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Destiny 2 Solar 3.0: Best builds for Hunter, Warlock, and Ti
Destiny 2 Solar 3.0: Best builds for Hunter, Warlock, and Ti
Destiny 2 Solar 3.0: Best builds for Hunter, Warlock, and Titan
Destiny 2 has revamped its Solar subclass with its new "Solar 3.0" revamp. Here's what's changed, alongside the recommended builds for Titans, Warlocks, and Hunters.
Related Keywords
Phoenix ,
Arizona ,
United States ,
Sol Invictus ,
Ikora Rey ,
Tripmine Hunter ,
Le Monarque ,
Grenade Energy ,
Melee Energy ,
Energy Fire ,
Witch Queen ,
Fusion Grenade ,
Provides Warlocks ,
Heat Rises ,
Fashion Solar Light ,
Roaring Flames ,
Solar Supers ,
Golden Gun ,
Blade Barrage ,
Throwing Knife ,
Class Ability ,
Causing Solar Ignitions ,
Applying Restoration ,
Solar Super ,
Solar Supe ,
Solar Ignitions ,
Defeating Scorched ,
Applies Solar ,
Solar Light ,
Protective Light ,
Sunbreaker Subclass ,
Throwing Hammer ,
Rally Barricade ,
Loreley Splendor ,
Elemental Charge ,
High Energy Fire ,
Loreley Splendor Helm ,
Throwing Hammers ,
Melee Ability ,
Elemental Well ,
Melee Wellmaker ,
Gunslinger Subclass ,
Tripmine Grenade ,
Young Ahamkara ,
Elemental Ordnance ,
Haunted Seasonal Mod ,
Infinite Tripmine Hunter ,
Class Restoration Seasonal ,
Tripmine Grenades ,
Solar Abilities ,
Gunpowder Gamble ,
Throwing Knives ,
Singeing Fragment ,
Classy Restoration ,
Dawnblade Subclass ,
Empowering Rift ,
Explosive Wellmaker ,
Starfire Protocol ,
Empowered Rift ,
Melee Abilities ,
Momentum Transfer ,
Arc Gauntlets ,