told us that the police department has put a request in to the judge -- not sure if judge nelson has received it yet, that the verdict come out on a weekday. what do you make of that? they're trying to anticipate what reaction will be. >> i believe it's perfectly reasonable for law enforcement to make all precautions they think are necessary in case there are very civil protests that happen on the back of this verdict, or if there are other kinds of protests. but i do think that from what i've heard on some social networks and some commentators across other networks, the idea that there will be violent rioting on the back of this verdict both defies it history and it is irresponsible. if you know anything, anything at all about the anatomy of, the structure of riots over historic o historical underpin bes with it has a lot more to do than with race. they can neither be planned nor can they be led. the very idea that people are