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Of defeating jihad, why we fight. And most racially, the war for americas soul. The aand most recently. In your 2018 book, why we fight, you write the most significant threats we face today to not emanate from the world of nonstate actors. They come from old nationstate adversaries who have seemingly learned from the change wrought at the end of the 20th century and to understand the only way to defeat us is by using irregular or indirect means of attack. Could the assassination of general solar fit into that theory . It could because of who he was his official title. Thanks to having me on the show. He was the shadow commander. He wasnt a Major General in a regular Army Commanding divisions in a normal battle for you face off in combat and everything is aboveboard and you know where everybody is. This isnt the battle of the bulge or the first gulf war. He used proxy forces including in the u. S. And the recent attempt against the saudi ambassador to wage warfare by using means that the weaker power has developed against the far more powerful adversary like the United States. America is no longer a superpower as a french analyst claimed it. We are a hyperpower. Nobody can come close to us in our conventional capacity. We have 12 Nuclear Aircraft carriers. We have more special forces than some countries have soldiers. So use in direct means, proxies, terrorism and irregular warfare. Was the commander of that warfare. You also write and why we fight that we are not interventionists, but we are not isolationists. When it comes to this president , yes. As President Trumps former strategist when he was candidate tromped, it was not a hard decision to agree to work for him. I realized this is a man who is proud of his country. Proud of being an american but has had enough of what he called, stupid wars. You can call them neoconservative or neoliberal pit that the america can go to the middle east for central asia and can can create a moccasins. He doesnt wish to change other peoples regimes. But when there is a threat as there was this weekend to our nation. To our citizens, he takes Decisive Action. I was talking to members of the administration the day after the attack against general soleimani. They said the president received exquisite intelligence not only of where he was but of his intent in coming weeks to execute attacks not only in iraq but syria and libya which would have resulted in the deaths of hundreds of stay with hundreds of americans. Susan rice, the former National Security adviser in the Obama Administration in the New York Times writes, the escalade tour recycle began in may 2018 when President Trump recklessly ignored the advice of his National Security team and saw that has the opposition of his allies in unilaterally withdrawing from the Iran Nuclear Deal despite irans full adherence to its terms. Full adherence . Has susan rice become a comedian . That is beyond the pale. The escalation began in 1979 when americans were taken hostage for over a year in the radiant embassy. The escalation began when general soleimani and theres a report that general soleimani was the man responsible for the deaths of at least 603 american servicemen and women in iraq. If one of your viewers sees a veteran with missing limbs today. If youre traveling through an airport and you see somebody was on prosthetic limbs, lost an arm because of an ied. It is in all likelihood, a result of aid that iran gave the militias in iraq that that person is now limitless and thats where in the escalation began to im so happy that when i was in the white house, the president asked me, what do we do about the iran deal . I said, kill it. This is a deal that when he was inked, the then secretary of state john kerry said openly, that we know some of these phones, more than 140 billion some of these funds will be used to sponsor terrorism. There was a cop in dc a few years ago who was sympathetic to ices. He wanted to send them 500. He was doing so through an fbi agent that he didnt know that the individual is now sitting in a federal super max prison because he is guilty of a federal crime of Material Support to terrorism. For 500. If you are i did that, wed be in prison. The Obama Administration released more than 140 billion which we know in part was used to fund the operations and the terrorism commanded by Major General soleimani. About 7000 troops. 5000 currently in iraq but the Iraqi Parliament has voted to get rid of foreign military. The middle east is not a problem we can solve. The president understands that the metric, measurement, the yardstick is what are the National Interests . His first reaction, the president s first gut instinct is can we bring the boys home . The boys and girls home, from wherever they are. Afghanistan, iraq, you name it. This is a businessman. A pragmatist who understands that its not only not our job to change other countries to be reflections of ourselves, but not feasible in places like afghanistan or iraq. As far as im concerned and this is why i wrote my second book, why we fight. After i left the white house. For the same reasons we deployed in october 2001, to make sure these territories are never, ever again used to execute mass casualty attacks on the soil of the United States or against our citizens around the world. Thats our reason for being there and that we dont with a much smaller footprint than under either the bush or for bomber administrations. Lets go back to syria this past october. American troops had one purpose to destroy the caliphate of isis. One of the things im proud of, i dont know if you recall, in the second Obama Administration, america was told ices, its a jv team. You dont have to take it seriously. Then, once we had withdrawn from iraq under Obamas White House and the caliphate was reestablished. It was reestablished for the First Time Since it had been dissolved by moustafa in 1924. Then suddenly obama changed his tune and said isis, Islamic State is a threat we have to come to terms with. Its a generational threat. Our children, grandchildren will be dealing with ices. When we came into the white house, we had a very different vision. I credit steve bannon. He said, no, ices can be destroyed if we get out of the way of our military. These crippling rules of engagement. We had fighter pilots. We had people in the air over isis convoys with live video fees being told, you cannot take out that convoy. The lawyers got in the way. The tactical interference by the Obama Administration has to be dismantled. Thats why steve said to the present, we have a simple target. We have to have a talking point that everyone can understand and it is the destruction of the physical caliphate. When we unleashed our military. When President Trump says i have your back that you can do this. We destroyed the caliphate in five months. Something we had been told it was a generational threat was gone. Do you remember the front pages of the newspapers. The decapitation of stay with us journalists. That is all gone. Why . Because we have finally a decisive commanderinchief in the white house. Said elections have consequences. Do they ever. Your first book, defeating g hall. The first row about president obama, did the president keenness of represent a bigger threat to america and a greater commitment to winning the war against the jihadists them. Strangely enough, it didnt. As one general shared with me, president obama and his team see the connecticut options such as drone strikes as the quote on quote, easy button. The thinking has become logo. Then we will prevent the next 9 11. Unfortunately, you write, this logic is not only simplistic, it is dangerous. Isnt that how we took out general soleimani . Right but what was missing under the Obama Administration is that the idea, not the idea, the other out policy platform that is irrelevant and terrorism is the result of poverty or disenfranchisement. In the beginning of the Obama Administration, john brennan had become the president cia director said, terrorism is the result of upstream factors. Poverty and lack of education. If that were true, half of india would be terrorist paid half of china would be terrorists. As a result as that analysis, the Obama Administration defaulted to this policy of when we find the bad guys, we kill them and we will win. It was wackamole. He would decide which terrorist we should kill today. That is sheer insanity. When we arrived in the white house, we had 420 obama holdovers in the National Security council. Do you know how many worked under the Security Council under eisenhower . 25. No one can tell me eisenhowers globe was less complicated. And under Ronald Reagan was only 75 individuals. The made what should have been strategic, a tactical function. Most important of all, they missed the ideology. Engineering students dont become suicide bombers on 9 11 because theyre poor or uneducated. These are people with mas. The head of i kinda al qaeda is a. This administration sees it very differently. If you want to understand where were going, read the president s speech from reality. Read his incredible speech in wars warsaw. It is an evil ideology just as fascism was an ideological threat. The soviet union was an ideological threat. When you look at the newspapers and hear the podcasts about what happened to general soleimani, there is a prediction that this could lead to world war iii. Its quite stunning how in the last 72 hours, world war iii, world war iii was trending on social media. What world do these people live in . Do they really once a but it comes up with a criticism of an action, the best place to start is to atake politics out of it. What is the individual critic a they are saying we should have killed general soleimani . How is that better . A man whose hands are drenched in the blood of at least 603 u. S. Servicemen and women who has been responsible for the maiming of thousands of others. Who we knew was on the cusp of operating operations that would have killed hundreds of u. S. Citizens. Leaving that man along the microphone to do his business is better in what world . Anybody who is not cheering for when obama killed osama bin laden. When we took out and isnt cheering when a murderous incarnate evil individual like general soleimani is killed, they need to examine their conscience. I dont care what your politics are, what god you pray to, i dont care if youre an atheist who you go to bed with point i dont care what your skin color is. You need to examine your conscience if you think that person didnt deserve to become a pile of ashes. Sebastian gorka, how did you get to know President Trump . Next i thought i was at the pinnacle of my career. I have special regard for i was in my third year teaching at marine corps university. I get a phone call from Corey Lewandowski who i didnt know from a hole in the ground. He said im the Campaign Manager for candidate trump. He said, candidate trump is preparing for the gop debate on National Security. Would i consider meeting with candidate trump and perhaps help prepare him for that debate . I said sure. I flew to new york and went to trump tower up to then candidate trumps office. I sat down with him closer than we sure . Are at his desk. We had this incredible new sky discussion on Security Issues while the civil war, right up to isis and nuclear weapons. Halfway through he did a classic he stopped the can discussion dead. Looked at he stopped the discussion dead. He said i like this guy, lets hire him. I prepared policy briefs for his debate and eventually became part of his Transition Team and became part of the once they were only two candidates i became part of the official president ial Transition Team and was offered the job of of defense strategy. You lasted how long will. Seven months. Why just seven months . You have to ask steve bannon that but i was on vacation in new england. When a friend texted me and said, have you seen the news . I said, no. Im cut off from the world. I like not to be plugged in. I went to an area where i could check the internet. I saw that steve bannon had resigned out of the blue. He was my immediate boss. I was Deputy Assistant of strategy. Steve was the chief strategist bid without telling me, steve [indiscernible]. It had become clear to me in the months prior that the new security advisor h. R. Mcmaster was not a fan of mine. I was not on the National Security council but i was always present for key meetings regarding isis, china and russia. Interestingly, i was being left off the invitation for the last five meetings. I knew i was being boxed out. Then my resigns and i had a tough decision. My wife and i thought, do i stay in the white house picking up a pretty good federal salary paid for by the taxpayers to be consistently boxed out by somebody who has issues with me. What do i support the agenda from the outside. As i wrote my letter to the president which is available at www. Breitbart. Com. The anti maga forces are in ascendance in the white house. Id like to serve you on the outside. I think i can better do so. The president agreed and now i have a National Radio show called America First. More than 1 million followers on social media. My decision was shaped by the belief that where i said is not important. Its the agenda. Its making America Great again. Back to that place that reagan called the shining city on the hill. And i could best do that on the outside. Its worked out in the last two years. In your most recent book, the war for americas soul, you have an interview with President Trump as well. We went back as part of my new book. We went back to the oval office and i sat down for an interview on how the last three years have progressed. That is the bonus chapter in our book. Sebastian gorka is our guest this month on in depth. We invite one author on to discuss his or her body of four. 202 is the area code if youd like to participate today. 748 8200 if you live in the eastern or central time zone. 7488201 if you live in mountain or pacific. So thats only for text messages, 748 8003. We will put all those up and begin taking those in just a few minutes. You talked about how you met President Trump and how he hired you basically on the spot. When you go to your wikipedia page. Thats your first mistake. It says various National Security scholars and academic and policymaking circles have characterized Sebastian Gorka as fringe. Theres an individual called another successful wall street journal journalist. When he first labeled me as fringe. He called me up and laughed and said, if youre writing about the person in the white house as strategist of the president and youre calling him friends. Perhaps you are the fringe individual. Because whos in the white house . As soon as i became the face of the administration, the First Executive order we dropped was the travel ban. It wasnt being well received. So i spoke to sean spicer and steve bannon as soon as the criticism i said ive done a bit of media. Can i help explain this to the American People . Why this makes america safe. So they threw me into the media. As soon as i became a public server get, the attacks began and the most i thought i was ready. I was cynical enough living in dc for a decade. But i wasnt ready for the launched against me. Not only my credentials. I understand, im a surrogate for the president. As soon as i became the face of the administration, the next weeks and months, people who call themselves journalists didnt just attack me, peter. They attacked my wife. Was a political appointee. They attacked my dead mothers reputation. And then they wrote a piece about my 18yearold son. High school aged son. In which the title of the piece described my 18yearold son as a traitor. Somethings happened in this city and its not healthy. Its fundamentally unamerican. You can have political differences but to call yourself a journalist and to go after somebodys family the way theyve gone after barron trump. Melania, eric, don junior. Thats why wikipedia unfortunately, despite its influence is one of the worst sources out there. As soon as things were said about me about my nationalistic pretensions. My racism and so forth but none of which were true. I asked to change those entries with factbased sources. What did wikipedia do . Lock to the page so it couldnt be changed. Thats just fundamentally wrong. Is that a common practice by wikipedia . Yes. And their line is if they see lots of backandforth between people were putting negative and someone is trying to correct them. If it gets to a certain fever pitch, they lock it and nothing can change. It says following the 9 11 attacks, general Sebastian Gorka became a public figure in hungary that failed to obtain security clearance to serve on a committee. I served on the committee. Classic example. Shes passed by the independent expert to investigate the biggest scandal in postcommunist hungary. Just weeks after the election, there was a frontpage story in a conservative newspaper with a photo of a document from the cold war. Which have the name and rank of a secret Police Officer who shared the same name as the newly elected Prime Minister. When hungary found out that the new Prime Minister was actually a former secret Police Undercover officer under the dark days of communism, a committee was impaneled to investigate that scandal. And i became one of two independent experts on that committee. It goes on to say as you were regarded as is by working for british counterintelligence. Fake news is not a uniquely american thing. Whether its Benjamin Netanyahu or in the uk or myself. I served in the military intelligence reserves of the british army when i was in college but that hardly makes me james bond. Sebastian gorka is our guest. His most recent book is americas fight for its the war for americas soul. Had to ask my daughters permission to write a chapter and she cleared it for me. My daughter graduated from Trinity College last may. And it had been a tough four years for her. She was involved in the accident that made the National News just before the term began. The semester began. There were children in a College Building and they were on the deck of the building. On the third floor. My daughter stepped out onto that deck and as soon as she stepped out, all three decks disconnected from the building and collapsed on each other with children on each deck. Luckily, nobody was killed but very serious injuries. My daughter suffered nerve injuries in her legs. She was on crutches for weeks. Despite that, she had four different jobs in college. And then she was invited to join the institute. Created by a handful of conservative professors. They wanted to celebrate and propagate the values of judeochristian civilization. Western civilization as churchill did. That was the last straw i guess for the social justice warriors. Two weeks before the graduation, they took my daughters photograph and on social media and on posters around campus, they put her name, and underneath, this is the face of white supremacy. Why . Because she was part of the institute. Because she was my daughter, despite the fact this girl had helped ethnic women, minority women when she was doing a Research Project from those who have been abused financially by their partners. Their husbands. When it came to her graduation, i was very, very, trepidations. I didnt want to cause a scene. I knew there would be parents there that werent trumpet supporters. So when i arrived on that sunny day, i didnt sit with my family. I decide to make my way back to my wife and my motherinlaw, my sisterinlaw, my daughter, and in the throng i was separated from everyone, and a little slip of a girl walked up to me and this is the meat of the opening of the war for americas soul. A little girl walked up to me, maybe 19 years old, maybe 85 pounds dripping wet and looked me in the eye and said are you Sebastian Gorka that worked for donald j. Trump in the white house . I smiled, extended my hand said, yes, thats me. And here i have to edit things. In that case, f, you fing nazi. The freest nation in the world, do that to me in front of hundreds of witnesses. Once i found my composure i said aisle not going to let this lie, not with my familiar by brown, i took this little back their family. Her mother, grandmother standing and i looked her in the face and i said, who the hell do you think you are . My parents as children suffered under nazi occupation in central europe. After that my father under communist dictatorship was arrested and tortured and imprisoned. Who the hell do you think you are to call me a nazi . The girls mother was clearly shocked and jaw dropped and said, did you really say that to this man . And this is why i wrote the war for americas soul. Little girl, american born and bred, living in freest nation in the world, with a grin, from the joker in batman, looked at her mother and me and said, yes, i did. Thats frightening. Its frightening that according to the victims of communism foundation, 72 of the american millenials would like to live in a communist or socialist country. This after the fact that we know, if you read the black book of communism, at least 100 million human beings consider exterminated in the name of karl mar, and his communist ideology so i spent more than 20 years in the National Security domain. I specialized in nonstate actors, irregular warfare and the strategy of jihaddist, counterterrorism, and now the last the years have been a the scales have fallen from my eyes and i realize that perhaps the greatest threat we face is the falsification of history and indoctrination of a whole generation of americans. Host rules for radicals appear in war for americas soul, rule number one, live by the rule of personal destruction. Treat your adversary is a inhuman, deserving zero respect or compassion. Guest theyve used it very effectively. The Democratic Party, the socalled squad of four horsewomen of the democrat ocasiocortez. Nancy pelosi, saul olin ski the most influential individual with regard to american politics that nobody talks about. I reproduce elements of hillaryy clintons dissertation from wellesley that she wrote on saul olin ski. There is only the five the original dissertation i reproduce elements of it in the apen dis. When you see the three years and donald trump and most since 1948, who has moved our embassy to jerusalem, recognized jerusalem after 23 years of broken promises, who has the closest relationship you can imagine with the Prime Minister of israel to call that man an antisemite, a bigot, a ray this, same person who affected prescribe reform for minorities, who has create the lowest unemployment for hispanics and blacks in america since Record Keeping began. Thats took ticks. Its the triangulation we were taught by Andrew Breitbart is what the left does. You separate, isolate, and destroy. Its the politics of personal destruction. Politics has you remember the puppeteered of the American Revolution and going back citizen buzz never to this degree. We didnt target children. We didnt target the president s of children weapon didnt go after the first ladies because they were wearing the wrong shoes as they get on the helicopter. That is why when people talk about trump derangingment syndrome, there is some substance to that because the level of the vituperation, the level of demeaning the other person to a point at which you deny their humanity, thats very, very unhealthy. Thats disturbing. You see that in proto to tall tear ran regimes. Look at soviet russia, if you look at the 30s in germany, when you start to dehumanize your political opponent and not to discuss policy issues, that way leads the road to the labor camps and the gulag and thats why i am convinced of the fact that sadly, the Democrat Party of scoop jackson, john f. Kennedy is dead and has been taken over by extremists, by radicals. Hough is that you have avowed antisemites saying, israel is evil, its hypnotized the west. Omar tweeted two days ago that we the President Trump murdered a Foreign Government official. What . Soleimani was a mass murderer. Is goodbells, him her a Foreign Government official to the woman . Were leaving in dark, dark times but as Ronald Reagan taught is on the right dish consider myself to be a reagan order, we are happy warriors. We are fueled by love, love of country, love of liberty, and what i see on the left thats another reason i wrote the war for americas soul is a movement that has become defined, fed, fueled, by hatred, perhaps hatred of self. Might be some psychological underpins but hate trough what they think america is. Which is not some imperialist colonial force but the freest nation that has helped others in their freedom. Host 2027488200 in the east and central time zones. 2027488201 for pacific and Mountain Time zones well school from the text number and social media sites lets given win brian in ooscoda, massachusetts. Caller thank you, sebastian. Good to listen to you. Have a top secret clearance compartmentalize i. Id like to talk about mr. Sean henry at the crowd strike. The head of Cyber Security under Robert Mueller. Now he got this grubstake, his big money now from pinkus, a lawyers outfit that hates russia and doubled down and got a ton of moneyly to timothy geithner, the head of cephus and approved uranium 1. I think i see you may know where im going with this. Host where are you going here, brian . Caller well, its all right there and i think send past ya host lets see if he does and get a response. Guest this is perhaps one of the greatest ironies of the last three years, whenever the Democrat Party, the left, the fake news industrial complex, has tried to manufacture charges against the president , whether it was regards to russian collusion or whether it is extortion and bribery in the ukraine, every single time it has redowned back on to them also my good friend, chris blanch, who hosts the morning show here in d said its reminiscent of the final scene in the hunt for red october when the bad soviet sub commander launches the missiles and thinking he will sink the submarine but theer to toe pea heed toes circle be a and can sink his own vessel. The fact that Hillary Clinton and the dmc paid a former foreign secret agent to gin up a dossier of propaganda to use in a secret and then to come after us for connections to russia and its the sweetest most delicious of ironies. The fact that they then accuse the president of some kind of malfeasance with ukraine in a phone call we have all seen the transcript of in which there wassing in untoward, when Hunter Bidens son was taking home between 50,000 and 80,000 per month from a corrupt company that was investigated by the ukraine in which his father is point person for the obama administers demanded the ukrainians fire that prosecutor before he gave them a billion dollars. All of these things circle back like a boomerang and youre right in one thing. Crowd strike. Crowd strike is is the oning the the democrats and the dnc and hilary and comey and brennan dont wish you to talk about. The idea that a company that google has great interest in, that was working in the ukraine, was connected to the dnc, we need to get to the bottom of that, but if you believe in justice, i have good news for you, william barr, john bar hmm are on the case and unflappable and they are unstoppable, so stay tuned. Host this tweet for you, sebastian, how much of an influence is claus book on war part of your own philosophy. Guest great question. One of my three favorite books. I break it down a great deal in my second book, why we fight. If you really are interested in National Security and strategy, there are two classic authors you must about familiar with. Klauswitzs on war, and the art of war because they compliment each other. Never meant to be publicked during the authors life. It was published posthumously by his widow but it is the most influential text on how the west does National Security, how the west failing system of nation states thinks but National Security and why its important. Not always right about the concept of friction, center of gravity, fog of war, are eternally applicable. San sewage is i important but a is breaksout our our your euro centric way of thinking and illustrates how other nations and other cull toward have different ways about thinking with regard to National Security and to strategy and sun su is singh until a reading to understand what china is doing against us today. Even what iran and russia are doing. Why . Not because russia or iran are asia but because sun su is the foundation of irregular warfare, of the indirect approach, how you take down a more powerful enemy than yourself. So, if you want to start your library on National Security, start with those two and then build it from there. Host bob is in michigan and youre on with author Sebastian Gorka. Caller a real honor, sir. Something that been bothering me that has been missed or at least not brought up and i think that its that putin has played the Democrat Party to do his bidding. If the democrats would have co lessed around the president instead of attacking him, this allthis stuff we have been going through may have never occurred but he knew how stupid these people are and played them like a fiddle. Guest there was a phrase from at the cold war, useful idiots. It really is a case of that. When you have just the most egregious example. When you ha have a former cia director, john brennan, obamas director of the cia, on national television, not long after he leaves office, use the word treasonous, to describe at the president of the United States, Vladimir Putin is laughing into hills cheerios. Youre doing whether or not brennan is being paid by the kremlin is irrelevant. He is doing Vladimir Putins bidding. The idea that a president like donald trump, who has green lit the targeting of more than 200 russian mercenaries in syria by our forces, man who instead of sending blankets and mres to ukraine like obama did, sent javelin antitank missiles and an individual who is instigating the toughest sanction regime against moscow, that person is treasonous and a puppet of putin . They have returned a massive, massive return on their investment, even when they didnt pay these individuals. So, its sad that a party that was so in the tank for the live ted kennedy, ted kennedy, had negotiations with the kremlin, trying to elicit their assistance to undermine Ronald Reagans reelection. That Democrat Party that was always on the side of the left, on the side of useful idiots, the fellow travelers, now theyre accusing donald trump and conservatives, truly beyond the pale. Host and from Sebastian Gorkas 2018 book while we fight. Russia does not share americas interests by face its own jihadi threat from chechneya bit that does nose mean it is or can be our friend. Then calm from glen in freeland, michigan. Caller thank you very much for taking the call, and we have had three calls in a row now from basically the same area in michigan. Anyway, i just want to Say Something fast about the media and the left that dr. Negotiating could dr. Gorka was talking about april. Amazing those people have more respect for the iranian government of holocaust denies and terrorists than they do for President Trump. It is really incredible. My question, though, is about syria. He talked about how the atrocities in syria, by isis, have stopped, but the vast majority of syrians would tell him that those kind of atrocities and worse are still going on under the assad dictatorship, and that things like isis came about, one, because assad released lot of people from jail and let them thrive so he could set himself up as a big terrorist fighter and also there was no alternative. Obama chickened out on his red line and basically nobody came to help them. Everybody in the west and all that condemned assad, but they basically let him and iran, soleimani helped kill hundreds and thousands of syrians and helped assad commit war crimes. Glen, a lot of geopolitics going on there and i just want to add to what you said, we have the kurd situation as well. Guest yes. To glens first point, it is truly saddening. Im now proud american. I became american seven years ago. The idea that we have leading figures in the media with National Platforms, who host their show the day that Robert Mueller says there was no russian collusion, and these individuals Rachel Maddow have their eyes tear up when the tell us there is no proof the president is a traitor to his country. Thats unconscionable. She is sad our president isnt a puppet . Thats insane. And when nobody on twitter not a famous person. An average american, tweets out a still shot, a screen capture, of Rachel Maddows eye tearing up and that individual is suspended from twitter . Where is the sanity. The first amount. With ward to sir you youre right. Isis, despicable evil, an organization that had not only beheaded people and tortured people, burned them alive,ed a slave markets, selling women and children as sex slaves, but that doesnt mean the other actors are good guys. Assad, his father may have been worse, his father was a mass murderer of incredible proportions, just look up the siege of hamas in the 80s but his son is not much better. He is also a dictator. The prior to this administration, i can tell you somebody who worked for at the president , not that were going to fix syria or recreate it or have regime change but to stop as much of the bloodshed as we and can thats why when i was in the white house, remember the maralago schmidt with the chinese premiere, xi jinping, over job chat cake the president went out, talked to the National Security couple their join chief cozy decided a proud moment for me and us in the white house when we had the intelligence cant discuss the nature it is a incontrovertible that assad was going to use chemical weapons again against unarmed women and children, the president took Decisive Action and launched those 50 cruise missiles against the assad regime to send a very clear signal etch dont talk about red lines in the Trump Administration. We act. Whether its al albaghdadi, ase man any or the murderous assad regime. Host what but the kurds. The line that at the Trump Administration has abandoned the kurds. Guest i am absolutely fine with capitol hill having a discussion about the kurds. Should we help them more or should we help them more . But look at the the absolute hypocrisy that the president with one drone strike is being accused of declaring war against iran, after 603 americans have been killed by this man, but they had issues with him not going to war with a nato ally, turkey, as they came across the border into north syria . Have who common sense, have some standards, maintain some consistency in your argumentation, at the end of the day, the kurds have killed a lot of bad guys. Why . Because isis was as much an enemy of theirs as they were of ours, but at the president s primary responsibility, the one he takes more seriously than nigglings is to protect americans, not kurds. And they are not even treaty ally is. Not part of the north atlantic treaty. Not article five defense requirement that apply toy kurdish nation. If congress wishes to make it so, have that discussion. Lets have the democrats argue that a nation whose population is dis dispersed among five Different Countries in middle east should become a treaty ally with all the requirements that that imposes upon us . Okay, but you have to make that argument to the American People because three of the reasons this president was elected, beyond the Immigration Reform and the border and the crippling ol our economy under regulation by president obama, the fir most important reason was to end what my old boss called the endless, stupid wars and the idea youre going to send more americans to die and defend people who we dont have a treaty obligation to . Okay, have that discussion. But until you have that discussion, our obligation is to o our u. S. Service men and leave thing to u. S. Servicemen right there in front of turkish armor erred personnel carriers and tanks coming across the border would have been absolutely reckless. We didnt bow tray anybody. We represented american interests first. Host brian in merchantville, new jersey. Go ahead, brian. Caller yes, sir. I just want to ask you, first of all, just want to say how shocked i am the thing that have happened to you and your family and trump and his family is unbelievable. I want to ask, the house seemed in such a hurry go toe get these article of impeachment to senate and now theyre playing this game. I want to get your assessment on that and also your assessment on the middle east and the world also it relates to the killing g of general soleimani and this other gentleman. Guest with regards to impeachment, how is it that nancy pelosi herself and her democrat colleagues lectured us, for weeks on illinois, that this is an issue of such urgency the president must be removed from office, must be impeachment it and was so urgent that she didnt want to forward the articles of impeachment or the names of the trial managers to the senate . It demonstrates this is a share rad charade. A farce. Nancy pelosi lost control of the Democratic Party. The squad, the four horse men of the democratic ocasiocortez are in control. She is booked into a corner, the person described as the arch strategist, the vote counter, pelosi is out of control and has no control. Look at her press conferences. Cant string a cogent sentence together and when a very, very reputable reporter, james rosen, asks a completely justified question, she calls him mr. G. O. P. Talking points . Thats not a woman in control. It will pass to the senate. The fact that you have one of the democrat star witnesses recently write an opinion piece that the president of the United States has not been impeached unless the articles are forwarded to the senate is damaging enough. What haves nexts i said it in the white house and said it since i left the white house, donald trump became president despite the g. O. P. , not thanks to thegap, i dont trust the establish. G. O. P. In the last three years. They have not had the president s back in the house. A very small group of people in the freedom caucus, matt gates, deven newspapers anyone, jim jordan, thats have really supported the president. In he senate . Even Lindsey Graham goes back and fortunate Mitch Mcconnell has an amazing on judges but the maga agent is much larger that judge size dont expect a robust, dont expected to ail hunter biden, joe bead bide, the socalled whistleblower, and adam shift himself, it will be an abbreviated trail. Milk toast but the president will not be removed from office. With regard to the middle east, what happens next, if anybody tells you that they know the future of the middle east, theyre a liar and probably got to bridge to sell you as well. All i do noes very, very clear message has been sent, not only to the irgc, the republican guard, the quds force and the mullahs in iran, with the hell fire strike on soleimani, very, very robust message has been sent to all of our enemies and adversaries, whether theyre in pyongyang, moscow or bejing. Host during your time in the white house dud you no she socalled whistleblower. I. I had no interaction with him. He was in the building but no interaction. Host this email, mr. Gore could, why is trump such a danger to the career politics and career bureaucrats, military complex, do you think we need term limits . Thats from dan. Guest i think we do. I am not sure the hangman will hang himself in terms of changing the political system. And enduing term limits. Why is donald trump such a threat to establishment . Nobody else is. He owes nothing to anybody. In 2016, america did something theyd ever ever done before since the revolutionary war, 63 million americans chose an individual who had never served in Public Office before. From George Washington to barack obama, every single president for 44 president s was either a form are senator, congressman, governor, or general. Like eisenhower or washington. We elect for the first time somebody who is unbeholding to anyone. Nobody owns donald trump. Not big fa ma, not tobacco, not the unions and therefore he is a danger to all vested interests on right and left . When i came into the white house for the first four our five week is refused to use the phrase destate. Thought it had a little tinge of tin foil hattery. But then i saw it with my own eyes, at meet these National Security council, classified meetings of the top bureaucrats in america. We go into a skiff and be talking about china or iran and would have the cia, the nsa, the joint chiefs, and id sit there as a political appointee for an hour and a half, and not one of these bureaucrats mentioned either the president s name or what the president wished to achieve with extraordinary that issue and it was left up to me time and again after an hour and a half. The person with the strange accent to say, gentlemen, ladies you do know what the commander in chief said yesterday in riyadh. We to little we what sid at isis or china. Can we do what he actually wants america to do . That shot not be the case but thats at the deep state. Thats colonel dont call me mr. Alex sir veinedman when he testified in uniform in dress blues, he actually used thises are words, as an 05 i was concerned by that president s phone call and felt it my duty to defend the interagency consensus from the president. Hang on a minute, colonel veinedman. When i went into the voting night to 16 i didnt seal three boxes, Hillary Clinton, donald trump, interagency consensus. Who the hell you think you are. Policy and National Security is the president s domain. Its not even congress. Its not pelosis, he commander in cleave, you think that you get to decide above the man who has been chosen by 63 million . Who elected you, sasha veinedman . Nobody. Thats the deep state. When you have eu ambassador, sondland, the star witness of the democratic impeachment, finally get asked, by congressman, is it true at the end of the day, is it true that donald trump rang you up and said these words, i want nothing, there must be no quid pro quo and sheepishly the ambassador goes, yes, he did. And the congressman says, why did you not mention that in your 23 page Opening Statement . I ran out of time. Did you . Hell. Youre he deep state. Thats why donald trump is a threat to the establishment. Host matt endicott, new jersey, good afternoon. Caller yes. Hello, mr. Gorka, its a distinct honor and pleasure to talk to you. Im a big fan of yours and the no holds bar Straight Talk and one of my concern, howl do we as patriots. Com bat the likes of the Hillary Clinton socialists alleged and the george soros media machine that are Brain Washing the people of our country into thinking that socialism is such a good thing . Dont they understand what mass amounts of good we have done in the world and how we cannot get through to the general public to help them understand what is so wrong with the course theyre leading us down . I appreciate your response. Guest thats a fabulous, fabulous question. Thats why each one of my books closed with a chapter addressed exclusively to he reader about what you can do to make a difference. I if you raved why we fight this war forpers soul theres an apprentice dressed to you. Its simple. Two things, number one, you matter. Every single american matters. If youre a conservative, if you live in california or massachusetts, you still matter. In the age of trump, anything is possible. So number one, be part of the solution. How do you do that . Ive advocated across the country, travel and speak and say a audiences issue dont care how old you are technology which i inept you deem receivers to be if youre not on social media, talking truth, you are part of the problem, not the solution. I dont care how old you are,us must have a twitter account, facebook account, be on instagram. Evenover yao e yo just reposting the president. He jumps over the head of the lying fake news industrial complex. Andrew breitbart told us, everyone in with a smartphone has more journalistic capacity than a truckload of journalists 20 years ago. Use it. When you see lies, corruption, you see the needles on the streets in san francisco, youll see the homeless, seal the conditions in baltimore, in detroit, film, photograph it, post it, spread the word of truth, and be on social media every single day. At least once. And then secondly when it comes to your specific question, how do we inform on the evils of socialism, fight this 72 of millenials in america who believe that socialism or communism is a good thing, ask them, where has it worked . Sweden and den mark are no social gist cities from of denmark told Bernie Sanders stop calling my country socialist. We are free market capitalists. Every single nation since 1848, since karl marx wrote the communist manifesto, every sing not tried communist ore socialism, have failed, 40 of them. So now its going to succeed . What cost . 100 million dead . How many millions of dead should die and use the very powerful thing, i use stories in my book of my familys experience. Ask somebody who escaped cuba, escaped vietnam. Why did that it come here . Why did they not a escape to venezuela . To north korea . Because democracy and capitalism is the most powerful Liberating Force in Human History that has create more prosperity than any other ideology and for the kids one last thing, the most powerful tool ive seen, a testament to the power of truth is my colleague, Dennis Pragers prager university. His six minute videos are enable and theres a rope that youtube and google are trying to ban them. Praying are university. He reeds a forward to youre newest book the war for americas soul. This text to you, did you know the great hungerran American Writer and historian john lucas who like you thread from communist temperature na and how would you assess his work and philosophy . He died last year at age 94. A great name. Never met him. Im familiar with george. Up there in the pantheon. Host your book, defeating jihad, you close with an appendix, a memo from february 22, 1946, and in this memo the author apologizes in advance for this burdening of telegraphic channel. Guest yes. I spent almost a decade teaching to the u. S. Military and one of the thing is taught everywhere was this document, enough that it its declassified, the former nsc68 top secret strategy for how to defeat the soviet union. Its the text book case study of how to do strategy right. When George Cannon did the grandwork in his long telegram, the socalled misdirects article that would appear in Foreign Affairs that prepared the field for paul knees as nsc68, its incredible that just a few months after the bier lynn blockade we had everything we needed to defeat the soviet union and became the strategy for in the next 40 years, but why did it work . Because, a, George Kennan understood also, he served in mott scow, he had beensiding in he understood what it was about communist ideology that made an existential threat to judeochristian western civilization. So you have to know your enemies, part one of the admonition on winning your conflict. And then you have to know why you are fighting who we and are why were fight and its a remarkable that the strategy that i reproduced in the apep disk, begins aappendix quotes the declaration of independence and the constitution. We havent done that for years and years until the Trump Administration. To remind ourselves what are our founding principles and what is at stake here and then we have a very, very clear plan for how to defeat the soviet union, explicitly built upon the believe that it is our system of beliefs that we must strengthen that will create the internal rot and collapse. Its on a military conflagration we witch to have with the soviet union that will set the world ablaze. Its freedom, democracy, market principles to be demonstrated as so much more valuable to Human Happiness than anything karl marx ever wrote about. Host james from ashland, oregon, your on with Sebastian Gorka. Caller hi, i was just wondering, what is motive of former cia director john brennan to go after donald trump . I met ceo of Virtual Systems incorporated, james Lester Montgomery and had a twohour conversation with him on their contract with brennan to smuggle heroin out of afghanistan and i was wondering if that could be the reason. Guest i have no knowledge of that. I can possess polls sit what his motives are. John brennan, if you raved about who this man was, the unclassified open source material, was a failure at the cia. But before that more importantly just before he was interviewed, cnn has this report. Just before he was interviewed and given a job at the cia, john brennan voted for the communist party of the cia at the height of the cold war. He voted for gus hall, the communist candidate for president. Then he was hired by the cia, how that happened, to begin with, is the first question. Then he washed out as an operator of the cia, failed. Became an analyst, had an undistinguished career. When obama became president he came back from the private sector to wreak revenge on the agency which he did with an internal reorganization of centers where he mixed analysts with operators, making certain instances analysts responsible for operations. Why . Because he washed out, failure and wants to have revenge on operators of the cia. Then he pollitt sized the cia and politicized the iaea and used the iran desk as a Political Tool to sell the jcpoa iran deal to president obama and to capitol hill. Why he did this i dont think he believes in america. How can you believe in america if you vote for the communist party at the hoot of the cold war. John brennan is at the center of operation crossfire hurricane, the illegal surveillance of the Trump Campaign and our white house. He is the man who began it all, responsible for the targeting of individuals in the campaign, carter page as well. And i expect this individual to be in high, high legal jeopardy in 2020 once the final subpoenas and charges and indictments brought down for the doj under john durham and attorney general william barr. Host peter, elizabeth town, pa. Good afternoon. Caller thank you, gentlemen. Its a real privilege and honor to speak to both you,mer gorka and mr. Slen. God bless cspan. Ive been listening with great interest and maybe should i say growing concern. I really would like to ask mr. Gorka if he feel should we still have confidence in our rule of our system as far as rule of law . These people on the far left i think of them. As like well, traitor wannabes. They may not take any actual action but in their speech and in their sentiment is get the impression they would gladly see the United States damaged and replaced with whatever ideal they have and its theyre not actual traitors. Main they dont actually commit treason, but host i think we got the pointment thank you for calling in. Guest i like that phrase. I might have to phrase. Traitor wannabes. Something strange but the koetterry of individuals that did illegal things against us, the campaign and then us in the white house. Think about the lisa page and strzok texts. You are in counterintelligence the highest level of the fbi and youre sounding thousands of texts to your girlfriend who is married, when youre married . These are arrogant people. These are people who hate what this country stands for but theyre not very bright. The idea that on a government phone youre texting the person youre being unfaithful with, i went to war West Virginia or tennessee and strzok says could i smell the trump voters. Wow, youre texting things like heavings not going to win, is he . Oh, no, donald trump is not going to win, we have an insurance policy and youre doing that on a government phone . When you have obamas National Security adviser, susan rice, i think on the day of the inauguration were we on the steps 0 congress as the president was being sworn in, and we were becoming politically commissioned officers of the 45th president and she is sending an email on her government account to all the principles saying, bill the way, president obama wants everything to be done by the book. The lady doth protest too much. Why we woo the National Security advice saying we want everything to be done by the book because you have not been doing things by the book and youre leaving a fake paper trail. The good news is william barr didnt want the job. There is to clean the stables that is the doj after own. John durham puts bad guy inside jail, who often wore a badge and gun so be patient. We believe in rule of law. We believe in collecting evidence. Not having kangaroo courses like nancy pelosi does0. So a little more patience because the statemented out of the doj and john durham of the ig honor re witness report are very heartening. Host from the war for americas soul you write that america is busy being deliberately dismantled and that the election of donald trump is only possible because of a bipartisan betrayal of middle america. Guest yes. I am a bib lowow file. I have a medical complaint. I cant go past a book store without buying a book or a gun store without buying a gun. My two vices but i dont read auto biographies or biographies. I cant read 600 page of what icen hour had for break california eye. Read two autobiographies in the last 20 years. Excepts to the rule that changed my life. The first one is Andrew Breitbarts right of indignation. That passage you just read is built upon what i learned as a conservative from Andrew Breitbarts autobiographyy, specially chapter 6 think rise of the new left, how what we are seeing with aoc, the squad, isnt a function of obama. It goes back 80 years to antonio, an italian communist writing in prison. Goes through the frankfurt to obama and hillary. A progression. This isnt some conspiracy theory. Its documental and whats that i did in war for americas soul. With regards to dismantling of what is happening today, i was also highly stimulated by the autobiography ill billy elegy. Jd vance. I credit mr. Steve bannon. He said you have to read this book after we came to the white house. Thanksgiving weekend i read the whole thing. Jd vans is not a trump supporter. May be change is his views the way he is being attacked but he was clear live not a trump supporter. That book explanation of what the political elite did to america in the last 40 years is extraordinary. And i used his auto autobiography to explain why a nonpolitician was elected. The story of his hill bily clan that moves to midwest, finds success, finds jobs, security, in steel plants and automotive manufacturing, and then is decimated by the political elite as jobs are outsourced to asia, as both left and right in washington, dc subscribe to the same concept of, there is no future for america. The busy sale, russia, india, china and we must prepare for managed decline. The idea that last year 72,000 people died of drug overdoses, more than almost 20,000 more than died in ten years of the vietnam war, is a function of that. We exported the jobs and we imported the fentanyl and the drugs. So there was a conscious surrendering of the american dream, which i strangely was subscribed right and left, and the idea that Henry Kissinger made it possible, the greatest irony of all with convincing nixon to open to china, china was a backward nation that could never have competed with us. But once china was given world trade nation wto membership, given most favored nation status in america, then they decided that the joint can be taken down. Good news is donald trump doesnt believe in managed decline as we have seen in the last three years, china is given its warning order. Host laura, brooklyn, good afternoon. Caller hello. Since 2014, mr. Biden has become considered a war criminal by the ukrainian people because he started the civil war in ukraine by setting up a personal business deal to by for a song liquefied gas in Eastern Ukraine and to sell it in western europe for market praise to enrich himself and his family do you believe mr. Biden should be considered a war criminal by the u. S. Authorities . Host laura are you from the ukraine originally. Caller yes. Host thank you, maam. Guest war criminals is a very specific term in the geneva and hague conventions to be a war criminal you have to be in the chain of command of ordering war crimes. Dont see Vice President biden a chain of command in wartime responsibility for war crimes, about he is one of the most corrupt politicians in american history. The idea that you are made point person for president obamas ukraine policy, and you openly on video, any viewer can check you jest about exextorting the ukraine and saying i held up a billion dollars of u. S. Aide until they fired the prosecutor who was investigating the company barisma where my son hunt he biden was employed to the tune of 50,000 daz month . That is the kind of corruption that they accused President Trump of committing which he never did, if anybody should be in a dock, if anybody should be charged with bribery and extortion, it is joe biden. He has become a figure of amusement, telling stories about corn pop and his legs. Its not he is funny and pathetic. Its that he is corrupt and his son is corrupt. If the trial continues in the senate well have a Good Opportunity to find out just how corrupt the whole biden clan truly is jive you cant get through on then phone lines and would like to send a text to mr. Gorka, do so, 2027488003. Greg in metview, arizona, you are on the line. Caller thanks a lot for taking my call. Sebastian, just realized theres a whole bunch of us out here that are on your team, and its really easy to see what the problem is, is that there are no american flags hanging or standing behind the democrats when theyre having their debate. That should be simple enough for the American Public to realize what were up against, and youre absolutely right. We are up against pure hatred. Go god bless you, god place trump and keep doing what youre doing. Guest thank you, glen, god bless you and america and the first family. Its not a conspiracy theory, go online again and see the reports from the event democrat convention. They realized as the convention was opening that there are no american flags on the stage of the dnc convention. Accomplish they have to rush out of the stadium and purloin them from the local townhall and everyone else they could fine them. What does that tell you when theyre lauding people like colin kaepernick, one of the rhythmest sportmen in america for kneeling when the National Anthem is playing, for disrespecting our flag, differ respecting those who bled and gave their lives for this nation. Its sad. This is not the dnc. This is the Democrat Party of your forefathers. Think of individual if youre pro life, you can even be part of the democrat platform openly. I if youre strong on National Security, if you believe in National Security, like john f. Kennedy did. You wouldnt be allowed on to the platform today. That is saddening. I hope, i wish we had a massive trouncing of the democrats in 2020 because its only that type of a crisis that will force them to reassess who they have become and perhaps return to their roots as inclusive. I work for donald trump as mr. Trump i work for him as president , and he wants to support everyone and make sure they are safe, irrespective of their skin color. Where they were born, their class. Most striking of all which the democrats and the left and media will never believe, he wants you to thrive, prosper and be safe whether or not you voted for him. Thats also it should be. With every president. Thats not how it is on the left today and something has to change. Host will you be involved in the 2020 campaign . Guest i have a National Radio show, America First which i provide as a platform for left and right and the campaign is always good in sending me surrogates. If have don jr. , laura trump, i have eric trump on the show regularly. If the Campaign Needs me i told the president , he he knows my phone number, stayed in touch. He has called me several times songs i left the white house. But right now its the National Platform and its the engagements across the country. Host when is the show on live and can people watch it or listen to its online . Guest yes. Its 3 00 to 6 00 eastern every day, martinez through friday, its drivetime on the east coast, lunchtime on the west coast, on the salem radio networks, on hundreds of stations you can listen to is 24 7 on repeat at sebgorka. Com, its on Apple Podcast with live stream on youtube, live stream on facebook and then after the show airs at 6 00 p. M. , we put each hour up on instagram tv as well. Look for America First. Sebastian gorka and the website is sebgorka. Com. Host due allow people who disagree to you call in and invite people you diagree with on as guests. I have. I had wieger on the show from the young turks. Im open to debate every week we get a couple of liberals and my producer, he loved i when i get into a rhetorical battle. So we dont have any filter. And my the demand hoff i children as well, hey say dont just preach to the choir and open it up and we defer a. Host under second book while we fight you prefer to Political Correctness as a permafrost on america. Guest this imagery came to me during the election of 16. And it actually came out of my first middling with candidate trump. I this is i grew up in the uk, went to private school, stiff upper lip, key pating school. So the style of this man from queens who was very different, but within seconds, maybe minutes, of personally meeting with him facetoface, i realized one thing. This individual, to his core, detests Political Correctness. With a passion. He is the kryptonite to Political Correctness and thats why it was very easy for me to make a decision to become his advicer and then to work for him in the white house. And then as i started thinking about it, it came to me that what we have soon in the last 4050 years in america is this increasing tide of Political Correctness in the colleges in media, in hollywood. And eventually under the Obama Administration, this left of political correct unless became a permafrost across american culture, that locked in one way of thinking. And the reason that 63 million americans elected a nonpolitician as their president is because they saw in him an ice breaker ship. Its that one individual who says, i will not surrender to Political Correctness. Ill we nothing allow those who politically disagree with in to dictate my speech. And like a true icebreaking ship he rows up on to that sheet of ice and smashed away through it, which opened up so many people in america the possibility that we can once again return to the founding principles 0 upon which the republic was built which freedom of speech is respected and youre not curtailed what you are allowed to say for political purpled no me donald trump was the icebreaker and the Political Correctness the permafrost was finally broken but with all icebreaking ships, i finish the analogy with this. What happens to an icebreaking ship breaks out there the sunrise if there isnt a flotilla behind it the physics of the arctic exthe ice will immediately reform and reknit behind he bow of the ship. So its up to us americans to keep that passageway clear and thats why people have to believe that they matter in todays america every single one of us, to keep the navigable lane. Host you wrote Andrew Breitbart, politics downstream from culture. This is perhaps the outside of ben shapiros i dont caringout feels, Andrew Breitbarts phrase is the most universally popular one of the right in recent years but most people throw it out without understanding what it truly means. And on my radio show, again and again and again i try to make people understand what did andrew actually mean . He meant in the following. When an issue youve care about doesnt matter whit it, pro life, Second Amendment, freedom of speech, deregulation, whatever it, i by the time that issue arrives in the city in the swamp, but the time it gets to capitol hill, its already set settled. I was settled inned in use and hollywood the idea you can have debate on the merits of individualishes in washington mischs the opinion the issues of our age, the issues inunder in our culture are shaped, or formed, create conventional wisdom in the culture first. So you cannot wait this is the lefts great success. A success of the frankfurt school. That the in other words its not d. C. That matters, d. C. Is a rubber stamp. Its thoughts do in the community, the community organizer, the screen writer, far more important. Thats why talk radio without rush him squaw his 24 million limbaugh and his 24 million listener there is theres donald trump. If you care about at airports not every four years, you have to be active in the culture first. Whats that andrew meant and he was right. Host 2027488200. 2027488201 in the mountain and pacific time seasons. We have a half hour left with our guest, Sebastian Gorka and don is in dan verse, massachusetts and youre on the line. Hello, sebastian, how are you. Guest very well, better than i deserve, don. Caller well, i was listening to the program then you messengered in your books you have some discussion on what we can do. And i thought i would relate a terrifying story with a little spark of hope to it. Guest please. Caller my hobby is a lonely hobby. I good to i go to these talks that people give about Global Warming, to scare everybody, and convince everyone that were destroying the plane and i am usually the only person there who asks bowled the science and the questions the line theyre giving. Over the past six years ive noticed that the these presentations have evolved and the latest now is presentations that revolve around the urgency to act, to do something. And the latest one i want went to locally organized by a Democratic Party folks and they had the High School Democrat students there, and all giving their presentations about Global Warming and then a couple local cancer vague people and one scientist and the whole audience and everybody else was being givenned up to say we have to act, have to do something. And a week before that, there was a conference in europe, i think in germany but im not positive where some skeptical climate scientists were getting together, and one of these environmental activist organizationssomebody said they were kind of like antifa. Went to the hotel where they were going to meet and harasses the hotel so much that the hotel cancelled the contract for the conference and the conference had to go through and at the last minute try to find a new hotel. Host don, i apologize, we have to kit there i think you got the gist of where he was going. Guest yeah. Let me i dont want to gough an tangent but on climate, since when is science a function of consensus . We have been told, i theres consensus in the community. Science isnt about voting. Its about theories being proven correct or not. There was consensus the world was flat but it wasnt. So lets get back to facts and if you look at climategate in the and you can the fallification of data theres snuff skullduggery going on so we understand its about one thing, about controlling your future. We have had 60 years of being developed its an ice age, its the ozone larry, its the bees, its scwien swine new. Can we have some con cincy on the accomplice and not that they have to make cheese buying i legal, gasoline engines illegal, this is a level of control that stalin would have salivated over. Its about the state having more power over you. That injections science back into the debate. Let me share one little story with you if i may. If don did. One of the reasons that i wrote my last two books, was what happen to me the tuesday after the election in 2016. I was my wife asked me to great some groceries and i stopped at the local grocery and i was paying for the item and two middle aged ladies behind me, one next to me, i could tell she maybe was a last tina or from at lina or latina or from the fill finds and she knew she had seen me. Finely as i was paying she lent over to me some whispered. We won. And i looked at her and i dont whisper and i said, no, no, no its not we won. Its america won. And at which point the woman behind her who was caucasian, born here, not an immigrant like me or the lady, started screaming and said no, out your fing bigot of a candidate thats going ruin america. Now, im 49 years old, ive never had somebody do that to me in public with witnesses let alone a woman, which i responded, no, my dear, its that attitude that got your candidate to lose. This is why i write my books. America is in a situation now that is not justified by who we and are what we have done for the world. Trump derangement syndrome innings real. We need to get back to reality. Host its kind of a big deal to change your nationality, isnt it . Host i have no context for that being born and bred guest it guess it is but not if you grow up in the uk, watching reruns of star star sy and hutch and hill street blues and seeing reagan as the male version of your own hero at the time, margaret thatcher. I was in love with america from the very early age. And when you actually buy into the rat that were the greatest nation on gods earth. The only one found on the principle of individual liberty it wasnt a hard decision. Host text for you, millenniums so enthralled with communist, ironically would never survive under it. They are so pampered and narcissistic and that doesnt bode well live under communism. As much as id love to box their ear thursday is the slow and steady indoctrination that targeted our youth. Guest its howard on town, visits, chomp ski and others who believes wear the new im and were the night that liberates others and never stays there to control the countries theyve liberated. The idea that people who complain that they need safe spaces, would do well under a socialist regime, where the only safe space i guess is if youre a member of the elite and the poll lit bureau. Many have said it apart from me. These individuals need to spend a few weeks or months in north korea or virginia and get back to us. Venezuela, the richest country in the hemisphere in which people are now eating their Domestic Animals because the economy has so collapsed number socialism. It is indock transcribe nation. Host next call from mike in detroit. Mike, good afternoon. Caller following up on what you talk but earlier, i think a lot of people are missing the point. When it comes to the mess were in right now and that who is and what their Democratic Party has become the trump derangingment syndrome, deplorables, russians. All that to me is just theyre trying to rationalize and justify their seditious and horrendous behavior. And i think that the sooner people President Trump deals with them as who they are. But a lot of people in the country are still waiting for them to kind of come to their senses or reach across the aisle, and thats just not going to happen. They misused and damaged everything they touched. And i think its just decannot govern with them. We just have to keep their hands off of the levers of power. Host thats mike in detroit. Guest mike, i couldnt agree more with you. I still dont know how my old bowls does it. The idea you would invite nancy pelosi to negotiate with you in the white house the day that she callouts a criminal, hes a better man than i am. I could never do that. These people are truly seditious. When we know what adam shift did adam schiff did, cord native with the whistleblower and denied and fabricatessed aers of the telephone call that never happened with know the d nc sent a ukrainen merge to the embassy of the ukraine to collect smear material against the president , but to coordinate a Smear Campaign against candidate trump witch the ukrainians government. That is the definition of sedes digs, a group that you really cant do business with. Remember that the whole daca debate. The democrats wanted to have 800,000 600,000 Daca Recipients naturalized to provide them with immunity. What did donald trump do . He is a compassionate man and said, okay. How about we double that. Give you double that figure of amnesty, for Daca Recipients under obama if you actually join me in comprehensive Immigration Reform. What did nancy pelosi say . No. So even when donald trump and his white house act in good faith, there is no good faith on the other side and that tells you everything they need to know. Host text trumps entire 2016 Campaign Staff is in jail for laundering money from russian and he refused to cooperate with investigators or release his taxes. Also nra was working with russia. Thats from m fisher in philadelphia. Guest im sad that m fisher is a victim to fake news. Another indoctrinated individual. Paul man ma for is in prison dish have no love lost for paul manafort. He is notes my sometime he is in prison for mortgage fraud. Mortgage fraud . We were told this is about collusion with the kremlin. Not making false statements on your mortgage application. General flynn is standing in a dock, Great American patriot, former director of thedy a, man i worked with the Transition Team and in the white house. Why . Because he miss remembered the details of a phone call with the Russian Ambassador that he was authorized to make and what was the phone call about . You can have a look. It is up there. Requesting russias assistance in a vote in the u. N. To stop israel being attacked by the u. N. Un. That is why that man has been attacked. His family has been thenned and he lost his home. Its unamerican. Dont be a hossage, my friend. Hostage, my friend to fake news. Look things up for yourself and break the chains of your indoctrination. Host in the war for americas soul you praise john bolton. And he is gone. Is that a mistake he is gone . Guest i dont think its a mistake for the president. I like john. I consider him a friend. Consider him to be an american patriot. He has been smeared by the people behind obama obamas jcpoa deal, the ben rhodes, awe this will people that gave 140 billion back to a sponsor solve state terrorism the likes of which we havent seen for decades. But to be honest im not surprised that he left the administration. His style is very different from the president. He is not a das startly neocon that wants to invades other peoples countries and turn them into cookie cutter versions of america but if theres a choice between intervention and nonintervention, j resident proclivities more often on the intervention side which this he antithesis of the president. It was going to happen sooner or later. Host mike in new york. Go ahead, mike. Caller good afternoon. I want to ask sebastian, what he think about the likelihood of a second american civil war, say, within the next 25 to 40 years if the democrats keep going after the Second Amendment and or a war with china, say, within the next 50 years. Guest lets recall hat the bloodiest war our republic has ever been involved with wasnt vietnam, wasnt korea, i was our own civil war with more than 600,000 americans killed by americans. We dont wish that on ourselves again. Or the Democrat Party is doing right enough, ralph nor northum, the butcher of richmond, the governor of virginia, whats is proover and occurring in other states, is against the founding principles of the nation. The Second Amendment was there for a reason. To protect all the other civil rights we have there is no freedom of speech if you have a tyrannical government. The Second Amendment is hunting white tails in the fall. Its having the ultimate guarantor of your capacity to remove a government that is behaving in way that contravene your fundamental got begin right. The democrats have gone to for a. Bate oorourke, robert orourke, did is a favor. May have be a loser in terms of candidate for president but he spoke with for democrat candidates all felt but were too afraid to state. Hell, yes, were coming ah after your gushings. I wont happen in america. We have more than 300 million guns in private hands, the democrats know that. The extremists now hold the rynes in certain state houses and but the end of the day i have faith any American People and i have faith that sooner or later the extremists understand what a certain japan general said during world war ii, you can not invade america, you cannot take control of the government by force because behind every blade of grass will be an american citizen with a rifle. That is why we exist. Host we always ask our authors who come on this program for their favorite books and for what theyre currently reading. We talked about a couple of your favorites. Righteous i indig nation by Andrew Breitbart, the art or war ask the third one is he new testment. Guest of course. As proud christian, as an individual who believes that our culture is the greatest culture that not only cultures are equal, judeochristian civilization, is western civilization so every morning i read the new testament, the truths are eternal truths. We have been saved by our lord and savior, and every single dale we try to be a little better servant friday doing so. How do you do that . Where could you get your guidance you turn to good book. Youre read throwing books, modern strategy by collin gray reeker sis stance at all costs by kimber extrasle extrasle andt against the president by lee smith. What is the third book . Guest lee smiths book is a documentation of everything that Great American devin nunes did to uncover what i call obamagate. Given unprecedented access to to former chairman of the Intelligence Committee and his team who what the called operation medusa which was the operation to find out what actually happened under brennans tenure, and james comeys tenure, that resulted in crossfire hurricane, an unprecedented interagency operation win the cia, the fbi and the nsa to surveil to illegally spy on a president ial exam pain with fisa warrants that excluded its exculpatory information that led to spying on carter page and others. Lee smith is a not adequately held Investigative Reporter who has done a legion of work, along with recent books be greg jarrett, judge janine pirro, elysee smith is right up there in terms of getting out the fact we know but the biggest political scandal in modern american history. Host you write that in his latest book, the war for americas soul, audrey in california, thank you for holding, youre on the air. Caller yes. Good morning, sir. Im in california. Not by choice but because of responsibility. Do admire you so very, very much. My question to you, sir, is why didnt the administration immediately ask for all of the relation nation doresignations of the obama holeovers and therefore had he, i would all of this not have come to fruition . Ive beened a out indicator for 50 years. Teaching them and am immigrant, teach egg american hit and American Government economics. Im retired but i feel that my platform and my voice is no longer there. I do agree with you. Our social media, im on facebook all the time. Making comments in supporting our president. But going back to my question, do you think that would have been more positive to request the resignations of comey and all of the other sedes digsists seditionist in the previous host thank you for call. Ing. Guest and god bless you for having been a teacher. Its not a cabinet level. That was the biggest issue. The beginning 0 of the administrationings before in the transition but in the beginning of the administration i said to two principals, we need to get rid of as many people as possible. We inherited a National Security council from obama, 420 people. Said get rid of them all. For political appointees in the senior director slots of all of directorate. And fill the building with a much smaller staff, mostly drawn of people from the Campaign Across the country. Who arent tainted with having worked in washington and who understand and believe in the president and the make America Great again agenda mitchell argument was for six months, nine months well suffer because some of these people dont know the difference between sunni and shia or where saturday sack stan is but well wrap then um quickly and have a body of people who are loyal to vision and who understand why 63 million americans chose donald trump. My advice wasnt heeded. By the administration. And as a result, he people like mike flynn were targeted, were framed, were charged with felonies, despite being utterly innocent over crimes charge with. The two agents who sir intrude mikeflip said they dont think he lied. My hope is, god willing in 300 odd days, if President Trump is reelected, the biggest question, forget china, iran, the economy, the biggest challenge for a second Trump Administration is the bench. There is no bench. We have to clear house and bring in people who are untainted and who are loyal to the vision of making America Great again. Who said it, maybe reagan, personnel is policy am cliche so very true. We have to have people who ant diverting the president in the white anded a percent. Host text from craig in colorado springs. Mr. G, i love what the president has accomplished. With the economy, judges, energy, taking on china, its. Do you think as phase two trump should be more traditional, more traditional president in Public Discourse while continuing his policies full steam or does it matter . Guest its not going to happen. So lets start with that. A 73yearold bon m winds tweeting at 4 00 a. M. If was in the the you whats advice you give the president on Strategic Communications i said, none. This is a man who ran for the first time as a nonpolitician and won. You dont give that person advice on communications. Those on the right who complain about his tweets, i really get angry. Complaining about the tweets should we talk but Supreme Court the future of your freedom, talk but 11 trillion havent added to the economy under donald trump, talk but the crushing of isis, the caliphate, Major General sewell man, the revieweddal usingation of nate testimony my colleague at same lem has the slot after me and larry uses the great story two pro golfers watching somebody tee off and one says, look at that golfers style. Look a the position of his feet, look at the swing. And the other pro goes, i dont care. Where does the ball land. Thats donald trump. Who care but the packaging. Where does the ball land . Its been a holeinone for three years. Host this tweet rain goddest tweets that she is absolutely shocked that cspan 2 has got Sebastian Gorka on their network for four straight hours this morning. Want an abomb innings in. His program does reair as soon as we conclude in about ten minutes. Katrina, pahrump . , i respond to thaty yes. Guest im so sad you dont believe in freedom of speech. How unamerican of you. Host go ahead. Caller im in nevada, and my focus has long been against globalization, and trump is the president who battle globalization. I would love to hear you thoughts and expand on his thinking and your thinking with him. Guest i know pahrump actually. One of my favorite shooting academies is front site so i know your town well in arizona. Yeah, in my second book, why we fight, there are some illustrations and photographs from my time in the white house, and one of them is that may surprise people, i was stand egg at the back of those rose garden, beautiful sunny day when the president gave his speech on the Paris Climate Accord. Not my bailiwick. I im a National Security chap and i stood the book and took a photograph because it was one of the proudest moments of my time in the white house. When the president of the United States pulled us out of the Paris Climate Accord with the following sentence i was elected by the citizens of pittsburgh to be their president , not the citizens of paris. We are one of the cleanest environmental nonpolluters in the western world today. To saddle us with paying egregious prouder likes china and russia goes against everything we believe inch America First means american interests. Not alone, but american interests first. So, yes, the religion of globalization is the antis sis of why antithesis of what i america become a republic. Host there was another time when you were at the white house and had a confrontation with a reporter. Guest quoteunquote journalist. Host a junior ymca from playboying me. We want to show just a little built of that video. Please. [laughter] youre a journalist, right . Thats right. This is a journalist. This a journalist. In the white house. Youre youre a journalist, youre a punk. [chanting] what are we witnessing there . Guest its an incident that everybody brings up to me, warmly when i meet them. So, i was at the social media summit with the president recently, and afterwards he invited the guests to sit in the roast garden while he and ag barr made the statement about the census and at the end the president is not taking questions and this fool, this fake news purveyor of playboy and cnn screams at the president , using foul language, im not going to repeat it and then as somebody says, to him, calm down, brian, he looks at the president s guests, spreads his arms and says you all look like you need some demonic possession. Very straining protection and i recognized who he was. A man who verbally abused the Sarah Huckabee sanders no two years and i went over to him and i said and youre a journalist, brian . To which in front of hundreds of witnesses he challenged me to a fight. He said, come outside, negotiating da california and gorka and hell settle this will in front of the secret Service Success and i said youre just a punch. So i have to have some tshirts made with, youre just a punk. Host youre on win sebastian. Caller i have some questions and i have have to give you a little background. If we host i apologize were almost out of town. So go ahead and ask the question very quickly. Caller thank you. Basically i would like to have you envision a scale between marxism and fascism and were a country that has always been central, not either stream and in order to pursue the moderate vision of freedom and liberty for all, how do you connote moral integrity of individuals beau host i am so sorry we have to leave it there and let mr. Gorka riff now. Guest first thing first. A problem with your question. And its a very common misintention addition there ant scale of politics of communism and fast system. The nazi party was called the National Socialist Workers Party of germany. Fascism is a lest wing doctrine. With regard to your second point, moral wreck tickitude you judge a man oar whom not by what they say or tweet you judge them by what they do. President obama may have been get a reading an auto crew and prepared speech buts what did to apologize for the country and unmine and how he should be judge forever. Donald trumps style from queens is not what is the measure of the man. The measure of the man is how we are safer, more prosperous, enemies fear us, and our friends love us. That is how you measure somebodys moral fiber. Faint louse request. Something you it in he war for americas soul, china is our biggest threat. Guest yes. Came into the white house believing counterterrorism and gentleman jihad was the biggest problem. Then i read the intel and realized well deal with isis and iran and russia. The only strategic level threat we face china. We have plan to deal with them. Host defeating jihad. Why we fight the. The war for america lazy soul fish books by our guest for the past two years, Sebastian Gorka. Thank you your final. Guest thank you for the incredible interview. Ifationed todays in depth it reairs right now. Next the monthly in Depth Program with Sebastian Gorka. The author tee dieting jihad, while we fight and the war for americas soul. Sebastian gorka in your 2018 book, why we fight. You write that the most significant threats we face today do not emanate from the world of nonstate actors. They come from old nation state adversaries who have seemingly learned from the change, wrought the end of the 20th century and who understand that the only way to defeat us is by using irregular or indirect means of attack. The assassination of general soleimani fit into that theory

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