Transcripts For CSPAN Campaign 2020 Joe Biden Campaigns In M

CSPAN Campaign 2020 Joe Biden Campaigns In Minnesota July 12, 2024

Mr. Biden thank you for being here and for sharing your story. Unfortunately, it is a story that so Many Americans have stories like you, faced with , health problems, fighting for their lives, forced to think only about facing the battle but about how they can afford the treatment. While Insurance Companies come in at the most vulnerable moments for you and your family members, i remember when my son beau was lying in the hospital after he came home from iraq after a year. He had stage iv glioblastoma. They told him not whether he was going to live, but just how long would he live. As he lay there fighting for his life, fighting to hang on, i thought to myself, what would it be like if in his suffering, my Insurance Company or his Insurance Company is able to come in and say youve run out , of coverage. Times up. Youre on your own. Folks its a question no , one should have to face in america. Thats why i fought so hard, why obamacare was such a big thing. Its unconscionable. [cars honking] its unconscionable that donald trump, from the day he got elected to right now, hes fighting to court to rip that peace of mind away from tens of millions of americans. But were not going to let him do it. Were never going back to those days, and youre going to vote. Were going to win for you, jessica, and your family. I promise you, i will protect your family as if it were my own. I want to thank all the speakers you heard earlier. Your governor, tim, is great. Hes leading minnesota with decency and integrity. And one of the outstanding members of congress, betty mccollum, lets send her back to the house of representatives. We need her badly. [applause] and your incredible junior senator tina smith, who i got to speak with a little bit back here. Shes got to go back. And look, lets win back the Minnesota State senate while were at it. [applause] [cars honking] one of the nations finest leaders and a dear friend ive been honored to stand alongside and fight together for the soul of this nation for a long time, senator amy klobuchar. Amy, i love you. [applause] thank you. Thank you. Yesterday in florida, i had a chance to spend a little more time with another minnesota icon, karlanthony towns. You all have heard of him. Boy, he can play, man. Yall know him as the heart and soul of the timberwolves, but hes also a son, who like many other americans lost his mom to covid19 a couple of months ago. For all those sons and daughters, those parents, siblings, husbands, and wives facing empty chairs in dining room tables and with empty holes in their hearts, all those who reach over at night and implicit just by instinct to say good night to their husband or wife, they deserve so much better. These guys are not very polite, but theyre like trump. [applause] [car horns honking] but look, theyre going to be okay. Were going to take care of them as well. We need to come together. We need to fight for all these folks. We have four days left to get it done. Four days and millions of americans are already voting. Millions more will vote by tuesday. And i believe when you use your power, the power to vote will change the course of this country and the course of history. Right here in minnesota, with all of you in the final days, keep that sense of empowerment. [applause] keep that empowerment with you, that sense of optimism, what we can overcome. Now, look. Theres a reason they dont want to hear me, because they know the president doesnt say anything. So theyre not used to not hearing anything. [cars honking] i know its hard, folks. I know its hard. More than 228,000, i believe it is now americans have died , because of covid19. Nearly 2,500 here in minnesota, gone. We had 9 million new cases nationwide. Millions of americans are out of work, on the edge. They cant see any light. They dont know where its going. And donald trump, hes simply given up. Over the weekend, white house counsel, chief of staff, he said the following were not going to control the pandemic. At the debate last week, donald trump turned to me and said, were rounding the corner. Its going away. Were learning to live with it but as i told him, no, hes asking us to learn to die with it. Were not going to. And did you hear what he said today . What he said today on the trail. He said that our doctors, our doctors, our first responders, over a thousand lost their lives, are putting their lives on the line, busting their next, making up but he said, but theyre making up deaths from covid because they get more money. The president of the United States is accusing the medical profession of making up covid deaths so they make more money. Doctors and nurses go to work every day to save lives. They do their jobs. Donald trump should stop attacking them and do his job. [cars honking] [applause] folks, this is the same man who weeks ago when he was told, were losing a thousand lives a day, you remember what he said . He said, it is what it is. Thats thoughtful. Well, it is what it is because he is who he is. Donald trump has waved the white flag and surrendered to this virus, but the American People dont give up. They dont cower. Neither will i. Remember when he did that interview, and he told bob woodward that he knew about the virus and how deadly it was at the end of january, but didnt tell anybody. He didnt even tell those folks. He didnt tell anybody. And woodward asked him why, and on tape he said, because they he didnt want to panic the American People. The American People dont panic. Donald trump panics [cheers and applause] [cars honking] and unlike donald trump, we will not surrender to this virus. Look, President Trump is spreading division and discord. He thinks that he can divide us. We wont notice his failures. Thats what its all about. Thats why he shamelessly equates somali refugees, folks seeking a better life in america, contributing to this state and our country, with terrorists, as he did last night. We need a president who brings us together, not pulls us apart. Ill deal with this pandemic responsibly, bringing the country together around testing, tracing, masking. Its estimated by the leading doctors in this country that if we just wore a mask for the next few months, wed save over a 100,005, of over 200,000 lives they expect to lose. Dr. Fauci called for a mask mandate last week. This isnt a political statement, like those ugly folks over there, beeping the horns. This is a patriotic duty for gods sake. Look, in his own words, as i said, the president knew back in january how extremely dangerous and communicable this disease was. And i told you, he went on and he made that tape. He said the disease was easily able to spread, but he did nothing. He did nothing at all. Look, folks, American People, our people are tough. And instead of talking and politicizing the vaccine, he should be planning for a safe, equitable, and free distribution of a vaccine when it comes next year. [cars honking] [applause] this guy refused to provide schools and Small Businesses the resources and the National Standards to open safely. The house of representatives already passed the money to allow schools open safely, businesses open safely, to make sure people are paid. Ladies and gentlemen, well bring republicans and democrats together to deliver Economic Relief for working families, schools, and businesses. As i said before, im not going to shut down the economy. Im going to shut down the virus. [cars honking] [cheers and applause] donald trump inherited a Strong Economy that barack and i gave him. But guess what . Like Everything Else he inherited, he squandered it, like everything hes inherited. But we can build back and we can build back better with an economy that rewards work not wealth. We can do it without raising taxes on the middle class and working families. I promise you, you have my word, if you make less than 400,000 a year, you wont pay a penny more taxes. But i tell you what, for the first time, in a long time, the wealthiest and biggest corporations are going to start paying their fair share. 91 out of the fortune 500 companies paid zero taxes last year. Why . Why should a firefighter, an educated, and even that guy blowing that horn, why should he pay . Why should a nurse pay higher tax rates than the super wealthy . Why should you pay more taxes than donald trump pays . [cheers and applause] [cars honking] hes exploited every loophole and tax code. Hes run a shell game to avoid paying taxes. If you notice, ive released 22 years of my tax returns. Hes not released one single year. Whats he hiding . Wheres the corruption. According to trump, the reason why he only paid 750 is because hes smart. Well, what does that make the rest of us to pay our fair share, mr. President . Were going to deliver tax relief for working families and the middle class. Help you buy your first home, pay for healthcare premiums, or childcare, or care for your aging parents, or be able to actually, actually pay for school. Trump got a Supreme Court justice, the first time in this ever happened while an election has already started, for one reason hes determined to do what hes been trying to do for four years, destroy the Affordable Care act. If they get their way, 100 million americans will lose protections for preexisting conditions. Complications with covid19 will be the next preexisting condition, allowing insurers to jack up your premiums or deny your coverage. And women will again be able to be charged more for the same health care as a man, just because theyre a woman. Donald trump thinks healthcare is a privilege. I think its your right. [applause] [cars honking] and if we all get out and vote, well not only restore obamacare, well strengthen it and build on it. So you can keep your private insurance if thats what you like, or choose a medicare like option, the public option. Well increase subsidies, lower your premiums, the deductibles, outofpocket spending. Reduce prescription costs by 60 by allowing medicare to negotiate with drug prices. Were going to keep the protections for people with preexisting conditions, and well protect Social Security and medicare. Meanwhile, the Social Security actuary said that if donald trump said, elect me again and im going to change Social Security. The actuary said if the changes he puts in place occur that , Social Security will be bankrupt in 2023. So, go home and tell your parents and grandparents just what trumps about to do. Ill protect Social Security, medicare and medicaid. But folks, nothings worse that this president has done than the way he spoke about those who served in uniform. He called them losers and suckers. My son, beau, gave up the attorney general seat in the state of delaware to volunteer to go to iraq for a year. He won the bronze star, the Conspicuous Service medal. He wasnt a loser or a sucker. He was a patriot, so many of you as well. [cars honking] [cheers and applause] no wonder the six generals who worked directly for the Trump Administration have left and they say, he does not deserve to be the commanderinchief of the United States. Thats never happened to any president before. And thats why special Operations Commander stanley mcchrystal, Navy Seal Commander admiral craven along with 24 , stars endorsed me, saying they support me to be the next commanderinchief because they trust me. And thats why the military times reported that more troops would vote for biden than trump. Thats why we have to support the military. Theyre the backbone of the country. So let them vote and lets vote for them. [cheers and applause] [cars honking] and when donald trump fails to condemn white supremacy, we can deliver on racial justice. A season of protest has broken out across the nation because the life and dignity of george floyd, senselessly killed seven miles from here, and so many others that mattered. Protesting and burning and looting is not protesting. Its violence, clear and simple and will not be tolerated. But these protests are a cry for justice. The names of george floyd, breonna taylor, jacob blake will not soon be forgotten. Not by me, not by us, not by this country. Because true justice is also Economic Justice [cheers and applause] access to schooling, housing, access to capital, good paying jobs and financial stability. Giving families of color a real shot to own a home, start a small business, send a child to college debtfree so they can build wealth and pass down opportunity through the generations like the rest of us have. [applause] we have to vote to ensure the full promise of this country for everyone. And finally, we have to vote to meet the challenges of the climate crisis. The west is on fire, losing more forest than the total land of connecticut and rhode island combined. The midwest is flooding. Here in minnesota, extreme weather occurs, incurs big costs for your infrastructure, increased flooding in the mississippi. Watershed has shut down port facilities here and in saint paul. Donald trump thinks its all a hoax. He sure is a stable genius. He says that wind power causes cancer. I say it creates jobs, minnesota jobs. [applause] [cars honking] when combined, we can combat climate change. With American Ingenuity and manufacturing, building a more resilient nation and creating millions of new high paying jobs, we can change the path were on. Nothings beyond our capacity. So honk your horns if you want america to lead again. [cars honking] [cheers] honk your horn if you want americans to trust each other again. [cars honking] honk your horn if you want to have civility again. [cars honking] [cheers] and honk your horn if you want america to be united again. [cheers and applause] [cars honking] we cannot afford four more years of donald trump. In 2008 and 2012, you placed your trust in me and barack obama, and each day we were in office, we worked for you and the entire community. Ill do it again in 2020. My campaign is a Broad Coalition of democrats, republicans, independents, Republican Office holders. Im running as a proud democrat, but i will govern as an american president. [applause] [horns honking] ill work as hard for those who dont support me as those who do, because thats the job of a president. Its the duty of care for everyone. And you too have a sacred duty, the duty to vote. It matters. Minnesota matters. [applause] [cars honking] so in the final days, stay empowered, stay optimistic, stay united. Make a plan to vote, help get out the vote. As amy said, go to iowa vote. Com mn. Yesterday, the federal fields court forced a last minute change in the rules, absentee ballots have to be received by tuesday. So if you want your voice to be heard, drop off your ballot, dont put it in the mail, or vote safely in person any day up through election day. But youve got to get it done, and make sure everyone you know votes as well so theyll not be able to stop us despite trumps efforts. A recent press article points points out that never before in , modern president ial politics i am quoting now never before in modern president ial politics has a candidate been so reliant on wide scale efforts to repress the votes as trump, end of quote. We will not be silenced. Over 85 Million People have already voted, 85 million. Theyve had enough. [cars honking] [applause] look, ill never forget the words president kennedy said when he promised to send us to the moon. He said we were doing it because we in america, we refuse to postpone. I refuse to postpone the work america must do. Theres nothing beyond our capacity. Theres no limit to america, including guys like that. The only thing that can tear apart is america its self. Thats exactly what donald trump has been doing for the beginning. Divide america, pitting americans against one another, based on race, ethnicity, national origin. Thats wrong, thats not who we are. Everybody knows who donald trump is. Lets keep showing them who we are. We choose hope over fear. [applause] we choose unity over division, science over fiction, and yes, we choose truth over lies. [applause] [cars honking] so its time to stand up, take back our democracy. We can do this. Were so much better than this. We can be who we are at our best, the United States of america. God bless you all, and may god protect our troops. Thank you [applause] [cars honking] thank you lie please dont at least you got friends come on, lady one friendly word two steps front all i heard puts break it down lets go crazy lets get it done lets go by formeren joined president obama in flint, michigan. President trump will be in pennsylvania for a rally, rallies a number of he is holding in the keystone state today. Watch live coverage at 8 00 eastern on cspan. Thismorning, morning, and sign elections chris webber talks about the states battleground. Washington journal is next. Morning and welcome to washington journal. The president ial candidates are crisscrossing the nation, hoping to convince lastminute voters to choose them. President ial President Trump and former Vice President joe states togoing to key make their final pitches to voters. We will ask you, our viewers, how are the candidates doing . We want to hear from battleground state viewers only, what does the

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