>> reporter: officer was sandele was posing a student reporter, complete with a press pass. she knocked on chris' front door. chris talked to a student reporter from lynsie's college in the past about the case. you use your real name? >> i used a fake name. told him who i was. >> we received word at torch magazine that remains had been found that they believe belonged to lynsie. so i guess they're doing dna testing right now. and in the meantime, i'm supposed to contact friends, family, to get their initial reaction for a story. >> okay. >> when i told him the police believe they found lynsie's remains, his demeanor changed. >> reporter: how you? >> quite drastically. i could see his color in his face went white. >> reporter: the police had not found lynsie's remains. that was a lie. police do it all the time and it is legal. in fact, larry hadn't tried to find lynsie at the construction location where chris had worked. and he had gotten some interest from cadaver dogs. but nothing more. just down the street from chris' house, detective bryce angel of