happen. as journalists. it's tough for us to do this story in the news because we know suicides are often copied when we bring attention to them. >> yes, so the message is for parents to understand they have control still, and the control is influencing the peers. at a certain age, your words mean nothing to a 13 or 14-year-old, but you may have to change schools, you may have to move. it's very inconvenient to be a parent of a teen sometimes, but if is saves your child's live, it's what you have to do. >> you have to be present and listen. right? >> yeah. >> rockhill, north carolina, a gay beating over a student acting straight. it's not about fitting in. it's about safety, not becoming a target. really how not to become a target. is it ever okay to act straight and what does it do to a person's psyche? >> first of all, what is acting straight and what is acting gay? unless you're overtly coming on to somebody, no one knows your