abraham, isaac and jacob. the same torah gives you a whole bunch of other things you have to do. i can't lie. i can't look at secular person in the eye and say, that's okay, you don't have to keep shop, that's okay. i can't lie. >> while she prepares dinner, i take a break to walk sha loem to the evening study. how old is your youngest? >> 11 1/2. >> what kind of school does he go to? he goes to a yashiva school, i imagine? >> he starts at 5:30, a ten-hour day. >> does he get the secular education? >> the very basics, math. one hour will be on secular studies. >> do you worrisome times that should he choose for some reason to not follow the haredi life-style, he won't be prepared for it? >> i'm not going to prepare him to leave something that i don't