single day. ali would you say you do that? >> i don't think i did. it's possible. i don't think i look in the mirror 35 times a day. i hope not, but i understand the problem because we are all a little addicted to makeup and getting to the hair dress her and the beauty products. i think it's brave for her to try to forego it for a year. >> tucker: i bet her husband didn't notice. i bet only other women noticed. i'm serious, people-- there was a study recently that showed that women spend most of their time looking at other women, not in a romantic way, but to assess physical beauty. and women, have work done for other women and-- >> well, this woman named phoebe, she said that this-- a quote from her, i noticed a change in my inner voice, she had become softer and less judgmental and talked to herself, of me, and the women around me. bad hair days meant nothing.