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City. Says sled dog racing is only for the snow in england hundreds of hasty hounds parade rough conditions in the dry mans dog sledding checked. Im anthony how its good to have you with us the u. S. Says it no longer considers israeli settlements in palestinian territories in violation of International Law. With that u. S. Secretary of state might on peo announced a major shift in policy toward the region he also said he hoped washington would soon unveil and instruct the Palestinian Police peace plan palestinians have slammed the move on settlements saying its another blood to the calls of tapes. From pyo have a says this is a purely legal matter and would not affect the peace person its. The establishment of israeli civilian settlements in the west bank is not per se inconsistent with International Law the hard truth is there will never be a judicial resolution to the conflict in arguments about who is right and wrong as a matter of International Law will not bring peace this is a complex political problem that can only be solved by negotiations between the israelis and the palestinians. The United States remains deeply committed to helping facilitate peace and i will do everything i can to help this cause. All right lets take this to washington now our correspondent public for the las joins me now that we just heard mike pump there how much of a of a surprise was this announcement and why this move now. Hi anthony well and actually in many ways actually this doesnt come as a shock its basically a continuation of you know this administrations policy towards israel and the region now as we know President Trump and his administration have been incredibly pro israel to say the least that we also cant forget that theyve recognized jerusalem as the capital of israel theyve also recognized israeli sovereignty in the Golan Heights and so you know this is the latest in several moves made by Trump Administration that critics have said that this is coming basically at a time as we know that the trumpet ministration and the secretary of state of course is included in that might pompei oh theyre under a lot of pressure because of the ongoing impeachment inquiry related to ukraine and also my pompei a has been under a lot of pressure and from both republicans and democrats over his handling of u. S. Diplomats so basically by making this announcement at pompei 0 in some ways is raising his profile and focusing attention on another issue at the moment. My compass stresses this would not affect the Peace Process one though what side those in washington with experience in this region public. Well im thinking you know this announcement is coming out of time where it basically breaks a 2016 u. N. Security council every resolution that basically you know states settlements in the west bank are basically a violation of International Law it also breaks with the position held by the United States in 1978 under as president jim or jimmy carter and he basically said you know settlements in the west bank were inconsistent with International Law now just a few years later Ronald Reagan slightly changed his stance and he said they would settlements were illegitimate but he didnt actually call them illegal we also come for get that it goes against the 4th Geneva Convention and also interesting the once again the u. S. And you know distancing itself from its traditional allies in europe which is where it hasnt gone down very well and also potentially straining relations with that you know allies in the islamic world and instead of perhaps you know improving the situation there its going to make it far far worse so you know at the moment a lot of critics are saying that this is not a good move here in the United States both the alias in washington thank you well thirtys in iran have defended the hike in fuel prices that sparked days of rioting at least 3 people have been killed and more than a 1000 a risk that the government insists the price rises on this is syria to fund social welfare programs as the troubles continue the engine that has been cut off and the Supreme Leader has accused the United States of being behind the wrist. The central bank can be behind in flames police cars and a billboard of the ayatollah they are also engulfed in blazes scenes of unrest and destruction in southwestern iran. In the capital tehran demonstrators wish death on their Supreme Leader. The unrest has left many dead or wounded this footage was recorded on saturday before the government blocked the internet on monday came this statement from the commander of the bus each a militia loyal to the government. I will be there as yesterday the situation was stable throughout the country today things are also under control most of the people behind the riots have been identified and arrested this time the americans did not have any success and they added another defeat to that tally the court omission of. The United States has criticized the rainy and Security Forces for using violence against the protesters secretary of state mike pump a 0 posted in a tweet as i said to the people of iran almost a year and a half ago the United States is with you. Because of u. S. Sanctions irans oil trade has collapsed the government is short of funds and is trying to offset its losses by raising gasoline prices a payments are planned for 20000000 people in need a quarter of the population. The government has made this decision because it doesnt have any money now its taking money out of our pockets to plug the gaps here in iran hommage everything in iran is connected to petrol prices when they go up so defeated prices rent everything. Since the weekend iran has been cut off from the outside world that makes it difficult for the protesters to coordinate their rallies for the regime its an opportunity to suppress the protests without interference around 1000 people are said to have been arrested so far. To more dramatic scenes in hong kong now program ocracy protesters made a bold the state from police sealed off a University Campus occupied by the demonstrators the stakes remain dangerously high chinas ambassador to britain has warned that beijing has the power and the resolution to end the unrest which is gripped on kong for months universities have become the latest battleground for protesters and the police. A daring plan students clamping down from a bridge using ropes escaping on to a highway then theyre in the clear but theyre only trickling out after police sealed off this University Campus the epicenter of the most violent clashes so far in hong kongs political crisis. If caught the protesters could be charged with rioting punishable by up to 10 years in prison. Chaos reigns here and police have failed to gain control of the campus clashes continue on the streets to the struggle for democracy has disrupted life in hong kong for 5 months its had a heavy impact on the economy especially the Tourism Sector because visitors are often forced to remain in their hotels back at the university some students leave through the front door not everyone can continue the resistance they head towards waiting medics and the police. The siege might be facing an end but its just one of many battles in hong kongs continuing standoff. Or more of the activists have now managed to escape from the University Buildings more now from correspondent charlotte who is on the streets of. Pumper an. Important hearing. Up there with a job you know well responding with bubble. Bath. Where ill. Bring a person just of a certain amount of them to sort out the point of the hunger. And move to be trapped by well you never know. What i want to. Hold up in the universe. Who our going really well to. Some of those holed up in the most well or out. Around. Them all the while. There are. You. Know on your program. Reporting from Hong Kong Well here in germany ministers have agreed an ambitious plan to plug what have been called quote embarrassing gaps in the countrys mobile phone networks plans to release some 1100000000 euros to construct thousands of cell towers by 2024 the move is part of a broader strategy to modernize the countrys infrastructure and an instruction. Anyone whos traveled through rural areas in germany knows the country is full of places without Cell Phone Service or a decent internet connection. Chancellor Angela Merkel and had happened and want to tackle the issue head on the German Government says it plans to build 5000 cell phone towers after a 2 day consultation on digital policy in germany the chancellor recognises the common challenges for into the future we have a lot of work ahead both in the hardware area the mobile Communications Strategy and in broadband expansion but also in the digitization of our own administration. But if you turn. To another issue open data the chancellor calls it the new that could fuel german firms but with the restriction that only anonymous data would be collected but opposition politicians are not convinced since childhood doesnt that resources have generally been a problem even in the ministries only one or 2 people are dealing with the subject of open data thats not enough it takes time and resources and we need role models to lead the way and just before. Transport is also said to benefit above all to promote electric cars Vehicle Buyers in germany would receive a subsidy or 6000. 00 euros if they opt for an electric model in addition berlin wants to expand the infrastructure that supports electric vehicles including more charging points by 2025 especially in Rural Regions eventually creating 1000000 public charging points by 2030 skeptics say this amounts to heavy homework but chancellor merkels government is optimistic. Sport when it comes to dog sledding most people think of snow covered scene in the frozen arctic last weekend the world of competitive sled dog racing came to the United Kingdom the hounds and their owners had to brave tricky conditions as they battled it out but it was all worth it for a trait of winning world title. If you thought dog sledding only took place on snow and ice youve been bucking the wrong tree the annual dry land World Championships at the weekend sold teams from around the globe descend on the cross and mud of sussex in england the sleds a fitted with wheels to help the hounds race around the bumpy track that combined with the power of between 2 and a canine cohorts allows them to reach for russias speeds really just want to run so i put them in the harness let them do what they were bred to be. Responsible by dogs enjoy and you can enjoy as well as the like a bit of much. Indeed there is an unavoidable parts of the proceedings and while thats perfect for the pitches that otherness have to take extra precautions. Im pretty mad he pretty wacky came back absolutely had to tarry mud to a good job we were prepared to. Changes in place but yeah everything was really just great fun it is super the events are highly competitive fun while organizers keep their eyes on the clock the most important thing is that its a fun day out for mans best friends. And before we go a reminder you can always get w. News on the go just download from the google play or from the app store itself but ill give you access to all the latest news from around the world as well as push notifications for any breaking news you can also use. To send us photos and videos. Youre watching the devil the news live from berlin coming up after 5 years of conflict of the African Union gives south sudan one last chance to form a government thats next on the w. Africa with christine. And forget you can start today with all the other stories about websites and element and how it thinks what you. What secrets lie behind these walls. Discover newark. And churns in 360 degrees. To explore an aging World Heritage site. W World Heritage 360. Now. 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