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It happened. That is live at one p. M. Eastern here on cspan2 come on by the cspan. Org, or listen live on the free cspan radio app. And a very good tuesday morning. You can start calling in now as we take you through the categories that now face new visa restrictions for the end of the year and perhaps longer as a result of the president s actions yesterday. The action would impact Foreign Workers seeking h1b visas, those for skilled hightech workers. H2b visas for seasonal workers. H4 visas for generally the spouses of h1b visa holders. L1 would also be impacted. Those are usually executives transferring from positions abroad with the same employer and the action wouldld impact certain j1 including interns, trains, teachers, cap counselors, Summer Work Travel Program disciplines. Of course this action yesterday does include some exceptions for those in healthcare or supporting the Coronavirus Response and for those who work in the countrys food service and Food Supply Chain sectors, and as julia points out of the migration policy institute, one of their senior researchers, that proclamation by the white house did not affect people who are already have valid visas or green cards, whether inside or outside the United States and people applying for green cards or temporary visas from inside the u. S. Those are the categories of visa seekers that would be impacted by this action for more on the why behind the what we turn now to anita kumar come White House Correspondent for politico joining us by phone. Good morning to you. Give us some background on where this order came from and what the reaction was yesterday off on capitol hill and around the country. Caller good morning. Well, what does this sort of months ago, actually the start was the beginning of the president s term. There are a lot of people who wanted him to restrict even Legal Immigration. We tend to think of ilLegal Immigration come people that come here and there and document but this is Legal Immigration. People are getting permission to be ait and its been talk to ust the beginning of his true. The administration was really looking at it since the coronavirus that. Look, the job is right here in the United States is huge. Weve seen how so many people, one in four workers have lost their jobs. Why are we hiring Foreign Workers . E3 member in april, he issued an order two months ago saying that is going to restrict the number of people coming, not guestworkers, not people coming just for seasons or temporary times, butut the people that are getting visas to comment all the time come for different jobs all different kinds of jobs. That wasob restricted and bogus over the j last two months was a huge lobbying effort by those immigration hardliners, both on capitol hill, people like senator tom cotton. We saw people come we see immigration groupsav saying why are you ready guestworkers in when youre limiting these other immigrants . They really wanted these guestworkers included and yesterday the president finally did do that. He made good on that promise. Host what was the reaction on capitol hill . Did those people who were pushing for think it went far enough . Caller yes. I mean, there are brought exceptions as you said, but this ise the biggest restriction on immigration in quite some time. Those immigration hardliners were very happy. You saw lots of republicans though saying this is not the way to go. I will point out senator Lindsey Graham was a South Carolina republican who was very much an ally of the president saying this is not the way to go. The people we heard from, immigration advocates who were helping them in this country, but also the big business lobby in the United States, the u. S. Chamber of commerce has worked to try to prevent this from happening. A think this is a bad idea. You saw the tech companies. Companies say even with the Unemployment Rate this high there areve not enough American Workers to take those jobs and absolutely need Foreign Workers or they cantth their busines cant go forward. Host joe manchin Lindsey Graham. Heres a flavor of the statement that he put out yesterday in ia series of attacks saying Legal Immigration is a positive for the American Economy and visa programs along allowing americn companies to secure qualified legal labor throughout the world have benefited Economic Growth in the u. S. Those who believe ilLegal Immigration particularly work visas are harmful to the American Worker did not understand the American Economy. For those who oppose this action by the white house yesterday, and isnt officially an executive order or is it a proclamation . How should we be referring to it . Caller its an executive action that he had done this by proclamation, you know, in april and and basically yesterday what he did was added on those guestworkers in the same proclamation but he did Something Else that initial order was for 60 days and he has extended that as well to the end of the year. Whats interesting to me is how the president is going about his business and saying, hes traveling out and saying that we are past the coronavirus pandemic, but the reason for this order and this proclamation is the coronavirus. On the wind and he is saying weve moved past it. On the other hand, he sang we havent. Host for those who oppose it is ae legal challenge they cn make . Is a something that can go to the course . Caller yes definitely and youve already seen lawyerS Immigration attorneys. Last night saying please contact me, looking at a legal challenge for this. So many of the president S Immigration orders and actions go through the court system that we saw when last week with the Supreme Court so im sure this willha quickly it there. Host who is leading the t effort . Who do we expect to see on the front and of those challenges . Caller a lot of groups, immigration groups that favor immigration, emigrants coming here. You are also seeing business groups, also seeing attorneys. Soha who will be the first to te courts . Im not sure but quickly they will consolidate and say this isnt in the best interest for the United States. Host finally, anita kumar, on the president s schedule today we talked about him going down for the ceremony marking 200 miles of wall completion. What else is on the agenda for the president today as he travels . Caller yeah, hes traveling and also doing when he goes to arizona is also doing an event that is sort of like a rally, it is a young Trump Supporters rally so he will speak to them. As you mentioned he will see the border and you will be in arizona which is a future state for him. He needs to win in november, and as we started to see the president traveling again hes going to those very important, politically important state for them even if he is doing official business we are see him for those ballot grants states. Host the president expected to depart about 90 of f eastern this money. Anita kumar always appreciate your time. Thanks t so much. Caller thank you grandma now we turn to your phone calls of his talk about President TrumpS Immigration order yesterday restricting Legal Immigration. Again if you support the effort, 2027488001 is a number. If you oppose it christian is up first out of arizona. Good morning on thatt life of those who support. Are you with us this morning . Then we will try harry in new jersey also on that line. Good morning. We willng keep 14 under calls ts morning for we mention this order coming out from t the whie house via a proclamation the president putting his signature on that proclamation. Heres part of what President Trump had to say in that proclamation. American workers compete against foreign nationals for jobs in every sector of our economy including against millions of aliens who enter the United States to perform temporary work. Theyre often accompanied by their spouses and children many of them also compete against American Workers under ordinary circumstances properly administered come temporary worker programs to provide benefits to the economy but under the extraordinary circumstances of the economic retraction resulting from the 2027488203 outbreak, it poses an unusual threat to the employment of American Workers. That was the president in that proclamation available at whitehouse. Gov. We can show you more as we go through this first hour of the washington journal but lets try the phone lines again. Dan in ohio on that line for those who oppose o the order. Good morning. And we will keep working on those phone lines for you to get yours calls come to get your thoughts this morning in the first hour of the washington journal. Phone lines a bit different this morning which might be part of the issue. 2027370001 if you support the proclamation, the order by the white house yesterday on immigration restrictions. For those who oppose it, 2027370002 is the number. A few more tweaks from members of congressbe and others about e impact of this executive order whether they support or oppose it. Shelley falling into the oppose category. Democratic of congresswoman think this order is another example of President Trump using the coronavirus pandemic to advance a hateful and extreme antiimmigrant agenda saying a ban on student visas is not only contrary to americas core values in supporting and open exchange of ideas and cultures, it also undermines Educational Opportunities for students and main schools which benefits from these international exchanges. She went on to say theres no question that employers should are out of work americans whenever possible but we have said repeatedly they need the h2b, the j1, the l1 visa was to operate i continue to reopen with the skilled workforce. This panel make our economic recovery more difficult. And we will try christian in arizona. I believe it is the same christian we tried attr the beginning of this program of that line for those who support. Are you there . We will keep working on the phones for you. A few more reaction and some more of theea headlines this morning about thiS Immigration order. The front pages of the Washington Post and the new york times, the wall street journal on with headlines with this as one of their lead stories in the paper today from the new york times, President Trump to halt worker visas through 2020 is a headline of their from the front page of the washington times. This is not a political President Trump cuts off Foreign Workers for u. S. Recovery, wants higher pay for americans to lead the way. And one more from the wall street journal for you. President trump expands ban on job visas, covers highly skilled migrants drawing opposition from business groups and thats just bit of how it is play on the front pages of National Papers this morning. Well keep going through some of the reaction from groups who support and oppose this effort by the president starting with the chamber of commerce. This is from the chamber of commerce ceo tom donohue issuing this statement yesterday after the president released that order. Todays proclamation is a severe and sweeping attempt to restrict Legal Immigration, putting up a not welcome sign for engineers, executives, i80 experts, doctors, nurses and others will not help our country. He said it will hold us back. Restricted changes to our nationS Immigration system will push investment and Economic Activity abroad come slow growth and reduce job creation. He said we are fighting for more investment, more growth in america because that means more jobs and today that fight takes on a new level of urgency here with long advocated for a rational immigration system that meets the needs of our economy and reflects the values of her country. Todays proclamation serves neither of those interest. The use gimbal continue to strongly advocate for immigration system that serves the interests of all americans. Tom donohue with the chamber of commerce in that statement he put out yesterday. Taking your phone calls. Again working with us here as we are working on our backup lines this morning. Its 2027370001 if you support the action by the president yesterday. 2027370002 if you oppose a big we appreciate you calling in a working with us on those backup lines. Not the usual numbers would use. We will go to that line for those who support go ahead, call on the first line for those who support. Go ahead. Caller im calling in regards to saying resident trump is doing a great job. And i support him 100 . He is trying to make it a better america for all of us. Lets all give him a chance. Host gibby goading. I didnt catch journey. We are working on our backup lines. Caller brenda from fort lee new jersey. Host the idea of restricting Legal Immigration can we talk a lot about ilLegal Immigration on this program. We spent a lot time on that topic. The president is down on the border todaym, to celebrate, commemorate the building of 200 miles of border wall. Do you support restricting Legal Immigration in this country . Caller i support what trump is doing to make it a better america. Lets take care of the American People that are here first and then we can take care of anybody else who wants to come into our country for jobs. Host brand in new jersey. We will head out to california. Jeremy up earlyje on that line r those whose oppose this action t the white house. After listening to all distracting we have gone through so far this morning, tell me why you oppose it. Caller first i would like to say thanks for taking my call. Caller im just joking. Er i dont think theres a real issue with this because its taking out the high school, high skilled workers coming in and this is temporary andi think right now we need to be focusing on american citizens getting their jobs. This is a temporary order and i dont see anything wrong with it. Host mike in North Carolina is next on the line for those who do support it, mike , go ahead. Caller having some phone problems this morning are we . Host thanks for sticking with us mike. Caller you guys do a good job. Technology is technology. I support this and inresponse to senator graham , if you agree with this you dont understand economics. Two things, ive got a masters degree in economics and ive worked in technology for over 25 years. What are the two excuses we always hear when we try to do Something Like this . Number one, we dont have enough skilled workers in

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