>> deputy will farrell is half a mile away when he hears his friend's call for help. >> you start hearing it in his voice. you hear that adrenaline, you know, tired sound. >> white motorcycle. black, leather jacket. hispanic rider. some kind of a tat of a logo on the back. >> musto's call sets off a countywide manhunt for the suspect, mobilizing officers, patrol cars, even helicopters. meanwhile musto's lost sight of the biker and pulls over to the side of the road. >> i may have video of the tag. i don't know. keep an eye out for this guy. i'm going to check my video. >> it's not until now that severe pain sets in. >> i'm skinned up a little bit. my uniform's ripped. i don't need ems. >> the pain was pretty intense. my scrapes were pretty big and deep. i didn't even feel pain until ten minutes later when things started burning. >> i didn't know how bad it was for deputy musto until i got there.