an accent and that is all i know. i don't even know that much about her. >> you should be the "red eye" celebrity correspondent and only know parts of things. >> i just read the story. >> buck, tell me how this is more evidence of owe bough ma you's socialist -- obama's socialist america. >> what else do you need to know? guysguys are running around with hoods on their heads doing a dancy thing. >> i thought that was interesting and delightful. >> it is art. >> this? no every old person in the country says see these whipper snappers here? >> they shouldn't be watching it then. >> i don't have a tv so i can't even watch it. >> of course you don't. >> of course i don't. i just have a stack of books. >> you stair at them and cry. i have had enough of this topic. coming up, do you have a comment on this show? e-mail us, red eye at fox do you have a video of your animal doing something? i hope so. click on submit a video and we might use it. coming up, a bully gets