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Have all of you here. I dont need to do much of an introduction because you know our friend alan but i will tell you a secret. He was going to name the book 50 shades of alan but decided against it. He thinks only he can tell jokes. I can tell a couple of jokes. We are happy to have alan here in jersey so lets give him a jersey welcome, thank you very much. I spent a lot of time growing up in jersey. My father had mens underwear and work clothes store on the Lower East Side and his customers were all in new jersey. I would come on springfield avenue and new york and patterson and passaic and after the Second World War the armynavy store so i got to know new jersey. My first wife was from bayonne, new jersey and her classmate in high school was barney frank who i got to meet, he was 16 years old and i knew he would be a politician. I am here to talk about something that happened to me that could happen to you and it could happen to your sons, your nephews, your husbands. I was on top of the world, 76 years old. I had just retired from harvard after teaching there for 50 years without a single complaint ever leveled against me. I had among the highest ratings for many years, i mentored thousands of students, i taught 10,000 students altogether and i was being honored. I got Honorary Degrees, it was a time in my life to sit back and reflect on what i had accomplished growing up in brooklyn. And become a professional and out of the blue a woman i never met, never heard of had accused me of having sex with her when she was underage. I never had sex with anybody who was underage even when i was underage. In my day marriage license was not preceded by a learners permit and so i was 20 years old, that was my life. My wife and i, my wife who i am married to for 331 2 years and weve known each other 36 years, we have a wonderful wonderful marriage and relationship and terrific daughter and it came out of the blue, this accusation like somebody scribbled my name on a bathroom wall and i didnt take it seriously in the beginning but she accused me along with another person, namely Prince Andrew and because of that it got a lot of publicity and attention and so i immediately from the day i was accused i said several things, i never met her, there will not be a photograph, there will not be a witness, there will be no evidence because i never met her. Not only that but i can prove, i am a fanatic about keeping records of everything. Since 1964 i kept in my back pocket this book, i used 3 or 4 a year. I dont believe in electronic so here it is, 7 00, russian television, lunch with my granddaughter tomorrow at 12 30, my life is in these books and i was able to prove where i was in every single day during the two years this woman had been with Jeffrey Epstein and i could prove i couldnt have been where she said i was on his island, his ranch, his airplane, his palm beach mansion, i showed it to her lawyer and her lawyer went through all my records, not these records, they told me what to look for. Then i get my American Express account or i am speaking somewhere on television. I get the video or had to travel to South Carolina to see my wifes parents. I have the airline, i had documented proof of everywhere i was for every single day for two years and he says to me it would have been impossible for you to have been in those places. She is wrong, simply wrong. He was asked having said that by the New York Times, denied it, said i never said anything like that. He didnt realize i had cornered him and i have him on tape and the tape is clear, him saying it is impossible you could have done that. She is wrong, simply wrong. He didnt say it under oath and we will see if he said it under oath. He is suing me and the woman who accused me is suing me for definition defamation. They believe in america you cant proclaim your innocence. I proclaimed my innocence and i am happy to testify in any trial, any case, i hired the former director of the fbi, louis free, a friend of mine who is relatively wealthy gave him a fee, no control over the investigation. It is nonrefundable. Do the investigation and come to whatever conclusion you think is right. It was impossible for me to have done it and i was completely innocent. The lawyers who filed it withdrew it and said it was a mistake to file it. The judge struck it. We discovered emails between her and a journalist and a manuscript of a book she was writing about her sexual exploits in which she admits she never met me. In the book she says she saw me once discussing business with Jeffrey Epstein, who knows whether she is telling the truth, George Mitchell of the United States senate, a hood barack, former Prime Minister of israel, bill richardson, former ambassador of the United States to the un, the owner of the hyatt hotel, Marvin Minsky who invented artificial intelligence, on and on and on, she names all of them when she writes her manuscript. Under penalty of perjury she describes all the people she had sex with, never said she had sex with me. Suddenly she meets her lawyers who tell her theres a pot of gold at the end of this rainbow and her best friend, she tells her best friend, her best friend tells me and we record the conversation that she never met me. She was pressured to name me by her lawyers. Why would her lawyers pressure to name me . I didnt know the reason. I figured it must be some financial issue and her best friend says the plan was to go to leslie wexner, who is worth 7 billion and to tell him do you know what happened to dershowitz . His reputation is destroyed and he was dragged through the gutter. Our client says you did the same thing to her that dershowitz did to her with one exception, you made her where victorias secret lingerie. Imagine what that would do, it would destroy the company. They accused me in public but they accused wexner in private so the friend tells me about it. I get his wife on the phone and tell her they are trying to get money, we know that. It is a shakedown. We are not going to pay anything. I will have my lawyer so the lawyer calls me and also says it is a shakedown. The lawyer goes and has a meeting. We dont know what happens at that meeting. He tells me there is a meeting and told me she was accusing him but not the outcome of the meeting but one thing we know, wexners name disappears from all the briefs, no accusations, only two possible explanations. The good expedition, david boys is honorable good lawyer and listen to wexners arguments and believed them and wouldnt go forward. He would go to his own clients, lying about having sex 7 times but if that was the case how does he believe her about me. The other explanation is he believes her, thinks she is telling the truth. If that is the case he will not let one of the richest men in america off the hook. With hush money paid . That is the question. We dont know the answer but we will find it out because she and the lawyer made a big mistake, sued me for defamation which opens this whole thing up to deposition, discovery, and we are going to find out whether there was hush money or extortion or boys came to the conclusion that she was lying and believed, this is a woman with an extremely long history of lying. Let me give you examples, she writes and testifies and says she met tipper gore and our gore, they were so loveydovey, couldnt keep their eyes off each other and that is why i was so surprised when they got divorced a little later. The only time he left his wifes side was to take a walk with Jeffrey Epstein on the beach of his island. A great story, very detailed, she got 160,000 by the mayor of london. There is only one little problem. Our gore and tipper gore never met Jeffrey Epstein, they were never on his island, the story is completely made up out of whole cloth. She tells another story under oath and in her book, she says bill clinton was flown to the island by Elaine Maxwell on a helicopter that she had become a pilot just a few weeks earlier with secret Service Agents on the helicopter. Can you imagine the secret service allowing the president of the United States to be flown by a rookie pilot . So louis freeages checks back with his sources through the freedom of information act and we have evidence that bill clinton was never on the island, never flew in the helicopter, secret Service Agents never flew in the helicopter, she made up the whole story, shes interviewed early on and says, 14 years old. Check the employment record, her own employment record she was over 70 which is the age of consent in new york and england and other places but she deliberately lied about her age and she could call the people she claims to have sex with, pedophiles. A long history of lying, her lawyer admits she is wrong and people still believe her. I urge you to go on the internet and google me, go on twitter and you will see the names i am calls on the internet. The first letter is a and the last letter is our, pedophile, can you imagine how it feels for my grandchildren, my granddaughter is a feminist, stanford phd student, my grandson was a student. When you are accused people believe it. From a life of honor to a life of dishonor. The 92nd st. Y invited me for 25 years to give a speech whenever my books came out, this year we asked them to have me speak about my book about israel called defending israel, the story of my relationship with my most challenging client. Can you imagine a better topic . Sorry, we cant have you this year, you have been accused. We dont believe it but we dont want trouble. We dont want protests. Suddenly i am blacklisted from 92nd st. Y. Im blacklisted from some television stations because megan mccains is a person who is accused shouldnt be allowed on television, she forgets to mention her father was a great man had also been accused and surely she would not have wanted him to be on television when she was when he was running for president of the United States. The double standard is obvious. Today if youre falsely accused it is hard to defend yourself. If you defend yourself you are committing a political sin, youre attacking a woman. I was attacked on television by Stuart Varney from fox because i was tough on the woman who accused me. Wouldnt you if you were falsely accused you know, how dare you use words like that to describe somebody who accused you. As i said in papers and i will say in court i will continue to tell the truth until the day i die and when i die my wife will tell the truth and when she dies my children and grandchildren. My friends said to me dont write this book. It will go away. If you write the book it will bring more attention. They still dont understand me. I dont want it to go away. I want to disprove it categorically. I wrote the book and have all the documents, the narrative and emails, the tape recordings of her lawyers. If nobody is reading this book, you come away with any doubt whatsoever that this woman made up the story completely out of whole cloth, that i never met her, out of her own mouth, i never met her yet people continue to believe it. I will never get another Honorary Degree ever. I have gotten 15 up to this point. I will never be invited to speak at another College Commencement. I used to speak every year at College Commencement and it wasnt the accusation. I was accused in 2014 and by 2015 i was vindicated and cleared. Everybody knew was false, the lawyers withdrew it, said it was a mistake. The fbi i was clear. Then something happened. Once the me too movement started everything was resurrected and everything from the past came out and suddenly without any change of facts, the evidence got stronger for me because we found the suppressed emails, the hidden manuscript, a lot more evidence, the evidence was even more overwhelming that i never met her but because of me too, 92nd st. Y, Temple Emanuel in new york, many other places just were afraid and they knew they would get pushback from their bo large contributors, why dont we get somebody who is not controversial. We dont need this. I remember this, very similar. I grew up in the 50s, i grew up during mccarthyism. I was president of the Student Government in Brooklyn College. They were trying to fire professors and took the fifth amendment on the house in american activities committee. The guy who was trying to fire the professors was a terrific, brilliant, charming professor, chairman of the modern Language Department at Brooklyn College named eugene scalia, the father of justice scalia. The nicest man you would ever want to meet but he believed you should not be allowed to teach in college as if accused and being accused was enough. Being accused was it and if you defend it as i did. I was very anticommunist. I grew up in a house where we hated hitler and hated stalin. I was very anticommunist but because i defended the right of people accused of being communists at Brooklyn College the president of the college refused to recommend me to law school. I was called fellow traveler, pinkoh, much like today. Im going to fight the sexual mccarthyism of today with the same vigor i thought the political mccarthyism of the 1950s in 1940s and im not going to rest until the truth comes out. There will be several trials. She has sued me for defamation. I have sued her back. David boys has sued me for defamation and my legal team is considering the option of suing him back. Curtis sliwa called me a pedophile. I will be suing him. Bringing him to court. Another person who hates me rights blogs about my support for israel all the time and calls me a fascist, lies about me and i will probably sue him too. I did not think this is the way i would spend my retirement, in court, fighting to protect my reputation but i am not one to give up, im not whenever to let lies overcome truth. The best answer to falsehood is truth, the best answer to bad speech is good speech. I would never stop anybody from making these accusations of i have the ability to fight back. This woman accused me, it was all over the newspapers. She accused me in court papers and court papers are privileged. And told them to put it in the headlines. Here i am all over the headlines, being accused of having sex with an underage later it doesnt matter to me because i never met her but by her own standards, and i say she is lying and not true. A very on level playing field. She consumed me for denying charges. I cant sue her for making charges. We are challenging that in court to see if we can level the playing field. David boise has accused me in court papers and i have accused him in public, just telling the truth. How he went to the meeting with leslie wexner, and all this documented, suing me because basically he says i am, quote, an extortionist. So now by suing me he put his whole career on the line. I can bring out his background, what he did with the Harvey Weinstein case, to essentially intimidate journalists. David boise with high by the New York Times to be there lawyer and at the same time Harvey Weinsteins behalf he hired to intimidate journalists from the New York Times. The times fired him in a fury, outrageously an ethical conduct conflict of interest. Bad blood, the woman who invented a new way, it was a sham and a board of directors, was both on the board of directors at a lawyer which raises problems of conflicts of interest and a brighter, emma klein wrote the book about girls and stuff like that so her boyfriend souter saying he got the idea, she got the idea from him, and produces a draft complaint which she sends in secret and going to file unless they get all the money and in the draft complaint he outlines her entire sex life and all her fantasies, everything the boyfriend told her. Why do you put that in a draft complaint and not file a complaint and that is not proper for anybody, we are going to bring that out and have an interesting trial, two superlawyers and confronting each other. He may have the advantage of having enormous love from that side but i have a better advantage called truth and i have enough faith in the legal system to believe in the end truth will prevail but my lawyers tell me it will cost me 3 million in legal fees to defend these cases and my insurance premiums went up for malpractice to 186,000 for malpractice because of this lawsuit. Boise told people he cant beat me in court that he can try to bankrupt me and im not going to let that happen. Im suing him back, he is very wealthy. If we win we will collect a lot of money. Im not suing him because of the money. I will give the money to charity. Im doing it just to prove the truth. I am comfortable. People say how are you dealing with this . It is terrible for my family, terrible for my wife who knows the truth, that i never did anything like that, i have been very faithful to her during this period of time that i was accused of doing these terrible things. Mostly i was home all the time, and the way she portrays me, accuses me of having sex with 2 or 3 women on an airplane and then having sex in a car with two women in front of my house in cambridge and then she says she went into my house with the other young woman i had sex with. At the time my wife who was a phd had an office in the house. A patient we had at the time had a 9yearold, and the two women i had sex with in the car suddenly in my house and she says, she gets her facts straight, she got into epsteins car and drove to the airport. We asked in a deposition what happened to the other women, we dont know, left on her own. Unbelievable fantasy stories, one after the other. Where does that leave Prince Andrew . I dont know. I met Prince Andrew through Jeffrey Epstein, he came and sat in the class and raised his hand. This was before epstein was accused of anything. A very and of the provost of harvard. You name it, almost every major academic was a friend of Jeffrey Epstein and all of these people were there at the time and nobody suspected that anything was wrong or he did anything untoward. As soon as i found out that it was changed completely and he had to pay me for every minute i spoke to him and once the case was over my relationship was ended and the earlier case. I was introduced to him by a very elegant woman named the lady rothschild, lynn rothschild, it was in that context he met Prince Andrew, and she thanked me for inviting him to the class and describes how much he learned in the class and mostly learned in the navy and hasnt had formal education and in the last paragraph, i would love to continue my education with you and Jeffrey Epstein, she was learning from Jeffrey Epstein, used to have conferences at a big events that fancy people went to, nobody suspected anything but hindsight is not 2120, hindsight can skew what you see, it can be 400800 because you see things in light of what happened. How could you not have known . Here is the best proof i had no idea. I was talking to Jeffrey Epstein before anything happened at a conference in harvard at the seminar. He said my granddaughter who went has a soccer tournament and so and so, that is near palm beach. My house will be empty during christmas and i will be on my island. Why dont you use the house instead going to a hotel so i bought my wife my daughter, my daughterinlaw, my granddaughter, my grandson, my son, we spent 4 or 5 days at the house. If there had been a single inappropriate picture i would have been out of there so fast. If i had known anything untoward was happening in that house it is the last place i ever would have gone. No one suspected anything. He kept his private life completely compartmentalized. I never knew he had a brother. We never discussed anything personal. I didnt know if he had living parents. I knew his academic policy much as i have an academic friendship with anybody else on my faculty. This one has been treated so terribly. We should all be responsible or why should we clean against her . Its a terrible thing. Its uphill when youre fighting in the age of me to. I work very hard for my reputation. Could you presented by clients have been pro bono cases. I represented people on death row is now im representing a lot of people, im helping her present this moment whos half israeli, half american arrested in russia. Going to the transit area of the airport and they found nine grams of marijuana in her luggage and she sentenced seven and a half years in prison and im trying to help her case pro bono. I hate filling people so its nice to get the money, but its also. Important to do pro bono cases. A few clients have said they dont want me to represent them anymore because of accusations. Understandable. They dont want to be in any way smeared with whats happening to me. I will continue, i made a commitment. Im not going to do anything different because why should i change my life because someone decided to commit perjury against me . Its hard to make that argument. You need pushback. I am her victim. Im a victim of her perjury. Shes not my victim. I didnt do anything to her. I never touched her or hurt her, never met her. But i am her victim and people can understand that. People say you are a white, rich man. You cant be a victim. Im fighting not only for them but for everybody. A young man in college accused but im also praying for the young women abused because false accusations heard the me too movement so david boys is the ability here. Shes a villain, not a victim. Shes a villain by creating a false accusation which i wont be able to prove. Well the victims of abuse, they should be really angry at her but theyre not going to be. I will fight this battle relatively long. I appreciate you listening to my story, i hope you by my book i hope you any you read it, write to me and tell me what you think. I know he will be convinced there is no possibility i ever saw or met this woman. Will be enough to change the minds of so many people in the media . I welcome your questions and comments. If you have questions about impeachment or anything else, ill be happy to answer anything. The accusers, they should have been countersued. They are not liable for any accountabilities. Nobody ever get prosecuted for perjury in a civil case. Its a terrible thing. A judge recently wrote an opinion saying that, why you shouldnt believe what people say in civil lawsuits like what this woman said about me because shell never be prosecuted. She wont be prosecuted. I can sue her but everything she said in court, i cant sue her. She thinks shes doing this risk free. Im sure the lawyer said you have no wrists. Cant be sued, youre not going to lose any money and you will make millions of dollars in settlements. Thats the incentive with these things. Its not a level field, no. I would like to know, ive been fighting this issue since 2009 and ive been thinking and trying to get some help to come up with the law where if you make false allegations, you can make a civil complaint because right now what happens is Domestic Violence if a person says they did this, they are automatically arrested. But there is no way a citizen can hold anybody accountable for false allegation and im trying to create a law for that. I support you, i stand behind you. One of the big ten, the Ten Commandments is thou shalt not bear false witness. You know what the punishment was at the time of the bible for that . You got the punishment of the person you falsely accused would have gotten had the person been convicted. So if you accuse somebody of murder, you got executed. If you accuse them of robbery, you get robbed. Or the punishment for rape. That may be a little harsh and i wouldnt want to punish people who honestly believe they were telling the truth. The only me to case in history where the accuser never met the accused, and every other me to case, there is a relationship, they may have had sex, may be consensual or not, you work for her, maybe there was harassment or maybe not and even in the kavanaugh case, the group in the same area, there were two parties together. In my case, nothing, not a single bit of proof, it never happened that i met her. I wouldnt want to punish somebody who had a sexual relationship and had accused them of rape because she believed it was and he believed it was not. Those are great area cases. I want to encourage women to come forward if theyve been improperly treated. In my case, david suggested, he said i would think she may have misidentified you, confused you with somebody else. Or maybe somebody purposely misidentified her, you to her. Suggesting maybe Jeffrey Epstein was protecting one of his friends. Its interesting because last week, i get a call from a friend of mine, a lawyer i worked with on cases but ive never literally met him. He lives in dallas. Ive never laid eyes on him. He sent me an email it says are you in washington . I said no, i am in boston. He said wow, i said why . He said im in a barr in washington in georgetown and there was a guy who looks a little like you sitting at the next table. Im overhearing him. Hes saying wow, its a great case to be in o. J. Simpson. So i thought it was you so i walked over and said are you alan and he said yes. I had a conversation and then he left the barr with an attractive young woman. So he thought that was funny. I immediately picked up the phone and called the police in washington. I said what if he takes this woman home and does something terrible. She thinks shes with alan. I have been twice before been misidentified. This woman was a little funny where a woman writes me a lovely letter saying it was a nice weekend that last weekend we spent together over a fire in maine. Youre such a gentleman. I hope well see you again. Fortunately, i spent the weekend with my wife and new york city and we saw the letter. What happened is, the sky picked this woman up, ive never thought i was a great pick up line but apparently its worked for at least two people. In the beginning i thought maybe this woman who accused me, a case of mistaken identity. Not now. She clearly knows without any doubt that shes falsely accusing me. So she is somebody who would go to prison for making up a story. Shes not one of these cases where its a gray area. Dont you think we have a flawed system that allows our attorneys to gain the system . Theres so many attorneys, they just make a living because they start lawsuits and they know people will settle instead of paying money to go to court. Its terrible in the british system has protection against that. I wish in my case, it were true. Id be happy to pay those fees if she would have to pay my fees if she on. The media often keeps the accusers name out of the press and put the accusers name in the press. The smith case, they go to trial, its on television and her face is covered by a balloon. It creates an immediate presumption of guilt. You presume immediately, of course shes a real victim because shes covered the face. He must be the perpetrator because he doesnt have his face covered. The next day she takes the balloon off and starts doing press conferences. It was a tactic, is just a tactic. I think in any democratic country where you accuse somebody of serious crime, the sixth amendment requires that you be confronted by your accuser which means the accuser has to know your name. For example in my case, i want everybody in the public to know this womans name because i want them to come forward with evidence that she slide about other people and its very very helpful to get such evidence. My name is out there and nobody has come forward with anything ive lied about so its very important. It doesnt stop at this one woman. He told people unless i have a complaint, he would find another woman. So listen to the woman he found. She claimed at the age of 22, she participated in this, shes a woman who went to the New York Post and told the reporter the name marie she had sex tapes of Hillary Clinton, donald trump, bill clinton and Richard Branson so the reporter said well, show them to me. No, i cant show them because Hillary Clinton put out a contract on me and shes gone people from the cia to try to kill me. In the letters she said in fact, i was her lawyer. I was never her lawyer but never mention anything about having sex with me. Then she meets david. Oh, now i remember once i had a threesome with alan when i was 22. We are trying to get those emails but they suppress them. The emails are suppressed. Fortunately, i spoke to the reporter who told me what was in them. We are going to get the emails on suppressed. So they want said to is better than one, no. When you see smoke, it sometimes means fire but sometimes it means our sin. When you get the same lawyer putting women up to lying, it doesnt increase the credibility of either of them, it just destroys the credibility of the lawyer. I understand your frustration with the judicial privilege. However, isnt there still a remedy of abuse of process . There is. There is a very heavy burden. We are going to try and we are going to argue that the privilege was knowingly incorporated false material that was irrelevant and all that. We are good lawyers, we have a shot but there are no guarantees. I argued the First Amendment, i have a right to say shes a li liar. They said no, you have no First Amendment right to call her a liar. Many times this week have you heard people call people flyers on television . Impeachment hearings, on cnn, msnbc, weve heard them called wires. Jurors, its all over the place. But if i, accuser a liar, she makes millions of dollars. Im curious, given his lega legacy, his reputation, the facts and circumstances of this case and how formidable an opponent you are, why do you think hes pursuing this . Good question. I exposed it, thats one possibility. Second, i fought back and ive gone after him. Hes mad because i take them and i take them, throwing his own clients under the bus. A lawyer is not supposed to say my client didnt tell you the truth. Even if you believe it, you dont say it to the opposing lawyer. He denied it but fortunately i have a tape recording so hes very mad at me. Hes suing me in his own name, hes not getting the law firm. He will defend himself. Hes the lawyer and im told, they think hes become obsessed with me. People in the law firm call him ahab. He is obsessed with me in the white whale but he doesnt remember that. It doesnt end very well for ahab. I think today we have so many movements, me too and everything. I think there are a lot of people who are involved for the good and there are people who arent. You mentioned before, i cant remember if you set your daughter or granddaughter is involved my granddaughter. Shes involved in the me too movement . No, she was one of the founders in the society at harvard. A feminist society named after the meeting in 1828 where really feminism began. I buy her feminist presence, a picture and things of that kind. She identifies very struggling with feminism but shes completely on my side. I didnt know if she had a platform or not, when somebody is accusing her family, im going to be the first one to defend somebody in my family and i think the same time, it can almost backfire because you are defending him because im curious. I wouldnt ask mike children or grandchildren to publicly defend me. I dont want them to be in a position where they have to be against friends but as my wife says, given a choice between a bag diagnosis and a lawsuit, will take about lawsuit any day. So far, ive been lucky with the diagnoses so if youre going to go after me, go after me in court. Thats where i thrive. Im not the first lawyer whos been falsely accused and fought back. Im optimistic. I dont lose sleep over this. I get angry and as somebody said, when he gets angry, he writes a book. Ive written 41 books which means ive gotten angry quite a bit over my life. Im working on a new book called why i left the left but couldnt during the right. The case for center liberalism in which i argued that im a liberal, i believe in a womans rights to choose and Climate Control and gun control and reasonable taxation and all those things that are liberal positions but i cant abide by the hard left with the anti israel and sometimes antisemitic aspects of it and extremism on the left or right so like many others, in the middle, im kind of without a home. What ive been thinking about is forming a movement which puts constitutional spirit of centrist conservatives and liberals all of whom share due process free speech together against the extremists on both sides. Im not going to do anything different from what ive been doing all my life. Ive been writing a book a year, i will continue to write a book a year. I took time off to write this book, it wasnt what i planned but i will just continue. I wont put my grandchildren in that position. They are loving and supportive and completely behind me but i dont need them to do anything more than that, just continue to love me. When will this trial take place . In new york. One in federal court, one in which shes suing me and they will both be in new york. Probably it wont be over for at least a year. Maybe a year end a half. My great fear, i do not want to die before ive totally and completely vindicated even though my wife and my children and grandchildren will continue to fight. I want to stay healthy. I want to stay healthy to fight back against the forces of evil and injustice. When i heard about it, i never believed for one second and i never will. I think a lot of people feel that. I appreciate that but people who dont know me believe it. Its pretty awful. We live at a time when so many decisions are not evidencebased. People dont believe in Climate Change or so many things in four years, people didnt believe men raped women or assaulted women, it was terrible. I was strongly in favor of changing the law to protect women, to make sure women are doing their day in court. Im a strong believer in women fighting back and i strongly oppose those who abuse the system and people who abuse any system. Im a strong believer in the rights of africanamericans, not to be assaulted but in an africanamerican pretends to be assaulted and he is arrested, i am not on his side. It undercuts real victims so its so important to fight the justice and truth and i will continue to do that as long as the good lord gives me the strength to do that and as long as i have support from nice people like you so thank you all for coming. [applause] this we can come up with tv features three new nonfiction books. Today at 6 00 p. M. Eastern, duckweed talks about his latest book, inside trumps white house. Think about for a minute. The russians have elected him to be president and he is a russian spy. Think about that for a minute. As like landing a man on the moon. Like most of her columbus. Thats one of the greatest offense of World History to achieve that. A 20 00 p. M. Eastern on their latest book, the ethical algorithm, computer and Information Science professors, mile and erin discussed other from design. Lots of people i thought about things like privacy and the like, theyve never had to think about these things in such a precise way that you could actually write them into Computer Program or algorithm. Sunday night 9 00 p. M. Eastern on afterwards, new York Magazine contributor Thomas Williams with his latest book, self portrait in black and white. Socially and economically a lot more than everything i had ever known in my little corner. I began to wonder why my friends and i had this rich Cultural Division and i thought my father was when in many ways, he was just exemplifying it. Watch book tv this weekend and every weekend on cspan2. Your parking book tv on cspan2. For complete television schedule, visit booktv. Org. You can also follow along behind the scenes on social media at book tv, twitter, instagram and facebook. [inaudible conversations] welcome, everyone. Good evening. My name is leah, im a student here in the president of the association. On behalf of the association, i would like to welcome to our campus this evening, this time the conversation

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