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Cuban province of Matanzas hosts Ríos Intermitentes pro
Cuban province of Matanzas hosts Ríos Intermitentes pro
Cuban province of Matanzas hosts Ríos Intermitentes project
Matanzas, Cuba, Apr 4 (Prensa Latina) Disseminating Cuban art beyond galleries and saloons, Matanzas province hosts the third edition of the Ríos Intermitentes (Intermittent Rivers) exhibition project, taking place from this Thursday to April 8.
Related Keywords
Matanzas ,
Cuba ,
Colombia ,
Spain ,
Argentina ,
Costa Rica ,
Havana ,
Ciudad De La Habana ,
Spanish ,
Cuban ,
Costa Rican ,
Luis Octavio Hern ,
Carlos Fern ,
Office Of The Curator Matanzas City ,
Cuban Association Of Artisans ,
Cuban Association ,
Matanzas City ,
Havana Biennial ,
Comercio Street ,
Costa Rican Carlos Fern ,
Sauto Theater ,