Delecta Limited has joined the hunt for gold in the United States, picking up the Speedway gold project in western Utah. The company’s latest acquisition is situated in the Great Basin district, which boasts a total endowment of more than 200 million ounces of gold. The company’s sampling program has already returned several anomalous results including assays of 1.24 g/t gold and 43.8 g/t silver. Iron-rich outcrop at the Speedway project in western Utah in the United States. Credit: File Delecta Limited has joined the hunt for gold in the United States, picking up the Speedway gold project in Utah. The company’s latest acquisition is situated in the Great Basin district which hosts a plethora of world-class gold deposits across the revered Getchell-Comstock, Battle Mountain and Carlin gold trends. The Basin boasts a total endowment of more than 200 million ounces of gold.