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If you have questions and we certainly hope you do there is a little fox on the screen that says ask a question. You can type your question in their and we will pull from those as we move through the event and of course you can also put comments into the chat room. And of course use your best manners and we are very glad youre here brett thank you for supporting rakestraw books. Without further ado congressman Eric Swalwell and frances. Thank you michael. Thank you so much. You are such a great supporter of independent authors all around the area. I know michael will do a great job getting the word out about your book. I guess i want to start off asking your reasons for writing endgame inside the impeachment of donald j. Trump. The impeachment trial was at the end of last year in the senate voted in february not to convict donald trump and yet it seems so long ago. So much as happened and certainly when the house set out to an teach donald trump you need there was a good possibility that the senate was never going to go further with it. I want to ask you why you wanted to write this book and whether or not rehashing and think about whats happened a few months ago has given you any clarity on what is happening in the country now. Thank you francis for hosting this evening and thank you michael and rakestraw for writing this forum to everyone. I wrote the book as attribute to the courageous witnesses who came forward gave sworn testimony spoke truth to power and allowed us to hold the president accountable. Its my hope that by telling their story highlighting their courage that it will beget more courage. The president has spent so much time going after these individuals and even right now the tenant colonel bensimon his promotion which he has worked hard to turn is called into question and may not happen because of what he did in the retaliatory white house wanted to make sure that courage was immediately rewarded and highlighted as we still need people to come forward. We just had a hearing yesterday on the Judiciary Committee with with a department of justice whistleblower from the roger stone case but i wanted to condemn publicly and name and shame the people who enabled the president to quit that put their own jobs ahead of our National Security and as you pointed out ultimately did not vote to remove i feel like impeachment looking back on it was not only something the president was worthy of for what he had done and second if we did not do what i think we would lower the standard of conduct acceptable for president because future president s that may act correctly could say well you didnt impeach donald trump and he did this, this and this and third be found during the process when you hold donald trump accountable and you stand up to him he actually backs down. Ukraine got the aid that they were supposed to get only after we launched our investigation so it has the effect of reversing the corruption but the only regret i will have at the end of all of this is that there were not or hours in the day to work to hold the president accountable. So bearing witness in your mind is important in and of itself even if it doesnt have, even if it doesnt accomplish what you hoped it would accomplish. Cynical so its a called action. We arent going to impeach donald trump again. He is impeached forever but we can impeach and remove him at the ballot box this november and if people like regarding if on a pitch beyond the hill and Lieutenant Colonel benjamin raised their lives and risk their livelihoods and the families livelihoods weekend go to the ballot box and spend an hour registering a going to vote to change the course of our country. You titled this book endgame and yet the impeachment trial was not an in game. Wondering why you chose that title. I believe we are approaching and by the way and game is a chess term. Its the last part of a chess match before the final move before a check mate. We are now in the endgame. Its just a matter of whose endgame is it . Is that the advancement of trumpism where we drift from a democracy to a tour terionism or is this redeeming this democracy and learning the vulnerabilitys that the president has exposed and rebuilding and putting it back together quick they think both endgames are possible right now and i think i laid out what they need to do to make sure that the endgame that we all want is a democratic redemption. Talking about trump supporter terry nizon is a very frightening concept. Did you think when he was first elected that he would be authoritarian and can you give us a few examples now of what you think his tendencies are . I would fear yes that by so rec wesley asking russia to interfere in our election in 2016, he said russia if you are listening to not recognize that rush is an adversary of United States and they are not our friend and we dont invite any country let alone an the talk receipt to interfere in our election. That worried me. In the book i laid out the Michael Cohen at one of our depositions with him after a break and we were watching a secure skiff as we call it the compartmentalized information facility in the capitol and we are both walking back into this gift and he said i just want you to know my biggest fear about mr. Trump is that he wants to be like food and an erdogan and is not going to accept the results of any election. That was really frightening to hear as we are now seeing almost a year after that the president seeding what will be his argument on november 4 the day after the election as to why hes not going to leave office which is that he thinks mailin balloting is fraudulent. That for me is very concerning. His attacks on the press constantly going going after free press calling them the enemy of the people and encouraging violence in his crowds where reporters are having attacks made on them. Of course what he did just a few weeks ago in Lafayette Square right outside the white house where he used the military and Law Enforcement apparatus at his disposal to move Peaceful Protesters out of his way and using a chemical weapon for a photo op. Those are all the hallmarks of a dictator and im afraid without congressional checks and balances and without a reckoning this november at the ballot box we are going to see more of that over the next four years. I hasnt been many checks done by the Republicancontrolled Congress during the first two years and by the republicancontrolled senate. When it became apparent that this cia was president obama was alerted and Mitch Mcconnell said if you do that im going to call it a political tactic and as a consequence of bomb was muted about what was happening with russian meddling. How big of an error was that on the part of the Trump Administration and could things have been different . It was an error and i called it out when it was happening and in the book we lay out we found in our investigation that donald trump had gotten in the Obama Administration said way back from officials who are saying the threats coming from russia and the activity coming from russia that they were very concerned about what the russians were doing. If you recall just as Donald Trumps seeding this argument that the result is going to be fraudulent excessive mailin balloting in 2016 Donald Trumps saying that the election is going to be rigged so obama officials believe that if they call that russia and really named and shamed russia for what they were doing that it could feed into Donald Trumps and affirm his argument that the election was going to be rigged. He almost benefited from making that spurious claim that the election was going to be rigged because it was actually being by the russians and i do not believe there was an adequate response against it. Why werent the republicans were concerned about russian interference in our elections . We fought the cold war for decades with russia. They were our sworn enemy. What how can the whole Political Party decided doesnt matter . Is so troubling and in the days and weeks after we learned what russia had done i would talk to my republican friends underground and when i say in the ground they refer to this gift. There are no windows and no cameras or cell phones allowed. Its a very safe and secure environment. Its a safe place for republicans and democrats to talk to each other and Work Together because you dont have to worry about how its perceived by the public. Many republican colleagues would say they were concerned about what the russians had done and they were concerned that donald trump was not doing enough to counteract it but one of them told me the problem is she said when he tweets he winds and that is where they started under the Trump Administration which was they recognized it was wrong but they were afraid if they spoke out he would tweet at you when he would win. What i saw to do was to write legislation to have an independent commission to take the whole issue of russia outside of Congress Like we did after september 11 and put it in the hands of experts and elders and states person and tell us what russia did and how we can make sure it never happens again. I only got two were publicans to join me on that legislation. Every democratic member of Congress Join me. Speaker pelosi when she was minority leader made it a priority but all the republicans i spoke to privately told me i like this idea and is another one told me and i put this in the book, he will lop my head off if i cross him. That is where they started, afraid of him and what i saw was this progression of fear and just her outright enabling and accepting well this is the new truth of the day and we have to get behind it even if it was absolutely contrary to every belief they had ever a spouse before. Why do you think republicans have come to that conclusion . Do you think they feel the judicial appointments are the objective . Ultimately do they think the country will be better off when they can stand trumpcare his tweets in shenanigans and so on . That would be a better reason than what i believe it is. I believe the reason they have stood with the president is not because of the tax cuts are the deregulation or the judges. Thats the benefit of the collateral benefit that i believe its more selfish. Its the belief that if they cross the president they will lose their job. And its hard to believe that because members of congress would like to think otherwise they are employable and this is not the only job we can get but it really has come down to the fear of having a republican run against you and say im the one for trump and this person has been a pain for trump. Hes got to go. We seen that happen and you dont have to imagine what that looks like. Mark stanford a republican from South Carolina spoke out against the president not even in a major way and pretty soon the president was tweeting in favor of his primary opponent and tweeting against mark sanford and mark sanford lost his primary. That was enough for the president. The president had been banned from the political and went to the Republican Caucus and will stanford was thereafter he a dart a loss roasted into the whole caucus to humiliate stanford. Sanford. I think its worse than wanting to advance political parties. I think its just not wanting to lose your job. I want to talk a little bit about comey. When comey came to testify in front of one of your committees he wrote in the book that everything in that russian hacking investigation changed at that point and an does any any chance of a bipartisan vote went out the door. Can you talk about the positions between democrats and republicans . March 2017 and i believe it was around march 20 and from november 8 the 2016th of march that was really the fog of russia. Where were learning what they than a Michael Flynn and his conversation with the Russian Ambassador had been revealed. It was still drip, drip, drip of information every day but i think chairman shifted a very good job while we are in the minority of talking about it publicly and having intelligence members talk publicly about what we were seeing and by the way before this you would never have seen me do a Television Interview but it was very rare because on the Intel Committee the Standard Operating Procedure was that we just dont talk about what we do. We were so concerned about what the russians have done and seeing the republicans wanting to bury any evidence of it that mr. Schiff felt like we had to go above ground and tell the public. We were able to put the pressure on the republicans and call and to give us an update. We are in the ways means room which is the biggest Committee Room in congress which is important because that would later be three years later for two years later the same room where we would conduct the impeachment investigations. Mr. Comey comes in and over the weekend adam schiff had gone on television and said that he had seen circumstantial evidence of collusion. Devin nunes had gone on television and said there was no evidence of collusion and there was nothing to see here. Mr. Calm he raises his right hand and testifies that there was an open criminal counterintelligence investigation into the Trump Campaign for the relationship with russia. That was the first any of us had heard of it in mr. Comey was validating the concerns of we had so much so that they launched an investigation predicted to the republicans were on their heels because their chairman devin nunes had told them nothing to see here. We had come to that hearing doing mock hearings beforehand preparing so we could use mr. Comey to tell the story of what russia had done. I felt like that was a breakthrough moment for us and one part that i will never forget during the hearing i stepped out to go to the and just behind the ways means dais theres the small kindness anteroom where it does with the sofa at tv and a wet bar with water and sandwiches and in the small restroom. They go into the restroom and i come out and they notice for five republicans sitting on the couch and a couple of chairs around the couch watching the hearing on the television that was in the anteroom. I thought what in the world are they doing back here . Kalmias lie about their and they have left their seats and just to come watch it because they knew how port and it was really believe they didnt want to be in the same room. They were ashamed of what they had been telling the public that was their way of bearing her head in the sand was to walk it when he literally was in the room in a side room and not even give him the respect of sitting in the seat and listening to what he was saying. Thats one of the great parts about endgame and all the behindthescenes descriptions of how members interact with one another and where you go in the halls of congress and you provide average americans a glimpse of how it works. That was really enjoyable and very illuminating. I just want to move on to another critical part of the impeachment per seedings. We watch them all or investigation. Closely but every day when the going to come out of witnesses report going to come out . I boys than a liberal democrat and we all had a lot of hope that mueller would reveal information about the russian involvement and that there would be a clearcut evidence that there was criminality or Something Like that. However it didnt end up happening and having that impact on the nation. I wanted, you write in your book that you have a lot of respect for mueller that you were you were unimpressed with the report and there were couple of reasons you felt like the report didnt go far enough. I was hoping you could sort of tell us a little bit about what you saw in the report and what should have happened . Its a great question and theres no fault of mueller because he did say the president invited russian interference and welcomed it and the Campaign Plan for it when they were putting the Campaign Together that they would be leaks coming their way that they could benefit from. Was the failure of prior congress to imagine the campaign would do this so no laws were written about the duty to report to the fbi or Law Enforcement that you are receiving this june 9 meeting invitation of the trump tower in 2016 or there was no duty to report that roger stone would be in contact with wikileaks and telling people on the campaign that this information was coming. That was a failure of us to appreciate that this could happen read we have to fix that Going Forward so no democratic or Republican Campaign can benefit. The scope of an investigation is where i think he fell short. The fact that Donald Trumps finances were never looked at and the fact that donald trump never interviewed as a suspect. This goes back to donald trump masterfully getting in the heads of his adversary. He did it as a mention with the Obama Administration by saying the 2016 election was going to be rigged. What did he do once the Mueller Investigation was launched . He said over and over it was a witchhunt. He said i believe to the New York Times said he would consider looking at his finances in a red line and was telegraphing that he would not sit down for an interview and insisted on having only written questions sent over. Every day that the Mueller Investigation went on he was talking about how long the investigation would take so mueller never went through the finances and for no good reason. I still understand why he did not look at the finances. We are waiting on a Court Decision now that will come down any day around getting the president s taxes but it was very compelling to hear my colleague Sean Patrick Maloney question mark or about why he didnt interview him. I will never forget Sean Patrick Maloney saying sir you are a marine, you are a dogged prosecutor. You led us through september 11 in the days after news that i dont think youve ever flinched in your life. What was the reason . And maloney surmised that he believed it was because donald trump headset this arbitrary timeline that the investigation had taken too long and mueller thought as he described in a report that an interview from the president would take too long in the court so again donald trump winds. He gets in ahead of mueller and no finances are looked at in no interview request is made in donald trump declares victory. What is he due the day after the mueller testimony . A conversation with the president where he asked him about interfering in the election. So he takes another step which the house impeached him for which was a quid pro quo to an investigation of the bidens. Burisma. I wanted to talk so your book came out last week and this week theres there is a book by john bolton that came out, in the room where it happened. You do write about this in your own book. You guys have tried to get bolton to testify in front of the house which he declined and then he said zero coli will testify in front of the senate. Perhaps the senate isnt going to call any witnesses and im wondering if you have any thoughts about the cynicism of how he has held on to this information about how the president acts and whether or not [inaudible] the room where it happened the title of this book was actually that ways means room where he sat for the impeachment investigation because thats the room where ivanovic chen bensimon and fiona hill gave testimony that the room word john bolton refused to go. As you mention in the house investigation we stopped subpoenaing him and he said see you in court and once it got to the senate we said he had no permission the senators never called him as a witness and chairman schiff said at the senate is not going to call you as a witness will you please provide a sworn affidavit as to what you saw . And he wouldnt do that. I look at him as the firefighter that shows up in the building that authority burned with this fire truck and fire hose and said hey im here to help. Its like thanks we really could have used you when the first match was lit and the smoke started to come out of the building. But its too late now. We should look at what he is alleging because it has aligned with the pattern of asking a Foreign Government to help the Trump Administration but he has no patriot. The patriots are the ones who came and gave sworn testimony. Steve. Do you believe the contention that china to win the reelection . That would fit in with the pattern. It sure would have been useful to know that information because what we learned when witnesses came forward in the ukraine investigation witnesses would be get witnesses that we are able to run the traditional bottomup prosecution where you start with people kind of on the outside and you get closer and closer to the central players of the scheme. Bull provided information not only in ukraine but china we could have asked them who else knew about this to validate and corroborate and have another front to hold the president accountable. We are not in a position to do that and that is why as i said its really going to be at the ballot box. You had called for william bar the attorney generals impeachment a number of months ago. I dont remember exactly how it went. It was may of 2019 and i called for attorney general bart to be impeached before the president and that was because of the way he mischaracterized very early on the Mueller Report so much so that mueller had to send a letter to barr saying he mischaracterized the report but our sworn testimony to congress where he was untruthful and right out of the gate i was concerned that barr would act as the presence lawyer and not americas lawyer and boy did we hear yesterday from the roger stone prosecutor that barr and trump had intervened and helped roger stone get a sentence that no one else would get for the county was convicted of and the justice that he obstructed. It sounds like trump and barr brought this presence in their own versatile white house. They do what they want and they are not really looking out for the american people. Im afraid thats right. I dont take any pleasure francis saying this. I was a prosecutor in Alameda County and i am the son of a Police Officer and i married a girl from Southern Indiana and grew up with the pence family. Im around republicans all the time. I go on fox news not only because they can see nancy b. But i respect the other side and i want to have my opinions challenged. But having different political values is one thing but acting corruptly to just advance your own personal interest, thats not america and that is what we are seeing from the Trump Administration. Things have changed enormous waste and the impeachment hearings. Coronavirus has ravaged the globe, 120,000 americans are dead. The rate keeps going up like crazy and in addition hundreds of thousands of people have taken to the streets calling for Racial Justice for black lives matter really calling into account and asking for an examination and a change from americas past. It feels like a very powerful moment right now. In some ways we are in other ways it feels really exhilarating that there are all these young people in the street saying what they are thinking and feeling. I want to ask your impression of those of these and ask you if you think they will play into the election and how they might play into the election . This election as every reelection for president or referendum on the current occupant and i think Rachel Maddow said it best and i am proud that she grew up in my congressional district. Castor valley. She said you couldnt have the worst president at a worse time and i believe that is what we are saying and with this pandemic the way the president acted during impeachment is exactly what is costing lives right now in the pandemic which is he doesnt see this as a Health Crisis that is bringing illness to her neighbors and taking precious lives or he sees it as a personal cost that this is hurting his reelection chances and so he is peddling what he believes are just easy quick fixes to get out of this and is not thinking about the longterm effects. We went from die hydroxy chloroquine days to be inject the bleach days to now essentially just ignoring it and hoping the problem will go away because he doesnt talk about it and he doesnt have a task force anymore. What struck me the most especially early on was that he would only provide relief to states and send ventilators and personal protective equipment to state if that openers with publicly praise him. That sounded so much like the person we learned about when we were getting testimony in the impeachment proceedings. He needed president zelinsky if you remember to go to a camera. Its just so jarring that he needed to go to a camera and make a statement that biden was under investigation in until he did that he wasnt going to get his money. Its such a mob like tactic and its the same playbook that is using right now. If you say nice things about him you will get covid relief and if you are critical in any way and you raise your hand and say we need help here than he thinks you are an enemy and he seeks to punish you. I think Rachel Maddow has a right to we couldnt have a worse leader at a worse time. He is teflon don and it seems nothing sticks to him. I disagree. I am optimistic that this is an earthquake election that we are approaching and i think as democrats sometimes we are guilty of fighting the last word. We think in 2016 all over again that sure biden has the lead in donald trump is going to come back. Thats not happening. One unfairly used Hillary Clinton as a foil and i heard so many family members in the midwest to her republican that hated trump that they could never vote for clinton so they either didnt vote or they held their nose and voted for trump doesnt have that foil anymore and they dont feel that way about ayden. I think its unfair because secretary clinton was immensely qualified but they dont feel that way about biden. Biden is in a position where Hillary Clinton was never in. He is double digits ahead of donald trump in most polls and he is over 50 . Hillary clinton was neither in any of those positions. She was never over 50 and it was never doubledigit and i think that reflects the worst of the economy in the last 100 years since the Great Depression and his failures of leadership on the pandemic front and racial inequality. Im actually really optimistic. We are 130ish days out from election we have to carry ourselves with the confidence that we are on the right side of this. I know the news york times polls came out today or was it yesterday but said hes leading in many of the swing states but as somebody who follows the page every day that said Hillary Clinton was going to when i dont have confidence in the polls anymore. I dont know what to believe and of course i hope you are right but i mean im very nervous about the election. The reason you should be nervous is that biometrics, bad economy failures of leadership joe biden should win in a landslide or they think its the goblet of misinformation Voter Suppression and interference that wyden is against a match and make us all nervous because doing much about any of that is very difficult. You are going to see like what we signed kentucky this week in georgia two weeks ago governors and secretaries of state in trump state are going to reduce the number of polling places available and they are going to allow mailin balloting and they will make it hard to get to the polls and we are going to be up against those kinds ask. That ticks me more nervous than i think the other standard measures. I want to ask a question from one of the people viewing this. She is saying trumps popularity it seems the lower his ratings go the more desperate he gets. What are you worried about between now and the election . I most worried about right now hes not focusing on the issues. He is focusing on setting up his appeal when he loses. As a prosecutor i would see this sometimes in my cases where i didnt feel the defense attorney was really trying to get a not guilty verdict from the jury but i felt like they were more focused on setting up an appeal appellate issues for a higher court. I see donald trump as i said talking about male and ballots and undocumented immigrants voting and he really sees the writing on the wall that hes in real trouble that he doesnt have a message and for a reckoning of an election. I really fear not now and the day before election day but the day after election day all the way up to the inauguration i believe if the election is even somewhat close he will seek to file frivolous lawsuits, refused to concede. We saw attorney general barr over the weekend sam fox news eat sign on the president s belief that mailin ballots should not be used. And said that sentence again to me i cant leave are talking about this but even the general and others are speaking out and he apologized i think just as donald trump is claiming fraudulent results you see former military officials telegraphing we will not go along with this. Thats why i believe the outcome cannot be close. Even if we fairly win a close election thats the chaos he could thrive in but we dont want there to be any asterisks or questions because as he said it could be a young military officer or surface say one certain secret Service Agent and he has to go and then that rizal is the correct diesel and it may come to that. But to have faith in our institutions and the people have gone to the street saying black lives matters also believe in the rule of law. I live in berkeley i dont know any republicans. Can you please explain to us why you think what is it about him that they like . They will say i like that he tells it like it is our he came to shake things up and everything there wasnt working. So is it working now . Is it a lot better for you now . Because for most people i dont think they would say that. And he made a mess of the whole country. But we cannot ignore many folks particularly from the midwest where i was born, do feel ignored and opportunity is confined to the coast and their communities are not being invested in. Also, finally people who voted in the 2012 did not show up in 2016. We cannot ignore communities of color that also believe where they live in Oakland School doesnt have as good as danville. So people have felt it ignored in telling them i see you and i hear you i think will go for a long way. Joe biden is a sincere person the opposite way of donald trump also a consensus builder and one of the important things healing the country bring us back together and finding any republicans that want to work with you. And after this election to bring them into governance. Is there an opportunity to close the gap in washington between these two parties to repair the animosity . It has been well run since lyndon johnson. Do you think that different leadership . It is ironic because the republicans investigated virtually everything he did now trump is in office they will not investigate a single thing. People seem so ingrained in their positions. Thats why i believe it will be a reckoning at the ballot box in the era of reformation and my hope is because i dont want to be pessimistic. First six months after the 2016 election was to work with republicans to have an independent commission. And then sending Text Messages to different colleagues. And a new official was arrested so are you on board now . What you waiting for cracks and then i realized they would never come on board and we had to win the midterms and now watching what happened during the impeachment trial in the senate, you have Lamar Alexande alexander, senator from tennessee said i believe that democrats prove their case i thank you should remove someone for that. So we do have to have that sweeps out of power all of the enablers but then not to pump punish those republicans but to say this did not work for you and to do to them what they have done to us. So there is an opportunity to rebuild the country because the era of reformation patching up those vulnerabilities that has to be a first priority. So to shift the conversation to do something later. Can you tell people who are watching what its like to be a congressman with the family who has to live on to coast . I dont know if your family goes backandforth with you or one location or another but chris hayes you are on tv all the time. You are a very visible member of congress. How do you organize that and how do you write a book in the middle of that . Fake it until you make it. We our every day trying to meet the challenges of the day and hopefully our kids are fed and educated and entertained and disciplined how to bring on how to be good people my wife works full time. Obviously i work between the two coasts. We have fun. And not take yourself too seriously. It is a free country. You get a lot of attacks sometimes. And we just decided not to take it to personal and share as much as he can on instagram and facebook and twitter our family and what we are doing so the people understand many of the things you are going through we are going through. Im still paying off my student loan debt. We both work fulltime. We have a three yearold and a one yearold. We went schools to reopen more than anyone in the fall because we know how hard it is for people at home. How did i write a book . Only with the cooperation of my daughter. Every night when i was with her instead of reading or singing to her when i was putting her dow down, to take her about an hour when she was younger, i would recount for her what was going on in the impeachment investigation and the hearings. I used an app on my phone i could dictate to and it would transcribe what i was saying and then move it over to a word document. But i had to do it in a singsong voice or she would not cooperate or fall asleep. If you listen to the recordings it was in a singsong voice. So there will be an adapted Childrens Book coming out of the story to have your brothers are Police Officers and what is your reaction to funding the Police Department . How do you feel about that . Today i probably voted for the george floyd just a Simple Leasing act to bring the most sweeping Police Reforms banning chokeholds having the independent misconduct and ending racial profiling. Getting rid of the immunities so many Police Officers enjoy. And much more but i have seen the best of some of the Police Officers and one of my brothers helps run the Deputy Sheriff athletically. Ive seen the work he is done in the community to build soccer fields in areas that are field deserts and to get people out of trouble and have fun in the community. When you say defined the police to me that means and how we spend taxpayer dollars to keep a safe. And to take a drunk driver off the road if they are swerving while they are driving and the risk to others. Yes i want someone to show up for a bank robbery to protect the tellers and the customers. Yes i want homicide and sexual assaults to be investigated. But look at mr. Floyd it didnt have to come to that. Looking at brooks he was sleeping in his car at a wendys. Why did that turn south so fast . It just so happens just personally very muscular right before they go out to the streets and i tell them the same day before i came to speak to them in african a member africanamerican member of the Community Says he only feel safe two times a day when he wakes up and walks through his door after work to come home. Every second and between people in my own neighborhood look at the nice car that i work for and they think im a drug dealer. Police officers routinely pulled up behind me what im driving and run my plates to see if i have any warrants and then drive off. I have told them this individual is a captain on your police force. Imagine those who are not Police Officers feel about the police. Just as the black officers how they feel. s with the george floyd bill the senate has passed a bill that is much less trenchant and departments make decisions about the stroke one the chokehol chokehold. The senate bill studies whether or not the chokehold should be banned we dont have to look further than george floyd or eric garner then to know what happens when it is used. Not just the coast and not just black america, they want to see real reform. I think were on the right side of this and if it doesnt happen now than i think people will pay a price to be on the right side and as we get closer to july there will be a drumbeat focusing on those who are looking at Unemployment Insurance and then they can pass the heroes active already passed in congress extended through the end of the year. I hate to cut you off. I enjoy this. Thank you both for being here. For those of you in the audience picture books up tomorrow thank you to both of you. Just come back to the same link if you want to watch him again. You can click replay if your technical problems have a good evening and stay safe. I had been on the outside for a really long time. And after my cousins wedding first reasons i still dont understand i was invited to, my aunt and i started talking. And we developed a relationship which we never had before quite honestly. And it mattered to me. It was the first time i felt part of family since i was a kid. And somehow its very easy for me to put aside all the things that happened to previous to that invited to her Birthday Party i felt that i should go. You see the president in the oval office and say dont let them get you down. Did you mean that . I did, actually. He already seemed very strained by the pressures i didnt mean keep doing what you doing get away with that but also so much of what has happened since then i thought his response is actually more enlightening than my statement. And said they wont get me. And so far it looks like he is right. If you are in the oval office today what would you say

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