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Ready to get started. We have the after lunch session. Vicki and i happen tasked with getting everyone really ready to go. Do not embarrass us. My mom is watching. All right. Im excited to start the second part of our program today. We still have a time of candidates to hear from. I am so, because they are not just articulating how they will protect access. They are talking about expanding it and getting bolding getting visionary. Exactly. Do you feel like you are hearing what you want to hear . [applause] ok. A couple reminders on our ground rules. Make sure our storytellers who are being so brave and sharing arer testimony, that we listening to those folks. Second ground rule. We are on the record, so our hair is right and tight because we are getting good love on social media from folks watching all across the country. Number three, this is a glitter, not shade environment. If youre not feeling moved, you do not have to cheer, but we will save the shade for the ballot box, all right . And forth, be present. As vicki said earlier, our power is in this room. This is a powerful room, yall. Stay with us. We know that we will hear some great stuff today. All right. Lets get started. Your seats. On to our next candidate most recently served as Vice President of the United States of america with barack obama. He became vp after serving in the united eight senate United States senatess 72. Ll and give a good handclap for joe biden. [applause] thank you so much. Thank you so much. Come and sit with us. Please have a seat. Kelley all right. Mr. Biden oh, yes. Vice president biden, we will on in. Ght mr. Biden why does that not surprise me . Kelley you have a long career in politics mr. Biden skip the long part, h uh . Im joking. There was a joke. Kelley a couple weeks ago you came out as a champion for Womens Health when you spoke out against the heideman met which we know disproportionately discriminates against low income people. As president , how would you put forward a federal budget that eliminates hyde . Mr. Biden let me claim what happened. I laid out a Health Care Plans that will provide federallyfunded health care for all women and women who are now denied even met medicare on their home states, you can automatically sign up under an obamacarelike provision for a medicaid type policy that will provide the same services. It became really clear to me that although the height amendment was designed to split amendmentence hyde was designed to split the thatrence, you cannot have with a federal policy. Abide by theonger heideman met. Thats the reason. What else do you want to ask . Thank you so much for saying that. I think you are known as being a straight shooter. There are some voters who may have concerns about your overall support for sexual and Reproductive Health giving your record. A lot of them may be watching on the livestream. What can you say to them so they a champion whore will stand up for sexual and Reproductive Health care . Mr. Biden im not sure about the mixed record part [indiscernible] on . Biden my mic is not i think we lost you. Lets get a handheld just in case. Mr. Biden ok. The best thing i would do as your president , i would immediately extend health care to everyone. The bottom line is for women would have complete coverage and there is no rationale that can be offered that if you are covered by federal assistance you cannot use federal funding to seek Reproductive Health care rights. , the fact of the matter is i would eliminate all of the changes that this president made to or attempted to make for title x. Three, we would be in a situation where i would caught as defined byde kc. It should be the law and theres no reason why the Supreme Court makes the judgment that everyone is worried about with these appeals coming to the Supreme Court. I would codify roe v. Wade. Thirdly, here is the other thing, by the way. What we dont talk much about in the Affordable Care act, we made sure that women, not just your access to reproductive rights, but the fact of the matter is women were treated differently by Insurance Companies. We made a law that said you cannot be charged more for the same Health Insurance as a man. Be aancy cannot preexisting condition. You can go down the line. The reason you guys are so prickly important is it is not just making critical important it is not just making Reproductive Health care available. You are saving lives. Toe is what hope is trying do now. He is not only trying to do with 600 million in mexico city. Assistancebillion of around the world and he is trying to apply mexico city standards to that. Its dead wrong. We are saviors around the world. And look about 10 seconds left or something . Is we aref the matter in a situation where mortality rates for poor women and black 26. 5 , 25. 6 people out of 100,000 who end up dying as a consequence of birth is absolutely absurd. Evenhigher than it is in in countries that are third world countries. So we should be investing a great deal more money in the entirety of how we deal with Womens Health care and making it available across the spectrum. Get nearly do not enough credit, planned parenthood, that you are the ones who are providing for all of the health care for poor women in ways that nobody else has been able to. That is why barack and i fought hard [applause] we have ae president , great member of our audience with a question for you. Our next storyteller served in the u. S. Army as a chemical operations specialist. After completing her service, she returned to her hometown of harpers work to pursue her education can i see . Currently serves on our planned parenthood south atlantic board of directors. Lets hear from her. Mr. Biden ive got to see you. [applause] mr. Biden i want to look at you. Vice president joe biden, thank you for taking my question. Mr. Biden thank you for your service, by the way. [applause] i live in West Virginia. Im a veteran. Im a single mother. Im a Community Organizer. Im also one of the one in four women in this country who have had in abortion. I have had three abortions from the only clinic that provides Womens Health center, and every single one of those abortions was necessary for me to survive. I spent five years in an abusive marriage with a man who was assaulting me. I was also sexually assaulted in tricare doesnd not cover Abortion Health care for military survivors. My bodily economy is precious to and that is why i am here my bodily autonomy is precious to me and that is why i am here telling you the most personal story of my life for the first time. When my husband was three months old, my husband and i were separated. We shared the house to pick up my belongings and my sons belonging. At that time, i had a protect order in place. He was not supposed to be there, but he was and he assaulted me. My Birth Control failed. I became pregnant. I had two more pregnancies after my Birth Control failed me. Before i found a method that work for my body. As i healed from the trauma of my marriage, being sexually assaulted in the military, raising my son by myself i went to college so i could build up the best life for us. , ihout access to abortion would not of graduated college. I would not i would still be on medicaid and food stamps today. I would not have sought treatment for my ptsd, my anxiety, and my depression, and i would not be the person i am today. I could not turn to the v. A. For the care that i needed. Byabortions were covered medicaid funding. I could not have afforded them on my own. But amendment one passed in West Virginia last year, denying the right of West Virginia women to decide what to do with their own bodies and now because a beehive amendment, women in West Virginia who rely on medicaid because of the Hyde Amendment, women in West Virginia rely on medicaid may have to forgo their bills to a for the care they need. I have met some of these women. I have fought for some of these women. , their pain isou real and their experiences are real and it would break your hearts. Across the country, generations of women in situations like mine have suffered because of the Hyde Amendment, because it is in place. My mothers generation. Young women and girls today. , Vice President , how are you going to expand access to sexual and Reproductive Health care, including abortion, to ensure that people like me, veterans like me get access to the care that they need . Mr. Biden first of all [cheers and applause] mr. Biden a lot of you women, maybe a lot of you men, do not realize what incredible courage it took to stand up and say that. I wrote the violence against women act in the first place, and i wrote it because of what i have seen, what i understand happening, going into neighborhoods and communities it knows no color, it n knows no bounds, it knows no ethnicity for you to stand there and recall that, it brings and itback immediately brings it back hard. I compliment you for your courage. Across the board, what we have to see is all that you said changes. The idea that we still have in the military, the idea that we still have in the military the failure to deal with Sexual Assault and rape is outrageous. Number one. Your former husband should be in jail. Your former husband should be in that is whye we change the law, we ordered an orderou violate your automatically operated. Number three, the notion that ratee in the world who is is denied access whether you are in the military or not is simply wrong. Its wrong. And number four, you should have you should have access to an affordable and v. A. U dont have it the benefit to have including your health care cover your circumstance, should cover it, right now. We talked about that. We tried to move that. But heres the deal. The bottom line is we have to vastly expand the federal government cannot dictate to a state after the violation of a constitutional amendment or federal law that applies to them how many clinics are available in every state, so what we have to do is we have to provide the access to increase the funding which we fought to do, for planned parenthood. Planned parenthood and other organizations, they find people referrals. If its a referral, the woman would be able to get that referral with the transportation being paid for, the process being paid for, behold the the the point is we have to expand, particularly for women who dont have insurance, poor women, who are and by the way, we have included this also for transgender women. We have to do this no, no, i really mean it. I dont think we think of that very often. 10 transgender women have been killed just this year. , what i love to do, if you have time after this to talk to me personally . No, i really mean it, because i think i can directly help your personal situation as well. But the answer is there should be no limit at all. Getting thearly right reproductive care in terms of Birth Control. I mean this is like, come on. This is the 21st century. So, anyway that i answer question . Did i answer your question . Here, she would say, god love you, dear. Sayook a lot of courage to what you said. Theres women who are here i am not going to ask for a show of hands women here who have been abused, who have been victims of abuse and you know how hard it is to stand up and say it. It all comes back when it happens that moment. Thank you. What branch army . What was your rank . [indiscernible] mr. Biden all right. My son was a major in the United States army. The one who died. He was decorated. Beau,ttom line i said, you are a major now. I said you are a field grade officer. Dad, im in the army. It aint majors. Did i answer your question . Cany ripa more time we hear it one more time for peshka . Of applause for Vice President joe biden. Mr. Biden is it ok if i go and see her . They will bring her around. Mr. Biden thank you very much. And by the way, whether you vote for me or not, vote vote, vote, vote weve got to take it back thats right. Our next guest currently serves as governor of Washington State and is a former member of congress, jay inslee. Please give a warm welcome to governor jay inslee. All right, come on, you all. All right. This is a good crowd. Governor inslee they look pretty convinced we are right. We are right. I believe that. All right, lets dig right in. Governor, you come in with the unique perspective as one of the only current governors in the race and your state provides medicare enrollees with abortion coverage as well is a suite of other Reproductive Health care. Why did you think it was important for your state to provide access to abortion for medicaid enrollees and du believe that access should be provided at the federal level. At the federal level . , it should bees provided. This is a fundamentally simple principle. Thelieve the last 30 years, first day today and every day, i fundamentally believe that Reproductive Health care is health care, full stop, period. Fundamentalthe thing. Secondly, i believe today we have to recognize and i wish it were not so there is a fullscale, national concerted effort to deny women the right of freedom and fundamentally, we sing this is the land of the free and the home of the brave. That means we need people to stand up to protect the freedom interests of women, not to allow donald trump to get behind a woman between a woman and her doctor. This is a freedom interest and there is no reason you should deny a woman of freedom interest depending on her zip code or her financial circumstance. So, yes, no question about it. This should be available. But we want to expand access across the board. I am proud to say that we have one of, if not the best to maketive parity acts sure that someone has access to reproductive services. This is very, very important. As we expand health care and we are doing that in my state we want to make sure that that is covered and that is happening. By the way, the whole thing we are talking about is wrapped in our effort to expand health care so we have universal health care. Or everyone we have to be committed to that principle. We have adopted the very first public option for state health care . That is now the law in the state is now theon that law in the state of washington. There are multiple challenges. Conscience laws the conscience we should be concerned about is the United States constitution. This is a constitutional right. And if you have a conscience in this country you ought to respect that constitutional rights, and if you have a problem with it, perhaps you ought not to be in that business. Everybody in the business of health care ought to provide reproductive services. That should be an american principle. And we have fought for that. We are winning these things. Hope we get in injunction same. We did not quite get it a couple days ago. Has been a longtime interest of me and my wife. Service inpublic 1988, trying to build a school. One of the first things we thought about was how to think about this issue. I represent a very republican, rural, agricultural area and we knew this was going to be at that time difficult to live a difficult issue. But trudy and i decided this was court to who we are. Ad irannot the first was sitting in an old leather chair my wife bought me, looking into the camera and telling the people, if you elected me i would stand up for choice every single day and i have done so and this is something we need to have consistency on because we have to be warriors for this freedom. There is no middle ground on this. This is a constitutional right. We have to stand up 100 . You so much, governor. This is about real people. I am so excited to introduce you to one of our committee members. You may renee bracey sherman. Yes, you can stand up for renee. Her work has elevated the conversation about abortion experiences using creative and Innovative Strategies that center the experiences of people color. I am excited to hear from renee. Gov. Inslee thank you very much. Hi, governor in flickery can slee. L you j governor in can i call you jay . Gov. Inslee yes. Dont call me late for dinner. [laughter] abortion. E i had an i plan to take precautions, but i knew if i ever got pregnant, and i wasnt ready to parent, that i would have no abortion. A few years later, i was between paychecks at my retail job and i could not afford the copay on the Birth Control pill, which i was now getting through my parents insurance. My toxic exboyfriend refused to use a condom, so i became pregnant. Right away, i knew i wanted an abortion. I immediately scheduled an appointment but had to wait nearly week. I tried to cause a miscarriage in the meantime, it still i was lucky. My independent Abortion Clinic was 15 minutes away from my home and as you know, thats not the case for so many people today. I panicked because i could not use my Health Insurance because i was not ready to tell my parents. A minute also bars the dependence of state employees from using insurance for abortions, and at the time, my dad worked at a state hospital. Not know about the chicago abortion funds and funds like them across the country that raise money to help people pay for their abortions. Fornow im an evangelist abortion funds. My procedure was quick and wonderful. It was some of the best and Kindest Health care i have ever received. Woman i amal lack proud to stand here in front of you and tell you my abortion story and work in service of women and transgender people who need abortions every single day. I am not ashamed of the decision that i made and how that decision has allowed me to dedicate my life to supporting people of all genders, especially people of color who need abortions. Abortion is the deciding issue when i vote, because it signals where a candidate stands on gender justice, and ensuring all of us have access to health care and economic freedom. Your policies would impact us all. How are you going to expand sexual and Reproductive Health care, including abortion, and ensure people like me have access to care no matter what . [applause] thank you, the first thing im going to do is beat donald trump so we can restore constitutional thats the first thing im going to do. Listening to you, i was thinking, im so pleased you describe yourself as an evangelist on this issue. Im proud of that. The trump party, the republican party, the republican party, they have a strategy, it is a dark strategy. It is based on fear. It is based on trying to make someone else be the other. They are effort is to make renee look like the other, some type of people caricature that is not accepted in american society. I know who renee is. Renee is the daughters of the public legislators who get rid of a the first time their daughter gets pregnant sends them somewhere to have an abortion. She is one in four american women who found themselves in these positions that for whatever circumstances and exercise their freedom right. You talk about restoring funding. This is freedom funding. When we get rid of the Hyde Amendment, and we will get rid of the Hyde Amendment, these funds will go fundamentally to exercise a womens right to freedom. It is a right to be free from governmental intrusion for the most instrument of people of a part of persons life. I appreciate you pushing back, trying pushing back against this trying to make american women look like strange creatures. Theres a lot of work we need to do in addition to the Hyde Amendment. First off, we shouldnt depend on the u. S. Supreme court. We have civil rights in this country, and this is a civil right. We have a civil right to housing and nondiscrimination, a civil right to housing and employment. This should be a civil right controlled by a statute no matter what state they live in. Second, we need to expand access to Sex Education. I just cant understand why republicans are so afraid of that word. This is really important. I heard some rhetoric out of President Trump he wants to do some things against aid, but he anything forto do Sex Education. Fund and build this Sex Education into the curriculum of our public schools. That is where our children are. If you love our children, you ought to be talking to them about sex, and hope that is going on in schools as well. You mentioned your faculty getting contraceptive services. We hadve in this because contraceptive services through planned parenthood early in our relationship. We understood that 20 copay was a big deal. Renee, your story rings true. We need to make it much more accessible. Thats why im excited in my state, what we have done. We have expanded the reimbursement rate, so women can get long acting reproductive we started the upstream program so we can train Health Care Providers to help women understand how this works, make it tenable for them. We are try to make this work in real life. I want to thank you for what you are doing area i hope you will ,e politically active this year as well as being an evangelist. I will tell you, i think you probably have a feeling where i stand on this issue. I think we have to hunker down here and understand this. Win is not a battle you can once or twice or three times. This is a battle we have to win every single day, every single week and every single year and it will continue. We must look for leaders who are stalwart on this, consistent on this, and unmovable on this. If you elect me president of the United States i will be all three. Thank you. Thank you. [applause] thank you for sharing your story. All right. Is a successful lecturer and author. Please welcome hi, good to see you again. Thank you for joining us miss williamson. Thank you for having me. I am a spiritual person and i know you are as well. My question is how do you view the intersection of Reproductive Health care and faith . How do you ensure a legislators personal and religious beliefs dont infringe on the rights to safe and legal abortion care in this country . First of all, there is no more spiritual perspective than that there is something inside of us, nothing in the world should be able to limit. This entire conversation appears to be about a womans reproductive freedom, or a womans health. This is not just about reproductive freedom, its not about health, its about women and power. That is what is going on here. The war is against womens empowerment. Unabletle is people are to make choices about health care so that health care is in reproductive freedom is people in a state where there is no choice about that. In the 21st century, for us to fundamentally change things, as some people would say, overthrow the patriarchy, the only way to truly create the planet we want is for there to be full unequivocal empowerment for women. Period, end of story. The only way we can have that is if there is nothing blocking us, and particularly nothing blocking us that was a law made by a man. We dont do that anymore. That is what is going on here. I think that is the consciousness all of us need to have. Silos getget siloed. We need to understand it is more an attack on the full agency of women. If somebody has a religious belief about anything, i respect that. That is a difference in the laws the United States. Beliefs, we have full equality for women. Her and we talk about liberty and justice for all. About the problems i have this whole conversation with planned parenthood and reproductive freedom, it still a little bit like they are doing us a favor. Little bitis still a of pretty please in it. This is about all of us knowing that this country cannot be the country we wanted to be, in this world cannot be what it needs to be on less women are full and equal partners. Action e to soar in thatlfactualizing ways recently cannot do if we are held back, we cannot do if we are discriminated against, we cannot do with Health Issues that should not be present. Liberal have a 90 have unalienable rights of life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness. Having reproductive choice is necessary. Government should be the one saying to any force that would limit us, stop right in there. Thats what the government should be. The government should not be limiting or thwarting our freedom. The government should be guaranteeing. Thank you. We are inviting the audience in. We have an audience member who has a question for you. Cassie Jones Mcbride is a social entrepreneur who has a longstanding commitment to the empowerment and positive develop mental women and girls around the world. Especially in detroit. Funded national network, a nonprofit that produces body positive initiatives in asia, africa, and the United States. Its hear from her. Hello, think you for taking my question. I live in detroit michigan. In my first year of college i had an abortion and told no one. I was not ashamed of my choice, i knew it was the best decision for me. We struggle just to make ends meet. Decided my mother she would do Everything Possible that we would dream bigger than our circumstances. She had some any plans for me. I couldnt raise a family or have a child in that situation. I told no one because i felt that my body didnt belong to me. It belong to a spiritual belief system. Me who havemen like made the choices i made. That everya system days feeling my body. The medical industry routinely fails us, especially when it comes to Reproductive Health. There are Birth Control affect control methods that are less effective. My health is at risk where a country where racism is in the air we breathe. People of color are denied basic essentials to survive like clean water to drink and decent education. I am marginalized in every aspect of my existence in ways that are out of my control. My body has protected me through all that trauma, and i will always fight for her protection. All i have is my body, my agency. No one has a right to legislate what decisions i make with my doctor. No one has a right to push my moral agenda on the medical decision. Legislation to restrict access to abortion is not about the potential to life. Its about controlling my life, my body, my future. Elected officials are official should be spend their time on hoping families thrive. I ask you, how are you going to expand access to sexual and Reproductive Health care, including abortion to ensure people like me have access to care no matter what. Eyewear hearing aids and i heard very little of what to what was just said. Question. Ard the last the question of our time is who is government four. And too many times we are talking only on the issue of the superficial level of the issue and the policy needs to change. We need to do more than water the leaves, we need to water the roots. We need to talk about more than just the effect, which has to do in this case with denying access to freedom of reproductive lth we have transitioned from a fully functioning government to a government of a few of the people, by a few of the people, and for a few of the people. Even the people who are fighting abortion and want to overturn roe v. Wade know very well that if roe v. Wade were to be overturned rich women would continue to get abortions, they would get safe abortions, and everyone else would be going back to the days of the back alley abortions where, make no mistake about it and this is more harmed and some died. If you are a certain one which is represented economically today by that 1 , then government serves you. This is why the deeper existential question of our time these women ut this is an attack on our democracy, this is an attack on the idea that government is either for everybody, or what it has now become. We have health care, we have reproductive freedom, we have all of the things all of us want as long as you are among a few of the people. It, youer believe Better Believe and this is why i believe, i dont think we should vote for a person just based on their gender. Issues, we of these just get something deeper. We get something at a deeper level. Biget the games that are and blunt. You Better Believe it. If i am president , im going to be very aware that this government is for you. It doesnt matter your collar, it doesnt matter your socioeconomics. Color, it does matter your socioeconomics. Thats my issue, we need to go further than fighting off an attack on our rights, we need to go into full claiming of our power. You mess with her health care, you mess with her reproductive freedom, then youre messing with her power as a woman, it means none of us get there unless all of us get there. [applause] cassie mentioned she had faceds given a ship discrimination because of her , body protection and expectations are different for someone like her. This is an area why i believe we can all point to positive signs in terms of cultural trends. It is such a fascinating interplay between governmental change and cultural change. When it comes to cultural change, we are sort of getting there. I think there are very good signs on the horizon. It all has to do with the consciousness of the people. When the consciousness of the people is awakened to something, thats what quickens political change. Gettinge we are really i remember years ago, many of you are too young to remember. There is a time when point when people had to point out black is beautiful. Those days are over, thank god. Now there is a new frontier where any sizes beautiful. I think you are right. Lets hear it for cassie again. Thank you for your time today. Its been terrific. [applause] big round of applause for miss Marianne Williamson and cassie. Our next candidate is john delaney, a former member of congress representing the sixth district of maryland for six years. Welcomingn me in congressman john delaney. Thank you for having me. We have a great group here. They are eager to hear what you have to say. We are going to jump on in. Pregnancy centers around the country, including maryland, arco is seeing people against abortion with false information and scare tactics. What would you do as president to ensure people are given Accurate Information when it comes to abortion and their health care . Thank you for having me. I want to thank you for organizing such a terrific conference. This is about as wellrun an event as i have been at. You want to run every event that is going on in this election le, this one really homes really hums. A woman has the constitutional protection right, in my judgment, to make her own health care issues, and they should be getting the information they need to make that decision. Unless we actually have Health Care Facilities operating and well located where a woman can get the advice that she needs, then she doesnt have her constitutional right. Thats how i think about it. Personally,re not only in this administration we actually have to make sure we are investing in the Health Care Facilities women need, which is one of the reasons why i and other people have come out against the Hyde Amendment. Effectively prevent some any women in this country from getting the care that they need. A network of Crisis Pregnancy Centers in california are awarded title 10 this year. Title x dollars this year. It pushes misinformation about abortion to its patients. If elected, would you continue to provide taxpayer dollars to groups like this . Taxpayer to provide dollars to facilities that actually are doing their job and ensuring women get access to the health care they need, including contraception, and including the information they need to make decisions. Its pretty simple. Men and women have different bodies and different experiences around sex, pregnancy and parenthood. The large majority of populations making laws that affect women and their bodies are men. If elected president , can you talk about whether you would prioritize elevating the importance of Women Leaders in your cabinet . The answer is yes. I think everyones voices need to be heard. Its true. If we are actually going to make decisions for the common good of the citizens of the United States of america, which should be the sacred response ability of the president of the United States, a person should be hearing perspectives from everyone. Women should be equally represented, and they will be in my administration, as well as minorities and various racial groups. This is a very important issue im veryfe happily married for 20 years and i have four daughters. I wouldnt be saying these things i would be saying these things even if i didnt have daughters, but the fact i have four daughters does make it personal. I wife has been very active. Shes been on the board of an Organization Called the International Center for research on women, which deals with womens issues around the world. Waged one are seeing womens reproductive freedom in the United States of america, this demonstration is also doing globally. We also know the conditions around the world in many places are just horrific. Its a global not only Public Health tragedy, but a Global Human Rights tragedy. We not only need voices talking about womens issues as it relates to domestic policy, but we do as it relates to International Policy as well. It is in our selfinterest, because the data is overwhelming that if you support women in destabilized parts of the world, its the fastest way to turn those places into stabilized areas. You not only need different voices informing your domestic policy, but you needed on your International Policy as well. Our next question is from a member of the audience. Britney is an i. T. Project manager and a master candidate at the George Washington university Milken School of Public Health. She has been passionate about Womens Health and reproductive rights. In 2016 she turned her passion into advocacy by joining the planned parenthood of metro washington ambassador and leadership program. Afternoon. Thank you for being here. I live in washington, d. C. I was born and raised in baltimore maryland and also attended a singlesex catholic school. Between my family and education, i learned the value of Family Planning, femininity, and abstinence. I always knew what i would do if i had an unwanted pregnancy. When i found out i was one and a half months pregnant in 2012, i made the decision to get an abortion. I just graduated from Howard University three months prior, i started working for a Government Agency and moved into a threebedroom apartment with four roommates. Partner withth a whom i didnt see a valuable future. My partner and i went to planned parenthood in washington, d. C. That day i left planned parenthood with a prescription of antibiotics to complete my medicinal abortion. I left with a prescription of newborn Birth Control, and with sound medical advice. My choicet with respected and values affirmed. I was not forced by the government to undergo 48 or 72 hour waiting periods to conclude a decision i had already made. I didnt have to undergo medical unnecessary older sounds. And i didnt have to drive miles or states away to receive the care i needed. Because i received the care i needed and the care i wanted, im here today for you. I stand in front of you as a career woman, a Public Health candidate, and a future doctor. Im also with a partner with whom i see a valuable relationship and future with. I wouldnt have any of those things, i repeat, any of those things if it werent for faith and legal access to abortion. Is a access abortion right. Health care should not be darwinian. Health care should not be survival of the fittest. Survival of the most fortunate and those with insurance. [applause] often times when politics dictate who and how you can receive care, people of color, especially black women, suffer the most. How do you plan to expand sexual and Reproductive Health care, including abortion, so people like me, black women, receive care no matter what. [applause] first of all, thank you for not only being here for everything you do but for having the courage to share that story. Youre done being an extraordinary physician and changing the lives of thousands of human beings with the expert medical care your you are going to provide them, you will consider a career in politics. That was about as perfect and linear and well spoken a summary why ing the case for the reason we are all here. What happened with you in that situation is you were treated with dignity and respect, and you are treated equal under the law. Thats really what our goal should be, not only for every citizen but for every woman in particular. We know that for way too long women have not been treated equitably in our own country. Thats what the struggle is about. Theety trying to control decision to have an abortion and see care and get the advice you did and control your body, and the decisions you made with your life, is about controlling you. And its about not allowing you to live in our country as an equal citizen. Thats why this fight is so important. As president i will do several things. First thing i will do is make sure planned parenthood and other organizations that provide the care you received, care that changed your life, that you made in whatever way you want to make that decision, you made that decision, it was your decision area no one told you what to do your decision. No one told you what to do. Is best way to do that create a universal health care one told you what to do. The government didnt tell you what to do, that people would be it to access that care. The best way for us to do that universal Health Care System in this country. Because i believe strongly ealth care is a basic human right and that everyone should have access to health care. Human ot only a basic right, it is smart Economic Policy for this country. Because you dont want people changing jobs or doing things in their lives because of health care. A delaney administration, we will make sure everyone has universal under a Health Care System. My system is called better care. It gives everybody in this a basic health care plan, similar to the minimum under the Affordable Care act, including access to health and abortion services. Choices, people to make so if they want their own private Health Insurance, they everybody has a plan. I think that will give everyone to make the choices pursue and be able to your dreams and live your life the way you want to live your did. Which is what you and so, you know, again, thank you for sharing that story. You summarized it beautifully. Ou made the case better than probably anybody on this stage has today and im glad to have you from afar here. Thank you so much. Congressman. Much, thank you so much. Appreciate it. All right. One time for brittany and the congressman. Okay, my friends. You all doing all right . Fired up for 2020 . Because our next candidate as secretary of the department of housing and development under president barack obama. Please join me in welcoming castro to the stage. [applause] hello, thank you for being here, secretary. Us. Thank you for joining all right. Please have a seat. Thank you for joining us today. Is it hot outside yet . It is. Humid last night at that fish fry. It was texas weather. Home. Right at were going to keep you eeling at home and jump right into the questions. The thing we want to talk about hat most people dont realize is that antiabortion makers restrictions 7 since 2011. In your home state of texas, we restrictions that cluf periods, women information. Urate as recently as this week, we saw state Health Department weaponize against seeking abortion care. Will you do for health care . Rs providing abortion thank you very much for having me here. A frontrow seat in texas legitimate urs who have legislatures have done a pushing back, of such s end withe davis davis. Dy this is happening in georgia, missouri, alabama, means theres fullcourt assault on a womens womans right to get abortion and you need a Strong Partner in washington to protect that right. The question is, how would we do can . In every way we y pursuing medical education, transition to a better Health Care System where everybody gets ealth care, doing things like eliminate the Hyde Amendment. Because it is not just about health, it is about reproductive justice. Ut also, just very quickly, what i see is that all of these dots are connected. A very ance, when i was young councilman in san antonio because im old now i was 26 or 27. Was at a neighborhood meeting where a woman came up to me and in can you all put money he budget for sidewalks on the side streets. Her mom was diagnosed with diabetes and her doctor that she walk around the neighborhood to improve her walk ation, but couldnt around the neighborhood no fully because there were side wauks. Sidewalgs. Showed that everything is connected, such a thing like infrastructure, to safety to overall quality of life. This issue, we have many women who need who could get re an abortion who are sleeping on our streets, who are living in are living in public housing. Ow do we ensure that no matter what your means are or where youre at in life that you can that . Yourself of that means when we fund housing, in, you make investments know, all types of opportunity, hat we seize those opportunities to make sure theres reproductive freedom and reproductive justice. And i would like to do the most of any president in ensuring hat no matter who you are in this country, that you can get that reproductive care that you need. Right. Thank you so much. Thank you so much. One quick followup question from me. Trumppence gag puts health care in danger. Repealing ommit to this rule on day one as president and can you assure us Reproductive Health care providers can fully participate Health Care Programs . Thank you very much. I would repeal that. We need to go in the other and id be a president that champions care, and, e health as i said, reproductive justice also. We can do that by embracing a womans right to womans right to have an abortion, the right of the transcommunity to have those same rights. Right . Forget. We cant we always have to be inclusive. There are twoieve other things we can do, pursue in congress to ensure those rights are respected. 12 01 p. M. On 2021, we will have a democratic president , a emocratic house, and a democratic senate. [applause] and some folks have asked, well, what good is all of that if you still have senate . Connell in the you remember when he tried to do to president obama. That, president obama turned out to be one of the best president s that we ever had. Been that way because of Mitch Mcconnell. But to answer this question. If the choice is between Reproductive Health care and justice and freedom or a 60vote rule that is not in constitution, that month parties have violated when it was politically convenient to do then i choose Reproductive Health care and freedom and people of the america. And then, secondly, were going to appoint to the federal appellate, and Supreme Court levels judges who importance of upholding roe v. Wade and a right to choose. Thank you so much. Ere going to bring the audience in now. Organizer national lgbt q. Black the freedom of all black people. Black vision of collective, a blackled local organization working in minnesota. Lets hear the question. Hello. Quickly, i just have to how you my shirt because i appreciate your answer about including trans. Skipping my minnesota pride to be here, so it is pretty important. Thank you for being here. Of course. [applause] hello former secretary castro. Y name is milicho, im a child of immigrants and im a queer, nonbiordinary person. As a nigerian p kid. One, ave two expectations, et a college degree, and two, giving your parents grandchildren. I have failed both. Harder because any mom delivers babies. I knew at a young age whether or not i wanted to have kids. I did want to have kids. Vividly remember coming out to had tears down my face. To ld her i have something tell you. She said, hey, are you pregnant . No, im not be im about to tell you what why to tell why. I understood, as much as i children, my nonbionary, that means i see myself as neither a man or woman. I grew into accepting the more i entity, was i should not have kids. These transfolks stopping their transition to have a baby. Stories were told of transpeople having kids was a big medical miracle. They were told as if transpeople reproducing and giving birth wasnt normal enough and that wasnt normal enough and that we werent normal enough. Even though some of the same practices used on used on er have been transgender individuals. Given the current Political Climate that demonizes kills transfolks, migrants intersecting identities, how will you expand Reproductive Health, including abortion, to ensure me, transfolks, black folks, migrant folks, have access to care no matter what . It is good to meet you. The youre missing minnesota pride event, but were happy that youre here. Ask you also, which pronoun do you prefer . Pronoun, but thank you for asking. Sure. Storyyou for sharing your and asking about how we make sure that everybody, no matter is able to exercise their right of reproductive freedom. Think theres several things we can do right away. Or instance, we can pass the equality act including the Transgender Community, to make cant be you discriminated in this country no matter what youre prying to do, know, find housing, discriminate in your employment, get health care. Ensure that as we transition our health care ystem, that we do that in an inclusive way too. Evens you know, oftentimes when cities or state legislatures or the federal government are trying to do the thing, oftentimes the Transgender Community is played other part of the lgbt q community. Mayor of when i was san antonio, in 2013, we were nondiscrimiation ordinance. Here were those, even those on the side of doing a ordinance, whoon dont include the Transgender Community, you might get more support in the if you dont. Clufid, no, were going to everything, including the Transgender Community, and we did. Was at hud, we made sure that transgender individuals shelter at using or a publicly funded shelter identify. To how they so if im president , im going to make sure that when it comes Reproductive Health care, we cluf our transgender the stigma d remove that too oftentimes injures their quality of life and were stand up for everybody, and thank you very much for the question. [applause] all right. At oure now looking hundreds of reproductive rights watching the room and on live stream. Theou all are the ones with bumper stickers. Yes, on our bicycles too. Is there anything you want them to know . Yes. Thank you. N the 21st century, i want us to move forward as one nation with one destiny, and i believe the smartest, healthiest, fairest, and most earth. Ous nation on when we talk about reproductive freedom and reproductive all of thoseoes to things, making sure that we can all be healthy in the years to come, ensuring that we have a fair america where no matter how who you love or the color of your skin or how much money you have or dont youre living in a big city or small town, that youre treated the same way. Enjoy the greatness of this country and live up to your full potential. The most ere prosperous nation in the world. Want to make nt this country anything again i want to make it better in the future and the years to come. Everybody ans that can prosper. Nd so [speaking spanis [speaking spanish] planned parenthood [speaking spanish] reproductiveng for freedom, you are the reason we on these forward issues. I look forward to working with you in the years to come. Thank you. Thank you. That was terrific, right. Round ofe him one more applause for julian castro. Candidate is beto orourke, who represented texas, in congress for six years. To se give a warm welcome beto orourke. Hey. Good to see you again. Much for joining us. Have a seat. Of course. Has South Carolina been fun . It is been great. This a really good run morning. Wow. Beautiful, beautiful city. Little bit different than where im from in el paso. Were in the desert southwest, of this green stuff you have, grass and trees. T is beautiful, and everyones been very kind, warm, and welcoming. Hospitality. R the thank you. Were going to jump into it right here. He Trump Administration has pushed through a socalled that would e rule deny immigrants green cards simply because they received any a broad range of public benefits, including health care, fear reates a culture of where some immigrant families are avoiding health care of fear of retaliation or deportation. Of omeone who focused much your campaign on bored issues, what steps border issues, you take to uld access reproductive care and abortion rights to immigrants. I mentioned im from el paso, texas. Of the hat is one half largest binational community in hemisphere, three million of us from different separated joined, not by the rio grande river, and el paso happens to be one of the safest city in the United States despite a, safe, not he fact that we have asylum seekers. It is because of our security and success. That success and strength is being badly compromised under this administration. Give you one example at the outhe issed of the trump dministration, young woman, undocumented immigrant went to a amily court judge to get a productive protective order against her husband who was beating her. Her life. Feared for that judge issued that protective order, but when she her way out of the ourtroom, she was arrested by two plainclothed policemen. It unlikely that toone will report a crime or testify in a trial. What hes doing on the pretense safe is making us far less safe than we would be otherwise. Whats hear about happening in detention, women girls who to are unable to access their Reproductive Health care. Young women who show up and we just read about one in the yesterday. Press 17 years old, is still ecovering from an emergency csection, has a premature nfant in her arms, they are sleeping on a concrete floor foil blanket to keep them warm, soiled in their unable to have the dignity that we should expect for every single human being, died in ren who have our custody. This cannot be us. This cannot be america. This country comprised of refugees and immigrants from the world over. As president , we will no longer ut kids in cages, separate families, we will reunite the families day one and make sure detaining them in the irst place, release them through a program. Allows them the dignity that they deserve. Follow our laws and have access to the health care hat should be a fundamental right for everyone in this country. Thank you, congressman. Ruled ek a federal court in favor of immigrant women who were being blocked from care. Ing abortion if you were elected, would you change the administrations with the comply courts . Absolutely, for many of the just easons that we discussed, and also with the president ry of this and his secretary of health and services and the office of refugee resettlement, not allowing women to make their own about their own body, literally personally getting nvolved in their cases, hunting, killing reminiscent of the handmaids tail. Tale. So in 2021, in our were going to live according to our values, our interests, to the principle that we are all created equal and to the wade. On of roev. Thank you so much, congressman. I dont want to introduce you to member of our audience. Who is an elder care and child care provider. With the ember Leader National Domestic Workers alliance and we dream in black. Fighting the attacks on reproductive rights in georgia, against ntly fighting the abortion bans. Kadara. Or is your, hey, kadaria. So i do work in Domestic Work. Im a Domestic Worker, and i with elders, and that means that i have to be mindful of their medical care. The same time i have to remind myself to care about my care, which is very ifficult because in Domestic Work most of us dont get health time off, we get when it ot, and so comes to Reproductive Health and reproductive justice, part of dealing with in working with people in their is not having any kind family. Ort to work on my right. So thats not just abortion. I was 23 told when that i was too young to have my tubes tied. Right. So now i have to make other decisions about my body because i might else decided change my mind. Right. So in working as a domestic and i am a black woman, witht is a field primarily black women and immigrant noticeable s very the medical oppression that we overcome, and especially in dealing with families that have elders. We have to overcome that medical theyssion for them because needed a voe cats while while simultaneously not being advocated for. Right. A whole lot going on. And it is important for us to other that ng each we Work Together and that what affects mytheir life life and my life affects their life. So sometimes you get the benefit that you caremily for that cares for you back, and sometimes you dont, right . So im going to ask you, how are going to expand access to sexual and Reproductive Health abortions, ing including medication abortions, dula services, jerry at midwives and services thattric brings care back to the home, and ensure do that people like me have access to care no matter what . [applause] kadria, thank you, and thank you for having the courage of sharing your own story to challenge that we have as a country. This perverse irony that those providing health care for others cannot afford it for themselves in this country, for we deny the rights to organize and use the leverage of that you provide, to ensure better working conditions, better wages, Better Health care, and better delivery of care for those who are within our trust at any given moment during the work day or during the work night, thats why i make sure in this country that we elevate the of unions, like sciu, to ake sure that we have living wages, primary health care, your bility to afford the medications you described, Mental Health care. For the largest provide of services is care the jail. But health care also means every decisions her own about her own body and has access to the care and services and d providers that allow her to do that. If we are able to do that, then are providing that care are going to be able to receive the care that they need. To organize, the right to have Economic Justice for every person in this country tied to health care and dignity in the work place and dignity in your life outside of it. Ill share one story just that weve learned here in South Carolina. In charleston at the medical versary of the nniversary, led by africanamerican who were fired for having the courage of their convictions. Talking to louise brown, 2019. As marching in i said, given your sacrifice and and struggle, conditions have to be better now, right . And she said, no, i think it is worse now than it was at the time. Cannot afford to see care receive care in the mace in the place where they deliver. It has to be health care for all. Thank you for sharing with us today. Appreciate it. Kadria said, n, as most, i would k guarantee probably all or very few get coverage for health care the work that they do. And we know that it is so people to stay at home and receive Home Health Care there. Seen directly in texas what happens when health taken away, Maternal Mortality and other things. Can you speak directly to whats in texas . Absolutely. And e seen our governor state legislature, both epublican, reduce access to health care and abortions to families across our state. Quarter of family lanning clinics have been closed, and the Maternal Mortality is three times as color in ourmen of state. Many of you know the statistic, bears repeating, the mortality of infants between and White America is greater than it was 15 years slavery. E abolition of so not only must we have health care for all and economic but especially for women of color, Home Health Care visits, which have been to improve outcomes and Life Expectancy and the health able to expectbe for every single american, and hen making the case that it is about access to a free to a abortion, but it is also access to a Cervical Cancer screening, to Family Planning health, and in a state like to a providercess at all for women who would otherwise be denied the ability get any kind of health care help. Fundamentally an issue of life death for people in this country. Absolutely. Thank you, congressman. Any last words you have for us . Listen. Im t you to know that grateful for the work that youre doing, the way that oure elevating this conversation on a national stage. Your efforts to improve our ensure that everyone is represented and reflected and our priorities are realized and what has happened in georgia, if hundreds of not ands of voters were purjed from the purged from rules, governor stacy would be the governor of that would not have signed an antiabortion bill. Woman in up every up. S country we cant beat that. Thank you so much. Again. See you thank you. Byebye. [applause] all right. We cant beat that closing, but well try. All so much. How we feeling . Okay. Friends. , my against our up afternoon break and im so excited for you to come back and of from the last round candidates. 10minute ve you a stretch to dance to the d. J. The rest and go to room. I would ask that folks stay in the theater if you can, because in ten minutes with our next candidate. Thank you very much. It will be bernie, so hurry. Byand this live event hosted the planned Parent Action Fund break. Ing a quick democratic president ial candidates are in columbia, carolina, talking about planned parenthood and abortion. Sanders is getting ready to speak. At ill host a town hall Linton College in rockhill, South Carolina. You can watch that live here on cspan. Can see, cspan is carolina,olumbia south hosted by the planned parenthood action fund. Have been talking about reproductive care and abortion. They are on a quick break. ExpectedBernie Sanders to speak, followed by democratic yang, eric andrew swalwell, and cory booker. Sanders will be live on cspan. This way . Im following you. Come on back in, you all. Back and join us. Okay. You all ready for this . Still at we decide, you all. Whos ready to get ready for 2020 . This is my kind of crowd. Ou all have been getting more hyped over the course of the day. Im excited to continue this and momentum and this power. We know it is a little slice of in communities across the country where planned parenthood and our partners are our issue is whats on peoples mind when box go to the ballot because they know that our votes ewedinger and we are ex that power today. And she have that power today. For having our volunteers. Please, all of our team members n the back who are running and making this happen. Thank you, thank you, thank you so much. All. Right, you so were going to keep the program rolling. Can i stand on that side because thats my good side. Appreciate it. Our next candidate is a vermont and r from the former mayor of burlington. Please help me welcome senator Bernie Sanders to the stage. [applause] thank you so much for joining us, senator. Thank you. Thank you for being here. All right. Morning bernie. Love you love you too. Lot of love for you today, senator. Lets go ahead and jump right in. Done a great job of you ly articulating how would enact your policy agenda. President how would you persuade or work around those you so t agree with protect and, panned protective expand protective rights, that 75 of those low eed this care are income. To start, some of you may i introduced the most Significant Health care bill in the history of the u. S. Senate, is medicare for all. [applause] and when we were writing what is a long and complicated bill, comprehensive health care for everybody, the not surprisingly, are you going to cover you ductive rights, are going to cover abortion rights . And what we decided if were oing to talk about health care for all, if were going to talk about the right for women to yes, l their own lives, abortion rights are part of what is. Care for all so under our legislation it in a sense the Hyde Amendment and guarantees verybody in this country comprehensive health care, including reproductive rights rights. Tion thank you so much. Thank you so much. Is, ollowup question here were at a critical moment where there is really an urgency states when it comes to access to care. Rash of abortion bans pass across the country. In the past you have supported opposes o, who abortion. My question is, is there still endorse candidates who do not support this constitutional right . I believe you have two issues there. Number one, you want democrats to regain control over the house 98 of the house, i believe, is prochoice. Now given the attacks that were seeing in on planned parenthood in particular and on abortion rights in general, i and must we can do, do, is find candidates in every every n this country and Congressional District in this country who do support absolutely a womans right to control her own body. Thank you. One more question for you here, senator. A lot of your campaign on health care, which we applaud, and thank you for that. Youve also been in federal elected office for 42 years. It, right . Ieve not quite. But i was icial, mayor of burlington for eight years. That. Ank you for we would like to hear about the legislation you introduced while been in office to advance Reproductive Health care rights . I think my lifetime record is prochoice. It is opposition to the Hyde Amendment, and it is also, when health care in general, working with actually clyburn, of e jim South Carolina, to greatly centers mmunity health all over this country which are primary ajor source of health care for the American People, lowbeing in and working get access ant large re are going in numbers to Community Health care centers. The bottom line for me is 100 long period of a time and somebody who is havetted to saying that we got to stand up to the absolute members of republican of congress who say, they say, small government. We believe in getting the government out of your lives. Or twice. Rd that once thats right. Except when it comes to the most decisions that a woman has to make. Right to iew, the control your own body is a you itutional right and will have a president who will in nd that right vigorously every way possible. [applause] thank you, senator. Im very excited to introduce our next question asker. Her name is franco kelly. He volunteered on john kerrys campaign and working on his first Congressional Campaign at the age of 16. He served as president at the ollege of president s in my hometown and current the senior adviser. L [applause] good afternoon, senator sanders. My name is franco. Florida. Miami, im, in a lot of ways, the last person who should be up here now. T im surrounded, just about on almost some of the most talented, brilliant, amazing women ive ever had a chance to meet. I wanted to acknowledge that. They are living with the direct experiences and feeling the direct impact of the choices that we make oftentimes as ugh policy and and men, right . And usually these rooms and decisions are oftentimes made by panels of white men, as of fact. Im grateful for the opportunity stand before you as a former eacher at a predominately latino school and Community Organizer in miami, florida. Same ing i see is the discussion over and over again, a discussion that happens when e talk around women, at women, and about women, but let them into the actual decisionmaking rooms. Teacher, one of the things me very mate impacts deeply is seeing some of my most talented and promising students, particularly one who comes to mind, she was a sophomore in went to a , who crisis pregnancy center, and got medically was not sound, that was politically misled her about her options Going Forward and we educator d her as an and educational system because we could not at the time talk to her about Family Planning. About to talk to her education. Only i see many who dont support until they nthood have to have key decisions for members, whether hat be fers tilt service Fertility Services or cancer screenings. So i want to be sure when i cast ballot in florida this next march coming up, it is for unafraid of saying the ord abortion, i want it for someone who will educate folks about women and why they deserve control over their own bodies care. Heir health so i want to know if youre ifng to be that champion and you will expand access to eproductive health care, all ding abortion, so people have access to health care no matter what happens. [applause] thank you very much for the question. It is think inappropriate for a man to be involved because the last i pregnancy involves more than just women. Want to say to the men in the audience that these are very frightening times for flood, and i planned was proud to d i work with planned parenthood in defending the Affordable Care act. Over the country to make sure that planned parenthood did not lose the funding thats so important to it. But i also think in these are cult times when women under attack in alabama, in all over this country, womens right to ontrol their own bodies, if there ever was time a time was a time in American History men to stand up and join moment. Ht, now is the [applause] and, you know, i am a very proud supporter of planned parenthood, and you are doing very few other institutions and organizations are doing. Providing safe Quality Health care to women the vast of whom are rindocwomen, including women, and we need o not only not cut the money but substantially increase the funding. I think in response to the as a nation, and i know about these socalled crisis centers, and to make ote to that is ure that Real Health Care centers are easily accessed. Lastly i think we have to do parenthood. Lanned i dont think they get a whole lot of attention on this one. A very good job on Sex Education. Something, you know, where we need to do a much in er job in every state this country, and planned parenthood is giving honest young people who have and kids need honest answers, and i congratulate planned parenthood that as well. Thank you, senator sanders. Sanders, we have folks here in the room and those watching us on live stream. Else you want ng folks to know . Well, i want you to know that in a sense, wen, re taking on a lot of folks a lot of powerful special interest. Fight for medicare for all and understand that we are the only major country on guarantee health care to all people as a human ight, we have to take on the Insurance Companies to do that, and we need your help to do that. To spend tens and tens of millions of dollars to try to defeat us. Talk about health care, one out of five americans cannot afford the Prescription Drugs hat they need, and were going to take on the pharmaceutical industry and lower Prescription Drug costs by 50 . [applause] when that gentleman was talking a moment ago about his tudents, hes an educator, in my view, we have got to make sure that every young person in country, regardless of the educationgets they need, including making colleges and universities and let me guess that many of you are carrying loads of student debt. Were going to reduce that very substantially as well. Ut this campaign is not only fighting for womens rights, but this campaign is about transforming this country and an economy and a government and a health care of us,that works for all not just wealthy campaign contributors. [applause] all right. Thank you so much senator. Thank you for joining us. Thank you. Thank you for being with us. Can we get another round of applause for senator sanders. Now we welcome our next candidate. Yan dpfrn is found of a Company Young entrepreneurs. Thats quite an intro song. [laughter] thank you for being with us, mr. Yang. It is great to be here. Thanks for being here. Im going to dive into the question. You have made Health Care Reform a central part of your platform. In your health care plan, how do ou plan to address sexual and Reproductive Health and would include repealing the Hyde Amendment . I want to thank everyone here protecting womens reproductive rights, which, to me, is the definition of health care. You talk to me about medicare for all would include that, yes, and that does Hyde Amendment. Can you tell us a little bit more about your plan and how you remove economic theorys already in place to allow people access abortion . If you heard about my flagship you know my s a dividend of 1,000 a month for every adult starting at the age of 18. 2019 struggling with me, it ive barriers, to is almost inconceivable that me, like l, to clashing over something that i thought was resolved decades ago. But theres still many, many economic barriers for women rights, g reproductive and 1,000 would be a game changer. To build a ve trickleup economy for families and communities. All know that women do our nrecognized work in society and that 1,000 doesnt alance that, but at least it recognizes the sort of work that my mom does. Y wife is at home with two boys, one of whom is autistic. Zero, even valued at know it is some of the most vital work of our future. 1,000 a month would elp women to be able to access reproductive services. And my last question for you there have been proposals introduced in the house and senate to allow birth overthecounter. To blicans want individuals pay for while democrats would make sure that that is left in for Birth Control overthecounter. As president , what would you do ensure extended access to Birth Control . Well, you know, i told a joke this, which is that if men ot pregnant, wed have very, very different access to Birth Control. O theres Birth Control contraceptive measures, they are of health carert nd it should be covered and it should be covered by medicare for all and trying to introduce would be arriers nothing i would stand for as president. Jiang. Nk you, mr. This mr. Yang. Event. S a community im proud to introduce kim smith o a who is a Community Organizer and she is the means to of what it do work that centers on our community. Introduce kim. [applause] im an activist with the coalition and students for justice in palestinian. Thank you, andrew, for listening. My name is kim smith, and im columbia, here in South Carolina, West Columbia, actually. Organizer, and mother to 13yearold son. 5, my exand i were separated and i got pregnant. Retail, king 7. 25 in living with my parents and had no interest in having another child. Could barely take care of the one i had. Mom tried to shame me out of an abortion. Only one ther was the who supported me and im grateful she helped me pay for it and made sure that i had a way to get there. Has that someone, many people, especially black women, dont have anyone. No shame and no regret because i know what i did was body. For me and my we talk about people who have an abortion because of medical tragic circumstances, but we dont talk enough about poor black mine, women who just dont want to have kids. A lot of people are treated with they have abortion, women are treated with contempt, ype of within our own communities, we oftentimes called irresponsible. Women re plenty of black like me who have had abortions. Know that this happens to everybody and it is healthy and l, safe. This system, this racist, sexist, ablist, system stk we live we live in is not for us. [applause] in community i come from West Columbia is poor and a notworking class. It is already so hard for black economically,lly, socially, to force a child on like you have done for centuries like with our on stors, to force children us, it is not even giving us basic human rights. I dont want to be forced in into having a child or forced into poverty because i child. Rced to have a wade, we know if it is it is nonworkingclass hurt by thesel be laws. So, andrew, how are you going to access to Reproductive Health care to ensure people poor, black, queer women have access to care no matter what . [applause] thank you so much for sharing your story. Ma too. K your grad grandma too. She was utiful that there for you at that time. I dont know if shes here today. The country one in right now who is affluent, having abortions who doesnt of it. Nything you should not feel shame. This is a decision that women of their own , accord, and it is up to you. Certainly you dont want to feel forced to have a child because of restrictions on access to abortion or care. Uctive so my flagship plan, which r. Martin luther king championed in 1967 and 1968 is have a dividend for every dult, 12,000 a year, and that would be a game change your for changer for women trying to to have abortion. If you have 12,000, that would more accessible if you dont have a grandma that can chip in o make the decision on your own. That is a society that i will fight for as president. All right. Thank you, mr. Yang. Now we have thousands of fund action planned parenthood activists in this audience. Anything you want to add . There are so many people who benefit from your work. From your who benefit work and people who are grinding it out every single day. For some of you, putting yourself into some sort of harms way. I want to say how grateful i am for the work you do, for your leadership. D im on the record saying, i think male legislators should have anything to do with reproductive rights. I feel like i shouldnt answer questions about it. And comeleave the room back and women can tell us what to do. K you want [applause] but because that is not the in, i will fight for your ability to do what you want to do. All right. Thank you so much, mr. Yang. Thank you so much for joining us. Thank you for being with us. Thank you so much. Thank you so much. Lets give it up one more time mr. Yang. [applause] day. Ch an amazing we have a lot of people in the room. Im wondering have you heard today . G inspirational okay. Anyone willing to share . Hands . See your let me see hands. Everybody. Great. Right here. Can we get a microphone. Shes coming. Can you tell us your name and where you come from . Hello. And i am sorry. I am lisa shepherd. Am so hyped on what i have me to go this helps vigornd with even more to say we have got to change know. You i have a 25yearold daughter, think because if ouve been 25, you know you you think you know everything, for her to have to make a ecision whether or not to have an abortion, which is totally er own decision because it is her body and her life and not to somewhere safe to go and done, it procedure like it it is almost i dont know. I dont even have a word for it. Just that s made me wear my excited to pink shirt when i go home. [applause] thank you. Thank you so much. So thats what this is all about, right . As a community that shares values that knows what our people need to demand these folks who want to represent us. To demand more than ever before our Community Needs it and deserves it, right . Thats right. Because at the end of the day here with us, but we know who decides. Who decides . We decide. Who decides . We decide. All right, my friends. Were excited to welcome our next candidate to the stage. Congressman eric swalwell. Swalwell, yes. Congressman swalwell, has 15th ented californias district since 2013. Hes also a brandnew dad. Please join me in welcoming congressman swalwell to the stage. For being with us. Thank you. Are you doing . Congressman . Trying to steal sleep where we can do it. Get it. We have a 2yearold and 7monthold. Oh, wow. Jump into ahead and our questions. Trumppence gage one million title 10 ripts in danger recipients in danger. Would you work to repeal this access would you expand to this Critical Program . We must lift the rule and not in america and the way that we lead in the world and the United Nations Fund Programs across the world. This issue . Lead on i trust the American People who are telling us in every state 77 of americans support o, but i have worked roe, but i have worked in the last few years to elect more young men to congress. I was 31 years old when i was lected to congress and there are only 14 of us 40 and under. And the first job you get when there is i. T. Help desk, but Speaker Pelosi saved me from that job. Members to young join the cycle. Last cycle 28 were 41 and under. E have a congress that looks like, acts likes and knows these issues. Can give a hand clap. This is your forum, my people. I do want to follow up on that. To have the most womens productive Reproductive Health. Repeal the ked to gag rule through the appropriations process. Y question here is, would you encourage your colleagues in the senate to keep that provision in the appropriations package . Yes, and we have to put pressure on the senate. Gains in ay to make this area is to through the senate. My pledge to south carolinians the nominee, you wont just see me after the first of you will see ary, me all the way through so we can beat lindsey graham. Have to do that. [applause] congressman, one more question from me. The house also passed a global as well, st this week which repeals the global gag rule. Thats right. Repeal that too. Can you tell us how you would reproductive to care, including abortion abroad . It is an area where the deep states has a deep, interest in leading on and really reassert our moral the world, and that means access to Sex Education, contraception and also every woman in the world, u. N. Ularly through funding to have access to make her own decision. Whether youre in america or africa, it is a womans body, it is a womans choice. Thank you. Thank you. Congressman, i want to introduce who is of our audience here today. Erin, she is proud firstgeneration american with a Thomas Jefferson school of law. Shes a student organizing at if, when, how, lawyering for reproductive ustice where she trains and mobilizes law students to be reproductive justice advocates campuses and in their communities. Lets hear from erin. Congressman, thank you for being here today and thank you our stories. To my name is erin. California. Kland, go, doves. A firstgeneration thai two can, and i had abortions. My parents sacrificed a whole United States the from thailand and raise me and u. S. I r here in the feel it is my honor and my duty and takee to give back care of them and so i became a lawyer. [applause] the reality for firstgeneration people of olor, like myself, is that our families depend on us. It feels almost impossible to generational wealth from up. Ground i have asked myself a million times, how do we give back when struggling to y survive . I know it is a dilemma that a but it is lies face, a particularly complex conservation for children of parents. So i was 18 when i first got pregnant. Unprepared. Tely i wasnt ready to be to yet, and i knew it would have completely derailed e and my entire life and the career goals i had and the plans my family. E and so, yeah, because i had that go to n, i was able to college. I graduated from ucla with a study degree and i got a chance to go to law school. [applause] nant 24 when i was prek the second time pregnant the second time. Becausempletely shocked i was on Birth Control and i doesnt even think i could get pregnant then. An extremely rough time for me. It was my first year of law school. So hard trying to navigate postgrad education as firstgeneration college student, and it it wasnt the me then either, i had no doubt i would have abortion. Thanks to that abortion, i graduated with my law degree and landed with my dream job. When, how, f, lawyering for reproductive young and get to train lawyers like myself to be reproductive advocates on their is the futurethis lawyers of this country and it is an absolute dream for me to that work. Do thank you. [applause] here talking to you today because those two made my dreams possible. Regretst people, i dont my abortion. In fact, im very, very proud of them. Confident then and im confident now that they were the best decisions for me. And so in our state, in abortion is accessible. I know that is not the case all country. So, congressman swalwell, how are you going to expand access sexual and Reproductive Health care, including abortion, me, first ks like generation people, can have matter what . Erin, thank you for sharing that story. Who t is voices like yours are willing to share the story and what making that decision career. Or your thats the only way that we can ensure this right is protected. So first and foremost what i would do is have health care for a public option for medicare for anyone who wants it, essentially, so that at the earliest, you know, of ages you have access to make your own health care decisions. That, you know, women of affected icularly are by inaccessibility to health care. Would as president , i only appoint justices who upheld which so many n, women marched for decades ago and are outraged that they are still today. This but i dont want us to only aim uphold something that has only been upheld by the Supreme Court. That be a president negotiates up on this issue rather than down. Cultural issue, just preventing us ce from doing anything about it. He majority of americans are with you. We must do away with the hyde to expand in also the United States contraception services. ll tell you, something that really bothers me, and i see this mostly in communities of go to the when you supermarket, i experienceed this ecently when i was buying raisers, and you had to razors, and you had to pull a and behind the counter were razors, but i noticed in particular supermarket there were also condoms, and it me that a young an or woman who wanted to get contraception would have to go to the Service Counter and ask open up the key. We should have precontraception we should have free contraception across the board. Have to go to a doctor for Birth Control. We should expand Sex Education in america. Are raising a young family, and so if you have a young family in the white president who a believes it is a womans body, a first omans choice, lady who will also echo that sentiment and talk personally and with ans to her, 2yearold boy, we will be who is a male feminist also in the fight on that. [applause] and i will talk directly as a 38yearold to young men in we ica and tell them that have a duty and responsibility to link arms with women to make this guarantee stands. Thank you. Thank you, erin. Thats so powerful, congressman. Thats so powerful. Of my questions is a lot of our rallies and marches, you see lot of people who hold signs back and we wont go many at the rallies are still the same fight they fought 30 and 40 years ago. It is a tragedy. Of longterm change, what would you do as president is nsure a change that durable that will last a generation so your kids will never have to fight the same fighting today . Get rid of the dirty money hold usy maps that back. [applause] that is what it holding us anything. Than i was only able i was the go to n my family to college. My parents never met a got essman until their son elected to congress. The overwhelming majority in ongress were millionaires, and i found many of them disconnected from what every day experience. Because california passed restriction reforms so is it wasnt politicians drawing the lines, it was had a shot and beat a 40year incumbent. If we enact the for the people act which passed in the house, senate, every state would have this so every ay americans can stand up and run for office and Everyday Americans are with us on this issue. Comes to d, when it the money, we have to strip down to the studs the Citizens United ruling to make sure your voices the corporations and the deep interests silencing us. Thank you. Lets give it up. [applause] you. Hank thank you for being here. Thank you. Thank you, erin. Candidate our next is senator cory booker, the first u. S. Black senator from and the former mayor of new york. Please welcome senator cory booker. [applause] thank you for joining us. Good to see you, senator. Hi. Hows it going. Welcome. Thank you so much for being with us today. It is very good to be here. It is extraordinary, actually, to see this kind of gathering, the momentum, the to fight back at a time when we see reproductive under assault. So thank you. Thank you. First ng to dive into my question. Senator, a study found that half of americans dont get health because of costs. You have been part of tackling Health Care Costs in the senate. How would you plan to bring down the price of health care, Reproductive Health care . So i just want everybody to know my orientation to the world. Lived for decades now in a lowincome inner city community. I see families every single day making difficult decisions because their paychecks dont go far enough because the costs of everything from child care to rescription drugs are outrageous. One of the reasons im running for president of the united too many there are communities like mine where people are being left out, left aside and dont have pathways to a fundamental american idea, life, liberty, and the of happiness. Very specifically, we need to system the most broken in the developed world where we pay the most of any developed for health care and get the worst outcomes and they particularly impact lowbeing in lowincome people. And i believe in medicare for believe that is something we can do right awanted. Right away. To get this we first have to create a public option for people. Do things like lower the eligibility right for medicare. Weve defend the gains made in the Affordable Care act, precontraception for lowincome women. I believe we can make drugs far less expensive by taking away Patents Companies that raise their prices too high in proportion to let gentlemen nerics under ge undercut them. My whole time in Public Office been about doing thing, whether as a mayor, a senator, and i will accomplish them as which is driving down costs, and then the last thing m going to say is most people dont realize, folks in this room do, that planned parenthood the only providers of contraceptive care in many counties. When weaw in new jersey had a republican governor and doing a tax on contraceptive care was a tax on planned parenthood. If im president of the United States, one of the things i will costs lower costs, is fully fund planned ions like parenthood and expand the kind of funding necessary, not just to make contraception to elevate but salaries of lowincome families. That we is something have just saw the toxicity of a that gives the high yes, sir, wealthiest, most in our country the tax cuts, and working people are still struggling. I will repeal the toxic give families the earned income tax credit and the rise credit which will give 150 million americans cut povertyn, would in onethird, and begin to make ure that people can do what we want to do, incentivize early ive care, protection, and incentivize making choices. Health care is a multifaceted structure. In the last 30 seconds i have on powerful clock right here, i want to say the two areas that is n gets forgotten, one elder care and there are people, my mom went through this and my the resources, my mom was taking care of my father parkinsons dees, there are disease. Work. Nt value that as through my tax credit, they will get money back. Too many st area, people focus on, when you talk about accessing health care and affordable is is people who are incarcerated. On the of three women planet earth who are incarcerated are incarcerated in of america. Tates for some reason we dont think of their health care. Are who are incarcerated making their own tampons. Health issues le that for women who are incarcerated and undocumented incarcerated, they deserve access to health care. Health care is a human right and do not surrender your human if youre inhts prison you Never Surrender your human rights and we need to have a country that stands up. Thank you so much, senator. Thank you so much. You are nothing if not a man of the people. Our next question is coming from room. Eople here in the i want to thank the courageous women who stood up. The difference it makes and families and individuals. I am grateful for all women that are speaking today and i look i just introduced myself in my traditional language. Said as i extend a handshake for my heart to yours. Im a proud and loyal member of a tribe in south cota. I grew up on a reservation where our health care is provided by inhouse service. Native american women experience the highest violent rates among any group of women. It has exemptions in the case of rape in the endangerment of the life of the mother. Almost half of native women experience some form of sexual with 90 experiencing violence overall. Inhouse services refused to provide abortion, despite the exemption. What is your commitment to changing this practice in our state that has one abortion provider, planned parenthood, that comes to one clinic on one side of the state one day a month. Expand you going to access to sexual and Reproductive Health care, including abortion, to ensure people like me have access to care no matter what. [applause] if the ladies will forgive me, i would like to stand up. This makes me very angry. I got into politics because there were too many communities being left out or left behind. A lot of these assaults on reproductive care are assaults on low income women. Whichhey did in alabama, is an assault on human rights, is an assault on Vulnerable Women who cant afford to go to another state or ask that kind of care. The mosty because fundamental ideals of this countrys liberties and this is why a look at men and say, this is not a womans issue. Dont tell me because you have a wife or mother or daughter thats how you relate to this, you have a body, and you should know people should not be able to control your body. [applause] politics to represent marginalized communities to fight for them and fight with them. I promise you, as president of the United States, im going to fight to tear down the Hyde Amendment. Im going to fight to stop these x. Estic gag roles with title im going to stop these exemptions the trumpet ministration is allowing for employers to deny people access to contraceptive care. Peopleng to make sure understand that elders have said that injustice anywhere is a threat to injustice everywhere. To athey deny justice native american community, they deny justice to me. Deny justice to rule women who are struggling for ofnity and respect and all our justice is implicated, we have to understand that this is an issue that is direct directly connected. Why do you think in georgia they are coming out of coming after Voting Rights . ,specially women of color denying access to the ballot box. Over 70 in georgia dont think this Health Care Law is wrong. These are folks who believe the only way that they are all going to be able to get into power is by suppressing peoples vote. Then the very few people they pass laws that oppress, there are very few people they target with these Voter Suppression laws that are low in, or minority people. We saw them drawing these lines are creating these laws with surgical precision to disadvantage people of color. All in this together. As James Baldwin wrote to angela j met angela davis, they come for you in the morning, they come for me at night. This election is about women. This election is about minorities, the selection is about all of us, and thats how im going to fight. This is about liberty and justice for all and we will win. [applause] thank you so much senator. Lets hear it for cory booker. Im sweating now. I am ready. I am so excited about all we have heard today. I want to make sure we can share this with folks outside the room. Or we are going to take a social media break. I want you to post something that has inspired you, all with the hash tag wedecide. Can we bring up the light so people can get some good selfies going. What is some good selfie music . Take another one. Forget, wedecide. That was a really good one. That was perfect. Post on social media. I just photobombed somebody. Collect let bring it back because we are ready for our next candidate to hit the stage. You are all good. Are you all still fired up . You remember our 2008 here. Fired up. Guest is senator amy klobuchar. She is the first woman elected to the United States senate in minnesota history. Please joinme me in welcoming senator klobuchar to the stage. [applause] welcome, thanks for being here. That was pretty good. Thanks for being here. Are you having a good time in South Carolina . I really am. Got everyone together for the first time. I was trying to get some of the tall guys on my debate stage on wednesday to promise they would kneel down as i spoke so i so i was the tallest. The president and i am talking about people like Brett Kavanaugh. 123 so far. What would you do to restore legitimacy to our courts and make sure they are protecting our reproductive rights to freedom . As you know, i play kind of a role played a role during the kavanaugh hearing. Thinkfirst want to planned parenthood. I know all of you had a long day here for your action and for what you have done and what you will do. I got to let you know why involved with politics was based on a health issue. It was when my daughter was born. Then she was in intensive care. Then the Insurance Company kicked me out, because you could only stay for 24 hours. I have no idea what to do and im kicked out. I went to the legislature as a mom and advocated for one of the first laws in the country guaranteeing new moms and their babies a 48 hour hospital stay. Interested in legislative advocacy, that is my story. , i am very aware that on the first day as president you have to start putting names forward and nominating judges. On the republican side, they did not wait. A lot of it is making sure we have judges that follow the law of the land. Nominees that wont commit on roe v. Wade, on even brown v. Board of education. For me it is simple, as a wisemen once said, you want a president that will follow the law, that will keep the peace and tell the truth. I think thats what we want when we look at judges. This week you released 100 actions you would take in your First One Hundred days as president. You would be busy. It was a very robust list that would keep you very busy. Wasthing we noticed that missing was repealing trumps global gag rule. Is that something you would commit to doing if elected . Oni think we should add it monday. This is an open list. Have been adding a number of things and we already have been repealing the domestic gag rule, because we know how dangerous that has been. The global gag rule is something that is adjusted bad because the u. S. Is supposed to be a beacon for womens rights and Womens Health care. What message do we send when we put out that global gag rule and limit aid to women across the country . You give see this, if people rights in other countries, and if you use the power of the United States to push for rights, we are a better world, a better democracy. The other thing that is equally disappointing is this administration has defunded the fund, states population which is so important to global healthcare. Thank you. I like to introduce you to one of our audience members. Her name is stephanie lopez. She is a communicator and thought leader. She is a former chair of the board of directors for the National Institute of Reproductive Health and for the california correlation of reproductive freedom and planned parenthood south. Hi, thank you for being with us. Of the actionctor fund. It is the only reproductive justice effort to lift abortion coverage bands like the Hyde Amendment. My abortion story is not mine. It is that of the millions of people struggling to make ends meet for decades, who have not realize the promise of roe v. Wade. Three years after abortion was legalized nationwide, congressman henry hyde let the passage of what is now known as the Hyde Amendment. He exposed his true motive, saying i would certainly like to prevent, if i could, anybody having an abortion, a rich woman, a middleclass woman, or a poor woman. The only vehicle i have available is the medicaid bill. Since then congress has voted every year to ban medicaid from covering abortion and access to abortion tied to where you live, how much money you make and how you were insured. Hydes vision is a reality today when state laws restrict medicaid coverage of abortion, about one in four women are forced to carry their pregnancy to term, and women of color and other marginalized groups bear the brunt of what is, in essence, an outright ban on abortion that has existed for over 40 years. These communities are the most likely to be silenced and marginalized by our Health Care System, in addition to not having the cost to be able to cover the cost to mounting barriers to care. That is why ending hyde is clearly inseparable from economic and racial injustice. For decades women of color have led the efforts for other Insurance Coverage bands. We lead this fights fight because we know what its like to face impossible odds. Weve been fighting for families and generations. Now we are ready to lift the bands once and for all. Senator klobuchar, how are you going to expand access to sexual and Reproductive Health care, including abortion to ensure people of color have access to care no matter what . Thank you for your question. The first thing we need to do is to reverse the Hyde Amendment. That is why im a cosponsor an original cosponsor. To get rid of the Hyde Amendment. Rule, we haveourt had medicaid funding for people who cannot afford, for women who cannot afford abortions. In states like alabama, literally laws that would put doctors in prison. If you are talking to some of your friends in states that her baby not as blue as some of our friends estates or my jacket that im wearing, are right here in South Carolina, i think a good point to make is that one. People dont want to put doctors in prison. The second thing is to remind 77 ofat over 70 , 73 to people dont want to overturn roe v. Wade. I found those arguments important as we are out there, making the case for the women of this country. The second thing we need to do we just talked about, and that is repeal the gag rule and make sure we Fund Planned Parenthood and stop this administrations assault on that. To third thing would be codify roe v. Wade, something we connect fully put into law and put judges in place that will actually follow the law, it is that simple. Step back from the arc that i see we are on. I started this journey when i was a prosecutor in minnesota, where there had been a lot of battles on reproductive rights, abortion rights, as in our neighboring states of north dakota and south dakota. Back then my job was public safety. There was at a time when there were Violent Attacks on clinics otherown state as a lezz places across the country. At the time there was a lot of talk there wasnt a lot of talk about taking away womens rights. President. A became he has never been more important for me and my public life to stand up. I want to leave you with this arc we are on right now. When the president does something bad or does something that is horrible on womens rights or health care, you remember this march you are on. It started the day after the millions of where people march over the country. Millions march. 6000 women signed up to run for office. Then you get uporder, the musli, people spontaneously showed up at airports. They showed up at airports, even noninternational airports. They were emboldened to do it. Then you fastforward today, my favorite march, the march for want creator what we for science. What we want, science. When do we wanted, after pure review. Then 48 democrats stood together from left to right and stopped the repeal of the affordable and protected women from getting cut off their insurance just because they had a preexisting condition, which was Domestic Violence in eight states at the time. If you are a victim that could affect your ability to get covered by insurance. Fall whereinto that that first glimmer of hope since those legislative races, two or one of my favorite was the one in new jersey, where the legislature would look that set the day of the womens march i hope they would be home in time to make dinner. He got defeated by an africanamerican woman. New go to that incredible victory for decency in the south. They didnt just march, they voted, the new go to this fall, where thanks to you South Carolina in the election of joe cunningham, we actually took back the house of representatives and turned it peoples. It is a march for freedom, a march for civil rights and the march of our lifetime to protect Womens Health. Thank you for having me. Thank you senator klobuchar, thank you. Kim get another round of applause for senator klobuchar. Our next candidate is congers im so sorry, it has been a long day. To congressman ryan. Just please give a welcome to congressman ryan. Thanks for joining us. Down low, thank you for the to senate prayed i would love a sixyear term. Thank you for being with us today. Im going to jump right in. Time yout of spent a lot of time talk about jobs and economic issues. Can you discuss how you view sexual and Reproductive Health as an economic issue. Foremost, the woman should be able to decide the size of the family that she wants to have. There are so any workingclass women in so places across the United States that dont have access. You see with the Trump Administration is doing, the attacks on title x, the gag rule and all things that have been mentioned throughout the day here. Economic very much issues that women have to face. Theiterally got to protect right to choose, protect the womans right, be clear about that but also recognize there is an economic component of that. One of the issues that you have become more outspoken on, because its an economic issue is the support for Birth Control. You have spoken against trumps ,imit access to Birth Control requiring healthcare plans to require contraceptives. What do you do to expand Birth Control access as a precedent . It goes part and parcel with health care. I dont know how any people know this, but when i first that the congress i was a prolife democrat. One of the issues that started to turn things for me was that i kept trying to say if youre prolife and prochoice, cant we agree on contraception . The answer was no, we cant agree on contraception. That began my journey of meeting. Omen who had abortions i never thought i met a woman who had an abortion, then had these very long conversations of ad the complexities pregnancy. My position tong being a prochoice democrat and really understanding the importance of keeping the of the Doctors Office when you have a woman there. A lot of this is about money, resources, and getting it down to the local communities to make sure that anybody who wants it has access to contraception. How youften talk about were previously against abortion. Like i just said. Thats how much i talk about it. People would you say to trusting your commitment to expanding and protecting Abortion Access . Obviously im a politician, so there is a certain amount of skepticism that comes with the job. Many times its earned. , it wasnt a flipflop more i came in, i grew up in a catholic family, a catholic schools, icatholic just went into politics and assumed that was prolife. I would say there were progressives that i hope we respect and honor someone who takes new evidence and new experiences that allows that to change your position that if that evidence and those experiences move in that direction. It happened over years. Then i got married. We had a baby of our own. And the and just a deeper understanding. Withi saw what happened georgia, the most powerful thing we can do is these very courageous women can continue to tell the story because you cut through all of the bull ship. Straight through the politics, straight through the left and right divide. Becomes a story about a mom, a woman who has to make a decision and should the government be involved in that . Which is why i told my story. These are powerful stories that move you, so lets keep telling them so we can move the electorate along with us. Thank you so much. Am i the per am i the first person to swear . You do get that honor. You get you invite a guy from youngstown youre going to get a little bit of salty language. Dont tell my mom. Thank you for being so earnest with us. At the end of the day is not about politics, its about real people. Im really excited to introduce one of our audience members to share their story. We have samantha blakely, a volunteer leader with planned parenthood. Her day job is in the travel industry, and she promotes change through storytelling and speaking truth to power, just as you said. The floor is yours. Thank you congressman ryan for being here. My name is samantha blakely. I friends know me as sam. You may get to call me that, we will get to see after this conversation. I live in birmingham alabama. All means all, trans rights or human rights. Two years ago i was raped by a coworker. I woke up bleeding, confused, violated and feared. I stayed in my house in the same clothes for three days. I couldnt process the trauma. Realized i later i was experiencing nausea, cramping and other unusual symptoms. My. , which had always been very me,lar, fortunately for never came. I took a pregnancy test the moment i arrived at my apartment, and it was positive. This is the worst i have ever felt. I screamed into my shower curtain when i saw that test. Even through the storm of my emotions, i knew i had to end this pregnancy. Thatnd out very quickly there are many unsafe ways to end a pregnancy. I heard from my best friend there was a planned parenthood in the montgomery area. And i went to see how i could get a safe abortion. I had to come back when i was far enough long to have the procedure. The only person i told was my rapist, and he paid for it. After that day i just wanted to go through life without thinking about what had happened to me. My rapist started stalking me after. I try to get an order of protection from him, but our relationship did not fit the criteria. I was helpless, hopeless and scared. He still tries to contact me to this day. Passed an alabama outright ban on abortion, including cases of rape and incensed, in cases like mine. For up could be jailed to 99 years for performing an abortion for a woman who is going through the worst trauma of her life, a woman who is not emotionally, physically, financially, mentally ready to be pregnant. Looking back, i know that if i had not had access to my abortion, i would have ended my life. That is what is at stake in alabama right now. We know that what is happening thelabama will go to Supreme Court and the ability of all people to make their own decisions about their bodies will be at stake. Ryan, how are you going to expand access to sexual and Reproductive Health care, including abortion to ensure people like me have access to care no matter what . [applause] sen. Graham sen. Romney sen. Ryan i cannot imagine occurred to stand up and say what you just did. Imagine the courage to stand up and say what you just did. We went over repeal the Hyde Amendment to make sure everybody has access regardless of what zip code they live in or what their paystub looks like so that anyone in this situation you are in will be able to do what you did. I think thats critically important. Continue to fund these programs that get these inources to expand coverage communities that otherwise wouldnt have it. That means organizations like planned parenthood that sometimes, as we all know, maybe the only kind of health care that someone can get. We see them reducing services all over the country. Having robust funding for these issues, these programs is essential, and the local governments many times dont have it and the state governments, many times what they do in alabama and ohio, we have some laws. We did for a while that passed a few weeks. Deeplyyou to know i am committed to this. Me. Have inspired i was with you legislatively. What you just did was amazing and i will share this story because i think its important to cut through everything. Let me just say this is about us winning elections. I try to be a practical person from ohio, midwest, how do we cut through. We have got to win elections. We have to figure out how to bring the country together because with donald trump has done and what mike pence has done and the way they politics in alabama is how do we can tend you to divide people . Who is black, white, gay, trans, this and that, who is from the north, the south. Happened here because of our division. We have got to come together with a very big agenda to stay everybody who is hurting, everybody who is hurting, everybody whos getting screwed in the political process has got to come together. I hope to be the kind of president that can carry your message into the rust belt and tell stories like the one you told, and to let people know exactly why these issues are really important for people and women in particular. And bring people together around building america 2. 0. What do we want this country to look like . What do we want our kids and theirids to grow up into respects what you are talking about. That foritted to doing you. That with a brandnew agenda that says you guys are archaic, the way you treat women, the way you are spate, it is textbook chauvinism. Problem is he is president. Live inside of his ego. That is a dangerous place for a lot of people. There is an example of making it illegal to talk about something that is legal. You. Y, we bow to a thank you so much congressman. It was a pleasure having you with us today. Thanks for being here with us. One more time for the congressman and our wonderful storyteller. All right. We have a couple of candidates left. Is a long road to 2020 and every day counts. Up is a former marine Corps Officer now representing massachusetts sixth Congressional District. Join me in welcoming the congressman. How are you . Welcome to our stage. Its an honor to be here. We are going to jump right in. You are focusing a lot of your campaign on foreign policy, which is admirable. We know President Trump has done a lot to reduce access to Reproductive Health care all over the globe. How would you not only repeal the harm trump has done but also expand access across the world . Of the first things trump did was put in place the gag rule. Basically prevents american to any healthng Care Organization period, that in some way up some way supports abortion. That affects millions of people worldwide, who are not only trying to get abortions but trying to get all the health Care Services that these organizations provide. Thats not american leadership, thats not american values, and it would stop on day one of my administration. Thats really just undoing the harm. Womens health care should be a right that we promote. Womens rights should be something that we promote. Womens rights should be something we invest in. We have got to be investing more money to development and foreign aid in the kinds of organizations that provide these basic rights to women across the globe. This is a great Economic Investment as well. There are a lot of develop in studies that show you get a much better return on our Foreign Investment dollars for investing in women than men. Just saying. Its the smart policy, its the right policy, it represents our values. We have to get back to a country that sets the example around the globe. That provides the moral leadership that we have always provided. One of the things i saw when i went to iraq that was the most striking was that iraqis would come and volunteer to work for ,s at great risk to their lives just because they knew a little bit about what america stood for. Think about that, just because they knew a little bit about what america stood for. Even though they lived in a country that had a ministry of information to tell them the opposite. Our values were so strong that they gotaded that, through the ministry of information. Our values are so strong that they could reach men and women in a country like iraq. We are doing the opposite, thats not the moral leadership we need to provide from the white house. Wouldlowing up on that, your plan include repealing trump possible gag rule . Trumps global gag rule . This bill would protect the health, safety and privacy of young people and lead the way in ensuring equitable access to abortion. What do you have to say to lawmakers considering this bill . Massachusettsn continue to lead the way. It has led the nation on marriage equality, on health care. Lets go farther. All right. I have a relative. We refer to her as and sheila. She worked at the General Electric plant in massachusetts for years. She was the first woman to stand thought on all the same promotions as that guy and hes making more money he had. He got castigated but she ultimately won that case, and now General Electric has a rule named after my aunt sheila. We were talking about this at thanksgiving dinner. Also how footed how fortunate we are. Way, butmped in a long not far enough. General electric introduced a member for audience, who works as a project manager in iowa to supplant their volunteer leader in a board member for iowa access funds. Thank you for being here. Its an honor to be here. Im from des moines iowa. Conservativea religious household. I have struggled with my Mental Health. I attempted suicide when i was 12 years old. My Mental Health has been the priority. When i found out two years ago that when i was pregnant, recently signal thats recently , there is no question of what i would do. My first thought is i wanted to die. Annext was i needed to have abortion. Risking my recovery and giving up everything i have worked for wasnt an option. First. Y Mental Health most women not even knowing they are pregnant by then. Thankfully in january, a state judge ruled the law was against iowas constitution. But proponents of abortion rights have vowed to keep pushing the ban and i believe them. They attended to change the language in our state constitution earlier this year. Iowa lawmakers would have forced me to carry my pregnancy to turn. I represent countless whose Life Experience includes an abortion story. The reason People Choose to have an abortion are personal and private. The fact that some arent able access care privilege of a Flexible Work schedule. Privilege of financial stability. I have the privilege of a working card or carry me across state lines. There are many millions of people who do not have those things. Do to continue to expand access to sexual and Reproductive Health care, including abortions. No matter what. [applause] want to thank you for your courage in sharing that story. There is so much courage wrapped up in all that you shared. People ask me, why is congress so stupid, why do people believe in Climate Change or basic rights . Forve only been in congress five years, but my observation is that most of my colleagues are pretty smart. You have a lot of courage. Let me walk through the things i would do. We have to repeal the Hyde Amendment. Shared some of the struggles you had and yet you said you have more privileges that many then manyamerica people in america who need the same health care. He cant go to another state, who cant pay for more expensive doctor. Me ifld be a priority for i were in the next president. We need to work on winning our elections. We need to work on winning our elections up and down the ballot at the state and local level. Did notpened in iowa happen in anywhere else. And ultimately at the federal level so we can ensure these protections in congress. Have workedthing i on very hard in 2018. I learned the lesson of 2016, which is not enough to just be a good congressman for your district. I had a big effort called serve america to focus on key house we needed to flip. I focused on veterans. And we elected leaders, a whole group of people across the country. Many of them Women Veterans that take back the house. We need to do that everywhere up and down the ballot. The second is pretty obvious. We need to win the white house. Courtst in the supreme but everywhere else. I stood in front of the Supreme Court at the planned parenthood rally. When i had a brief moment to speak i got up there and i said heres a simple fact, if you lie a confirmation hearing you should not be a Supreme Court justice on the highest court in the land. [applause] it is also life you shouldt justice, not be president of the United States. Regardless of the politics, and i understand it might be tricky, its just the right thing to do. The last thing i want to share briefly is a few weeks ago i appear and he became the first president ial candidate in American History to share my own story in dealing with Mental Health. I just decided that if im applying for the top leadership position in the country, i ought to lead up to that example. Many fellow veterans dealing with posttraumatic stress that i have been a consistent advocate and even made a commitment to continuing to get my own health at the v. A. I never share the story of dealing with posttraumatic stress. I talked about some of the things i saw in iraq the day we were heading towards baghdad. And how would how hard it was to admit i courage had posttraumatic stress. Now i can choose when i thing about that. Its not so the i can control anymore. I think its a good thing i found the strength and help to get through that. The first time i have to make a decision involving the lives of Young Americans and live with the consequence of that decision wont be when im sitting i think that mix may best make me the best president ial candidate. And just share that story of being confronted with Mental Health challenge, dealing with it and moving on. Thank you for your courage today. Thank you both for sharing your story with us today. Thank you, congressman. Its been a long day, so thank you so much. Say si se or us to puede. Or not, our final candidate is colorado senior senator michael bennet. Please help me welcome senator bennett. [applause] you are a committed group of people. Thank you for being here with us today. m going to jump right in senator Majority Leader Mitch Mcconnell has confirmed a Record Number of the 123 to the ecstatic test to the exact extremist abortion judges for lifetime appointments. With the right to abortion and many other rights at risk, what as president at to free our courts and protect the rights to freedom . I wouldnt appointed judge that would uphold roe v. Wade at any level. The Supreme Court, court of appeals or district judge. Tohink its important understand what has happened wherehe last 10 years, Mitch Mcconnell has been , thetlessly strategic antichoice factions in this country have been relentlessly strategic. We have not been a strategic as they have been. Should bever say we as malevolent or cynical or as uncaring as Mitch Mcconnell is. I would never argue any of us should do what he did to Merrick Garland and try to win the presidency for donald trump. We do need to be as strategic as he has been. I am deeply dissatisfied about that. President obama had more vacancies at the end of his first term that he did at the beginning of his first term. Now President Trump has failed more by more vacancies than any president in the history of america, because we went down the road together. Its not a matter of quantity, its who these judges are. Of these judges are ideologues. Many of these judges are not qualified for a lifetime employment. We can restore the advise and consent process in the senate so is heartening partisan exercise that it has become. You just mentioned the senate. Can you share with us the priorities, the information they or championsed that have advanced sexual care and reproduction for all. To dot ive been trying is get universal health care in this country, and Reproductive Health care, i view that is part of universal health care. The main idea something called medicare acts, which is a true option for Reproductive Health care and would be a part of that bill. And is part of that bill. I think it is critical we get this done. We are the only country in a world that doesnt have universal health care. Bernies proposal here is how we should go. If we had no existing Health Care System, medicare for all would make a lot of sense. There is an existing Health Care System out there. Of 160 the likelihood million or whatever it is that get their insurance through their private employer, giving off their insurance to this new system is very low, which is another way of saying we are never going to get universal health care if thats what we are fighting. Lets give families and adults the choice to pick whats right for them. For them it would be like medicare for all. Are millions of people in this country, i dont need to tell the people in this room, thousands of people in my state, who of them single women are not covered by medicaid because they cannot afford Health Insurance. The best way to do it is through a public auction. Susan johnson, susan is from Cape Elizabeth maine. She has dedicated herself to fighting for Abortion Access across the country. Susan was very active in the fight against Brett Kavanaugh in the confirmation to the Supreme Court. Hello, senator bennett and everyone, thanks for staying. Thank you all for listening. My name is Susan Johnson and i live in Cape Elizabeth maine. It seems like a lifetime ago and it was. 56 years. It was before roe v. Wade. It was before the pill was invented. It was before Birth Control was legal. It was for the dark ages for a womans right to make her own decisions about pregnancy. My boyfriend offered to get married. He said he would quit school, get a job and help his father on the soft route. When we told my parents my mother threw me out of the house , then she relented and got scared because i was so depressed. I didnt know where to go for help. My mother did. It turns out there was a secret network of women helping women my mother, telling me she was the pregnant one, told the neighbor she knew someone who knows someone, there was a man in a small coal mining town in pennsylvania who performed abortions. She heard he was a doctor. This brave man decided abortion was the right thing to do to help women and girls. He did this at great risk to himself. Abortion was against the law. His name was dr. Robert spencer. He saved the lives of thousands of people. He paid for it, i never asked how much it cost, and we never spoke of it again. Now, andhree representing my generation. Many of those women were not as lucky as i was. I am their voice. Voice. Whether you decide to have an abortion or become apparent, no one should be denied health care during pregnancy. Too many of us were denied care not by our Insurance Companies, but by our government, by the shame and stigma our society placed on us. I am a proud mother and grandmother of two girls. I dont want them to ever be faced with anything like what i went through. So senator bennett, how are you going to expand access to sexual and Reproductive Health care, including abortion, to ensure that people have access to care . I cant think of a more fitting way to end this program them with what you just said and the statement. I want to thank you for your advocacy on behalf of of your generation, and americans everywhere, including my daughter who is here and 14 years old. Thank you for that. [applause] do everything i can, as i mentioned earlier, i will said aboutwhat i universal coverage and how i think we should get there. I think we need to overturn the , and thedment, clearly Democratic Party is there now, which is a good thing to into that discrimination. We are living in a state where people commonly from the Senate Introduced bills that cut medicaid by 800 billion when are paide births that for by medicaid. That, where do people expect these people to have their children . It is so cool. In the context so cruel. In this context, it seems it is the most Vulnerable People that they are lashing out at it [applause] rural, a person of poor, they are coming against you. My first election, i had never run for office in my life, i had a 3 name recognition and a pump in a purple state. To runa terrible year and i ran on the issues you are talking about today and i will do it in every one of my elections because i think it is so important for us to live in a just and fair society. These decisions cannot be left to chance or whether or not you are lucky enough to not be born poor. All of America Needs to come together and support you in what you said, and the women who went through this when you went through it. My friend jon tester, a great forfrom montana, thank you your help, he barely survived his reelection but he did. One of the things he says is my daughter is having to fight for rights her mother never had to fought for because her grandmother won those rights. [applause] that is why what you guys are doing here, spending all day in this windowless room, is so incredibly important. [laughter] anything i can do to help you, i will. Thank you. Thank you, senator. Bye, everybody. All right. Give your neighbor highfive, we made it. Yes give it up one more time for the senator and all the great storytellers who shared their stories today. And lets give one more big because at these end of the day, theres only one group of people who will decide who the leader of the country is in 2020, and that is us. Am i right . Yes thank you for being part of this event and we will see you in the streets. Please continue to stay loud on this, ever candidates need to keep hearing from you. This is not about politics, this is about people, and we are going to win. [applause] thank you all. Have a great evening. Information, you can find it at registration, and we are going to go out there and continue the fight. Vote ya] sunday at 3 00 p. M. Eastern, democratic president ial candidate senator Bernie Sanders hosts a town hall in rock hill, South Carolina. Watch it on cspan, cspan. Org, or listen on the free cspan radio app. Afternoon,s President Trump issued this statement from twitter, concerning reports that immigration officials would begin staging raids to arrest and deport undocumented immigrants. The president tweeted, at the request of democrats, i have delayed the illegal immigration removal process, deportation, for two weeks, to see if the democrats and republicans can get together and work out a solution to the asylum and a loophole problems at the southern border. If not, deportation start ues. Host seth jones is with the center for

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