Transcripts For CSPAN Memorial 20240703 :

CSPAN Memorial July 3, 2024

We played at city hall, and at super bowl celebrations, we proudly wore our sweaters that she bought for us. And mayor feinstein always took the time to talk to us and tell us how amazing we were and to remind us that we were her band. I was born in the early 70s, so as a kid [jet flyovwe] thank you for bringing the blue angels to San Francisco in 1981. I was born in the early 70s, so as far as i could remember, as far as i ever know, Dianne Feinstein was the mayor. And for kids my age, we always excepted that a woman could be in charge and a woman could do whatever a man could do. We believed that and considered abnormal. My mothers generation did not have that. My grandmothers generation certainly did not. But millions of girls my age, and long after me, have grown blissfully free of the yokes that are grandmothers work, because Dianne Feinstein wrestled them off. Because she showed the way. She created a world where girls like me could be tough and lead. When i became mayor, and even before that when i was a member of the board of supervisors, senator feinstein was always there to offer guidance. A few years ago when i was president of the board of supervisors we had a large ceremony in the chambers and feinstein, as former mayor joint meet up on the dais. Its dignitary or past supervisor walked in, and she would whisper that supervisor so and so, he lives in west portal. Ask him about his gardening. Senator feinstein reached out to me before i could reach out to her. She talked about the hard decisions that need to be made and told me to focus on doing the right thing and what was necessary for the city. Senator feinstein was always focused on the nuts and bolts, the things that San Francisco needed. I valued her advice and i will miss her. It was her word that meant the most when i became the second woman to be mayor of this city in the wake of tragedy. It was her advice on how to heal and lead that gave me strength. But i dont know if she recognized that none of the things that she told me as an adult wherever as important as what she showed us as children. Through times of tragedy and triumph, Dianne Feinstein showed us the meaning of San Franciscos model. Gold and peas, iron and more. She showed us a world where women lead and lift each other up so that girls like me could follow in her footsteps. She showed us strength and grace and courage and collaboration. And like the old saying goals, you only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough. Dianne feinstein did it right. She was her mayor, our champion, she was the leader of our band. And i know i speak for all san franciscans when i say that she will truly be missed. I would now like to introduce rabbi singer it. [applause] in our jewish tradition, we call senator feinstein [jet flyover] thats an american amen right there. We called her a woman of valor. As we mourn this loving mother, grandmother, friend, true woman of valor, let us be comforted by the words that we have in common , the words of the two third psalm. It reminds us how this senator, this amazing leader lived. She brought comfort to so many in this city as we faced some of our deepest challenges. She fear no evil as she courageously pursued justice as a leader in the senate. And she gave us hope that we americans can always be inspired by the values of democracy, even as we walk at times through the valley of the shadow of death. May we be comforted as we now saying those words in hebrew. I will now invite you to join me together, with my heart perhaps, in english. [singing in hebrew] going with me, god is my shepherd, i shall not want, god makes me lie down in Green Pastures and leads me beside the still waters. God restores my soul at guides me in straight paths for thy namesake. Gay, though i walk through the valley of the shadow of death, i will fear no evil, for thou art with me. Thy rod and thy staff comfort me. Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies. Thou hast anointed my head with oil. My cup runs over. Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all of the days of my life. And i shall dwell in the house of the lord forever. They are memory be her blessing, amen. As may her memory be her blessing, amen. Now we will hear remarks from the president of the United States. Joseph beau biden. Arbeit and. Within dianes soul laid the defining trait of great leaders, character. Over 15 years of the senate plus another decade in the vice presidency, and another presidency, again and again i sought her character in action close and personal. She was tough, prepared, rigorous and compassionate. She always asserted the people of california and our nation for the right reasons. To make life better for everyday people and ensure america stood for freedom, transparency and justice. At home and abroad. We had a front row seat to character her character on the judiciary committee. And throughout her church distinguished career, she turned passion into purpose, and led the fight to ban assault weapons and protect civil liberties, strengthen our national security, safeguard our environment and so much more. Often the only woman in the room, she would also mentor generations of women to a magic a bigger, more hopeful future for themselves and for the country and the world. On this date of remembrance, we reflect on the ways that such a pioneer made history. And built a legacy that will build on generations to come. That is not an exaggeration. At the same time, we reflect on the life of a kind and loyal friend. We hope that you find the strength that we find in the scripture, as is the mother, so is the daughter. To the rest of dianes family, we send our love and hope that you find comfort that life will be a reminder that the institutions of our democracy not only depend on the constitution that governs our nation which she swore an oath to uphold and defend, but it also depends on the constitution of our character, the people. And the habits of our heart and mind. Thank god that we had diane. She showed us the way by the power of her example. God bless that Great American hero, she was something else. And she was a dear friend. God bless Dianne Feinstein. [applause] now it is my honor to introduce the biden Vice President of the United States of america, kamala harris. [applause] thank you, mayor. To catherine, eileen, rick, and the entire family and to all distinguished guests gathered, it is my honor to be here with you today. Dianne feinstein was an icon of california. She was an american patriot, a giant of the senate, and a dear friend to doug and me. She was also a student of history. A gifted, and i will add, very generous artists. Many of us are collectors of dianes work. And a passionate leader. Sibley put, she was a force. To many of you, she was supervisor, mayor, senator. And then chairman. She was recognized around the world as a leader, a standardbearer, of america. And of american values. Yet of course, to catherine and eileen, she held perhaps the most important titles of all. Mother and grandmother. To catherine and eileen and rick and to the entire family, and doug, my prayers are with you. And i dont have to tell you [jet flyover] that it is not easy. It is not easy when a loved one lives in life of public service. Especially a person as hardworking and as selfless as Dianne Feinstein. So, to you, the family. We thank you for all the sacrifices that you have knowingly and unknowingly made. Over the years. Which allowed her to serve. On behalf of the people of the United States, we are grateful to you. As a Public Servant, diane had the courage to take on many tough fights. Even when she was faced with fierce opposition and political peril. And especially when her work was in defense of the constitution. And the security of the american people. Diane commanded respect and gave respect. She was a serious and gracious person who welcomed debate and discussion, but always required that it would be well informed and study. And i believe that this city where she started had a lot to do with that. To the uninitiated i will let , you in on a wellknown secret, San Francisco politics is roughandtumble. Some even say a bareknuckled sport. And this city requires its elected officials to engage on a daily basis in complex discussions with informed constituents who will raise the most intricate of local issues, no matter if you are walking through the presidio or attending an event at delancey street. And this environment, i do believe, guided diannes style of leadership, even after she reached the heights of national and global power. Dianne diligently focused on the impact to real people. Not ideology, substance, results, not rhetoric. When i was sworn into the senate in 2017, it was dianne who welcomed me. She invited me to her senate hideaway. There, with one hand, she presented me with a glass of california chardonnay, and with the other hand a binder full of her draft bills. True to her mayoral roots, she and was deeply immersed in the details of each bill and how each would play on the streets of our beloved state. Some of my fondest, recent memories of dianne are of our time together in a secure meeting room in the United States senate. Every week, members of the Senate Intelligence committee, would walk into that woodpaneled room, no cameras, no public, no devices. [jet flyover] senators of both parties who would take off their jackets and literally roll up their sleeves, putting aside partisanship to discuss what was in the best interest of our national security. There, we would resume classified materials and receive updates from the heads of the cia, our intelligence community, and the United States military. And got her. If one of them gave an evasive answer. Dianne would pause, lift up her memo, glanced knowingly at the others of us on the dais and question the witness in a way this former prosecutor always admired. In that room, there was give and take, debate, and problem solving. And that was quintessential of dianne at her best. So as i close, allow me to turn back the clock, 30 years, to tuesday november 3, 1992. I was a young prosecutor at the Alameda County district attorneys office. On that evening, i left my home in oakland, got in my toyota corolla, and drove across the bay bridge to the city. I pulled into the Fairmont Hotel and i walked up to a huge and pa packed ballroom. There on stage stood dianne and barbara boxer, hands raised in what the nation would name the the year of the woman. We celebrated an historic seat. We were the first state to elect two female senators. That night we celebrated dianne, who, the next day would take office as the first female senator ever for the great state of california. Fast forward to today, when i again travelled to the city to dianne, this time on washington dc from air force to. Dianne, the women of america have come a long way, our country has come a long way, and you helped move the ball forward and our nation salutes you, dianne. [applause] show less text [applause] please welcome the Senate Majority leader of the United States senate, charles schumer. Thank you mayor, Vice President harris, mayor breed, rabbi, cantor, all of diannes family, my many colleagues who have come here, and friends. There is a story of dianne that i thought was quintessentially her. Some of us might remember that years ago, senator feinstein injured her ankle while on a morning walk in lake tahoe. Most people might go see a doctor. Focused on recovery. But dianne, forget it. It was the week of the lake tahoe summit, a signature event of hers, one she inaugurated in 1997 with harry reid, convening leaders from california nevada, public sector, the private sector, all for a cause near and dear to her heart, preserving lake tahoe for future generations. Years later, she will look back on that morning and remember hearing a bone pop, but chose to finish her day before even thinking about treatment. It turns out it was a pretty significant fracture. Ask how she got through the day, she only offered three words, i just did. [laughter] now there are many adjectives that rightly describe Dianne Feinstein. Strong, unflappable, winning, fierce, practical, earnest. But one quality above all stands out in my mind and will forever set dianne apart. Integrity. Integrity. Dianne feinstein was a leader of uncommon integrity. She had an internal gyroscope that propelled her, motivated her, never let her stray from a cause she knew was right. I have to be unflappable right now. [laughter] when she embraced an issue, she pursued it until the end. No matter the consequences. No matter what others thought. Her integrity made her sparkle like a diamond in the senate. I was dazzled by that internal gyroscope for the first time in 1994, when i closely worked with dianne as the author of the house version of the assault weapon ban which dianne champion in the senate. She worked to the bell harder that bill harder than an anyone i have ever seen. Attacking every eggo, thinking of every pitfall, resisting every broadside from the nra, because she knew her cause to be just from her own experience. Thanks to her dedication, her unflappable to, or trademark integrity, american turned a new leaf leaf in the fight for gun safety. Working on the assault weapon ban was one of my proudest times in office. From that time on, i not only called dianne a colleague, but a close friend. And what a loving, caring friend she was. When my daughter first moved to San Francisco out of college, in september i got a call from dianne. She asked me, does your daughter have anywhere to go, with a High Holy Day Services . I said no. She said, well she is going to services with me. There were so many qualities of this amazingly multifaceted woman that i will miss. I will miss her ability to win doubters and detractors. There were many. Not by putting them down, but with her elegance, her poise, and her piercing wit. I will miss her sheer dedication and thoroughness. She was better prepared and better informed than just about anybody else. I cannot tell you how many times dianne would consider a topic and say, let me go home and read on it first. She would always come back, 40 with 40 or 50 or 60 questions the next day. I will miss diannes talent as one of the senates great dealmakers. If there was the smallest bit of Common Ground she would pursue it. If it meant moving an issue forward. Even while being so far ahead of her time on gun safety, marriage equality, womens rights, the environment, and so many other issues, she was never afraid of working with those she disagreed with whenever the opportunity arose. Dianne feinstein was the living embodiment of what the senate should always be. An institution built on cooperation. Finally, i will always be indebted to dianne not just as a colleague, but as a father of two daughters. Because of dianne, my daughters grew up in a world that is a bit fairer, a little more just, and more accepting of women in leadership. Speaking at stanfords commencement in 1993, dianne confessed that she never sought to be the first woman in this role or that role. What mattered most, she said, was to live life to the fullest and advised graduates to be able to accept challenge to take risks, but always protect your integrity and that is just what she did throughout her entire career. So today we grieve. Today we mourn immense loss for the senate, for california, for america. But we also give thanks. Thanks that someone so rarefied, so dedicated, and with a sparkling diamond like presence served our country so well for so many wonderful years. [applause] and now, i would like to read a statement from former congressman and chair of the California Democratic party john verdin. Our country, california, and my hometown of San Francisco has lost a great Public Servant put more important to me i have lost a friend of more than 50 years. She was a force to be reckoned with when it mattered most and she showed up for you when the chips were down. She saved San Francisco during its darkest hours and showed political courage during times when no one else did as a United States senator. She had chutzpah and i loved her for it. My heart goes out to her family, especially her daughter, catherine and her granddaughter eileen, rest and power my friend, from john, the former congressman and former chairman of the Democratic Party in california. [applause] now please join me in welcoming the San Francisco girls chorus. [applause] dream the impossible dream fight the unbeatable foe to bear the unbearable sorrow to run where the brave there not go to write the unbreakable wrong, to love. And chased from afar, to try when your arms are too weary, to reach the unreachable star. This is my quest to follow that star no matter how hopeless, no matter how far to fight for the right without question or pause to be willing to march into a hell for a heavenly cause. And i know if ill only be true to this glorious quest, that my heart will lie peaceful and calm when i am late to my rest. And the world will be better for this that one man, scored and covered with scars still true with his last ounce of courage two reach the to reach the unreachable star. [applause] now, please join me in welcoming our speaker, america, the honorable nancy pelosi. [applause] good afternoon everyone. Dianne all your life you have challenged everyone to do our best. Now as we honor your leadership to celebrate your life and express our sorrow in your passing, living up to your standard is quite a challenge. However, we started with the president of the United States, having his plane carry you home. He loved you so much. He said, i only wish that i could have been on the plane taking her home. Draped in the american flag, your beautiful landing in the arms of the first responders, lifting you up, c

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