Helicopters. Its very sad of gartner report on it. We talked about it and please give my condolences to the families and to france. They were great fighters, youve done a fantastic job in that area. We very much appreciate it. Well be talking about a lot of things including the trade, will be doing a lot of trade with france weve had a minor dispute but will be able to work it out. But we have a big trade relationship and i am sure within a short. Of time thing will be looking very rosy. We hope. Thats usually the case with the two of us, we get it worked out. Weve done a lot of good things together as partners. Our countries have been partners in many Good Ventures including some having to do with radical islam and others. Its always worked out, so i look forward to our discussion, weve made a lot of progress in the first 45 minutes, and we intend to make a lot of progress in our next our maybe hour and a half. So thank you very much. [speaking in native tongue] [speaking in native tongue] [speaking in native tongue] [speaking in native tongue] thank you very much president tromp but you think about what he said about nato. We just started talking about nato and what i like about nato is that a lot of countries have stepped up. I think it really might my behest but theyve stepped up and they put up a lot of money is a hundred and 30,000,000. 30 billion and thats a lot, and now theyre stepping up again to be 400 billion for 400 billion. We just left the secretarygeneral and he got things that are very important and i discussed with him the flexibility not just with one area of the world we discuss this all the time. We have all areas of the world because nato is a lot different than it was and is certainly a lot different of the last three years. So we have a lot of countries stepping up and putting up a lot of money. The number as of this number is exactly a hundred and 31 billion, thats a year, thats a tremendous amount of money. But its not enough. And they also raise commitments for 400 billion. So nato which was really heading in the wrong direction three years ago, so was going down. If you look at the graph, but i dont think they couldve gone on much longer. Now its actually very strong and getting stronger. Many people are committed to that 2 that ultimately the total 2 will be raised. And the president and i think we feel we need more flexibility and i think we both agree on that so we could use it for other things, not just looking at one specific country. A lot of people said is to look at one, originally russia or the soviet union. But theres also other things to look at. Whether its radical islamics or tremendous growth of china, theres a lot of other things. So nato is becoming different than it was, much bigger than it was, and much wealthier than it was. Because people are fulfilling their commitments and some countries arent fulfilling their commitments and those countries will be dealt with. Maybe ill deal with that of my trade. Of that, maybe in a different way. Ill work something out. We dont want people delinquents, its really not fair for us to be involved, including france to be involved when there are countries that are not paying their way. With less than 1 , we have a couple that are less than 1 , thats not fair. So nato is made a lot of progress over the last three years and them more flexibility is very important. Were not just looking at one area, the working at the world. And thats a very important. To me its very important. I know mice statement brought some reaction from a lot of people. When you look at what nato even should be, you see the fact that the u. S. Is number one by far. Is exactly what they are doing. We are investing 1 . When you speak about nato you have to be respectful. Its all a burden we share. And i do believe we do pay what we have to pay. When i look at the situation in syria, iraq,. [inaudible] what nato should be. We have to build something new. [inaudible] the common enemy today and im sorry to say we dont have information. When you look at turkey and theyre fighting against jews, we fight with them. We fight against isis. [inaudible] we dont have nearly the situations with the military. I do believe we need clarification. And lets be clear we do share the same thoughts. [inaudible] we have a clear definition of these rules. One of the things id like to say is your religion a great job in africa and your very much involved there, more than most. And thats been fantastic. I appreciate you saying the United States is really way way disproportionate almost too much. Other countries are paying far too little and are very directly being benefited by it. Getting the United States involved. Were changing that around somewhat and its very important. But were very important, without is nato certainly not the same thing. As weve discussed. And we discussed at length this morning, this morning we discussed it with the general and we are behind it one 100 . Although my thats been raised, and all the countries that are suddenly putting up money, thats good. But we have a great, we really have a different objective right now. We are looking at a much Bigger Picture and that includes, you mentioned iraq, but includes iran two. Think if you look at whats going on in iran, they have massive riots. They are having protests all over the country, and theyre killing a lot of people. Everybody knows that. But if the media would go there, its very hard for the media to go there right now, theyre killing a lot of people. But nato is come along way in three years and that something were very proud of. We are with them. Nato serves a great function and everybodys involved. If theyre not involved, and i really believe, that the president is very much involved and likes the idea of nato, but he also wants it to be utilized properly. If its not utilized properly, we all agree. Its no good. So weve had a very good discussion, a lot of people, a lot of countries are really stepping up for the most part. For the most part theyre all set, we have one or two that are not and will have to deal with them in a different way. Like i said well deal them in trade. We have a lot of power in respect to trade. They make a fortune with the United States, and natives come along way in three years. It has become very powerful, very, very powerful. And i think its become a much fairer and the terms the United States. We will take four to 4. 3 of the largest gp p, nobodys ever had a gbp like we have now, nobodys ever come close. Some people praying 1 some people are paying less than 1 a very small gp p and its not fair. We protect them, but its not fair. So a lot of changes have been made. Mr. President whats your message, what we are process to be for additional products from france . Will working together on that right now are discussing it. I believe a work something out. Well work it out easily through taxes. Their American Companies, the tech operations are. Theyre not my favorite people because theyre not exactly for me. But thats okay i dont care. Their American Companies. And we do when attacks American Companies its important. We want to tax them. As the president knows, we tax wine and other tax schedules. But would rather not do that. But its gonna work out. We will work out a mutually beneficial tax. And the tax will be substantial and im not sure its gonna come to that, but it might. Mr. President has france committed to that . Asked the president today we have a tremendous amount of captured fighters, isis fighters over in syria. They are all under lock and key, but many are from france, many are from germany, many from the uk. Mostly from europe. So the countries are agreeing, i havent spoken to the president about that, would you like some nice isis fighters . I can give them to you. You can take everyone you want. This number fighters on the ground. I have spiders coming from syria and many other countries. I think number one priority is to get rid of isis. This is our number one priority. Im in syria more and more the whole position of the regime makes the position more difficult to take. Second, some of the foreign fighters are being in iraq. It will be casebycase. Dont make any mistake, the number one for our fighters is the isis. And you have more and more fighters during due to the situation. This is why your great politician. Thats what one of greatest nonanswers ive ever heard. Youre right i dont say what to president trump. We have some of our people we dont forget the situations are number one. We start to discuss about our relationships. Francis actually taken back some fighters, but we have a lot of others of captured a lot of people. We have captured one 100 , we sense a small contingent in and we wiped out another portion of isis. We dont want to happen to me what happened president obama were became stronger than it was the first place. We dont want that to happen. Like i said before, we have the oil. So we have total control of the oil, so theyre not going to be able to use that. They use that oil to fuel up their wealth, their money, that was her primary source of income. In every contribution we have now is list of ways work comes from. Its very important that people contribute. Some of these people are wealthy people who make contributions. We learned a lot. When we killed him we have a lot of information that we are dealing with now for the first time. We also got a lot of good information. France has been very helpful i have to say that. Any other questions and no no on [speaking in native tongue] [speaking in native tongue] [speaking in native tongue] [speaking in native tongue] [speaking in native tongue] [speaking in native tongue] [speaking in native tongue] and i just have to say im at the position where they union was in a making anywhere from a hundred 250 billion in deficits to the United States, they were making it, we were losing it. And so we had to do something that is fair. Not severe, fair. Were losing tremendous amounts. You know the European Union has many barriers, many of our products cannot command including agricultural. It cant command we cant sell it yet the union sells openlys United States. And generally thats where the tax go. This is the problems were talking about these the problems we are working out. The additional taxes are possible. I inherited a situation where the European Union was formed partially make a better or take advantage of the United States. And theyve done that very grievously. And frankly, its not right. Ive exposed it, a lot of people didnt know it. We are doing things about it. The United States cant continue to lose this kind of money that theyve lost over the last literally the formation of the European Union. And i think will work something out. The new head wants to talk, whose must be a very respected woman. Very highly respected and i look forward to meeting her. But we have a very unfair trade situation where the u. S. Loses lots of money for many, many years to the European Union. Billions and billions of dollars. To be specific over hundred and 50 billion a year. So we dont want to be doing that. And we can make a deal, we can take a hard approach and solve that problem instantaneously. But i dont want to do that, these are friends of ours, these are people we have extraordinary relationships with. Im sure we can work something out. You mentioned earlier that the United States supports the protest on iran . I dont want to comment on that. What is the United States wants to do more, can you clarify the terms of that . I can only say we have a very Good Relationship and with president earlham, i cant speak for the president of france, but we have a very Good Relationship. We said you can patrol your own border now. I dont carry who you do it with, but we are not can have our soldiers patrolling the borders. We took our soldiers out around the oil. We capture the oil we have the oil. And we brought some home. I will be bringing some home. We have a very Good Relationship with them. We have a lot of corporations with the European Union and france. I do respect all leaders. But now the question we need clarification what qualifies them. I think we need clarification. To be a member of the alliance, to work. [inaudible] if we do not agree about the definition of the organization, the order, dash this is why were having meetings, these are our points. And will be discussing that with the president yes. Will you issue sanctions to turkey over their purchase of the missiles . Were looking at it now. And were talking about it now. And you know turkey wanted to order on ran by our patriot system may only let them buy when they want to buy another system. Which was not the same system. But turkey, for a long period of time wanted very much to buy our system. Which is what nato uses, which is a great system. They wouldnt sell it to turkey. So there are two sides of the. I have to say this. But well be discussing that with the turkish as well. And also tomorrow. Even having european auction, and is not compliance with nato. This are you gonna take part in the conversation later today with ambassador. Hes not here this is his house. I cant believe that. Yes it will be meeting with Prime Minister for a little while. Ill be seeing him a little while. Will be going over to number ten which is a very exciting place to be as you know. And will be discussing these issues. And one related question the london attacks you have any comment. I have no comment on the London Bridge attack other than not to say i was very proud who did such a good job with the fire extinguishers and whatever else. It was an amazing job they did. He was very violence, you could see that. And this was captured very much on tape. I think they were british citizens the way they set up was it incredible. That was really great. So terrible thing, terrible attack. A lot of people very badly hurt. I believe three or four were killed. As for now today. So its terrible. Its a terrible thing and i know is an act of terrorism its been declared an act of terrorism. Islamic terrorism and its very bad. But the way the people stepped up is something very special. Okay . Question on russia should russia be designated with nato . I dont think he does feel that. I think you get along with russia, i think we get a rush or you feel we can get along with russia. But generally we have to be prepared, weathers russia or somebody else we have to be prepared. You and i have a similar view on that. I feel we get along with russia and i think its a good thing to get along with russia. I go to the big stadiums, people like it. I think the russian people would like to see it too. A lot of good can come of it. But the purpose of nato is that, but the purpose of nato can be much more. Amounts were flowing the flexibility over the past two years. [speaking in native tongue] [speaking in native tongue] [speaking in native tongue] nei french [speaking in native tongue] [speaking in native tongue] [speaking in native tongue] [speaking in native tongue] [speaking in native tongue] and i think the situation in ukraine, i think the meetings coming up with russia and ukraine are very important. And there is a possibility its a very big progress will be made. Its very important for ukraine, its very important from the standpoint of russia also. That they work out a treaty, that they work out peace. Because theyve been fighting for a long time. Too long. And i think theres a real good chance that that will happen also. With respect to the Nuclear Weapons, ive spoken to president and ive communicated with him and he very much wants to work out a trade of some kind with new Nuclear Weapons that will probably include china at some. , and yourselves, but it will include china and some other countries. But we want to see if we can work something out to stop whats happening because were liberating iraq. The whole situation with nuclear is not a good situation. We ended the treaty because it wasnt being by the other side. They want to make a treaty inside away and i think thats one of the most important things we can do. So working to be dealing with russia on a treaty where were focused on Nuclear Weapons and missiles. Nuclear weapons and we think something could be worked out. We think they want to do it, we know they want to do it, we want to do it also. I spoke to china about it and they are doing one of our trade negotiations they were extremely excited about getting involved in that system very good things could happen respect to that. I think thats very important. The whole Nuclear Situation is very, very important. Thank you very much. During the discussion all morning with your phone calls, facebook comments, Text Messages and tweets. Watch cspans washington journal coming up this morning. The house will be in order. Been providing america unfiltered coverage of congress, the white house, the Supreme Court and Public Policy events from washington, d. C. And around the country so you can make up your own mind. Created in 1979, cspan has brought to you by your local cable or satellite provider. Cspan, your unfiltered view of government. Wednesday on cspan, the house meets at 10 00 a. M. 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