the weiner situation? >> well, not helping them. in fact, it miss phis me. they had this guy massa from new york. i thought it was instructive had the tickle sessions with staff members. eventually he resigned. it took weeks for it to happen. chris lee, the republican congressman from western new york who is seen with a picture sent through the internet without a shirt on and is he gone within a matter of hours. i don't understand why nancy pelosi didn't say to congressman weiner time for you to go. >> bill: maybe she did. >> this is going to linger on. she should have said it publicly. then it would be impossible for him to say. instead, she has referred this to the ethics committee which is going to take months to look into it which gives a year to cover. >> bill: how could she do that when she didn't do it to charles rangle? >> exactly. she didn't could it to massa. at some point they have got to start. what they guarantee is that this