: It’s hard to ignore Elizabeth Blau’s work with Delivering with Dignity, coordinating with restaurants like Graffiti Bao, Valencian Gold, and her own Honey Salt to deliver meals to thousands in need. She was also vocal in calling out the Nevada government for not doing enough to help locally owned restaurants. , food and culture writer: There are so many: 7th & Carson partnering with nonprofits to feed the homeless; Ghost Unit Kitchen pivoting to cook for folks in need with Chefs4Vegas; Aloha Kitchen passing out bags of food to hungry families right at the beginning of the pandemic. I also want to give a shout out to my friend, food writer Kim Foster, who is a beacon of generosity. Kim started a food pantry in front of her home downtown, and most importantly, she talks to the people who pick up food, asks them what they need, and coordinates donations to meet those needs. Feeding the hungry is one of the most important food stories of 2020, and I’m in awe of the people who make it happen every day.