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[captions Copyright National cable satellite corp. 2024] [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy visit ncicap. Org] host good morning. Its sunday, march 2024. Ahead, we will talk about Border Security and the ivf decision but we begin. There are still primaries to be held pipe and trump have shifted their fus to their november general election and with 239 days to go until election day, we want to hear your thoughts on the looming president ial if you support President Biden phone number is 2027488000. If youPresident Trump, 2027488001, if you support neither, 2027488002. And if youre still undecided at this p 2027488003. You could also send us a text this morning and catch up with x at cspanwj and on facebook on facebook. Com cspan. This is the headline from the Washington Post this morning. Biden and trump go attack in dueling georgia events. Both speaking to crowds of supporters there. Georgia set to be a key state once again in the november general election. This is some of what President Biden had to say atlanta. Pres. Biden you know youre the reason were going to donald trump has a different constituency. Heres a guy whos kicking off his campaign on the road with marjorie tay greene. It can tell you a lot about a person he keeps company with. And yesterday he was his club, who says he doesnt think democracy works. Ll him a fantastic leader, seriously. Hes been sucking up the wind well anyway. He said the north korean dictator wrote him a letter. He bragged about calling him a king. He called putin. S our allies. Im not making these quotes up. But he says he wants to be a dictator. I believe him. Host that was President Biden yesterday in atlanta georgia. He spoke for about after his state of the Union Address in which he spoke for over an hour. Donald trump was in rome georgia, yesterday speaking supporters. It is the district of congressman taylor green. This is what the former president had to say yesterday. If youre a disillusions democrat i extend an open invitation and i us on the noble quest of saving our country, saving our country. Together we will turn the page forever on the miserable nightmare of the biden presidency. What a presidency, what a president. The most incompetent weve ever the worst president the most corrupt. Other than that, i think hes doing quite a good job. And we will make America Great again. Two nights ago, we all heard crooked joes rants of state of the Union Address. It didnt bring us together. It brings the country together. Im going to bring together. No no. He said threat to democracy. Hes a threat toracy. Weaponize the government. Weaponize the d. O. J. Hes a threat to democracy. Ho former President Trump. That was yesterday in rome georgia. Were asking your view of bidentrump rematch setting up for 2024 in november. If you support joe biden 2027488000 is the number. If you support donald trump 2027488001. If you support neither 2027488002. And if youre still undecided at this point 2027488003 one headline on that rematch or rerun as the New York Times refers to it in the bidentrump rerun, neither is change. Taking your phone calls. Joes up first out of ames iowa. Good mornip of the morning to you. Yeah, i support joe biden because hes concerned about my children and any grandchildren and donald trump is a criminal and we all know that and hes an interactionist and if we had a National Vote by the American People they would tell the government the corrupt politicians trump is an intersexist period. Interreelection host are you concerned about his poll number . Caller those are trumps repeated lies. Thats all he does host thats joe in ames iowa. Fox news poll conducted in january found that 51 of registered voters in georgia said that they would support donald trump while just 43 said that they would vote for joe pauls next out of louisiana for those who caller yes. Im supporting donald trump for president. Host and why, paul . Caller well one if theres any issue its on. When they created f wade 63 abortions are handed out and theyre still being handed out. And he is a catholic like he says he is, i dont republicans no, the church has changed his their opinion on abortion. And yet himself a catholic. What a joke is that . Host paul in louis georgia, President Biden spoke about roe v. Wade. This is what he had to pres. Biden look in my state of the Union Address, i talked about social worker in alabama doing the ivf treatment for a second child but alabama shut it down. But her familys got it should never happen and folks, folks, you know whys happened. Ill tell you why. Donald trump. He bragsbout it. Well he got his wish. Abortion are leaving their state to get help. And now donald trump wants to have a national ban on abortion. Well, hear me loud and clear. Not on my watch the Supreme Court wrote women are electoral or political power. As i said at the state of the union, they aint seen nothing yet. Th about to see just like we saw in the ballot in 2022 and 2023 and theyll find out again in 2024. Im deadly earnest about this. Georgia, i have a message for you. Send me a congressman that supports the execution constitution, i will restore roe v wade. Host that was President Biden yesterday some of those lines that the president used continuing those lines in the state of the union on his campaign trail. Joe biden and donald trump both in georgia. Georgia is set to hold its primary on tuesday this coming week. Taking your calls, your view of another bidentrump matchup. Hat undecided line, joe in florida. Good morning. Caller yeah, thanks for tak undecided. I thought i would never vote for donald trump. I was undecided whether i would do haley or biden. But now im convinced that it will never be trump. What happened with the rndc where trump is now taking proved positive is the rebuttal by the woman right after the state of the union about what happened with the molestation that done in mexico. Host so joe you are a joe biden supporter. Youre not undecided at this point . Caller im undecided in the fact that i wouldnt vote for trump but if another republican came into play, i probably would consider that. But im having a real tough time now with trump or i should say the Republican Party being controlled by donald whatever what happens happens and like i said, with his what happened after the rut absolutely 100 why the whole thing was orchestrated by donald trump and its really, really sad that the republicans have gone down to this level. So i probably would not vote for a republican. Host this is tennessee garrett, that line for those who support joe biden. Go ahead. Caller well hello, jon. Im a biden supporter. I grew up in new jersey. And ive witnessed both candidates in their actions. And ive read about him, everything from the Baltimore Sun to the New York Daily News and ive seen what hes done for delaware. And i also seen donald t grew up in new jersey with his casinos and various business interests. And due to the character the business interests and the Civic Service that biden has done, i choose him. I look at it this way. If im in a casino and im at the blackjack table and im dealt 20s all the time and the deal is 21, ill move away. Ill get up and cut my losses. Go sidewalk or i find another table. I find a biden table. You have better luck there. Thank y talked about the united workers in his state of the union. What did you think of what he had to say and whether the Union Workers will come out for joe biden in november . Caller . I decided to vote for joe. Of course you can vote for who you decide to vote atrest of the working man, a little bit more than mr. Trump. Im not sure if you lean that way. He seems to be favorable to unions and seems to make the middle class his at the actions of the four years of the Trump Presidency and i look at these last three and a half years oth presidency. And again, i look back into the futures. But im 66 years was in new jersey with both of these men. And on the northeast coast looking at what they did. Host got your point. Joannes next out of the buckeye state. That line for those who support donald trump go. Joanne, you with us . Caller yes. Host go ahead and turn your television down it is easier to talk through the phone. You want to go ahead joanne . Caller yeah, for one groceries is higher than hell. Gas is higher than people cant make it. Host and thats why youre supporting donald trump . Caller e that gave anybody any damn thing. He gave people stimulus checks. First. Host joan ohio. To manhattan, that line for those who support neither joe biden or donald trump. Sophia. Caller good morning jon. Host good morning. Caller ive been a conservative all my life. Im 73 years old. Ill be 74 november 18. Had the most beautiful night thursday President Biden, what came out his mouth he gave me a hope. And then still, i was not decided to work for him. But he gave me a good nights sleep, jon. Last night, the only that aired it was cspan. Thank you for cspan. We got tog. What came out of President Trump [indiscernible] its like we are dead. Like we are finished. We are not finished. We aredren Say Something to him. Make his point to be a president going to leave you alone, jon. But thank you for cspan. I had to let it out of me. I always love you. I will love you every one of you cspan. Youve been doing an excelb. Host thank you, sophia. Heres more of what donald trump had to stay on the issue of immigration in this country. But just moments ago, this was just before coming up, they just told me prior to with a im doing right now that joe biden went on television and apologized for calling murderer and illegal. He didnt want to call him illegal hed him an undocumented, not an illegal and he wanted to apologize. He wanted to apologize and well, they have a new name, too. They have a new name. You know what the new name is. Neighbor. They want to call him neighbor. Call him another name. Did you ever hear the other one . Newcomer. A newcomer to our country. Aroing crazy or what . Is this country going crazy . How about that one . Newcomer. The newcomer. No, he was illegal. He was an illegal migrant. An country and he never would have been under the trump policy. Host donald trump yesterday in rome, georgia. The story he was referring to was joe biden on msnbc yesterday saying that he regretted calling a migrant an illegal in his stat te of remember that exchange he had with some of those in the audience during the state of the Union Address getting a lot of replays. That specific clip if the you want to watch the state of the union in its entirety, you can do so of course on ourte caller im a former democrat from a very heavily democratic switched party two years ago for so many reasons and now theres so many more that im glad i did. The border flying illegals into the country from mexico. Thats really unbelievable that they wld do Something Like that. And im a senior citizen. The economy is horrible under President Biden. Support troops. Support our gun rights. Abortion. Abortions up until the day of delivery has been unbelievable as well. And im going to forget something but i totally support President Trump. We have to get past some of the things that he says and think about the things that he has done for our country and ourk he is truly a good man that theyre trying to persecute. I think he was raised in a family that talks and says some of the things he says but basically, i think hes a very good man. Host on the economy, just to throw down on that for a little bit, we got a job report on friday saying 275,000 jobs in this country in february, another strongs specifically about the economy that you think is not going well . Caller go to the grocery store. Fill up your gas tank. D what jobs . Have you heard what jobs . Havent really. People are struggling. And the electric cars, m who wants those electric cars . Like President Trump says and i always call him President Trump drill, baby, drill. Co on, support the country. Host you asked what jobs, i just answered that question. To the Bureau Labor Statistics allows you to look at where the jobs were created and what the jobs were. Health care added 67,000 jobs monthly gain of 58,000, over the past year. Government employment rose by 52,000 in february. Thats about is the average over the past year. Employment in Food Services and drinking places increased by 42,000 incial assistance jobs added 24,000 jobs in february. And employment in transportation and warehouse and roads by 20,000 in february. Some of the specific numbers from that bureau of labor statistics if you want to look at it. Thiss carla phoenix arizona. Good morning. Biden supporter. Caller good morning, jon. Host go ahead. Caller ok. Yeah i support biden because i have logical thoughts. Im a god fea supporting criminals. Biden gave a really good speech yesterday. He was talking about including all and that on, all. So, i think he did a really good job. And hes giveen us hope where i waspe because of all the people that followed trump. It was making me wonder what kind of america are we living in . Third class . Third seems like it just everything about america based on all these people trying to follow criminal. Host that speech on thursday that you referred to as a turn towards the general election and in another sign that it is turning to each other. The Joe Biden Campaign launclion Advertising Campaign in the first ad. Here it is. Pres. Biden im not guy. Thats no secret but i know how to get things done for the American People. I led the country through the covid crisis. Today, we strongest economy of the world. I passed the law for lowest Prescription Drug prices. For four years, do to pass his infrastructure law and he failed. I got it done. Now were rebuilding america. I passed the biggest law inory to combat Climate Change because our future depends on it. Donald trump took away the freedom of women who choose. Im determined to m f the land again. Donald trump believes the job on the president is to take care of donald trump. I believe the job of the president you the American People and thats what im doing. Im joe biden and i approve this message. Can we do one take . Look, im very young energetic and handsome. Why am i doing this for . Host the campaign ad from Biden Campaign released yesterday. Joe biden headed to new hampshire, wisconsin, and michigan in the weeks ahead. The president and the georgia yesterday and were talking about your view of a rematch between the two of them in november. On that undecided lphen lexington, kentucky, whats going to make you decide, stephen . Where does it come down to . Caller oh man, this is a tough one,ou know . Its definitely how they could do with morality and ethics. Trump has some awesome morality and ethics. He lied. He stole. But the way joe bidens handling all this, our economy the middle east crisis. Its wild. These two awful people. Its not f and its getting to the point where were just going up in the air and landing 5050. It shouldnt be this way. Its ridiculous. I voted joe back in the day. I just dont know anymore. Host what do you think it comes down to . Is it going to be who youre feeling less down about on day . Caller yeah. It will come down to election day. I know a lot of my family members want me to vote for trump. My wife wants me to vote for biden, but it really will come down to election day and maybe last second news, who knows . But i cant decide right now. Theres too much misinformation. Too many things going on at once. Its a tough one. Host thats stephen in lexington, kentucky. 239 days out from the general election. This is roy, from north carolina. Good morning. Joe biden supporter. Caller thank you, jon. And thank you for those statistics you gave a couple of minutes ago about the jobs. This is record job production, good jobs, manufacturing jobs america. Theyre coming back. The republican talking points are so bogus. They talk about the high price of gas and groceries. We have the lowest gas prices in the developing world. Its 50 60 ore in canada. Europe, its like twice as much or more. These are the economy is doing great. People are doing great. The roads are crowded. There is no problem with gasoline. We are exporting gasoline. Their talking points are so bogus. Has humor. Trump cannot even get off his stupid representative hes like a broken record. And when they say make America Great again, i wondered they dont think its great and they want to go back to slave times or jim crow . What again, you are involved in host you talk about people are doing great but people think this country i track. So a couple more statistics for you. Its been this is from the New York Times story today on the campaign. Its been 20 years ng invasion of iraq since more americans thought the nation was headed in the right direction than the wrong direction. And displeasure over the nations direction has topped the past three years. Never before in that polls history have so many voters been so unhappy for so long. K that is . Caller ok good question. This is so bogus. Its so ambiguous, just the question and the answer is so am biggous. Ambiguous. All the pushing. Theyre always complaining about everything. We should be calle homocomplainians or something. We complain about everything. Ne thing, making these ambiguous vague meaningless stick and his nicknames he calls people. We should never call him by. Crybaby trump or donny doofus or something. The Mainstream Media is starting to say like trump says, people are saying sleepy joe echoing trumps juvenile name calling. We should never say his name without some kind of host thats roy in north carolina. Diana is in new jersey, trump supporter. Go ahead. Caller hi, good morning. Host good morning. Caller i support trump because of his economics view. Now, the lower class. I am struggling living from paycheck to paycheck. When trump we, i didnt. I didnt have to. You know . Things have gotten increasingly high. Theres a lot going on. And i dont want to touch base the fact that said that joe biden having how many jobs in february . Host he economy, the u. S. Economy added february, another month of gains. Caller in february. Those 275,000 jobs when he started the first three years . Why did it have to be added in the fourth year . Host theres been job gains every month since the joe biden presidency. The jobs gain numbers the job come out each month the bureau of labor statistics. Caller right. And you mentioned that that was the most significant number in not the most not the biggest number. That was the number of last month. Caller ok. I understand that. However, these things are getting overwhelming, especially being a millennial. Know, like its crazy. Its crazy out here for us. Most of us got degrees and we cant even make a decent living under biden presidency. We cant make a decent living. Whats the point of going to school . Whats the point of doing any of these things . I support trump because he talks about how he can make thin better for us. How he can make the economy better. You know, bring our back. I work in the he sector. Did joe biden support our union . Does he protect our j no. Host thatss . Diana in cedar brook, new jersey. February marks the 38th consecutive month of job growth. Th fifth longest period of employment expansion on record. The cnn story on that also noting that the 25th consecutive month that the jobless rate has been below . In more than 50 years. Those numbers, again, from the bureau of labor statistics. You can look them up yourself, b bls. Gov. John on the line for supporting neither candidate. Im going to not support joe biden for 100 and im not sure about the other side. I dont think that theyre going to vote for trump because theyre trying to do him in. But i want to know why the democrats want us to not believe our lying eyes the economy is ukraines going to win. More money is going to fix the environment . Its pretty funny. Inflations up 17. 8 since joe biden got in raise is up 13 . Were paying 4 more for everything and people were having to struggle everybody. I mean why am i not supposed to believe my lying eyes and the democrats complaining giving he thinks theyre ridiculous. They both dont seem to be getting done. Guys ruined everything. D i want to hear about theses do whistlers. Dog whistles. The Supreme Court being bad and all the republicans are maga extremists wit sexist, hate the air they can earth, the land, the wind, water everything. And i mean, come on, lets be serious. Its going to turn around. I dont know. Somethings got to happen but we cant keep voting for this ol. Hes so braindead. Everybody knows it. And they talk about hes not sleepy. Hes number one. Hes doing great forif thats what you want to believe. But dont believe your lying eyes because americans arent smart enough to know how good we got it. Tell the u are seeing this. Do all the host got your point. Thats john in florence, massachusetts. Sam is in rome, georgia. It is where donald trump was yesterday. Sam calling on that line for biden supporters. Sam, where was that rally yesterday . Caller good morning and thanks for cspan. The rally yesterday downtown rome at a place called the forum. Its a cityowned property. It only holds about 35,000 to 4,000 seats 3500 to 4,000 seats. One of the things that anybodyhas ever been to a trump rally especially in a Smaller Community like this, what you dont see are the people that are on the fringes. In the community when trump comes to town and this is his second visit here. When he comes to town, not maybe infiltrate into the forum he spoke yesterday but in the fringes, you see the klan members, you see the neonazis you see the proud boys and all of these host you saw these people yesterday, sam . Them yesterday because my people, the people that i know, my family and friends, were not going out. Because we know that elementary is there. The last time he was here, we saw them and knew they were here. So it was nothing. So this time we took the and say were not going out this time. But last time, the klan was setting up in parking lots at sol of the outlets here. So we knew. So while he was speaking, i mean we talk about taking cognitive tests and all of those things between biden and trump but if you listen to trump speak, h message is all over the place. I mean its almost as if hes you cannot he talks on one jumps to another topic and another topic and my goodness. He needs medication to slow it down. Because hes always jumping from topic to topic to topic and he never slows down so much those are my who points. And if you think hes confident enough to be the leader of the world when he cant stay on topic and he cant stay focused then we have another thing. We are in deep trouble then. Thats my point, jon. Host thats sam in roam caller biden said he was going to the jobs decision and make roe v wade the law of the land. And i said to myself, what god is he talking about . Jesus said life is so important and then i remember the bible says that the god in this world is in him to destroy and he believes in the destruction of babies and the unborn all the way up to the day of delivery. So when i heard that, i said to myself he serves a different god than i serve. Ive decided whether to ask god to damn his soul into forever because it says in the book of revelation that all murders shall have their part. Host all right. Caller and then you are damned forever. Host mark in indiana. Joanne morning. Youre next. Caller good morning. Good morning. People need trump differently. He did a great job when he was president. Im a senior. People in connecticut would never go to new york because its so dangerous. Ry a lot better. Hes the only president that walked out with less money than he went in. The guys that we have in money from all different countries. Hes compromised. We have spy going over. The inflation is crazy. And you know what . Manufacturing jobs decreased by over 4 . Were all. You have to ask yourself. Donald trumps policies were good for all people dont know what to say. Its crazy. And these crowds that he has to go through. Everyone can see trials that he has to go through. Everyone can see theyre bogus trials. Everyone thinks their is worth more than what it is. Its up to the bank. Hes the boss. Whether youre property is worth and how much you can borrow. And the illegal aliens are here because of the census. And that needs to be changed because theyre getting representation. And thats all i have to say. But just think how our lives were fourer donald trump. His policies worked. There were no wars. Now the war is on fire. And hes going to get us ause the people around him are crazy. Theyre loon ticks. Thank you. Host the ad was debuted talking about joe biden and his age. Heres that 30seco i guess i should clear my mind here a little bit. We can all see joe bidens weakness. If biden wins, can he even survive until 2029 . The real question is can we . Host that ad is from a trump thursday when that one debuted. This is guy for supporters of joe biden, monroe, north carolina. Good morning. Caller good morning. I have a couple of issues. One, i dont know where these trump people ge their distorted well, i guess i do know. They get it from trump. Their distorted information, the internet. Amazed that republicans sit back and they want to criticize women for getting abortions because they need them. But yet, you look at them and tell them that people are dying from covid and you need to get a o can prevent this or wear a mask on our face, something as simple as that, i mean, they freak out over and i dont understand how joe biden can get blamed for two wars that were not actually reallyved in. I mean, we should try to stop them. We should help ukraine. I really am confused. Nd the people in this country. And by the way im indigenous. So when they talk about illegals in, theyre talking about theirselves and at the might want to think about that. They really might want to think about that. Joe biden didnt bring any rapist in and ill say this. Just like donald trump didnt when immigrants came over. So stop blaming him for what takes place. I mean, they want to blame him for everything. I it. Host thats guy in monroe, north carolina. Trump support. Good morning. Caller good morning. The reason im calling in is because im watching everything. I only can speak for my personal experience and i agree with presid the immigration problem. I happen to be, you know, this generation hispanic, but that situation is ridiculous. I was pregnant with why daughter. Shesn 20s. But my information was being used when i decided to go to the being a citizen. I was told that i couldnt even go into labor and deliver. They said show me my social. So this was i just i blamed President Trump on that. Host ricks next in wolverine state. That line for those who want neither candidate. Go ahead yeah. I just want to know where the outreach is for the choices we have right now and for the it ridiculous. I think our election model really needs to change or people need to get proactive and start putting out petitions to get our election laws changed which is i think were allowed to do that,do but i think its pretty sad that we have choices that we have for president and the people that are in our government can put up every last one of them. We need to vote them all out of the office and clean house. We can bring the swamp by voting. So thats all i have to say. thats rick in michigan. This is matt in iowa. Good morning. Youre next. Caller good morning. How are you doing . I just want to reiterate what ot about the maga people following trump. Trump got into office all they are is they prey on these people. I dont know if its just t education or because they watch alternative news and theyre not getting the true facts, but they prey on these people the timing all is doing, how biden is. That speech he had the other night was one of the best speeches ive seen in any presidency thats been, you know over the last 20 years. He did a great job. Like i said, i think they just prey on these people. One suggestion is someone called in asking when youre talking about the education level. T can do this, but when youre doing overseas calls, if we could ever have that, maybe once a month, it would be interesting to get their i think the American People would be very surprised at some of the International Calls especially about election coming i taken a International Call in this segment. So, i would be happy to hear from folks overseas if theyre watching if you are overseas, please do call in and give us your thoughts. Matt whats your educational level . Caller im actually, i am a college graduate. I graduated in public relations. Start getting some perspective and hearing, especially like on pbs and stop these alternatives where you can see like pbs frontline and other pbs shows showing europe. E gone through this stuff. Host matt whats your theory for why so many people for so long now think this country going in the wrong direction . Is on the wrong track . Caller they do see the country moving forward. Weve had a pandemic woo weve not had for 100 years. One thing people criticize is the economy are just e dump and the oil. That were not producing enough. Were producing more oil than we ever have under the Biden Administration. Pandemic since the pandemic than any other country so far. I mean i just these people, theyre just getting balds information. Bad information. And the Republican Party use that to their advantage. And we have to ardball to get our message out a little bit better. Host thats matt, a wine maker in iowa. This is ross in times, taking a look at the reasons for joe bidens unpopularity according t he says its hard to explain why is presidency is a political flop. Some history heren trying to explain poor president ial polling numbers. When things went south, there was of what was happening. It was understood to refleck the flurry. The story was about iraq and hane hane. When barack obama was at his polling, most there was a lack of discipline in the white house scandal. The headline todays, a theory about 10 minutes left in this first segment of the washington journal. Taking your calls you view of adentrump rematch in november. We are 239 days away from election day. Jacqueline in philly. Good morning. Caller goodorninging for trump. I voted for him the last time also. I think hes a very strong man. And im not crazy about joe biden. I may be 70 years old so im up there along joe biden wrote a song about donald trump about. And he like the average american guy that they would meet and that would descend my rights on the streets. I dont know. He sound down to earth. And im crazy about donald trump. I love all has. I think he got caught up that time when they all those kids went running down to meant for them to do that. Hes not that kind of man. Host jacqueline, you started by saying hes a strong man. What caller i just dont think hes a strong man, i think they misunderstood him that time when they went to the capitol. And of course, the news made it out of proportion. He got the wall built. Just let him alone he would have gotten a lot more things done. I just i hope because he should be underdog and i feel like im the underdog too, you know . So i would vote for him again. Host thats jacqueline in philadelphia. This is dennis in washington, up early. Undecided. What is y come down to, dennis . Caller well, im a republican, usually, but im a the vietnam era. Im 70 years old. It bothers me that trump avoided the draft. It he had said about mccain, about nikki haleys husband s about the serviceman that said he knew what he signed up for. I just dont feel that how could he say all these things Good American . Im patriot that i just dont understand. And biden . I think he could have done things better on the border. I think other things could be good. But if im buying gas in washington, its way worse here than anywhere else. And im doing good here. Im retired. It takes a president a few things to get on track from what he has to take overhost sounds like youre going to a joe biden supporter dennis. Caller no, i wouldnt say that. I would be a writein candidate or not vote at all. Because i guess if i was to im n trump but i have reservations on both of them. But it really bothers me about trump talking about i mean, for him to say that it was i cant remember. I think it was mccain saying he got caught, you know. He got captured. It just bothers me to that he talks about our veterans. I lost my favorite uncle in vietnam in 1969, may 23. It just bothers me that people can talk badly about our servicemen. It just botherse badly. Host thats dennis in washington. Just a couple of minutes left here in this first segment of washington journal. Its a threehour program today asis altoona pennsylvania. Good morning. Caller hi. What im calling about is the senate. They were going to to send the immigrants back to wherever they came from when they steal or something. The democrats all voted to keep them in our country them steal. Those states where they came from should be embarrassed because they did that and if those immigrants steal, theyre going to start killing people too. The people in the that have kids and stuff theyre going to say hey, they can do it, we can do it. And our really going to get bad. Host youre a trump supporter rick . Caller yes. Uhhuh. Host pennsylvania. This is melissa in new york. Good morning. Youre next. Caller hi, good morning. Im for the first time in my life, im going to be supporting a democrat. Host and why . Caller because ie bidens proven himself as far as his policies and thing that hes done in this administration to better our country. I can tell yousthand experience that my husbands wages have become better. My medication prices have gone down. I voted for trump in 2016 because ive been lifelong republican. But i regret my decision and i did not vote for him in 2020. I also vote for biden. But for the first time, i may be voting democrat in the president ial election because im much better leader and trump quite frankly scares me. I think hes a terrorist. And i think that if he loses the election again he and his supporters are probably going to try to repeat january, you know, january 6 insurrection and i hope that our government has more security in host this is mayor Mary Elizabeth in new york. Caller biden. Hes an elderly person. As he says, hes old but he has 50 years of experience ande knows where all the bodies are buried. And in this democratic system, people trade issues back and why i think he was able to do his infrastructure building all the other positive and that hes had indicating for all of us. Advocating for all of us. I listen to the washington journal every morning and im very troubled sometimes when i hear the comments of people who seem to be repeating gossip their own personal misinformation that theyre touting as if its the gospel too. Reproductive rights. People bring up dogma and their religious opinions but those are things that you learn in church and those are decisions that you deal with your priest, your rabbi orour pastor and your own particular religious opinions should not be boxed or on the rest of thent c may not be primarily secular and do not have those same beliefs. Its very, very difficult. I would like for us to look at where the country was prior to the ascent of donald trump and his perspective about race and religion before we make a negative decision about anyone him. One of the callers one of the callers journal many months ago suggested that many of us should get a copy the world and almanac. I would suggest people visit the constitution society. There was a woman on from yesterday from i civics that people need to understand how our governmenthappens in our country. These people who are voting for a third party or whatever, we have to remember, why does donald trump hate the fbi . The fbi who he talked to from 1988 through 2015 and who is he to . I think we all need to be prayerful and respectful upon one another. I respect peoples opinions. I hope people will get more information so that they will make a determination between celebrity and public service. Host Mary Elizabeth out of new york. The guest she was referring an. Org. This is mike in alexandria. Caller id like to talk a little bit about donald trump and john mjohn mccain months to eight months waiting list to get in and trump changed that all around. He had the veterans going to a local hospital. He was all about changing our veterans in helping our veterans. They talked about donald trump being a rapist and all. But joe biden was sleeping with his daughter, taking showers with his daughter at 12 years old. Thats not right. We have to get our country back in order here. The democrats seem to all be multimillionaires now and i dont know how theyve become millionaires on 180,000 a year. There is not a democrat in the white house thats not millionaires. And it shows you where our money is. And they talk about stupid people calling inim smart enough to know that our country is on the wrong track with biden and his administration. Host mike in alexandria, indiana, our last caller on this segment of wa border and immigration. We will be joined by chad holt of the american first policy. Then sabrina talukd joinse us to talk about the alabama Supreme Courtr. Firsthand accounts from political reports, updated phone numbers fundraising data and campaign ads. Watch cspans 2024 campaign friday night at 7 00 eastern on cspan, online at cspan. Org or download it to the podcast our free mobile app or wherever you get your podcasts. D view of politics. For cspans voice of 2024, we are asking v issue is most of porton important to you for this election and why . The most important issue is immigration. The deficit. I think homelessness is an issue that needs to be addressed. We invite you to share your voice byoi website cspan. Org campaign 2024. Record a 32nd video 30second video, telling us your important issue and why. Get project information from members of government in the palm of your hand when you preorder your copy of cspans 2024 congressional directory with bio and Contact Information for every house and Senate Member of the 118th congress. Important information on congressional committees the president s cabinet, federal agencies and state governors. The congressional directory costs 32. 95 plus shipping and handling. Scan the code on the right or go to cspanshop. Org to preorder your copy today for delivery this spring. Washington journal continues. Host we welcome chad wolf to the washington journal. Current executor the America First policy institute. Mr. Wolf, for people who are not familiar, remind us what the ca First Policy Institute is. Guest we talk about policies that affect Everyday Americans fr to National Security policy to health care. You name it, we write about it and talk about it and do so from an America First perspective tting Americans First in Public Policy. Host your focus, your background is Border Security and immigration. How long have you been guest ive been at the american first America First Institute Since 2021. I focus on all things security given my past position and experience. The last few years, i focused on Border Security, Immigration Enforcement and immigration in general. Ive been talking and writing a lot about this issuewe have a historic crisis along our southern border and so i have been writing and talking and doing a lot of different media over theast 2. 5 to three years. Host President Biden was talking about the border on thursday in his state of the Union Address. Let me show viewers the topic. I will not demonize immigrants saying they are poisoning the blood of our country. Ll not separate families. I will not than people ban people because of their faith. Unlike my predecessor, on my first office secure the border. Provide a pathwaylause] i know who we are as americans. We are the only nation in the world with a heart and soul that draws from old and new. Home to native americans and ancestors who have been here for thousands of years. Ace on earth. They came freely some camechains. Some to flee persecution, to chase dreams that are possible anywhere. That is that is impossible anywhere but here in america. We are all americans. Host ha night. Your thoughts on that part of that speech on immigration Border Security . Guests what President Biden is doing and i dont think he is really doing a service to the American People. What he is confusing is Legal Immigration over the course of the history of our country and i dont think anyone would disagree that our country was made up of immigrants from all parts of the world, but they are it in a legal fashion and a process, versus the illegal activity we have seen over the last three years and people coming into t laws, coming in and not being vetted. And u. S. Officials not understanding who that is. Those Different Things and unfortunately, what President Biden did that clip that you showed is he conflated and combined the two. Its keep for folks to understand that when conservatives Start Talking about migrants we are migrants we have seen over the last three years flood across that some southern border. We are not talking about the legal migration Legal Immigration that happens every sigel day and every single year. The United States isuntry. We give more green cards than any country in the world. I think its important to keep those two issues separate. Host just so weerd you put the idea of a migrant coming across the border and surrendering to Border Patrol, asylum process in this country . Is that a form of Legal Immigration . Guest obviously, they have the ability to claim asylum. What we know is the vast majority of them, 85 to 87 will never qualify for asylum. There is a lot of abuse of the asylum system. When they do come across and claim asylum, what you should do is either detained them and hold them for the pendency of their asylum proceedings or keep them in their country as we did with r migrant protection protocols under the Trump Administration. What happens today is they get released into the country and do not have a Court Hearing for six years because the system is overwhelmed. The system needs reforming and we need to start enforcing a law along the southern border and you will claiming asylum will reduce. There is no incentive for that because they are released into the country right now. Host how much are you tracking the Lincoln Riley legislation . The lake andguest an illegal alien comes across the southern border or any border and commits another crime in the United States that immigrations Customs Enforcement can come and pick that individual that individual from the country. There are a lot of jurisdictions that dont allow that. What the legislation would do is say the jurisdiction must allow ability to come in and remove the individual from that community and replace them and place them iny dont, the state can soothe the federal government for not protecting or not allowing protection of their community. So when we talk about the there are two things at play. There is the abuse of the parole system and this piece of legislation focuses on the detainer. The sanctuary city aspect, how did you deal with that when you were in charge of Homeland Security . And how did that become what it is today . We have seen a number of jurisdictions. New york city, philadelphia, chicago, they are primarily, but not exclusively major metropolitan areas where you have local officials campaigning and running on and saying we will not work with the federal government if they want to come in and remove illegal aliens from our communities. Why they say that i dont know. We are not asking local Law Enforcement to become immigration agents. We are saying if you pick up an illegal alien that has committed a crime in your committee, whether it is shoplifting, dui murd a aggravated crimes call ice. Thats immigration Customs Enforcement. They are removal officers will come to yoururjail and remove them out of that community. They are trying to protect the community before they are released back into t committee. Why some jurisdictions dont want to do that, i think it is a political issue, frankly. They say they are welcoming everyone. From u. S. Citizens to illegal aliens. We have found sanctuary cities dont provide any sanctuaries community. They make the Community Less safe and that was my message during my time at dhs. If you use the laken rileyat new york city, if they had allowed ice to pickdividual up and remove them, perhaps that terrible incident would not of occurred. Host chad wolf is o Homeland Security secretary during the Trump Administration. The last half of the administration with us until 8 45one lines as usual, 202 7488000. That is for democrats. Republicans, 202 7488001 independents, 202 7488002. We were talking about the general election in our stsegment, if donald trump were to win in 2024, would this be a job you would want to return to, secretary of Homeland Security . Guest thats a good question. Im always happy to serve. There is a lotthere and a lot of good people who could do the job as well. I was proud to do it. Happy to continue to serve in any way that i can. Host alejandra mayorkas, do you think he has committed high crimes and in his time as Homeland Security secretary . Guest i do. I think the action the house to impeach the secretary is about accountability. Accountability is what has occurred over the last three years trade most americans look at the last three years and see the images and the numbers. They see the stats and say there has to be a better way and who is accountable here . Whether you talk about thes not enforced laws he has not enforced in the abuse of the laws he has enforced. And you talk about which he continues to ally to congress and the American People, talking about the Border Security operation and control of the border, almost like there is these decisions and these actions taken by the secretary have reallife consequences. People are dying because of it to a different level. Its about accountability. I think the American People want to see some accountability. What aspect of the parole system did you want to talk about . Guest the parole system bl. The way in which they are using it. They have paroled probably somewhere between 400,000 or more individuals into this country. To be on a casebycase basis. For urgent humanitarian reasons or the public good of the country. You have to ask yourself these 400,000 people which of these two categories do they apply to . In this case the alleged murder of laken riley was paroled into the country. Urgent humanitarian benefit or the public good . But i want them in the country which is not how our laws are supposed to work. Host is calling someone an illegal dehumanizing . Guest i dont think so. The title alien is eight of the u. S. Code. The Supreme Court has used this term numerous times. An alien is someone who is not a u. S. Citizen or a national of the United States that is here. If they cross illegally, if they come into the illegally they are an illegal alien. These are terms that have been used in Supreme Court decisions legislation and the like. To talk about these individuals as either undocumented or newcomers, which the white h use recently is the right term. Lets refer to them as we do in law. Because aliens in dhs terms confers a certain set of benefits to them. They are not an immigrant, they are an alien. It has a legal terminology. I think we should be factual about that. Its not a derogatory term. Its a term tsed for decades. Host your phone calls with chad wolf. Ed from danbury, connecticut, go ahead. Caller 250 years ago, ben franklin potential immigrants that the u. S. Was not a lover land and you had to work to survive. Today, i dont think thats the case. Est see our benefits system as a garden of eden. This could be the onset of a mass migra the state department runs the millennium project, which is to improve economies in poor countries throughout the world. Single active project in south or Central America. I would suggest that the priorities, to stem the immigration to try to develop the economies of poor countries especially in south and Central America. Host guest i think thats right. I think what the viewer is talking about is the majority of migrants come into the country at illegally are economic migrants. They are in search of a better life, better jobs and better prosperity and a better future. God bless all of them but is a legal way to do that. Illegally crossing the border is not the way to do that. That is first and foremost what we see. During the Trump Administration,we put in a regulation called a public charge regulation which means if you come to the country, you are able to support yourself or have a sponsor that so you dont become a drain on the american taxpayer and come across the border and suddenly are withdrawing a vast number Public Benefits that other americans are having to pay for. We wanted to make sure you are being self sustained in a sense. I agree with the viewer. You have to ma we continue to support countries whether it is in Central America or south americave done with foreign aid, making sure they have economic benefits and their untries are flourishing so that the young dont leave their countries. You dont want to drain from those countries and they all states come to the United States and they stay and those countries never have the benefit of smart individuals. You do have to do some work there. It used to be the vast majority of folks were coming from Central America. The administration talks about root causes of migration and they focus on Central America. The vast majority of people coming toesno longer from Central America unfortunately. The idea that you will provide foreign assistance and help for every country around the world is a tall order. To do all of the above. You have to start by securing the border and making sure that the illegal pathway for folks is not as prevalent as it is today. Host we will go to mary on the line for democrats from philadelphia, go ahead. Caller good morning mr. Wolf and cspan. We need a mo because, they are already siding the Immigration Judges where there is a backlog and they cannot get to the people who have applied legally for asylum. Have 3 million who have applied for it and that does not include the ones that got away. This is unsafe. I worked for the government under president reagan, where we made it illegal for anyone in this country to hire an illegal person based in this country. That was based on the ilLegal Immigration reform and control act of erican people, legal immigrants that are ready and hiring people to avoid paying taxes. We made sure that a moratorium was called and a to come out of the shadows to pay the back taxes with their landlord and employer. And if they fail to do so, we deported them and confiscated the landlord and the employer assets. Thats the law. At law is still in effect. So, id like to hear your comments on that. Host got your question, mary. Guest its a good point. The system is overwhelmed, either from the Immigration Judges, asylum officers and the like. There are many wasylum which establishes that backlog that the viewer was talking about. The idea is you have to make it you have to reform the system and put measures in place so that you dont have 3 million in any givencayear coming across the border, claiming asylum, which is going to increase and continue to increase the backlog. You will never have enough Immigration Judges to get ro which is why you have to put other elements in place to say its not ok to cross illegally and we are going to hold you the border illegally and filing a fraudulent asylum claim. We will get you through those asylum proceedings quickly and we are going to remove you to do a variety of other things, which is one of the reasons we instituted the remain in mexico program. The numbers drew that out. I think to the viewers second point law and making sure, thats where we talk about the everify where the department of Homeland Security runs, its not mandated, its voluntary at the moment, depending on which state youre in, some states make itli florida, i believe. It has you go through the system so you understand who you are hiring that if somebody gives or an id, you are able to run it to the system to determine if the individual is in fact legal to work here in the United States. I know there is a lot of legislation on the hill and a lot of use for folks trying to make that system mandatory nationally. But that i address the second part of the viewers question. Host was Ronald Reagan wrong in signing that 1986 bill intoranted amnesty for Illegal Immigrants who arrived before 1982 some 3 Million Immigrants were granted amnesty under that law . Caller im not going to go back to say whether he was right or wrong. M sure there was a lot of debate. There is a thing a lot of conservatives are critical about and its the amnesty part of that legislation and never ement and securing the southern border. The debate has always been in congress that, lets either provide amnesty. Which one do you do before the other . Historically, what weve seen is once you are providingmn a certain set of migrants the Border Security fees never really come. Thats why you hear people talk about hrtalk about securing the border first and we talk about securing the border from individuals who are here illegally and then reforming that process. You have to turn the spigot off so to speak first. You have to stop the flow in order to have any understanding or comprehension of whos here in the country and how do you deal with those folks. Host hr two wassed by the house in may of last year. If you want to look at whats in that bill, congress. Gov. This is kevin in san antonio independent, good morning. Caller id like to ask this chad wolf, are you a supporter of putin . The second thing is republicans have been in charge since i moved down here 20 years ago the republicans have been in charge of the state of texas government and have accomplished nothing on the border. Your own propaganda says the republicans dont want to fix the problem on the southern bordec too much money off of it. Now, im assuming when hes referring to making too much money off of it, its because campaign, Campaign Donations and everything else, the fear. They are saying all my got your point. Let me let chad wolf weigh in. Putin and the imm guest absolutely. I am very supportive of making sure that we address problems here at home and spen time, attention on our southern border before we do so in ukraine or elsewhere. Thats how i will answer the prudent question because i believe it is probably in the context of what we do ukraine versus russia. So, i have been very clear that congress should take up and secure our southern border before we secure the ukrainians border as it relates to russiapuits a debate that congress should have. On the issue of the state of texas not doing enough, i think Governor Abbott has done a tremendous amount because he has had to because the federal government has not enforced Immigration Law and Border Security along the southern border in the state of texas. Whether he is putting up buoys or having the nationalothers out there hes trying to secure his border with the laws that he has. There is no doubt he is taking some unprecedented action because we have never seen the government not actually enforce the law there. To the last point on whether conservatives want the issue to remain alive because they want to campaign on it, i think that they would not have passed hr to two. We would have a law in place that is starting to deal with the issues. The idea that they want it out there for a campaign idont think thats correct. There were a lot of folks in the senate who negotiated the bill that came about in november and december. It wnot because it was somehow a bipartisan bill. I think that is great. But if the bill is bad you should not pass the bill because it b hasthe bill would not have worked for the department of Homeland Security in my opinion and would have made the crisis worse. Host staying in texas south of odessa, its jerry, republican. Good morning. Caller good morning, mr. Everything you do very much. Anybody who thinks republicans dont want to secure the borderagain, hr two. Hr two. Those are republicans that taxed that pastsed that in the house. This legislation that was brought up, mainly by democrats chad, would you please explain why so many republicans rit was a terrible deal, unlike hr two. It codified illegal it. Republicans dont want to do anything, thats why they didnt want this last bill. Please e why the republicans, most of them didnt want this last bill, the one that allowed 5000 illegal , illegal entries a day. Host got your point. I think the caller is talking about the negotiated bill among Senate Negotiators that republicans did not support. Guest two points. And conservatives have been begging this administration for three years to solve this crisis. Weve done a lot of work laying out the authorities that president and sec. Mayorkas have today without any congressional action and executive orders, inherent powers that they have to solve this issue and we have laid it out in chapter and verse. We gave them plans on ho do it during the transition. Obviously, the passage of hr two last year. Republicans have been on the that we want this crisis to come to an end. But also have brought to light authorities that they have. They know they have them and they simply wont use them. Thats the first point. Onenne bill, it did not the end did not into the catch and release and that is the fundamental reason why you see more and more migrants come. Illegal aliens come into the u. S. And get released into the community and they call their family and friends and loved ones and say ive gotten in. It was worth fisk and the risk to myself to come here. You will see others come. The bill talked about noncustodial detention. What does that mean . That means nondetention. We will put an ankle bracelet on you and release you into the United States. Program does not work and has been proven not to be effective overall in removing individuals. The second thing about the bill which the viewer brought up is it almost normalizes a level of immigration that is unheard of. Yo a 4000 and 5000 person trigger before certain actions can be taken place. It normalizes that you will have 1. 4 million in a given year which is too high. That seems low given todays st but we have blown the standards out of the water and those numbers are not acceptable either. Its the only provision in that legislation that goes away after three years. All the other provisions arei question that because you dont know if youre going to have another crisis in four or five years. Whyou sunset that authority . The other thing two of the things i would say is the legislation did not do anything abuse of the parole system. And then there was a massive giveaway over 1 billion these ngos to process these individuals and throwing more money at this problem is not the answer. Host process the individuals . Guest there are too many of them. They will release them into the country. Once ice gives you a notice to appear and releases you out of their custody, you are no longer in federal government custody. They will house the migrant and dhs is providing a significant amount of money a they would have over a billion dollars as a grant to continue to do this. What youre doing is incentivizing these nongovernmental organizations. They have an invested benefit to keep this crisis going because money in the process. Host the lead republican in the negotiation of that bill, steve oklahoma. Anita is in tulsa, oklahoma, and independent. Caller good morning. Thank you for cspan. I have a question as to whether when the first europeans came to north america, did they follow the Indigenous Peoples morals when they took their land . Host whats the question . 2024. Guest i think it support and caller i would like for mr. Wolf to answer the question as to whether they followed the morals of the indigenous people. Why i raised important when we talk about people who are coming to the country now. After mr. Answers the question, i would ask this guest the word humanity gets thrown out a lot as it relates to whats going on today. When you look at republicans and democrats, everyone unlight of a lot of individuals coming to this country. I dont think thats at stake here. Everyone wants to be humane in the process. The question is do you want to come to this country in a legal way . We have over 7500 programs they can apply for and come to the United States or, do you accept and allow people to come across the border illegally . We aheworld that treats our southern border the way we do. No other country treats their borders that way. I think what you see ismany republicans and conservatives say thats not the way to do business. And to the question of whether it is humane or humane to continue to encourage folks to put their lives in the hands of traffickers and smugglers. That is th dcould do to get across that southern border paying them untold amounts of money, probably your lifes many cases, young girls getting raped and other things that are happening to them. That is an inhumane system and the more we support that, the more we put policies in place that promote that, i think that is being extremely inhumane. And unfortunates ive seen over the last three years. Host about five minute slept with chad wolf. Liz from new jersey, go ahead. Five minutes left with chad wolf, liz from new jersey, go ahead. Caller im calling about the immigration policy. A quick bio check, it looks like you were part of the Trump Administration as acting u. S. Secretary of homeland secretary and also where the undersecretary at some point. We are talking about less then a wealth of experience in either position because you were only there two years and a federal judge found that youappointment was done wrongfully, which made the position disappear. , to know personally that during this period where did you stand on the trump policy of separating minor children from their parents as they crossed the border . Host chad wolf,ke child separation yucca guest i was at the department of Homeland Security in the Trump Administration for all four years. I served in a different precisions. I spent four years in the Trump Administration, dealing a lot with Border Security and immigration. I think that gives me perspective to talk about whats going on along the southern border. Regarding zerotolerance, which occurred in 2018, i agreed with President Trump when he ended that policy. In may or june of 2018. The idea was that it was a zerotolerance policyral at the time. It said that as people came across the border, we were going to hold them accountable and enforce the law. What we know is that the execution of that zerotolerance policy was not good. Ended that. I supported that decision and have been on the record as supporting the decision in the zerotolerance policy as it rela of what the department of Homeland Security and specifically the Border Patrol are doing. Host to ed in new york, republican, go ahead. Caller good morning. Ive been bringing this up for the last few years. I found a wallet 2021. It belonged to a foreign person. He had tsame picture on it. One from iowa, one from new york and one from pennsylvania. Same picture, three different names. He had three different sets of food stamp card speed he had more stuff than any person in america could get. How can one person run around in three different states with three differenting the money. He is working because he had workpapers for new yorkhow do you do that . If one person is doing that, thats illegal. Are getting away with those different identities . There are many on the left to want people to believe the only individuals coming across that border are women and children that want a better life and there certainly are those but that is not the majority of folks and certainly not all of the folks. A lot of people who are coming here for fraudulent reasons. Some are Public Safety threats and some some may be wanted to see to deceive the American Government and get more benefits. Whether these individuals a lot of these folks come to the border and i hear the word on document it. They are not on document it. Undocumented undocumented. They come with papers. Information the country has given you about an individual. In many cases around the world a lot of countries dont keep very good records so it is very ha vet and check these individuals out and, when they come with multiple idsult. When they come with no ids which they do in many cases because they drop their id before they cross know, typically if they have committed a crime in another country that may pop up on the databases tt are Border Patrol officials h they dont want that to occur because they will get removed pretty quickly. There is a variety of different reasons. I think i with this. There are a lot of individuals coming across that southern border that should not be in the country for a variety of Public Safety and ns and that is why it is critically important we understand who they are and we give Border Patrol the time to interview them and question th and vet them properly. Host chad wolf is with the America First policy institute the executive director there. Homeland security. Chad wolf, if we went another 45 minutes, i would have calls for you throughout the whole time. I hopeguest thank you. Host we turn to o in the next 30 minutes. Any Public Policy issue or political issue you want to talk about, the phone lines are years to do so. Nuscreen. Start calling now and we will get your calls after the break. This week on the cspan networks, the house and senate are early in the week. The house will consider legislation to force bytedance to divest from tiktok or face a u. S. They will look at a resolution to denounce the Biden Administrations immigration policies before leaving wednesday afternoon for testi ngthey will testify tuesday before committee for the 2024 annual threat assessment. Also, robert her is scheduled to Judiciary Committee on his report on President Bidens handling on classified documents. The Senate Budget committee Shalonda Young on President Bidens 2020 five proposed budget. Watch this week live on the cspan networks or onpa our free mobile video app. Also, head over to cspan. Org for scheduling information or to watch live or on demand at any time. Cspan, your unfiltered view of government. If you missed any of cspans coverage, you can find it anytime online at cspan. Org. Videos of key hearings debates other events that fs. These points of interest markers appear on the righthanded side of the screen. Makes it easy to get an idea of what was debated and decided in washington. Scroll through and spend a few minutes on cspans points of interest. Cspanshop. Org is cspans online store. Apparel, books, home decor and accessories. There shop now or anytime at cspanshop. Org. Washington journal continues. Host time for our open forum ad any plic policy or political issue you want to talk about, now is your time to lead the discussion. The phone lines for democrats republicans and independents as usual. The partial Government Shutdown we were talking about last week, lethe bill that was passed in the house and senate, that partial shutdown was not officially avoided until yesterday when President Biden signed the 416 billion spending bill into law, funding half the government through september 30, the end of this fiscal year. Those agencies include the department of agriculture, justice and transportation. Housing, urban develop and and veteran affairs among them. The rest of the government including the security. Facing the prospect of running out of money by march 22. The president can agree on a plan for those agencies. Thats the other part of this partial Government Shutdown. Major spending bills we need to be passed or packaged together or else there other Government Shutdown deadline later this month. Caller an interesting convmo i wanted to point out what President Biden spoke about during his state of the Union Address. 8 were workers. I did a Little Research into that and found out what that meant. It was likely a union. What i would like to voice is to what extent ar we using actual human beings . Can you integrate robotics into this . And equally important coming through the other borders in california for ethink it was somewhere near san diego where you had a lot of chinese folks. The commentary about National Security i think is important enforce Border Security on the west side. Thanks, bye. Host it is union that is 800 20,000 strong. Ibew was the name. Alan is a republican, go ahead. Caller rning. I wanted to comment about what mr. Wolf was talking about with hr two. Thats not a bipartisan bill at all. There was so much emphasis in that bill for the border wall and its been proven that the border wall doesnt necessarily keep people out. There was a photo essay, i believe it was in Texas Monthly magazine last year where they showed pictures of ladders left on the american side of the wall because people buy for six dollars, they could buy enough hardware to build a ladder to go over the wall. There are ladders a on the texas side of the wall. The wall is not impenetrable and its not necessarily the right answer. Host anything else you want to add . Caller i think that when it comes to making some decisions there was a bipartisan bill from the senate that was not even taken up by the house and thats a problem with the maga republican not coming on board to address the real problems in america. Host alan breaking up the house clerks website of hr two. The bipartisan bill passehr two, the border bill with 219 213. 219 republicans voting for the bill and two republicans voting no on that bill. Zero democrats voting for that bill and 211 democrats voting nay on that legislation. Ndependent good morning. Caller i was wondering if you guys have done any polls like we see on whats percentage what percentage of Independence Support joe biden. Host we are not a Polling Company but what do you think . Caller i dont support either party. Host on the independent line and you do not . Caller you know, it just seems like every caller you give in is a biden supporter, 5 1. Host we have people call in on resent them and we trust our viewers to do that and when they do that, it helps the conversation flow a lot better here. Anything else you want to add . I guess i just dont see those numbers in real life. Host ok. John in st. Louis, missouri democrat. Good morning. Caller good morning. I believe that the Republican Party is goingry single election and our children are going to learn about them in school. The twoyearold senator shes 22. Host shes not 22. I will get her age for you in a second. Caller however old she is, youve hea commercials. Host she was born in february of 1982. That would make her 42. Ok. Youve heard her on commercials. Puppy dogs in guatemala are being abused. Donate five dollars. Youve heard that before. Host mark in michigan, republican. Though ahead. Caller i have a question for is why is everybody covering up for obama . Lets go through mr. Obamas eight years. Black, gay men, covered up by fake news, bombings. Now, he is running, this is obamas third term. Obama has joe biden look like an idiot and is destroying our country. Now, obama made lying legal. You people are pure cowards by not mentioning obama made lying hr 243, he signed a 2013 hr 243. It made lying legal. Why are all of you communist fake news not mentioning that thats mark in michigan. This is irene in littleton colorado. Good morning. Caller i want to say i am voting for biden. Im an independent who believes in logic. He is bringing our country south. Not north. And i dont get why we even allow him to run. He has all these charges against him. Host what does it mean to bringthe country south and not north . Caller caller the south is caller the south is going down and the north isim struggling financially myself. Its all because of trump. I blame it on him. When i see the democrats running our country it seemrth and not south. Host alvin, democrat, good morning. Caller how are you doing today . Host good. Caller they were talking about president i think he did ok. I think the country is so separated, everybodyulhe real cause of whats going on with the nation. I think the best thing that we should do, we should try to get along. And we should try to help each other instead of tear each other down. Why do you think the country is tearing each other down more than helping each other . Caller ething happens to one person, we start looking at the color features of everything and we keep blaming each other. I think we should just try and help each other instead of tearing each other up. Host thats alvin in floater. Thisw hampshire, republican. Good morning. Caller thanks for taking my call. I think one of the tngs th me is the fact that we have military all over the world and President Biden our soldiers in afghanistan. That is a fact. People wonder why there is so much rage. When President Trump meets with the laken riley family and President Biden is apologizing an illegal, its infuriating. Term. Lets get us back to some normalcy. We had respect in the world, whether people like it or not. We had a fair amount of normalcy. There is always going to be problems. Host what did you think of the moment in the state of the union when joe biden held up the laken riley pen . Caller that was a reaction. He knew he wy unless somebody brought that up, he was not going to bring that up. This is a terrible, terrible tragedy and allowing i want folks to be able to come in through ilLegal Immigration, no question about it. We need folks to be part ofwo experiment. But, to open the border and allow anybody in is just wrong. We cant afford it. Its dereliction of for generations to come. We have 5 trillion of debt. Its unsustainable. Its got to stop. Thank you. Host eric in the granite state. This is lily. Caller good morning. On the why people dont talk about trump saying elected, the border is open. They took his word for it. I think he is responsible for people coming infor Illegal Immigrants that came in during the Biden Administration . Caller yes. When he was running, he said if biden gets elected the border is open. They evidently took him at his word and staed flocking here. That is what i think. That is my opinion. Host this is stephen in the hoosier state, democrat. Good morning. Caller your guest you had on mr. , no more than another disingenuous republican. Let me tell you something. When trump was president , he attempted to close that border down Via Executive order. The Supreme Court said no. Then we got that bad disease that came through here and trump was president at the time. They shut the border down. Trump was pre so trump shut the border down. He did not. The cdc shut to border doyou have all these republicans calling in, making a statement come up trump shut the border down. You something people. Our president does not have the right to shut the border down in the only one who can shut the border down his congress by writing new laws. So please quit it. Get smart. Learn something. Guest in indiana, republican. Caller what that fellow just said, i kind of agree with him. I wish i could have gotten on with the prior guest. I have wanted to ask him since 1986, what has happened to all these people that have come across since reagan give amnesty to them at that time . Are all those that are s this country what are they doing . Are they citizens . Are they voting . Did we make them citizens . Like the ones that have come in during the last administration i do not think we are ever going to get them out of here. Then a different subject is if am running against you in an election and i still your money and buy votes with your money against me against you, how will you ever win an election if i still votes against you . Ihat President Trump is going to pay off everyones credit cards. It is just a little bit more to theinflation. So we are going to pay off everybodys credit cards so vote for trump. Host was going to pay off everyones credit cards . Caller from some of my friends. Host one thing i want to follow on, we were talking about Illegal Immigrants and voting. I would point you toington post, the fact checker. He does fact checks on them. ucase of cases of noncitizen voting in this country. Here is two paragraphs on that fact check. The conservative Heritage Foundation maintains a database dating says includes a sampling of Election Fraud cases brought by prosecutors. In that period, about 2 billion elections and court according to a calculation. A recent search of that database d 85 cases involving allegations of noncitizen voting from 2002 to 2023. Enses took place in north carolina, where authorities have been aggressive in targeting noncitizen voting. Georgia announced it had completed a citizenship review of voter rolls and discovered 1634 people over 25 years had attempted to register to vote even though they were not u. S. Citizens but none had been permitted to register to vote and had not cast balif you want to read more of fact check the issue of noncitizen voting he takes it up today. This is laverne in texas independent. Good morning. Caller i am dismayed. Before the Homeland Security guy was on, you had open forum. Host we did a question on supporting donald trump or joe biden, the rematch of 2024. Caller the last caller you took, did call in from indiana host . I do not know if he was from ina. Er he did say he only had a ninth grade education. That spoke volumes. When he saidident of the United States, joe biden who lost his wife and daughter in the accident in which beau and his brother survive cut took showers with his 12yearold daughter how is that how can anybody believe that . That is when you have these low information voters calling in with misinformation. That is terrible. I am so glad and you let him get away with that, but at isthe other thing i have to say is im glad the president did come out firing when he gave his state of the Union Address, pointing out things, and the fact that you have this Marjorie Taylor greene idio into the congressional hall with a hat on. That is against the rules of ethics and a quorum, andouour country is on the right path. People call in and say that when trump was in office they were doing so good. Did they forget we had a covid epidemic that killed millions of our people . Businesses were shut down. People were not working. t understand why they have such short memories, but your guy from indiana, low information voter. Guest host do think the scene of a president going back and forth with an audiencenk that is going to be a staple of state of the unions from now on . That sort of atmosphere . Caller i trust not. The point of the state of the union is to let the country know what is going on, how we are going to work with each other to fix it, not shouting and acting foolish. I want to say congratulations to that one senator from for saying that president had said about the bill that was passed in the congress failed to enact it was the truth. Thank you for your time. Host James Lankford of oklahoma was the key negotiator on that bill. That is laverne in tex cindy in the state of new jersey. Good morning. Caller you need to vet these people a little more when they call in. First, trump came in years when obama had put everything in place, he turned everything around. The second thing is i thought that host you have to turn down your television and keep talking through your phone. Caller when trump office, i thought the wall was went to be built and mexico was good to pay for it. What happened . Also, the familye christian republicans who feel this is right w trump went to do . I hope he is never elected president. When he becomes president , is he going to just have vengeance for everybody that talked about him . Republicans cannot wake up. Women cannot wake up. Bs up. Women, wake up. Host this is roberto in california, republican. Caller i find it amazing that the lady from new jersey is having a say about people andow senators in trouble again for being crooked. I do think we could do better than we are on thei live on the border. When people call in, they need to have a little knowledge about living the life they are talking about. I am having to help my grandchildren pay their rent. I do not take i should have to do that. The husband works every day. He does not send sit home on his rear end on welfare like e call in and say poor people that is hate speech. When somebody talked because they are poor it is hate speech. You should not allow that to be happening in should and you should not allow people to be talking about each other with any kind of hate. I am telling you cspan is lowering its standards totally. Host think people speak to each other with hate a lot more these days than they did in the past . They talk about people they are stupid because they are poor. You had callers saying that. Why would you allow somebody to say that . Host im trying to get your sense of where we are as a society and how we speak to each other, was why i asked. I was trying to get your sense of where we are as a soccaller you have influence right there in your lap. You absolutely do. When you allow people to speak about poor people would you let people talk about black people that way . You have a responsibility and you are not fulfilling it right there in your own share. When you my Cable Company pays for you and i pay a lot of money for my cable all the time. Why would you allow people to talk about poor people like that . I have never been poor. I have never been a liar. I have always taking care of anybody. I sit here in World War Two housing. I understand what is important and what is not. I wish people would not say poor people are this were rich people are that. If we have money, we should be helping somebody that does n all the people that represent me are democrats and they are rich. You think he knows what it is to be poor . So we do not see people that care. We see people that hate. Why am i wrong . I would like you to tell me. Host im not here to tell you that you are wrong. You said you know what is impoant and wh is not. What is important right now . What are couple things that are important right now . Caller one influence right there. You should never be allowing people to say anything about poor people, like they are poor what does that mean . They are not americans . That is my point with you. Host i understand your point. What is important . Caller you are allowing people to come on that have nothing to say. I mean some of your guests recently. I am shocked to see some of the we should demand Something Better than that for the public. Host who haveik anyone . Caller help people by learning. Instead of h say they are poor so they do not know what they are voting for or they are poor because of this and that, let mwhen i have to pay my grandchildrens rent and im sitting in world war ii housing because if i move out of my housing they are going to rent this thing for 2000 i live in california. I live in san diego. I became the second largest city overnight. They walked right across the border. That is how it happened. So we have democrats running the house and locally here, city council, alldemocrats. They come in and act like republicans are the enemy public enemy number one here and s at each other and they do not know what to do. Then we have this terrible flood here recently. I am sure you heard about it. All these people were sitting here. They are all now going to have mental issues and problems and own city council did not take care of business. Our own city council allowed that flood. Host we are running short on time and want to get other folks in. This is jennifer in ohio, independent. Thanks for waiting. Caller i hope you will give me a minute. As far as the lady previous calling aboujoe daughter taking showers with her dad, she wrote that in a booas not made up. I wanted to talkchange. It was just a money pit because hours are our will not give any information on his staff or the wages in his staff. Host anything else . Caller i would like to see him get a little stronger and harder are transferring all this Illegal Drugs and fentanyl and stuff. I think if they would just stop right t in the vehicles they have carrying that got burned the vehicles. That was stop some of theenagers and mothers and different people from carrying all this stuff around. I think illegals are just a replacement theory. It is not just a theory appearance that is what they are trying to do cannot replace. Trying to do, replace. Host john is in west virginia. Caller i thi do a good job. Dont let nobody get you down. Caller i was thinking about the trillions added to our deficit and all that, just burgeoning regular americans. You have Border Security. They do not want to pass legislation. The economy is doing great. Election fraud has been done by who . Nothing democrats. That is a false natime. Agents from china and russia. What else do we have herhost im out of time, but we will have open forum again down the road. That will do it for we will be joined by the center for american progresstalukder to discuss the alabama Supreme Court idf ivf decision. We will be right back. Once a beloved actor and filmmaker, Charlie Chaplin became a target of rightwing fbi after World War Two. Fallout with the u. S. Government during the red scare because of his libe i would not say an obsession. Lets say he had an Charlie Chaplin. Basically, the entire Security Apparatus of the uniteca had at one time or another gone into the Charlie Chaplin business. Hes house was surveilled. His ployhis taxes were gone over with a fine tooth comb, looking for anyt. And they did not find anything. Charlie at 8 00 p. M. Eastern on cspan q a. You can listen to q a and our podcasts on our free cspan now app. The year is 1942. The month is november. The subject of his book is an intimate history of the turning point mr. England features close to 40 people from around the world and what they were doing during that month and in the note to the reader, he writes, this is a book about november 1942. At the start of that month, many people believed the axis powers would be victorious. Th s q0gr

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