremost but also having territory owning affiliates as part of nigeria. To unclassified colonists on the front page of i alone hadon post, operational affiliates in 18 nations around the globe. That was the reality of the threat we face. That held ground in the middle east. It wasnt running, it wasnt hiding. , it hadiddle east alone 6 million human beings that it controlled on the territory. That is just three years ago. We have been told by the last administration that isis is a generational threat a generational threat. How children, our grandchildren would be fighting isis jihadis decades from now. I guess the
Trump Administration<\/a> has redefined generation to last just a few months. Because where are we today . Year into the
Trump Administration<\/a>, one of the most important things were steve bannon and myself, steve was the chief strategist. One specific aspect of the
Islamic State<\/a>, we call it the physical caliphate. We wanted to make sure that within weeks or maximum, months of coming into office with the unleashing of our military to do the job they are trained to do, the physical caliphate would be no more. We can actually make that statement, there is no isis caliphate any longer. Without with our iraqi partners, we have taken about think about rocco. Ago, thehree weeks last isis stronghold in syria has fallen as well. Not quite a generation, maybe eight months. So how is this possible . How have we gone from this massive historic caliphate rebuilding organization to it being in its death throes, currently. Very simply, because of two things. 8 correct determination of what the threat is and after the correct determination, the application of a strategic response. Administrationma last diagnosis so inaccurate . What was the problem . We could have several day symposiums on that. But let me give you the barebones. The
Obama Administration<\/a> came into office with a strategic intent to put america back in its box. You remember this phrase from the president , we believe in american exceptionalism the same way the greeks believe in greek exceptionalism. If that was the case, then you dont believe in american exceptionalism. If you look at the
National Security<\/a> strategy of the
Obama Administration<\/a>, it talked about strategic patients. Leading from behind. What happens when you are patient . What is leading from behind . Logically, what is it, is not want. You cannot leave from behind, you can follow from behind but you cannot leave. Renege your responsibilities, and you allow others to tilde vacuum, to have things like isis becoming as possible as they did. One, there was a flawed understanding of americas role. When it came to threat assessment, there was an even insulation. Atic the last administration denigrated the role of religion. But only that but because they did not take it seriously personally in many cases. They could not understand how religion could be a driver for violence. Instead of looking at the religious ideology of groups leftal qaeda and isis, the and ministration was driven by very very flawed concepts from social clients, specifically social movement theory. Can google it, social. , social movement there would have you believe that all death violence of an organize nature is the result of physical and economic issues. The people only become revolutionaries or terrorists because they lost their job, this is you get not my pain, im just reminding you of history. The roman state spokesman for the
Obama White House<\/a> actually said on
National Television<\/a> that we will be safe, there will be no more 9 11s if we have jobs for jihadis. Is it bad snl skit. Have you ever lost a job . Been fired . I am sure, immediately you want to go out and behead somebody, yes . So this flawed understanding, this denigration of the role of ideology, ideology was deemed to , i spent six years in the defense department. Half of my offices were muslim. Andook muslim girls brigadiers from around the world, people were fighting jihadist. Com. We took them with our allies and partners after spending a year in d. C. Study for a masters. We took them around and one of the places we went was the
Obama State Department<\/a> through the cutting edge of county messaging, the county messaging department. Yet have a dozen government officials who were supposed to be undermining the jihadi narrative and i had a muslim will asked that panel what they thought the role of ideology was. A great question, is per question. What was the answer . In unison. Play in has no role to this war. Stunning, i asked them to repeat the answer just so everybody in the room could believe what they were hearing. Ideology has noble to play. Causes andbout root upstream factors. That is john brennan. It is a very marxist interpretation of a threat. You brought it all down to us. Physical things. It cannot be spiritual. It must be physical. That tells you a lot about how the lesson ministration saw the world. It was a flawed diagnosis and as such, if you misdiagnose a patient, what are you going to give them in terms of treatment . The wrong treatment. Thursdayst got sicklecell anemia or cancer. You have food, go home and hydrate and take some aspirin, what will happen to your patients . They will die, that is the problem, misdiagnosis. That all changed when a certain
Real Estate Developer<\/a> from queens decided to run for the highest office in the land. I first met donald trump in the summer of 2015, i was invited to come and talk to him at a republican president ial debate. I helped him prepare for the debates and it was the high point of my left to come work with him as
Deputy Assistant<\/a> but i realize that i could have worked with this man within the first 30 seconds of meeting him because he is kryptonite to
Political Correctness<\/a>. Faceoked at the threat we clearly as a war. Not as some problem to be managed. But as a war. Not only that, he wants to win that war. That is what we have been doing as a nation. No longeral caliphate exists. Our troops have been published. I had the top of the top special operations guy on detail for the
National Security<\/a> council. Ithout apropos coming up to me he said sir, you have no idea how the morale amongst our forces has skyrocketed. Micromanaged and we are allowed to do our job and if it is clear that the president trusts us, much easier to win a war when that comes to your forces. We have gone under secretary mattis with a strategy of attrition, he has said this openly, a strategy of attrition to a strategy of annihilation. Think about recent, unclassified reports, u. S. Troops and their partners had over a thousand jihadis surrender to them in a day. Perspective, when did we ever have jihadi surrender . The whole point of jihad is what . You die. You die trying to kill the your 72because you have versions, you have the short salvation. The surrendering to end of the dow, you go straight to hell for that one. That tells you how much it really has moved from attrition to annihilation. What us to have to appreciate . We have to appreciate what the president has done in terms of leadership, not only the most his own allies but on among his own government, against the muslim partners. If you want to understand who the president is and where this nation is going in terms of
National Security<\/a>, you dont have to wait until monday for the release of the
National Security<\/a> strategy which i can type because i was in the meetings and it will be a very sound document. The
National Security<\/a> strategy whoeparated by nadia shaba this will be a very different document. It will be the
Shopping List<\/a> of nss is we have had since the bush years that throws everything in and has no prioritization, it will be a very rational document that prioritizes and will have the president possibly senate. It wont be a design by committee atrocity. It will be a president ial document. Nss, i cant to the strongly recommend two things if you want to understand where we counterterrorism, go back and read the president s warsaw speech and the president riyadh speech. , i knowly essential about the speeches, great members of the white house team, that have filled the first law of war. It was a bit obligated but it everybody, when you got infected cocktail parties can quote this to you. Every time they get it wrong. They said know your enemy, read the book and get for free online, it takes 90 minutes to read. , what he said was if you know your enemy, you will when half of your battle. If you know yourself and why you are fighting. Are, youow who you will win every battle as a war. He is absolutely right, whether you are fighting the nazis, whether you are fighting al qaeda, whether you are fighting allowed to know the enemy for the last eight years. Dont take my word for it, google it, in 2011, the white house instructed in an unclassified memo to the chairman and joint chiefs that in all counterterrorism training and federal prosecutions of law enforcement, there should not be mention of islam and the were jihad is prescribed. Think about that for a second. You are not allowed to discuss jihad when you are trying to train people to defeat jihadists. That is like saying during world war ii to not mention the word nazi because you can offend some germans. Absolutely asinine and absurd. That is gone. The
Political Correctness<\/a> is gone. Look at the riyadh speech, what is the president doing in riyadh . He could have given a nice, critical speech. The usual kind of diplomacy but of thewent to the heart muslim world, the area where islam was founded and this was muslim heads of state. He did not say hey, we like you, he said gentlemen, sort out your society. He said regular places of , raker of extremists societies of terrorists. As an arab woman told me to ask later, that is the speech we have been waiting for for 16 years. Not eight years, 16 years. Issues under the the carpet, hoarding at our muslim friends to start by clearing out their own front doors. Their own backyards. So what happened eight days later or nine days later . They get serious. Last month, mbs and saudi arabia got even more serious. Be done withcan leadership masses. On top of that, you have to know who you are and why you are fighting. This is close to the
Brandenburg Gate<\/a> speech. Why . Because of what it says about us and the return of america. It is not an accident that we chose the location of that speech to be where it was, it was not easy but we wanted the president to give that speech at the side of the warsaw uprising. In that speech, what did he say . We are a judeochristian nation. Are andly, it is who we we will stand shoulder to thatder with any nation stands for those values, whether it is israel or poland. Back and were not ashamed of who we are. That is the second part. And why you are fighting. If you dont know why you are fighting, you will never ever win. Technically, what should we expect in the future . About consulate talked this as an ideological war. Book defeating jihad talks about killing terrorists, that is great. That it is not a victory because when you have enemies that have a massive recruiting court, you can kill a jihadi with a drone strike and 20 guys tomorrow will volunteer to replace them. What have you just created . The last 16 years of what can be described charitably as exquisite whack them all. Longer when people no want to become jihadists. That is victory. Body bags, it was a bad metric during vietnam and not a better metric today. Just imagine the cold war, we must defeat the ideology. The great margaret thatcher, the great ronald reagan, they delegitimized the ideological communism, we must do the same with the global jihad is in. I look forward to the nss talking about the needs to focus our efforts with our muslim allies, especially the varieties, the egyptians. Emirates, the egyptians. Churchill was right when he said you dont go to war. You dont go to war unless you define your victory conditions. If you dont define victory conditions, you will never know if you want. In my as im concerned, book, defeating jihad i called the threat we face today a new form of hybrid to italian areas of totalitarianism. It has connections to the fascism of the 30s and 40s and the communism of the cold war. Those may have been secular, antichristian but this religious totalitarian hotels arianism is late because it is a totalitarianism. If you disagree with a jihadist, just as if you disagree with the nazis, there is one option left for you. Surrender. Then thent surrender only other option is to destroy them. Is a newace today totalitarian threat, not islam, anybody who says islam has no idea of the muslim world, they should travel from indonesia to saudi arabia. They should travel from jordan to pakistan. They can see that there is no monolithic islam. We have to make sure our muslim friends can defeat the seventh century version of islam that guides groups like isis and al qaeda. We would have one very simply with the falling of the trade when the black light of jihad is as universal that is universally as the swastika of the nazis, we will have one. Then, they will no longer be able to recruit. Thank you. [applause] thank you very much for the very strong remarks right now. Like to follow your speech with a series of questions on a wide range of foreign and
National Security<\/a> policy issues, your party referenced the new
National Security<\/a> strategy to , the firstxt week since 2015, in your view, what will be the fundamental difference between the new and the
Obama Administration<\/a>s strategy. . . Sebastian the style of the document will be very different. It was the product of an interagency process. This document will be the president s document. It is not understood, the fake news is still doing its thing. The president is neither an interventionist nor an isolationist. This may be copper kidded for the first palm is of the road to get their heads around but he is andher an isolationist libertarian model who thinks we should ignore everyone else and be fine. That is absurd after pearl harbor and 9 11. Nor is he an interventionist. Unamericanentally to invade other peoples countries and occupy them. If 1776 mean something doesnt intend to six is about antiimperialism, it was born in a response against imperialism. It will be a very wise middle secondly, as all
National Security<\/a> strategies should do and have done for about 25 years, it will prioritize as michael professor
Graham Allison<\/a> at harvard had a great video lecture online, you can see john hopkins applied physics lab. It starts with saying some things are more important than other things, not everything is equal and some nations are more important to america than other nations. Thats not politically correct but it is a fact of life as in some people are more important to you than other people. As such, this document will prioritize issues and relationships and you can expect three things to be prioritized. China, and the law ideological nature of the threat we face with terrorism. Thank you very much. I would follow with a question which i expect future heavily in the new strategy, the decertifiedcently the
Iran Nuclear Deal<\/a>, congress has been very slow to act in terms of reimposing u. S. Sanctions and that goes back to the white house for the movement view, candaceur
Iran Nuclear Deal<\/a> be salvaged . I in americas interest would better off working with the agreement . As i canceled the president , he knows he is on the campaign trail since he came into office, he knows this is a bad deal. My advice to the president was not to decertified them, im wet he did but it was to scrap the whole deal. Have you ever heard of a deal where you give everything to the other party before the comply . In dealing with your kids, you can have the candy before dinner before you eat your broccoli, it doesnt work. It doesnt work. The deal and its essence is participatendly, we , the
Obama Administration<\/a> dissipated in a deal with a country that was deemed by the state department to be the largest statesponsored terrorism at a time when the secretary of state actually said some of this money will go to terrorist attacks. Ago, and
Metro Police Officer<\/a> in d. C. Who had jihadist sympathies believed he was sending a 500 monogram devices. Was in fact doing with an fbi informant. That individual believed he was was prosecutedts and convicted for
Material Support<\/a> of terrorism. Of 500. Tent the last administration released more than 150 billion dollars to iran. Terrorismupport to wasnt an issue. Lastly, the big problem of all is the deal does not stop
Nuclear Acquisition<\/a> by iran. This is the dirty little secret, it doesnt stop it, it mildly inconveniences and delays the acquisition of capabilities if they stick to it. As we learn from the cold war, knew aller employer too well, dealing with dictators is there is a funny thing about dictatorships, the usually dont abide by the agreement to sign with them. That is something the president understands. On the subject of israel. Recently, they declare the
United States<\/a> was sending shockwaves across the world, how the outrage in europe and test the middle east what do you think is the real significance of this . What is the overarching message the president is sending for this decision . What do you see as the longterm impact . Onlytian i think there is three changes. There only three answers. We have a newly minted politician keeps his promises. Shock and horror. The man who makes promises on the campaign trail and then delivers on those promises. Oris a great new yardstick politics in america and the west at large. Secondly, i think there is an aspect of the decision that is about truth, it is the right. Hing to do i know this, this is how we operate. I can tell you, i will give it any names, their only three members of the cabinet who supported the president on that decision. Three people. Everybody else, even some people who may have a very tough reputation. They said no, this is disastrous, you cant do that. The president but them all and said no, this is the right thing to do. We promise to the electorate, we promise our friends, after longterm consequences, my hope is it injects a sense of reality into that situation because we need it desperately. The idea that this will create violence. But what have we had for the last 40 years in the middle east . Wonderful state of affairs . No, this is a reality check. It will be the test of good faith for the palestinians. Are you going to negotiate in good faith or not because we are to demonstrate that we will stand by israelis and now the test is yours. Are you prepared to negotiate in good faith . We shall see. Switching to the issue of brexit, it is a big issue. You were born in the
United Kingdom<\/a> and spend a lot of time in britain. What is your view of brexit and its longterm impact on the , what youlationship think of the prospects of the u. S. , u. K. Freetrade agreement, with our recent discussion started on that front, i like to get your overview of the big picture with regard to present and its impact, especially for the
United States<\/a>. Works praise it is a monumentally important event in history. Lets begin with that. However, whatever scenario or whatever final version of brexit is implemented, it will not negatively affect our relationship, i would like to point out to people that we have these things in the west wing called jumbos. These massive photographs of the president and the
Vice President<\/a> usuallyg the world and they were taken out every two weeks. The moste jumbos in prominent place coming up the staircase in the west wing stood there for at least two months, not two weeks, two months. Of thethe photograph presidency down to the
Prime Minister<\/a> state in the oval office. There is a reason for that, the relationship will always be strong, it is not up to us. This is not the
Obama Administration<\/a> and we will tell you that you will be at the back of the queue if you dont write both the right way. We dont do that, that is not how the president thinks. So the relationship will be sound. Nevertheless, praise it must be understood for what it represents more brother speaking in the western world. Is kissing cousins to the trump phenomena. It is not populism, i reject outright this label that these are populist movements. Is about two things, common sense and presented and beingtable government demanded by the electorate. That is what it is about. They about how that compares with the make
America Great<\/a> again agenda. I am now a proud american, one of the key aspects and characteristics of my fellow americans that i adore is their common sense. One of the reasons this very pragmatic realtor from new york one the election despite never having
Held Public Office<\/a> before is because he is a man of common sense. The
American People<\/a> had had enough of absurd things such as identity politics being rammed down their throat. Want to have representative and accountable
Accountable Government<\/a> back in washington and it wanted in brussels and they wanted in london. I think brings it is a very positive thing and it will be the first of many, many similar events. What you think is the future of the
European Union<\/a> . What had been tremendous resistance to the european commission, we are now seeing heated negotiations between the
British Government<\/a> and the european commissioner, this time about the terms of his departure the trade deal. Do you think that we are going to see fundamental changes sweeping across europe in the coming years . What about u. S. Policy toward the eu, with your expense in the white house, did you see sense any real change in the u. S. On the part of immigration with regards to the future of the european project . After all, previous administrations had backed the european project,
President Trump<\/a> himself comes across as eurosceptic. Can you talk a little bit about the direction of u. S. Policy on the eu where it is moving. This is when it is nice to not no longer being government service, the future of the eu does really have one as far as im concerned. If it continues along the path it is following right now, it will collapse, it will collapse. Or it will further developed into what it is today. Whichs a club in different membership categories exist. Which really isnt a club. That group of micro clubs are held together under one full umbrella. Faux it lost sight of why it was created. I thought undergrads a full semester course on the history of european integration. We have to go back to the basics, why was the
European Union<\/a> created . There is a reason why it was called the coal and steel union, but why coal and steel . It had nothing to do with freedom of travel and regulated bananas. Coal and steel why . Coal and steel with a two things we needed to go to war with each other in the 1950s. Unique code to make steel and you need steel to make tanks and guns. They were project was originally about one thing, making sure france and germany would not go to war with each other again at the cost of 60 million lives. We have lost sight of that, it has become the selfperpetuating it is the
First Time Ever<\/a> i have been able to use the phrase itself looking eyes from self licking ice cream cone. The idea that only bureaucrats initiate legislation is absurd. The idea that you pull sovereignty until legislation in strasberg supersedes your own constitution, who would agree to that in their right mind . Up and revertse what they should have been all along which is focused on
National Security<\/a> or they will continue to develop and break up into various
Different Club<\/a> thats. Cant give you great regularity on what the wille of american policy be but as long as dollars on this president , it will remain helpfully skeptical. That is encouraging to hear. Within rivers any of this. Remarksentioned in your that the president possibly very powerful address in warsaw was a real game changer. One of the most important president ial speeches in decades. He also really directly spoke to on islamists threats european foil and this is a huge issue across the atlantic. When there wasme intense debate in europe and how to deal with that is honest issue and inlet of
Angela Merkels<\/a> decision to allow in about 2 million migrants and refugees into germany from middle
East North Africa<\/a> and a whole range of countries what the longterm impact of merkels open door decision . We have seen an objection of that approached as potent, for example, do you think the refugee crisis in europe is impact onave a major the
United States<\/a> in terms of
National Security<\/a> . I think it already has because the president was to make sure that we dont see here what we have seen happen in europe, his determination, we are not waffling. Asked about the two recent attacks, he said there will be no more diversity lottery and there will be no more migration. Very simple. Wes is a digital bus and will not fall victim to what we are seeing in europe. Compare this to chancellor merkels new years eve speech last year after the
Christmas Market<\/a> attack. Tose two sentences were next each other, they are not taken from different parts of the speech. She said the jihadi or terrorist threat in germany is the primary
National Security<\/a> concern. It is the right number one. The next sentence despite that being the case, we will maintain our open door policy to refugees. That is the textbook. When you go to a psychiatry both and look up cognitive dissonance, that is the definition. We will not allow that to happen here. Fromdea i had just come it we can australia and new zealand. Is anybody familiar . Over the toughest immigration policies in the world. Marriednnot demonstrate they australia, and why there is nobody in australia that cant do the job that you want to do, you will not become an australian. Nobody calls them racist or bigots and the president takes this question very seriously, this is the most important issue to him. He was all americans to prosper whether you voted for hillary or not. Andhe was almost to be safe he takes his role as commanderinchief very seriously. Recognized court has that is one person in our great nation who decides who comes to this country and under what country it will be edited. The facts are out there, this is not hyperbolic hypotheses. That this was under one of the false syrian passports. He had refugee status. Before i came into government, we reported at my company isis, the threat to the
United States<\/a>, we looked at isis recruitment in america in the last two years and we have seen a sixfold increase in comparison to recruitment. The president is stopping that and user is stopping that. It will be much safer. The question on u. S. Policy toward russia, i think significant in the last 12 months, we have seen a real strengthening of the u. S. Military presence in eastern europe, especially in the baltic states. Discussion an act of with sending weapons to ukraine, we have seen the
United States<\/a> challenging the russians in ,yria quite aggressively something the
Obama Administration<\/a> did not actually do. As the nextsee steps of the administration that they should take with regard to the russian menace in europe . This our up to the challenge . Quite look at every russian policy, these are the people with specific learning with. In recent months, recent years we have seen some stern leadership coming out of nato. This is the art of the deal. If you want to understand the president , it really tells you how he operates and it is very successful. This is how he things about russia. Bus, shet was the last get in trump tower before he moved into the white house, it was the press cap is when he handed over his empire to his children. Shoutedhe reporters what about moscow . What about putin . And the president stopped and gave a transient response which is the best description of how he looked at russia for the next foureight years. He said, in theory, i would like to better relations with russia. This is a nuclear nation, the size of the mix of important that it has act bit about so it is an
Important Mission<\/a> even though my father was arrested by communists and tortured and given a life sends, there is no love lost between me and kgb kernels. Colonels. However, right now, it doesnt really look very likely. He said i would like to have better relations but right now does not look likely. The spoke the pragmatist. That is the president. Patriotismding of and pragmatism. We will continue to do with that nation, notproblem as a strategic threat. This nation is losing 600,000 people per year. More for,000 people dying for your. This is a nation with severe internal problems. It has this one resource which is natural energy. It is not a strategic player in the sense of other countries but it is a spoiler, it is an utter spoiler. The last eight years has exploited the lack of leadership shown by president obama and the regime of vladimir putin. As ant be understood that antistatus quo after, most nations in the world are status, actors, they want to cooperate with us, they want to float at the same rate. There are some nations that dont, that is one of the biggest problems i see in our intelligence community, we posit good faith and everybody. Some countries, there is no good faith, even when they smile at you and say i want to be your friend, they dont mean it and russia is one of them. They are the antistatus quo actor and the president understands that and he will do with it in practical terms but i will add one thing and he said this on the campaign trail and the white house, im not looking for new enemies. Smart. Ot i am not going to kick a hornets nest because it is cold to kick a partisan nest. It doesnt mean we like the regime but we are also pragmatists. The last picture on
American Leadership<\/a> at a critically important time on the world stage, in your mind, what is the fundamental difference between the trump world and that of barack obama in terms of
Foreign Policy<\/a>. Defining principles of u. S. Foreignpolicy right now an era of looking at far more forceful and robust u. S. Leaderships. The biggest difference between a trump
Foreign Policy<\/a> and obama foreignpolicy is very simple. It is very easy. President donald trump thinks america is a good country. That is the biggest difference. That doesnt mean we necessarily have able to play in every part of the world but we are special, we are a special country and our leadership matters. The worldn flickr, with
American Leadership<\/a>, not intervention, a world with
American Leadership<\/a> is a much safer world for all good people. Color,r their skin whatever their religion, it is a much better world for everyone. A great question. I would like to draw the event to a close. I like to thank
Sebastian Gorka<\/a> for his remarks here today. We are very grateful for you joining us and we are grateful for everyone joining us for todays event. Thank you very much. [applause] announcer on christmas eve, the dedication of the washington , d. C. Bible museum. Heres a preview. Museum that celebrates the thing that i am most passionate about in my life because the word of god has enabled me to live on the cutting edge. The word of god is powerful. Quick, 4 12 says it is sharper than any two edged sword, piercing the divining asunder of bone and marrow, and is a biserner of thoughts and intents of the human heart. That is why the rabbi read it so slowly. It searches you more than you search it. Me. It is a treasure for i pray the scriptures an hour a day, because i love to hear the voice of god reverberating in the corridor doors of my spirit. It has taught me it is possible to live on the cuttingedge. When we are facing challenging times, people start using
Motor Vehicles<\/a> as weapons of mass destruction. When people defile the sanctity of the house of worship with automatic weapons, we are living in challenging times. Thatphesians 6 reminds us there is the element of the daemonic in our world. Not against flesh and blood but against principalities, the rulers of this world, the spiritual wickedness in high places. But ephesians 6 says put on the whole armor, and there is only one offensive weapon in that armor. Youve got the helmet of salvation, the shield of faith, shoes shod with the preparations of the gospel of peace, but l ove, the sword of the spirit, and that is what this museum celebrates, the sword of the spirit, which is the word of god. Thats the cutting edge again. Announcer you can watch the entire dedication ceremony sunday night at 9 50 eastern, here on cspan. Monday, christmas day, at eastern queen eless bitsdz delivers her elizabeth delivers her christmas message. What kind of values are we willing to promote . Ugly realities in gaza and west bank. If you look at the u. N. Today there is one country in the world that is the focus of 90 of u. N. Resolutions and hat is israel. Ugly realities a mission on june 1, the squadron took off. 27 fighter planes went down, 25 guys were killed. Its hard for me to tell you the truth before i felt then but i miss my airplane. We were there to protect our freedom, we were there to fight. We did that. It was after the war that i suffered for 30 years. History tv. An hamilton playright and acter accepts the history tv. Hamilton playright and acter accepts the historical societys 2017 freedom award. When youre a theater kid you make friends from different grades and social groups. You learn to work hard to create something greater than the sum of your parts. Just for the sake of making something great you learn to trust your passion and let it lead the way. This is 2 hours. Through our new york city chapter we are cohosting this event. We have with us today to my","publisher":{"@type":"Organization","name":"","logo":{"@type":"ImageObject","width":"800","height":"600","url":"\/\/\/15\/items\/CSPAN_20171224_090300_Sebastian_Gorka_on_Combating_Terrorism\/CSPAN_20171224_090300_Sebastian_Gorka_on_Combating_Terrorism.thumbs\/CSPAN_20171224_090300_Sebastian_Gorka_on_Combating_Terrorism_000001.jpg"}},"autauthor":{"@type":"Organization"},"author":{"sameAs":"","name":""}}],"coverageEndTime":"20240630T12:35:10+00:00"}