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Highest number of world wide deaths is polarizing society and theres doubt about the real total. Unexposed or welcome to the Program Police in Atlanta Georgia shot dead a black man after a scuffle at a Fast Food Restaurant on saturday the police chief quickly resigned and the officer who shot him dead has been fired the victim racecard brooks is said to have resisted arrest after failing a sobriety test security video shows he was shot while running from police and holding one of their stun guns. Once again Footage Showing Police in the us killing a black man this time at a wendys fast food drive through an Atlanta Georgia. The death of 27 year old Richard Brooks sparked a new wave of unrest in the city with protesters setting fire to the wendys restaurant where he was killed and blocking a highway. The citys police chief resigned and atlantas mayor called for a change. I firmly believe that there is a clear distinction between what you can do and what you should do. I do not believe that this was a justified use of deadly force. Demonstrations are continuing across the u. S. Holding black lives matter signs and chanting no justice no peace protesters on saturday gathered in washington d. C. And march through the streets of new york city. They even took to the water protesting against President Donald Trump as he gave a graduation speech at the west Point Military academy. It was this they gave us the men and women. Will sort it was a bloody war to extinguish the evil of slavery within what a life. In minneapolis the city where george floyd was killed by Police Almost 3 weeks ago protesters assembled in chanted his name. They have not forgotten the man whose killing sparked this reckoning in the u. S. And the cross the world. And for some more insight im joined now by reporter. Erin another black man shot in the United States why did police shoot him well what we can see in both the body came footage and also from the young Security Camera footage thats been published is basically a scuffle ensued after mr brooks was asked to complete a sobriety test he then ran from police managed to somehow get a hold of one of their tasers turned fire at Police Officers which then resulted in the Police Action where he was shot and killed unfortunately. In order to understand the context of the video you really have to look at how Police Officers are allowed to use force in the United States its governed by whats called the grand decision a Supreme Court case which said that basically for a reasonable officer was afraid in the moment before he used force and that force is most likely legal and legally protected now in the course of this video what you can see is that of course mr brooks unfortunate did fire the tape. Police officers and you know if this were 6 weeks ago or 6 months ago if this were the world the past we most likely would not have seen such quick action on the part of local police our local officials basically demanding the resignation of the police chief and also firing the officer in question because his Defense Attorneys will have a very easy case saying ok this is graham this is protected he was afraid for his life a weapon was used against him however were not living in that world anymore were living in a world of George Floyd Killing world where basically the United States many people are asking what is not necessarily what is legally right what is morally right and i think we heard that in the piece there is all this in this new world going to lead to more protests you think or possibly violence at a reasonable expectation well i mean we really dont know i dont have a crystal ball you know as were talking about earlier i cant tell what the future is going to be but the United States is its hard to see it as anything other than a powder keg right now its more racially divided than any point in my life leading up to now and you know we have seen protests become much more peaceful me as the weeks have gone on however the federal government is really struggling to find a way to actually deal with these protests an effective way and unfortunately you know as we kind of heard in the piece there a little bit some of the actions that President Trump ours and gauging in our further are going to further exacerbate the tensions so you know this could really go any way and. I know you dont have a crystal ball but are people talking about how this can come to a peaceful and while theres a president ial election in november well there definitely is of course a lot of people talking about the end game what type of change can this protest move actually invoke in the United States but it has to be to really get at the heart of the issue of Racial Justice is a tricky problem in the United States there isnt a clear solution there isnt one panacea that can fix anything but i think the number you really need to look at is the support numbers moving on in the last 2 weeks support for the black lives matter of movement for Racial Justice United States have increased more than any point in the last 2 years so it seems like these demonstrations these protesters are moving the needle in the direction that they want to go in ok to abuse their children thank you for that and said thank you. Cities across germany people are taking part in a demonstration against racism and social injustice here in berlin protesters will form a human chain around the city for keeping a distance of 3 meters apart in support of coronavirus restrictions also taking part of trade unions and religious groups though also hold a moment of silence to honor the memory of africanamerican george floyd was killed by a white Police Officer in minneapolis last month. And our reporter a man your size is covering the story for us. How many people are expected today and what do they have planned. Well today this 28 has been people who are expected by the organizers end of police and i can hear in bailey and you have to know that these process meaning indivisibility in english well these protests all across another country not something barely into the so in live station hamburg and effort in cammies all across the country feeble gathering today true to streets and theyre forming human chains in big city to stand against racism in the wake of the u. S. Protests and to show dads here too in germany that they are very concerned about these a growing issue and what are they hoping to achieve concretely in the in their country. Well you mentioned who was participating here just behind me you have a group called omega going to have studies grania against the far right crannies against a far right yours have amnesty international. People defending women to our childrens rights and they all hate to hope to have more visibility to show the outside of germany that side of that population who is that we stand against racism in light of recent event and also in light of the recent report that has been published and last week by the anti discrimination board showing thats racist attacks have more than doubled over the past 4 years here in germany if i get is that. A really quick question how are they organize in a demonstration while respecting social distancing how does that work. Well thats a thats a very good question r. T. If you see behind me people os socially distancing from one another down mocks on the underground and does respect the 1. 5 meters social distancing recommended by the government and thats how they hope that they will be able to project response think the i mean its a pandemic. Ok to give you a better shot in front of Brandenburg Gate in berlin thanks for that. And now to some of the other stories making news around the world fans of bullfighting and matadors took to the streets of spain to demand support for a sector hard hit by the coronavirus the events have been canceled for months spain is easing its lockdown but its unclear if any bull fights will be allowed before the current season ends in october. Polish opposition parties have condemned a Campaign Speech by president and j. Duda he said the l g b t Rights Movement was more harmful than communism poses gay marriage and adoption and wants to ban teaching l g b t issues in schools. Chilean president Sebastian Pinera has replaced the countrys Health Minister because of the high death toll from covert 19 new minister austar enrique paris is a medical doctor currently has the highest number of confirmed corona virus cases per capita in latin america for the brazil has overtaken britain as the country with the 2nd highest number of coronavirus deaths nearly 43000 the exact number is thought to be much higher but the governments decision to stop publishing virus figures makes the true total difficult to assess and its deepening divisions in an already polarized society. It was supposed to be a space for mourning and reflection next to crosses on the copacabana in memory of brazils coronavirus victims but the moment doesnt last long a man attacks the memorial its all lies of the left he says these deaths never happened. A father hit back my son died of this damn thing he was 25 years old and this guy here is acting like a clone its supporters of president also not all who keep disrupting things the memorials organizers are dismayed. At his are so large and its a polarization that weve never experienced before in the history of our democracy. Its a lot of hate fury lots of passion for Political Parties and ideology it makes people blind to the fact. And here is for. Many say this increasing polarization in brazil has a method and a leader even the president himself denies the reality of the pandemic. Lost their life for lack of a respirator or an intensive care bed it could be that that happened once or twice if theres a hospital near you it would be good if you could go inside and film it. Not only is unauthorized entry to a hospital illegal and dangerous its an insult to the victims in poor areas many are dying at home no doctor no test and nor in the virus deaths to to 6. We can only test people who are admitted to hospital we reckon that we have only identified our own 10 to 15 percent of cases. But even the official numbers are a political problem for a president who has dismissed coronavirus as a quote little flu the government is not announcing infection figures regularly. Most president Hamilton Morrow has told brazilians they can add numbers themselves if they want to total count. Brazils Supreme Court ended the numbers game and ordered the government to publish official figures critics say it was part of ball sinatras ongoing plan to test limits and weaken democracy. Isnt the. Traditional media and journalists and try to intimidate them you begin to hide data and statistics added to that is the strategy if using social media to spread this information and to influence public opinion. But resistance is starting more and more people are taking to the streets to protest the government brazil hasnt felt turbulence like this in years. Times in sports news now in the german soccer bundesliga that employment have new hopes of not being dropped to the 2nd division after defeating pattern born on saturday. It looked like brennan would have to leave it there come back battle could now be more exciting than the one for the actual title. H. Was last chance saloon for part of born and things got off to an evil specious start when jamie 2 colleagues conceded a penalty for this unfortunate hand pull. A strong save from leopold singer kept milord rush its a sport keep out and the schools level but parity lasted just a minute longer when Davey Clawson rose to meet table get disability cross single it was powerless and pacha born way behind. It was too little to braman 15 minutes later and the hosts had only them selves to play sloppy defending giving the sucker the chance to school. There was still time for 3rd before the break david cross and 2nd of the game putting the points out of the temple and straight i the heavens opened after half time and the hosts woes continued to mount a single i might have been equal to just sergeants effort but maximillian was there to mop up the rebound the 1st time in season that brain and how schooled for in a single game. But a born pulls one back through after i meet some beery thanks to this goal mouth scramble that salvaged a modicum of croy posts. When nicklaus fuko bagged brakemans 5th with practically the last kick of the game his reaction showed what a crucial week this had been. Part of form survival hopes that stayed in the water for draining a hanging on him. And you are watching all the back at the top. Im male and im too welcome for the 2nd season of only good sense of the planet on the brink of disaster we did long dead and are muslim experts about one question how to change things up

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