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In the vote our correspondent visits the chinese arent just a few kilometers off Mainland China to gauge the mood there. And jimmys green party celebrates its 40th anniversary we look at how the film outsiders made it to the political mainstream and have become the 2nd strongest Political Force in the country. Dont have a warm welcome to you im under. U. S. And canadian Officials Say its highly likely that an iranian myside brought on a ukrainian passenger jet now tehran earlier this week canadas Prime Minister Justin Trudeau says mounting evidence suggests an iranian surface to air missile hit the airliner shortly after takeoff but iran has rejected this claim or 876. 00 people on board the jet most of them is iran in and comedian what kids in the crash risking just hours off to iran dorson attack against u. S. Targets in iraq. Verified by 2 Media Outlets appears to show the plane exploding in the sky just seconds before it crashed western leaders say the evidence points towards an Iranian Missile. Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau was the 1st to publicly announce the theory. We have intelligence from multiple sources including our allies and our own intelligence. The evidence indicates that the plane was shot down by entering a surface to air missile. This may well have been unintentional. This new information reinforces the need for a thorough investigation into this matter u. S. Officials have told us media they have a quote high degree of certainty that it was a missile that hit the plane earlier President Donald Trump had also suggested it might have been an accident iran vehemently denies the theory that an Iranian Missile brought down the plane. Thing that is clear to us and that we can say with certainty is that this plane was not hit by a missile. As i said last night the plane was on fire for more than one and a half minutes in the air. And the location shows that the pilot was attempting to return. On the ship with a high level unfastened about augustus that he cranium officials have also said they were quote not ruling out a missile attack they have sent a team to tehran to investigate and are insisting on full cooperation iran has invited the u. S. Aviation Company Boeing to join that probe and said it would provide visas for accredited investigators from the countries involved. Joining me now is in the quarters hes a senior investigator and belling katz thats an investigative collective welcome nic now you all organizations verified the video clip allegedly showing the airplane being hit by something what exactly were you able to confirm. So we found this video yesterday it appears to show a missile impacting an object in the sky we worked out because i see where that video was taken and we noted the altitude we believe but we worked out location of the explosion and its precisely in the flight path of the plane so we believe that the video shows a missile mighty hitting the plane. Also pitches of myside fragments circulating on the internet what do they show and what do we know about the append to city of those speeches so there are 2 images showing the heads of tall missiles missiles. These have not been verified they do not appear to have been posted on usenet previously. However we cannot work out precisely where these images were taken so they remain on birth fight images ok there are also reports now that bulldozers being used to clear the crash site what does the investigation show. So we 1st started hearing these rumors yesterday. This morning and news crew much to get to the scene and appears at the crash site has been cleared needless to say that would not be beneficial for any kind of investigation that was carried out ok now so based on your evidence that your organization has a very defined uncollected what do you think happened to the plane. So currently the information makes me lean towards believing that this plane was in fact hit by a missile. We cannot confirm to any level of. Us but i think its also important to note that you or any authorities cannot be certain. That it was a technical malfunction. Yes so they have this is you saying it is not possible to say but it was definitively a missile strike neither can it can go simply though that the iranian version that it does make anything. So we suddenly have a video that shows an explosion on the flight path of this plane which appears to be caused by a missile. Of course no one can be certain and so the investigation is complete however the information that we have thats available to us indicates this plane was a missile this new clothes from the Investigative Journalism collective that in cats thank you very much for that thank you. In the u. S. Meanwhile the house of representatives has voted to limit President Donald Trumps ability to engage in military conflict against iran the chamber voted almost completely along party lines to pass a resolution it would become binding if the senate supports supports it trump ordered the killing of iranian general custom silly money last week without congressional approval and the rise of tensions in the middle east has prompted an emergency meeting of European Union Foreign Ministers in brussels later today theyre hoping to find a way to guide the u. S. And iran away from for the confrontation. First the assassination of irans top general. Then iranian retaliation. In the deepening conflict between iran and the United States the European Union seems caught in the middle the contrast is deeply affects not only the region but all of us and the use of weapons must stop now to give space to dialogue. Talks seem to be the only feasible option here in brussels at the moment the european kind of dilemma is that they of course want to put additional pressure on iran but at the same time they dont want to side too openly with the United States thats the dilemma that the europeans are in this is what their politics looks like you know how do you find the magic formula that you know keeps you in that position that you know satisfies both and both needs the wii u. Is clinging on to the 2050 nuclear deal signed by e. U. Countries france the u. K. And germany among others. The socalled j c p u a is supposed to prevent iran from developing Nuclear Weapons in return for the lifting off u. N. Sanctions. However u. S. President trump pulled out in 2018 he since re imposed sanctions. A move met with anger in tehran which in response has step by step produced its own commitments to the deal further limiting the use ability to weigh in on the issue. As was the only stake the europeans really had in the iran issue thats you know what made them important in the iran context and now thats out of the window plus the situation is escalating and they have no influence now some hope lies in this man Mohammed Sirleaf the Iranian Foreign minister hes been invited to back to brussels in an attempt to bring iranians back to the table and negotiate a way out of the crisis. Joining me now is iran and in this cloning is hes from the German Council on Foreign Relations welcome to you canidius as you mentioned the e. U. Foreign ministers are meeting today in brussels for an emergency meeting what can we expect from that oh well on the one hand its an emergency meeting as its called on the other its about bringing this issue back into the formal policy making processes of the European Union its been a frantic week things happening on the ground on a daily basis and now the Foreign Ministers are meeting to carve out the way what is it that the europeans would want to do what are the opportunities that they see from the shelves because over the past days it was more individual statements it was one country or another it was the president of the European Commission the president of the European Council now they need to get together to get to a more formalized and unified approach cyclonus what can the e. U. Play in deescalating these tensions which have spiked between iran and the u. S. Well thankfully the 2 sides managed to deescalate without the intervention of the European Union they did so on wednesday with the more moderate actions that each of them took the United States and iran but now with a view to the mid term the you know the European Union would have to get involved to take a role on the Regional Security side so far the europeans have focused only on trying to save the nuclear deal thats important in and of itself but its only half of the story we see what is happening in iraq with the possibility of the Islamic State becoming more important there so this is the European Security interest they need to get involved in that im talking about the Nuclear Treaty that iran has been saying it doesnt feel compelled to adhere to the restrictions posed by the joint comprehensive plan of action. Has the treaty ceased to exist in a defacto sense well people have been saying for quite some time now its on life support and thats probably true but its still somewhat to life and the europeans are trying with meeting with the Iranian Foreign minister today if they are trying to to keep it alive the one thing they would need to do is to. Allow for at least humanitarian trade with iran exports of medical devices of medicine thats and drugs and also food stuff so trying thats on that side reviving so to say the economic side of the deal is important and they would have to do that against the wishes of the United States thats right because they your opinion is still very very keen to hang on to this dean despite whatever pressure the donald trump is floating on then what if they dont succeed well we see how much they can do today and over the midterm if they do if they do not succeed if there is no more nuclear deal we will see tensions rise again because iran if and when they start resuming enrichment to higher levels if they are edging closer at least in the perception of neighboring countries edging closer towards the bomb this will escalate and then we will see a military scenario developing because diplomacy has been tried in the in previous years the deal was the result of diplomacy and now countries like United States and israel they will not invest in diplomacy again and they will try to solve this militarily i think occasions i hears from what youre saying connie its not about the German Council on Foreign Relations a pleasure to talk to you thank you my pleasure. Theyve been having up to date with some other stories making news around the world the internet shutdown in the administered kashmir has been ruled unconstitutional by Indias Supreme Court the government imposed the shutdown in august following its controversial move to abrogate the territories special constitution status in the ruling the Supreme Court called the freedom of Internet Access a fundamental right. Australians a basin for mounting danger from bushfires with higher temperatures and stronger winds set to increase risk levels on friday the wildfire crisis in the country southeast has claimed at least 26. 00 lives and destroyed more than 2000 homes since september. When president martin because has pledged to plant 1000000. 00 trees around the ancient site much of beaches to protect area the area from forest fires and mudslides its the latest measures taken in recent months to sift out the countrys most popular Tourist Destination as well as recent plants and wildlife. Germanys greens are marking the 40th anniversary and they have a lot to celebrate the party which began as a small protest movement is not part of germanys political mainstream in fact recent opinion polls show the green party is the 2nd strongest Political Force in the country i talked to a Green Party Politician in just a moment but 1st lets take a look at how the greens got here. The greens were an exotic creation in the conservative germany of 980. 00 environmentalist and Animal Rights activists peaceniks and feminists the slogan strident and to nuclear appropriate and pro women. Just 3 years later in the greens had a presence in parliament their culture worlds apart from the other parties. The Oscar Fischer the 1st green environment. Mr in the state of hessen took Office Wearing trainers the greens were a provocative force in parliament where they would meet all these stablished parties but the greens caught the spirit of the age nearly 20 years after their foundation they entered the federal government for the 1st time in coalition with the search will democrats fishers foreign minister backed the involvement of german troops in the war in kosovo a controversial move for the pacifist greens and he was pelted at the party conference. By. A unilateral and indefinite suspension of the bombing at this time would send completely the wrong message why it has ignited. The party went along with him with some reluctance the greens greatest victory came with a decision to phase out Nuclear Power in germany then in 2011 another breakthrough the greens ousted the christian democrats in the deeply conservative state of pardon version birthed been freed christian man becoming the 1st green state crimea the Current Party leader of a chargeback is one of germanys most popular politicians even a green chancellor no longer seems inconceivable. Fridays for a future Climate Movement has also given the greens a boost a party that once seemed exotic is now part of the mainstream this whole. Joining me now from a parliamentary studios is fun cisco and shes a green sparty politician as well as a member of the bundestag upon him and since 2013 welcome to you im is done now 1st of all congratulations on your partys anniversary as we saw in our report your party has come a long way in the last 40 years how did that happen. Yes been a long way i always know the age of my possible if im the same age so i have lived through that phase as well and you know i think we have come a long way but we also sticks really true to our ideas from the beginning its environment the protection of our planet its famine isnt womens rights its human rights and their protection against racism and in the way that it has of course changed and youve come into government and we have made big steps but the issues are still there and we are more important than ever in that sense i think you know we have a good 40 years ahead of us. You made kind of that name fact in many areas the what would you say is the single biggest impact your party has made on germany and german politics for me to biggest impact has been the liberalization of our society when it comes to womens rights when it comes to the rights of gay people when it comes to the freedom we have that we can enjoy when it comes to making it more open for european integration i think that the openness of our German Society has a lot to do with our green power over the last 40 years but many people in germany still regard the green party as a single issue ponty a body which deals with Environmental Issues and when it comes to other issues like for example education things they dont have that much faith in the green party according to opinion. It might be that the qualifications that other people attribute to office still in unequal we are number one when it comes to climate environment European Affairs we quite high now by social affairs but weve never been a one issue party the greens were founded from 3 movements the Environmental Movement the feminist movement and the peace and Human Rights Movement and they have been there for since the beginning and are always very strong and of course the climate issue is a key one for earth and it has been there forever and unfortunately we still have a lot to do but i really reject the idea that we are one party issue and finally this one from now. Finally was done to what does a green body still hope to achieve may be a green chance low for the country now what we want to prove is that we can live and have an economy that lives in harmony with the planet and i think thats the challenge we have to show that its possible to live with less resources and to still have a good life and we have to protect our democracy human rights against racism against the far right movements that are building up all across the west i think that these are the 2 big challenges and i want us to achieve that screens in germany but in europe more broadly and maybe also green by the chancellor if that it will be possible we will not say no. Celebrating 40 years of the body thank you very much for talking to us on the w. Thank you. Youre watching the news coming up ahead why i gesture. Not be allowed at the 2020 games in tokyo we have details on the new rules on political protests. But 1st time round votes on saturday in president ial and legislative elections that will answer the question of whether the looks towards or away from china and the so will come from one of these 2 president ial candidates the incumbent leader in when and how a main challenger for you sign in when comes from the independent minded Democratic Progressive Party but her rival is from the opposition which advocates closer ties with china so how do people in taiwan view their neighboring superpower. Phoebe kong sent us this report from the taiwanese island of kin men which is just off the coast of china. This is the border of taiwan but this time is this here we are on Cayman Island ok tional the political rivals china and taiwan. One cooperative project is the stress of war which stores water pumps from china that helps fill some of. It 2018 human target china to resolve Persistent Water shortages well suits manages the water works here for him interaction its more than just the policy shapes its everyday life. Theres a chinese idiom says a close neighbor is more helpful than distant family the pipeline is Ground Breaking cross street hostility and sets a precedent to connect our electricity grids or even build a bridge in the future we want friends instead of enemies many of. Them are likely not the majority of taiwanese. The parliamentary candidate is from a Pro Independence party is skeptical his opposition to china has raisen beijings influence has been the central issue ahead of this weekends elections the whole says it was only one Home Counties send in the political turmoil that he made up his my. Our leaflet speech of hong kong protests because we trigger a strong sense of national doom looking at the tragic outcome of taiwanese have to think about whether we should still see closer ties with your foreign tearing regime behind hong kong. This is taiwans closest place to china which is only a row 5 kilometers away it used to be the front line in conflicts that case ago that military barricades were left here but nowadays china is trying to narrow the distance with taiwan not only economically but also politically how one is Authorities Say it is a stretch and has been distancing itself from china over the past 4 years. China a friend or foe president has vowed to unify selfloading taiwan on the one country 2 systems as china did with hong kong if necessary by force but this idea was rejected by taiwans president. Action. Because china friendly rival hungary or you has a different response to beijings intimidation tactics. Ties Economic Cooperation which once is and his friends also support their largely rely on china for a living. But we are used to perceive china as a threat but not now i saw a gradual progress when i got in touch with the chinese and we want a peaceful and prosperous lives instead of constructing a socalled threat i dont care whether there will be unification or infiltration this is not what my generation will encounter. If taiwan and china are to interact we must be treated fairly i mean state to state relations what kind of price are we willing to pay for that taiwan should be more aware of chinas sharp elbows than anywhere else in the world because we are on the front line we have the only place where china wants to take control of. Decades ago speakers inside this iconic landmark used to broadcast anti china propaganda to the mainland is now a Tourist Destination but the message of freedom and democracy as the most distinctive difference across the straits remains just as timely as ever. New guidance from the International Olympic committee of prohibition athletes kneeling in protest or taking a knee as the americans call it or displaying any kind of political messages at the 2020 summit games in tokyo the Committee Says those who bric protesters will face disciplinary action however athletes support groups say silencing athletes should never be tolerated. Over 50 years ago american sprinters tommie smith and john carlos famously did the black power salute at the Olympic Games in 1968 bringing attention to the then plight of africanamericans in the u. S. In recent years there has been a rise in political activism by athletes most notably call them kapur nick and Megan Rapinoe last august 2 u. S. Athletes were placed on probation for 12 months for and since at the Pan American Games in peru considered by some to be a warning ahead of the Tokyo Olympics International Olympic Committee President thomas bach said previous protests had no effect and the mission of the Olympic Games is to unite and not to divide box cautioned athletes any kind of quote for what they were reason is against the submission of the Olympic Games and i ask them to respect the. Neutrality also the Olympic Games and by. Their state for. Political purposes potential violations of the new guidelines according to the i. O. C. Would be evaluated by the athletes national Olympic Committee and the respective International Sport federation disciplinary action will be taken on a case by case basis athletes however will be free to express themselves during enter views and on platforms like twitter and instagram some athlete groups have criticized the new rules calling it a violation of human rights and a double standard they point to the i. O. C. President box support of a joint north and south korean team at the 2018 Winter Olympics as an example of pushing politics at the games amid rising political tensions ruled why will athletes abide by the new policy set by the i. O. C. Well have our answer when the games start in. Tokyo on the 24th of july up heres a think of the top story that were following for you on d. W. Canadas prime this a Justin Trudeau says multiple intelligence sources indicate that an iranian myside brought down a ukrainian passenger plane yet head on u. S. Officials have also said they believe its likely that iran in and Defense Systems hit the plane by accident killing 476 people on board. Thats it for me im a touchy man the news you might be back in half an hour see you then. Have a. Strong opinion clear position in the International Perspective such. Months as ever rattling have culminated in a targeted killing by the u. S. And a missile attack by iran are the 2 sides on the brink of war or ready to stand. Down find out onto the point. To the point. Next to deliver a slap in the face. Good shape loneliness to him epidemic. Dr Carsten Lekota talks with experts about the harmful visible effects of social isolation and remedies to cure loneliness. Therefore its high time to put no limits on the Public Health agenda. 60 minutes on d. W. D. To know that 77 percent. Are younger than 30 odd. Thats me and me and you. Claim to know what time all voices 177 percent can talk about the issue. From one party teeth to flash from cars like being a blue top this is where they are. Local to the 77 percent. This weekend on g. W. Months of saber rattling culminated over the past week in the us 1st targeted killing of a high ranking Foreign Military official since world war 2 and in an unprecedented direct attack by iran on u. S. Bases in iraq are the 2 sides now ready to back down or could irans thirst for retail e ation following the american drone attack on revolutionary guard leader customs to the money sparked further escalation the Collateral Damage following someone is killing

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