day that you had, though much of it was spent cooling your heels in the hotel lobby, what was the plane ride like? you spent at least one leg all on the same plane as the prisoners, so what were they doing? how did they appear? >> you have to understand the secretary was adamant that we would not do anything to infringe on their privacy and we were told on the plane we would not have an opportunity to talk with them and we wouldn't even be able to watch them from afar, as i've said, the only glimpse we got of them was in silhouette in the dark. they seated them in a separate area from the rear of the plane where we were seated and they had two heavy curtains dividing the two sections right where the two bathrooms are and they placed the curtains on a diagonal and came back and told us we would use the bathroom on the right and the bathroom on the left would be for them. so they put them on the plane and took them off without a