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Investigation into his alleged actions also coming up president putin claims victory in syria starts with drawing Russian Troops he praises the Russian Military for doing a spectacular job. And the bonus league is back for some midweek action leipsic is looking to keep up the chase at the top of the table while dortmund in their new coach hope to turn their season around. Hello im terry martin welcome to the program. U. S. President all trump is facing scrutiny once again over allegations of Sexual Misconduct three women who had previously accused of Sexual Harassment made a series of joint appearances are calling for a congressional investigation. Into trumps alleged predatory behavior the white house has called the claims false but the women have pointed to the infamous access Hollywood Video and which trump bragged about groping and trying to have sex with women simply as proof of his guilt. Automatically attracted to the i just dont use them. But its when he put his hand started put his hand up my skirt and that was the last time i wore skirt traveling. And then i managed because im not a small person i. Managed to wrestle myself out of the seat and stood up grabbed my purse and went to the back of the airplane i want to believe that as americans we can put aside our political inclinations and admit that some things in fact do transcend politics that we will hold mr trump to the same standard as Harvey Weinstein and the other man who are held accountable for their reprehensible behavior. Rachel crooks their one of the women alleging that she was sex sexual misbehavior by President Trump well with me in the studio is tyson barker from the Aspen Institute here in berlin tyson how dangerous is this for donald trump i mean clearly this has not been resolved you know this moment the me too moment which has been released since the Harvey Weinstein accusations has reshaped the Public Discourse in the United States and globally about Sexual Harassment and Sexual Misconduct and clearly donald trump who thought that he had already closed this issue in the elections has not done so i think it could be quite dangerous for the president the republicans in some ways in this they seem to be their own worst enemy where are the democrats in all of this are they on able to to score political points against trump at this point clearly the issue of Sexual Harassment is a bipartisan or nonpartisan issue and the democrats have their own house to get in order and the one thing that the de. Crowds are trying to avoid is the accusation of hypocrisy that they are not addressing their own problems within their party. At the same time that theyre accusing people like donald trump and roy moore of this kind of Sexual Misconduct so what youve seen already is several very swift resignations of people like al franken like congressman john conyers who you know speaker pope or former Speaker Pelosi called an icon and then said you know i believe the women these accusations are true and he was basically forced to resign so the democrats are doing is making sure that they are practicing what theyre preaching in believing these women and taking these accusations seriously dont trump has thrown his weight between behind a very controversial candidate for the poor the Senate Roy Moore whos standing for election today in the state of alabama really more like President Trump is accused of inappropriate sexual behavior its so serious that the president that the Republican Party was considering ditching roy moore why is trump standing behind him actually they did detroit more the National Committee the republican National Committee did and then came back to him very similar to the access hollywood situation last year before the president ial election when he succeed the president wants his vote essentially once his vote for Supreme Court justice he wants his vote for taxes he wants to have that extra vote for his agenda which which makes some degree of sense the thing is that the republicans are pitching this both in alabama and nationally as adjudicating these issues these moral and legal issues in a political space so what the president has said is you know everybody knew about my flaws when they went to the polls in november twenty sixth seen this is already been judith headed done and done and theyre trying to say the same thing about roy moore you know that today is not only the day of judgment politically for for the campaign between more and jones but also for these accusations a day of judgment in the us tyson barker from the Aspen Institute here in berlin thank you so much thank you. Now lets take a look at some other stories making news around the world today in the u. S. A twenty seven year old man is in custody after detonating an explosive device in new York Sports Authority bus terminal four people were hurt in the blast Officials Say the man was inspired by the socalled Islamic State President Trump is called for trial for tougher immigration rules. And president trips also launched a new Space Program ordering nasa to send more american astronauts to the moon and on words to mars eventually its been forty five years since apollo seventeen landed on the moon and the last time humans traveled beyond low earth orbit. And Amnesty International has blamed European Union countries for being complicit in the abuse of migrants in a report the Human Rights Group accuses the e. U. Of turning a blind eye to alleged brutality by the libyan coast guard in dangerous detention facilities there the e. U. Has been working with libya to curb migration across the mediterranean. Youre watching news still to come we look ahead to a round of buddhist league games tonight candlelights a close things up at the top with a win against both sport or will they fall prey to a hungry wolf. Exemptions are flying at the meeting of the World Trade Organization hell and a lot of people. At the moment harry the body is currently holding its main meeting in what his idea is it takes place every two years in the u. S. Representative is accused in w t i was using its focus saying it was going to easy on wealthy developing countries like china they use top five economies hit back saying donald trump tax cut plans may distort international trade. Protests are a common sight at these conferences but theyre not the only ones upset with the w t o the United States was once a big proponent now under President Donald Trump it is more of a skeptic while all members agree that the w t o needs improving the u. S. Is threatening to pull out altogether a sentiment made clear by u. S. Trade representative robert slight ties or who presented a veiled critique of china in particular we cannot sustain a situation in which new rules can only apply to a few and that others will be given a pass in the name of self proclaimed Development Status far from the usual trade wrangling with china this was an attack on the w t o itself with the e. U. Seeking to strike a more conciliatory note. So we need to have a clear objective in mind for the European Union this is clear to preserve and to strengthen the rules based multilateral trading system and for its to thrive it has to develop it is not perfect but its the best we have and we have achieved great things together and we can the w t o may be weakened by skepticism from within but theres still room for progress. And we can talk to our financial correspondent daniel koch in frank that now daniel upheaval at. Accusations flying is there anything useful coming out of this meeting. Well another very interesting question many people are actually calling those meetings kind of like a nonsense because we have to remember the old also such as opaque as not really illegal a body its an organization that can give recommendations to the member countries so also when we talk for example about the oil price and opec a saying to countries well you should you shouldnt produce as much oil its a similar situation also with the old they can tell to countries like china for example well you need to work on your ak production your poor your putting too much a steel for example on the market but at the end those are only recommendations and we have seen the situation for example with china and the passage china has been putting too much steel on the market but with very little effort in order to cut this excess production have them all right well check back in with you in a moment but first apple has confirmed plans to make them for a reported four hundred Million Dollars she is the company that helps you out when you just have to know the name and that so miss playing say on a two series or in a restaurant by identifying music using your smartphone and then forwards the song to your music player choice analysts say apple wants to use the acquisition to bring more users to it as newscycle throwing and away from competitors like spotify. Right back to you daniel court in frankfurt so what might apple want to do with. Well pretty much they want to kill the competitor spotify the biggest competitor right now for apple music apple music has been kind of struggling in the past to become very famous also because its rather more expensive when you compare it through spotify already or right now when youre using your i phone asking zero zero if the voice a system which a song is playing in zero gives you the answer this is coming already by shazam but similar situation when youre using Android Phone Android Phones are using a Similar Technology but then you could listen to those songs on spotify so apple really wanted to make sure that in the future spotify wont be the company. Because we also have to remember four hundred million thats most likely what apple is paying for this this is not as expensive as Shopping Trips they have done in the past. In frankfurt thank you long lines at the airport delayed flights barely any leg room when he finally get on board a race to the bottom in terms of ticket prices and service now first people these days flying is far from enjoyable and one artist was so traumatised by her experience she decides to take matters into her own hands the result is an extraordinary response to the state of the Aviation Industry meet. An artist who is mixing two theming only income possible concept modern air travel on top enos fed up with her own on board experiences she decided to find an airline of her own its called angel ha ha and it slogan says it all was and your heart why was happening angel haha promises to fly passengers to our chose around the world and make the experience enjoyable. The arses to attract attention to the service with this ambiguous ad featuring a laughing truck which rom on chinese t. V. So whats it really all about and you haha airline its also its a commentary about our contemporary travelling life also you know like as the artist living child to buy and you know i get the sions its become maybe some symbolic and also its the power structure of our art world so i use this airline as my our work is its my performance but even the performance of happiness comes at a price tickets for last weeks maiden flight from new jersey to the art basel fair in miami cost up to three thousand five hundred dollars one way before takeoff passengers got a guaranteed back in their bag. On board chainman played the role of Flight Attendant and treated her passengers to musical repertoire is in line of course with her airline philosophy. You. All right back over to terry now for the latest on russias involvement in syria thats right hello and wrapping up to some degree russias involvement there russian president Vladimir Putin has declared victory in syria and else a partial withdrawal of Russian Troops during a surprise visit to syria putin said the task of fighting what he called Armed Bandits was mostly complete he said a significant part of the Russian Forces could no return home and he praised the Russian Military for doing what he called a spectacular job. Russian soldiers in seti are welcoming their commander in chief at the himym in military base and on his first visit to the country Vladimir Putin announced that the bulk of troops stationed here can no go home. Last week the Russian Military declared victory in syria over quote terrorist groups including the socalled Islamic State and al qaeda for president putin its now Mission Accomplished there where all of that unity with the terrorist threat in the whole world is still very high. However the task of fighting bandits here in syria a task that was essential to solve with the extensive use of force has for the most part been solved and its been solved spectacularly. When. Russia entered the syrian conflict in september twenty fifth it was moscows biggest intervention in the middle east in decades since then Russian Forces have battled more moderate rebel groups opposed to the syrian president Bashar Assad Russian airstrikes helped turn the tide in assads favor. Not only is president Vladimir Putin proud of you but i am also proud of you and i thank you. No sooner had putin had the tarmac and he was off again this time getting to grips with russian interests in egypt he put pen to paper on a deal to build a Nuclear Reactor there but he disappointed his hosts by delaying a plan to resume russian civilian flights to the country two years after a passenger plane was shot down. He still had a spring in his step by the time he reached his final destination getting together with chuckies president brought the days diplomacy fill suckle the pair hunkered down to discuss the sale of a Russian Missile Defense System and of course their long running bed to broker a solution in the syrian war. Lets bring in Julia Chapman in moscow president putin on a whirlwind diplomatic tour there lets start with syria has russia really accomplished all it set out to achieve there. Well when russia intervened in the syrian conflict in twenty fifteen it certainly changed the course of that conflict at the time president putin said that the stated aim of Russian Military intervention was to combat terror groups in the region as time went on as the two and a bit years went by it became increasingly clear that one of his other priorities was also to bolster his ally. The president of syria and hes certainly gone some way to accomplishing that theres been a market shift in the balance of power in syria since the russians got involved with air strikes which were intended to support Syrian Ground troops as well as iranian backed shia militias there but there has been some progress on the terrorism front as well Islamic State has lost a lot of the territory that it gained in syria in twenty fourteen including the strategic city of raka and putin said yesterday in his speech that if Islamic State was to rear its head again Russian Troops would be ready to jump back in and its not the first time that putin has made a withdrawal announcement there have been at least two similar ones neither of which resulted in any significant withdrawal of troops from the country but there is certainly enough evidence to suggest that there this time might be different because situations on the ground have changed so much for syria of putins next stop on his trip as egypt its relations with moscow have been rocky in the past couple years is putin ready to touch things that are. Well its certainly true that theres been a strain in relations between egypt and russia since the downing of a russian passenger plane over the Sinai Peninsula two years ago that resulted in the deaths of all two hundred twenty four people on board most of which were russian tourists on their way back to peaces burg from holidays in egypt egypt has historically been a very important Tourist Destination for russians theyve been its been very popular with them and therefore russian tourists have been very important to egypts tourism economy so theyre very keen to see the return of russian tourists to the region its often said that waitstaff in egypt speak better russian than they do english reflecting the picture of tourism there generally but yesterdays meeting between president putin and egyptian president. Certainly suggested that improve improving relations was on the table there was a nuclear deal signed between them to the tune of twenty one billion u. S. Dollars and they did discuss the resumption of commercial flights between the two countries which have been suspended since the incident over the sinai two years ago although no concrete date for the resumption of flights has been set yet thanks julia did always Julia Chapman there in moscow. The indian capital delhi has been shocked in recent months by reports of the deaths of more than ten sanitation workers while cleaning septic tanks and sewers is through the spotlight on manual scavenging thats keeping the Sewage Systems flowing by without machinery or protective equipment its banned by law in india but its still widespread india correspondent sonja father has this report from delhi. Every morning shows a patrol that few anywhere would want to do. As a manual scavenger he cleans blocked drains and gutters in dentist so he has been doing this the sexiest he earns anywhere between four hundred to eight hundred rupees a day thats about five to ten euros and we had the man to go with i almost threw up the first day here until then ive never cleaned the toilet in my own home the stench was disgusting i nearly quit. But i had to feed my two children since id lost another job so i carried on. The work is extremely dangerous theres no machinery or safety and. Sometimes sony has to undress and squeeze into the sewers and cocked up he says hes developed skin attitudes his eyes burn from the toxic gases. The laborers belong to the balmiki community. That sits at the bottom of indias class system their work opens them to prejudice and discrimination which. Some people treat us as if were not human and were human too now youre sitting here its very dirty but people cover their noses when they walk past why is that. And i knew it was outlawed in india more than two decades ago. The law prescribes fine and even jail time for those employing workers to manually clean toilets so with the thousand and fifty tanks without protective gear but the roads are routinely flouted with devastating consequences. This settlement on the outskirts of debby is home to dallas formerly known as untouched but. Two months ago three of its residents choked to death in a septic tank in a car parts factory on three were cleaners none had safety equipment. One of them was nanny and. His wife who is still waiting for compensation from the company. My children dont understand that their father is not coming back our world has come crashing down i have had to borrow a lot of money since i lost my husband and i dont know how im going to pay it back. The issue has sparked an outcry reports in the indian media say more than ten switch workers have died in delhi alone in recent months the City Government has since banned its agencies from outsourcing sanitation work to contractors who hire manual scavengers. Who done a spokesman for the Delhi Government says manual scavenging has no place in modern india but he admits the rot runs much deeper its absolutely in human its me do you will there is a problem of lack of awareness this problem of insensitivity and just callous attitude of on the part of not just the police but i am afraid of what large sections of our society because they dont see it as a as wrong as as a moral wrong as a legal wrong. That means little brains. He finished. And both are kicking off the midweek action tonight or the hosts are only three points clear of relegation. With a victory could close their gap with table leaders by in munich recent form though could give the slight edge to the home side they havent won on the road since october while the wolves are running a two game winning streak at arena. The wolves have only lost one since martin smith took over in mid september their last outing at home was a convincing three nil victory over gladbach stopping their momentum in its tracks but a league high of nine draws had their main table purgatory currently eleventh in closer to relegation than theyd like to be the head coach addressed the drawing issues in the press Conference Ahead of the match clumped us with obviously in the nets and in the last five or six games i think were closer to getting away from that statistic that being the king of draws after a long time doesnt take you anywhere. So our goal is to turn that around and also to change our mentality moving forward go. On to a button that. Ive despite being second on the table rb leipsic lost elite last time out against monks the bulls were even give a questionable penalty in the match that ultimately ended even. Five. Definitely conceded more goals than last season and that could be why we dont have as many points as we did at this time last year but we just have to deal with them. This is what this must mean. If defeated the newest club on the block would extend their winless away streak to four games it wouldnt be the best way to celebrate our b. s fiftieth but its league fixture. More on the midweek bonus League Action im joined now here in the studio by a lima hotel key from d. W. Sports. Leipsic could narrow by on munichs lead at the top of the table five points if they managed to beat both borg and tonights early game is it too late for them to make a serious challenge for the title and its not even about life its acknowledging a serious challenge of course they do i think most its in the d. N. A. To want to dethrone buy a new nick theyve had a monopoly for the past five seasons and when they win they dont just when they have a tendency to really run away with the title yes partly because you know they are a really good team thats just too good theres a reason people call them a super cop they would dominate most leaks but for the first time this season back in september it looked like this could be the year when the season when by and nick might fall flat on their face and what happens this comes in coaching change by and get their mojo back and so im calling it out right now the title is a foregone conclusion ok. Well later tonight weve got another important game dortmund face mines on the road what do you think of the prospect of getting back on track now that theyve hired peter as their new coach tricky but very doable and i think we saw that when a guy has quality at his service theres a lot that can happen and i see a lot of good things can happen and unfortunately this season at coach he had a long list of injuries he no longer had the service of anthony my desk but that wont be the case i thought man because he will have all my on here we have and have plenty of other quality and creative players so i think its its curious to see exactly the sort of football that will produce with such a different set of playoffs alina thank you so much to the tukey from the sports. And before we go just a reminder of the top story were following for you here today on the news three women who accuse president trouble of Sexual Harassment for calling for a congressional investigation into his alleged predatory behavior the white house denies the claims. Are watching the news from berlin we have another full bulletin coming up for you at the top of the next hour and youll find all our stories online d. W. Dot com thanks for watching. The. Practice came started often and coffee and then off to shop around for some find. More middle class African American women are stocking up on guns out of fear of growing racism on iraqs. Firearms give them some confidence as they have lost faith that the government will protect them. Three thousand. D. W. Six Million People displaced two hundred twenty thousand day. For decades not in colombia has been dominated by violence we meet victims see recounted painful experiences and to change his who are facing up to what theyve done in a country thats just beginning to deal with its law and cost colombia no graceful green. In forty five minutes. Losing your homeland because of persecution and mississippi five people found a new home in a foreign land with their stories books and music theyve built bridges to the past. And the future. After these. Starting december seventeenth on d w. Germany is a strong country. That we have achieved so much we can do this and if something hinders us we must overcome it. Going where its uncomfortable global news that matters w made for mines. Opportunity prosperity optimism

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