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Funding expires. Bills on energy and clean air and forced labor. Announced Ruth Bader Ginsburg will lie in state in statuary hall at u. S. Capitol friday. The ceremony will only be open [captioning made possible by the national captioning institute, inc. , in cooperation with the United States house of representatives. Any use of the closedcaptioned coverage of the house proceedings for political or commercial purposes is expressly prohibited by the u. S. House of representatives. ] the speaker the house will be in order. The prayer will be offered by conroy. Plain, father chaplain conroy let us pray. Ord, merciful god, we give you thanks for giving us another day. E give you thanks for the life and work of justice ruth ginsburg. Americans be inspired to be their best selves because of her example. She rest in peace. Bless those throughout our ation who are suffering from the pandemic, fires, hurricanes, and flooding. Needs continue. Our political leaders to tend to those needs with speed wisdom. Help us to be people of faith and hope. Lo have mercy. May all that is done in the days greater e for your honor and glory. Amen. Speaker pursuant to section 4a of House Resolution 967, the journal of the last days approved. S is the pledge of allegiance will be led by the gentlewoman from cheney. Ms. Ms. Cheney i pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of america and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under god, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. The speaker for what purpose the gentlewoman from michigan seek recognition . Madam speaker, i offer a privileged resolution and ask for its immediate consideration. The speaker pro tempore the clerk will report the resolution. The clerk House Resolution 128, resolved, that the house has heard with profound sorrow of the death of the honorable ginsburg, associate justice of the Supreme Court of the United States. House tenders the its deep sympathy to the members of the family of the late and their ustice bereevement. Bereavement. We solved, that the house transmit a copy of the same to late associatehe justice. Resolved, that when the house adjourn as a it further mark of respect to the memory of the late associate justice. The speaker pro tempore is there objection to the resolution . N of the without objection, the is agreed to, and the motion to reconsider is laid table. E the chair will now entertain up to 15 requests for oneminute speeches on each side of the aisle. For what purpose does the entleman from illinois seek recognition . I ask unanimous consent to address the house for one minute. The speaker pro tempore without objection, the gentleman is minute. Ed for one r. Shimkus thank you, madam speaker. A confirmation vote is keld for tomorrow in the committee. She leaves for her post. Upon arrival, shes to present her credentials to the duly president of the republic of belarus. Today im calling upon president rump and secretary of state mike pompeo to ensure these credentials be presented to the elected of the represent lick of belarus. Government s a having a chief of staff who is not a monarch or dictatorship. A president duly elected by the people. Won the election and the massive support shows the peaceful protests numbering over 100,000 citizens. Another option would be for her o present her credentials to the governing council which will help transition the country to fair and free elections within months. Madam speaker, i call upon all of our democratic allies to do the same and with that i yield back the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields back. Any other requests for oneminute speeches . Suspend the rules on which a recorded vote or the yeas and nays are ordered or on which the vote incurs objection under clause 6 of rule 20. The house will resume proceedings on postponed questions at a later time. For what purpose does the gentlewoman from new mexico seek recognition . I ask the house suspend the 209. And pass the bill s. The speaker pro tempore the clerk will report the title of the bill. 2069, an actnate selfdetermination and Education Assistance act to provide further selfgovernance by Indian Tribes, and for other purpos purposes. The speaker pro tempore pursuant to the rule, the gentlewoman from new mexico, ms. And the gentlewoman cheney, will ms. Each control 20 minutes. The chair recognizes the gentlewoman from new mexico, ms. Haaland. Ms. Haaland thank you, madam speaker. I ask unanimous consent that all members may have five legislative days to revise and and include remarks extraneous material on the measure under consideration. The speaker pro tempore without objection. I haaland madam speaker, yield myself such time as i may consume. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman is recognized. Speaker, s. Madam 209, the progress for indian by es act, introduced senator hoeven of north dakota, will enhance the department of the interiors selfgovernance provide Indian Tribes with greater flexibility. Selfdetermination and Education Assistance act is ne of the most important legislative acts affecting Indian Country in the last 40plus years. Driver to improving tribal communities. Act was a 1975, the nixonera initiative signed into president gerald ford. Yet strongly supported by democrats at the time. The act, tribes are able to enter into contracts, nce commonly known as 638 contracts. I. A. H. I. H. S. Federale and administer indian programs. Amended the isdeaa was by adding title 4 which uthorized tribes to enter into negotiated contract agreements under b. I. A. Under which tribes assume control for associated funding and tailor those programs to the needs of communities. In 2000, the act was again which to add title 5 authorizes similar tribal compacts with the Indian Health the i. H. S. , through the department of health and human services. 350 are more than selfgovernance tribes in the ountry, and the vast majority of them manage programs within i. H. S. And have achieved great success. N my home state of new mexico, there are six pueblos engaged in selfgovernance. Selfgovernance programs are successful in their acknowledgment that tribes are he have the right to govern themselves with minimal federal oversights and maximum flexibility to meet local tribal needs. However, significant differences 5 ween the title 4 and title amendments have forced elfgovernance the ability to operate under legislative and administrative requirements. Progress for Indian Tribes act would largely reconcile those differences, streamline selfgovernance process, improve efficiencies, and reservation economies. Passage of the progress act is a top legislative priority for tribes and is supported by the national indians, f American United southern and eastern tribes, the Alaskan Federation Midwest Alliance of sovereign tribes, the affiliated tribes of northwest ndians and many more Indian Tribes. The administration and the u. S. Chamber of commerce are also on ecord in support of this legislation. This legislation is a product of ver a decade of bipartisan negotiations which is why s. 209 passed the Republicancontrolled Senate on a voice vote. So partisan consensus was easily found in the senate, in this congress, then it should be clear this is a commonsense bill that both sides of the aisle can support as well. Proud to be the sponsor of the house version of the 2031, along h. R. With my dear colleagues, representatives tom cole and don of alaska, and others. I hope that you will join me in s. 209 and sending it to the president s desk, and i time. E the balance of my the speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman from new mexico time. Es her for what purpose does the entlewoman from wyoming seek recognition . The gentlewoman is recognized. Ms. Cheney madam speaker, i ield myself such time as i may consume. Madam speaker, this is a very important bill. That itsely, the way currently written raises some significant concerns. Tribal epresentative of communities in wyoming, i share notion and the concept of helping to increase elfdetermination, but i believe this bill, as its currently written, unfortunately eaves unresolved some major issues with respect to in particular, bureau of Reclamation Water projects that affect those tribes as well as nontribal interests. Where western states water is a scarce and precious commodity, Water Management carefully ust be balanced, and i am concerned that s. 209 does not strike that balance. Over the last several congresses, House Republicans the offered solutions to recognize la makes Reclamation Project issues to step he courts need in to sort this out. Unfortunately, this effort was most recently defeated on a line vote with little discussion from the democrat majority. Nfortunately, we still are today faced with a situation where we have a worthy goal this legislation is attempting to it doesnt quite get there. Given these unresolved concerns, must urge rejection of the measure, as written, and ask for and i yield back the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the yields back. The gentlewoman from new mexico is recognized. Madam land thank you, speaker. As i stated before, this legislation is the result of bipartisan, of bicameral negotiations. Since selfgovernance was first 1994, there have been no assumptions by tribes of of Reclamation Projects. None. 4law the 1994, law, mitigations against of mption of a Bureau Reclamation project have resulted in no such assumptions. Does not change the 1994 authority in this regard. Is why the gentleladys concerns are completely unfounded and why we defeated an amendment on this in committee in the first place. More so, s. 209 already contains a lengthy disclaimer specifically stating that it affect in any way the ability of tribes to take over programs or projects of interior agencies other than the b. I. A. Unless i am not privy to another reorganization, the bureau of reclamation is not part of the b. I. A. Bill is critical to the furtherance of selfgovernance and improvements tribal communities, and i strongly urge my colleagues to do the right thing and support and i reserve n the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman has the only time remaining. Ms. Haaland madam speaker, i have no further requests for time. Since my colleague has yielded back her time, madam speaker, versions of this bipartisan bill have layne before this house and senate for nearly two decades passing each body several times. Its time to finally push this legislation across the finish line so that tribes can finally move to effectively manage programs for their people. I urge my colleagues to show their support for tribal selfgoverns and tribal sovereignty by passing s. 209 the progress for Indian Tribes act. With that i yield back the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman from new mexico has yielded back her time. The question is, will the house suspend the rules and pass senate 209. So many as are in favor say aye. Those opposed, no. In the opinion of the chair, 2 3 of those voting having responded in the affirmative, the rules are suspended, the bill is passed, and without objection the motion to reconsider is laid pon the table. For what purpose does the the gentlewoman from new mexico seek recognition . Ms. Haaland madam speaker, i move that the house suspend the rules and pass the bill h. R. 3160. The speaker pro tempore the clerk will report the title of the bill. The clerk Union Calendar number 394, h. R. 3160. A bill to direct the secretary of the interior it take certain land located at the penal county pina county trust for the benefit of the Indian Community, and for other purposes. The speaker pro tempore pursuant to the rule the, the gentlewoman from new mexico, miss had a lant, and the gentlewoman from wyoming, ms. Cheney, will each will control 20 minutes. The chair recognizes the the gentlewoman from new mexico, ms. Haaland. Ms. Haaland thank you, madam speaker. I ask unanimous consent that all members may have five legislative days to revise and and include remarks extraneous material on the measure under consideration. The speaker pro tempore without objection. Ms. Haaland madam speaker, i yield myself such time as i may consume. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized. Ms. Haaland thank you, madam speaker. H. R. 3160 introduced by our colleague, representative Tom Ohalleran of arizona, authorizes the United States to place 55. 3 acres of historically and culturally significant land into trust on behalf of the Gila River Indian Community of arizona. This parcel of land is commonly referred to as the black Water Trading post land. Because it once contained the families black Water Trading post which sold goods to the Indian Community since the 1930s. After purchasing the trading post in 2010, the Community Found around 1,000 cultural artifacts on the property, including 126 baskets. Following this this discovery the community decided to apply to take the parcel of land into trust. However legislation is required for this exchange. As the communitys 2004 water right settlement explicitly requires any lands located outside of the communities existing reservation boundaries be taken into trust through congressional action. Passage of h. R. 3160 will ultimately allow the community to preserve a piece of their heritage by incorporating this contiguous parcel of land into its reservation land base. I want to thank representative ohalleran for his work. This legislation on this legislation and urge my colleagues to support the bill. I reserve the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman reserves. The gentlewoman from wyoming is recognized. Ms. Cheney thank you, madam speaker. I yield myself such time as i may consume. Madam speaker, i rise in support of h. R. 3160, the black Water Trading post Land Transfer act. This bill would place, as my colleague said, approximately 55 acres of land in arizona into trust for the Gila River Indian Community. These lands and the former black Water Trading post have a historic connection to the tribe. As the trading post served many tribal members since at least the 1930s. In 2010, the tribe purchased the black Water Trading post and surrounding lands after the former owners retired. Under the 2004 Arizona Water right settlement act, the tribe cannot acquire off reservation lands into trust absent an act of congress. Therefore we need to pass this legislation. Madam speaker, i urge the adoption of this measure and i yield back the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman from wyoming yields back. The gentlewoman from new mexico is recognized. Ms. Haaland madam speaker, i have no further requests for time and would inquire whether my colleague has any remaining speakers on their side. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman has yielded back. Miss had a lapd madam speaker, i urge my colleagues to support the legislation. And i yield back the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman yields back the balance of her time. The question is, will the house suspend the rules and pass h. R. 3160. So many as are in favor say aye. Those opposed, no. In the opinion of the chair, 2 3 of those voting having responded in the affirmative, the rules are suspended, the bill is passed, and without objection the motion to reconsider is laid pon the table. For what purpose does the the gentlewoman from new mexico seek recognition . Ms. Haaland madam speaker, i move the house suspend the rules and pass the bill h. R. 3349, as amended. The speaker pro tempore the clerk will report the title of the bill. The clerk h. R. 3349, a bill to authorize the daughters of the republic of texas to establish the republic of texas litigation memorial as a commemorative work in the district of columbia, and for other purposes. The speaker pro tempore pursuant to the rule, the the gentlewoman from new mexico, ms. Haaland, and the gentlewoman from wyoming, ms. Cheney, each will control 20 minutes. The chair recognizes the gentlewoman from new mexico, ms. Haaland. Ms. Haaland thank you, madam speaker. I ask unanimous consent that all members may have five legislative days to revise and and include remarks extraneous material on the measure under consideration. The speaker pro tempore without objection. Ms. Haaland madam speaker, i yield myself such time as i may consume. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman is recognized. Ms. Haaland thank you, madam speaker. I rise in support of h. R. 3349, the republic of texas legislation memorial act. Introduced by representative lloyd doggett. This bill would authorize the daughters of the republic of texas to establish a commemorative work to honor the representatives of the republic of texas who served here in the district of columbia as diplomats to the United States. Shortly after texas declared its independence from mexico in 1836, the republic of texas sent diplomats to several countries to represent the republics interests. Among other things, these diplomats advocated for protection for mexico, financial assistance, and annexation by the United States. London and paris have each ecorrected commemorative works to recognize the role their texas legislation played in the countries and it seems only fitting to install one here in the capital of the country, proud to claim texas as its own. I would like to thank representative doggett for his efforts to elevate this unique and often untold story of our nations history and urge my colleagues to support this bill. I reserve the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman reserves. The gentlewoman from wyoming is recognized. Ms. Cheney thank you, madam speaker. I yield myself such time as i may consume. I rise in support of this legislation, madam speaker. H. R. 3349 would authorize the daughters of the republic of texas to establish the republic of texas lee gation memorial on federal land in the district of columbia. Commemorating those individuals who, as representatives of the republic of texas, served in washington, d. C. , as diplomats to the United States. And made possible the annexation of texas as the 28th state. Texas lee gation cites in paris and london have been recognized with historical markers for many years, but never here in washington, d. C. The texas diplomatic ministers who came to washington worked out of the boarding houses in which they lived. Eight boarding houses have been identified with varying degrees of supporting evidence. This bill would allow the daughters of the republic of texas to place memorial plaques in hon oor of these diplomats honor of these diplomats. I urge dopping of this measure and i reserve the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman reserves. The gentlewoman from new mexico is recognized. Ms. Haaland i yield as much time he may consume to the representative from texas, representative loud doggett. Mr. Doggett i thank the gentlewoman. I rise in support of this bill which i authored to authorize the daughters of the republic of texas to establish this commemorative work here in the district of columbia honoring the republic of texas lee gation. This is a bipartisan effort supported by a number of my colleagues from texas as well as representative Eleanor Holmes norton who represents the area where the memorial will reside. And it has the Approval Initiative initially of the subcommittee my colleague chairs. Its significance to American History is as broad as the pride held by present day texans over a time when we were once an independent republic. The district that i now represent includes the historic alamo and san antonio, with the battle cries of remember the alamo, remember goliad, texas eventually won its independents on march 2, 1836. And as most texasans are aware, for almost a decade thereafter, texas was a whole other contry, an independent nation with the same independent spirit that pervades our state today. What are frequently less discussed with the diplomatic efforts stretching over almost a decade by this young new nation sending emissaries to europe and to washington. At multiple times from 1836 to 1845 the texas lee gation negotiated regarding the terms by which texas would become a part of the United States. While everything is still bigger in texas, the territory of the republic of texas as a sovereign, independent nation was much more than the current state of texas. Indeed, it included parts of new mexico, including albuquerque, oklahoma, kansas, colorado, and even wyoming. How different america would be today had not this huge part of the center of our country been incorporated into the United States. The young republic of texas had many debts and many challenges from abroad. My own home in east austin is only a few blocks away from the historic french lee gation. This is the place that the diplomats from france used to establish their formal diplomatic relations with the nation of texas. Texans in turn established lee gations aproduct to lee gation legations involved. Most importantly they came here on the very difficult journey to washington. Today we find the plaques about the work about the texas legation in london and paris but not in washington where the effort had a its most profound effect. Here in this area, the legation operate interested a number of houses, boarding houses. Some near the present day National Archives and Navy Memorial which is appropriate since one of the diplomats involved, mr. Hunt, who also served as secretary of the fledgling republic of texas navy. In washington, the diplomats left their most significant legacy by negotiating the terms of annexation in 1845 when texas became the 28th state to join the union. Thats why this bill approves a commemoration here. Most appropriately, this commemoration is spearheaded by the daughters of the republic of texas, our states oldest patriotic womens organization, committed to the preservation of texas heritage and historic sites. They will Work Together with our National Park service to develop and design a location here that is appropriate within washington, d. C. I would like to extend a special thanks to kitty, she has led the way as the historian of the elizabeth chapter that includes the daughters in the district, virginia, and maryland for her commitment to this effort. I ask that she be particularly recognized in connection with this work along with other representatives of the daughters. The history of the texas legation did not end with the annexation of texas in 1845. Today it lives on in the strength of a multicultural and multilingual communities across the lone star state. They made our state so dynamic. With this commemoration, those who visit our capital will have the opportunity to learn about a turning point in the history of texas and in the history of the United States and reflect on the sacrifices by the diplomats who made this possible. I urge approval of the resolution and thank both of my colleagues for their support. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yield back. The gentlewoman from wyoming is recognized. Ms. Cheney i have no further speakers. I yield back the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman from new mexico is recognized. Ms. Haaland madam speaker, i urge my colleagues to support the legislation and i yield back the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman from new mexico yields back the balance of her time. Will the house uspend the rules and pass h. R. 3349. Those in favor will indicate by saying aye. Those opposed, no. In the opinion of the chair, 2 3 having responded in the affirmative, the rules are uspended, the bill is passed, and without objection, the motion to reconsider is laid on the table. Amended, is passed. The hat purpose does gentlewoman from new mexico seek recognition . Ms. Haaland madam speaker, i that the house suspend the ules and pass the bill h. R. 3465. The speaker pro tempore the clerk will report the title of the bill. 3465, a. R. S. Haaland as amended, excuse me. The speaker pro tempore pursuant to the rule, the the clerk will report the title of the bill, as amended. Speaker pro tempore the clerk h. R. 3465, a bill authorize the Fallen Journalists Memorial Foundation to establish a commemorative work in the district of columbia and its enviro environs, and for other purposes. The speaker pro tempore pursuant to the rule, the new mexico, ms. Haaland, and the gentlewoman cheney, each ms. Will control 20 minutes. The chair recognizes the gentlewoman from new mexico, ms. Haaland. Ms. Haaland thank you, madam speaker. I ask unanimous consent that all members may have five legislative days to revise and and include remarks extraneous material on the consideration. The speaker pro tempore without objection. Haaland madam speaker, i yield myself such time as i may consume. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman is recognized. Ms. Haaland i rise in support 3465, the fallen journalists memorial act. He bill would authorize the memorial to honor the others who ave lost their lives while performing their jobs. Every day, journalists at home at abroad place their lives risk in pursuit of the truth and in defense of our first and ment right to a Free Independent press. In 2018 alone, nearly 80 journalists from around the murdered in their line of work. Yet, with the closure of the earlier this year, there is no memorial that commemorates those that paid the ultimate fulfilling their duty to deliver the news. The memorial envisioned in h. R. 3465 would be a fitting tribute to their sacrifices and an ffirmation of our nations commitment to a free press. I strongly urge my colleagues to support this bill and reserve the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman from new mexico reserves. Is gentlewoman from wyoming recognized. Ms. Cheney thank you, madam speaker. I yield myself such time as i may consume. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman is recognized. S. Cheney madam speaker, h. R. 3465 would authorize the fallen journalists me morelia memorial to foundation to establish a commemorative work on federal land to commemorate the journalists de by for a free and independent press. The fallen quires Journalists Memorial Foundation to follow the standard Legal Framework established by the works act for the placement of commemorative works on federal land in the district columbia. According to the committee to protect journalists, 1,382 have been killed their 992 as a result of work be in combat or cross fire r while carrying out dangerous assignments. Hundreds more each year are attacked, imprisoned, and tortured. And attacks against journalists are not new. An y, journalists face increasingly hostile viefrment. Was introduced one year after the deadliest attack on journalists in modern united history. When five Capital Gazette mployees were killed in the annapolis newsroom. Madam speaker, this memorial important as an reminder of the First Amendment and the vital importance that a independent press plays in defending all of our rights. Urge adoption of the measure, and i reserve the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman from wyoming reserves. New mexico man from is recognized. Madam speaker, i have no further requests for and would inquire whether my colleague has any remaining side. Rs on her ms. Cheney i have no further speakers, madam speaker, and i yield back the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman from wyoming yields back. The gentlewoman from new mexico is recognized. Ms. Haaland madam speaker, i urge my colleagues to support legislation, and i yield back the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman from new mexico ields back the balance of her time. The question is will the house suspend the rules and pass the 3465, as amended. Indicate by r will saying aye. Those opposed, no. In the opinion of the chair, 2 3 having responded in the affirmative, the rules are uspended, the bill is passed, and without objection, the motion to reconsider is laid on the table. For what purpose does the new mexico seek recognition . Ms. Haaland madam speaker, i move that the house suspend the and pass the bill h. R. 4957, as amended. The peaker pro tempore clerk will report the title of the bill. The clerk h. R. 4957, a bill to child he indian protection and Family Violence prevention act. He speaker pro tempore pursuant to the rule, the gentlewoman from new mexico, ms. Haaland, and the gentlewoman wyoming, ms. Cheney, each will control 20 minutes. The chair recognizes the gentlewoman from new mexico, ms. Haaland. S. Haaland madam speaker, i ask unanimous consent that all members may have five legislative days to revise and and include remarks extraneous material on the consideration. The speaker pro tempore without objection. S. Haaland the speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman from new mexico is recognized. Ms. Haaland madam speaker, i yield myself such time as i may consume. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman is recognized. Ms. Haaland thank you, madam speaker. 4957, introduced by representative Ruben Gallego of amends and reauthorizes several programs within the indian child rotection and Family Violence prevention act in order to improve the prevention, nvestigation, treatment, and prosecution of Family Violence, child abuse, and child neglect native American Children and families. There is an enormous need for prevention and treatment resources in tribal communities. Experience child abuse and neglect at an elevated ate, which leaves many to require special Education Services to be more likely to be juvenile and e criminal Justice Systems and to ave longterm Mental Health needs. He passage of h. R. 4957 will create Technical Assistance programs in the bureau of indian for urban indian organizations to partner with tribal governments, and ensure competent care. I want to thank subcommittee hair Ruben Gallego for introducing and championing this vitally important legislation nd urge my colleagues to support h. R. 4957, and i reserve the balance of my time. The peaker pro tempore gentlewoman from new mexico reserves. The gentlewoman from wyoming is recognized. Madam ney thank you, speaker. I yield myself such time as i may consume. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman is recognized. Madam speaker, h. R. 4957 reauthorizes three to rams that are intended prevent cases within our indian communities of child abuse, violence, and trauma. As well as providing treatment indian child sexual abuse. The authorization for appropriations for these three 1997. Ms expired in this bill also makes important underlying technical changes to statute, requiring Agency Reports on grant awards. Speaker, while the indian Child Protection and Family Violence prevention act is one federally dedicated child abuse, prevention, and programs, tment providing funding for tribal governments, congress has only ppropriated approximately 5 million for this program. Im grateful to the sponsor for ringing our attention to this important issue as we all Work Together to end abuse, neglect, our states across and on our reservations. Yieldyou very much, and i back the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman from wyoming yields back the balance of her time. The gentlewoman from new mexico recognized. Speaker, i madam ave no further requests for time and would inquire whether my colleague has any remaining speakers on their side. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman has yielded back. Ms. Haaland thank you, madam speaker. Urge my colleagues to support the legislation and yield back the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman from new mexico has time. D back her the question is will the house suspend the rules and pass the 4957, as amended. Will indicate by saying aye. Those opposed, no. Chair, 2 3ion of the having responded in the affirmative, the rules are suspended, the bill is passed, and without objection, the motion to reconsider is laid on the table. For what purpose does the new mexico seek recognition . Ms. Haaland madam speaker, i move that the house suspend the and pass the bill s. 294. The speaker pro tempore the clerk will report the title of bill. The clerk senate 294, an act establish a business Incubators Program within the department of the secretary of the interior to promote Economic Development in indian reservation communities. The speaker pro tempore pursuant to the rule, the new mexico, ms. Haaland, and the gentlewoman rom wyoming, ms. Cheney, each will control 20 minutes. The chair recognizes the gentlewoman from new mexico, ms. Haaland. Laul haul ms. Haaland thank you, madam speaker. That allnimous consent members may have five legislative days to revise and extend their remarks and include extraneous material on the measure under consideration. The speaker pro tempore without objection. The gentlewoman is recognized. Ms. Haaland madam speaker, i yield myself such time as i may consume. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman is recognized. Ms. Haaland thank you, madam speaker. Introduced by senator tom udall from the great state a new mexico, will establish business Incubators Program within the department of the nterior to promote entrepreneurship and Economic Development on indian reservations. Indian tribes face many unique bstacles in their mission to bring industry and Economic Development to Indian Country. Of doingincreased cost business in Indian Country, hich stiffles outside investment. Moreover, every entrepreneur faces challenges when ransforming ideas into a profitable business. However, there is specific and unique challenges associated a business in ng Indian Country that put native disadvantage. At a for example, much of the land in Indian Country is held in trust government. Al consequently, the secretary of the interior must approve lands as on these part of the federal trust responsibility, which creates expenses and uncertainty for native entrepreneurs and heir potential business partners. Additionally, since trust land cannot be alienated and cannot used as collateral to obtain financing, native entrepreneurs must look to other methods of capital to start and grow their businesses. Nations andy indian reservations are located in rural, often remote areas. In lack of infrastructure these areas, including access to ighspeed broadband is another roadblock that prevents native entrepreneurs from succeeding. Of s. 294 will enhance to an countrys ability become more selfreliant by giving native entrepreneurs the tools they need to develop their businesses and create jobs in reservation communities. Incubators will provide essential services such as workplace, collaborative comprehensive business skills, training, and opportunities to build networks. Al also, by involving institutions of Higher Learning in the incubat incubator program, including tribal colleges and universities, the bill will vital sh the schooltobusiness pipeline that has proven to be so successful for startups. To be the sponsor of the house version of this legislation, along with members native ongressional american caucus, representatives norma e, don young, and torres, and hope you will join me in supporting s. 294, and i reserve the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman from new mexico reserves the balance of her time. The gentlewoman from wyoming is recognized. S. Cheney thank you, madam speaker. I yield myself such time as i may consume. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman is recognized. S. Cheney madam speaker, s. 294 recognizes the Important Role that Business Incubators play in generating economic growth, economic activity, and upporting our tribal businesses, and i thank my colleague very much for bringing this legislation to the floor house. The as defined in this bill, madam speaker, a Business Incubator is provides ation that physical work space and facilities resources to startups businesses. Hed as my colleague has pointed out, there are many challenges that tribal ue to our communities that this bill will help to focus on and help our tribes overcome. By Offering Services that range enhancement, comprehensive skills training, networking assistance, business be have been a reliable and consistent solution to many of the challenges around businesses face the country, and many of the challenges that continue to plague Indian Country. You, madam speaker. I urge my colleagues to support yield gislation, and i back the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman from wyoming yields back the balance of her time. The gentlewoman from new mexico is recognized. Ms. Haaland madam speaker, i yield myself such time as i may consume. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman is recognized. Ms. Haaland thank you, madam speaker. Because i wont be here thisafter noon this afternoon i would like to take a moment ton two significant missing and murdered indigenous bills coming to the floor, s. 227, savannahs act. Thank you to the majority leader, mr. Hoyer, for ensuring these bills are heard today and highlighting this critical issue that has been overlooked for too long. First, s. 982, the not i visible act, introduce the by senator cortez masso of canada will help combat the longstanding miss enand murdered Indigenous Women crisis this. Bill would establish an Advisory Committee on Violent Crime to make recommendations to the department of interior and department of justice to establish best practices to combat the epidemic of missing persons, murder, and trafficking of native americans and alaska natives. It will also create a point person within the bureau of Indian Affairs charged with emproving coordination of Violent Crime prevention efforts across federal agencies. All this work will be undertaken with an understanding of the unique challenges faced by tribal communities when combating crime, violence, and human trafficking. The Advisory Committee will be comprised of local Law Enforcement, federal part partners, and most importantly survivors and tribal leaders. This bill is about including indigenous voices by putting native american survivors in the drivers seat on the crisis of missing and murdered Indigenous Women that has plagued tribal communities for centuries. The not invisible is about elevating indigenous voices because survivors of these horrific crimes and tribal leaders know whats best fon their own communities. Throughout history, the federal government has told tribes and native people how they should approach issues on their ownland without including their voices. Often these onesided solutions have fallen short or no real action was taken. I am here today to tell you that photoops and empty promises are no longer enough. While there are many federal programs and resource that is can be used to combat Violent Crimes in Indian Country, there is no overarching plan or strategy to do so. There is little awareness or coordination of services in federal resources and federal resources may not consider the actual needs of American Indians and alaska natives. These unique cultural considerations and the complex framework of criminal jurisdiction on tribal lands simply cannot be navigated by a one size fits all approach. More importantly, a real solution will never be found without the voices of indigenous survivors which is what so special about this bill. The crisis of missing, murdered, and trafficked native women has devastated families and communities, but have gone unaddressed throughout history. These losses are an open wound in our tribal communities. Add to the generational trauma facing native American Families that many of us have experienced. That is why my dear friends and colleagues, representatives tom mark harice davids, and mullen introduced this bill in the first, the first in history being sponsored by four tribal members. Enactment of s. 982 will be one step toward finally acknowledging the pain that our families have felt in giving our survivors the flat form that they need to begin healing the open wound native American People, especially our women, have felt in this country for so long. My hope is that together we can use the not invisible act to do just that, not be invisible anymore. The second bill that i would like to highlight is s. 227, savannas act this. Bill was introduced by senator murkowski and named in honor of savanna graywind, who was a 22yearold member of the spirit lake tribe. She was eight months pregnant when she was tragically murdered in august of 2017. At the time of her death, she had recently got the job as a nursing assistant and was looking forward to starting her family by welcoming her first child with her partner, ashton, in north dakota. However, this ended abruptly when savannah was brutally strangled after having her child removed from her belly in a violent attack. Savannah was one of the many native american women who have been victims of the silent crisis of missing and murdered Indigenous Women in the United States. Native women experience murder rates 10 times higher than the National Average and murder is the third leading cause of death for American Indians and alaska natives. 84 of native women endure violence during their lifetime and twice as likely to experience sexual rape and assault than any other group. Even those these rates persist, there are no reliable systems available to track this data or know exactly how many native american women and girls go missing each year because the databases that hold statistics of these cases are outdated and there is a lack of coordination between local, state, and tribal aw enforcement agencies. Savannas act addresses Practical Solutions to address the epidemic of missing and murdered Indigenous Women by ilproving tribe access to federal crime information databases. Requiring the United States to track and publish data relating to the disappearance of our women and providing training and Technical Assistance to tribal Law Enforcement, agencies to respond to these cases. I thank representative norma torres for inviting me to colead this critical piece of legislation to help improve Data Collection of Indigenous Women where nonexists to help Law Enforcement, follow up rates, and response times for case that is take place on and off tribal lands. Most importantly, this bill will help develop new guidelines to m prove Law Enforcement communications with families of victims to disseminate information of cases involving their loved ones which is crucial because many times no efforts are made to update families currently. To the former partner of savanna, ashton, and her daughter, who turned 3 one month ago today, i would like to send my sincerest condolences to your family while the passage of this bill will never make up for your devastating loss, i hope that it brings honor to your mother and know that it will impact generations to come. I am proud tonight sponsor and colead of the house version of s. 982, not invisible act and s. 227, savannas act to help address the crisis of miss egg and murdered Indigenous Women. I urge my colleagues to support oth these bills. I reserve the balance of my time the speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman from from wyoming has yielded back her time. Ms. Haaland madam speaker, i urge my colleagues to support the legislation. And i yield back the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the the gentlewoman from new mexico has yielded back her time. The question is will the house suspend the rules and pass s. 294. So many as are in favor say aye. Those opposed, no. In the opinion of the chair, 2 3 of those voting having responded in the affirmative, the rules are suspended, the bill is passed, and without objection the motion to reconsider is laid pon the table. For what purpose does the gentlewoman from new mexico seek recognition . Ms. Haaland madam speaker, i move that the house suspend the rules and pass s. 832. The speaker pro tempore the clerk will report the title of the bill. The clerk senate 832, an act to nullify the supplemental treaty between the United States of america and the confederate tribes and bands of indians of middle oregon, concluded on november 15, 1865. The speaker pro tempore pursuant to the rule, the the gentlewoman from new mexico, ms. Haaland, and the gentlewoman from wyoming, ms. Cheney, each will control 20 minutes. The chair recognizes the gentlewoman from new mexico, ms. Haaland. Ms. Haaland thank you, madam speaker. I i ask unanimous consent that all members may have five legislative days to revise and extend their remarks on the measure under consideration. The speaker pro tempore without objection. The gentlewoman from new mexico is recognized. Ms. Haaland madam speaker, i yield myself such time as i may consume. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman is recognized. Ms. Haaland thank you, madam speaker. S. 832 introduced by senator merkley of oregon will nullify the supplemental treaty of 1865 between the United States and the confederated tribes and bands of indians of middle oregon. The warm springs confederated tribes signed a treaty with the United States in 1855 in which they relinquished millions of acres of their land but reserved the Warm Springs Reservation for their exclusive use, as well as off reservation fishing, hunting, and gathering rights. After the signing the tribes main taint their practice of fraffling regularly to the Columbia River to harvest famine. Nonindian settlers in the area convinced the superintendent of Indian Affairs to pursue efforts to keep the tribes away. As a result, in 1865 a small number of warm springs members were fraudulently made to sign a supplemental treaty that claim the tribes off the reservation rights and prohibit their members from leaving the reservation without a written permittish shured by the federal indian agent. Both of indians of the Warm Springs Reservation and United States government that this was a deceptive action and have consistently ignored the 1865 agreement while also reaffirming the tribes off reservation treaty rights. Passage of s. 832 will finally officially correct this hoist torque injustice and nullify the 1865 treaty. I want to thank and congratulate senator merkley for his work on moving this bill through the senate. I also want to thank our colleague from oregon, representative greg walden, for his work on the house version of the legislation. I urge quick adoption of this bill. I reserve the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman from reserves. The gentlewoman from wry wyeo ming is recognized. Ms. Cheney thank you, madam speaker. I yield myself such time as i may consume. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman is recognized. Ms. Cheney madam speaker, i rise in support of s. 832. As my colleague has described, the bill would nullify an 1865 supplement to the confederated tribes of the reservation that was signed after the original 1855 treaty. The supplemental treaty further restricted the rights of tribal members to the extent that among other things they could not leave the reservation without written permission from the federal agency superintendent. According to the tribe, this supplemental treaty was in response to nonindian settler concerns with tribal members using their usual areas to hunt and fish. The state of oregon has indicated it has no intention of enforcing this antiquated and discriminatory treaty, but it does remain on the books, madam speaker. And i support the tribes request to have it struck. I want to thank the sponsor of the house companion of this bill, energy and Commerce Committee Ranking Member mr. Walden, for his efforts to see this offensive provision removed. I urge the adoption of this measure and i yield back the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman from wyoming yields back the balance of her time. The gentlewoman from new mexico is recognized. Ms. Haaland madam speaker, i urge my colleagues to support the legislation. I yield back the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman from new mexico yields back the balance of her time. The question is, will the house suspend the rules and pass senate 832. So many as are in favor say aye. Those opposed, no. In the opinion of the chair, 2 3 of those voting having responded in the affirmative, the rules are suspended, the bill is passed, and without objection the motion to reconsider is laid pon the table. For what purpose does the gentlewoman from new mexico seek recognition . Ms. Haaland madam speaker, i move that the house suspend the rules and pass the bill h. R. 139, as amended. The speaker pro tempore the clerk will report the title of the bill. The clerk h. R. 139, a bill to establish the Springfield Race Riot National Historic Monument in the state of illinois, and for other purposes. The speaker pro tempore pursuant to the rule, the gentlewoman from new mexico, ms. Haaland, and the gentlewoman from wyoming, ms. Cheney, each will control 20 minutes. The chair recognizes the the gentlewoman from new mexico, ms. Haaland. Ms. Haaland thank you, madam speaker. I ask unanimous consent that all members may have five legislative days to revise and extend their remarks and include extraneous material on the measure under consideration. The speaker pro tempore without objection. The gentlewoman from new mexico is recognized. Ms. Haaland madam speaker, i yield myself such time as i may consume. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman is recognized. Ms. Haaland thank you, madam speaker. I rise in support of h. R. 139, the springfield race riot study act introduced by representative rodney davis of illinois. In august, 1908, springfield ill, springfield, illinois, was the site of a multiday riot with violence directed at the africanamerican community. The mob shot innocent people. Burned almost 50 homes. Looted and destroyed 2 dozen stores, and mutilated and lynched two elered black men who were innocent bistanders. All this came about because two other africanamerican men were wrongly accused. One accused of attacking a white woman who not long after the riot amid the her aattacker was a white man. And one aused of attacking a white girl and murdering her father. In part as response to the riot, the naacp was formed in 1909 to work to end segregation, description, and ensuring africanamericans are provided their constitutional rights. The nation continues to grapple ith Race Relations and social justice. This bill will authorize the National Park service to conduct resource study to determine the most appropriate ethod to preserve, interpret, and protect the resources associated with the riot and the of the naacp. I want to thank representative this for his efforts on bill and urge all of my colleagues to support its adoption. Reserve the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman from new mexico reserves. The gentlewoman from wyoming is recognized. Ms. Cheney thank you very much, mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, i yield myself such time as i may consume. The speaker pro tempore the gentlelady is recognized. Mr. Speaker, h. R. 139, the springfield race riot was sponsored h by our colleague, congressman rodney davis, authorizes the interior to conduct a special resource study of the ite of the springfield race riots of 1908. S my colleague has just described, on the evening of august 14, 1908, racial tensions the illinois capital of springfield. The riot was incite by a white wanted to lynch two back inmates housed at the county jail. One had been charged with a white man. The other with raping a white woman. That was later recanted. After the two inmates were Spirited Away for their safety, destroyed black neighborhoods and lynched two innocent black men. This horrific weekend of violence and racial strife, a of social roup reformers came together in ebruary, 1909, and established the National Association for the advancement of colored people. Recently, archaeologists remains the physical of five houses and their associated artifacts that burned riot. 1908 last year, the National Park Service Completed a Reconnaissance Survey of the concluded it was likely the site that would meet riteria for inclusion in the National Park system if fully nalyzed through a connelly congressionally authorized research study. N august, secretary of the interior visited the site of the to declare it part of the africanamerican civil rights network. Network is to s ensure we accurately tell the storyte and often painful of the struggle for civil rights in our country. I commend representative davis work to highlight this tragic event in our nations history. Measure option of the and i yield back the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the yields back the balance of her time. The gentlewoman from new mexico recognized. Ms. Haaland mr. Speaker, i ask my colleagues to support the yield back and i the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman from new mexico yields back her time. The house n is will suspend the rules and pass the 139, as amended. Aye. In favor say those opposed say no. Chair, 2 3ion of the having responded in the affirmative, the rules are suspended, the bill is passed, and without objection, the motion to reconsider is laid on the table. Without objection, the title is amended. The hat purpose does gentlewoman from new mexico seek recognition . Ms. Haaland mr. Speaker, i move suspend the rules and pass the bill h. R. 1702 as amended. The speaker pro tempore the clerk will report the title of the bill. Bill h. R. 1702, a a bill to waive the application fee for any special use permit for veterans demonstrations and special events at War Memorials , and for other purposes. The speaker pro tempore pursuant to the rule, the gentlewoman from new mexico, ms. And the gentlewoman from wyoming, ms. Cheney, lech auto control each will minutes. 0 the chair recognizes the gentlewoman from new mexico, ms. Haaland. Ms. Haaland thank you, mr. Speaker. Ask unanimous consent that all members may have five legislative days to revise and and include remarks xtraneous material on the measure under consideration. The speaker pro tempore without ordered. , so ms. Haaland mr. Speaker, i ield myself such time as i may consume. The speaker pro tempore the gentlelady is recognized. Ms. Haaland thank you, mr. Speaker. H. R. 1702, pport of the free veterans from fees act, introduced by representative steube. This bill honors veterans by waiving application fees for events at war l memorials in our nations veterans, and gold star families. Although the National Park ervice has a long standing practice of waiving application fees for most veterans events at memorials, oftentimes veterans organizations have to pay administrative fees and to obtain costs permits for events such as honor buses. A version of this routine practice and policy in law, we can help honor the made by our veterans and gold star families by ensuring that they are not to pay when visiting ational War Memorials built to commemorate their bravery and our fallen heroes. I thank representative steube introducing this legislation and urge my colleagues to support it, and i reserve the time. E of my the speaker pro tempore the entlewoman from new mexico reserves. The gentlewoman from wyoming is recognized. Ms. Cheney thank you very much, speaker. Mr. Speaker, i yield myself such time as i may consume. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman is recognized. Ms. Cheney thank you. Recognition of the significant and unparalleled made toes veterans have our country, my colleague, mr. Steube, introduced h. R. 1702 to application Fee Associated with special use permits for veterans our gold star nd families at War Memorials on federal lands. Requiredse permits are by the National Park service for activities that provide a group, to an individual, or organization, and for activities that require the use f a designated park location for a specific purpose and length of time. When those who have served our mr. Speaker, including gold star families, want to hold primary purpose s to commemorate the honor, commemorate or honor the service of veterans, they should not be subject to application fees. Removes the potential barrier and ensures our veterans are not discouraged from hosting, or organizing events on our public lands. Speaker, we l, mr. Show in one more way our respect for our nations veterans and we support the special events that honor the men and women of our forces. I commend my colleague, congressman steube, for his work our service men and women. Mr. Speaker, this bills sponsor, congressman steube, was to speak be here because of commitments in his district. But at this point in the record, toould ask unanimous consent include his letter urging support for h. R. 1702. Withoutker pro tempore objection, so ordered. Ms. Cheney thank you very much, mr. Speaker. I urge the adoption of this and i reserve the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman reserves. The gentlewoman from new mexico recognized. Ms. Haaland mr. Speaker, i have andurther requests for time inquire whether my colleague has ny remaining speakers on their side. Ms. Cheney i have no further speakers. I yield back my time. The speaker pro tempore the entlewoman from wyoming yields back her time. The gentlewoman from new mexico. Ms. Haaland mr. Speaker, i urge the lleagues to support legislation, and i yield back the balance of my time. The peaker pro tempore gentlewoman from new mexico yields back the balance of her time. The question is will the house and pass the les amended. 1702, as all those in favor say aye. Opposed say no. In the opinion of the chair, 2 3 having responded in the affirmative, the rules are suspended, the bill is passed, and without objection, the motion to reconsider is laid on the table. And without objection, the title is amended. For what purpose does the new mexico seek recognition . Ms. Haaland mr. Speaker, i move the house suspend the rules and the bill s. 490. The speaker pro tempore the clerk will report the title of bill. The clerk senate 49490 490, an act to designate a Mountain Ridge in the state of b. 47 b47 ridge. The speaker pro tempore pursuant to the rule, the gentlewoman from new mexico, ms. Haaland, and the gentlewoman cheney, will ms. Each control 20 minutes. The chair recognizes the gentlewoman from new mexico is recognized. Mr. Aaland thank you, speaker. I ask unanimous consent that all members may have five legislative days to revise and extend their remarks and include the neous material on measure under consideration. The speaker pro tempore without objection, so ordered. Mr. Speaker, i yield myself such time as i may consume. The peaker pro tempore gentlelady is recognized. Ms. Haaland thank you, mr. Speaker. These in support of s. 490, b47 ridge designation act. Priorities on the House Natural Resources Committee this congress has been land access blic for veterans and Service Members and that includes allowing our ublic lands to honor those who have made the ultimate sacrifice for our country. His bill would designate an unnamed Mountain Ridge near migrant peak in the state of montana as b47 ridge and allow the installation of a ommemorative plaque at the site. The name and plaque would memorialize the tragic end to a the ne training flight on night of july 23, 1962. Our u. S. Air force Service Members lost their lives when their b47 Strategic Bomber 8,500 feet. Debris from the crash can still be seen on the ridge today. Appropriately honors he memory and sacrifice of captain the cap tape lieutenants three and i urge its immediate adoption, and i reserve the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman from new mexico reserves. The gentlewoman from wyoming is recognized. Ms. Cheney thank you very much, mr. Speaker. I yield myself such time as i may consume. The peaker pro tempore gentlewoman is recognized. Ms. Cheney thank you, mr. Speaker. S. 490 designates the mountain where air air force bomber air force b47 crashed in 1962 as the b47 ridge. His bill is the Senate Companion to h. R. 1267, which our colleague, congressman in the e, led here house. Nearly 60 years have passed b47 that u. S. Air force bomber left texas and crashed into montanas Emigrant Peak yellowstone National Park in the paradise valley. Debris remains on the ridge the plane crashed. 490 will rename the area the b47 ridge to honor the fourman wreck. O perished in the those who died on the southwestern slope of Emigrant Peak during a Training Mission captain bill faulkner, lieutenant sawiers, lieutenant utton and lieutenant hixenbrough. Paid for by the crews family and the community. This is a good and important bill honoring the sacrifice of airmen, and i applaud congressman gianforte and the delegation for their efforts to get this lasting tribute signed into law. Urge adoption of this measure, and i yield back the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman from wyoming yields back the balance of her time. The gentlewoman from new mexico recognized. Ms. Haaland mr. Speaker, i urge my colleagues to support the legislation, and i yield back the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the the house will suspend the rules and pass 490. E bill those in favor say aye. Say no. Posed in the opinion of the chair, 2 3 having responded in the affirmative, the rules are suspended, the bill is passed, and without objection, the motion to reconsider is laid on the table. For what purpose does the gentlewoman from new mexico seek recognition . Ms. Haaland mr. Speaker, i move that the house suspend the rules bill h. R. 895. The speaker pro tempore the clerk will report the title of the bill. H. R. 895, a bill to allow Tribal Grant Schools to participate in the federal Employee Health benefits program. The speaker pro tempore pursuant to the rule, the gentlewoman from new mexico, ms. Haaland, and the gentlewoman cheney, will ms. Each control 20 minutes. The chair recognizes the gentlewoman from new mexico, ms. Haaland. S. Haaland thank you, mr. Speaker. Allk unanimous consent that members may have five legislative days to revise and extend their remarks and include extraneous material on the consideration. The speaker pro tempore without objection, so ordered. Ms. Haaland mr. Speaker, i yield myself such time as i may consume. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman is recognized. Ms. Haaland thank you, mr. Speaker. 895, introduced by representative dusty johnson of authorizes Indian Tribes and tribal organizations controlled ibally schools the ability to access the federal Employee Health program. Employees 10, tribal generally did not have access to the program. Congress passed the indian improvement act in 2010. However, eligibility for federal granted onlyts was to the tribal nations that utilized the indian and determinans education selfdetermination and Education Assistance act, eaving behind the Tribally Controlled School that operated to the Tribal Schools act. This had financial strains on Tribally Controlled Schools and has made it difficult for them to recruit and retain educators. Passage of h. R. 895 will remove and ensure all. I. E. Operated and b. I. E. Tribally operated schools and to the s have access program. I want to thank our colleague, epresentative johnson, for championing this legislation, and i urge my colleagues to support h. R. 895. And i reserve the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman from new mexico reserves. The gentlewoman from wyoming is recognized. Ms. Cheney mr. Speaker, i yield myself such time as i may consume. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman is recognized. Ms. Cheney i rise in support of h. R. 895. As my colleague from new mexico described it, this bill would enable Tribal Grant School employees to participate in the federal Health Benefits program. Under current law, the bureau of Indian Education employees and tribally managed schools operating under a selfdetermination contract are already eligible for this benefit. It is time we helped Tribal Grant Schoolteachers. This bill will not only provide parity for the benefits that employees receive at other schools serving native children, but it will help keep essential moneys focused on education itself. I want to thank the sponsor of this legislation, my colleague, congressman dusty johnson, for his thoughtful leadership on this issue. This stand alone legislation will go a long way to help Tribal Grant Schools during the covid19 Recovery Period and beyond. I am disappointed, however, mr. Speaker, that the democrat majority has refused to act on s. 886, the indian water rights settlement extension act. S. 886 includes the text of this bill and would also help tribes in one of the hardest hit covid19 regions of the country, the Navajo Nation, which has cited lack of water as a spli case for fending off and defeating this deadly virus. S. 886 addresses this very issue by ensuring better access to water for the tribes. Unfortunately, the majority has let this water Settlement Agreement for the navajo select dust. It has been 90 days since the Senate Passed this bipartisan bill. Despite repeated requests for its consideration, the democrats have made no action, taken no action to see this critical agreement enacted into law. I would like to submit, mr. Speaker, for the record, a letter from navajo president nez asking Speaker Pelosi to schedule a vote on final passage for s. 886 the speaker pro tempore without objection, so ordered. Ms. Cheney again, mr. Speaker, we support the passage of congressman johnsons h. R. 895 and would prefer also to enact this provision into law along with measures that will help the Navajo Nation with their broader water shortages. I reserve the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman from wyoming reserves. The the gentlewoman from new mexico is recognized. Ms. Haaland mr. Speaker, i have no further requests for time. I would inquire whether my colleague has any remaining speakers on her side. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman from wyoming. Ms. Cheney i do have an additional speaker, mr. Speaker. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman is recognized. Ms. Cheney thank you, mr. Speaker. I would like to yield four minutes to the gentleman from south dakota, my colleague, mr. Johnson. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from south dakota is recognized. Mr. Johnson thank you, mr. Speaker. Ill begin by thanking chair cheney and congresswoman haaland for their support and for their warm words of support for this measure. They are right, h. R. 895 is about fairness. It is about equity. And it is about improving Tribal School outcomes across this country. I dont know that it matters where you live in this country. Dont know whether it matters where you are in the political spectrum. It seems like one of the things you should be able to recognize is that one of our most difficult and most important challenges in this country is ensuring quality education for our native students. And unintentionally a few years ago congress complicated those efforts. We passed the Indian Health care improvement act as a part of that act. We made it clear that section 638 Tribal Schools could access the federal Employee Health insurance benefits. But we denied that same treatment again unintentionally for the section 297 schools, and in the decade since we have done that, millions of dollars have flown out of the classroom and instead toward these Health Insurance benefits. Our bill, my bill, the Tribal School insurance parity act fix that is oversight, closes that loop hope, and address this is problem without costing our federal government a nickel. I visited Tribal Grant Schools. Most recently just a few weeks ago. I would tell you, superintendent and her team, they work hard every single day. They are at Wounded Knee School on the pine ridge indian reservation in south dakota. They work hard. To provide these Educational Opportunities even with incredibly scarce resources. My friend,cies celia fire thunder, the president of the educational consortium, she understands those challenges which is why shes been focused on this issue for a long time. If we pass this bill, we will make their jobs just a little bit easier as they work to shift those dollars into the classroom, to focus them on student education and outcomes. To focus them on emproving the lives of young people in Indian Country. So i ask my colleagues, mr. Speaker, for a yes vote and i ask us all to work with the senate to pass h. R. 895 before the end of the 116th congress. Thank you. I yield back. He speaker pro tempore ms. Cheney mr. Speaker, i yield back the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman from wyoming yields back the balance of her time. The gentlewoman from wyoming the gentlewoman from new mexico is recognized. Ms. Haaland mr. Speaker, i urge my colleagues to support the legislation and i yield back the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman from new mexico yields back the balance of her time. The question is, will the house suspend the rules and pass h. R. 895. So many as are in favor say aye. Those opposed, no. In the opinion of the chair, 2 3 of those voting having responded in the affirmative, the rules are suspended, the bill is passed, and without objection the motion to reconsider is tablet stability. Is laid on the table. The speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentlewoman from pennsylvania seek recognition . Mr. Speaker, i move to suspend the rules and pass h. R. 5053. The speaker pro tempore the clerk will report the title of the bill. The clerk h. R. 5053. A bill to exempt juveniles from the requirements for suits by prisoners, and for other purposes. The speaker pro tempore pursuant to the rule, the gentlewoman from pennsylvania, ms. Scanlon, and the gentleman from ohio, mr. Jordan, will each control 20 minutes. The chair recognizes the gentlewoman from pennsylvania, ms. Scanlon. Ms. Scanlon i ask unanimous consent that all members may have five legislative days to revise and extend their remarks and include extraneous material on the bill under consideration. The speaker pro tempore without objection, so ordered. Ms. Scanlon i yield myself such time as i may consume. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman from is recognized. Ms. Scanlon i rise in support of h. R. 5053, the justice for juveniles act. This bipartisan bill, which i introduced along with my colleagues, mr. Armstrong, mr. Jefferies, would eliminate the administrative exhaustion requirement for incarcerated youth before they may file a lawsuit challenging the conditions of their incarceration. By passing this bill today, the house will advance the measure to correct a manifest wrong currently present in federal law and continue bipartisan efforts to support incarcerated youth. This bill recognizes the same conclusion thats been embraced by the Supreme Court and experts for decades, that incarcerated young people have different cognitive abilities than adult. That they are less mature, and have a higher chance of being assaulted while incorrespond rated. In recent years, our nation has finally come to the realization that youth and adults have fundamentally different decisionmaking abilities. The Supreme Court has repootedly cited adolescents lack of ma majority as a reason why they are not as culpable as dults for their actions or not able to recognize consequences or dangers. In current law there are no allowances for these differences in abilities when it comes to addressing deficiencies in conditions of confinement. Pursuing claims under the prison litigation reform act, which requires an understanding of detailed grievance procedures and timelines, is nearly impossible for incarcerated youth, particularly when our courts have been exacting in the requirements that the exhaustion requirements be followed, no matter how sympathetic the situation. Understanding the grievance process is made even more challenging by the educational deficits faced by a substantial number of incarcerated juveniles. According to one study, among incarcerated youth, 85 are functionally illiterate, and the baseline reading levels vary from grade one to grade 6. In addition, approximately 70 of incarcerated juveniles have at least one lernl disability. Youth are furthermore less likely than adults to recognize as risks the circumstances they face in a correctional facility. Compounding these challenges, incarcerated youth as a Group Experience extraordinarily high rates of mental illness, nearly 50 of incarcerated 16 to 18yearolds suffer from a mental illness. Juveniles housed with adults are 10 times more likely to have psychotic episodes and have a suicide rate that is 7. 7 times higher than those housed in juvenile facilities. In recent years, the public has become more aware of the many dangers that lurk in corrective facilities, hurricanes have flooded facilities. Cold snaps have left prisoners freeding to death, and heat waves have killed prisoners when they lacked proper ventilation or air conditioning. In my district, the 2019 expose by the philadelphia enquirer exposed a longstanding pattern of abuse of adough lessants committed to the glen mills school. Incarceration or detention poses a special danger to youth who often dont have the ability to experience or recognize that they are in immediate danger. Adough ledents incarcerated with adults are also more prone to both physical and mental abuse. Youth are 50 more likely to be physically assaulted when housed in adult facilities. Taken together, they are simply not able to recognize or effectively communicate when their prison conditions become dangerous or unconstitutionally deficient. There remains little doubt that the current process needs to be changed. Thats why this bill proposes a modest reform to the prison litigation reform act. It simply exempts youth in correctional facilities from having to comply with the technical grievance procedures before they can go to court to challenge the unconstitutional conditions of their confinement. While i would like to see us do much, much more, this bill is a necessary first step which i ask that my colleagues support today. I reserve the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman from pennsylvania reserves. Without objection, the gentleman from north dakota will control the minoritys time. The gentleman from north dakota is recognized. Mr. Johnson thank you, mr. Speaker. I yield myself such time as i may consume. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized. Mr. Johnson i rise in support of h. R. 5053, the justice for juveniles act. This bill eliminates some of the obstacles for juvenile prisoners seeking relief from our correctional facilities in federal court. Juvenile offenders often lack the knowledge to pursue an exhaust all of the complex administrative roles and grievance procedures in our correctional facilities. H. R. 5053 will provide juvenile offenders quicker access to courts when they feel they are being abused or mistreated. President trump has been a leader on criminal Justice Reform. He signed into law the bipartisan First Step Act in december of 2018. The president has also commuted the lengthen prison sentences of several nonviolent offenders and more recently pardoned Alice Johnson who served 22 years of a life sentence for nonviolent drug trafficking. This bill is another important step in criminal Justice Reform. I was honored to be the republican lead on this bill. It was a measure to work with ms. Scanlon of pennsylvania, the bills primary sponsor. I urge my colleagues in supporting this bill. I reserve the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman reserves. The gentlewoman from pennsylvania is recognized. Ms. Scanlon mr. Speaker, may i inquire how many more speakers the minority floor manager has remaining . Mr. Armstrong we dont have any. Ms. Scanlon i reserve. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yield . Mr. Armstrong mr. Speaker, this bill is a good piece of Bipartisan Legislation. I agree with ms. Scanlon. Its an important first step. I also think its important to recognize that when we do place juvenile offenders in the adult criminal Justice System, that we are doing some things in a different way and they have unique challenges that they face in those systems. This is neither the time necessarily or the place for the larger debate, but i think the least we can do is exhaust some of those administrative remedies given what we know. I was proud again to be the republican colead on this bill and look forward to its passage. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields back. The gentlelady from pennsylvania is recognized. Ms. Scanlon id also like to mr. Armstrong for his help in moving this bill forward. Mr. Speaker, this legislation is upported by a Bipartisan Coalition of groups, including cut 50, the campaign for youth the juvenile law center, the National Legal aid center, and our street institute. These organizations, as well as health and legal experts, simplifying the Legal Process and making it less complex is consistent with the needs of tal adolescents. This bill was developed as a bipartisan bill to protect young people from by e in institutions exempting them from the administrative grievance requirements that stand in the of their getting relief from abusive practices. I ask my colleagues to join me this legislation today, and i yield back the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the from pennsylvania yields back the balance of her time. Question is will the house suspend the rules and pass the bill h. R. 5053. Those in favor say aye. Those opposed, no. Chair, 2 3ion of the having responded in the affirmative, the rules are suspended, the bill is passed, and without objection, the motion to reconsider is laid on the table. For what purpose does the gentlewoman from pennsylvania seek recognition . Ms. Scanlon mr. Speaker, i move to suspend the rules and pass 1418, as amended. The speaker pro tempore the clerk will report the title of the bill. 1418, a bill to restore the application of the antitrust laws to the business of Health Insurance to and ct competition consumers. The speaker pro tempore pursuant to the rule, the entlewoman from pennsylvania, and the gentleman from North Carolina excuse me the gentleman from north dakota, mr. Armstrong, will each control 20 minutes. The chair recognizes the entlewoman from pennsylvania, ms. Scanlon. Ms. Scanlon i ask unanimous consent that all members may have five legislative days to evise and extend their remarks and include extraneous materials consideration. Er the speaker pro tempore without objection, so ordered. Ms. Scanlon i yield myself such time as i may consume. The peaker pro tempore gentlewoman is recognized. Ms. Scanlon mr. Speaker, i rise 1418, ng support of h. R. The competitive Health Insurance reform act. Legislation nse repeals a longstanding antitrust exemption for the health under the ndustry act ferguson mccarranferguson act. Of the most s one egregious anticompetitive conduct. There is no justification for antitrust exemption for the business of Health Insurance. Congress passed the mccarranferguson act in to a 1944 Supreme Court decision finding that the antitrust laws applied to the of insurance. Both Insurance Companies and the about expressed concerned that decision. Insurance companies worried it could jeopardize certain practices, like joint rate setting, and the pooling of historical data. Were concerned about losing their authority to regulate and tax the business of insurance. To address these issues, mccarranferguson provides that to ral antitrust laws apply the business of insurance only to the extent that it is not law. Ated by state unfortunately, this resulted in exemption. Itrust industry and state revenue concerns, rather than the vital oals of protecting competition and consumers, were the primary drivers of the act. Mccarranferguson, congress initially intended to provide only a temporary gavetion and unfortunately little consideration to competition concerns. Not surprisingly, theres broad ending this safe harbor for antitrust violations illegal. Criminally as the antitrust modernization reported in 2007, the mccarranferguson exemption repealed because it utlived any oou tilt it utility it has. Ts far clear that the exemption was ever justified in the first place. Antitrust exemptions should be be edingly rare and should enacted only whether a strong olicy reasons for such exemption. Carving out an entire part of a Health Care System from the ntitrust laws should be unthinkable. Particularly, when Health Care Costs are so high for many families. Time to repeal this special exemption for the Insurance Industry. Chairman colleague, defazio, for his leadership on this important legislation. Urge my colleagues to support this bill, which previously passed the house with an vote elmingly bipartisan of 4167, and i reserve the time. E of my the speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman from pennsylvania eserves the balance of her time. The gentleman from north dakota is recognized. Mr. Rmstrong thank you, speaker. I yield myself such time as i may consume. Tempore the o gentleman is recognized. Nder current law, health and dental industries are exempt from certain laws. Congress established this 1945 at a time when federal antitrust law was less to loped and more likely disrupt procompetitive practices under Insurance Industry state laws. H. R. 1418 would update antitrust law and apply it to the business of Health Insurance in ways that is designed to better protect consumers. Time, h. R. 1418 would still permit the health in rance industry to engage procompetitive collaboration at customers. T benefits this bill represents another small step to improve americas Health Care System. Encourage my colleagues to support the bill, and i reserve time. Alance of my the speaker pro tempore the gentleman from north dakota reserves. The gentlewoman from pennsylvania is recognized. Speaker, i mr. Yield five minutes to the gentleman from oregon, mr. Defazio. The speaker pro tempore the entleman from oregon is recognized for five minutes. Mr. Defazio i thank the gentlelady. Bill, h. R. 1418, has 51 osponsors in the house, 26 democrats, 25 republicans. Ts endorsed by 23 national organizations, including consumer reports, who estimates t will save consumers billions of dollars a year in Health Insurance costs. Ther Consumer Rights groups, american dental association, more. Tal association, and there are only two forprofit have ries in america who an exemption from antitrust law. One is professional baseball from the 1920s. Nd the other is the vital area of Health Insurance, dating to 1940s. This amendment this bill will exemption. Hat whats that mean . Right now, Insurance Companies an and do get together and collude. Before covid, theyd go to some fancy resorts, get together and how about you stay out of north dakota, well stay out of south dakota. Oregon. Out of you stay out of washington. You divide up the pie. Youre selling. Well decide where were selling. Are the people we want to and collude. It drives up the cost and the vailability is diminished for americans. Midst covid. We are five e estimates are that Million People have lost their insurance during covid. Five Million People. Year, the health nsurance industry made an eyepopping 33 billion in profits. Are year, the reports theyre doing even better with more and more people uninsured. How are they doing that . Theyre jacking up copays. Theyre jacking up deductibles. Heyre excluding all sorts of treatments from coverage. And its all legal and they can all get together and say, hey, you wont cover this, we wont cover it. Lose ay you wont customers. We wont lose customers. What a sweet deal. Deal. Sweet one in four americans hesitated to go to the doctor. Who was insured. Who were insured. Or to fill a prescription. Needed treatment because of the extraordinary copays and high deductibles. People are paying 2,000, 3,000, 4,000 before they can get coverage on these socalled policies. Whats this about . Its about greed. Time to end. This is a Vital Service for the people. You know, this bill was part of the original Affordable Care act house. My provision. It was stripped out in the senate. Former ehest of a insurance executive. Good old senate. Get into the final version of the a. C. A. Hey took out a lot of good things too. The house bill was way exchanges, not for profits, etc. In any case, it was stripped out. He house held another vote after the passage of the Affordable Care act in 2010. Pair yellow, then representative from virginia, offered up my bill on the floor, it passed by 40619. Kind of bills pass 40919 . Bill, colead on the representative gosar, he bill in 2017, and 4167. Ed in the most bitterly partisan since ere in congress 4167. Vil war, its time to get this done. Finally, were seeing some senate. N the senator leahy has introduced a bill. Chair of the Judiciary Committee. Of course i mean sorry, Ranking Member. Senator daines. So three democrats, three bill. Icans on the hopefully, you know, the senate in helping wisdom americans afford Health Insurance. Lowering their deductibles. Copays. Their lowering their exclusions on prescription drugs. Ou know, even under Medicare Part d, they are always jacking people around. They say, oh, sorry, you cant that medication anymore. We just took it off the list last week. They can do it anytime they talk to the y can other insurers and say, hey, off our ing that drug list. Will you take it off your list . E dont want people to switch to your plan. That is legal. This will be a Tremendous Service to the American People. Any time in history. But particularly now in times of covid and crisis. Urge my colleagues to support the legislation. With that i yield back the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the yields. N the gentlewoman from pennsylvania reserves. From north dakota is recognized. Mr. Armstrong mr. Speaker, close. Eady to the speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized. Mr. Armstrong thank you, mr. Speaker. Bill. S a good we should support it. Back. Th that i yield the speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields. The gentlewoman from pennsylvania is recognized. Healthy competition in Health Insurance markets is one of the most critical americans r ensuring have access to highquality, Affordable Health care. Insurance companies are forced to compete, the American People win. Unfortunately, too many families still paying higher premiums and outofpocket costs in part ecause of anticompetitive practices that Health Insurance giants are allowed to engage in under existing law. More, theres a statutory loophole for this conduct that to engage in f price price fixing. Should be no safe harbor whatsoever for this conduct which allows insurers to the cost of Health Insurance and impose additional burdens on families across our theyre already struggling to make ends meet. Health Insurance Companies antitrust ubject to liability to the extent they collude or otherwise engage in behavior. Titive h. R. 1418 would achieve this result. Hisank chairman defazio for leadership on this bill and i urge my colleagues to vote in favor of this legislation that overdue. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman from pennsylvania back. The question before the house is will the house suspend the rules the bill h. R. 1418, as amended. Those in favor say aye. No. E opposed say in the opinion of the chair, 2 3 having responded in the ffirmative the rules are suspended, the bill is passed, and without objection, the motion to reconsider is laid on the table. For what purpose does the gentlewoman from pennsylvania recognition . Ms. Scanlon mr. Speaker, i move pass s. Nd the rules and 227. The speaker pro tempore the clerk will report the title of the bill. 227, an act tote direct the attorney general to develop law e, and enforcement and justice protocols appropriate to address missing and murdered indians, and for other purposes. The speaker pro tempore pursuant to the rule, the entlewoman from pennsylvania, ms. Scanlon, and the gentleman from north dakota, mr. Will control 20 minutes. The chair recognizes the gentlewoman from pennsylvania, ms. Scanlon. Ms. Scanlon i ask unanimous that all members may have five legislative days to revise and extend their remarks and include extraneous material on the bill under consideration. The speaker pro tempore without objection, so ordered. Ms. Scanlon i yield myself such time as i may consume. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman is recognized. 227, savannas act, responds to the epidemic of native and murdered americans. This crisis is appalling and hreatens millions of innocent People Living both on tribal lands and beyond. His bill is a bipartisan effort, introduced by alaska senator lisa murkowski, and by ed by the Senate Unanimous consent last march. I want to especially commend the eadership of representative norma torres, who introduced the house companion in 2019, and has been a constant champion for savannas act here in the house. The data indicates the violence against native americans is particularly high. In some communities native american women experience murdered rates more than 10 times the National Average. This is unacceptable. Savannas act is named in honor of savanna la bonn tain greywind, who vanished from her apartment in fargo, north dakota while she was eight months pregnant. Eight days after she disappeared her body was found in the river. This empowers the tribal governments with information and resources necessary to respond to cases of missing our murdered native americans like savanna and increase the collection of data in such cases. It also increases coordination and communication among the federal, state, and tribal officials responsible for investigating these cases in a variety of ways. This legislation provides best practices in conducting searches for missing persons on and on native american land. Establishes standards on the collection, reporting, and analysis of data and information on missing persons, and unidentified human remains. And will lead to the culturally appropriate identification and handling of human remains identified as native americans. Savannas act provides guidance on which Law Enforcement agencies responsible for inputting information into databases, guidance on improving Agency Response race and followup, to cases of missing and murdered native americans. And guidance on ensuring access to culturally appropriate victims services. Lastly and most importantly, savannas act adds two new purpose areas to two existing Grant Programs administered by the Justice Department. Specifically, allowing grantees to use funds to implement policies, protocols, and training for Law Enforcement regarding cases of missing our murdered native americans and compile and report data to the attorney general. In short, this important legislation will help address the alarming cases of missing and murdered native americans in a robust and effective way. I strongly urge my colleagues to support it and i reserve the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman from pennsylvania reserves. The gentleman from north dakota is recognized. Mr. Armstrong i yield myself such time as i may consume. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized. Mr. Armstrong thank you, mr. Speaker. Rise in support of s. 227, savannas act. Savannas act is named after savanna lafontaine greywind, a 22yearold member of the spirit lake tribe murdered in my district in august of 2017. Her disappearance and murder devastated the community and entire state of north dakota. Tragically savanna was found dead eight days after she was reported missing. Thankfully her baby was found alive besides being cut from her womb. It brought to light that the data regarding missing and murdered Indigenous Women, particularly women and girls, is scattered across various government databases if it even exists at all. Her story is not unique. A woman named olivia disappeared from the reservation a month later on october of 2017. She was found in a submerged truck in july of 2018 in the lake. These are two recent examples from my state. There are hundreds more across the nation. Savannas act will begin to help to address the crisis of missing and murdered indigenous people. The bill will establish guidelines and best practices for Law Enforcement agencies across the country. It will also improve coordination amongst those agencies. Finally, it will enhance reporting, Record Keeping, and communication for Law Enforcement and families of victims. This legislation is needed because native american and alaska native women face a murder rate 10 times higher than the National Average. Shockingly, 84 of women in these communities experience some form of violence in their lifetime. The rural nature of most native American Communities increase levels of poverty and addiction and other circumstances pose unique challenges. Because of outdated databases and lack of coordination between Law Enforcement agencies, there is no reliable way of knowing how many Indigenous Women actually do go missing each year. Savannas act address this is disturbing increase in missing and murdered native american women by creating new guidelines for investigation of these cases and by incentivizing the implementation of these new guidelines. I urge my colleagues to join me in supporting s. 227, and i reserve the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from north dakota reserves. The the gentlewoman from pennsylvania is recognized. Ms. Scanlon mr. Speaker, i yield five minutes to the gentlelady from california, mrs. Toes. The speaker pro tempore the the gentlewoman from california, mrs. Torres, is recognized for five minutes. Mrs. Torres thank you, mr. Speaker. I thank my colleague for yielding me this time. I stand here today in honor of savanna la fountaine greywind and the native american women missing and murdered with no justice in sight. Savanna was just 22, a member of the spirit lake tribe. She was eight months pregnant and expecting her baby any day. When she was murdered in august of 2017, a neighbor in her Apartment Building lured her next door. Attacked her. When her body was found, the coroner could not determine if the cause of death was a loss of blood from the vicious wounds on her body or strangulation from the rope around her neck. Instead of getting to hold her brand new baby in her arms, and imagining a Bright Future for shever and her little one, savannas future was cut short. Savannas death shines a light on a horrific reality in this country. Where native american women facial a murder face a murder rate 10 times higher than the National Average. The statistics should shock everyone listening to this debate. 84 of native women experience some form of violence in their lifetime. 84 . Think of your 50 closest friends and family members. And now imagine 42 out of those 50 experiencing some time of violence. We cannot stand silent. We stand together heartbroken, disgusted, and horrified. But we cannot stand back and do nothing. I introduced the house version of the savannas act to address the disyou shalling rates of missing and murdered native american women. I was honored to have the opportunity to work with my good friend, ms. Haaland, and across the aisle with mr. Newhouse on this bill. Also, with senators murkowski and senator cortez masto on the senate version. We came together as democrats and republicans. We met many, many, many times to ensure that this was a bill that all of our colleagues could stand for in support and right a wrong for native american women. To date there is no reliable way of knowing how many native women go missing each year, because the databases that hold the statistics of these cases are outdated. A lack of coordination between Law Enforcement agencies only adds to the confusion and as a result murderers get away with killing native american women. This bill will finally ensure the department of justice, state and local Law Enforcement agencies, and our communities will can Work Together to address this violence. Because of this bill the department of justice will department regionally appropriate guidelines for response to cases of missing and murdered native americans. And d. O. J. Will provide training and Technical Assistance to tribes and Law Enforcement agencies for implementation of the developed guidelines. In addition, this bill will authorize grants to ensure that all members of our community are effectively working together to stop kidnapping and murdering of native women. Native women have endured horrific rates of assault, rape, murder for far too long. I hope this vote brings some closure to savannas family and the countless family members in native communities who live with the pain of a lost loved one every day. Let me be clear, it is their unwavering advocacy that made this day a reality and an untold number of lies will be lives will be saved as a result. Thank you, mr. Chairman. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman yield. The gentlewoman from pennsylvania reserves. The gentleman from north dakota is recognized. Mr. Armstrong mr. Speaker, i yield 10 minutes to my good friend from washington, mr. Newhouse. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from washington is recognized. Mr. Newhouse thank you, mr. Speaker. Id like to thank my good friend from north dakota, mr. Armstrong, for yielding some time today. Mr. Speaker, this is a monumental day. Im proud to rise alongside my colleagues on both sides of the aisle to speak out in support of our legislation which aims to address a crisis aficting our nation. Afflicting our nation. That of missing and murdered Indigenous Women. I hail from the state of washington and very family with out native familiar with how native american tribes are integrated. I was raised across the riff from the yakima reservation in Central Washington. I have to say, i like many others, was not aware of the disproportionate murder rate Indigenous Women suffer. 10 times the National Average. The end of 2018 this crisis and the need for a solution was brought to me by the tribal communities that i represent. I was made aware of just how devastating the shortfalls of our Justice System are for native american and alaska native women and girls. While the ticks we have are absolutely staggering, and you have heard them, the facts of the matter are, we dont even know the full extent of the crisis. In my home state of washington, native americans make up about 2 of the states population. But a recent report by the Washington State patrol shows that Indigenous Women account for 7 of the states reported missing women. The families of dozens of women still await answers as cases of missing or murdered Indigenous Women remain open or turn cold. Yet this crisis has gone on for decades with little to no action by the federal government. Complicated Law Enforcement jurisdictions have caused many problems throughout these investigations. And far too many tribal Law Enforcement agencies lack the resources or access to critical databases to help solve these cases. Which is why when savannas act failed to receive a vote on the house floor in the 115th congress, i was determined to bring Forward Solutions in order to get this bill signed into law. I was very proud to work with representatives torres and haaland and others in collaboration with tribes, the department of justice, and many others to emprove upon that legislation. The product is a broadly bipartisan bill that has passed unanimously in both the House Judiciary Committee as well as the United States senate. We work to recreate legislation that will bring focus to this crisis and improve the coordination between federal, state, local, and tribal Law Enforcement agencies. This legislation aims to provide a sense of hope to loved ones of these women by developing guidelines and best practices for tribes in Law Enforcement agencies across the country. By enhancing reporting and Record Keeping of crimes against Indigenous Women, and by improving communication between Law Enforcement and the families of these victims. This bill and this effort to bring awareness to the missing and murdered native women across the country will go a long way to finally deliver justice to our communities. Tribes across the country, including those that i represent, have thrown their support behind this legislation. In fact, last year i walked alongside the then chairman of the yakima tribe, as well as councilwoman sam through the halls of congress. Visiting chairman grijalva, subcommittee chairman gallego, and subcommittee chairwoman bass. These officials traveled across the country, mr. Speaker, more than 2,500 miles to advocate for the passage of savannas act and other legislation to address this crisis. The bill is named as you have heard the story in honor of savanna lafontaine greywind, a 22yearold member of the spirit lake tribe, pregnant with her first child murdered in august of 2017. Since the introduction of savannas act in the house, the remains of a yakima nation woman, were found on the reservation. Her horrific murder today remains unsolved. Thank fully justice was served upon savannas murderers. We owe the same justice to rosinda and all the missing and murdered Indigenous Women across this country. The passage of this bill today will demonstrate a long awaited and necessary change. As i mentioned, this crisis has been going on for decades. Politicians have promised action and failed to deliver. What is different now . I can honestly tell you the main difference is that our native communities are leading the charge. They have had enough and they no longer will suffer in silence. Throughout Central Washington and across the country, the families of loved ones of thousands of missing or murdered Indigenous Women are awaiting justice. Because of their voices i am here today. I urge my colleagues to support passage and finally, mr. Speaker and finally send this legislation to president trumps desk to be signed into law. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields. The gentleman from north dagget reserves. The gentlewoman from pennsylvania is recognized. Ms. Scanlon may i inquire whether mr. Armstrong has additional speakers . Mr. Armstrong we do not and ready to close. We are ready to close. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized. Mr. Armstrong i say thank you to mrs. Torres, mr. Newhouse and my colleagues, and this isnt the first time that i have been on the floor talking about this bill. I think it is important to remember people who came before us. Through this process we have gotten a more targeted and workable solution. This bill allows u. S. Attorneys in Indian Country more autonomy and authority. That is important to Law Enforcement and particularly important in missing cases and important to recognize these dont always happen in rural areas or on the reservation. Savanna was in fargo, north was that incident happened. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from north dakota yields back. The gentlewoman from pennsylvania is recognized. Ms. Scanlon savannas act is important measure to ensure the safety of native american men and women in communities across the states. For all of the reasons discussed to today, we are thankful my colleagues for moving this legislation forward. I urge my colleagues to join me in supporting this Bipartisan Legislation and i yield back. The speaker pro tempore the question is will the house suspend the rules and pass senate bill 227. Those in favor say aye. Those opposed, no. In the opinion of the chair, 2 3 being in the affirmative, the rules are suspended, the bill is passed and without objection, the motion to reconsider is laid on the table. The speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentlewoman from pennsylvania seek recognition . Ms. Scanlon i move to suspend the rules and pass h. R. 5546. The speaker pro tempore the clerk will report the bill. The clerk Union Calendar number 407, h. R. 5546, a bill to regulate monitoring of Electronic Communications between an person incarcerated and that person attorney or other legal representative and for other purposes. The speaker pro tempore pusht pursuant to the rule, the gentlewoman from pennsylvania, ms. Scanlon and the gentleman from north dakota, mr. Armstrong each will control 20 minutes. The chair recognizes the gentlewoman from pennsylvania. Ms. Scanlon i ask unanimous consent that all members may have five legislative days to revise and extend tear remarks and include extraneous material on the bill under consideration. The speaker pro tempore without objection, so ordered. Ms. Scanlon i yield myself such time as i may consume. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman is recognized. Ms. Scanlon effective assistance of counsel in the digital aware act would require the bureau of prisons to exempt from monitoring privileged Electronic Communications between incarcerated individuals and their attorneys or legal representative. The 6th amendment to the u. S. Constitution provides the right to counsel to assist in the defense of those accused of criminal offices in order to represent their clients. Defense attorneys must have the bility to talk candidly. Attorneyclient privileges exists in part to foster this sort of open communication. This privilege does not protect communications between a client and an attorney made in further ranches of or to cover up a crowd or fraud. But to ensure free and open communication between individuals and their attorneys, a fundamental component of the effective assistance of counsel guaranteed by the contusion. Other communications between them may remain private. The defendants who are not in custody are less con trained in their ability to have candid conversations with their attorneys than those defendants in custody. Generally speaking, out of custody defendants can go to their office and speak with them on the phone or write letters. To an extent incustody defendants have these protections. Bureau of prison regulations can meet with their attorneys without supervision and talk on the phone and exchange letters without monitoring. But these same protections do not apply to eMail Communications for the nearly 150,000 individuals currently in custody, many of whom are in pretrial detention and not convicted of any crime. Emp Mail Communications have been able to communication. It requires inmates to consent to monitoring. However even in the case of communications between inmates and their attorneys, over a the e ago, b. O. P. Realized importance of efficiency and speed of communication between ip mates and outside contacts. Over time, email has grown zpwoo the primary means of communications but without a system in place to maintain attorneyclient privilege. Without that system, the bureau of prisons was hindering the effective representation of inmates and it is important for us to enable these Confidential Communications given the pandemic has hampered the ability of attorneys to meet their clients in person. This bill would do just requiring b. O. P. A system in place that would exempt communications between attorneys and their clients. The bill includes additional protections including the equirement that the kepts of Digital Communications are destroyed as well as offering the suppression of evidence. Tained this is an important bill. And one that has been needed for quite some time. I commend representative jeffries and doug collins in developing this bipartisan piece of lellings. I urge my colleagues to join me in support of this bill today and i reserve. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman from pennsylvania reserves. The gentlewoman from north dakota is recognized. Mr. Armstrong i yield myself such time. I rise in support of h. R. 5546, the effective assistance of counsel in the digital era act. As a defense attorney i cannot overemphasize the importance of attorneyclient privilege, to have discussions with the client for the purpose of providing legal advice is foundational to providing effective assistance of counsel. This bill will modernize our criminal Justice System by extending attorneyclient privilege to Electronic Communications sent or received through the bureau of prisons email system. Ey e it would prohibit the bureau of prison from monitoring privileged emp Mail Communications. We agree the Attorney Client privilege helps ensure that ta criminal defendant has an effecttive advocate in the courtroom. Emails between incarcerated individuals and their attorneys should fall under the attorneyclient proceedings. This bill would protect the rights of incarcerated men and women to speak openly and without fear that the prosecution is monitoring those communications. Other methods of communication such as inperson meetings and letters can be burdensome. Even if the attorney is in close proximity, it could take hours to travel and visit with that client. H. R. 5546 requires the attorney germ to ensure that b. O. P. s email system excludes the kepts of Electronic Communications between an incarcerated person and his or her attorney. The bill stipulates that the protections and limitations associated with attorneyclient privilege including the crime fraud exception apply to Electronic Communications. They will retain communications until the incarcerated person is released and the contents may only be accessed under limited circumstances. Such access were granted in violation of the act. Congress must continuely address the application of existing law to emerging technology. This is a commonsense application to technology that is decades old. I urge my colleagues to support h. R. 5546 and i reserve. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman from pennsylvania is recognized. Ms. Scanlon i yield five minutes to the gentleman from new york, mr. Jeffries. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from new york is recognized. Mr. Jeffries i thank the gentlelady from pennsylvania for her leadership and yielding. I rise in support of h. R. 5546, the effective assistance of ounsel in the digital era act. 6th amendment provides in criminal criminal prosecutions the accused shall have the assistance of counsel for his defense. So effectively represent a client and provide the best possible legal advice, an attorney must be informed about the facts of the case. But this can only be achieved through confidential communication between the attorney and their client. Thats why the attorneyclient privilege is so critical. Supreme court stated that, quote, even in a jail, and especially there, the relationships which the law has endowed with respect to confidentiality must continue to receive unceasing protection. There are nearly 127,000 individuals currently in b. O. P. Custody, many of whom are in preproo trial detention and have not been convicted of a prime. These are innocent until proven guilty. Like any person involved in a criminal proceeding, these individuals need to be able to confidentially communicate with their attorneys in order to vindicate their rights under law. The bipartisan effective assistance of counsel in the digital era agget will enable incarcerated individuals to communicate with their legal representatives, privately, efficiently and safely by prohibiting the bureau of prison Electronic Communications. Phone calls and traditional mail , no such protections currently exist in the context of eMail Communications sent through the electronic mail service. He druss fund limited inmate computer system. The email system has become the easiest, fastest and most efficient method of communication available to incarcerated individuals and their attorneys. Even a brief client visit can take hours as the distinguished the gentleman from north dakota pointed out. Hours out of an attorneys day when you include travel and wait times. Confidential phone calls are subject to time lakeses and cannot usually be scheduled immediately. Postal mail can take an especially long time to reach an incarcerated individual because it must be first opened and screened. These delays should be unnecessary in a prison system that currently permits Electronic Communications and would be fw the attorneyclient privilege were consistently applied to emp mail communication. To solve this challenge h. R. 5546 would require the attorney general to ensure that the email system excludes from monitoring the contents of Electronic Communications between incars incarcerated person and their attorney. They would be allowed to contain the contents of those messages up until the incarcerated person is released. But they would be accessible only under very limited circumstances. The bill also allows the court to suppress evidence that is obtained or derived from illegal access to the retained contents. Our criminal Justice System depends on the attorneyclient privilege to ensure lawyers are able to effectively represent their clients. Thats why this legislation is so critical. I would like to thank my good friend, representative doug collins, chairman gerry nadler, Ranking Member jimoredian for their leadership, as well as members on both sides of the aisle. I also want to thank the aclu, the american bar association, americans for prosperity, cut 50, the due process institute, the faith and freedom coalition, families against mandatory minimums, the federal defenders, freedomworks, the national actionwork, National Association of criminal defense lawyers, prison fellowship, and right on crime for their support of this legislation. I urge my colleagues to vote yes on h. R. 5546. And i yield back the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from new york yields. The the gentlewoman from pennsylvania reserves. The gentleman from north dakota is recognized. Mr. Armstrong we are ready to close. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized for closing. Mr. Armstrong thank you, mr. Speaker. I do appreciate this bill. The only question i sometimes have is, one it seems like emails been around for a long time and we are just getting to it. Better late than never. I also think its really important to recognize a lot of these cases are Public Defense cases. Youll have public defenders who have bigger caseloads than we would like sometimes and clients that dont necessarily struss the system. This is trust the system. This is good for lawyers,ed this good for overall faith in the criminal Justice System. It protects people. And it doesnt just protect the client who that public defender is recognizing. It helps all his other one it is he or she can communicate with all of their clients quicker and more efficiently. This is a really good bill. I urge everybody to support it. With that i yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from north dakota yields back the balance of his time. The gentlewoman from pennsylvania is recognized. Ms. Scanlon mr. Speaker, h. R. 5546 is an important measure to reinforce the attorneyclient privilege. An issue thats essential to the Fair Administration of our criminal Justice System and one thats even more urgent in this pandemic. So for all of the reasons discussed here today, i urge my colleagues to join me in supporting this Bipartisan Legislation and i yield back the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman from pennsylvania yields back the balance of her time. The question is, will the house suspend the rules and pass h. R. 5546. Those in favor say aye. Those opposed, no. In the opinion of the chair, 2 3 of those voting having responded in the affirmative, the rules are suspended, the bill is passed, and without objection the motion to reconsider is laid pon the table. For what purpose does the gentlewoman from pennsylvania seek recognition . Ms. Scanlon i move to suspend the rules and pass senate 982. The speaker pro tempore the clerk will report the title of the bill. The clerk senate 982, an act to increase intergovernmental coordination to identify and combat havent crime within indjanuary lance and of indians. The speaker pro tempore pursuant to the rule, the gentlewoman from pennsylvania, ms. Scanlon, and the gentleman from North Carolina, mr. Armstrong excuse me, north dakota, mr. Armstrong, will each control 20 minutes. The chair recognizes the gentlewoman from pennsylvania, ms. Scanlon. Ms. Scanlon i ask unanimous consent that all members may have five legislative days to revise and extend their remarks and include extraneous material on the bill under consideration. The speaker pro tempore without objection, so ordered. Ms. Scanlon i yield myself such time as i may consume. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman is recognized. Ms. Scanlon s. 982, the not invisible act of 2020, introduced by nevada senator Katherine Cortez masto and passed by the senate last march addresses the crisis of violence and Sexual Violence committed against American Indian and alaska native men and women in two concrete ways. By directing the appointment within the bureau of Indian Affairs of a coordinator of federal efforts to combat violence against native people, and by establishing a commission on reducing Violent Crime against indians. I want to commend my colleague, representative deb haaland from new mexico, for introducing the companion bill here in the house and for her efforts in advancing this important legislation. For decades native american and alaska native communities have struggled with high rates of assault, abduction, and murder of women. Community advocates describe the crisis as a legacy of generations of Government Policies promoting forced removal, land seizures, and violence inflicted on native peoples. Advocates and victims families also campaigned and rightly so that the investigation and monitoring of disappearances and killings of members of their communities have gotten lost in bureaucratic gaps generated by a system that lacks clarity on whether local or federal agencies should investigate. The federal government must do something to address these problems. The statistics on violence and native American Communities are staggering. More than four in five American Indian and alaska native womens have experienced violence in their lifetime. Including 56. 1 who have experienced Sexual Violence. American indian and alaska native men also have high victimization rates with 81. 6 having experienced violence in their lifetime. This problem is in large part the result of decades of neglect by the federal government. This crisis has particularly affected native american women, scores of home have gone missing and have been found murdered. Recently, these women stories have begun to be told to a wider audience, but these stories are not new and its long overdue that we address them. The not invisible act of 2020 is an important step for the federal government in finding an adequate response to the problem of violence against native americans. By making a permanent position within the bureau of Indian Affairs that reports directly to the secretary of the interior and who will submit an annual report to congress, we will greatly improve the federal response to combating violence in native communities. Significantly, this bill also directs the b. I. A. Coordinator to take into consideration the unique challenges faced by native American Communities both on and off tribal lands. And to work in cooperation with outside organizations to train tribal Law Enforcement, Indian Health service care providers, and other Tribal Community members on identifying, responding to, and reporting on cases of missing persons, murder, and human trafficking. And for two years a joint commission on reducing Violent Crimes against indians will be tasked with preparing recommendations on concrete actions the department of the interior and department of justice can take to help combat Violent Crimes against native americans and on native american lands. These include the development and implementation of strategies for identifying, reporting, and responding to instances of missing persons, murder, and human trafficking. Tracking and reporting relevant data, and increasing prosecutions in this neglected arena. These are long overdue critical measures. Its well past the time to help rack at this phi these problems and im pleased the not invisible act will go a long way in that process. Therefore, i urge all my colleagues to join me in support of this bill today. I reserve the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the the gentlewoman from pennsylvania reserves. The gentleman from north dakota is recognized. Mr. Armstrong thank you, mr. Speaker. I yield myself such time as i may consume. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized. Mr. Armstrong i rise in support of s. 982, the not invisible act of 2019. We just discussed the appalling extent of missing and murdered Indigenous Women and how savannas act will begin to address this issue. The not invisible act is another step to solve this abhorrent problem. This bill provides an opportunity for the federal government to improve its efforts to combat the growing crisis of murdered trafficking and disappearance of indigenous men and women. While there are many federal programs tasked with addressing Violent Crime, the agencies that operate these programs do not have an overarching strategy to properly deploy these resources in Indian Country and urban indian communities. Program implementation often takes place without considering the unique needs of native American Communities in this context. S. 982 will require the appropriate agencies to coordinate prevention efforts, grants, and programs across the bureau of Indian Affairs and the department of justice among other stakeholders. I urge my colleagues to join in join me in supporting s. 982. With that i yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from north dakota yields reserves. Reserves. The gentlewoman from testimony pennsylvania is recognized. Ms. Scanlon mr. Speaker, may i inquire if there are additional speakers . I would reserve. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from north dakota. Mr. Armstrong mr. Speaker, i yield 10 minutes to my good friend from washington, mr. Newhouse. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from north dakota yields to the gentleman from Washington State, 10 minutes. The gentleman is recognized. Mr. Newhouse thank you, mr. Speaker. Id like to thank my friend from north dakota, mr. Armstrong, for letting me speak on this important issue. Mr. Speaker, id like to rise today to urge my colleagues to support a bipartisan piece of legislation that will finally foster progress toward addressing the crisis that we know is plaguing our native communities across the country. Despite unparalleled rates of violence, there is still no reliable way of knowing how many Indigenous Women go missing each year. Nor whose fate hang in the balance of an unsolved murder case. My Congressional District in Central Washington has been particularly affected by this crisis. Since the year 2013, there have been 13 cases of missing or murdered Indigenous Women on or around the yakima reservation alone. This number only accounts for the land surrounding one of the 29 federally recognized tribes in Washington State. Let alone the hundreds of others across the country. This information is only available due to the efforts and activism of local communities. Tribal and Community Leaders have held multiple marches and vigils and Community Forums to raise awareness and demand action. The diligent reporting of the yack herald republic our local newspaper has highlighted the response and activism on the ground by creating an online hub to list open cases involving missing and murdered women and providing resources for the community to report such disappearances. Recently, the state of washington passed laws in olympia that have enhanced Data Collection and improved communication between tribal leaders, Law Enforcement, and various state agencies. These local leaders have given a voice to the crisis and im heartened to see that the federal government is finally taking action. For too long Indigenous Women, native communities have faced this crisis all along and suffered in silence. The Trump Administration has worked to bring this crisis to light, creating an Interagency Task force between the departments of justice and interior called, operation lady justice. I was proud to welcome assistant secretary for Indian Affairs to Central Washington last december where she highlighted the administrations effort to deliver justice to native American Communities. The secretary echoed the concerns of local leaders and myself by pointing out the need for congressional action. By sending this bill to president trumps desk, we are signaling that we have heard them and they are no longer invisible. As Congress Takes long overdue action to address the crisis of missing and murdered Indigenous Women, i urge my colleagues to join me in supporting the not invisible act. Thank you, mr. Speaker. I yield back the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from washington yields. The gentleman from north dakota reserves. Mr. Armstrong i dont think i could close any better than that. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from north dakota yields back the balance of his time. The gentlewoman from pennsylvania is recognized. Ms. Scanlon mr. Speaker, the not invisible act does precisely what it names to do. It ensures the federal government dedicate proper attention and gives visibility to the crisis of violence and Sexual Violence committed against American Indian and alaska native men and women. Indeed, these communities have been subjected to invisibility and neglect for far too long. I urge my colleagues to support this important Bipartisan Legislation. I yield back the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman from pennsylvania yields back the balance of her time. The question is, will the house suspend the rules and pass senate bill 982. So many as are in favor say aye. Those opposed, no. In the opinion of the chair, 2 3 of those voting having responded in the affirmative, the rules are suspended, the bill is passed, and without objection the motion to reconsider is laid upon the table. The speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentlewoman from texas seek recognition . Ms. Jackson lee i move to suspend the rules and pass s. 1321. The clerk an act to amend title 18 United States code to prohibit interference with Voting Systems under Computer Fraud and abuse act. The speaker pro tempore pursuant to the rule, the gentlewoman from texas, and the gentleman from north dakota, each will control 20 minutes. Ms. Jackson lee i ask unanimous consent that all members may have five legislative days to revise and extend their remarks and include extraneous material on the bill under consideration. I yield myself such time as i may consume. The speaker pro tempore without objection. Ms. Jackson lee i rise in strong support of s. 1321, defending the integrity of Voting Systems act. We are on the verge of a significant, historic and really life and death president ial federal election. This is an important legislative initiative. The timely legislation would strengthen federal criminal laws interfering in a federal election. All of us want a fair Voting System. We must ensure that our citizens have confidence. As we know too well from the last president ial election from evidence that we continue to learn our adversaries, russians and others, are conducting Cyber Operations to interfere with our election. We are aware of the russian bot that interfered in the 2016 election. We need to protect Voting Machines as we head into november. The integrity of our elections is at stake. That is why this bill was developed. Led by senator blumenthal, this Bipartisan Legislation responds to a concerning report by the Justice Department Cyber Digital Task force in 2018. Current law is inadequate to give all the potential threats to our nations Election Security and Voting Systems. Specifically, the report identified a gap in current federal criminal law relating to hacking of Voting Machines, especially when the machines are offline. The Computer Fraud and abuse act is a key tool for the prosecution of computer crimes and the protection of Property Rights and computers, but the law is limited to devices connected to the internet. Researchers have demonstrated that Voting Machines are susceptible to tampering based on physical or close access. More jurisdictions are adopting important and recommended measures to keep these Voting Systems off the internet. Therefore s. 1321, this senate bill would expand the definition of a term protected computer to include computers, even if offline that are a part of any Voting System used in a federal election. It is so crucial that the American People that we take this action today to protect them and to ensure the sanctity of the process of voting and democracy. By expanding the definition of computers under current law, will enhance prosecutors to bring appropriate charges in which soting systems are hacked. The Senate Passed this legislation and it is now our turn to join our colleagues to adopt this important bill that it may become law as quickly as possible. Therefore, i ask all of my colleagues to join me in this bipartisan crucial legislation which upholds democracy and assures the sanctity of one vote, one person. With that, i reserve the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman from texas reserves. The gentleman from north dakota, mr. Armstrong. Mr. Armstrong i yield myself as much time as i may consume. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from north dakota is recognized. Mr. Armstrong i rise in support of s. 1321. This bill will protect our democratic process to make it a federal crime to hack any Voting System used in a federal election. Protecting our nations election process from bad actors must be a top priority of congress. In 2018, department of justices Cyber Task Force issued a report which found that Voting Systems were not adequately protected. This is a bipartisan response to address the problems identified by the task force. Bad actors who attempt to interfere in our elections must be punished. As someone who spends a lot of time talking about where crimes fit in the state and federal place, sometimes we overreact as a federal government and interference that should be left to the states, this is the opposite. An election in north dakota can have consequences across the country. This is written in a way that it deals with federal elections and any machines used in those. It is a good piece of legislation and bipartisan piece of legislation. It is based off of Task Force Findings and its narrow and i urge my colleagues to join me in supporting this bill. And i reserve. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from north dakota reserves. The gentlewoman from texas is recognized. S. Jackson lee mr. Speaker mr. Speaker, i am prepared to close. We have no further speakers. I reserve. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from north dakota is recognized. Mr. Armstrong i yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields back the balance of his time. The gentlewoman from texas, ms. Jackson lee, is recognized to close. Ms. Jackson lee let me thank the gentleman from the Judiciary Committee and thank the sponsors for their leadership. I thank our chairman and Ranking Member for the bipartisanship of this legislation. Again, let me remind my colleagues how important this change is. It doesnt speak to mistakes or innocent mistakes, but it makes sure that a computer that is offline is subject to the laws of hacking that may occur when a computer is online or active. We know how creative those who want to undermine a fair and just election. They may not just have an inclination to hack an active computer. This is to include computers even if they are offline that are part of a Voting System used in a federal election. Again, we understand how many people are engaged in making sure we have a secure and just election and we know that this legislation focuses on the bad actors and thats what we want to do. He integrity of the Upcoming Elections is essential. The right to vote is the most fundamental right of citizenship in our democracy and this issue touches every voter in every community. People are now voting as we stand here on the floor of the house. Mail balloting will start in many jurisdictions and we know early vote where millions of people will be voting. This is an Important Initiative that needs to be signed immediately into law. We need to address current threats and assure confidence in our elections. This legislation will help us advance that goal. I ask all of my colleagues to join me in supporting passage of senate bill 1321 today. With that, i yield back the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman from texas yields back. The question is, will the house suspend the rules and pass enate bill 1321. Those in favor say aye. Those opposed, no. In the opinion of the chair, 2 3 being in the affirmative, the rules are suspended, the bill is passed. And without objection, the motion to reconsider is laid on the table. For what purpose does the gentlewoman from texas seek recognition . Ms. Jackson lee i move to suspend the rules and pass senate bill 1380. The speaker pro tempore the clerk will report. The clerk senate 1380 an act to amend the rules of criminal procedure to remind prosecutors of their obligations under Supreme Court case law. The speaker pro tempore pursuant to the rule the gentlewoman from texas, ms. Jackson lee, and the gentleman from north dakota, mr. Armstrong, each will control 20 minutes. The chair recognizes the gentlewoman from texas. Ms. Jackson lee i yield myself such time as i might consume. I ask unanimous consent that all members may have five lemmingstive days to revise and extend their remarks and include extraneous material on the bill under consideration. The speaker pro tempore without objection. Ms. Jackson lee senate bill 1380, due process protection act introduced by senators sullivan and durbin and passed in the senate this past may is a bipartisan bill that would reinforce the governments already constitutional obligation to disclose exculpatory evidence. Sometimes that evidence can be the difference between innocent and conviction and the fairness to vote the government and the defendant. The due process clause of the United States constitution requires that prosecutors disclose to the accused of all favorable evidence that is material. Unfortunately, at this time, there are inadequate safeguards in federal law to ensure that this practice is followed across the country. According to the National Registry of exonerations from 1989 to 2017, prosecutors can conceal exculpatory evidence at trial in half of all murder exonerations and although this statistic includes state prosecutions, we know exculpatory evidence is concealed in federal cases as well. I have been in criminal Justice Reform for a long time and i ave seen the damage by not disclosing you will cull pa tower evidence can do and imbalance to defendants who are brown or black. That is unfair. I know the america that i have come to know and love understands that justice should be equal for all. Again, one example for the exculpatory sclose evidence from the trial of late senator stevens, the judge in that case concluded that he could not sanction the prosecutors because he had not Saddam Hussein should a written direct court order to abide by the constitutional obligations to disclose favorable evidence. Many of us who knew that case and knew senator stevens that he had experienced injustice. Following that case, the District Court in the district of columbia amended its local rules to require prosecutors to comply with their disclosure obligations. Other Federal District cows have Standing Orders that govern these obligations. A 2011 survey indicated that 38 of the 94 Federal Districts had a local rule or Standing Order confirming the governments obligation to disclose exculpatory and or questioning the ability of witnesses which is known as impeachment material. To address this issue, the due process protections act would do three things, three very vital things to the scales of justice, one, amend the federal rules of criminal procedure to require that a judge issue an order to prosecution and defense counsel that confirms the disclosure obligation of the prosecutors in every criminal case. Two. Require each judicial counsel in which a District Court is loathed to issue a model order that its courts can use at their discretion. And three, leave it to the courts in each district to tailor the parameters. I have had the opportunity to meet with our judges over the years. And i know our discussions always fall how we can enhance justice and be fair to all parties in the courthouse. Criminal justice it wind up with the defendant if convicted to lose their Due Process Rights. Clearly this is an important and significant legislation that protects all parties, particularly when someone is subject to losing their Due Process Rights or their freedom. I support this legislation because significantly the bill would not impose any new requirements on prosecutors. It was simply it would simply require them to follow the constitution or risk being sanctioned by the court. It is a breath of fresh air to seat constitution being raised over and over again for the good aspects of what american democracy is all about. The pillars upon which it is built are clearly that of justice and equality and fairness in our judicial system. Accordingly, this is a straightforward and bipartisan measure that will help our criminal Justice System operate in a more and effective and fair manner. I reserve the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman from texas reserves the balance of the time. The gentleman from north dakota is recognized. Mr. Armstrong thank you, mr. Speaker. I yield myself such time as i may consume. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized. Mr. Armstrong i rise in support f s. 1380, the due process protections act. This is a commonsense bipartisan bill that will reinforce constitutional protections for criminal defendants. This bill mends the federal rules of criminal procedure to require a judge to issue a brady order reminding prosecutors of their obligation to disclose all evidence that is material to the case, especially exculpatory evidence. Although some judges already have a practice of issuing brady orders, this bill will require all judges to issue it in all criminal proceedings. On criminal Justice System falls short when key evidence is held by prosecutors and revealed years later after a conviction. Due process is a fundamental right of all americans, so is the right to a fair trial, protected by the constitution. And this bill helps guarantee that fundamental right. I urge my colleagues to join me in supporting this bill. I reserve the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from north dakota reserves the balance of his time. The the gentlewoman from texas, ms. Jackson lee, is recognized. Ms. Jackson lee mr. Speaker, i have no further speakers. I am prepared to close. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman from texas reserves. The gentleman from north dakota is recognized. Mr. Armstrong i yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from north dakota yields back the balance of his time. The gentlewoman from texas is recognized. Ms. Jackson lee again, mr. Speaker. I thank my friend and colleague from north dakota for his leadership. I thank again the chairman and Ranking Member of the full committee and our subcommittee chair persons and rms. Mr. Speaker, let me just say Ranking Members. Mr. Speaker, let me just say that as i indicated it is an enormous sense of pride and recognition and breath of fresh air when we talk about the constitution on this haloed place hallowed place, because this house and the other body are grounded in our appreciation and adherence to the constitution. That is what this bill is. Due process protections. And dealing with the bill of rights and the right to due process that we find in the 14th and fifth amendment. Im delighted that the due process protections act is now recognized, and it is a commonsense bipartisan measure. How much better we will be when all of the judicial districts require exculpatory evidence to be presented. Then you know that you have given all parties their fair chance and someone who might lose their liberty, you give them a fair chance by putting forward all of the evidence that may be exculpatory. It is not only tailored to ensure federal propertyors simply follow the law as they already should in every case. I strongly urge my colleagues to support this breath of fresh air and the recounting of the constitution. A document that continues to live in 2020 so that it will become law and order. Again, i ask my colleagues to support this legislation. With that, mr. Speaker, i yield back the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman from texas yields back the balance of her time. The question is will the house suspend the rules and pass senate 1380. So many as are in favor say aye. So many as are in favor say aye. Those opposed, no. In the opinion of the chair, 2 3 of those voting having responded in the affirmative, the rules are suspended, the bill is passed, and without objection the motion to reconsider is laid upon the table. For what purpose does the gentlewoman from texas seek recognition . Ms. Jackson lee mr. Speaker, i move to suspend the rules and pass h. R. 5602, as amended. The speaker pro tempore the clerk will report the title of the bill. The clerk h. R. 5602. A bill to authorize dedicated domestic terrorism offices within the department of Homeland Security, the department of justice, and the federal bureau of investigation to analyze and monitor domestic terrorist activity and require the federal government to take steps to prevent domestic terrorism. The speaker pro tempore pursuant to the rule, the gentlewoman from texas, ms. Jackson lee, and the gentleman from north dakota, mr. Armstrong, each will control 20 minutes. The chair now recognizes the gentlewoman from texas, ms. Jackson lee. Ms. Jackson lee thank you very much, mr. Speaker. I yield myself such time as i may consume. I ask unanimous consent that all members may have five legislative days to revise and includeheir remarks and extraneous material on the bill under consideration. The speaker pro tempore without objection, the gentlewoman from texas is recognized. Ms. Jackson lee first i certainly want to thank all of the sponsors of this bill. Thank mr. Snyder schneider nor all the work done on this bill. With the consideration of h. R. 5602rks the domestic terrorism prevention act, the house takes affirmative steps in this time white ess the rising supremacy. This bill creates three offices, one within each of the department of Homeland Security, the department of justice, and the federal bureau of investigation to monitor, investigate, and prosecute cases of domestic terrorism. These newly created offices would focus their resources based on Data Collected on the most significant threats with specific emphasis on white supremist terrorism. Pursuant to this bill d. O. J. And d. H. S. Would issue joint biannual reports to congress assessing the state of domestic terrorism threat. Let me say, mr. Speaker, that this legislation is not based on a whim. It is not based on someones taste or distaste, likes or dislikes. This is based on facts. As we continue to view the modeling of domestic terrorism, well begin to continue to respond to it legislative live. Now we have a solid base of information dealing with the issues of growing white supremecy. The creation of these offices and congressle reporting are much needed measures to refocus the federal governments domestic terrorism efforts on the greatest threat to American People, White Supremacy, and White Nationalism. In april of last year the Judiciary Committee held a hearing titled hate crimes and the rise of White Nationalism. Sadly, since then, there have been countless domestic terrorist attacks. The shooting spree at a walmart in el paso, texas, in august of 2019, was the deadliest attack in modern times against the Latino Community in the United States and the third deadliest act of violence by domestic terrorism extremists in more than 50 years. I join my colleagues who represented that area and the pain that they experienced was without comparison. I went to a funeral. I went to the memorial. I went to where the place was that had been set up as a temporary place of honor. The pain was unceasing in that community. And just a few months ago they had to commemorate the bitterness of one year. I also went to the hospital and vitted visited individuals who put themselves in the line of fire to protect others. I think since that time one person in particular has passed away. This was a painful experience. And i can imagine that it will be painful for a very long time. In the last decade, places of worship, the sikh temple in lwaukee, the emanuel african methodist episcopal church, where the victims that remained ooh live alive forgave the perpetrator who came and sat down and prayed and sat among prayers people who were praying, who welcomed him. They lost a distinguished pastor and people who were so kind, people cannot understand why they lost their life. Thousands came to memorial and of course our president at that time, president obama. Thats how painful it was for this nation. And then of course pittsburghs tree of life synagogue. I visited pittsburgh, pennsylvania, and met individuals who had been impacted by this horrific tragedy in the midst of rosh hashanah, to our friends who are in the midst of their holiday, it is more than fitting that we acknowledge how domestic terrorism can divide so many communities, so many innocent communities whether they happen to be of a particular faith, particular ethnicity, or a particular status. We have seen all of this become tragic symbols of deadly threats, white supremist polls, even to the faith community. Just last thursday in a committee that i participated in, f. B. I. Director christopher wray, the Homeland Security committee, once again stated that white supremists continue to constitute the largest portion of racially motivated violent extremists. In the same vain before the house Homeland Security Committee Director wray testified that antigovernment and antiauthority groups had been responsible for the most lethal attacks this year. We know that. So we want to be sure that we are protecting the American People. None of us adhere to extremism or violence. We understand peaceful protests, but we stand for the principles of democracy of this nation that has kept us a democracy for all these many years. And just a few weeks ago our nation was reminded how dangerous violent extremism can be. A right wing militia, boasting 3,000 members, promoted an event on facebook calling for patriots willing to take up arms and travel to kenosha, wisconsin, to confront protestors. Tragically hours later a 17yearold youth heeded the call, traveled across state lines, and is alleged to murder two protestors and injured thamplte hes yet to be brought to just a third. Hes yet to be brought to justice. Local police allowed this young man to safely passthrough their lines and go home. Despite the fact that bystanders had identified him as the shooter. That was one incident. We have seen Law Enforcement take up the issues of protecting our neighbors across the nation and in those instances of course we recognize good policing and we thank them for it. The tragic events in kenosha are another example of how right wing militia groups continue to pose a present threat, indeed over the last decade right wing extremists have been responsible for 76 of all domestic extremist related murders. The time for congress to act is now. The key elements of the domestic terrorism prevention act seek to address fundamental deficiencies highlighted at the april, 2019 Judiciary Committee hearing in the federal governments response to domestic terrorism and specifically White Supremacy. Let me be very clear, we want a comprehensive response to terrorism. We want to rely upon our intelligence committees as it relates to international terrorism. We have done so because i have been on the Homeland Security committee for a very long time, and as well seen the work of the Judiciary Committee. But we must be comprehensive in looking at terrorism and we must be responsive, and we must secure and make sure the American People are safe. Currently the federal government has a number of statutory authorities to bring charges against domestic terrorism, including those who are white supremists, yet it is clear the department has not initiated a sufficient number of these prosecutions. H. R. 5602 creates offices within the d. O. J. And d. H. S. Aimed at pooling the resource from all parts of each Respective Department to focus them on the greatest threat, White Supremacy. Reporting elements of this bill aim to Keep Congress better informed. So that congress can more regularly assess what resources and authorities are necessary to protect the country against domestic terrorist activities. I am well aware of the work that was done in the last administration trying to utralize the idea of radicalizing individuals who were dealing with isis, al qaeda, and others. His may be a time. This legislation is a necessary and measured response to the real threats this country faces. I urge my colleagues to support this legislation. At this time, i resevere the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman from texas reserves. The gentleman from north dakota. Mr. Armstrong i yield myself such time as i may consume. At a time when violent extremists are destroying nationwide our democratic colleagues continue to ignore this violence. The chairman of the Judiciary Committee called antifa violence a myth and imagine area and instead of addressing leftwin extremism head on, my colleagues across the aisle want to use this bill for political purposes and not interested in passing legislation that would make any real difference in rooting out violence. Democrats are unable to call the anarchists that are burning down cities all across the country. They want to paint a picture that ties conservatives to domestic terrorism. Not om is this bill blatantly political on its face but increases our bloated bureaucracy by adding three separate new offices to do the exact same thing. That is the duplication and government waste. We already have dedicated Law Enforcement who fight domestic terrorism every day and we should recognize them, commend them and let them do their jobs. My colleagues across the aisle will likely not do that either. Democrats must end the partisan charade and stop ignoring leftwing violence and crime. Instead of this bias approach, we should have legislation that roots all types of domestic terrorism. I urge my colleagues to join me on 2. Sing h. R. 56 the speaker pro tempore gentleman reserves. The gentlewoman from texas is recognized. Ms. Jackson lee one point i want to make as i yield to the author and leader on this bill is that we are continuously fighting a known recognized domestic terrorism. This vital bill will provide the reporting for a road map to do the right thing. Thats what the federal government is charged to do. Again it is my privilege to now yield three minutes to the distinguished gentleman from illinois, congressman schneider for three minutes. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from illinois is recognized. Mr. Schneider i want to thank the gentlewoman from texas. I rise in support of my bill the domestic terrorism prevention act of 2020. White supremacists are the most significant domestic terrorism threat facing the United States. Dont take my word for it. In testimony last week, f. B. I. Irector wray stated that d. B. E. s, quote, pose a steady and evolving threat of violence and economic harm to the United States, end quote. He noted in his next paragraph, quote, the top threat we face stem from those we identify from hose ethnicically and racially motivated. They were the source of lethal incidents and violence in 2018 and 2019. From the tree of life synagogue to a walmart in texas rgs we have seen the deadly effects. According to the southern poverty law center, number of White Nationalist groups rose by 55 . And last year, the f. B. I. Reported violent hate crimes reached a high in 2018 and the umber went up in 2019. Rice above movement and White Nationalist movements across the country are organizing and so must we. We need to equip our Law Enforcement officials the f. B. I. And departments of justice and Homeland Security with the tools necessary to identify, monitor and prevent acts of violent terrorism. The bill before us today does just that. It establishes offices within the f. B. I. , the department of justice and department of Homeland Security and empowers them to coordinate their efforts with each other. It requires them to report to congress twice a year on the assessment of the threats and ranking them and allocate the resources based on their assessed threats. Congress must with a voice definitively state that if you or your group is plotting violence or taking weapons into a crowd to intimidate or coerce others to further your ideological goals, you ar terrorist and will be treated as such. This is not a partisan issue but one that affects all americans, our personal and economic security. This bill passed out of committee with bipartisan support 242. I urge all of my colleagues to vote yes. This bill will make a real difference. I thank the chairman and speaker for bringing my bill to the house today and i yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from illinois yields back. The gentlewoman from texas reserves. The gentleman from north dakota is recognized. Mr. Armstrong i yield to my friend on the judiciary subcommittee. Mr. Jordan republicans denounce all elements of extremism, why wont democrats. To say the attorney germ of the United States asked the democrats why wont you speak out against the mob and the violence that is taking place in our great cities all across this country this past summer. Guess what he got . Total silence. You got a bill on domestic terrorism but barely mentions antifa. One reference. You know why . Because republicans offered in the committee, mr. Steube offered an amendment in the committee. Not mentioned in the bill. Two things that that happened in the last 30 days. A ld blooded murder of murder. The assassination attempt on two Police Officers sitting in their patrol car just two weeks ago. Lets condemn all violent extremism. Maybe they wont do that because as my good friend from north dakota said, the chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, the committee with that storied history of defending the rule of law maybe because that individual said antifa is imagine area and a myth. Ask the journalist who was attacked by antifa a year ago and the people in portland, oregon, there has been a siege on their city by antifa but one reference in their legislation and thats only there because mr. Steube offered the amendment in committee. Over 100 days this organization has been targeting the Business Owners, the people, the oregon, in portland, and other cities around our country. Dem cats can call what has been saying peaceful protest but calling rioting, looting doesnt make it so. Lets condemn all of it. We should speak out against domestic terrorism and denounce the rioting looting and violence taking place. We shouldnt have a political messaging bill, which is exactly what this is. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from ohio yields back. The gentleman from north dakota reserves. The gentlewoman from texas is recognized. Ms. Jackson lee mr. Speaker, i yield myself such time as i may consume. Would you share with us the time remaining, please . The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman from texas has eight minutes remaining. The gentleman from north dakota has 16 minutes remaining. Ms. Jackson lee let me thank my good friend from ohio for bringing to our attention something that i think is very important. That it allows me to say, i dont know one Single Person in is body who condones violent protests. I have not run into anyone on the Judiciary Committee or the floor on either side of the aisle. Thats why this legislation is so crucial. It again rated bipartisan support on the work that the congress should do. What is it that the congress should do . Find a way for our agencies to Work Together. In judiciary, we had a hearing with the attorney germ on the question of domestic terrorism and Homeland Security, we had a hearing on the question of domestic terrorism. I think we found some, if you will, college yalt in recognizes that White Nationalism was a great threat to domestic security. I remember the generosity of mr. Schneider and my commitment when the committee added a republicans amendment at markup that included finding that addressed ant government actors against police. We passed that in a bipartisan way and i want to remind my colleagues that the legislation itself was passed in a bipartisan manner. We have seen what happens when we undermine coordination. We see what happens when the Pandemic Office was dismissed out of the white house that was coordinating with agencies with covid19 or other pandemics. We see the confusion that we have. This legislation is simply trying to make sure that our very fine Public Servants who are fighting domestic terrorism are fighting it with the best informational tools they can get. How do they do that . With this very fine legislation that allows us to be able to get the right kind of data. And so, i want to just indicate a lot of things that have been happening. I have watched peaceful protestors be subjected to violence. My heart goes out. Those are someones children, they are young people. They have a right to be protesting. They have a right as our dear ed colleague said, the John Robert Lewis. If you get into good trouble, make this nation better. I have not heard any member of this body not condemn the shooting of los angeles deputies and pleased to hear they are recovering. Wei would just indicate that what is right. To this legislation is laying us on a pathway of getting facts and information so we can do what is right to secure the American People. I reserve. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman from texas reserves. The gentleman from north dakota, mr. Armstrong, is recognized. Mr. Armstrong we are ready to close. Ms. Jackson lee i dont believe i have any other speakers. We yield to you. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized. Mr. Armstrong i was in the committee when we did this and when we accepted republican amendments and garnered some support from people on my side of the aisle and on committee, and i have no doubt that my friends on the other side condemn violence but somewhere between committee and here things got added to the bill. You know what got added . No one mention of two Police Officers shot at point blank. Did not mention the murder of a trump supporter but we mentioned the jufe juvenile in kenosha. Your actions on how this occurs shows us where the priorities are. And the priorities are political because we could have added all of those things. And i find it interesting and odd on the same day we are talking about due process, rights to effective to assistance to counsel, justice for juveniles, Election Integrity we dont condemn the burning down of the post office in minneapolis but we will mention a juvenile offender in kenosha, wisconsin and talk about delaying justice. But thats not how it reads in the bill. And thats now how it was spoken to on the floor. All we ask is you be consistent. You can say that we condemn all forms of violence but only one made it into the bill after committee and thats because it sets a political narrative and no interest in rooting Domestic Violence wherever it exists. We want to make sure it fits a particular narrative. And thats why we should oppose this bill. And i yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from north dakota yields back. The gentlewoman from texas is recognized. Ms. Jackson lee i thank the gentleman for his commentary but i ask my colleagues to support this legislation in a bipartisan manner. As indicated, i would correct my friends interpretation. Mr. Steubes amendment was added in the markup and the findings at that time addressed violence against police. We made it very clear and it was bipartisan. That we condemn violence of any kind. But i would say is that the simple addition as relates to kenosha was in sharp contrast to the visual, the video of a of ct skin contact shooting an individual whose back was turned and then the call across the nation for White Supremacists and nationalists to come and defend. There was Law Enforcement there. The governor even asked for the Wisconsin National guard to safeguard everyone. Heres someone that came, a teenager. Alive. Teful he remained grateful. But he walked with guns, alleged harmed three , people, at least. Never was confronted by officers, of course. To our knowledge. Nd got home to sleep in his bed. Blake, ther hand, jacob whose father i met, wound up in up paralyzed. Und he victim in the kenosha settings. Getso it is crucial that we the facts that what this thatlation wants to do and we dont get a young man from illinois versus another young who was 12 inois years old, tamir rice, who to go home. We want to make sure we have fairness. Said, i sent out and shootings of these ndividuals, los angeles deputies. Very concerned. We dont know the motives of the assailants. Unknown. S but we continue to seek justice for them. We want to make sure that threats of White Supremacists terrorism is known. This bill directs that directly, nd i think it will provide for a very important tool for our unbiased, ement, ithout any effort to try and stigmatize anyone. In closing, domestic terrorism is a serious threat to our country. Take real action to address the rise of hate crimes and White Supremacy. This legislation would address rising tide of White Supremacy without impinging on rights, reflects a careful balance between empowering the investigatory of the federal government to curb hateful and dangerous incidents of domestic and protecting the rights of free speech and assembly. Want to thank representative Brad Schneider for his leadership and for his diligent work on this important during this congress. We will be better for the passage of this legislation. Will be better. It is critical we adopt this bill, and i ask my colleagues to support this bipartisan of the ion passed out Judiciary Committee in a bipartisan vote. Yield back the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman yields back the time. E of her the question is will the house uspend the rules and pass h. R. 5602, as amended. Those in favor say aye. No. Se opposed say in the opinion of the chair, 2 3 having responded in the affirmative, the rules are suspended, the bill is passed, and without objection, the motion to reconsider is laid on the table. The speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentlewoman from texas seek recognition . Ms. Jackson lee mr. Speaker, i move to suspend the rules and h. R. 6100, as amended. The speaker pro tempore the clerk will report the title of the bill. The clerk h. R. 6100, a bill to amend title 18, United States code, to clarify the criminalization of female , and for tilation purposes. The speaker pro tempore pursuant to the rule, the gentlewoman from texas, ms. Jackson lee, and the gentleman mr. North dakota, armstrong, each will control 20 minutes. Recognizes the gentlewoman from texas, ms. Jackson lee. Ms. Jackson lee i thank the speaker. That allnimous consent members may have five legislative days to revise and extend their remarks and include bill eous material on the under consideration. I yield myself such time as i may consume. Withoutker pro tempore objection, the gentlewoman is recognized. Ms. Jackson lee mr. Speaker, his bill is a long time in coming, and i want to thank let me do a general thank you billsl of the legislative on the judiciary that have come before us today and the staff and the excellent work they have done and let me particularly thank the subcommittee on crime for the great work they have legislation, strengthening the opposition to act, genital mutilation r stop f. G. M. Act, would stop female genital mutilation is prohibited consistent with restraints. Al let me indicate that we have engage. Ed to its always good to know the fix a s can do things to skewed system that harms individuals every single day. This instance, many young women. The bill would ensure its a knowingly, one, perform, attempt to perform or perform female genital mutilation, or f. G. M. , on a minor. While being a parent, guardian, or caretaker of a minor facilitate or content to the female genital mutilation of the minor. Or three, transport a minor for purpose of the performance of female genital mutilation on the minor. Would also increase the statutory maximum terms of violation of or a the statute from five years to 10. Are not mandatory minimums. The bill is necessary because a in michigan t recently dismissed the federal prosecution under the existing statute. Finding that the acts prohibited nexust have a significant to interstate commerce. We had to engage in fixing this issue. H. R. 6100 addresses this issue by explicitly requiring that one of the following circumstances must exist. The defendant or victims travel or foreign e commerce, the defendants use of a means of interstate or foreign commerce, payment of any kind channel, any means, facility, or instrument ality of foreign commerce or the means of communication ffecting interstate or foreign commerce. We are thereof confident this updated prohibition will pass and its onal muster critical we take these steps to update this statute. Thing i want to say, mr. Speaker, we cannot let what is a act by the court o continue to provide no protection for young, innocent victims. In the United States, and ximately 500,000 women girls were at risk for f. G. M. Or its consequences. Than three Million Girls are estimated to be at isk for f. G. M. Annually worldwide. The u. S. Government has acknowledged the International Implications of f. G. M. For instance, in 2018, u. S. Immigration and customs initiated operation ime light, u. S. A. , an Outreach Program designed by i. C. E. , Homeland Security investigations, human rights unit, rs and war crimes and thank them for their work to educate travelers on the dangers f. G. M. Sequences of yes, it is being done here in the United States. Around the nation where these women are mutilated life. These girls at a very young age in the lated for life United States where we have been discussing on this floor your due process, your sanctity of own body, your privacy rights under the ninth amendment. Andddition, both the f. B. I. The human rights and special prosecutions section of criminal department of Justice Domestic worked domestically to investigate and cases involving f. G. M. I want to give them the tools to get it right. Law enforcement agencies recognized that f. G. M. Is a global issue and they work with nternational partners to eliminate this horrific practice. F. G. M. , therefore, is considered a substantial effect on interstate commerce because, although illegal, there is an and lished interstate International Market for the practice. Congress has the power under the to prohibit se f. G. M. And that is why i was nd that is why i very glad to be the author and by sor of this legislation introducing this, what i elieve, and the cosponsors believe, important, bipartisan bill. Colleague, congressman crowley of new york, worked with years. Many, many we need to protect all women and irls from the practice of f. G. M. And having the effective means terrible ting this act. Thats why i support this legislation and authored this time, tion, at the same and at this time, i reserve the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the entlewoman from texas reserves the balance of her time. The gentleman from north dakota, mr. Armstrong, is recognized. Mr. Armstrong thank you, mr. Speaker. I yield myself such time as i may consume. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized. Mr. Armstrong i rise in support of h. R. 6100, the stop f. G. M. 2020. This bill outlaws a practice thats recognized nternationally as a human rights violation and even torture. Diskr extreme form of discrimination against women and girls. Unfortunately, half a million are and women worldwide subject to this torture or at risk for it. Am sure most people assume that f. G. M. Was already illegal. 1996 Congress Prohibited the practice of f. G. M. A federal judge in michigan dismissed charges against the doctor and others local Indian Community nvolved in the mutilation of nine young girls. The judge ruled that the federal government does not have the regulate f. G. M. Since that time, the Justice Department has been able to stop hese acts of violence against americas young girls. This bill will amend title 18 to thats performed for nonmedical reasons a crime and byrturn the judges decision explicitly describing the constitutional basis for banning Commerce Clause f the United States constitution. I think all my colleagues can come together to support this important bipartisan bill. My colleagues for joining me in supporting h. R. 6100. With that i yield back the balance of my time. The peaker pro tempore gentleman yields back the balance of his time. The gentlewoman from texas is recognized. Ms. Jackson lee i yield myself such time as i may consume. The peaker pro tempore gentlewoman from texas, ms. Jackson lee, is recognized. Ms. Jackson lee i just want to emphasize that practice of violates girls and womens rights to sexual and security, e health, and physical integrity. Their right to be free from inhumane or ruel, degrading treatment and their right to life when the result in death. Let me be very clear. His is international, but its happening in the United States. And i think it is important for stand up to this dastardly act. According to the world health rganization, it is estimated that more than 200 Million Girls nd women alive today have undergone female genital mutilation. There are an estimated three undergoingls at risk female genital mutilation every year. Because of the manner in which female genital mutilation is united acticed in the states, it effects interstate and foreign commerce, the regulation which the entrusts to the congress in article 1, section 8, clause 3. So im very grateful for the committees staff working together with me and my making this legislation a real fix. Therefore, congress has the commerce under the clause as well as necessary and section 1 in article 1, section 8, which we done. So at this moment i have no urther speakers and ill reserve. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman has the only remaining time. Yielded . On lee he the speaker pro tempore yes, he has. The gentlewoman has the only remaining time. Ms. Jackson lee thank you. You, mr. Speaker. Again, let me thank the chairman and the Ranking Member of the full committee and of the all of the s and members for supporting this legislation. The stop f. G. M. Act is a measure to protect the health and safety of girls in our communities and to ensure in those who would engage this horrific practice do not go unpunished. This is Bipartisan Legislation, my colleagues to join me in supporting this egislation and voting to stop these dastardly acts. With that, mr. Speaker, i yield my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman from texas yields ack the speaker pro tempore will the house suspend the rules and pass 6100 as amended. Those in favor say aye. Those opposed, no. In the opinion of the chair, 2 3, the bill is passed and without objection, the motion to reconsider is laid on the table. The speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentlewoman from texas seek recognition . Ms. Jackson lee i move to suspend the rules and pass h. R. 5309 as amended. The speaker pro tempore the clerk will report the title of the bill. He clerk a bill to prohibit discrimination based on the texture or style of hair. The speaker pro tempore the chair now recognizes the gentlewoman from texas, ms. Jackson lee. Ms. Jackson lee thank you very much. I will use as much time as i may consume. I rise in strong support of h. R. Respectful ng a world or crown act of 2020. This important bill prohibits discriminations on the basis of hair texture and hairstyles associated with a particular race or National Origin in housing, federally funded programs, public accommodations and making and enforcement of contracts. I rise to thank the sponsor of this bill, congressman richmond of louisiana, for his leadership and vision and gathering all the components with all of their efforts to be able to get this bill to move as quickly as it has been done. Statutesar, it is that that prohibits discrimination may already make kind of hairbased discrimination unlawful, but it is crucial that we are absolutely sure. The equal Employment Opportunity commission have agreed interpreted title 7 of the civil ghts act of 1964 to prohibit discrimination of hairstyle or texture as a form of discrimination. Several federal courts have rejected this interpretation which is why we must pass h. R. 5309. And personally coming from the state of texas, im aware of a heinous devastating impact on a young man that had dredlocks. The School District could not find title 7 and did not understand the law and he did not experience the benefit of the law being suspended and not being able to graduate. That is a dastardly action and we are all sufferers for that young man. This legislation will leave no ambiguity that in key areas where federal law prohibits race and discrimination, based on a hair texture or hairstyle if they are with a particular race is unlawful. Discrimination based on race or National Origin is sadly older than the country itself and still living with the consequences. Congress took a step when it passed the Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibiting discrimination on race and National Origin in key areas of life. This law did not eliminate discrimination entirely. One cannot legislate away hate but it provided critical recourse who face discrimination and made clear that the government has a compelling interest in fighting discrimination. Dr. King said that he might not be able to change hearts, but he could change law. This is what we are doing today. Cannot fool ourselves that discrimination is no longer alive or well. Institution National Racism have forced people to look the other way. While racism and discrimination still take many forms, they manifest themselves in more subtle ways. One form of discrimination based oharestyle and hair texture associated with people of african descent. And an go across 50 states find someone who is of african descent and will tell you about the response to either their beards and hairstyles and women and their hairstyles. 2020, ng to a study in black people are disproportionately and single them out and other hairstyles associated with their race, like braids, lock and twists. Those are styles that tuck the ends hair and minimize exposure to the weather and can help one hair healthy. And we are denied that right to have a hairstyle that is you till tarian. Dredlocks and other styles that is placed on one heads the crown. This form of discrimination is common. In 2017, a Banana Republic employee was told that she had violated the companys because her box braids were too usual and. A new Jersey High School was forced to falter a wrestling match and they cut the students hair in public before the match. Any of us who raise children, a son or daughter has that image in our heart and our d. N. A. That picture has gone sirle. It is still there. That young man can be 30, 40 or 50 and you will see his commitment to wrestling on behalf of his school and team and in the public eye, he is having one of the most sacred part of anyones experience, your hair being cut publicly for the world to view. I just feel a pain right now seeing that young man do that. His parents not there or having no ability to respond, but his courage to get it done so he could compete with his teammates. In that same year, 11yearold black girl was asked to leave school in new orleans because her extensions. Discrimination is pervasive. Joint collective study found that black women are more likely to have received formal grooming hairstyles and less rated for Job Performance than nonblack hairstyles. In view of these facts, california, new york, new jersey, virginia, colorado, washington and maryland have enacted state versions of the crown act in every case with bipartisan support even with the unanimous support of both parties. I know my state is going to attempt to do so in the next legislative session in the state house. While i applaud taking the necessary steps, this deals with federal law and civil rights and title 7 and demands a solution by this congress. I am glad where we are today. The United States military has recognized racially disparate impact on grooming policies, particularly black women. In 2017, the army repealed a grooming regulation prohibiting women Service Members none ting dredlocks and of that impacting service to this nation. I thank the gentleman from louisiana for introducing this bill and his leadership on this issue. I urge my colleagues to pass h. R. 5309. And i reserve. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman from texas reserves. The gentleman from north dakota, mr. Armstrong, is recognized. Mr. Armstrong i yield myself such time as i may consume. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized. Mr. Armstrong i watched the wrestling video and i saw the stories from a school in texas or Banana Republic and i find those things horrible and i dont think you can find any member in this chamber who finds Racial Discrimination repugnant. And what democrats and republicans also agree on is using hairstyles as an excuse in Racial Discrimination and is already illegal under civil rights law. The School Administrator in texas cant find title 7, he isnt going to find this language. In 1973, the Supreme Court held using a reason as cover for undertaking an action prohibited by federal civil rights law is a violation of federal civil rights law. As early as 1976, discrimination on the basis of a hairstyle associated with a certain race or macon statute Racial Discrimination. It appears to me the behavior we are seeking to make illegal is already illegal. Both at markup and on the floor, our colleagues have made arguments about why this bill is necessary while we agree that the activity we are talking about is already illegal. That doesnt take anything away from the discrimination, and embarrassment any of those young men or women have felt in those single things but im not sure the bill solves the problem. We should examine whether the bill is necessary. Our committee should have held a hearing with the victims with the sort of diss kim nation that the democrats say this bill is designed to help or have legal scholars and individuals responsible for enforcing our nations civil rights laws to determine if this bill will achieve what it is intended to do. Schools can have raceneutral policies and also have policies that have a disparate racial impact. This is particularly true when the policy is necessary for critical functions and reason firefighters have moustaches and not beards. You cant wear the mask if you have a beard. Our committee should have examined how this bill would affect entities to maintain such policies but we never had a hearing but just a markup. Chairman nadler brought this bill straight to markup and we are on the floor without any legislative hearing. I would like to know if it is not redundant and what the unintended consequences and when you are dealing with civil rights in something that has already been agreed on is illegal. Enforcement and legality are two Different Things and we dont know enough what we are doing and why is it necessary. I oppose this bill and i reserve. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from north dakota reserves. The gentlewoman from texas, ms. Jackson lee is recognized. Ms. Jackson lee let me indicate that i want to thank the previous speaker for raising his concerns. I think what i would like to offer to him is that people have been suffering these indig nights for decades. Natural hair is coming back. We called it afros and anyone who wore one in a certain era knows how they were confronted and vast number of people earing those, males or females and descendants of flynn descent, im a living witness and we are living witnesses to that. And so i do want to make the point it is not redundant. In 2016, 11th district rejected the e. E. O. C. s argument that it is a proxy for race discrimination. As we Work Together, mr. Armstrong, i appreciate his commentary and leadership is that we are here to fix things and we have the 11th circuit would not accept that. I thank you for raising the concern and i think the chairman looked at this, mr. Nadler, and knew we had to proceed. It is my privilege now to yield to the distinguished gentlelady from california who is a Senior Member on the appropriations committee, but more importantly, has, i think has her own Life Experience but has fought for civil rights, Civil Justice and ensuring that the most vulnerable will have a voice. The honorable barbara lee for three minutes. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman from california, ms. Lee is recognized for three minutes. Ms. Lee thank you to chairman for this his support legislation. Also, i want to thank and representative pressley fudge, and for their vision in putting this bill together. I am in strong support of it. You know, this morning i thought our beloved john lewis and how he made good trouble all of life. He was an original cosponsor of this bill, and this bill is an of how we make good trouble to end discrimination. Prohibit, ill finally, discrimination based on style or texture of hair, commonly associated origin ace or national and the definition of Racial Discrimination. You know, congresswoman jackson lee, its really hard for me to believe we had to introduce this in the 21st century. So i just want to also thank our worked so ho have hard to bring this bill to the floor. As ne who has worn her hair i choose, including natural, be unpleasant any encounters with people who told a member ot look like hair. Gress because of my over and over again. Discrimination against africanamericans in schools and workplace is real. And its a continued barrier to our country. Black men and women continue to and workplace stereotypes are pressured to adopt white tandards of beauty and professionalism. Our daughters are penalized in school for natural hairstyles messy and unruly in juxtaposition to the treatment of their white counterparts. Thats a fact. Been humiliated and suspended for having eautifully braided extensions or forced to cut their locs before a High School Wrestling because of a violation of some dress code. Of ss the country, people african decent have been required to cut or change the atural style or texture of their hair just to get a job. In when i was in college the day, i was told that i melitant and change my hairstyle if i wanted to be workplace. In the in 2014, the women of the black caucus urged the army to rescind army and congresswoman jackson lee, you signed my letter. His was regulation 6701, which prohibited many hairstyles worn by africanamerican women and of color. N after months of building support, i led an amendment, and included in the fiscal year 2015 defense appropriations bill to ban funding for this rule. Minatory a few years later, the United States navy removed their iscriminatory policy and finally permitted women, specifically may i have another minute . Yield the lee i gentlelady an extra minute. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman is recognized for an minute. E ms. Lee thank you very much. With reference to the amendment 2015 into the fiscal defense appropriations bill funding to deny funding for this rule, we moved forward and later, the u. S. Navy discriminatory policy. They knew it was discriminatory, women, lly permitted specifically women of color, to wear their hair in dread locks, and buns, braids ponytails. This laid the ground work for my home state of california to the first state to ban discrimination against africanamericans for wearing hairstyles in school or the workplace with the passage crown act. Ias im thankful and so proud of mitchell for hire bold leadership in getting this done. To our children to break down these barriers and that, yes, black is still beautiful. Yes, jackson lee, your crown and beautiful. Are and our young people you know, our young people see with we dont want them to be penalized and they are being penalized if they wear their wear my hair, like congresswoman jackson lee wears theyre penalized and we want them to be who they are. S. Jackson lee i yield one minute. The speaker pro tempore the gentlelady is recognized for one more minute. Ms. Lee thank you, congresswoman jackson lee. I want to know how important this is to let our Young Children know that its ok that we honor them for being who they are by wearing their that they choose. They wont be penalized. They wont be kicked out of school. Wont be dehumanized or demeaned by doing just that. Finally time in this 21st enough. To say enough is i yield back the balance of my time. Thank you, congresswoman jackson leadership. R the speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman from california yields back the balance of her time. The gentlewoman from texas reserves. He gentleman from north dakota is recognized. Mr. Armstrong i yield my member of ranking the judiciary, for as much time as he may consume. The ordan i thank gentleman for yielding. Democrats couldnt add language a president der of trump supporter by a member of antifa. That same bill, democrats add language about an assassination attempt on two two weeks ago. Now we have a bill to federalize hairstyle. Hairstyle. Democrats are doing nothing to address the violence and unrest n the streets of our cities, attacks on Law Enforcement officers across the country, ortland and other cities continue to surrender their streets to violent leftwing their rs, placing esidence and businesses at risk. Residents and Business Owners across the country from you americans, africanamericans, all americans. That. Deal with we can federalize hair. Racial discrimination is terrible. Wrong. And its already illegal under the law. North gentleman from dakota pointed out. You go ask any american right 2020, what er, should the United States house of representatives be focused on . Lots of important issues we have to deal with. I think is that redundant, as the gentleman pointed out, thats already covered under federal law, we want any discrimination. We should rightly deal with it head. T raises its ugly but this, come on. E cant add language to a domestic terrorism bill about two terrible things that have happened in the last month. Spend time to federalizing hairstyle. I think i yield back. Think we should vote against this. I yield back. Thank you. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from ohio yields back. The gentleman from north dakota reserves the balance of his time. The gentlewoman from texas is recognized. Ms. Jackson lee thank you very much, mr. Speaker. Me just determine whether or not the gentleman has any additional speakers. Mr. Armstrong we dont. Ms. Jackson lee we do not and so epared to close the speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman from texas reserves . Ms. Jackson lee reserve. He speaker pro tempore the chair will receive a message. The messenger mr. Speaker, a message from the president of United States. The secretary mr. Speaker. The speaker pro tempore madam secretary. The secretary i am directed by of the United States to deliver to the house of representatives a message in writing. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman from texas reserves. He gentleman from north dakota is recognized. Mr. Armstrong mr. Speaker, just closing, i will say that he stories we hear and the things are terrible, but this is problem of education and not legislation. Its more than that. Without having the hearings, without understanding this, understanding where in our current law that we dont make this conduct and conduct extual racist illegal, we are essentially saying making something going to ice isnt change somebodys mind if they if it was already illegal once. Think that is the mistake were making here. Its not about the underlying onduct and those types of things. Its about what were trying to accomplish, how were doing it, which we do ss in it. The sentiment is there, and i disagree with any of these stories. I just dont think this bill solves the problem theyre solve. To i dont think we have nearly nough evidence to show that it does. So with that i would urge my colleagues to vote against this back. Ation, and i yield the speaker pro tempore the gentleman from north dakota yields back the balance of his time. The gentlewoman from texas, ms. Lee, is recognized. Ms. Jackson lee you know, i my eciate the comments of good friend from north dakota. Ohio. Y good friend from but as i close, let me and i mr. Speaker, to consume such time as i may consume. Time. E that but let me first of all ndicate, this couldnt be a more important bill. I heard on the floor someone redundant. This being whenever we can have civil rights, and equality as being redundant, hen americas doing the right thing. Whenever we can clarify 11th eeocs that rejected the argument that existing law prohibits hair discrimination as for race discrimination, whenever we can clarify that, henever we can save the dignity, the hurt, and sometimes who, simply people because of the color of their skin and the kind of hair that ruins their life or disallows them from graduating of the public shedding hair for the world to see so their ey can support team, whenever we are able to fix that on the floor of the should do it. We i take issue with my good friend from ohio. The legislative record. We have condemned any violence gainst Law Enforcement officers, and we mourn and ensure that the world knows that. We are praying for and have indicated our condemnation of two officersof the in california and wish for their speedy recovery. And as well, want to make sure are shown to have done this are quickly brought to justice. Hats in the legislative history. That the cognize kenosha are g with therefore, were sorry that tamir rice didnt get that opportunity as a young boy, just as this 17yearold who clearly was engaged with White Nationalism white harm, this place to do which he did. Tamir rice was just a 12yearold boy in a park. So i dont think you can equate think you d i dont can suggest we are not supposed to respond to domestic terrorism. Me indicate, mr. Speaker, to thank mr. Ant ichmond, ms. Fudge, ms. Pressley, and as my colleague did mention, the late John Robert Lewis who was always for good trouble and to do what is right as cosponsor of this legislation. 5309 is an important piece of legislation that will help further ensure that hairstyles hair extremes commonly associated with a particular race or National Origin cannot proxies for race or discrimination. Such discrimination should already be prohibited by federal civil rights statutes. Unfortunately, some ourts effectively permitted using hair discrimination as a proxy for race or national discrimination. H. R. 5309 corrects this erroneous interpretation and urther extends justice and equality for all. I just want to put into the two d the plight of students in my state where these outstanding students, athletes, good academic students humiliated because their tradition was to wear dread suspended. Hey were one or maybe two of them were walk with their class. Humiliation. Got imination that never corrected. Correct for them, we it. Dandre arnold, we correct it. E acknowledge you deserve your civil rights. I urge the house to pass h. R. I yield back the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman from texas yields back the balance of her time. House stion is will the suspend the rules and pass h. R. 5309 as amended. Aye. In favor say those opposed say no. In the opinion of the chair, 2 3 having responded in the rules are , the suspended, the bill is passed, and without objection, the motion to reconsider is laid on the table. For what purpose does ms. Jackson lee i ask that submit their statements. Thank you. The speaker pro tempore without objection. The motion to reconsidered is laid on the table

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