affected by that provision of obama care. so, what was with all the talk about cutting back workers and accruing costs? there was a long pause, wrote stern. "after which he said he'd call e back. alison, who said this. >> we don't have insurance for our daughter, who has a pre-existing condition, so we're looking at probably $20,000 in premiums next year. >> $19,000. >> yeah. >> which is how much higher than what it was? twice as high? >> well -- >> twice as high. >> stern reported that, assuming the couple didn't smoke and was eligible for subsidies, they would get a plan for less than $8,000 a year through obama care, which would include their daughter and her pre-existing condition. finally, stern spoke to the last of three couples, robbie and tina robinson. >> our new policy that we can have won't have the same benefits to it. anything similar, though, is going to rise between like 50% to 72% and it will have things in it that we have no choice, like we'll have to have maternity benefits, and we're not planning on having any more kids. >> after that couple told eric stern they had no plans to go on