Transcripts For CSPAN Washington Journal 11082019 20240713 :

CSPAN Washington Journal August 19, 1109

Later, David Mcintosh joins us to discuss his organizations strategy for campaign 2020. Trump during the impeachment inquiry. Host what was last year an anonymous New York Times oped by a purported white house senior staffer is now a fullfledged book just published, the author citing further concern, alarm, and consternation about President Trumps term in office saying he deserves to be fired. We start with excerpts from the Washington Post article and what they are publishing today. Democrats, use 2027488000. Epublicans, it is 2027488001 and independents, 2027488002. You can send us a text, make sure you put your name and where you are texting from. That is 2027488003. On twitter, we are cspanwj. On facebook, facebook. Com cspan. The article in the Washington Post, washingtonpost. Com where you can read it for yourself. The headline book by anonymous, describes trump as cruel, inapt, and a danger to the nation. Trump Administration Officials masseered resigning en last year, but rejected the idea because they believed it would destabilize a teetering government. In a warning by anonymous obtained by the Washington Post ahead of its release, a writer described only as a senior official in the Trump Administration paints a chilling portion of a president as cruel, inept, and a danger to the nation he was elected to lead. Capturedr, who attention as the unidentified author of a New York Times describes trump as a 12yearold in an air Traffic Control tower, pushing the buttons of government indiscriminately, indifferent to the plane skidding across the runway. The Washington Post publishing segments from the book. Not qualified to diagnose the president s mental acuity. All i can tell you is normal people who spend any time with donald trump are uncomfortable by what they witness. He stumbles, slurs, gets confused, is easily irritated, and has trouble synthesizing information with regularity. Those who would claim otherwise are lying to themselves or to the country. We havent heard from President Trump via twitter yet. We will hear something later this morning. Secretary, stephanie grisham, has responded to the publication. A workied the book was of fiction the coward did not put their name on it because it is nothing but lies. Real authors reach out to their subjects and get things fact checked. This person is in hiding, making the basic fact of being a real writer impossible. Reporters should have the journalistic integrity to govern the work as what it is, a book affection the book as what it is, a work of fiction. The words you are looking for is impeach, prosecuted, jailed. Anonymous equals fake news says larry in richmond, virginia by text and games in manhattan, President Trump, you are fired. Chad on facebook, vote him out if you think he needs to be fired. These endless the attics of democrats are not going anywhere, put up a good candidate and win. Lets go to our democrats line in granite city, illinois. This is ken, good morning. Caller how are you . Host doing fine. Caller i am sure when the first letter was written to the new , times, i believe it was they believe the Editorial Board wrote the letter. If i wrote the letter, i doubt seriously they would take it seriously. I doubt they have checked out who it is that his writing and do they have an ability to know what is going on. In years to come, we will find out who this person is. This is not published by the New York Times, just further detail, the segments are being published in the Washington Post. This is from the post article, the book is an unsparing study of trump from his morality to adept theual author claims many other current and former Administration Officials share his or her views. The 259page book published by 12, an imprint of Grand Central publishing book group and goes on sale november 19 does not recreate many specific episodes in vivid detail, which of author writes was intentional to protect his or her identity. Lets hear from donald, good morning. I think it is a disgrace you all are even putting this on tv. If he doesnt have his guts to put his name behind it, that is a coward to me. Slandernothing but more coming out of the democrats on the people inside the white trump down. To take host lets hear from todd on the independent line. Trump should be away from office for the ukraine ,ssue, the russian interference all the racist, sexist,. Omophobic comments he has made the main thing, the payoff to stormy daniels, using campaignfinance money, that is highly illegal. Host asking you this morning about the book being published november 19 excerpts, it is called a warning, the article, anonymous reportedly a Top White House staffer. The followup to the New York Times editorial oped piece of last year, the book published by anonymous. Vice president pence was in New Hampshire yesterday filing for the 2020 campaign and took questions from reporters and got a question about the publication of this book. [video clip] most rumors came out a few years ago and i dismissed them then. I never heard any discussion in my tenure about the 25th amendment. And why would i . The record we are celebrating today in New Hampshire, the record we are going to be taking is a testament to president Donald Trumps leadership and his determination to keep the promises he made when he filed four years ago in New Hampshire when he campaigned across the state, when republican said yes to him in that primary and after election day in 2016, every day since. I have to tell you, the very notion of this anonymous who wrote an editorial now is appalling to me. There is someone in our administration that doesnt support this president and his agenda, they should do the honorable thing and resign. Of rumors, i dismissed them several years ago and i am happy to dismiss them without qualification today. Host the book is called a a warning. I am part of the resistance inside the Trump Administration, i work for the president , but likeminded colleagues and i have vowed to thwart parts of his agenda and his inclinations. Morning. Ood i just dont understand how people dont see the irony in this. Danger. Not the the only thing trump is a danger to is the corruption of crimes. Before he was elected, all the years of him being a billionaire, rubbing shoulders with rich people, popular people, he was around all these people all these people loved him and then he be he decides to become president and 90 of people are against him, why . Because he is going against the corruption of these crimes. Something. Had to do is not a danger to the people the swamp creatures trapped in the bottom of the swamp. That is the reason we elected thisnd i pray people see and follow their heart when they vote. Host cheryl, independent line. Iller that last caller, dont know what his problem is. Donald trump said he would stand on 5th avenue and can shoot people and nothing will happen to him. These people are not revealing themselves because they are scared this man will kill him. The man it is coming out of this mans mouth. He is insane. He needs to be institutionalized. Thank you. Host this is steve next, blacksburg, virginia. The book published in the coming days, november 19. Go ahead. Caller what that last lady just said kind of blew my mind a little bit. This guy is so corrupt, his family is so corrupt, he definitely deserves to be fired. I totally agree with that book. Host are you still there . Caller i am still here. Host are you done . Caller yeah, pretty much. Host appreciate that. 2027488000 for democrats. And7488001 for republicans for independents and others, that is 2027488002. From the book, the author, anonymous. Reportedly a white house staffer senior white house staffer. He or she says i have sat and listened in uncomfortable silence as the president talks about a womans appearance or performance pretty comments on makeup, makes jokes about weight , critiques clothing, questions the toughness of women in his orbit. He uses words like sweetie and honey. Line onpendent our independent line, this is patty. Caller good morning. I am calling because whoever wrote this, it could be a janitor cleaning the toilet. If this is another whistleblower and you know what they really are, they are plants put there by brennan. They are just going against trump, that is all they are going to do. He is the best president we have ever had. Investigatehould david ignatius. He is right in there with them. Can i ask one more thing . Instead of trump every day, why dont you put the question out, biden,people think joe his son, committed a crime . Change the subject. Host betty is next in new orleans on our democrats line. Good morning. I would like to voice my opinion about the anonymous book. Theink what the author said president should be fired, impeached, and jailed, all those three because any republicans who fight for trump is just as bad as trump because they dont want to hear the truth when the truth is sitting in front of their face. People going along with this are people trying to hurt the United States. That aint cool putin. That aint cool this man with all the hair on his head. I cant remember because i had a stroke. If the people dont wake up and get those crooked people out of the white house, this country is going to hell and trump will be the head of it because he is satan himself. There has been question on the publication of a book. This from politico tweets it would be ok to out anonymous . For one thing, the whistleblower followed the rules and took a risk for their country. If the anonymous author was of fed and had a book deal at the time, they likely violated ethics rules and did it for profit. I am not advocating outing anonymous, i prefer for people to not by their book. It if anonymous is a senior level fed, i am hoping they disclose their intellectual property interest in the book to avoid prosecution. Tohear from opal next tennessee on our republican line. Morning, make sure you mute your television and go ahead with your comment. Caller okay. I was calling about the book. Anybody stupid enough to write a book and not sign it does not have much brains. They are afraid to not sign their name because they know it is a bunch of lies. Another thing, that woman that just called, she is stupid and she is probably the one going to upl and all the democrats and s especially peloski chiff. Caller how are you doing . Host doing fine. Caller god bless you for being able to listen to some of these people and maintain a straight face. [laughter] from what i understand about the anonymous author, the reason why the person wanted to remain nymous is because of the remainme why they anonymous because the trump tactic is to attack the messenger. They dont pay no attention to the message. Host getting a little noisy in wilmington, but thanks for weighing in. A similar vein, politico magazine, this is this mornings publication. Who will betray . Trump . Donald trump knows there are traders in his mist, his presidency could traitors in midst, his presidency could depend on keeping them at bay. More dramatically that an impeachment inquiry could be warranted. The Florida Republican was a marked man and made for an unusual suspect, a silver haired business tycoon. He had reliably played the role of a good soldier since easily winning his naples area congressional seat in 2016. He had kept his head down and got about his business as a policymaker and politician. He had muffled his trepidation over the president s behavior, recognizing to cross trump was to commence the extinction of his own political career. Theing privately about president has become a hallowed past time in time. Icancontrolled past withoutad long indulged consequence, certainly his friends noticed. He had grown more animated in private over the past year railing against the improprieties detailed in the mueller report, decrying the trumps family enriching themselves, wondering aloud what the president needed to do before voters would turn on him. Here was no real risk they dismissed it as another member blowing off steam. Rooney was not just complaining anymore, he was talking about eachment and talking not linda in new haven missouri, welcome. Is a legendld trump in his own mind. Anyone who has followed that man, i am 69 years old, he lived in the sewers of new york because the people of new york would never accept him in their social circles. That is why he lies constantly. Nothing is what he appears to be and for people to continue to think he is god amazes me. Host richard in florida on our republican line. What are your thoughts on the publication of this book . Caller good morning. I think it is terrible. Muchnk dirt cells and as dirt you can create on the president is going to is going to sell. The guy stands up great under pressure. , he isusy all day long not a politician, he is a businessman. He is the best president we have had since reagan. Hatest know why everybody this man. Dont have any morals, it seems like. Host this happened yesterday on the 2020 senate race, Jeff Sessions getting back in. Watches bid for old Alabama Senate seat and they write Jeff Sessions announced he was running for his old alabama will earnt hoping he the white houses support despite his sour relationship with the president. They released an ad yesterday. Here is a look. [video clip] Jeff Sessions, i approve this ad. Did i write a tellall book . No. Did i go on cnn and attack the president . Have i said a crossword about our president . Youone time and i will tell why, that would be dishonorable. I was there to serve his agenda, not mine. Second, the president is doing a great job for america and alabama and he has my strong support. Host Jeff Sessions getting into the 2020 race in alabama. Steve in missouri on the independent line. Ry, steve, and caller i would like to tip my hat to you for all you do and having to listen to these people who call in and dont know what they are talking about. Sessions say he was there to serve trumps agenda, not this countrys agenda. Ask the question nobody is talking about. How about pence . His whole cabinet, everybody is in on this. You have all the republicans providing cover for him and i dont understand it, all these people are so misinformed like you had one guy saying trump stands for the constitution and is trying to balance the budget. I dont understand where they are getting their information. This guy is trying to bring down our very democracy. I dont agree with everything with the democrats, i give them that. The worst part is we are going to have a Christmas Present for donald trump and it is going to called impeachment under his Christmas Tree wrapped up in a shiny red bow. On thehe timetable impeachment hearings, we will be covering those on the cspan networks. They begin next wednesday, 10 00 a. M. Eastern on cspan 3. Cspan 2, Marie Yovanovitch will testify. All of our coverages on our website, we have dedicated a special section, the impeachment section. You can find video, statements, testimony so far. The closed door testimony continued yesterday on capitol hill and this is the headline in the wall street journal. The state Department Official now working for Vice President mike pence told an impeachment personrding to a familiar with the matter, jennifer williams, the special advisor for europe and russia arrived at the capital thursday morning and was the first person from the staff to testify. She along with other officials listened to mr. Trumps phone call with volodymyr zelensky. Testimonyseddoor before impeachment investigators, miss william said the Vice President was not involved in any discussions about political inquiries and never brought up investigations. She is a Career Foreign Service officer who served republican and democratic administrations and was the First White House official to appear voluntarily before house panels this week after several colleagues declined the white houses direction. Darrell in new jersey. What are your thoughts on this book that has been covered published by anonymous . Caller good morning. Caller good morning, how are you . Host fine, thank you. Caller i agree with a lot of the callers that have called in notsaid your job, i am envious of, you have to deal with a bunch of people just repeating the same information that has been thrown out to them by fox news. If you were to ask them to have their own thoughts, i guarantee you every word that comes out of their mouth, you could go back and look and listen to sean hannity or tucker. The other thing is he should be fired and whether this guy puts his name on a book or not is insignificant as long as the information is pertinent and accurate. As far as i am concerned, what people are not talking about is now it is coming out putin and for those people who dont know theor been orbain, he is hungarian president , they had conversations that persuaded trump to go against ukraine. I am not going to go into all of that. That will come out soon. I dont understand how people can sit here and ignore the fact this man has lied every time they catch him in something when they talk to him about mcdougall and stormy whatever her name is. He said no. He said it on tv, no. When it got closer, you have to talk to Michael Cohen and then it comes out, i did do it, but so what . People he is totally lying. Host elizabeth next on our republican line in north platte, nebraska. Welcome. Caller good morning. Say the author of the book ought to be ourstigated by the fbi and president is the best we have had in 5

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