misguided in the sense that you feel that using the description illegal alien, which i do all the time, by the way, is somehow wrong. it is a crime to enter the united states illegally. it is a federal crime. so, we're a nation of laws here. we define the laws on the books as they stand so i'm ♪ committing a hate crime why saying illegal aliens are just that. >> we are a nation of laws. we respect laws but we also respect humane laws. we have also seen in the past that laws that weren't humane have been changed. >> bill: then work to change them. don't demonize people who are accurate in the description as using a slur or using a hate word because that's not true. >> it's funny that you say that its inaccurate. i think that, you know, we can take a page from fox news latino who doesn't use the i word at all who has the policy that they will not join the bandwagon of people