UpdatedMon, Feb 22, 2021 at 10:08 am CT Replies(2) Elmhurst School District 205 plans to keep the names of superintendent finalists under wraps. Superintendent Dave Moyer is taking a superintendent's job in Upstate New York in July. (Shutterstock) ELMHURST, IL — Elmhurst School District 205 plans to keep the names of the finalists in its superintendent search a secret. To that, many people may ask, "So what? That's the way it's always been done." In Illinois, they would largely be right. School boards have a choice whether to release the information to the public and nearly always opt for secrecy. Subscribe In other states, including Wisconsin, Colorado and New Mexico, school boards are required to release the names of finalists. The idea is to allow the public to scrutinize the finalists' records and ultimately determine whether school board members made the right choice.