none of us will be here. it will be in the distant future. we're speeding it up, but it's still going to happen barring some technological break through. in terms of energy, we don't have a shortage of energy, we have a shortage of technologies. gasoline, we can transport. if we can figure out how to get a battery that will take your car not the 40 miles my wife's volt goes but 100 miles or 200 miles, then we can make a different use of power. if we could put a solar device on every roof, the architectural community is going crazy. we could stop burning a lot of fossil fuels. we have to make changes. >> but part of what happens when i hear you start saying that, i hear, oh, okay, we're going to do these sort of futuristic things, then i get the eyes glazed over, dystopic novel moment again. that's not going to happen. but if you say to me, if we don't do precisely this by this year, then your food will cost this and there will not be enough, suddenly that feels like, oh, wait a minute. that i need to know because my