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Average in Silicon Valley. Sharing house committees facing the challenges and introducing us to a new friend please welcome bastian. [applause] hello. Hello. Welcome. Thank you. The Business Model is Pretty Simple. There are a few other Delivery Companies out there that have gotten pretty big as well but you guys focused on innovating in certain areas and can you explain a little about how your approach innovation . Good morning, first of all. Thank you for having me. Excited to be here. Look, we simply like to compete not dollar for dollar but with innovation as you mentioned and i think, in many cases, the smarter way to compete. Money is one angle and its an important one but if you are not the most wellcapitalized player in any space that are operating and you have to find alternatives to compete. That is what we do as a company at post mates. One of the innovations that we have, i think, we brought it for today. We believe that there is a piece of the network that we are building can be served and ours is called [inaudible] and we brought a tear and it would be a cooking show will tell you how we prepare a little bit but this is served and maybe we can show it and it drives itself. Hopefully, not off the stage. It understands that there is an object here emma for example but it was around that we call it socially aware and navigates on the sidewalk so needs to do things that relate that on the streets but its all built inhouse and the team is now 60 people im sorry, im so distracted. [laughter] so, am i paid. This is the second time she is on the statement all our robots are female. We can move over and have a look. It should be aware of me right now . It works. Magic. This is for you back there is more in their . You, it may be been in there since yesterday. That will be awkward. This is it. Its our little, you know, its our little ipod. Lets sit down and while i eat dale old dayold yogurt ill ask you questions. Why bring it inhouse . There are a few companies doing this already. The most beautiful thing is because it operates on the sidewalk, we dont have to wait until it has achieved and until we have the position we can use it semiautonomous, so we have an operator that can look at it and intervene with it and in situations they cant figure out quite itself what to do. There are operators sitting in a room. To help the veterans find jobs after they are back from serving this country i think that is a beautiful part of it, but obviously selfishly it helps us to deploy and we are testing it right now. We might get to more questions later, but lets get serious for a minute. Are you going public . The official line i would love to take them public in the millennial custom approved our plan is to take it public. The rumor reports that you are in talks with other players and Companies Like google are for example, where do those come from a does quite a bit of overlap with Customers Using multiple brands and space. In some cases and locations at least maybe not in la but it is their lack of loyalty does that kind of naturally lead to other factors to more consolidation in the space . There is a lot of overlap between many of them but if you look at the data you will see the least overlap is with the other apps and that is i believe because we put a lot of effort into the brand and what the Company Stands for we have a lot of exclusive merchants and we have a Customer Base that we like and that is very unique. What is the reason for the popularity in la you seem to have statistically . And i think that is what helps im afraid to say that it wasnt me but made it cool but it really has an iconic status if you want to have something delivered regardless of the service that you use. I want to go to you for questions. How many of you are familiar with 85 a bill that is coming up. This would be classified as employees. How many contractors do you have currently . Around 400,000. What did that do for your Business Model area to to those that do deliveries on this front, you have. 90 of those that we have on the platform, they were on the platform less than five hours a week to. It is four, five, 600 a month, and its funny that its the number because it is the same number that most americans cant spare when it comes to medical expenses, so we believe that when it comes to income its an important gap they work with labor unions and the governors office. We have the fleet Advisory Board to do the right things for the fleet and i think weve put forward a proposal that makes it very clear that we care deeply about the workers on the platform. We are going to benefit from and have more workers voices on the platform. Questions from the audience if you have a question in the back. If you have a question please raise your hand at any point. This is very innovative and i know other companies also. What other way is again it seems a Pretty Simple Value Proposition here. What other ways are you looking at not only offering more to your customers, but also optimizing the way that you operate . They will give you a few examples when the company was 2yearsold, we unveiled the delivery service, the first in this space and what that does is it basically allows us to act more like fedex. You can have access and do things that were previously not possible so that means you can deliver new goods extremely fa fast. Year over year on the api side and we were the first to innovate with a Subscription Service and we hope we have some subscribers here over a third come from subscribers so you pay among the annual fee and get these in return. It has done a lot more already. Theres a lot going on you just cant see it. It allows you to have free delivery because we are mentioning a place where someone else placed an order with your locations or when you open up the app you see the great places you can tab onto. From your end is hoping to increase efficiency. We do this very selfishly and they have a great benefit that allows us to be more efficient. We have a question back here. I am curious what kind of interactions you see if it is moving down the sidewalk and people randomly come upon it how do they react. It is a great question. We have 18 that is focused on just the interactions part. You have a few interaction elements and in elimination around the range and a full display. People are really curious and want to interact to the extent we have a more sophisticated program as part of the launch that allows them to give back. We are thinking and i give you an example there is a delivery room in a hotel i dont know which hotel it is that the delivery robot delivers food and room service and the one thing it cant do is press the button to move the elevator so people will ask you to press the button for the robot and it is a great interaction because it actually shows how we can complement each other. We started testing this what if nobody is in the elevator . We started testing it in a community for elderly people, and we wanted to do that in a gated community because we thought if we could figure out a way that is nonthreatening not just those with technology around them, but a group of our society that is less used to it we will achieve great learnings. And its fascinating to see the interactions. We wanted to make it easy to use and to access as possible. Thank you for being here. Two quick questions. Does she collect data because she has fierce cameras there so im wondering how you purchase privacy and what she sees you forgive me if you already said this, do they operate outside of the United States and if not, if so, where do you want to . We do in mexico. In mexico city it is a great market for us. We may spend a further for the median future. The data they collect will do Everything Else, just to sell it to the highest bidder. We think its a unique data aspects because facial recognition, no one will be sa safe. You did make a joke backstage about how at some point it could shoot lasers. Most of the questions are around the robot and its interesting, i wondered if you could talk a little bit about also its not like the actual space inside how efficient is it and cost efficient in terms of humans at some point . I think its important to understand when it comes to innovation whatever you see in any moment in time is not how it needs to be forever. First it had a slow modem but it looked great and captivated people and they have a handle on it so your body could carry it around. Its where we communicate so this is the first version of it. It does only need to work for a few number of deliveries on the platform has to make sense to operate. It doesnt have to be 100 . As a matter of fact we dont think it should but it can do short of deliveries that are more time sensitive and deliver prescriptions from walgreens. So there are cases where we believe what we have today is very sufficient and to be honest most dont take up more space than what is inside of it. So, the question about independent contractors versus employees come at some point i know this is a question with others but at some point is it irrelevant because this is what does the delivery, does it ever gets to that point . I think that it is the same answer as with innovation. It will make things possible but have not been possible before and its impossible to see the other side. Imagine that we have a few thousand of these and they are here to help us fulfill the dream of having an infrastructure that can deliver the goods at zero cost or close to zero cost and it allows the local businesses to distribute that for an extremely lowcost and i believe that it is that is important and helps local economies fly and hundreds of thousands of retailers in the United States compete because they would have a better and faster infrastructure van amazon has. A totally separate question that you talked about how you grew up coming to Silicon Valley. Has it become possible to scale in the San Francisco or the other areas . To be a founder, entrepreneur that was enjoyable because it is very leftfield and unimportant tleft field and unimportantto to give you a debt of time to figure things out. Whatever you do if it has a small chance of success it will get copied and attacked from all sides immediately. Maybe it means the idea we need to think about has to be more fundamental than just how we can get your pizza in 25 minutes. We will look forward to seeing what unfolds in the next few months. [applause] before we move on, i wan wand to say thanks to the premier partners. Intel, oracle and capital markets. I also want to thank our partn partner, New York Stock Exchange last september our guest was appointed as executive assistant director of the criminal Cyber Response services branch. The first highest ranking official at the fbi and top ranking woman on the agenda. She works to protect critical goods, Digital Infrastructure most of th it controlled and ruy private companies. Please welcome amy and andrew nasca. [applause] good morning, everyone. [applause] i think we all had a little too much fun tonight. I am so happy that you are here with us. Economic problems, weapons and terrorism. Should we be afraid to ask. I dont see those things as mutually exclusive and what i mean by that is all those threats that we have seen over time, terrorism, espionage on intellectual property theft, crime now takes on a whole new path in the Cyber Capabilities and the exponential increase in technology that we have seen to enable those things to be a lot scarier. Before i ask about the specifics tell me about your role and what it encompasses. For the fbi, we break ourselves down into separate divisions but one of them that i oversee specifically is focused on the criminal investigations come everything from public corruption, fraud, Violent Crime as well as financial crime. Those are the folks that are looking at the intrusion, without their as well as skimming and business compromise and how it manifests itself and im also responsible for the global predations across the planet. That you have plenty of free time is what you are telling us. One thing this does is in china and weve heard about it in yesterdays town hall people are very concerned about it in terms of Global Competitiveness in the United States. China is clearly their goal is to become the worlds superpower and to do that they are willing to steal information, clearly, steal intellectual property, also to steal military secrets, academic secrets and in the process of doing all those things, they also are investing in part of the supplychain and all those create for us a risk that we see into the positions for them to achieve their goal. What role do you play in pushing back against . They coordinate with a whole bunch of other agencies and that would include the department of Homeland Security and looking at how we defend our networks but also we work with the department of defense on how we may see what is happening outside of the United States and how we might be able to take these actions, but the main goal is accountability, trying to figure out who is responsible for this and how we pulled them accountable so that whether its through indictments were criminal charges or sanction the rule to make that happen. Its different and they are still interested in stealing our government and military secrets but what you have seen publicly of course over the past several years is what we call this maligned foreign influence being able to use and take advantage of our social media, and i hope it makes people question what they are seeing, but they are hearing, what they are reading these real because we have seen instance after instance where they are using those platforms to try to divide us. Lets talk about a specific incident that happened. Several individuals work for the director back a while ago with intrusions basically stealing information. What we did at that time in the runup to the president ial election in 2016 as we realized we forgot to bring al got to bre resources that we have in the fbi together to identify that type of activity and when that is happening. Other agencies need to do the same thing. So, what we did is formed a task force is comprised of what i was talking about earlier if they were division, counterintelligence division, even the Counterterrorism Division and looking at the problem, so we never stopped after those charges to identify whercouldidentify where we see t activity happening. We did that into the midterm elections in 2018 and we are continuing to look for that type of activity into the 2020 campaign and the election. What we see and we saw scanning activity, and we saw attempts to try to infiltrate these networks that were being used we never saw at least we have no evidence and indication. Theres a host of folks involved in the voter process. How do you feel about that because transparency is an asset and a risk in this line of work when they have activity that looks off and they know is maybe not something that maybe is we are encouraging them to contact us and then the problem is first off we recognize the competitive advantage that the companies have or dont have the problem is we dont do that and potentially not only enabling us to help, but you are also potentially not being able to share that information with other people wer or even to pret the next one from happening. I will say in certain instances when a victim accompanied us contact us, we take that very seriously. We have no obligation if you will to tell the world. I want to understand what we have and what we see. Then lets talk about that and brinbring us in so we can look t together and see if theres actually something to it. I will come back to that in a minute. I want to ask you about the current administration. Trump pushed through the National Cyber strategy, he signed a bill and trained local Law Enforcement in kind of Cyber Security tacticcybersecurity tae broadway to put it. Do you think we are doing enough from the standpoint that could be the executive branch and legislative branch. They function as a government and a society. Then we have people that understand it and really cant get into the zeros and ones, but we also need people who understand policy. We need people who understand how to conduct an investigation. We need those people to bring them together so they can complement each other, and i think that is where we tend to fall short of those can work in symphony. We need collaboration and more people that sounds like you do d we need more money, more laws . I always like to Say Technology is expensive, and so in the people who understand the technology, we are earning support the extreme demands across the board. The government will never be able to compete with the private sector when it comes to salary. We will never do the things you get to giving the government. I would like to see an ability to move back and forth between private sector and government more easily, and i think that that would further develop all of our understanding and capabilities across the board. Lets bring this down but should we be afraid of . First the number one thing we continue to see in the fbi the lowest common denominator where the attacks come from. What we typically see is we dont get the patches because of his inconvenient and we put it off but the perpetual clicking of things you dont know where they lead to its amazing we have the Internet Crime complaint center. Since its existence its taken n about 350,000 complaints and the vast majority of those are the nonpayment, nondelivery but also extortion and four the data breaches when we peel back the way inevitably much of the time it comes down to a person i trusted or from someone i thought was a legitimate sender and that is what led us to today. What share of your work would you say you are concerned about nationstates and highlevel stuff we are obviously concerned about those because there are sophisticated people out there, sophisticated governance. You talk about china and russia and we have charged them actual agents of their government was doing things. This is the chinese hacker incident from last year. Thats right, and the service providers. You also saw v. Antidoping case and the same thing with iran and north korea we need to be concerned about nationstates because the capabilities and then of course on the other end of the spectrum, the criminals, the people that are just doing it to line their profits are getting pretty good at this. It gets through to the criminal ecosystem and is pretty phenomenal. Basically recovering we call it the recovery asset and just in the course of a year and a three or four month us they are able to recover 380 million that represents about 78 of what was called in. But you think about that and these are individuals that is probably peoples life savings. Bake on you out of your money and also how to deliver the malware. Its a whole ecosystem. One person does malware and one person does it with a Delivery System and another with the posting and they all worked together in concert to be able to attack you and take what belongs to you. Im going to sleep so well tonight. We have got one right up here what is your greatest fear looking ahead to the next ten years even though it is a low percentage probable income is there a possibility that it could cause a red flag, what is your greatest view divvied cozier . With respect to the Critical Infrastructure, so the Critical Infrastructure i mean you dont have to go too many steps to think about the consequences of somebody taking out a small portion. The second thing i say that you eat luda two is the technology went through some Amazing Things on the vehicle. The broad brush to get something to market means that sometimes the security is an afterthought. And that is concerning because now we are trying to patch things that are already out there and potentially vulnerable, and they usually are. We have read a lot in the headlines. You as a leader and thinking about diving to the organization, how do you stay independent . Our director has talked about this a lot. The fbi is job is to collect the facts to debate independently and a politically delivered likr gullikson at the end of the day we present the facts for the leaders in my organization it is important to keep the focus on a mission. The mission. We get criticism across the board. We have for 110 years but its important that we focus on what we are doing and that we are doing it in the right way. Michael miller, pc magazine. Theres been a lot of controversy on whether people should pay the ransom or not. What is your best recommendation . That is a probable business coming and what we have seen is a transition over time in the way that the ransom ware is deployed. Rather than going after the obvious targets of the companies that have the big money and can probably pay out now you see the transition to focus on smaller companies, smaller businesses, the ones that potentially dont have good security and that potentially are more susceptible to compromise. That is concerning because they will ask for a lower dollar amount but in the end, getting more bang for the buck. To get the system in place and updated so that you wont fall prey to this and if you do, you probably will at some point that you have a place to go. If you do pay the ransom you are going to get your data back we have seen a lot of that recently, and one of the things you can continue to focus on the partnership with the state and local governments in the private sector and contractors that are out there that are providing those services, it is trying to think ahead. The best message i can send out there is think of yourself that way. So whether its a municipality, Small Business or whatever. You pay the ransom and now somebody else gets it. It costs a lot of money for folks to reconstruct the data. People call it the hatchback bill. What do you think of that piece of legislation . Taking the offensive actions, i think that that could lead to some very dangerous places and for our government. We are thinking through what are the consequences of the governmental sense of action. And you think about the Collateral Damage that it could incur and the consequences of the potential for the retaliation. There is a lot of thing that needs to be factored in before somebody starts to take off into the actions because what you might think is a simple, it has a lot of secondary consequences that you may not even be aware of and could potentially be exponentially more damaging to not only you as a company but also others into the Critical Infrastructure as well. Yesterday we spent a great deal of time on the town hall talking about how we regulate Technology Companies and theres a lot of back and forth between what we do about it and does the fbi of too much power, not enough, how do you see that . Theres been a great deal of criticism about that. I believe basically in the way that we do business in our system of government set up in such a way that i think the check and balance is important as it keeps us in check because it is the ability to progress as a nation that depends on how well our legislation keeps up with the changes in our society and changes in technology. The fbi is seriously if not the only agency that is out there in this business. In academia and state and local government its hugely important because each one of those brings a different perspective and it is critically important for the way to ensure not one particular Government Entity or any entity has too much power. A round of applause. Thank you so much for being with us. Thank you. There are vehicles across europe as on and is one of the t manufacturers they still have to work hard to stay ahead to share what the future holds. Please, welcome the ceo and fortune. [applause] welcome back to the page. When you hear that some companies lost out on the mobile resolution and now they are struggling, this is who they lost out to. Start by demystifying a little bit. We often describe it as a chip maker. Tell us about the two main businesses. We probably dont think of ourselves as a manufacturer. Its really less about that and its more about we have a vision where wireless can take us and we tended to invent the fundamental technologies that predates that. What is it that we need to do as an industry to create an industry that can use cellular that can be shared through the cellular spanish bodies we are active in and have been for a long time and then provide chips at a higher level of integration including a lot of software that make it be for people to use. Everybody knows the product business that has grown over the years, so that is sort of what we do with what we are doing is figuring out which technologies need to be invented and delivered a scale so that industries can take advantage of cellular and its probably more exciting and in fact more now than the last 30 years. In addition to selling the chips, you invent things that are the core of other devices and then receive royalty fees, very lucrative on those inventions. Thats been sort of an area of controversy shall we say. Its not going to go on and on. Everybody kind of laughs, what happened in april how did you come to it . Quite frankly, what happens i think is the disputes about the price of ip. Sometimes those disputes are public and sometimes they tend to use global characterization but these are very sophisticated companies. Ultimately, what ten to happen is these things get resolved and then normal working relation ship between the market parties is whats left over and thats what we have here if you look at the engagement between us and apple and others, almost always after a licensing dispute, it settles down and the focus is how we get products out together one way or another. This is not our first rodeo he here. But the key thing is to keep your mind, we always keep our eye on one of the big things. The technology is coming and if you have Great Technology you can figure out a commercial dispute. And it has to do not so much what are you selling a product with them or not something a product with them. It has to do with your relevance in the industry and who should you be working with together. That creates the environment so when all the external stimulants in the company, the company was very focused on pulling in five g. So if you look at what the people are really doing, that is what they are working with so we emerge with the dispute and all of a sudden you see that they have got very strong position so it wasnt a distraction for what the business of the company was. Its a distraction to about ten of us and a distraction to me, but the people that were really focused on technology, they were focused because they love it and they understand how unique it is. We had a great team and they demonstrate that experience. The stock is up 33 since the middle of april and that is pretty impressive. Another one of these legal externalities that they are calling it the federal trade Commission Said you are anticompetitive in your licensing practices. And that battle is ongoing so somewhat over the last month, whats going on there was recent news on, just yesterday. Thats right. We obviously disagreed with the judges ruling and we are going through the process of the stay and appeal and theres a lot of back and forth why we are right in the terms of the process we think we would prevail. These disputes take a long time. And again, the important component of that is really we will get through this and the company will prevail but its important that we get through this problem. That is putting together this mornings briefing for the newsletter i hope everyone is subscribing to. I did read some of the briefings and one of the reasons for why you shouldnt be prosecuted b wy is qualcomm important for the National Security . It really has to do with the relevance of the cellular technology. It is essentially acting to recognize the leadership position and also then the importance in this case they made it a particular reference to the security of some Defense Systems house while with the infrastructure and the importance of bein it being secs it goes forward, but you could have had a number of industries that said the same thing. They are really just saying my strategy for connecting thing is intersecting with five g. And we need to make sure the leaders that produce those technologies can continue to be successful and that is really what its out. It haabout. It has to do less with us in particular and more with the leadership position and how important it is to downstream industries. Can we do a show of hands, any people in the tri 85 g. Phone . Just a couple over here. But not too many. Okay so i tried the phone, and i downloaded a recent witherspoon phone and ten seconds, very impressive but im not sure that is enough to make me want to sign up for five g. Service to tell us a little bit about what is the Technology Going to bring besides just speed coming and if they will be important. It really has i think to comprise two components. It is basically two things. The ability to keep up with the demand for wireless video. The peoples wireless video demand continued dramatically. Shes doing and apple showed so we will have more even beyond her, although shes wonderful one of my colleagues suggested we might want to download 600 episodes of the simpsons. Thats an example, theres a tremendous amount of demand and it will continue for a long time so with five g. Does is allow the operator to get access at about one 30th of the cost and it allows us to have access to new bands that have tremendous ability to provide services to the consumer and in some cases even compete with wireline operators like cable. So thats the kind of classic issue that has less to do with the dramatic impact to the consumer also the data speeds when people see if they love it its tremendous. But its incredibly beneficial for the operators to launch so much that id think if you dont have a good strategy you will be left behind. If you get left behind, you never really catch back up. How are they doing . Quite well. There is a lot of rhetoric around but. What happened in the first case is that its the first time it is a global launch. You see these happen in one geography typically japan and korea and the United States and other areas and this time it is actually launching worldwide and we have a lot to do with that. We run around and talked to the operators and try to orchestrate and make sure all of the participants are ready but the reason its launching more dramatically has to do with the second reason enough why its important and the second one is how do i create the sort of connectivity fabric underneath everything so that industries can take advantage of the digitization. If you ask any company, any infrastructure or health care he company what do they need to figure out, you need to figure out how they deal with the stalking of people and how to control things and how to do it securely. It was designed purposely to allow that to occur and its the first time it really intersected with these new industries. We talk about the transition that occurred when you had electricity into the steam engine and all those things, probably overdone of it, but they have a Significant Impact in so we invent a fundamental technology that allows that to occur then we tried to figure out the scales and typically its about how do i create a bigger party and what happens is industries are being impacted as opposed to just Consumer Industries but if you are going to figure out how you control the infrastructure or how i fundamentally disrupt the delivery of health care or education, that becomes industrial policy for countries. They say i dont want to be late so i better launched this as soon as possible. And of course it is great for qualcomm and that is what you see. You actually see them ramping up faster than four g. In terms of the number of devices and operators and even if you look at what happened in south korea. Almost nobody had their hand up. How many more will it be when no people have their hand up . Next year. If you look today, you can go into verizon today and by samsung device and it looks exactly the same as the four g. People buy it and they dont even know that its a device that has access very dramatically and very different than what happened. Remember there were early teething pains of the technolo technology. All the things people talked about there or be solved and in the devices. We feel very good about that and if you look at the operators have for next year, its going to be difficult to not buy the phone. I want to get into a few examples to understand how it applies beyond. So, when we were talking about you may have heard or read a self driving cars are going to communicate with each other and the infrastructure and have a lot of data that you can explain even before we get to these cars to impact vehicles. I think that first of all theres a dramatic trend not only for i would say classic telematics of the User Experience people demand really has its roots in the cellular space. You want updates to the personality and that is what people demand. Very much i would say a mobile experience. It needs to be connected. If you move forward as you start to run into the self driving cars and organizing traffic pattern we desperately need i would say the technology to do that we have been inventing for some time. What happens is the car is, the computing that is occurring in the car dramatically increases but you also have the need to communicate with others often times through the Network Often times through the other cars. If you talk to a car company which i just came from detroit yesterday and did the same thing, they are all trying to figure out how do i take this into change the experience of being in a car, the safety, pretty dramatic actually coming and its great for us. Our problem is how do i scale this up and get the bandwidth to take the technologies that are clearly important for these in the market and how do i make sure that it meshes into those markets in a way that they need them . We will come out to the audience for questions and comments. I want to ask one of the reasons why qualcomm stock is where it is is that the smartphone revolution seems to be sort of almost played out. We are not increasing at the rate we used to. Qualcomm has tried other areas like server chips, laptops, none of them have quite hit yet. What do you think are the best opportunities for the new markets beyond the smartphone . We do have a fairly significant bond mobile business, but the reality is a very significant global business. We are going to see an increase in the price of the units that we so and an increase in the amount of content qualcomm gets, so i would say the dynamics of the cellular industry even without the Market Growth and unit growth continue to be very attractive as it rolls out and starts to become a large proportion of the next several years for us. But you are going to get more. The second aspect is the auto business which i think is a 5 billiondollar backlog that continues to be an important business for us. Several years ago it was probably 2 billion less than it was a year ago. We have a tremendous business in ie would say the networking and everybody has an internet of things essentially, that would have been as more and more people try to figure out how you get the combination of cellular and computing and driving forward we are going to see that. You will also see the tremendous Business Model evolution and the opportunity for us to not only sell products, but also to help enable new industries to grow off these products. , is anyone not ready for that . Second question, is there a uniform standard for 5g as there was for 4g in the past and if there is not a uniform standard, how will that impact different types of 5g networks across the world. Is a unified standard but i think very little, if you hear question, we dont see that happening at all. Its definitely global standard. In terms of who is ready and who is not ready. Theres always a decision that operators make which is what the case and can i afford to basically put in the catholics that is required or deployed. That is the intended to be a discussion over the last three years ago. Today, you dont hear that that much. Most operators have committed to 50 map and in the process of how do i get this out quicker and for my competitor. Theres a few will have an option issue that means a spectrum is not available and perhaps in india for example. But the operators are quite keen to move forward. So our problem is not convincing people to go to 5g, its hideaway support the global launch which is great in which we anticipated. A question in the front. We worked with qualcomm back in the 90s. Looking five years ahead, what industry will refe revolutionizg medicine and some other businesses that are really important but we dont hear much discussion about. I think logistics, traffic flow, fleet management, how do you move things around in big cities. 5g is really made for that really. We have always believed the healthcare had an opportunity to be disrupted by having secure communication. So the whole issue of how do we validate the medical devices that people tacoma them are secure enough and i would say authenticated so i can make a medical decision. Probably less than a technical problem but more of how do i solve the legal issues associated with that. Should we do that, tremendous opportunity with great economic value. Delivery of health care and education. But really when people turn to figure out, if i have infrastructure or people or fleets, if i was able to control them and to make decisions about the data that they generate realtime, i can optimize my business or generate a new business. So very small example. Back in the early 2000 timeframe qualcomm had the fundamental almost all of the technology that was required on a new position location. The idea, what we were thinking about, maybe they can go into enough one night invite people if they have an emergency. But in reality very Small Technology when into the phone and the position location, the ability to be connected to the internet and that very small integration created things like who were in Business Model innovation. Today we are crating more Technology Change in bigger industries and i think that downstream innovation, qualcomm ignites but does not do there will be tremendous winners and losers. So thats the reason the company is so excited. And we all participate as it rose but not in the inservice. I have one last question. Is there consolidation in your industry and not that long ago you wanted to spend 40 plus billion dollars to acquire in xp then brought, came along and propose a big tech merger ever. Then one of the former ceos of the companies took qualcomm. None of those deals happen. Is there something out there that qualcomm would acquire . I think theres always opportunity. Were focused on driving 5g as well and driving the opportunities we agreed with apple on. A pretty good ramp. Theres always opportunity to participate in the consolidation and we think we have a unique opportunity including questions of what we need to add to that to de risk those opportunities. What do you need to add . Everybody tries to ass. You can see where were going as a company and you can see the types of industries. We have a very stable strong roadmap over the next several years we need to execute. They q so much for the conversation. [applause] hi, everybody. Our next guest is attack veteran she has experience with google, get help, white house president ial innovation. These days she wants to completely change software and engineering and the perception of the engineering. Please welcome mrs. Miller. [applause] thank you. How is everybody doing . Today i want to talk to you at a. I. At the frontier. Before i do that is a little classification i want to make. When i took my social intelligence, what im talking about is a blend of Computer Science at the age of humanity. We use this information to build client terry skill for decisionmaking systems. Im sure many of you have heard about the african narratives that are been going around for a couple of years for the past decade. I was originally born in nigeria and emma nigerian living in San Francisco. From the ims we know that most of the world in emerging economy and Fastest Growing are coming from africa. 60 of the one point to billion population is under the age of 25. At the end of the decade, africa will have 90 cities with population of at least 1 million. And by contrast the United States has ten of the cities. Its one of the most interesting to me, it is the home of global payment users. That is 120 million different people. Using mobile payments. What i talk about Machine Learning at the frontier, i am not talking about the frontier of the machine knowledge excel instead, im talking about deploying assigned terry skill and decisionmaking system in a front tier environment. When you think about frontier, what i usually think about is a mark in west before the pacific settlement. That environment necessitates an innovation to make life work. America innovated so many Different Things of Silicon Valley. We are at the edge of another kind of technology frontier. This time around its not in San Francisco, its happening in africa. During the same condition but recent date of her kind of technology innovation. One of the most interesting things, that you do not even understand the power until you travel. So last summer, i went on vacation with my family to kenya and we arrived at the airport and immediately at the airport we went and i got access on my phone. I went to my phone and looked at the app and was very surprised that i was being offered some limited amount of Financial Services immediately. The system had decided that there was enough data to offer me the service. I was rather intrigued and i took my phone, called uber and they took me too where i was going and Delivery Services to get food to the house and i did this with the same technology that im used to in San Francisco. What struck me was we then went with my friend which is on the board of teens only appeared to get there we drove through all the small towns and villages. And the interesting thing about the drive was really seeing how far deep technology penetrated and were talking about very small villages and yet in those small villages you can still use mobile payments. I realized then that this transformation is going to radically change what the continent looks like. Another interesting thing that has emerged in that Technology Wilderness for example, what do you do when there are bad roads. One of the solutions, you could take to the air. There is a company out of San Francisco called zip line. They have created a very innovative solution. What they do is use drones to deliver in rural africa. These are villages that canno ct lost fast enough because the roads are so bad. You can use a drone to drop a package. These are the radical Technology Innovations based mostly on data in Machine Learning created in the african environment. I want to end with an interesting story. Last month i was in africa and the chief of staff. We went there because based on the report of the developers, we realize nigeria was one of the countries that was the Fastest Growing rate. So we went down to see what the developers were up to. We had been informed on what we should do, we went to the data and we invited the top 50 current trumpeters to come to our event. The m that was an amazing event. Another interesting thing, everything a person in that room earn their way through their work. It did not matter who they were where they were born, whether they were born into poverty or what their ethnicity was. All that mattered was their work. Even i come a person that believes in dated driver approaches had never seen how powerful it was to bring all these people together in many never knew each other. We created a community. This data is so powerful and the power of every single one of us. Thank you. [applause] thank you so much. Now we will move on to crystal, one of the first bitcoin, many of us wrote that offer good. He will discuss if they will emerge from confidence and how they plan to get ahead with big ideas. Please welcome joe rubin and Dominic Williams with fortune. [applause] thank you for being her guy. Thank you for having us. Lets do an audience pull. Who owns crypto currency . Who is thinking about buying crypto currency . Thats a pretty even split. All right, just her way of introduction, youre calling yourself the internet computer a decentralized Cloud Platform that relies on block chain where you have servers across different data centers and that is part of the foundation and what you are trained to do in terms of disrupting the big tech giants i dont know that so force or linkedin or decentralized versions of these big social Media Companies or amazon Companies Like that. Joe your cofounder and human consensus which is a block chain developing company but tell me the secondleading crypto currency, was this a goal . You hear a lot of people talk about disrupting banks and disrupting big tech. Was that part of it when you started the theory of thinking about a different type of facebook in a different type of google or how did that play into the vision . So bitcoin essentially invented a couple of things, and invented the next generation and decentralized database and crypto economics and the token the vienna can enter mechanism design and it would incentivize people to create a money for the people and of the people in that way essentially build a decentralized trust system so in 2012 many people came along and said we should use this database infrastructure for everything. So of that the theory was born and we both essentially what we then called the world computer and many since then including us had built tools and infrastructure and have been building in different verticals to essentially do some of the things that they are intending to do where we do go after these Major Services on the internet but its also much more than that because we are bringing a new trust foundation and building a global settlement latelayer and building a new financial plumbing where we can issue billions of dollars worth of Digital Assets. So the idea of an internet computer, we are to have the internet, we are to have services, a theory, why do we need the internet computer . Is reinventing the computer that can run secure software within a range of superpowers. In these address problems that are stocking tech today. So its a complete replacement to 3. 6 trillion legacy and it addresses major issues such as the difficulty of creating secure structure. It also addresses the difficulties we have with multiplies nation of the internet today in providing a platform to create a new breed of open internet. That will provide a better platform for innovation, investment and so on and so forth. So decentralization, is to create a decentralized version of these huge Tech Companies. Is there any evidence that with an organization could rise to the level where it could challenge the dominance . The only example, is not even competing on the same level. The most powerful force in tech is now effects and increasing it is driven by them. So one approach to deal with that is to bring into trust and regulation and try to break up big tech. The internet computer provides an alternative means to address the increasing vocalization of internet by providing a platform of open internet services. And you can think of as being something to an open source project where the services have an independent existence and managed by decentralized government system. Most of all, they provide a means to address the risk. And for example, is provided by zinger and they built on to facebook and their very successful company. Facebook changed the rules, a few years later they lost 85 . Scroll forward today, 18 of the last 22 Tech Companies mentioned Platform Risk and ask potential threat. In the problem is, if you build on the apis, if you build on top of big tech you are building on facts. You cannot trust it. For example, a recently had hundreds of startups and the access to linkedin in the service were provided to create open linkedin, salesforce, in becoming part of the fabric of the internet itself and will be able to guarantee that the api would never ever be removed or revoked. So on to bring yours and investors wanting to build that needed to incorporate business profiles can securely build on top of open linkedin. In this effect will drive the development of the open internet in my opinion. Who will bid it . The idea is to essentially build a protocol based open platforms if youre building on facebook, your building on a platform the summary also controls and they are probably courts in of the monitoring station cycle and probably having to end up eating your lunch. If youre building on tcp ip which is a protocol, then you can be relatively certain that that is not going to shift them under you for competitive reasons. So web 3. 0 which would be the evolution of where we are right now, 2. 0 will be judge decentrad platforms and platforms like if theyre in for transactions itll be platforms like divinity, platforms for decentralized storage, bandwidth, decentralized identity, and all of these things we can of the government discussion and all these things are currently contemplating massively decentralized government and that plays out in a lot of different dimensions. Is there case to do it decentralized a building. If you dont have a ceo hanasono company, is it nonprofits who can do this . No, protocol based open platforms with the New Invention called crypto economics enabled the issue to the token and affect the mechanism design to lots of Different Actors can pursue themselves as interest and perform different roles and achieve the goals of the system. So you can achieve decentralized governance while still enabling people to pursue their own interest. Can you make money . Absolutely. If youre not to purdue or anyone a build a new Business Service that needed to incorporate business profiles would you rather build on top of close proprietary named ted, you dont even have that choice anymore because dirty close. And the only people there have access to that linkedin in the cells force. But lets say still provided apis, who would you rather build on, closed to linkedin or open linkedin that guarantees your foundation for solid and would never revoke your access and breaker service. As they did to hundreds of starters. Or would you rather build on that with the open internet will succeed with close preparatory internet. The number of engineers leaving like google and facebook ibm, microsoft and partly because technology is interesting and they believe in taking internet back to its roots and more open, creative about our platform. It was a Huge Movement which is representativrepresented. It is not going away. Its part of a major transition. Im going to come to questions in a minute. Get ready raise your hand. I wanted to talk a little bit about the theory, secondleading crypto currency which had a terrible crash, crypto winner all of that and started to bounce back and bitcoin is up 160 . Its only about 60 . It has not had the same bounce back the bitcoin hand. And i know youre still trained to scale and planning to launch a theory of 2. 0 starting early next year. You also had restructuring and headcount reduction. I guess in terms of scale, is this a technology that can ride from the level where it could replace the huge platforms, google, amazon and the others . Its fair to say that is the second largest crypto currency and by far the largest in the ecosystem if you look at the number of developers and projects that are building on the pot form. We have skilled in normalcy even during crypto winter and so many of the people who are focused on the most speculative related to bitcoin or ether or the tokens, some of those projects were dealt well and a lot of the speculators have fled in summer coming back at this point as we have seen. But all through that, the technologist entrepreneurs have been drawn into the ecosystem has stayed. Would you see the value of decentralization and Building Systems in different ways, you cannot unsee that and you cannot go back to building on architectures so that the. Our ecosystem has grown enormously and through the. Integrated usage works in many different protocols and has a grown exponentially. We have seen even on our transaction basis that it can handle around 20 Transactions Per Second period thats the layer one of the base trust level and layer two have many different technologies that anchor into layer one for enhanced trust routine tens of hundreds of thousands of decentralized coming online on exchanges and gains and et cetera. So scalability is already here and itll be here in states when we release 3. 01 we get started early next year. Thank you. Any questions and the audience . Hi, id like to hear a little bit more about governance which you alluded to but did not explain. If your decentralized governance, how can you build something that will take on google and facebook. A lot of people say if youre in government is been dysfunctional in the years to create basic scaling and what exactly will you do to put in a government structure that people can understand. The theory of decentralization is a very powerful one. But it does require like Everything Else on the planet. And governance is difficult. The decentralized platform is a new thing they were trained to figure out and i feel like the foundation has been excellent and i believe that we launched an unprecedented platform about a year end a half and have continued to improve it and have pioneered an architecture that will scale it in normalcy and essentially end up being a aid trust layer for the planet. Governance on the project is different from definity and different from polkadot and that we are focusing on having lots of Different Actors in different roles who are all incentivized to make the platform better and have a voice and i like the idea of more automated governance and there will be government by token boat and we already do some of that. There are projects and don can take it from here. There contemplating building layers of governance of these platforms and i think it will take years to figure that out. Slowly imprudently but even with that, i believe many Different Actors, all committed to improving the platform will be able to challenge him to those who have a smaller number of highly incentivized actors and as we get the layer of governance right over time it will be a foundation for many systems on the planet. How committed are you think about governance . The internet has governance and organizations like anna which can be a number in ip addresses and so on. But i think the computer has automated algorithmic Government Systems to ensure the Internet Computer Network which is comprised from independent Data Centers Remains open and also a key part of the memes we used to address Platform Risks. With respect to the second part, how can we compete with china organizations, the Foundation Strategy is to apply in a Nonprofit Organization that operates and uses the Silicon Valley playbook. In the worlds very best research oven engineers in using the Engineering Research practicing can add to deliver internet and in that sense, the notforprofit we welcome in the exact same way aging we been successfully holding some of the best from places like google. With facebook, if they wanted to, they can be in some buddy from the platform, google of somebody has a rather fraudule fraudulent, what you do about bad actors . What is your power . Thats a different they do have an onboard open government system and is paid for for neutralizing bad actors. And theres debate about whether thats a good or about the and perhaps it should be tolerated. And i would not want to i dont have a position on that but we do need to address that. From the start the theorem project assumes the vast majority of apps, transactions on the network would be valuable because they would be between significantly identified or fully identified actors and infrastructure that enables us to issue Digital Assets in many Different Countries with full identity checks et cetera. So, we are bringing identity and reputation to these applications but its a deep philosophical issue. Yes or no. Should we have a base trust layer . Or should we have one that is potentially sensible by government actors. Its a powerful technology in our society and different jurisdiction over society will have to have those discussions and for the technology. Your personal belief, bad actors should be tolerated . Thats a difficult question. Generally no, but who defines about actor . Thats a longer discussion. Thats all the time we have. Thank you both so much for being here. [applause] [inaudible conversations] our final guest this morning is an air force major who was appointed last year as a white house fellow serving in the White House Office. He is also an inventor of three u. S. Technology patents. We are so fortunate to have him here to share insight on how a u. S. Will stay ahead when it comes to Transportation Technologies from commercial drones to supersonic flight. Please welcome jos and van dahlen with fortune adolescents key. [applause] thank you very much jen. Welcome joe and thank you to all of you for sticking with us to the very end. I feel like were very far apart so have to pretend that were closer. A couple of things, joes boss was supposed to be here and he had things come up read legitimate reasons and were pleased that you can step in for him. Joe is a fellow of the member of the White House Office of science and technology. He is very specific policy areas that hes responsible for. I will not ask him to speak for the Trump Administration about anything beyond the policy areas. So i wanted you to know that. I appreciated. I also want to tell you, joe is an activeduty air force officer and a policymaker in the white house so theres a lot of jargon that comes up in this conversation. Ive encouraged him to use the jargon but to explain it to us. Explain to us your background. So i started as a techie and id Computer Science at stanford and then worked in Silicon Valley for a couple of years called aol, in the old building. And i was a Software Engineer and worked on a lot of emerging technologies in 2005 2007 timeframe. I was looking for an opportunity to serve our country and work on policy at the government level and ended up leaving Silicon Valley to join the air force. So i spent the last 10 11 years in the air force as a pilot, i fly the c17 which is a large cargo airplane. We fly all over the world including combat in afghanistan and iraq. Fortunately this year i was given a very excellent opportunity to serve in the white house and the office of science and technology. My policy area borrows from both my Tech Experience and from my experience as a pilot in the air force. So i lead the advanced transportation portfolio which includes Unmanned Aircraft system, uis, Automated Vehicles, supersonics and the concept of urban and utility which is the future looking like . You a s is a pulse area that you described as being the furthest along so tell everybody what the white house is doing by way of talking about what this will look like and what drones will look like in the United States. So ive been in aviation for a long time and watching the Drone Industry explode. It is really been mindboggling so around 2016 timeframe regulators at the fa were thinking through, how will we enable operations of these types of vehicles in our National Airspace system with other traffic and over congested areas et cetera. So as we were working through that, they realized that we dont have any data that would speak to how safe these are, what performance characteristics do they have, can they safely fly over large Populated Areas . So we were thinking, how can we get data but more portly how can we get data with the local context. So flying a drone in San Francisco is a different operation than doing so in the rural parts of oklahoma. The regulators are not necessarily but to make all the decisions to affect all the different parts of the country. So we created a Pilot Program called the ues integration Pilot Program or ipp in the idea was to use Public Partnerships between states local and tribal governments with private industry to work through the different drone use cases in various communities across the country. So we have nine participants of the program and their exploring places from pipeline inspections to delivery, medical devices, Law Enforcement uses in the whole point in idea is to take the data from the various localities and bring it back to the faa so we can make rules that are clickable. When you say participants are these enemies or locations or what . Its a Government Entity and could be a city, on the nation is one of them a city of san diego is another one and their partnered with a private company that has a particular case that would be relevant to the area and they can explore different parts of the policy areas and the different cities. It was competitive process and was managed mostly by the department of transportation and the faa but were about one year into the program and weve already seen an explosion in the types of the numbers and they made movement on revelatory action and the results of the program. And just recently about two months ago we released a notice for proposed rulemaking on the operations over people and at night. So prior to the rule and as it sits today since its only proposed, those operations are prohibited unless accepted by the fa. The fa would award exceptions in some circumstances but the majority of the waiver applications were for people and at night. So by proposing a rule that would normalize the operations were freeing up resources to work through more complicated cases like beyond visual on site. Were now flying and drone, is he flying a kite, key cannot legally operate if you cannot see it. However, the faa is now looking through and working through waivers and authorizations to allow that beyond to happen. Let me interrupt you, all drone flight that the operator cannot see is currently illegal . Unless accepted by the faa. Are those already issued . In some cases. When the faa considers whether or not we are going to accept a rule, theres a lot of information and data that the vendors need to provide to really allow the faa to accept some level of risk and there. So beyond visual line of sight there was a previous time were some waivers were approved and required plans. We had to have command aircraft flying with her. And that is not the most economical approach i would say. But when it comes to safety, everything in airspace under most circumstances is seen avoid. My hunch is that lobbyists are violating the law every day. s autocratic subsumption . I think thats a fair assumption. So we have been that in the criminal and the negligent. Most of the concern that we have right now is really around the negligent. That takes me too the pointer is counter u. S. Which is another policy issue that were working from the white house as well and then the last reauthorization bill, of 2018, we lobby very hard to get additional authorities for the department of justice and the department of Homeland Security to be able to identify, track and attack and mitigate drones that are operating in areas that theyre not supposed to be operating. Previously only dod and department of Energy Houses authorities. So congress will work with us and thats what we arrived at but looking forward we dont see a federal response every time a drone is flying somewhere its not supposed to be. So we would get that expanded to state and local as well. Really interesting youre talking about an area where the law is currently not sufficient in your opinion because they did not anticipate this. Can you talk first i want to ask put on your pilot hat. How concerned are you as a pilot about drones . I think your policy outlook is how we make this work commercially in an exciting new field, thats what the white house wants to promote the how concerned are you as a pilot . Honestly im not that concerned. We need to go operations i would do is an air carrier or large aircraft pilot, most drones are 400 feet for drones, they dont operate above 400 feet. In 400 feet for a large airpla airplane, we will land in about five seconds. [laughter] so im not concerned, but without being said, this is definitely something that we need to work towards and i bring up another thing that were working on, that is the concept of remote id. So right now i can download an app on my phone, pointing at the sky and i see all the air traffic flying around and i see that southwest airlines, united airlines, you cannot do that would drones because they dont admit or have transponders, they are not required to report their position and that produces a little bit of a security concern but also from a Traffic Management side. What happens when theres auto vehicles flying around. So remote id is the foundation of enabling this industry. That is exactly right and they been working on it at the current public estimated release date is by the end of the year. Kinney tells briefly about the company that participated in the Pilot Program and also is the white house involved in the global conversation. As you talk about is a point which are doing things in africa but also in the United States. I avoid talking about any specific company endorsing but what i would say, each locality is working there very different cases. I was just out oklahoma where they had their, in each case they were working on was baiting feral hog traps. In oklahoma is a partner in their working with a Consulting Firm that provides managers and packages the drones and operates them in a way that gets at the problem. I was not aware that that was an issue and drones would be able to address. But we watched the demonstration. The drone flew in, they were geo tacked or using. Codes to identify the drop zone when we went out there and looked at it. And as advertise, it drops a bunch of seed into the hog trap. I think that goes to how interesting, exciting and honestly successful this program is. Its getting folks to work through cases that none of us wouldve imagined. You put that in the who new category. Another policy you are working on and drives me was in the back of my consciousness there were still interested in commercial applications and transports. The concorde went out of production and commercial flight many years ago, why now . It is really, the honestly the industry has turned to a renewed interest and there is a lot of companies that are working on this and they just got in and are working on the next 59 demonstrator. So the industry came to us and they have a renewed case for how these are going to be successful. Honestly for concorde, theres a lot of issues with concorde in terms of noise, leak, cost in the Business Case did not close and to find airplanes like concorde with that noise level and that level of pollutants would not be accepted by most communities. So the industry now is taking another look at it with the benefit of 50 years of research and development on the subsite category and that made engines more efficient and more stringent. So that is what i would say started this in our view is not to decide winners and losers in terms if this will be a successful new area, is more enable testing and Market Conditions will dictate that. But you have a policy viewpoint in the white house is taking the time to work on this in the viewpoint is we think this would be a good thing to come back in a commercial sense. Absolutely. Also aviation when you think of r d, research and development in one particular area has a lot of applications and we would expect that getting more research and Development Going around in the supersonic space will help the industry as a whole in my even open to what is possible for the future of transportation. I know you say fly transports for the airport. Have you overflown the faster than the speed of sound. So no. [laughter] would you like to . Yes, absolutely. Not in the 217 though. Absolutely. Real quickly before questions, the urban air mobility, i think that means air taxi company like goobers are trained to develop, what is the white house doing, is this a real thing or Science Fiction . The answer very quickly is very real and its coming. I think small ua apps are based on and multiple agents that we need to get through in order to get through success there. I am thinking larger passenger carrying, cargo carrying there really gets into the realm of the people that were in others are working on. Our view is more of an ecosystem. When you think of ability, its not just airplane, its a predominant airplane type that is being considered but the official church is coming with. One of them told me that these vehicles when they go to recharge is roughly draw the current of the Grocery Store and infrastructure may not be able to support a Grocery Store and that is something that we need to know. We are very active in the space in working in nasa has a challenge that theyre working on. And we have been working with them on the project. And i will say we will be seeing this year or next her, but i think it is definitely on the horizon. What about the popular political sense but a scientific policy. Will the standard were these things to the extent of caring people for imprints . The safety. Absolutely, to be honest i have a lot of companies from Silicon Valley that come with very little teams that are working on the vehicles in the ask how can we get these flying. In the very first question i have is have you talked with the faa and are familiar with the certification process. Our view is the existing certification process under part 23 is sufficient to address a lot of the new categories of airplanes and we are seen. And this is where i would lean on the community for help. Ive asked the private sector to work in the government and in some of these areas we need more folks with government experience working with private Sector Companies to help understand the realities when it comes to aircraft certification, operation certification and without being said we can get there and something and really excited about was googles wing which is a Package Delivery element that they will start doing operations of virginia and they received the operation certification. It means that they are small air taxi carrier and they comply with the same requirements that small air taxi, if im going to go to las vegas or fly out of a helicopter, that would be in operation. In their training requirements for pilots, maintenance for airplanes and through working with faa, they got there on the certificate. We have time for a couple of questions. If there are none, the one thing we have not talked about is vehicles. This is a huge policy area and huge interest in Silicon Valley. In talking what you Pay Attention too, you do not lead without mind. I think they are little bit more complicated. When we think about the aviation issue, like the couch regulation and think about the airmen and airspace in the aircraft. We are to come up with rules that address all three of those things. In the vehicle space, and with aviation is controlled by the faa and that makes it easy for them relatively. In the vehicle space, some of the elements are controlled by state and local entities. For example airmen, drivers license and operators are issued by states. The vehicle is federal model under Motor Vehicle safety standards. In the airspace and different players there. State, local and federal. So i think its a little more complicated in the think we need to do more research before we integrate Automated Vehicles into our road system much like redoing with uis. The department of transportation is taking the lead in the constables of 3. 0 was built on 2. 0 which was flaming the discussion in terms of safety. An 83. 0, they offer which is largely responsible for certifying the types of vehicles to think through how will we change our framework for this to work. Ill use an example, a vehicle has to have a steering roll. To be a vehicle on the road. And that may not necessarily be the case if there is a person to manipulate the steering wheel. But the way to rules traditionally, thats the way it is been. The faa has a more performancebased approach. I went to nasa to fly the simulator, the airplane had no front windscreen. Its just lcd screens on and cameras. That is the difference between performancebased and applications. Sewing aircraft may have one, maybe it should be they must be able to state of extracted outside the camp. You portray a situation where drones are less complicated from a policy perspective and more complicate it. There has been Senior Office that maybe one thing the white house could do would be to maybe try to make policy regulations less complicated. Yes. We are working through their policy options would be in that space and it mostly requires coronation with a number of different entities both in the white house, state and local and otherwise. In National Legislation that some point in the future. I would not rule that out. When you think about it, you have to hurt all these cats into one unified strategy. And that will take some work on our end. We have time for quick question in a quick answer. You talked about urban air mobility. In that drones are generally under 400 feet. You have the future of taxis and air. How do you envision air control system as we look at traffic patterns in the mobility space. Is that something you envision customer. Absolutely. We refer to that as you tm issue a s Traffic Management and the depends very heavily on the remote id technology that i mentioned earlier. When we think about larger airplanes that are mixing and with commercial air traffic, helicopter traffic and things of that nature, we have to think about what does it look like in the case so were hoping we can get it right for the u. S. First. Before you go your prediction, what will we see in the United States first, commercial ss tease or level five thomas vehicles . Definitely commercial. Thank you very much. Absolutely thank you. [applause] live tuesday on cspan, the u. S. House returns at 12 00 p. M. Eastern for speeches. At 2 00 p. M. , the house takes of child safety bills in the business in a motion to instruct osha negotiators for defense authorization. On cspan2, the u. S. Senate returns at 10 00 a. M. Eastern for more nominations. Later at 7 15 p. M. , the National Press club hosted a spelling bee between members of the press and politicians. At 10 00 a. M. On cspan3, a forum on the future of u. S. Hong kong relations. Then at 1 00 p. M. , the House Judiciary Committee considers obstruction charges against the president for attempting influence on special Counsel Robert Mueller investigation. The committee has subpoenaed former Trump Campaign officials Cory Lewandowski and Rick Dearborn and white house staffer rob porter. This experience is really valuable to me. He had a huge effect on our life and its helped us grow into her college years. For past winner of student cam documentary competition, the experience sparked her interest in production. I currently attend Drake University in des moines, iowa and i get to be right in the middle of the caucus season and i got to meet so many different candidates and because of cspan im experienced in the equipment and knowledge to film them this year we are asking middle school and High School Students to create a documentary answer the question who do you most want for president ial candidate to address during the campaign. Including cspan video and differing points of view. Were awarding 100,000 in total cash prizes including a 5000 grand prize. The action what you are discussing no matter how large or small the audience will receive it to be. And no were in the greatest country in the history of the earth, your view does matter. For more information go to our website studentcam. Org. Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuchs talk about the judicial system and his new book a republic, if you can keep it. Its a series of essays articles and portions of regarding the original meeting of the constitution. Two former Supreme Court law clerks coauthor the book. The National Archive posted this event. [no audio] good evening. Welcome to the theater at the national

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