the state to get its revenue. they are losing money. >> let me ask this. i have known you for two or three decades. you are a very smart person. >> but not now. >> you are not getting it. those people would lose that money anyway. don't you understand? >> our pressing him on this point led to this. >> you guys don't get that! >> i do get it. >> you are simpletons, you are idiots if you don't get that. >> bill: with us now fox business anchor john stossel. we know it's not great and people do lose money and get addicted to gambling but they are going to get addicted to gambling anyway so why don't we get our piece? and you say? >> i say the same fight i have with you about the drug laws. you are a simpleton. you are an idiot about this. they are going to do it anyway. adults should be free to do what we want to do as long as we don't hurt somebody else. >> bill: let rereiterate the drug law thing there is a public safety exon nent to being