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When we arrive in raleigh, North Carolina for the first next stop on the 50 capitals tour. Josh stein will be our guest aboard the bus. Host good morning. It is wednesday, january 17, 2018. The house and senate both return at 10 00 a. M. At the clock continues to run out on the current Government Spending plan. If a new agreement is not reached by midnight on friday, the federal government will shut down for the First Time Since 2013. That is where we begin this morning, with immigration talks stalled and plenty of uncertainty over the new spending deal. We want to hear your message to congress on the potential Government Shutdown this week. Democrats, 202 7488000. Republicans, 202 7488001. Independents, 202 7488002. You can also catch up with us on andal media, and twitter, facebook. It very good wednesday morning to you. A few headlines in todays papers on the potential of a Government Shutdown this week. They are from pages of the wall street journal, dreamers deal in peril, shutdown looms. The front page of the washington times, this morning, they talk about the impasse of the current spending deal, saying it tests the promise, the trigger closing in. The Huffington Post phrases it this way shutdown looms, republicans still stopped. And from the conservative newsmax website, House Republican leaders may fund chip, Childrens Health insurance program, to avoid shutdown. Those are some headlines on the potential shutdown this week. We want to hear your message to congress on that debate. As you call in this morning, we turn to kelly major to talk about the latest. Where are we on the possibility of a deal to avert the shutdown . Guest thank you so much for having me on. The republicans met tuesday night to discuss the stopgap that is needed if they do not fund the government beyond friday, that is the current deadline they are working against. The reasons republicans need to garner those on their own is because democrats, as you said in your intro, democrats are withholding support for funding the government unless they get a these itfate of is about 700,000 socalled dreamers, who were brought to the country illegally as children and under the Obama Administration were given a protected status that allows them to work. But donald trump has ended that and the set to end dreamers will lose their protective status at the beginning of march if nothing is done. Todemocrats are trying attach that to the spending deal, and what we are seeing in congress, beginning on the house side, is House Republicans trying to take immigration out send spending to over for another month. This current stopgap im sorry about that. Host not a problem. The student current stopgap runs out on friday. In terms of the possibility of appetite inis their the republican conference to do that . On theans, this focus Freedom Caucus members and where they are on a potential continuing resolution . Guest i think that Republican Leaders are trying to make a deal here. They presented a stopgap last night in the house that contains money for Missile Defense and the fifth year reauthorization hardip, which will make it for some democrats, especially in competitive districts that trump won, it will make it very hard for them to vote against the stopgap with a six year reauthorization of chip. And they also included some tax provisions related to the 2010 health care law, including twoyear delays on the socalled cadillac tax, which funds expensive Health Insurance plans, and the excise tax. Those are some of the tax related provisions that they are spending as part of this stopgap , trying to bali over to the senate. They will gather republicans who want to see money for Missile Defense, and they will also pick up some democrats who want to see that six year reauthorization of the Childrens Health insurance program. We have heard now four months that democrats were lamenting the lack of free authorization reauthorization of this program, so this is a real power moved to see if they can gather democrats to include that. In the senate, democrats are not as tied to trying to shut down the government. They were talking about we will not vote for a stopgap. The House Democrats are very aligned on this. They have not weighed in on this latest cr, but in the senate, we have some democrats who are coming up for reelection they do not want to shut down the government. So the big thing today will be to see how the senate ways in both on the republican and democratic sides about what the house leaders have put in place to try and fund the government, given that it will shut down at midnight on friday. Host and when do the leaders of the house in the senate, the republicans in a house and senate, when do they need to again and when will they meet with the president on this again . They have a caucus party lunch. Usually that is on tuesdays, but because of the holiday, they have one today. That is the big thing for reporters to watch. At 2 00 p. M. , they will, out to the press and give their take on the agenda, so we will probably hear from both republicans and democrats. There are meetings on the hill going on all the time right now, not just about the stopgap, which, at this point, it is about what the congress can get to the president. They want more time to negotiate larger spending, to be able to run the government on something other than autopilot. This would be a onemonth stopgap they are looking at in the house right now, just to keep the government limping along as they continue larger negotiations on the budget. So we heard from White House Press secretary Sarah Huckabee sanders yesterday. She said you know, we want to clean budget deal, we do not want to see the Government Shutdown. She also voiced support for funding the military. So the cr contains money for Missile Defense, and also continues government funding so there will be no lapse. I do not see the white house bucking this plan right now, but of course, in the unpredictable era, we could see anything change. At this point right now, it is a fight between the house and the senate, and whether republicans can garner the votes to push a funding lender measure on their own and bring some democrats along with them. Host thank you so much, kellie. Thank you for your time this morning. Guest host thank you for having me on. Guest thank you for having me on. Host and we are asking our viewers to weigh in on this shutdown debate. Democrats, 202 7488000. Republicans, 202 7488001. Independents, 202 7488002. Bob is up first, line for republicans. Good morning. Caller good morning. I have a really disagreement ahead. Ith what, go caller i have a disagreement with the Democratic Party america hostage for foreigners. I am a veteran. I served my country to not have it overrun by illegals who broke our constitutional laws and immigration laws. Allow us to do that in mexico, south america, or any other nation. Americas government needs to americans first. I support trump won hundred percent. I want the foreigners the illegals, i mean, out. Dr. Should not have been made. It was against the daca should not have been made. It was against the constitution by the democrats. But the americans first, not foreigners. Congress twitter, should do a fair and permanent deal on daca and give President Trump some money for his stupid wall and move on. Jd says do not shut down the government over building a wall. Judith, your message to congress . Caller i think it is very interesting the way i think her name was kellie from cq talked about protecting the 700,000 daca kids. But that compromise not only includes the daca kids, but their parents, who caused the problem in the first place and do no one can say came across and it was not their fault or any of this. If that is their idea of a i do not know what the answer to this whole problem is, but i do know that answer should not involve giving amnesty to the people who caused the daca problem. State college, pennsylvania, republicans. Good morning. Caller good morning to you. I would just like to start by saying that the last time the Government Shutdown, i was a junior in high school. I remembers class, my civics teacher explaining the whole situation to me, but now politically, we are in a completely different world. The next point i would like to make is i do not know if dick durbin is starting to make a bid for 2020 or whatever. The president of the United States, donald trump, set people down from both parties to discuss this, and the only thing that could come out of it is dick durbin goes on cnn, saying the president used to some profanity . Dick durbin never used a curse word in his life, he can go ahead and start with that. If they want to shut the government down because the president used some profanity, they can do that. But i think it is completely ridiculous. Host the president with a few statements yesterday on where they are on a potential immigration deal. Your use from the white house. [video clip] President Trump we are working on immigration and Immigration Reform, and hopefully we will be able to solve the problem. If the democrats really wanted to, they could, but they sometimes dont want to. We are working on it and will get it done one way or the other, i hope. Host we want to hear your message to congress this morning at the potential shutdown looms. Democrats, 202 7488000. Republicans, 202 7488001. Independents, 202 7488002. Gloria, line for democrats. Go ahead. Caller good morning, and thank you for cspan. We are not only getting bills shoved down our throat, but we get nonsense shoved down our throat. I am answering the young man who was on, talking about the quite frankly, god created everybody, so i am not sure what an illegal human being gets to be. Im a preacher, so i look at it differently. First of all, the people that the argument is over did not come here illegally. They came here because they were brought, because they were minors, and because this is the only country they know. They are contributing to this country skews me excuse me. Believers should do their homework, and for america to continue to be great, it needs to be a government of the people, by the people, for the ple, not a government there is no more Republican Party, it is a trump party. We cannot have Congress Take the stain cowardly stance the same cowardly stance. Take up your phones and your pens and tell them what you think. You put these people in office. Do not let them prostitute themselves to donald trump. Host gloria, you mention you are a preacher. Do you ever preach about this issue from the pulpit . We lost gloria. Barry, line for republicans. Caller hello. My comments here are about holding our president and our constitution hostage over this daca thing. It seems like extortion. You give us this and give us these people i do not care if they are young, old, or what. When they came across the border, they broke our constitutional laws. The first step they took, they broke our laws. These laws should be upheld. The constitution is the greatest piece of paper that was ever written. It made our country great, and we need to uphold our laws, like the lady said yesterday she was under the congressional she told us we will enforce the laws, and that is what our country is about. Laws, we are nothing more than a third world country where people can go kill and rob everybody. Our laws need to be appeared to. Host we showed you President Trump yesterday from the white house. Here is that it minority leader Chuck Schumer from the floor of the senate yesterday. [video clip] hundreds of thousands of lives hang in the balance. Funding for our men and women in uniform hangs in the balance. President trump needs to step up. He cannot just bluster. He cannot just play a game of brinksmanship. He cannot be obstinate and say my way or the highway. He needs to be willing to take yes for an answer. A very fair, bipartisan deal remains on the table. Town, andonly game in we are making steady progress on a building building Additional Support in both houses of congress. If it was put on the floor of the house for the senate, it would get a majority vote in either one. There is a deal to be had this week. The only person blocking it is President Trump. So i have a challenge for President Trump. Everyone is talking about how bigoted your comments were last week. Well, actions speak louder than words. If you want to begin the long support the bipartisan compromise that three democrats and three republicans have put before you, one aimed at meeting the concerns you voiced. Voice to concerns in our country and secure the border at the same time. This is the last train leaving the station. President trump needs to get on board. Host the shutdown would happen on midnight on friday if the deal is not reach. Usa today with a look at what a shutdown would mean along the federal government. They write not every part of the federal government would shutter. He functions such as National Security and Law Enforcement would remain up and running. The military is paid on the first and 15th days every month, and they just received a paycheck and will not be due for another one until february. Shut down unless the shutdown lasted until the end of the month, or longer. If Congress Fails to pass a spending bill that is a few parts of the federal government, that is a part of the usa today looks at. You can read the story in their pages today. California, independent. Good morning. Caller good morning. I need some clarification on how one Minority Party can shut down the government . The matters are entirely in the house of representatives, arent they . Host we have to agree to a spending plan at the house in the senate there is some concern that republicans can get enough votes on their own, if they would need democratic votes to pass even shortterm spending deals. Inler so the Senate Weighs and they could filibuster, is that it . It takes 60 votes in the senate to do something financial . Host correct, the house and senate would pass their own Spending Plans and send it to the president for a signature. Caller thank you very much for the clarification. Tony, heisel hill, maryland, democrats. Good morning. Good morning, cspan. First, i would like to say to congress, they spent eight years of obama where mcconnell said we want to make this a one term president they have not done anything. They sat back on their hands, and it is the year of trump. So almost a decade where the Republican Party has stalled and kept america from progressing. They could have passed the immigration bill a long time ago , but i do not think they wanted to. If they want to build a wall and this is to the republican supporters send your donations to washington, earmark them for the wall, just like you did Donald Trumps campaign donations, and send your donation and have that wall built with your money, just like you did not want health care, we do not want the wall and should not have to pay for it. Dont have health care anymore. President obama did nothing for anyone . Everyone would be driving around a nissan and toyota pickups, dodge and chevy pickups that most rednecks drive around with their confederate if president obama had not saved the car industry. Host jeff, florida, line for independents. Caller i was thinking that both parties in the house and congress should issue special drivers licenses to the mexican people, it could be a first step. And the dreamers, issue a special sheriffs id. It would be a good first step toward stopping all the illegal aliens getting tickets for driving without a license and no insurance, and quit tying up our courts. It would be a good first step to start considering the dreamers on a path to citizenship. Thank you. Tennessee,ia, democrats. Thatr i would like to say the main reason for this looming shutdown is the republicans. They control both sides of congress, the house, and the senate. The one tonight could easily change the senate rule is to allow 50 votes to pass any legislation, so i do not see the shutdown of the government. Thats my comment. A look at how both sides are trying to frame a potential shutdown debate on who would get the blame . Republicans are prepared to blame democrats. Trumps comments in a closed meeting last week positioned him as a person who upset the negotiations. Thats part of that meeting with Homeland Security, secretary Kristen Nielsen in that meeting, senator dick durbin asked her about what she was what was said in that room. What do you remember the president saying about immigration from african countries to the united date . Washat i heard him saying wanting to move away from a country based quota system to a meritbased system. It should not matter where you are from, but what you can contribute to the United States. How do he characterize those countries in africa . Ii do not specifically or member the categorization of the countries in africa. As best i can tell and as you know, there were a dozen people in the room, a lot of cross conversations, a lot of rough talk by a lot of people in the , but what i understood him to be saying was lets move away from the countries and lets look at the individual, and make sure those we bring here can contribute to our society. Expressly remember the president saying i want more europeans. Why cant we have more immigrants from norway . I remember him asking about the concept of underrepresented a fix in the conversation of removing the diversity lottery and how we could reallocate that . I remember him asking if we do that and then assign those two countries unrepresented, are we continuing nonmeritbased integration . From that perspective, i think he asked with that cover european countries, or by its nature are we further establishing immigration to exclude europeans. What did he say about immigrants from norway . What he has said a need before, that they are an industrious, hardworking country that does not have much crime or much debt. I just heard him getting giving comments to norway. You said on fox news the president used Strong Language. What was that Strong Language . Strong language that was apologies, i would not remember a specific word. I was struck with the general profanity that was used in the room by almost everyone. Host for any part of that hearing, you can go back and watch it in its entirety on cspan. Org in this snowy morning on capitol hill. We are asking for your message to congress as the shutdown deadline looms. Democrats, 202 7488000. Republicans, 202 7488001. Independents, 202 7488002. David, madison heights, michigan, democrats. Go ahead. Caller hi, thank you very much for taking my call. If everyone remembers republicans have already shut down the government twice. This is the fourth time it has come to this. Republicans cannot govern anything. The toddler in chief is nothing but a liar. The republicans are backing a total and positive liar. We just had a missile go off six north korea over states. Everybody heard it, and dont tell me it was a meteor, because it was a republican lie. It was a test. Caller host how do you know that, david . Caller it does not take a Rocket Scientist being in the military. I know what a cbm sounds like, and it was a cbm. It was not a meteor. Host mike, hypo, maryland. Independence. Caller good morning, thank you or taking my call. The reason i was calling in this morning is to hello . Host go ahead. Caller i know we are talking about the daca deal and the border, but those conversations are very important to have. But we talk about the exact same thing every single day, and it is getting tiresome. What concerns me the most is this vision that has come about since quite frankly, since President Trump has taken office. Whether you like him or not, he is the president. I personally did not vote or him, however, i realize the rhetoric going on in the news media and all of that has created a lot of division in the country. Ut too fast. Know, hedent needs to was brought in to do a job as a business person and not a politician. Republicans all agree and voted him in. He needs to act like the business person he is, thank you. Up next, we will be joined by congressman bobby scott from virginia, to talk about Bipartisan Legislation to reform the criminal Justice System. Today, cspan 50 capitals tour continues, featuring the cspan bus, it kicked off last september. Its wife is anniversary of the program. North carolinas capital city, josh stein will join us aboard the bus later this morning at 9 30 a. M. Eastern. Q a, any on cspans author and his book, the three lives of james madison, genius, partisan, president. To she is all around you when it comes to d. C. The way the government interacts, how they speak to each other. All of that is madisons monument. The case in st. Pauls where if you see it, look around you. If you see madisons monument in washington dc, look around you. It is everywhere. This weekend on American History tv on cspan three, saturday at 8 00 p. M. Eastern on lectures in history, mark polak president nt lincolnss portrayal. Classic if me back my 500,000 sons, meaning the soldiers lost in the war. It is the darkest hours of the civil war in 1864. And lincoln, the artist chose his legs slumped over the chair, a country bumpkin, a reputation for being in elegant and crude and he says the fact is, it reminds me of a story, which was another part of his reputation, always telling stories and tales and jokes, sometimes to an irritating extent. A discussion on free speech on college campuses. Intellectual diversity i think is healthier than many people expect. It does not mean there is an issue where certain student views and groups have felt they have received less active from the faculty and the administration. I include conservative students in the group. Theyve received less public attention. We need to meet the students where we are and help them to a place in our public conversation were where they feel more included. The 1987 phone, drug abuse, meeting the challenge. When you do cocaine, you lie to yourself about the in control. Cocaine is not hip, it is hype. Anyone who tells you it is ok is a liar. Watch every weekend on cspan3. Sunday night on afterwards, washington cochair linda reflects on the march and what in herd for the movement book, together we rise, behind the scenes of the protest heard round the world. What do you say to them and what you say to them to say they are sisters, that they otherwise share their culture and beliefs . It may not feel like this but we are fighting and we believe in their potential to do the right thing. They often continue to including the 49 or 7 who dont vote for republicans. Actually loyal to the Republican Party. I have been a big critic for a long time. Do not assume what the movement is about. In the last year, we got a big controversy about proabortion, prolife, coming to be a part of the movement. We never said we were proabortion movement. Very intentional about it. We are prochoice. The women have the agency to choose for her family and her body. Watch sunday night on book tv on cspan2. Washington journal continues. Discussionndtable this morning, were joined to talk about Bipartisan Legislation to reform the criminal Justice System. Go. Ressman scott, days to your thoughts on how it plays out . Guest i think there is a consensus we will not shut it down but what gets in the bill being workedll out. I hope we can fund the government for a year. It is impossible to plan defense on a monthly basis. You need to see the longterm planning. Disadvantagetrong with these monthly continued resolutions. Www. Cspan. Org i agree with that i agree with that. We need an actual budget on the fence especially. I think we will get there and will not shut the government down and do something very important i believe were my home state of minutes notice, delay the device attack, a tax on sales and nonprofit. 0 growth margin and still get hit with the tax. You do not think immigration or daca gets included in the deal . Guest i think that we can handle that separately and we should. Guest there are a lot of important issues. If you eliminate the medical device tax, it is put there so the affordable Affordable Care act can be paid for. If you are going to eliminate them, come up with something else. What we do not we do not see this how we will make up the revenue. Community Health Centers are important, the levels are important. A lot of work needs to be done and i dont think we are any closer now than we were a month ago. Bet do you think they will a stand on immigration and dr. Reform this week . You agree on is criminal Justice Reform. How did you come together on the issue . I had been following it talk number of years as a show host. There used to be a line, dont make a federal case about it . There ought to be a federal law. We have seen the code expand exponentially. Statutes since 1980. Im a believer in the amendment. These are especially issues for police power and we have got a wide group of supporters from the right and the last the right and supporters. You have liberal and conservative reasons to support this. What is the liberal reason . Guest take a step back. It is a question about what you are doing. Elected or yout try to reduce crime and save. Oney reducing crime in saving money is something liberals and conservatives ought to agree on. If you have slogans and soundbites, many of which do not reduce crime but some of them , when you have the bill that reduces crime and saves money, it is something people ought to be able to agree on. States are way out in front of this pure the incarceration rate has exploded in the last 20 or 30 years. We have codified so many slogans and soundbites that states have figured out they cannot afford it. If you use ago, face with an s , in2 billion, one state cost, to keepon up with the prison population. Someone suggested you spend the money cost, to keep more intelligently, not just soundbites, but you put money in prevention and Early Intervention and rehabilitation, you might not have to spend all 2 billion. About 10 of what was projected, and they found not only did they have to build new prisons, they were able to close the prisons they had. Eliminated a 2 billion potential expense. It is something people ought to be able to agree on. Reduce crime and save money. The effect of justice act, safe justice act. , online. Te we are taking a call as well. Host on the prevention side, what are specific changes you are recommending . Strategies, doed what works. Do not throw hardened criminals in with first time offenders, things like that. Have made reforms. Save money, get people out of prison. I am saying the laboratories of democracy ought to be able to be allowed to work. 500 percent, 6. 7 billion over the same time. It is a 600 increase. Keep doingfford to this. We have to allow the states to experiment and reduce something that is far too expensive and get back to what works as representative scott says. Is one thing but regardless, we have 32 states that have made these changes. Lets see how they play out. That is good 10th amendment philosophy. Congressman scott, why not focus more on the stateside . The stateot of it is and the problem is with the federal does in terms of court crime policy is mimic by the state. When we have a mandatory minimum sentence for drug sentences, they tend to pick it up, we tend to pick it out and they pass in the early 1990s, and we serve as a model for the states. The states have gone to the point where they cannot afford to keep up. Washington state was faced with a lot of prison expansion and prison costs. Did a study to come up with what has been shown to work to reduce crime in a costeffective basis. They went to things like Early Childhood education, a longterm effect, working with prisoners on Second Chance programs to ,educe the rate in prison rehabilitation so when they get out, they are better prepared to stay out. Just a continuum. In the safe justice act, a continuum of initiatives from a researchbased perspective to reduce crime and save money to one of them is a significant reduction in mandatory minimums, which at some point require judges to violate common sense. The judge imposes a sense that makes sense, because of the we are seeingmum, it with the Opioid Crisis, no one is talking about fiveyear mandatory minimums. We are talking about Mental Health services and rehabilitation to deal with the prisond not strategy. That is an important point. These are medical issues with some drug cases and we do not want the dea overturning what state prerogative is. That happened during the Clinton Administration and it may happen during this one the attorney general gets his way. I believe in the 10th amendment, i dont believe you have to put first time john offenders in with hardened criminals. That is a good example. We are working on the justice bill which passed in the house and there is a thing called a Valid Court Order and the only reason he or she is in trouble is because of their age. Do you really want to throw them in with hardened criminals and keep them locked up . That is a good way to start another one. President trump talked about the drug problem yesterday in the white house. Here is what he said. President trump we had a tremendous drug population and dealers all over the country, and we are hitting them hard, the dealers. The dealers are hit hard. What they have done to families and what they are doing to the we are, it is something focused on. Whether it is the opioids, much comes through the southern border. People dont like to talk about it. It comes through many different the jugnd means, problem as much as you could possibly be on it, and we will get it taken care of one way or the other. The tougher we get, the better it will be, the faster it will go away. We have got to get really tough on a problem. It is eating away at the heart of the country. Host the president there, the tougher we get an easier it will be, do you agree . Proud do with the the drug problem by dealing with the supply. The problem is the demand. So long as they want the drugs, someone will supply it. Take someone off the corner who is dealing with dealing drugs, take them off the corner and put them in jail in a long prison term, tomorrow afternoon, someone elses at the same corner. You have done nothing. The demand. Do with when you have dealt with the demand, you have done something. Dealing with the dealers is helpful to costeffective way. Are you and the Trump Administration on the same page dealing with these issues . Been 1 trillion since the war on drugs. Bobbys point is a fair one. For the big kingpins, they should be serious repercussions. That is part of what we are trying to do is reserve the prison space and not throw a firsttime offender in with those folks tear the street it as a medical problem. Host client for democrats, you are on with congressman scott and lewis. Caller im in support of criminal Justice Reform, especially the massive incarcerated statelevel tour. Teaching in ars new jersey state prison. I am familiar with the popular the population. One thing to stress me with the Opioid Crisis is because it is hitting largely the middle class and uppermiddleclass bank, we rule out immediately incarcerated and for them. When i was teaching in the 1980s in 1990s in the prison, we had poor young men made me mainly who were addicted and given large prison sentences, and very understaffed numbers of teachers and programs so when they left, they could not have a decent life. Revisit theird to sentences and we might want to think of expunging some of them. I do not think it is just, lets look at the Opioid Crisis. These folks lives were drastically changed for the worse through their addition problems. No one is talking about assisting them as they come out of prison and try to build their lives from the outside. I think it is being dealt with as a Public Health issue rather than a criminal justice issue. I think that is an appropriate response. But theot undo the past aboutentencing act passed 10 years ago and significantly reduced the penalties for very lowlevel possession only cases. The Obama Administration muted sentences for those given age akoni in mandatory minimums. His permutations were for those that were lowlevel, nonviolent, offenders whorst had already served 10 years. The first thing that should occur to you offenders is how da lowlevel offender still need help . How is society getting any benefit from the expenditure of money, keeping people, lowlevel nonviolent offenders, for more than 10 years . You think the Trump Administration should commute more sentences . Guest that is what the Obama Administration to and you ought to look at cases that just by any objective standard, but the response to the Opioid Crisis is much more appropriate and we ought to look at that as a model. You do not want to put mandatory minimums on people abusing prescription drugs. That is the problem with regard to the Opioid Crisis. People may be getting the back pain, which i know all about. I do not think a mandatory minimum or three strikes youre out is appropriate. To the callers point, that is different than the infused neighborhood engaged in violence. There is a proper role and we are trying to assess priorities adding punishment to the crime. Memorandum back in may helpful, Jeff Sessions writing in may that it is a core principle of prosecutors to pursue the most serious and readily pursue a bull offense, our responsibility to enforce the law. The most serious offenses carry the most substantial guideline sentences concluding minimum death mandatory minimum sentences. Guest i am not sure that is the best way to go about this. Everything under the elaborate Commerce Clause falls under federal jurisdiction. That is a reason i worked with federal debt representative scott on the issue to make sure it is a federal crime for the same state. Let those democracies figure out the best approach. There does not have to be a solution for everything. Guest do it make sense under the particular circumstances. Some, you have girlfriend cases where there is technically take a message for driving your boyfriend to a drug deal, you are part of the conspiracy. The penalties based on the in they of the drugs conspiracy. Message, it looks up 20 something years. It does not pursue that kind of mandatory minimum. And does not have to process. Waiting, andrew massachusetts, line for democrats. Was worn in a large christian family. We all went to Catholic School until high school, except me because i was born with a severe lord severe learning disabilities. I stayed back in Catholic School in first grade once, second great twice, they shove me into the thirdool and grade teacher in Public School is elected to the tried to help me. In sixth grade, host bring it to criminal Justice Reform. This is the justice out orwhere i could drop they will keep me until im 21. Both of my friends ended up in jail. A lot of the people that ended up doing crimes are people like me who have no other way to make money. Done, and education money for it, a lot of the people would end up at least 10 jobs to where they could do it. I worked barely minimum wage. I barely read. Grade to 10thxth grade. There is a strong correlation between dropping out of school and a trajectory toward everyone trots out and does not commit a crime but the involved you getting in the criminal Justice System is a lot higher if you drop out of school, trap of programs, it is shown to suit avidly reduce the crime. It is a provision you can invest in prevention programs generally. Be one. Ograms ought to many of the mandatory minimums, the realghest kingpins, but for the lower level offenses, a reduction in mandatory minimums, reprogrammed for Early Intervention programs. Safe justice act, we have got to get juvenile reform through. It passed both houses and is orderp and valid court inception. Which is an obstacle. Criminal Justice Reform and Governor Scott representative scott i would hard for juvenile arm this session. Gina, go ahead. Thank you for cspan as always. I have a couple of points. 2017, the governor our moral under fortitude or whatever, she came back, alabama citizens, the right to vote. Im a republican and i did vote for doug jones. Me, that is our part of criminal Justice Reform, though alabama is known for violations, and my second point is you talk about criminal Justice Reform, like, the department of justice, secretary Jeff Sessions, about marijuana in california, a sanction or a sanctuary state, these are violations of our laws. If yall want to talk law, we will talk law. Thank you and god bless you. Host we appreciate the call. Guest on the marijuana, there is no question if it is illegal on a federal basis, it is this something we want to spend our money on in a state where it is legal under state law, whether we want to enforce the federal law, and that makes it Something Congress will have to deal with legislatively. Have legalized it. The constitution, the police power of the states protect us from one another. In the 19th century, there is no federal code. That is a real driver on the road on the legislation for me to restore that principle of subsidiarity. Host line for independents. Caller thank you cspan for having this conversation. Im listening to the statement as far as getting hard on drug dealers. If you truly wants to keep kids off drugs in marijuana prohibition, we know it is the gateway, not the drug. It is the drug dealers. For our representatives, i would to take toey work remove marijuana from schedule one. On the computer, they can look , they see marijuana and opiates. Nothing happens, i didnt die, maybe the other sometimes they do what they are not supposed to. Leadingne of the proponents and a leading advocate to undo it. One when it comes to medical marijuana. You have got to take it off that so it can be studied. I am synthetic to what the caller suggests and i cosponsored a number of legislation pieces to that effect. Guest i agree. If you look at alcohol, was alcohol considered etiquette a gateway drug, you do not have to do with a drug dealer to get alcohol. In most states, you have to do with a drug dealer to get marijuana. Are able to get other drugs in the gateway to other jugs is because you had to deal with a drug dealer to get marijuana. Relationship,he to be a gateway drug, and the profits of something being prohibited. It encourages people to go where the margins are. The safe justice act, have you been guaranteed the time in congress . Will is ahink we conservative issue for all the reasons i mentioned. I think it is good. Right now, we have not that i know of. We are trying to get cosponsors and organizational support. It has a chance to get significant conservative and liberal support because it paires crime and saves my other proposals, you look at them and they do not do much on mandatory minimums. They are not really doing with the mass incarceration problem. Supporting from all over the spectrum. What will it take to get the Trump Administration specifically on board . Ande need to pass a bill force the issue. Trumpsupportent pass the bill before hand . I think so, i do. Are you willing to reduce crime and safety money, or are codifyingto get stuck soundbites that do nothing in terms of Crime Reduction and are very expensive . To a point where we have the prison population has exploded and no criminal justice value last week,ney . Host the president held the listening sessions on reform. Guest Prison Reform is an area where you can make significant difference. In most most states, the majority are back in a couple of years. Inyou can have programs prison that enable them to get jobs when they come out, they are less likely to come back. A significant portion over they keep coming back. Programs,orm provides education, job training, where they are better able to deal with, get a job, and not come back. Gary, democrat, good morning. I have a stepson that was in federal prison and he hurt his knee and federal prison and did not get any medical attention to his knee. He is now disabled. He cannot work. He cannot go out of state to get a job or anything because of restrictions the government has put on it. Of prison tot out get a nice job and go someplace when they are stuck in the state and cannot go any place else . It is ridiculous. As far as drugs are concerned, i agree that some drugs should be legalized. The majority of the problem we have with drugs is people, like drug dealers, they are adding their thing to the drugs. There is the bigger problem. If you would legalize drugs, you could control them here do know what is in the drug. Guest the medical treatment is a challenge. I do not think we do the oversight, the medical treatment that we ought to. Many of the states, it is a real problem. We have de facto legalization called prescriptions. Drugs is not going to solve the problem. I cannot comment to the personal experience of the caller regard regarding his relatives. Host how does it work . Guest to the degree they get federal money, they can have different strategies. We trying to loosen it up more to not require mandatory minimums and three strikes youre out and things like that. To give it more leeway at the state level. My interest is allowing the most latitude we can. Providesll problemsolving and what they do , if you have ever been to a graduation, you see the transformational and may have, and you deal with the drug problem. It the fundamental problem they have got is the drugs. A lot of individuals do not want to deal with the drug court ause it is many six months host you determine whether someone can be sent to that system as opposed to jail. Guest the department evaluates it istuation and part of the person wants to deal with this. A person with a lot of problems court,k, get into a drug get off drugs, and part of it is, you have got to plan a job. You cannot graduate until you are working on a job, free of hear and the stories you are miracles. You have veterans courts, you have veterans who deal with specific problems of veterans, problems, ac stress mentor, Mental Health stuff, the underlying problem is Mental Health problem. We have for years that you do not want to make a criminal case into a medical case and you also dont want to take a criminal case to a medical case. Connecticut, line four republicans. Ed, good morning. Good morning. I would like the perspective on why the six we as a society want to incarcerate so many people. Our rate is the highest in the world. What is so exciting about it politically that that is the course we follow . I will let you start with that congressman lewis, over 600 , well ahead of other countries in the world. We have a high incarceration late rate. Due to the is prohibition on substances, especially minority communities. It is a profound impact and that is something we have got to address headon. Ising said that, justice just that. There ought to be a punishment that fits the crime especially for violent criminals. No one is talking about going backward on that. The whole point of the juvenile Justice Reform is to make certain we are in a country with a 20 trillion debt. A number of states have financial challenges. To observe that precious prison space for the violent offenders that present the greatest threat to society. Most countries able to get 100 to 200, as low as 50, 100 thousand, 600 is way above that that the rest of the industrialized world. Most of it is the war on drugs. Jim in ohio, line for independents. Go ahead. There is a court in ohio that does exactly what these two congressmen are trying to get past. I do not understand why it takes so long and congress in congress to get your laws passed. The other thing i would like to say is if the congress could get together like normal human quits and get together and all the tomfoolery and quit picking up and backing into the guys should beu on obamacare, but instead, you are on this Cadillac Health care, why dont you reduce some of your help expenses. Host a couple of issues there. Guest we actually are on the d. C. Exchange for the Affordable Care act. Is politics. People do not want to be seen week on crime or lacking compassion on the other side of the aisle. So people play games with this. Local point about the courts doing it, that is where we are trying to go with it. They are part of the safe justice act. We are on obamacare just like everyone else. The fact that we are here working together shows there are things we can Work Together on. Massachusetts, line for democrats. Go ahead. Caller thank you for cspan. What about the corporations distributing opioids all over the world illegally . They just got a huge tax break. I also wanted to say the sentinel is coming in that is killing of buddy, it is coming in from china. I just wondered if you had any thoughts on those two. If youre going to do the job problem it ought to be go from that asked that, you have to do with the underlying problem. The areas for the highest use of opioids, you will find unemployment poverty and a lot of other problems. So we have to deal with that. I didnt support the tax bill for other reasons. You do not want to pick and choose who gets a certain tax certain social policy, i dont believe. It is a tough issue. Im concerned about people who live with chronic pain. To bobbys point, we have got to address the demand side but we do not want to be in a situation where people who need pain relief from some of these drugs cannot get it in the zeal to cure the epidemic. I think that would be going backwards. Host anthony is on our line for democrats. Go ahead. Caller good morning. I have not heard anybodys the about than in the box. With exs you have a box felons, they will never get a job. If you do not get a job, you set orpart of your probation parole as gainful employment. In this country, we dont allow people a Second Chance. If you do not give a Second Chance, you might as well keep them in. There is no way they will stay out of jail. Another thing is education. We spend way too much money on defense. We should spend more on education because everybody in the country, you know, we need kids to be smarter, instead of having to worry about people from other countries to come it will be garbage, no infrastructure, we on theting our money industrial complex. The militaryindustrial complex. We spend more on incarceration but also more per pupil on education than any other country. It cuts both ways. Guest ben the box has been proposed as a way to deal with the problem. Ohio, erry from akron, line for independents, go ahead. Cspan. Yeah, thanks to this is directed mr. At mr. Scott, and i know hes been working on this for a long time and ive followed him and i him. Aud i am so disappointed with the especially with this daca and i know they can wear they can t once and deal with daca, but this issue the disproportionate number jail cks being thrown in and police brutality, this is that democrats should stop the government, shutdown the government for. Put on a ould be separate side and dealt with but they would rather shut the government down for daca and are in e black guys prison and being shot, etc, deal hangup t, id like to and listen to you. Thank you. Guest we can do more than one the same time. Dak take is one issue, an important issue. Spending levels, another issue, ommunity Health Centers, chip, shrn Childrens Health, will be dealt end of the week. He mentioned mass incarceration brutality. The end of the debate, about police brutality, the Response Police training. And the bill includes money for training that well be ble to deal with police brutality, dealing with how to people h situations being killed, how to deal with other things. And Police Training is xpensive, if you dont have money for Police Training, youll not be able to deal with hese situations and the mass incarceration, one driver of hat is mandatory minimum sentences, eliminated in the safe justice act. Host you have been working on his for a long time, what will it take to get done this year . Guest we came close last year, were offered, es andh frankly when they were didnt do much and in the nothing got done. Well start up again and hopefully make more fro aggress. Lewis . Congressman guest exactly right. We got to keep pushing on this, side. K time is on our people are seeing the Current System isnt working and isnt the state serving to the ability to experiment with the best programs. Fair the safe accountable and effective justice act, the lead ustice act, two cosponsors join us today. Up next on the washington return to the question we asked at the top of the show, your message to the shutdown debate. Line for democrats, republicans screen. Ependents on the you can start calling in now, well be right back. Sunday night on after words, womans march on linda sorzor reflect on the pain march and what is book together we rise, behind the scenes of the world, heard around the interviewed by heather mcgee. What do you say to them and to say to their sisters . Have marched, but otherwise share their culture and their beliefs. May not feel like this, we are fighting for them, too, and we believe potential to thing and i know they continue oftentimes to isappoint and including disappoint their white sisters, who dont vote republican. What i ask people to do and i do not loyal to m any Political Party and ive been known as critic of the for a long arty time. Vote your values and principles, the move assume what cemetery about. Last year, we had gotten into proabortion, ut prolife, can prolife women part of the movement . We never said we were proabortion movement, that the language we use. We are intentional about the language, we are prochoice, we have the woman should agency to choose whatever it is she feels is right for her, her her body. Watch sunday night on book t. V. On cspan2. Sunday, on cspans q a, uthor and harvarred law school rofessor, noah feldman, three lives of james madison. The institution is madisons monument, the institution is all around you in washington, d. C. , the whole threepart structure the vernment, the way government interacts, the way people speak to each other, the exercise of free speech that, is madisons monument, so sort of st. Paul, se in christopher rend said, if you monument, look around you, look around you and you will see it everywhere. Q a sunday night 8 eastern on cspan. Washington journal continues. Host same question we asked top our show today, your message to congress on the shutdown debate, the federal government shut down at midnight on friday if a spending deal is not reached before then. Let us know what your priorities are. Democrats, 2027488000. Republicans, 2027488001. 2027488002. Weve been showing headlines from around the country focusing potential shutdown. Here is another one from the arkansas democrat gazette, hortterm funding back on g. O. P. Avert movement to shutdown on friday. We talked about efforts by republicans to have a continuing potential to postpone shutdown to give time for a larger deal to come together, happens today on that front. Robert in tampa, florida, line robert, what is your message to congress . Is a yeah, i think it shame we have to shut down our government for a group of people illegally. Re less than one tenth of 1 percent makes me ulation and wonder if they care about the veterans people or anymore . We have issues and im sure daca do, but i just think we america and on their problems first and work on know. You maybe another date or Something Like that because our economy is now getting a foot hold and we need our economy to continue the federal government need to put the law law, courtswrite the the law and we have too many and ist judges, Court Attorney general need to stand up and say, they are the sheriff need to untry and they enforce our laws. I feel sorry for the daca or le, im not racist anything like that, i wish they would have taken care of this years ago. Host robert, on the court and daca, this headline from ask ington post, u. S. Justices to rule on daca, that is the justices of the Supreme Justice Department yesterday said it would take the rare step of asking the supreme judges overturn a ruleing and allow the trump dismantle the to work program. Last week u. S. District judge alsup of San Francisco issued temporary injunction end the program while a lawsuit challenging the Trump Administration decision is pending. The Justice Department seeking to take that straight to the supreme court. Line for oklahoma, republicans, jack, go ahead. Caller yes, first question i ask, what happened to you democrats up there . Used to be a democrat, until you guys went so far left i changed my affiliation, and i to say, i dont think you guys are right in the head. Ou can call me what you want, you are going to shut down the government for illegal people to and you have blind judges, what do they do . Ake bribes or something to settle with these people that arent citizens . Look at you guys, you have lost everything, you dont have a leader, you dont have any potential, you dont have a plan, nothing. The American People spoke at the is what and said, this we want, we want a wall, tired coming and that fell on ears like media and verybody else, they want to play this democrat stuff up, liberalism. Of our work wait a minute, true hardworking men trying to trenches get jobs, working our butts off, ou are sitting on your thumbs doing nothing and you think you should get paid for that . Host jack, how big does the need to be . A wall all the way across 10ler that wall needs to be feet tall, democrats keep sign off on it. Host would it be okay if mexico that wall . For would it be okay if mexico does not pay for that wall . Caller it would be okay. Money, what, the drug drugs wouldnt come in and wealth of america would be going back to mexico to fund the drug lords. Louisiana, id in line for republicans, david, go ahead. I think that there if like that says mayors and governors, the sanctuary cities, they are breaking the law, what about the senate and Congress Supporting illegal immigrants, they are put themthe laws, too, all in jail. Thank you. Host more phone calls in a second. New, naval efense ar fare reporter david larder to talk about more fallout happening yesterday in the navy, temming from deadly ship collisions in the pacific last year. David larder, take us through happened of what yesterday . Guest yes, what happened navy has is the decided through what the office f what is called consolidated disposition authority, which is basically an overall sort of admiral usually, who oversees disciplinary actions, the chain of om command that might be involved and they decided to bring homicide charges against the two Commanding Officers of the ships, fitzgerald and mccain and other marshall six Court Recommendations all together, all six sets of charges together. Host how unusual are those kind of charges . Very, very unusual, usually accidents are treated as good nd there is usually degree of professional accountability, but criminal very hard to is rove in these cases, so it is going to be kind of an uphill climb for the navy to prove things in court, of course, i dont have the facts they have in front of them. Navy do this . The what sort of message are they send . To guest certainly, in the case of dlshgs zgerald, there was misconduct on the part of the watch team that failed to report number of close in contacts, this is how you refer to other contact to the Commanding Officer, and they are generally in the cos Standing Orders and the night orders, basically the co is asleep, you and a binder full of orders one of them is you have to wake the co up for any close contacts do that. Didnt of course the co was woken up by container ship entering his state room, so he doesnt have much chance to situation. And in the case of the mccain, the only person that was charged Commanding Officer and there are a number of decisions were e made in retrospect questionable. Its going to be high burden on to prove that was negligent homicide on his part. The message is they are taking it very seriously. Host if they end up proving sort of punishments do these individuals face . Guest thats going to be a punishments. You know, obviously imprisonment a possibility. Or more likely in these cases, t would be some sort of downgraded discharge from the navy. Is ybody, the baseline Honorable Discharge and anything ther than that is some kind of degraded separation. But, you know, it is not just charges, yesterday, also, the head of Naval Surface war admiral rodden, consolidate sufficient authority relieved of e be his duty, the second threestar released, but hes going to preemptively retire and i think the navy will allow him to do that, although that remains to be seen. Sailors killed released, but he two collisions, what sort of steps have the navy taken to that doesnt happen again . Guest this is one of the more the esting aspects of charges, they initiated two eviews that detailed significant organizational internal for the navy factors hat contributed or possibly contributed to these accidents hat in some cases or in the case of the mccain was clearly training failure. Fitzgerald of the also raised training questions. Outline y two reports that the navy was put under immense pressure to meet demand. Nal of course, the issue with north both shipsship we were talking about were capable, able ile to shoot down or attempt to shoot down a potential north Korean Missile launch. Certainly w, theres ny number of things that a competent defense attorney could point to and say, you have two reports the navy commissioned rolled out publicly that say all these organizational issues, ll these external factors contributed to these accidents nd yet you are charging my client with negligible homicide. It is hard to say. Ost you can see david latterers work at defense news. Com. Reminder, coming up in 15 minutes, cspans 50 capitals tour continues this morning, features cspan bus, featuring the cspan bus kicked september, visit all 50 state capitals by this coming november 25th anniversary of the bus program. Today the bus is in North Carolinas capital city of raleigh. Josh stein will join us onboard he bus, again, 9 30 this morning. Stick around for that discussion. Until that happens, were taking calls, your message to congress on the shut down debate now until days potential Government Shutdown, is in california. Thanks for staying on the line. What is your message to congress . Good morning, you know, i watched the proceedings with Kirstjen Nielsen and i also watched nikki haley alk with withholding 255 million from pakistan because akistan has been playing both sides. Got me to wondering, what would be the absolute worse scenario impact on sides. Got the stability of other ountries, this america would just withhold one year of ederal dollars and get americas infrastructure, it in , the rest of america ve they and sends our federal tax dollars, ou know, we would love to see again. Untry stabilized if we withheld just one year, what would actually be the worse scenario for stabilization or destabilization of the rest countries in the world. Host lois, do you think the can get fiscal house in order to avoid shutdown . Caller yeah. Take care of america first. I mean, trump is so hip on doing this, just stop sending federal care of america first. Host got your point. Forael, crosby, texas, line republicans. Caller im a democrat. Host go ahead. Caller can you hear me . Host yes, sir. Yes, sir. Caller okay. I got about five, i hope i can them all in on you. This is michael, hello. Host give us one or two. Okay. first thing, im a citizen, i military, my kid in the military. Getting to the they been on book jim crow all the way and we should showed we can be citizens. The daca kids, the president hey, the administration, the treme act, go to the ople will military, fight, whatever they do, they could be a citizen. Mccain, graham went along with it, but they came back after and they came , back on the bus, no, we aint that. To do republicans, yall could you going to pay for the wall. Mexico said they aint going to wall. Or no okay, the wall, United States can pay for the wall. Host all right, go to bill in westwood, new jersey, line for independents. Bill, go ahead. Caller thank you. You know, common sense tells us Border Security wall, just as other countries have or like mexico, to prevent increase in drugs and crime and way, one thing Fake News Media did not report in california, that as she laid die kate ng her fathers arms, stinelys last words were help dad, and democratic , whoicians and jerry brown released a seventime convicted prison, have the blood of this innocent woman on many, ands and there are many others who are victims of , mr. Jerry ifornia brown decided to release felons early release, which the fact proved the increased crime. All right, james in middleville, new jersey, line go ahead. Ats, caller hello. Host go ahead. Town, you got the wrong toms river, new jersey. Good morning, john. Host good morning, sir. Caller id like to say that america should be very thankful for this program because without great. Mean, this is people can call up like me, im i have my but opinion. My opinion with the two congressmen, i tried to get through, is simple. In europe, they have trade schools, in this country, it have helped me tremendously. K8th grade. If you go to high school, i wish they would have had, you just go to a trade school in high school, if you want to learn to plumber or carpenter, or computer operator, whatever it may be. Europe, it g in could work here, that would eliminate as far as drugs, i that are dead from drugs, the reason why, they had no hope, no way of getting a good job. Lucked out and got a job as a teamster, made a good living. I quit high school f. They would have had that in high school, that is what i would have went that was available automotive, they did have that, they had when all i went to high school. Host james, bring it to the shutdown debate . Well, i told the screener, i wanted to get congressmen the were on, shutdown debate, they shouldnt shut down the they ment no matter what have to do, it will cost tremendous amount of money. They waste enough in the federal is a complicated thing, beyond my scope, lets put it that way. In clarksville, maryland. Line for republicans, go ahead. Caller hi, thank you for taking call. First of all, i thank you for president s tried to do, you know, immigration. I came as immigrant in 2006 and now im an american citizen and a lot of people that is illegal right now and i see what time i knowand same a lot of bad people that is here, but what i tried to say here, i think, i see and hear a lot of things, talking about the border and the wall. I agree with that because one never hear is whoever controls the border is the mexican cartel. All the people that come here re not coming across the border. They pay a lot of money to come over, they pay average of their 7000 to come in. It is not free, i know that money,a is not seeing the it stays in drugs and weapons nd most of the people suffer a lot, they have to carry drugs, they carry weapons sometimes and is just minimal thing that i can tell about my experience people that tell stories nd, you know, also right now, they charge to go back, people that try to go back to the to try to mexico, they have pay a fee, as well. His is big issue, i think the border and the wall has to be one and people has to stop thinking about the immigrants and think about legal immigrants. Host alex, did you come in with the Legal Immigration . Yes, im from brazil, thinking azil, i was so bad to cross the border illegally, in brazil, it is very for me there and i was here, i like the culture and lifestyle here. I ark plied for a visa. Border visa j1 and after that, just things started nice for me. Ry host how hard it would have the illegal rough route . Hard, its very especially from brazilians, i dont know about other countries, but it was very hard, if you dont have a condition like a financial condition, very visa. Cult to get a normally, in the past, i will say this, i came in 2006, so the times were very hard. You know, you have to have a lot showing, proving you usa t have stay in the or things like that. I understand and i totally know, pay rules, you my taxes, since day one i came here and still follow, you know, laws, i like everything the way it works for me. Now, ery successful person i have no own business. Host alex, do you feel like you assimilated in the United States . Do you feel you are assimilated nto the United States and what does that mean . Caller well, you know, i like it, everything, the system much, i dont like the ay i live in brazil, you know, socialism is very hard for people. Look hink, they make you like it is good for you, they then you of you, but depend too much on government. Once you start to depend too uch on government, you dont want to work hard as you normally do to get your own money. I see here a lot, a lot of people dont have drive anymore to work here. You to be efits for just sit down and get your i cant find a job. There are a lot of jobs there. Jobs, re wasnt a lot of immigrants wouldnt cross the border traveling three, four days. About it, it is not just because it is so bad there. Here. A lot of opportunity i think it is very easy to fix, to be honest with you. Reason, they dont want to fix it, maybe because there is a lot of people and Companies Hire people with tax id number and, you know, pay taxes w, s or whatever, even if they are legal, they able to do that. I dont know why, but they are. Host alex, thanks for sharing your story. In baltimore, line for ahead. Ats, go johnny, with us this morning . Turn down your television. Yeah, i mean, me, i read he kaballoh, it explains about the new world order. With, you willot be confused about a lot of issues. People, ive advice to you got books, got libraries, kinds of got all information that all you have to do is take time out and read about it. These things happening and a lot be axpaying money can avoided by the situations that to have no understanding because people trying to see the reasons why and what is going on in the earth. Host all right, reminder, turn your television down when you can hear g in so we you more clearly. Derrick is in mississippi, line derrick, go ents, ahead. Aller yes, sir, man, this mexico paying for the wall was a political stunt, that was a joke. Know, people just eating that hook, line and sinker, that ridiculous. Why not hold the president to what he said, its like, the a man has in his dont say s word and something just to get your way. Second thing, how many people coming in legally through uman traffickers that are most likely getting paid off and paying the ones who is guarding and whole nine yards. How many people are running through the desert and, you coming over that way . Probably more getting paid traffic ome kind of system or some kind of illegal mployment in the United States and that leads me to the third knowingly corporation hiring, knowingly hiring illegals. Youre not a c. E. O. And have a degree from top olleges and in charge of millions of dollars and you dont know you have illegals working . Really crack down on the corporations, but then get into a politicians money and the whole nine yards, its a joke, a joke. Host derrick the last caller in this segment of washington journal. With t, a conversation North Carolina attorney general, josh stein, who joins us aboard the states s near capital of raleigh. He visit is part of cspans 50 capitals tour, that interview coming up after the break. After y night on words, womens march on washington cochair, linda reflects on the pain march and what is ahead for the in her book, she is mcgee. Iewed by heather what do you say to them . Say do you say to them to to their sisters, who may not but are otherwise share their culture and belief . I say to them, it may not feel like this, but we are fighting for them, too, we believe in their potential to do the right thing. Know they continue oftentimes o disappoint and including to disappoint their white sisters, the 49 other percent, 47 percent ho dont vote for republicans, but what i ask people to do and i do myself, im not loyal to and ive cal party been known as critic of the Democratic Party for a long time. Vote your value and principles and dont assume about. E movement is the reason i say that, in the last year, we had gotten into controversy about proabortion, and prolife women come be a part of this movement. People, we never said we were proabortion movement, the language. We are prochoice, a movement that believes a woman should choose agency to whatever it is she feels right for her and her family, her body. Watch sunday night nine eastern on book t. V. On cspan2. Washington journal continues. Stop of re on the 14th cspans 50 capitals tour across the u. S. And this morning in raleigh, North Carolina, one of the fastest cities and Fastest Growing states and joining us on is cspan bus this morning North Carolina attorney general josh stein, general stein is a former state senator and attorney general for a year now. Minutes with us for 30 to talk about some issues that the state is facing. Stein, one of the issues that were talking about up here in washington and im sure facing in North Carolina, is the status of dreamers and daca immigration decision. What is the situation in North Carolina . Yes. T well, North Carolina, we have a lot of dreamers, as well, first peter, thank you for having me on. Its a pleasure to be with you all. Is an important program, it is affecting 800,000 young people, including 27,000 here in North Carolina. These are young people who were to this country at a very young age, average age is old. Years so they were raised here, went to school here, they are working here, i met with a number of them a few weeks ago and one a young kid, as did Early High School Early Program at school North Carolina central. Hes now at durham tech, manages a restaurant full time, at durham tech studying to be a police officer, because he wants to serve his han community. These are young people who are invested in making this country strong and great. And we should not be sending home. A lot of them dont even know their native languages, have any dont connections or hardly any memories of their original countries. Imperative Congress Come up with a program that will ive these young people, these dreamers, the security they can continue to invest in themselves invest in our country. Host do you think dreamers hould be treated differently when it comes to immigration than perhaps overall immigration overhaul . Guest i think they deserve special consideration simply they were brought here at a very young age, they any usly didnt have ability to impact their familys they are without any culpability, i think they are unique category. Think there needs to be comprehensive Immigration Reform or 11 Million People going to ere never round them up and send them that is impractical. We have to come up with some way so folks who are already here and contributing to this country so in a way where they are out of the shadows, fullfledged participants making this a great country. Number of re are attorney general, including me, north state, including carolina, weve taken the president to court because of in which hes trying to end the daca program. Preliminary awards court, decisions from the court, said it was wrong and Homeland Security needs to process the applications of people already in the program. Again, those are just half measures. This is really on congress to the lead on this and give people the security they need. Host general stein, what is the status of sanctuary cities in North Carolina . There are sanctuary carolina, rth north ry cities in carolina. Host another issue, the fact you recently filed suit against company, what is that about . It was to give the pharmaceuticale, company that produces supsis, fentanylbased opioid. Fentanyl is incredibly potent, powerful than is morphine. In under the ut tongue, which gets absorbed into the body almost as effectively putting it in your vein. This drug inketing a number of unlawful ways, they doctors, speaking fees in order to get them to rescribe the drug, they were trying to get doctors who were prescribing competitor drugs for reasons not approved by the their drug. Escribe they actually inserted themselves in the conversation their a patient and Insurance Company and made misrepresentations about who get were in order to Insurance Companies to reimburse them for their drug. Opioid crisis is real, about in 00 people have died here North Carolina in the last 15 years, its about four a day. It is getting worse, getting worse before it is going to get better. The mortality rate, they almost are aligned one to one with an increase in over the past 20 years. Concluded that violated the law and took them to court. Helping to lead a multistate bipartisan multistate group of 40 general from across the country to look into the role of the other drug ones, theers, the Big Companies folks have heard of, distrutors, we are investigating to determine if in played unlawful role fuelling Opioid Crisis and if we conclude they did, i will hold accountable just as ive held the company accountable. 202 is the area code, if you have a question for attorney josh stein. 2027488000 in the state of North Carolina and 2027488001 outside the you state of North Carolina. Youre really a splitstate a democratic th governor, democratic a. Lieutenant an, governor, republican legislature, how does that work . That be can beneficial to both sides . Work, there is no reason why government cant unfortunately, were at a moment where it is not well. Ng i think if you analyze the core of what is wrong with our discourse, not only here in North Carolina, but in whole, i d states as a think gerrymandering, where the elected hereby the officials choose their voters, rather than voters choosing it has ected officials, the effect of driving both parties to the extreme. You have republican state legislators here in north frankly havent feared in the last few cycles opponent. Ocratic what they fear is prospect of being challenged further to the by a republican in a primary. And what that does, it drives parties to their polar xtreme, making compromise very difficult. And frankly our entire system is willingness of the engaged in, our representatives, to compromise. We dont have a system whereby ne party gets to call all the shots and i think that has been a fundamental attribute and nation since its founding. So what we have here in north think has beent particularly positive or healthy. Are ll that said, there times when we can set our party frankly the and opioid issue has been one of those issues. In my administration, ive been in office a year, i reached out to a couple republican senators, Republican House mcginnis,m davis, tom tom horne, we said, lets work n this issue together, it affects criminal justice, the Healthcare System and i knew the had been working on drug issues for a while. Together we came up with a actng bill, called the stop in North Carolina, to reduce number of people who get in the to pain killers first place through smarter prescribing by doctors and of different host ways, that was really encouraging and frankly i wish of e were more examples that. Another bill im working on with tate representative jason sane is a bill to strengthen our Identity Theft protection here n North Carolina in light of the massive Security Breaches hat occurred with equifax and host of other corporations and government agencies. O there are instances where it works together, but unfortunately, there is too many times where folks are just politics. Host lets hear from our co, ers, wend nechi california. Go ahead, wendy. Aller mr. Stein, explain to how you keep saying dreamers native language, they here by their parents, are you telling me they been here . Host wendy, i apologize, a lot the phone. On i did hear her mention dreamers nd she seemed incredulous that they didnt know their native languages or their native countries. Guest yes, certainly some of them can speak their native anguages, the majority of dreamers come from central america, about 80 of them, and number of them speak spanish. Ive met with groups of them, them f them do, some of dont. Yeah, shes right, some know their native language, but in they identify themselves, if you ask them what heir nashlt is, they say they are american because they were raised here, they were went here, they worked here and want to live here. This ant to help build nation. And unless youre a native or you were defendant of slaves brought here against our will, that describes every other person in this entire nation, my family came because better ted to have a life and committed to making investing themselves and their country and im proud of their contributions sure s country and im there are wonderful things the dreamers will do in the United States, as well. Gerald calling from wins winstonsalem, North Carolina. How are you . Caller okay. My question is why it is so ifficult to get some of the people in your office to look at certain cases, as case, mple, had a civil but the judicial system was broke all the way through from issuing of the someone to lawyer, not have any basis the judge giving orders that intrueded on Remainder Trust and a ch has ended up with companyable Remainder Trust and which has ended up with a ded on charitable Remainder Trust and which has ended up with a ompany that has seized charitiable trust. It seems to me this ought to be something that your Department Interested in. Able trust. It seems to me this ought to be something that your department should be interested in. Host general, your advice for gerald . Guest well, our Justice System best that we can develop. It is not perfect. So, not every outcome will work and that is son just the reality of the situation. Attorney generals office, we dont have oversight over the courts. Ability to e the tell judges how to do their job to do ate lawyers how theirs. There are entities that exist, is the bar for lawyers who have done things improperly, judicial standards commission, if they are saying that judges have done it properly. There are agencies you can reach if you have concerns about propriety in which the trialipant necessary your behaved, but if it is just you dont like the outcome, then appeals available to people, but ultimately, someone to win and someone has to lose in our Justice System and times lity, a lot of people are disappointed and sounds like gerald is and i feel him. Host what is institutional function of your office . My office is to represent the people of North Carolina and in a host of m different ways. We are active in the criminal Justice System. Responsible for handling all criminal appeals in the state of North Carolina. Some cases, most cases are prosecuted by local attorneys, but whenever there is an appeal of conviction, all of those appeals handled by the attorney generals office. Role in lay important criminal Justice Policy debate issue or juvenile justice issues. Lab, we he state crime analyze crime scene evidence, we also run the North Carolina academy, which trains Law Enforcement officers. So we have a big role to play in keeping people safe through criminal justice. Students,otect senior consumers from scam artists or from corporations that are trying to take unfair advantage of people in the market place, that is what Consumer Protection function. We protect taxpayers, we go cheats, we represent the department of revenue in hat capacity, we also go after Healthcare Providers that defraud medicaid and cheat the taxpayers. It is an important function because when people dont pay taxes, it share of forces us to pay more than what we should. The environment, we protect the air we believe and the water we drink and there is cases were t engaged in here in North Carolina to do just that. Protect in general fundamental rights of the people important rolina and cases. It is broadranging mandate, but rubric ofes under the looking out for the people of North Carolina, being the lawyer for the state of North Carolina. North carolina population little over 10 million, state billion. Eir 23 roz is in Beverly Hills ahead, roz. Go caller hi, josh, old friend lived there 37 years, my husband and i moved to california. Roz sabbot . Caller yes, yes. Guest roz, how are you . Caller we live in california now. I wanted to make, it has been so heartbreaking to two yearsfor the last and have to defend what has been the on in North Carolina last couple of years over so bill ssues, such as house 2. And it has really damaged the of the state in other i know the country and that that issue has is trying repaired, but i my constantly talk about the wonderful state that North Carolina is and the wonderful people that live there so i just hope that your reputation does recooperate it is a wonderful place to live and work. General stein. Guest roz, yeah, great to hear voice. Obviously i agree with you, i and utely love our state North Carolina is wonderful in so many ways. We were the first state where a public university, the first state that opened the doors of Higher Education to the people of our state. We had fully funded kindergarten the early 70s, one of the expand ates to widely prekindergarten education. We have one of the best systems in thege country, 58 strong that have lose relationships with local industry to ensure the workforce has the skills it needs in order local economies. There is so many things that are wonderful about our state and our commitment to supporting strengthening the people in North Carolina. I agree with you that there were legislation that i thought served no purpose us from n to isolate the rest of the country and frankly the world, the most being house bill 2 transgender geted people and i think the voters expressed t that and their regret. They elected governor cooper, they elected me as attorney even in the year, year where President Trump won in North Carolina and i think in arge measure they were sending a signal that we wanted to be moving forward and making sure sees north ld carolina as an open state, a welcoming state where people and come here and succeed and thrive. So, while there has been some amage to our states reputation, i dont think it is irrepairable. Time, we will show the people in this country and people in this world that north a wonderful place for them to come to and invest in. Bill 2 sh stein, house the bathroom bill, a dead issue at this point . Well, the law was repealed, so in that regard, was not a clean repeal, which im sure the governor so. Es it were but for the large part, major was taken forward to signal to the world that kind of discrimination is not acceptable here in North Carolina. Host when i asked you earlier cities, it seem to have hit a nerve, why was answer so short about North Carolina not having sanctuary cities . Was short , it because you hear a lot about it, just dont think it is real. The Justice Department is trying holdup funding, if it determines to states through bureau of justice grant, states are the engaged or cities and states in he sanctuary city, no definition of what a sanctuary city is. Its really more frustration because i think it is not a real issue. Certainly it may be in other tates, i dont know, but in North Carolina, its not. It is used for political purposes. Springs, North Carolina, you are on with attorney general josh stein. Stein. good morning, mr. My name is lone lotner, i live ralston county area, im 77 years old, raised on a farm. Was raised on a farm, i used a mule, i picked cotton. The military, stayed nine years and i have been make life good for years. Now, retired with about 4000 a month and never life, butd stamp in my i dont understand all of my grandchildren, none of them could get a break to go to paying. Without my granddaughter owes 50,000 now. That have grants graduated from college and didnt cost them a penny. To know why the daca program has to go through, people, i stand the people,e people are good i meet a lot of the people and i people t a lot of those that dont need to be here, they are here illegally and committing crimes. Of my relatives killed last year by two illegal they didnt they didnt have no insurance, the families, the children that was left in suffering. Why do those things happen here in North Carolina . Host general stein . Guest well, i absolutely agree lone, if any person commits a illegally crime, they dont need to be ere, they need to be deported and sent home. Of course, the vast majority of here illegally are not criminals and they are providing for d their families and trying to make it. Now the whole issue about not insurance, if i understood what you said properly, is that there was a they didnt and have insurance, that is part of the problem of them living in shadows, if we had some way they had some kind of legal could get , they drivers license, they could go through drivers education, get and they could be more integrated and that would better. The rest of us and in terms of your children and covering all that student think it is just awful. The cost of Higher Education has we need t of control, to make education more affordable to more people. I think Community College is a great way to do that, it is a osteffective way to help get people on the road to bachelor either technical degree, Associates Degree or transfer to a state school after Community College and come out with a much less debt load. Average North Carolinan has in debt when they graduate from college, that can agree litating amount, i with you, we need to focus on making college more affordable in north here carolina. Host ann wade from edgefield, carolina. Hi, wade. Caller good morning, thank you for taking my call. In, i hear all the compassion coming out of the some republicans about daca. But i can remember back in the about eight i had employees working on multiplefamily sites, where building. E were being overrun by illegals taking over the job, im talking about black and doing work out there and all of a sudden, we illegals let go and all come in to do the work and id on cspan and mention to ifferent people and only be assion i got was it may best if i went to school and got etrained at the age of 50, but seems like there was no compassion then for us losing now all the compassion is for those that theirn illegally, brought kids and we supposed to say, oh, know, we ought to just let them stay. Compassion we had for the americans at the time being aca kids were brought in. Host thank you, wade. Stein . L guest well, yeah, i agree with compassion uld have lose their jobs, you see it around North Carolina, there are a lot of is nowhere major employer longer here. Ither they went out of the country or technology was such the the companies can do work without just a fraction of he employees and either way treally doesnt matter what the on local the effect communities are the same. And we need to understand that while may be value through echnology and all the incredible transformation we see happening today, the benefits arent equally shared, some places, great, im sure people out in San Francisco or seattle, even in raleigh, a lot of economic growth. And happening today, the benefits arent equally shared, some a well. But the impact are affected like equally, and other communities are struggling, they ont have the same Employment Opportunities they used to. That means policy makers like me and the the legislature governor, we need to be hard ocused and creative about trying to spread Economic Opportunity out across the state. Wades ree with fundamental concern. Stein, recent decision to allow offshore united around the states, what is North Carolinas position on that issue . Well, we dont have a formal position yet. I know ive talked to the this and he and i are of the same mind that we offshore oil rigs off the beautiful coast of North Carolina. If any of your viewers have ever been to the outer banks, kitty lookout, they know what an incredible treasure we North Carolina and it is not only natural beauty, it is an economic engine. Is responsible for employment of hundred of thousands of people, generate billions of to our economy and when heard that interior secretary zi zefr and said the coastline is open for drilling, but not florida is use dependent on tourism and fishing, i scratched my head because North Carolinas coast entirely dependent on tourism nd fishing and so we are going to exercise every avenue that ble to us to ensure North Carolinas coastline, North Carolinas coastal economy our people are protected from offshore drilling. Host state of North Carolina, hes been our guest on the the past 30 r minutes. Thank you for your time, the bus s in raleigh, North Carolina today. We want to thank our cable partner spectrum for helping us bus there and set it up and our next stop on our

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