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Door baby bye bye bye dont want to be a fool for you just set to begin shortly air force one is there the president yesterday was in dayton, ohio. With his campaign. Our Campaign Coverage all of our cspan campaign 2020 coverage Available Online at cspan. Org youre watching this live here on cspan 3 applause usa. Usa. Thank you very much, pittsburgh. You have always treated me well. Thank you pittsburgh. Thank you very much. I am thrilled to be back in a commonwealth of pennsylvania. Hardworking american patriots, and by the way, the home of the pittsburgh stealers. Congratulations. Congratulations, good team. Great quarterback, dont you think . Big ben, right . Goodman. He is a good man. 42 days from now we are going to win pennsylvania. We are going to win four more years. And we are all entitled to it, i will tell you that. With your vote, we are going to lift our nation to extraordinary new heights. We are going to turn the page forever on the failed Political Class and that is exactly what we have been doing. And we are going to defend our jobs, families, works and our treasured way of life. That remember, we now put america first, we do it. It has been a long time. It has been a long time. This is the most important election in the history of our country. I believe that. This election is a matter of economic survival for pennsylvania. You have the greatest year youve ever had last year and you are really on your way. We were very very sadly disturbed by what happened with china. They let the played out, they should not have done it. But you are now on your way, we close it up and we saved millions of lives and that is the bottom line. We close it up and saved millions of lives. I will tell you, you see what is happening, you see the numbers as well as i do. You are on your way to maybe economically the best year, this next year will be the best year that we had. And the third quarter, wait till you see it, wait for the numbers, they will be out before the election. I predict they will be very good. If they are not, i deny i ever said it. I deny it. But i am pretty confident that they will be incredible, the best ever, under my administration we probably achieved energy independence. applause and dont forget, i am not the candidate, two candidates said we are not going to have fracking, and they said that for a year. Then all of a sudden they said, maybe will have some fracking and you know that wont last because the radical left wont let them get away with it. I am all for fracking. I was in texas, it is a big part of your economy, it is energy, it is a tremendous apart. I was in texas two weeks ago and my opponent is against oil, guns and god. booing and i just spoke to the governor of texas, great guy. He said i think you are up 15. And i said the fake news says i am up for, and he said, you are not up for. Remember last time with you, with texas . It is too close to call, and then boom, the polls close. They said, trump won, trump won, trump won. We won a lot. And i won pennsylvania because of you. And you had your best year, so thats the way it is supposed to work. I think we are going to win a lot last time i came in i said i was going to give you the tax cuts, regulation cuts, i said we are going to do big things with energy, big things with steel. You are steel mills would have been closed and gone had i not won. I said i was going to do all these things and now ive done everything ive said and more. I have done more. Ive done so much more. So they should be easier, i heard we are doing really well, i know we are doing really well, we came in with a lot of these great congressman and they said you are going to win it by a lot. We better win it. We gotta go out and vote. We are empowered by the incredible workers of the state, you are now really, if you look at it, the number one producer, think of it, as a nation and you are saying you have no idea how big you are in energy, people will think of pennsylvania that way. You have any idea . And as a nation, we are the biggest in the world by far, not even close. And we are energy independent. Think of that. But no longer is america at the mercy of these foreign suppliers, all the people that took advantage of us for so many years, now we dont have to be in other parts of the world where perhaps to help allies, we are there to help good people, but we are not there because we Neither Energy or oil. Instead we are the dominant energy producer, we are going to keep it that way, we will always have it that way. By the way, our opponents, they dont want petroleum products. They want wind. Lets open up wind. Lets have some winds and every once in a while the wind will blow and you can produce a couple of things and then you can closed down your plan for the rest of the season. You can watch those birds fly out of the sky. I always say it is a bird graveyard under the windmills. It doesnt have the power . Doesnt have the staying power . You see what is happening in california, rolling blackouts. How would you like that in pennsylvania . The commonwealth of pennsylvania . Darling, what is wrong i cannot watch trump on television. I cant watch our president. We have a rolling blackout, it will only be a few hours. I think we will be on by two clock in the morning and we can watch around. This is what is happening, we have rolling blackouts, some cases you just have blackouts. They remain called rolling. It is not gonna happen here state. Last year i visited the petrol Chemical Plant in beaver, pennsylvania, the largest investment in your states history. And that was all made possible by or proenergy policies. Had we done it a law in louisiana. We are building some of the largest plants youve ever seen, blur just in the world. It is incredible. All related to energy. Your security and your jobs are very grave peril because the radical left maniacs dont want anything to do with energy. They dont want anything to do with they have different concepts, right . They have the Green New Deal where there will be no energy of any kind. It is crazy. It is aoc plus three. Not a good student, not good at anything, but she has a good line of crap. I will tell you that. She has a hell of a line. But she is radical left, but she is not as bad as some of them. How about omar of minnesota . We are going to win the state of minnesota because of her, they say. They are telling us how to run our country. Do it how you came from. Shes going to tell us, she is telling us how to run our country. And you know what . The democrats in congress, you have to see what they are doing, their stance on israels like a whole different world. It is like from ten years ago, it is a different world. And we want to keep our world the way it was and the way it was going to be. We have the greatest country in america. We are going to keep it that way. We dont need socialists, we dont need communist telling us how to run our country. Usa, usa, usa. You know, i do this every night and a lot of times it is a waste. Last night i did it. Did you see the crowd we had last night . We were in a great place, ohio. And we had a crowd. We had a crowd that you couldnt see the end of it and they said turn around camera, turn around. But they never like doing that. They dont like spinning those cameras. They dont want to show anything. They dont like showing. They dont like showing the crowds. And this is an honor. I am telling you. Look, i used to think there is a difficulty, like it was a new camera that cant turn. But then whenever there was a problem, like there would be a little argument or some kind of anti trump person, you dont see that much anymore, you know why . It is dangerous. It is dangerous for them. But you know, i would see the camera would never move but if there was a little bit negative something happening, that thing would turn around. And i said, oh it does move. But they never want to show the crowds. They did it last night. And i went home and i tell you this, i go home and the first lady, how do you like the crowd . Sir, i didnt see it. I didnt see it. I didnt see it, donald. Sometimes you will call me mister president , but she is only kidding, believe me. Has she been a great first lady . A great first lady. And very popular, she is done a great job and she works hard. We have some great people here tonight. I brought some members of my family that im going to introduce you to. Great family. They work hard, i will tell you that, they work hard. They really work hard, but i do wish they would show because it is better for them if they show. It shows the importance. The only thing you can do it is true, i will say, how did it look . And they say i dont know but it sounded phenomenal. It sounded like a pen state football game. You cant disguise it, you never see sleepy joe with a little circles . He puts them very far away, so far away and then he comes out with a mask, he is 100 yards for the nearest human being. He feels good about it. In the debate if he will be it will be him an eye on the stage and is he going to walk in with a mask . I will be honest, if he feels good about it, that is okay. Whatever makes you feel good. He feels good. I mean, honestly, why are they spending all this money on Plastic Surgery if he is going to cover it up . Serious. I think he will come with a mask. I have no idea. The question is, will he leave it on during the debate . Because it is a little heart, but when you are making a speech and the nearest person is where you are and your the stage by yourself and he had a habit of taking it off and it hangs down on his ear, as hes speaking, he feels comfortable. And honestly, whatever makes you feel special good is all right with me. But it will be interesting. We are going to have a big rating on that. Hes been doing it all his life, 47 years and i have just started doing this stuff. I have just started. But i did more in 47 months then he did in 47 years. You look at what we have done. Four more years. For more years. No, its true. That is actually true. He did a lot of negative stuff to. When i asked him if there would be any place for fossil fuels including coal and fracking in a biden administration, he replied, no. We would make sure that it was all eliminated. All of a sudden he gets the nomination. He has been trying to get the nomination for decades. And that was primetime for him which was never great. And he never got more than 1 , remember i called him his first nickname was, 1 joe. And frankly, had Elizabeth Warren been loyal to her philosophy which is, radical left, socialism, perhaps communism, i dont know. It is verging on communism, right . But had she been loyals, she would have left when she had no chance. Pocahontas was gone. Remember i said, i am more indian blood in me than you have. And i have none. And i would love to ask someone if they have any. And then she jumped and went out a got a test and announced that she had 1024th, that means like, i said it last night, around seven or 800 years ago somewhere there was a little bit of a relationship going. That is okay. Seven or 800 years ago maybe. What a phony she is. Isnt she terrible . And now we are going to pick a great woman, any of the women we have, they are all great. Great, brilliant people. Usa. Usa. No, they are all great women. Brilliant, great scholars. By the way, while i am here, would anyone prefer that they pick a man . Is there any man that has the courage to raise their hand. Yes, there is one right there. We are going to and a credible one, a woman. Watch the abuse that she will take, whoever, the decision will be announced on saturday, 5 00 on saturday at the white house. And you see that we have tremendous republican support. Two people, always have to be to. Always have to be those two. We have great support from the republican party, tremendous support, never been this unified before ever. Ever. And the fake impeachment we had 196 to nothing, we can probably support and we had 52 and a half to one half in the senate. Who was the half . I cant imagine. But he was very good for the half. Now i am happy. Thank you mitt. It was very good. Very positive. But days ago, biden reiterated his plans to acquire net zero carbon emissions. That is basically saying, there will be no more oil, no more gas, no more nothing, no more industry, no more country. That is what it is saying, really. And that would instantly shut down all fracking and mining immediately in pennsylvania, sending your jobs overseas, sending your money to someone else, not you. And i will keep your jobs in pennsylvania where they belong if they are going to be doing fracking for a long time. But i can say this, because you are begun energy. I can say the same thing to you as i say to texas. They dont want oil, they dont want fracking, they dont want the energy we know that powers these massive plants. Because the other stuff is wonderful, its not gonna do it. So they dont like oil, they dont like the gas, they dont like god, religion, churches are closed. How about these states . They still have churches closed. And by the way, your governor has not been so great, you know that . Are your churches still closed . They are still closed. They are doing it for a reason. November 4th they will announce that we have decided to open up. They are trying to make our numbers as bad as possible so california is closed, pennsylvania, North Carolina all closed, michigan is closed. That is another beauty right there. Michigan is closed. And then they have these fake ballots, billions of millions of ballots. When you see shenanigans, please report it here authorities. The real authorities. Those authorities are watching. But please report it. When you look at it, really, it is amazing. They are trying to make her numbers look bad but even with numerous closed states, and also law and order, the red states, the republican states, they are working greats. Record low crime. But democrat run states, look at chicago, new york, new york has gone through we have to draft rudy giuliani. We want rudy. Rudy is amazing. He did a great job. New york was in big trouble and he came in and was tough and smarts and it became the safest big city. Now we have a man where some categories of crime were up 300 . He fired 1000 he fired a lot of police. A billion dollars a year of police, firemen and women. It is a terrible thing. I love that play so much and it is so sad to see what is happening to new york. Were gonna make a play for new york. In theory, they automatically the democrats automatically that i do phenomenally in most parts but one part it is automatic. But i cant imagine that particular part is going to be happy. So we are trying to make a play for new york. With pennsylvania, i dont have to make a play. Ive got pennsylvania. We dont have to, for years though, pennsylvania was the place that republicans didnt win. And for many years everybody thought they were going to win, every republican, they said we will win pennsylvania. And they didnt. And i came along and we won it and we won it quite easily. And i think were going to do even better now because remember, number one, in the history of your state last year is because of what we did. We stop the dumping. We saved so many different things. Pennsylvania is the home of american energy, think of it that way, and this is taking place over short period of time. Also the birthplace of a thing called the american constitution, right . American constitution. And to uphold our constitution as written, as opposed to as conceived by some radical left, i will soon be announcing that nominee that youre going to love. Youre going to be so happy. If you dont like it, my opponent refuses to release a list of justices. I was told, i was told a big thing when i was running last time. Nobody really knew me very well, we had Great Success on the apprentice and in business and it was great, but they never knew what kind of judge i would pick to be a justice. And i said, what am i going to do . How might going to solve that problem. I was in politics never. Dont forget, when i ran they said, hes inexperienced. And i eradicate some very talented people, some of whom are very good friends of mine, some of whom i dont like too much. You know, but i dont like someone it last for a long time. But i said, how do we solve that problem . I dont know. They just wont believe me, the appointment of a United States Supreme Court justice was much more important to the voters and i thought. And they are right because they will set policy for 50 years and policy whether it is life, Second Amendment, the Second Amendment if i werent president , you know the pressure. Your Second Amendment would be obliterated. It would be gone but at a minimum obliterated. They havent touched your Second Amendment. I am a blocking force. I am like a lineman for the pittsburghs dealers. I am a blocking force. They havent touched it. But your Second Amendment would be essential. I never knew that with the Supreme Court, you know about other judges by the way, at the end of the first term we will be close to 300 federal judges including which i think is a record, that is a lot. That is a lot, nobody is done that. And think of that, think of that 300. That is a big percentage of the entire judiciary. Think of that, 300. Many many court of appeals judges. Two great Supreme Court justices and now we are going to get a third. Can you imagine . Can you imagine our enemies . Threeinone term. So many president s just dont have the chance and it is so important. I said to my people, if they dont believe me, what ill do is make up a list of 25 judges. Or people. And we will tell them, i will only pick from that list, and they said that sounds like an interesting idea. This was my idea, when youve never run for office before you have to have a little bit of imagination. I got out my list and i named the people, the people that i said, and i promise that i will pick someone like the people in this list. And it didnt work. It went nowhere. Because they didnt trust it. They said, we want you to pick the people on the list, not somebody like the people on the list. I went back and said i will pick somebody that is on this list. And they were all great, great judges for the most part. Almost entirely. But judges, and really respected, conservative believers in our country. Solid, incredible people. And as soon as i did that, things went through the roof. Its amazing how important it was. By the way, would he stand up with that beautiful jacket, i love that jacket. How many times how many events. Hes been to a couple. Thats really great, thank you lcbo its before, hes been here a couple of times. Thank you, man. That really nice. Im going to get one of those jackets. By the way, and you know the wall, the wall, he has 330 miles. 330 miles. 330 miles. 330 miles. And, yes, we have a great relationship with mexico, and they keep saying, yes first, they said the never be able to build it because the democrats were just brutal. I made a terrible mistake. I said it last night, i should have said we will not under any circumstances build they would not give me any money in the world, they said that and we won. We won court cases. We want the court case. In fact, i won so much money that we could build four walls if we wanted. Then they said, all right, all right. We are up to 330. The exact walls, i said to the Border Patrol that i love these people. What they do is incredible, they are incredible. I said give me or dream wall, as long as we are building that, we should build the wall that you want, lets build it right. So, we have that vision. We need steel and concrete, i said how about one of the other . They said no, we need steel and concrete. Steel and inside those polls, we have barr and concrete, and the 30 feet tall. We did all sorts of things. We need them to be wired. I wont tell you why theyre wired, but theyre wired for a reason. Theyre all wired up. And theyre incredible. You know what . We got the wall, nobody else couldve done it. So once we had the ball and it started going up and then we hit 100 miles, 200 miles, now were at 330. We are building ten miles a week. And it will be finished very soon. And we have the most secure our border in terms of drug trafficking, trafficking coming along, and we have done phenomenally well. Thats a lot of the territory that we need. We will go up to about a little bit over 500 miles. Were at 3 30. Once this saw that i had it they said, yes, but mexico is not paying for it. Okay. But they are paying for it. Mexico is paying for it, theyre paying at the border. Theyre paying for the wall. You know all those trucks to go back and forth . Theyre paying for the wall. So the democrats say, yeah they always have to find something, right . And you remember what i used to say . That if they fight us remember pete would say, what happened to defy you on the wall, what happens when they fight you on the wall . I said the bomb we get ten feet tall or, do you remember . Look a little hit on that, took a little bit of a hit, but that is okay. You dont want to get up to the top and look down, they say how do we get down . Its tall and it is strong and it is great. And we appreciate it. Mexico has been working with us very closely. They have right now 27,000 mexican soldiers on our southern border making sure that people do not come into our country. I want to thank the president of mexico. Very helpful. I made this list of potential justices and ill tell you it all changed. Now im asking Sleepy Joe Biden to give me a list, and he does not want to do it. You know why . Because you can only put super radical left judges on. People that would destroy your country. People that would destroy your country. And he knows that. Hes not electable he shouldnt be electable anyway. Hes the worst candidate. You know where he is today . Theres a thing called the lid. Do you know what it stands for . We put out a lid today early in the morning, lip means hes not going to be anywhere today. Im working off, im in ohio, im in texas, im in florida, im in michigan. Im in wisconsin. Thats a nice. Well, that is something that is one of the fake news report aspect day, they said they never heard of that. Theres a chant thats going up, elastics or seven rallies saying we love you. Thats never happened before a politician before. I dont want to be a politician. I dont think of myself as a politician, but it really is. I appreciate it. And ive never heard it, i like Ronald Reagan but they never said we love you. Maybe they did, will try to find out and then they will say, President Trump lied last night because 40 years ago i remember, but nobody has ever heard that before. And i appreciate it. It is reciprocal, thank you very much. Reciprocal. Reciprocal love. I had such a nice life before and i have to witch hunt that goes on forever. And then we catch them spying on our campaign, how about that . Lets see what happens though. You know the whole pick deal . And then the guys that were doing the investigation, they have 31 different phones. They were accidentally wiped clean. 31 different phones, i think it was 19 different people . And they all did the same exact accident, which if you know anything about accidents, its almost an impossibility to do it once, let alone 31 different times. So we caught them and that is called obstruction. We have to remember that called obstruction. That was the mueller group. That was the mueller group. All those phones, they were wiped suddenly clean. And hillary got a subpoena on the i said forget about these things. Youll find them, theyre in the state department. I have no doubt about it, theyre in the state department. But they will get them. But you know what . 33,000. They have a request from the u. S. Congress, thats not bad. The u. S. Congress, they want to send a subpoena. Very important. After getting the subpoena, she deleted all of her emails and acid washed, and then she took telephones. Ive got rid of phones to, i threw them away, right . She took cameras and she beat them with a hammer. And then threw them away. And they found a couple of them. She was very angry, obviously. If she did the hammer work. But if anyone else did this theres a protection. There is a dual level of justice, and we are getting down to the bottom of it. Its not fair to us, not fair to us. She delighted them on the basis 33,000 emails. She deleted him on the basis that it was all about her daughters wedding, chelsea. And also yoga classes. 33,000 emails on yoga and a wedding . I dont think so. And comey said, oh, thats okay. That sounds like a good reason. Thats comey, thats another beauty, that comey. But we caught him. We caught him. Very smart move, getting rid of that guy was a smart move. But we caught him. Listen, we caught him. They were spying on the campaign, they were doing actually worse than that, but nobody has ever done anything like this. So lets see what happens. So we caught him cold, we got so much. Remember the insurance policy, right . From shrunken page, two lovers. Remember, they were very smart. They would use the Public Service and send it over the public wires because they did not want to be caught having an affair, so they went over the public. That was a very good thing for us, wasnt it . Darling, darling, darling. Please. Shes going to win. Shes going to win. Peter, only you can save us. Peter, shes going to win. I know 100,000 to nothing. Remember that . Actually, it was 100 million to one. This was 100 million to one. So listen, darling, please. Tell me again . 100 million to one. She is going to win. But just in case she does not, we have an insurance policy. That only means one thing, and we went through the insurance policy, and we caught them. So lets see what happens to these treasonous crooks, these terrible people and they put our nation through turmoil. I just want to thank a lot of people were very unfairly treated. Look at general flynn. Hes still gone. But a lot of people were unfairly treated by a bunch of treasonous, horrible people. And they used the Intelligence Agency of our country to try to steal an election, and to try to do a coup, when you think. Who would ever think this country, thats all you can say . Some people would say that is a conspiracy theory. No, take a look at the records. So for me its a very exciting thing, because we found something that nobody wouldve thought possible. Now, lets see what happens. But we have been cold. A spy on our campaign. It is our campaign. And if you want to save america, you have to go out, get out and vote. This is the most important election, and in just three and a half years, weve secured americas borders, which makes them very unhappy. We built the awesome power of the u. S. Military. We built the military. It was totally depleted when i took over. We built a military, two and a half trillion dollars that we spent. All made in the usa, the greatest equipment, the greatest planes and rockets and i hate to even mention the word but i hope to god that we never have to use it, but we have the most powerful weapons in the history of the world, and we did that over a very short period of time. Weapons that were so powerful, that were the envy of the world. I never want to use those weapons, and the way you dont have the use them is when you have them, but no one has ever built a force like we have. And the press and the fake news that he gave way classified information. No, a lucky right in the first of all, im allowed to do it. Im the president. Im the only one that is allowed, but i did not give a way, most powerful weapons ever produced we have, and other countries know that, and its a good thing that they know it, and i dont think that we will ever be using them, and i hope that we dont. Help to god. I used the word got because they refused to use the word god in their pledge of allegiance, right . I hope to god we never have to use that. But i obliterated the isis caliphate, which was all over the place. We got down to 99 . Everyone is coming back home, long, long wars. Never ending wars. In less wars. We fixed our disastrous trade deals, they were a disaster, brought jobs and factories back to pennsylvania, under 16 years and think of this. Think of this. For 16 years president obama, president bush, Household Income rose. 295,000 dollars. Thats over a 16year period. In three years, your Household Income rose almost 10,000 dollars when you include energy. You have to include energy. Almost 7000 dollars. How much you pay for your gasoline . They go up, it is less. Now, it is a big difference. What is it nowadays . Tell me. I dont have a gas. I havent stopped recently at a gas station. 15 . For a while it was way under two, and we are going to keep it there. We have so much. We have so much. In my first three years, we lifted 3. 6 Million People out of poverty, the largest Poverty Reduction in the history of our country by far. We built the latest economy in the history of the world and right now we are doing it again. I see all these hats, make America Great again. And now i will say this. Make America Great again again. Make America Great again again again. We saved 1. 4 million jobs in pennsylvania alone. And to fight the china virus its the china virus. Its not the coronavirus. Corona sounds like a place in italy, a beautiful place in italy. Its corona. No, its the china virus. They dont want to say that. You always notice that theyre going after russia. Look, no one has been tougher on russia than me. Russia, russia, russia i say, what about china . They never want to mention that. Little deals going on, i think. But coronavirus does not sound like italy, a beautiful villa. A corona . No, its the china virus. They shouldve stopped it. To fight the china virus we launched the Largest National mobilization since world war ii. We did an a job, except we did a d job in terms of Public Relations and explaining it. We were too busy doing it, but the fact is that they wouldnt have written it anyway. Didnt matter to them. Thats a little thing. We have to watch biden . You cant talk about anything so he gets up, the coronavirus, they say we want to talk about Supreme Court justices today. Well, i dont know about that. But the coronavirus, and he doesnt know we did a great job. I should have opened he said i shouldve shut down one week earlier. But he doesnt say that he did the worst job in the history of an epidemic or a pandemic with the swine flu. It was a joke. And what he did, what he did, his own man that was in charge said recently, we had no idea what we were dealing with. It was a total disaster. There were amateurs and now he tells us how to do something that is far more lethal. But he said they should have closed one week earlier, except when it came to closing the border, which i did, which turned out to save tens of thousands of lives, biden criticized me until two months later when he says i was right. But we shouldve closed a week earlier. Think of that. We pioneered lifesaving therapies, reducing the fatality rate 85 since april. Think of that. Remdesivir, the plasma. We have among the lowest case fatality rate of any major country, nobody knows that. And im devastated to see it happening, but you see whats going on in europe again. They always said, okay, europe is doing better. Actually, we did better. But now europe has a big spike, a big spike. So they are not talking about that. The number of hospitalized virus patients is down by 47 . And a virus patients coming to the emergency room is down, and visits our way. Down visits to hospital. Europe is almost a 50 greater access mortality rate than the United States. You know, the elect to compared to europe, 50 greater access mortality rate. Our early and aggressive acts and save millions of lives through operation warp speed, you heard about it . They dont talk about. It what weve done a record period of time with the ventilators and now we are building ventilators in the world, they will distribute a vaccine in record time and it will be three or four years if biden had done it, but weve done a great job with the fda and clearing a path. You will be seeing it very shortly. These are Great Companies that are doing it. We will crush the virus and our opponents will, with him, they will crush america. We cant let that happen. This country is too great. Our love each other is too great. This guy doesnt know he is alive, i mean, he really doesnt. He doesnt know he is alive. He did an ad on an anonymous source that said me making a statement about military soldiers that died, and it was tough disgusting thing. I said, the only good thing about it is now i can take the gloves off. This guy does not have a clue. He doesnt know where he is. And they will give him a shot of something, i dont know, hes going to get something i watched him so badly, he performed so badly in the debates. With bernie, he was average. Not great, but he got through. And i said, what is he taking . And id like to ask him, and i said that. We want a drug test, we want a drug test. We will both take one with bernie, he was able to get through. But, listen this wasnt winston churchill. This wasnt a great debate, but with bernie got fine. Both of them screaming at each other, mostly burner. Hes a good loser. He got terribly treated by hillary and that group, and then it happened again with Elizabeth Warren, right . It happened again. What the Democratic Party to do him, and then you have this guy mike bloomberg, money mike. One question, and he was gone. There goes 1. 8 million out of the window. I say, do you think its easy appear mike . Dont you . One question, and that was the end. He said, where my, give me off of this platform. Many mike. Many mike. Now, hes trying to buy into the party. You would think after the way they treated him, they call them every name. Pocahontas destroyed him. She didnt do good against me, but what she too good against mini mike. I think he would be calling a say that i want to be republican. Weve been great for the economy, you think, right . But he always wanted to run for president and he tried before, i guess. He tried. And it was a bad experience. You would think that he wouldve joined our party. Instead, hes trying to buy his way back in. When someone treat to that way, even to stay neutral, dont go back in. He wants to give them a lot of money to try and buy their friendship. And, you know, one thing you learned about politics i spent a fraction of the money that crooked hillary spent. They raised two billion dollars, i spent my own money, but i spent a fraction of the money. Like 35 , 30 , and we won. Nobody ever says that. Its not about money. Its about other things. There are other things involved. Its not just about money. In the old days, my father would teach me. If you can win and spend less, thats a good thing. And i remember after i won, and i won decisively look, 306 to 223. Thats a lot. 306 delegates 306. Thats decisive. We won michigan and we will win it again. We are up in the polls, were going crazy. We won wisconsin. We won pennsylvania my father said if you can win and spend less money, thats a good thing. Like, if you get along with the leaders of other lands and dont go to war all the time with everybody and can come out on top without having to shed blood all over the place and destroy your families and your country. Like when i get along with putin, when i get along with kim jongun, whatever happened to the wall we are supposed to begin with North Carolina . Nothing big ben. I said what did they give away, they could not find anything, they said you met. Okay, i met. You would have been in war, but if you can spend less money and win, thats a good thing. One of these people back there, right back there. In order to keep the thing going on trump, i wouldve had to one. But trump raised significantly less money than crooked hillary thats because i did not need the money. I did not need the money. And i can call up a lot of rich guys and get the money, but i feel like corporal doing that. When you do that, its not the same. I could call up every guy, they call me up and say, how are you sir . Mister president , sir. I have friends i dont have too many friends, you have to be comparable people. I have one friend, richard. I talk about him all the time. But multiply this by 100 people. And richard used to call me up and say five six years ago, lets have dinner. Okay, where do you want to go . I dont know, some crazy restaurants . Today, all the restaurants are closed. They want to open them. They want to make them to badly until november. Dont worry, theyre opening on november 4th. Its true. But its richard on the phone. Richard, my friend for many years, i said, richard, he said mister president , how are you sir . Hes been calling me danny, don and dj. I said, richard, you okay . Yes, sir, mister president , sir, youre doing a great job, and i like to think of you. Richard, you dont have to call me mister president. I said, just call me donald, its okay. Thank you, donald. I really appreciate it. You can hear him, he cant breathe. Hes very nervous. Then, at the end of the phone call he says, mister president , thanks again for the job and he hangs up. How can you be friends with me . It just doesnt work. Its like ive lost a lot of people this way. And its called respect for the office. We have respect for the office. They really do. Nothing wrong with it. I understand it. They have respect for the office. And nobody has more respect for this office than i do. And that is why im doing a great job, and always do a great job. This respect for the office. Another third, pennsylvania will decide whether we end the pandemic, defeat the virus and return to record prosperity, just like we were before. Or whether we allow Sleepy Joe Biden, who does not have a clue to kill the recovery, raise your taxes, it delay the vaccine. Thats true. He wants to impose a four trillion dollar tax hike. Can you believe that . Four trillion. Ban american energy, which means what . Lets go back lets call up the middle east, and lets be really nice to them because we need their energy. No thank you. Destroy your suburbs. You know, i got rid of this regulation that was going to destroy your suburbs. Destroy your suburbs. The obama called the obama regulation. They build nice projects, right next to your beautiful home. Lots of love. Give Free Health Care i hope people understand this. I got rid of regulation, they all said, sir, we will amend the regulation. Amended . I said it, i dont want to amend it. And i wish the women living in the suburbs would read these stories. They were written by people that say i cant believe a president had the guts to do it. I did because i want to save the American Dream. By the way, a big part of the American Dream are minorities who made it and they want to live in the suburbs, and they dont want to be next to a project. So all you people in the suburbs that say, i dont know, im making up my mind and cory booker was the one that was going to lead it out. He was going to be the one. He wants those projects to be nice and big. I just hope youre going to remember that sooner than november 3rd, because you can do it sooner, give Free Health Care to illegal aliens. The problem Free Health Care we all have a hard, we all want to take care of people. The problem is when you promised free education, Free Health Care, all the stuff. But Free Health Care . Remember sleepy joe during the debate . Who wants to give Free Health Care to illegal immigrants, and everybody immediately raises their hand. You know, the radical left. Raises them. Remember joe, there is a classic. Remember . Sleepy joe. And he will do it because he has no choice. They have total power. Hes like a puppet for them. And indoctrinate your children with poisonous anti american lies to combat the toxic left wing propaganda in our schools, i announced last week that we are launching a new proamerican lesson plan for students called 1776 commission. We will teach our children the truth about america, that we are the most exceptional nation on the face of the earth and Getting Better every single day. We are not going to let it fail. The Democrat Party has joined forces with the flag burners, anarchists, anti police people. The extremists. Agitators. And then they say, no, this is a peaceful this was a peaceful protest. This is a peaceful protest. They know what i am talking about. They know our great uniform, brilliant. We loved him. We call it a peaceful protest now because the only thing you are allowed to do in pennsylvania you cant go to church, right . You cant meet, you cant congregate you, cannot look at each other. You cant give your wife a kiss goodnight. You have to wear a mask. You cant do anything. They have you closed up, dont go out to dinner. Stay where you are. Michigan, same thing. Her husband went boating, it was a disaster. Nobody is allowed, he only boat. Its a big lake. And this guy try to put a boat, who is . Its the husband of the governor. And that didnt work out too well for her. But the only thing you are allowed to do is protest. And they have a lime, you cant go to church, you cant be with your neighbors, but if you are going to protest and burned down stores and shoot people and step on peoples faces and do all sorts of bad things that these people will protect you from doing if they were given their rightful power and dignity. So they have a clause, standup fellows, stand up. They have to be able to do their job. Let them do their job. They have to be able to do their job. Right . They let you do your job and he would see, you would see pennsylvania there is some big bad crime numbers in your state, let them do your job, any state. I got finest endorsement from new york. First time. That is hard when you have radical left running the city, all politicians, the mayor. I got endorsed by the chicago police. Can you imagine that . I got endorsed by oklahoma, i got endorsed by texas, louisiana, florida. All the sheriffs got together and i got endorsed by Law Enforcement everybody. But how could you possibly endorse people that hate you and dont respect the job you do . And dont let you do your job, most importantly . Because if they let you do what you do better than anyone else in the world, you wouldnt have problems. These are other police departments. You look at seattle, we said, we are going in and they didnt listen. And it was so easy. You look at portland. How about portland . It is like an anorak history mom. And we are dealing with the governor, i hate to say it but they are all democrat run cities and states. All of them. The republicans are doing great. But they have to ask, by law they have to ask us to go in. We did it in minneapolis. But it was too late. It was like ten days and the police are excellent but they arent allowed to do their job. Now they want to defund the entire department. There is not going to be anybody to protect you. And the people are starting to go wild. And that is why im going to win the state of minnesota. But you remember that Beautiful Day . It was ten days late. You had these people from cnn and other places and these are friendly protests, its a lovely thing to say. As they are getting rocks and cans of tuna fish. They go out and buy tuna fish and soup, you know that, right . Good guy. He got it by cohen, because they throw it. It is the perfect weight. Tuna fish can really rip it. It is true. Bumblebee. Brand tuna. You can throw that sucker, you can put a curve on it, you can do whatever you want with it. And the cops in chicago are going like this it was terrible. And they cant fight back. They cant fight back. They say if they fight back then no one is going to be there throwing things. But they throw but they are professionals. They are anarchists and they are paid for by outside stupid rich people. Stupid people. People the first ones that get wiped out . They dont have a shot if they get hit. But if they ever did, the first ones that would get wiped out are the stupid people that gave them the money to do this. Those are the people that would get wiped out. But you know, they are very smart. Everything is perfect. You have to see when they drop the bricks all over they get a bag and throws them at a great police. We are going to let that stuff happen. It doesnt happen with republicans. Has with great abbott the, texas and florida and other governors and they cant even believe a thing like that would happen. But they get caught. They walk out there with like 20 cans of soup, 25 cans of tuna, they get caught, i am bringing this home to my family, how dare you stop me. No, no, no. They use this is ammunition. It is terrible. So he said to the governor, we want to go in and take over portland and it will take us literally half an hour, maybe less. And you saw minneapolis, the governor finally said go in. We have the National Guard, remember that beautiful sight . The street was a mess. That idiot reporter from cnn got hit on the knee with a canister of tear gas. And he went down. I have been hit, ive been hit. He had been hit. The one with the shaved head, maybe i will do that one day. Ill give it up. But he went down and he didnt like it, he was hit. Police brutality, remember that . But these people were throwing rocks and everything they can. And now the National Guard forms and we just saw the one guy come out in a black uniform, uniform cost approximately 250,000 dollars, they have infrared stocks, they walked in and they have the tear gas and everything you could possibly have. Pepper spray. They dont want you to use tear gas anymore, in some places. I think in milwaukee they said no tear gas, no pepper spray. How do you keep big crowds back . So the police all quit. They all quit. They said, i cant do it. And then you had one, two, three, four and then, five, six, seven. They started getting off the buses, they got in from a different locale. Then you have a line up and there is no social distancing. Because they were right next to each other. They were right there, touching arms and they had big strong arms like these guys. They were big strong guys. Thats all right. They were like together and then you saw the first line and then the second line and then the third line and then the fourth line. And then they said, march. They never halted. Just walked right through and cleaned everything up. And minneapolis was cured. They were cared. They grabbed them, they grabbed them. They were grabbing them left and right. Sometimes they grabbed one guy im a reporter, im a reporter. Get out of here. They throw him aside like he was little bag of popcorn. I mean honestly, when he watched the craft that we would you see it you dont want to do it. But when you see it you actually see a beautiful sight. Its a beautiful sight. And they have the same thing on other streets, the whole thing was done and i havent heard of any real problem in minneapolis since that happened. They were burning down the city. That idiot was standing there, its a friendly protest. And behind him was like ten blocks of fire. The it is a classic. You know what im talking about . I just have such respect. But you have to let these great professionals do what they do best. You have to let them do it lawn order, we need law in order. Democrats are and if they win, sleepy joe, because he has no power over these people, these people are crazed lunatics if they win. You are cities will be like this. You will lose all rights, your constitution will be worthless, it will be a terrible, terrible thing. Im not even sure that after sometimes listening to that and going along with that, im not even sure the country could ever recover. Thats how bad it would be. Im not sure could recover. Over labor day leftwing radicals went through pittsburgh harassing diners at restaurants. I saw that. It was horrible. I saw that, right . One guy grabs a woman, an older woman, she is eating a steak. He grabbed a steak and started eating it and threw back on the plate, an outdoor place, and the husband is standing there like they are afraid for their lives. It is a terrible thing. That should never be allowed to happen. That should be closed up before never get started. It was terrible. Remember that . For an older woman, last week after a Police Officer shot a knife wielding assailant over 100 writers were paged in lancaster, went to school right nearby, looting businesses, setting fires in assaulting Police Officers with rocks and bricks and glass. You saw that . Joe biden has the support of violent leftwing extremists. He never once mentioned the words law and order during the entire democrat convention. They didnt talk about the riots. They didnt talk about anything having to do with law and order and respect and our great police. They didnt do it, they didnt talk about it. They will rip your cities apart and they will go to your suburbs for all those people in the suburbs that are worried about it, they will go there next. I have the support of americas log forsman heroes. I was recently honored to be endorsed by the Largest Group of police and Police Representatives in the country, endorsed by everyone. Joined by butler county. Thank you, hike. Along with two sheriff who just change their registration. Oh, thats nice. To become republicans, longtime democrats. Who are those two sheriffs . Wow. Thank you, thank you. That is Forest County sheriff, bobby wulf getting. Thank you lost. Where you longtime democrats . How did that happen . This is somewhat of a phenomenon. This is crazy what is going on now. And it could be stop so easily. You guys know exactly what i am talking about. Thank you very much. It is an honor to have you here. That is a whole great group of sheriffs and Law Enforcement here. Also with us our congressman guy russian fall. Great warrior. Where is he . And a friend of mine, a warrior, he is tough is hell, he said we want to thank the president for making a perfect phone call. They want to impeach me again. They said if i submit the name of one of the most talented people in the world to be a justice of the Supreme Court, they want to impeach me. They want to impeach me if i am following the constitution. Now think of it, this is crazy nancy. These people are stone cold crazy. Think of it. I got impeached for making a perfect phone call. Perfect phone call. Everybody reddit, nobody to this day and the republican stuck together. It was great. A friend of mine wanted to just rip them apart when he heard about it. And he is a popular guy, congressman mike kelly. Thank you, mike. Come on up here, come on up here. Mike, come on up. And congressman colin thompson. Congressman dan mueller. Come on and congressman scott perry. The good show. What a group. What a group. Thank you. , usa, usa. And we also have a candidate here for congress. This is a candidate who is the real deal. He is tough as hell, he is no lamb. He is no lamb, i dont know if you can get over it but he could get over there and rip it apart. Big security over here. Secret service. That is okay. Come on up here. Sean par now. He has my complete and total respect. He is the real deal. You know, he is just a puppet for nancy pelosi. You know crying chuck . He cries every time he thinks it is appropriate. I will tell you what, this turned out to be a stone cold phony. When he was running, it was very a trump they didnt like me. I thought he was a republican because his hair was so brutal. We have to respect our president. I said this guy is doing some beautiful ads. That i found out he was a democrat. Ill tell you what, he is nothing compared to sean. Sean is the real deal. And just give a little hands, because he has done a hell of a job to our campaign chair. Thank you, bernie. Thank you. Thank you to bernie, thanks bernie. While you guys are standing behind me like a beautiful curtain, well, theyre not blocking air force one. But i have a woman with us tonight who has devoted so much, she gave a purpose she said, that, im going to come down to washington and help you. And i love you, daddy. And were going to help people. And i dont care. She was very successful in every way, and its my daughter, ivanka. I just want to think this group of people. You know, a man that helped we just negotiated a major peace deal in the middle east. Everyone said it was impossible. You know that . They said it was impossible. Theyve been killing everybody for years and years. They had this guy, john kerry, who was grossly incompetent. They paid 150 billion dollars to iran. They paid 1. 8 billion in cash, thats even more impressive. In cash. And thats john kerry. And we just made a deal with bahrain and uae, united arab emirates, and israel. Its a great thing. The man right there, jared . The abuse he takes, when he did something that nobody has been able to do. And he wants none of the glory. Hed rather not come up here. These guys will come up 100 , but, jared, great deal. Great job, incredible. Everyone is talking about it. We have plenty of other countries. And there is no blood in the sand. Okay, thanks. Thank you. Great people. Thank you, sean. Thank you, sean. We have spent the last four years reversing the damage that joe biden inflicted over the last 40. So they like shawn. Sean, will you please win . Sean par now. Ill tell you, he is popular. Thats great, shawn. We love sean. But biden championed every globalist trail of pennsylvania for half a century, he was a cheerleader for the worst trade deal ever made by any country, nafta. And chinas entry into the world trade organization, which built china like a rocket ship. They were flatline for many decades, and then right through the roof. That was a biden approval to. These disasters ripped out one third of your states manufacturing jobs. You know what happened . Biden, you should not be asking for your vote, you should be begging for forgiveness. He did a terrible job. Now the Democratic Party is pledging to rejoin the disastrous paris climate accords. You want to spend a lot of money for nothing . If this reading your states economy. You will spend a trillion dollars and what it is, it really takes away your power. It takes away your energy. You will be closing your plants and factories all over the place. I withdrew from it you know what . The people that understand, the smart people, they said i cant believe you have the guts to do it. I think what i was going to be absolutely killed on this one, and im so proud i did it. And people get it. It was a rip off of the United States. I withdrew from the catastrophe because i was elected to fight for pittsburgh, not for paris. This election is a choice between pennsylvania and china. If biden wins, china wins. When we win, pennsylvania wins and america wins. For decades, our politicians spend trillions of dollars rebuilding foreign nations, fighting foreign wars that never ended and defending foreign borders. Now, we are finally protecting our nation, rebuilding our cities. And we are bringing our jobs, our factories and our troops back home in the usa where they belong. They are all coming home. During the pandemic, i have suspended the entry of Foreign Workers who threaten american jobs as our economy reopens, i want to ensure that americans are first in line to get to high jobs and high wages. America first. Biden wants to flood the economy with cheap labor to replace u. S. Workers. You know that. And that is why never, never he says higher american. All the words he got, they are my words. Did you ever see that . They say, he copied my campaign. I keep saying what happened for 47 years, and now hes copying my campaign . As president and you know its not going to happen with him as president , my first duty is always to take care of you, the american worker. Thats what were taking care of. Under my administration, we have achieved the most secure border in u. S. History and we are finishing that wall. Its going to be done so fast. Its going to be done so fast. Since 2017, isis successfully arrested a legal aliens with criminal records, including over 145,000 assaults. 40,000 sex offenders and 5000 murders. If you dont mind democrats, will bring them out of our country. Well get them out. Some of them are so violent we, dont want to have them for 2 million years, but they come back in as much as we watch. They come back, and you dont want it. They keep them there. The left gains power, they will abolish they can abolish. The republicans will stand with these incredible heroes of ice and Border Patrol. We have to see these isis people. They go into a din of ms 13, they go into a den where you have these guys that are vicious gang members. And they go in there and start swinging, they love it. Who wants that job . Do you want that job . Hes a tough guy sitting here. You too. You tough guys, you dont part of it. Theyre incredible, and they love our country. Some people say they are too rough, well you have no idea how bad some of these gangs are. What they do. The euthanized because its more painful. They cut people up, they cut two young beautiful girls. 16 years old, going home from school. They cut them to pieces. Killed them. They are animals. We invested 2. 5 trillion dollars in the u. S. Military and launched the first new brand to the u. S. Armed forces in 75 years, space force. Not since the air force. Think of it, the air force was last. If i did just that, the space force, big deal. It could end up being one of the most important things youve never imagined, but if i just did that, the sixth branch of the u. S. Military, thats a big deal. Thats one of many things. We passed the a choice and va accountability. We killed the founder and leader of isis, albaghdadi. They were after him for years. We took out the world number one terrorist and the mass murder of american troops and many others, qassem soleimani. Hes gone. I withdrew from the last administration to disasters, iran nuclear deal. One of the great disasters. It practically expired. And his chief negotiator, he never left. I want this, no, were not giving it. Okay, lets go to the next thing. Give me the, snow. Give me the, snow. Give me this, no. He never won a point and the only time he left the table was to go on a bicycle ride, and he crashed and broke his leg and arm. I promised everyone i would never go riding on a bicycle. I swear to you. I kept my promise, i recognized the true capital of israel and open to the american is embassy in jerusalem. I also recognized israeli sovereignty over the golan heights. That was a 52 Year Development that i got down and about one day. Theyve been negotiating that sovereignty over the golan heights, i got it done immediately. 52 years they worked on that. Instead of endless war, we are forging peace in the middle east. Its so great. Peace in the middle east. Biden has put forward a platform that would end america as we know it. And this is true. I dont think of him as a radical lefty, but he is controlled by them. And what about this kamala . How about that . Shes a 15 , no 13 . No, shes at 12. No, shes at ten. No, shes at nine. No, shes at seven. These are her poll numbers. She got worse and worse. She quit before she ever got to iowa. Plus, nobody, including pocahontas treated biden so badly. Called him a racist, right . Brought him into the me too movement, right . Made him a member of the me too movement. The things she said and i brilliantly said, well, the one person he cant choose is kamala. Ladies and gentlemen, id like to pick kamala. And she has raided more liberal than bernie. You know what, hes number two. Believe it or not. Its a true story. She is rated the most liberal person in congress, and i think she is grossly incompetent, ill be honest with you. I dont think she knows. And we have a grace Vice President , mike pence. Hes great. If elected, biden would destroy Social Security and destroy protections for preexisting conditions. People with preexisting conditions. Drain your medicare by giving away your health care to illegal immigrants, there are going to come in. If you have that, the problem is were going to give your health care there are going to pour into the United States, and our country cannot afford it. We want to be nice. We all have hearts. The country cannot afford it. They could get people that never even thought of coming, if they saw that. They would end our travel bans on jihadist a regions. Remember, i had travel bans. Everyone thought it was a terrible thing. Hes a terrible person. Hes such a terrible person. Im such a bad guy. I increased refugee admissions by more than 700 , opening the floodgates to radical islamic terrorism. Banned a School Choice and all charter schools, they are very important. And a second term, i will provide School Choice to every parent in america. A vote for republicans as a vote for safe communities, great jobs and a limitless future for all americans. All americans. Race, color, creed. All americans. So, in conclusion, over the next four years, we will make america and do the manufacturing superpower of the world and will end our reliance on china once and for all. We will make our medical supplies right here in the United States, right here in pennsylvania. We will hire more police, increase penalties for assault on Law Enforcement, and we will ban deadly sanctuary cities. Will ban them. We will defend the dignity of work and the sanctity of life. Thank you. We will uphold religious liberty, free speech and the right to keep and bear arms. We will strike down terrorists who threaten our citizens, and we will keep america out of endless, ridiculous, stupid foreign wars. We lose our youth to countries youve never even heard of. Never even heard of them. We will maintain americas on arrival military might and ensure peace through strength. We will surprise, and think of this, surprise medical billing . Will ended. You ever walked into a hospital, you could fix up so great and then you get a bill for 2000 dollars for a bandaid. We will end surprise medical billing, require price transparency, which ive always signed and brilliantly starts on january 1st. Hey, you better vote for me. You know, that is one of in a way, thats bigger than health care. Can you imagine biden, if he won . The price transparency, its all done. It starts on january 1st. How smart is that. How smart . You will see numbers and reductions like youve never seen. Can you imagine if you are president. Sir, our medical costs have dropped in half. Price transparency has been unbelievable. What is that . What is price transparency, and they explained he still a mueller nab a clue. Wont have a clue. But can you imagine giving him credit . I signed it and it is all done. I say, why cant you start it now . Just in case. They said statutory lee it has to start then. I said all right, lets go. But i know we are going to win, so it is not going to matter. And we are going to further reduce Health Insurance and the cost of prescription drugs. We have a favorite nations laws where we get the same price as all these nations that are paying a fraction, which should have been instituted a long time ago. The Drug Companies are going after me with those ads. You know why . Every time you see an ad from the drug company, plenty of money. Thats why nobody fights them. Anytime you see an ad from a drug company, remember one thing, youre drug prices are coming down. We will strongly protect medicare and Social Security and we will protect nations. We will protect every single patient america will have, the first woman on the moon will be the first nation to land an astronaut on mars. You know, nasa was an absolute disaster. Grass was growing. They had fairways, thats all they used for the fairways. And now we have something for the runways, the landing strips, it was all grass infested, weed infested. And now it is the number one space center in the world, by far. It was a closed up mess. And we have rich guys setting up rockets, elon and others, set up rockets and we say let them keep going. Let them send their money. We will stop the radical indoctrination of our students and restore patriotic education. We will teach our children to love our country, honor our history, and always respect our Great American flag. We will live by the timeless words of our national model, in god we trust. For years you had a president who apologized for america, now you have a president who is standing up for america and standing up for the people of pennsylvania, like nobody has ever stood up before. So get your friends, your family, get your neighbors and your coworkers and get out and vote. And early voting if you didnt know it has already begun. Watch those fake ballots. We have to go out and turn the man, if you see somebody cheating you have to turn them in. You probably will. It is going to be a mess, watch this. But get out and vote, early voting. From scranton, from harrisburg to right here in pittsburgh say hello to big ben. We stand on the shoulders of pennsylvania patriots who gave her blood, sweat and tears for their beloved country. This is the state where our Founding Fathers declared america independence. This is the state. Such history, such history. It is where the army weathered its brutal winter. Were George Washington led his men on a Daring Mission across the delaware and where our union was saved by the heroes of gettysburg. Gettysburg, what a great, great incredible sight of history. Gettysburg. So vicious, so horrible, and yet so beautiful and historical. Gettysburg, pennsylvania. This is the place where generations of tough, strong pennsylvania workers mind the gold, worked the railroads, forge the steel that made america into one of the greatest and most powerful nations in the history of the world. And we are making it greater, greater, greater than ever before. Not even close. Not even close. We are doing it together. Proud citizens like you help build this country and together we are taking back our country. We are returning power to you, the american people. With your help, your devotion and your drive, we are going to keep on working, we are going to keep on fighting, we are going to keep on winning, winning, winning. We are one movement, one people, one family, and when glorious nation under god. And together with the incredible people of pennsylvania, we will make america wealthy again. We will make america strong again. We will make america proud again. D we will make america safe again. And we will make America Great again. Thank you. Thank you, pennsylvania. Thank you

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