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But can it conquer the major issues of our society. The 1st season of founders valley done to fix holy ghost meets modern day heroes in asia. Ready to take on this challenge with their unique idea. Look at those 2 problems and make them one solution. To sally starts june 13th on g. W. High hopes of an economic recovery all streets rally spills into a new week Energy Stocks sold with Oil Producing nations agreeing to extend their output cuts well cross to our correspondent in new york. Travelers call up paul because Industry Leaders are up in arms they say britains new card chain rules for arrivals could set the economy back even further by the gap. And more frequent droughts hit germany. A large part of europe goes dry again this summer stocking promise to start installing irrigation for the 1st time. I think physical and lets do Business Global equity markets are looking good trade is betting on a fast economic recovery from the great lock down and the time will tell. Use for the Business World the Big Oil Producers have agreed to extend recalled cuts the Oil Production deal is historic. For the 1st time since the founding of opec countries that exceeded previously agreed upon output quotas will have to compensate with additional cuts in the following 3 months. This includes countries like nigeria and iraq but as baghdad agreed to the terms officials asked for more leniency in the future. We are seeking to set new rules in the future over sharing the burden among state members by considering the Economic Situation and the living standards. Cheating or countries that seem significantly slower than others to adopt the group rules is almost as old as opec itself but the new deal was pushed through by an Unexpected Alliance between saudi arabia and newly converted benchmark hardliner russia. Lets go over to our wall street correspondent. Yet still reckon opec can save the industry from the cost of growing up. Well the step to help to increase some oil prices spot to oil prices are a function of supply and demand and if you look at the supply side and thats what this system from opec plus is about it remains to be see in the because mexico for example already hinted that theyre not going to cut production is that if you look here at the United States was oil prices recently climbing back to about 40. 00 a barrel we did see some fricker is actually restarting some of their wealth so that is the supply side and then if we look at the demand side well the driving season is starting here in the United States summer driving season that it injured remains to be seen how many people are hitting the road and also if you look at airlines weve got 2 words in the past couple of days that theyre increasing their capacity but were still a far cry way where we were about a year ago and if we look at gas prices by the way here at least at my local gas station in brooklyn prices have been pretty stable at around 2 1. 50 in pro gallon that is ok some stability there. Is all the optimism on exchanges at the moment of a quick economic recovery a little too soon. Its really seems that the market is on autopilot we gained more than 800 points on friday we were up another good 450 points here on monday just look at some stocks boeing for example up by about 12 percent here on monday that stock is up more than 50 percent just was in the 5 past the trading days or if you look at the current of Company Hertz they just filed for bankruptcy protection recently that sold this stock should be at 0 but actually its more than doubled in mondays session now being worth more than 5. 00 a piece so yes we do see the economy slowly opening yes we do see economic numbers getting a bit better but we are far away where we were before. Crisis started so yes traders are. To get ahead of themselves quite a bit by the way nasdaq composite reaching an all time high year on monday and one more word to Oil Prices Oil prices dropped on monday by a good 3 percent so a bit of overkill it obviously is going for us there in new york thank you. To some other business stories making headlines b. P. Is axing 10000. 00 jobs worldwide the consul effect office based roles in particular managerial positions the old giant is spending millions of dollars more than it makes every day as the coronavirus slams the Energy Industry google maps will soon offer extra features to avoid corona they include information on the level of crowding on trains and buses changes to show jewels and rules like the wearing of mosques transit alerts will be offered in 14 countries in europe and latin america and the u. S. And spain is headed for its worst recession on record its central bank expects the economy to contract by more than 20 percent this quarter the pandemic has hit the tourist dependent country especially hot. German Companies Expect production to continue to fall over the next few months despite many say is reopening. Research institute says the decline wont be as severe but that only if the country can prevent a 2nd wave of infections one bright spot is the auto sector optimism rose last month due to the rapid spread of the coronavirus many people are considering ditching public transport to buy a car. Economic adviser to the German Government veronica glim told d. W. Europe must act together when restarting its manufacturing sector. I think its quite likely that it becomes very real take a while but india end the crisis its not used to structure a problem nothing says try it like it would have been the case after war and so we can expect the Global Economy to start soon again and due to the extensive into 2 meant independent International Supply chains in the Manufacturing Industry it will be important that all the countries for example in the European Union start up again some retain as early and it is also important that all other nations formally Healthy Companies come through the Current Crisis well and can restart the business and therefore ambitious and comprehensive matters at the european level must be given top priority at the moment as europe reopens the u. K. Is closing it had introduced covert restrictions on incoming travel saying the impact would be minimal but since registered the worlds 2nd highest death toll from a virus thats prompted a quarantine for rivals the chief executive of londons biggest airport says this will hurt economically. Long waits while traveling are nothing new. But industry big wigs in the United Kingdom are worried about a new travel delay starting today travelers to the u. K. Must quarantine for 14 days after arriving. So far the rule has reportedly been bumpy. So all the plane was in the bus even though before we get to the flight they say keep your social this things keep your mask on and all that stuff but the bus was lit city. And it was between all of us apparently people were not informed that you need to. Book you on one form before you come here i see maybe 5. People who came their estate on they didnt do it so that will delay the time and she hasnt it the government says its trying to protect britains from the next wave of coronavirus and is ready to lead the steep tines up to a 1000 pounds to enforce the regulations. Detractors like the head of ryanair have called the rules useless and unforeseeable others worry it could be the final nail in the coffin for the countrys hard hit Tourism Industry meanwhile the c. E. O. Of Heathrow Airport said the measures will slow down the countrys economic recovery. Until we have an exit through almost blanket indefinite. We know to be able to get up and. To quarantine also extends to Rail Services in the countries motorways london says it will review the measures at the end of the month. Most of it firms depend on rain to bore across but another extremely dry summer is here changing weather patterns are forcing farmers here to rethink their Business Models this cornfield in the heart of the region west of berlin and drives about the field his farm but the seam on family francey manas compact in the earth with the roller he hopes that will help the crops grow better its hardly rained a toll in the past 2 months in april there was just 3 percent of the usual rainfall and no sign of substantial rain seem on fears they could be facing the 3rd year in a row of extreme drives. Me. Yes its worrying thats why were investing and its why we keep trying to keep our fields viable using irrigation. Thats expensive seymour had 2 wells built for an irrigation system the cost was about 300000. 00 euros without irrigation theres a risk of total crop failure the climate in this region is generally quite balanced so far artificial irrigation of farmland has rarely been necessary. The who dick company and seller in northern germany produces Irrigation Systems up to now its been a nice business the company usually sells around 750. 00 machines a year in germany but with worsening drives the order books are filling up. My eyes on crops like potatoes or corn need more water than say cereals so everyone has to decide whether it makes economic sense to use machine irrigation. Machine. Experts believe more and more Irrigation Systems will go into operation in the future water authorities keep a close eye to make sure theres not too much groundwater used theres still enough groundwater in most regions of germany right now German Farmers are producing enough food to meet demand but have more harvests fail because of drought the global food market could be affected. Just hop into a consequence a consequence of this is we could buy up the whole Global Market with our strong purchasing power thats what happened with the wheat market in 2018. If it. Wildlife reserves in south africa. That 1st glance its beautiful totally devoid of tourists during the Current Crisis but how long can it last without jobs. Unemployment benefits only last 3 months together people are fighting for their survival and against poaching. Global 3000. Next to dublin. And the beautiful sparkle is in the ugly secret of my. Natural mineral gives cosmetics. But most of it comes from illegal mines in india. Those who extract it are children. Or at least close up. In 60 minutes. Theres no no. No no just you know good day nothing would change you know the banks pay you money and so was the language of the bank money. For speaking the truth global news that matters w. Made for minds. Im going crazy thing in all the time. How to handle the new lives in times of the koran a pandemic d. W. Reporter get your drugs just like everyone else and shes looking for answers thankfully with the help of a few other. Thank you is not life as we know it but. In this together our new web series. Global 3000 thanks for joining us. Women doing traditionally male jobs long inconceivable in syria but the long running war has shaken everything up the effects of the corona via

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