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Calls a season of darkness of america a source of great honor and humility i accept this nomination for president of the United States of america. By also urging americans to unite and return to optimism. And a tale of heroism in the wreckage of Beirut Lebanon on this nurse for Example Holding newborns she rescued from incubators amidst the blast rubble she told us exactly what happened in the infants ward that day. Im brian thomas good to have you with us today russian doctors are refusing to let opposition politician alexina vallie leave the siberian hospital where hes in a coma with a case of suspected poisoning now thats after. A german n. G. O. S sent an air ambulance to transfer him for treatment here in berlin doctors say hes too sick to be moved this prompted Harsh Criticism from the only spokeswoman who called the medics decision approach direct threat to his life. His wife is also not been allowed to visit him the molly was rushed to the hospital after falling ill on a flight from palms to moscow prompting an Emergency Landing heres what the chief doctor at that hospital had to say earlier this morning. That if we can stabilize the patients condition and the council of doctors decide that he is able to be transported then he will be flown out but right now that is not possible. Its labeled as if were going to allow the european doctors to see the patient. Before we allow these colleagues in we need to clarify a few legal questions. Lets bring in the w. s moscow correspondent Emily Sherwin following this story for us today to emily do we know when the russian doctors we just heard there will be presenting their results so that we know if he was poisoned or not. Well weve actually just heard from the deputy you have doctor from the at the hospital there in can he says that he has spoken to. His wife and that they think that they will that they say that they havent found any traces of poison in these body so far and that the tests that theyve been carrying out carrying out have been analyzed both in and in moscow and that they now almost have a full diagnoses diagnosis we have been kind of getting rather contradictory information from the doctors so far this morning we heard from the head doctor of that hospital he said that it would take several more days to have results and that they are working they have 5 possible. Options of what. Diagnosis might be previously doctors had said that they would have a diagnosis by the end of yesterday so theyve been kind of going back and forth but theyve clearly decided now that the diagnosis is that he doesnt have poison in his body ok were waiting for confirmation on that from their report and theyve always wife is also given a statement this morning emily lets take a listen to the. Rush for the doctor refused to speak with us and simply ran away he didnt want to say anything. Move european doctors visit the patient. No one is being allowed in they did not even let me this is what interested him ive not seen him today. You. Know none of all these family believe theres a political motivation behind this latest decision not to transport him to Berlin Germany for treatment what are they saying. Theyre saying that this is politically motivated rather than medically motivated they actually say that the doctors have been stalling so far and waiting for the toxins that they believe are in the body to leave his body and thats why the doctors have been refusing to let him be flown out initially they say the doctors were completely open to them and that their tone suddenly changed one of the vine these allies. Has been writing on social media that other doctors have been saying that its absolutely no problem to fly patients out regardless of how serious their condition is provided that the airplane has the right equipment and that we know that an air ambulance has been reported to have already landed in the city to get me and to move him to germany and he also his vocal has also said that lawyers say that actually his wifes warrant should be enough to allow that transfer to go forward as well when the only took ill will he was on his way back to moscow from siberia do we know what he was working on in siberia. Well we dont know at the moment these team has been rather tight lipped about what he was looking into inside syria they say that he was working on a new Anti Corruption investigation an invasive one of the valleys famous for these videos that investigated politicians and high ranking officials here in russia and look into their riches and accuse them of essentially corruption of investment and so on but we have heard from local siberian Media Outlets that he may have been carrying out or working on an investigation into local united russia politicians that would certainly make sense considering there are local elections coming up of both in the c. B. S. And in tomsk and viney is reported to have visited both cities now nobody has been talking about a strategy for these Upcoming Elections which he calls smart voting where hes calling on voters to essentially vote for any party apart from putins united russia the ruling party to kind of get them out of office and thats a strategy that weve seen to have had some success in moscow local elections last year emily sure one following the story for us emily thanks for that the new Democratic White House candidate joe biden has promised a radically different type of leadership in his acceptance speech in his home state of delaware he said the country faced one of its most difficult moments his speech was a tough start of a political career spanning nearly half a century setting out his vision for the presidency the 77 year old vowed to represent all americans he heads into the campaign with a clear lead in opinion polls over President Trump and his promise to tackle depend demick the economic downturn racism and Climate Change. Listen now to some of what joe biden had to say earlier the current president is quote american darkness for much too long. Too much anger too much fear too Much Division here and now i give you my word if you entrust me with the presidency i will draw on the best of us not the worst ill be an ally of the light not the darkness its time for us for we the people to come together and make no mistake united we can and will overcome this season of darkness in america lets bring indeed of easiness poll who joins us from wilmington delaware today to enos joe biden there painting a dark picture of todays america can he touch a chord with this imagery that will appeal to americas undecided voters. Right and she actually wasnt the only one you know we heard that over the course of the last 3 days from many people saying these are dog times seats these are the dog darkest times in america since many many years this is really crucial for you to get out and vote so this is the main message and joe biden obviously also kind of tried to put that out will this appeal to democrats probably is because they unite kind of behind the fear of another 4 years of dont know talk but this is the right message to convince undecided republicans thats a question we shall see no evil kind of president would joe biden be and what would he do differently than the incumbent. Well he made it really clear in his speed show that he sees himself as a president for everybody and this is actually trustworthy because hes in politics so we mentioned that in our little piece we were playing hes in politics since so many years and he was working with both sides of the ale he was working intensively with republicans he has republican friends so this will be really a huge difference evil not peace as divisive as on the top. What kind of a president will he be regarding amount of time hes going to spend in the white house that is a big question he has made Crystal Clear but hes not running for a 2nd term and some people wonder if he has the strength. To fulfill the 4 years if he could get elected that puts a big emphasis on his choice for Vice President doesnt it come a lot harris shes been a very presence in this Democratic Convention so far as well hasnt she. I mean this country was waiting for quite some time he has announced early on that hes going to pick a woman and then there were kind of a lot of women in the game and when he finally announced her some days ago he got a lot of applause for that and why because shes able to reach out to the black community this is crucial for democrats he will be able if she will be able to reach out to female voters this is also crucial in this election and shes only 55 years old shes the one who kind of. A kind of sense for continuity if something to joe biden happens she would be there she would be ready with all her experience from day one on so yes she carries quite some burden on her shoulders when you look at all the tom lehrers to bring to the table and the speech we heard from joe biden could these 2 together mobilize the voters who did not come out for Hillary Clinton in the last election cycle in 2016. That was one underlying theme here during these last days and actually also the days before when camelot harris was introduced by joe biden and that was kind of giving republicans the permission to vote for a democratic president this time they brought in quite some big republican names that was case it gave a speech she kind of indoors. Joe biden these a former republican governor and there were others so. This will be the big question if the 2 of them are able to do so and speaking for joe biden yes he is a moderate democrats who is able to reach out to to republicans and come in the harris we shall see she has the refugee station to be really. Law and order person so she probably is also able to reach some republicans ok now now there is a considerable lead right now for joe biden when you look at the polls but how concerned are Democratic Party leaders nonetheless that there could be a repeat of 2016 and upset at the voting both in 75. 00 days. Right there is still 75 to is to go and we know many things can happen you know we always have to keep in mind that 4 years ago it wasnt really dont know trump who won the election it was really Hillary Clinton who lost the election joe biden is not such a polarizing figure as Hillary Clinton but still sure there are concerns if coming there isnt Joe Biden Biden really will make it. Its far away from already been decided in his thanks very much for that from wilmington delaware where joe biden has given his acceptance speech thanks a lot. Following the Democratic Convention next week its the republicans turn they take the virtual stage next monday to nominate President Trump for a 2nd term and when the nominees start campaigning well there will be lots of focus on battleground states like pennsylvania and 2016 voters there helping put trump in the white house will they do it again democrats are hoping to win that state back and theyre hoping that come along harris can boost enthusiasm there especially among black voters. Black voters in philadelphia could be among the kingmakers in the november election President Trump carried the state of pennsylvania only by a slim point 7 percent margin in 2016 less than 45000. 00 votes this time around democrats hope the nomination of kamar harris as Vice President ial candidate will tip the scale in their favor. Nominee gas is already Vice President of she can win an organization that supports women running for Political Office for her hair is is the best role model she can think of. For many women that are seeking to run for office she is what you would want to kind of drive that poorly she maintain that level headedness and im sure that theres a ton of frustration that shes faced and shell continue to face so you know i think they can learn determination and i think they can learn create they have an opportunity to watch how she handles this for many of dominics black friends come all the harris nomination is an inspiration that touches them on a very personal level. To finally see someone. Who comes from similar backgrounds who comes from a similar understanding culture to be in a position to actually make some change as a culture and as a people i think when we see. You know our per our people rise in our women in such a way you feel connected you just instantly want to support them but not every black voter thinks that way reverend todd johnson has been a pastor in philadelphias black communities for 30 years and hes one of the very few staunch black republicans for him harris is little more than a publicity stunt by democrats. They were looking for a person of color to appease their base and they were looking for somebody of a female gender so that they could appease their base and say ok we got that check but i dont think we should be choosing people for positions based on their gender or based on their race that to me is this thing i dont want that. For granted i want to say to them when you want to get a job because of your color and because of your gender but many in philadelphia see more income on harris than just a candidate who was chosen for her race and gender. I think is the best thing thats happened to this country not only that shes a woman but shes and shes a boy bush she is a woman want to make a change she shows. Ambition you know like dont give up on your dreams people are always telling you you cant be nothing and you cant do things and you know it is good to see people to shows that you can be anything you want and do anything. In philadelphias black Community Many are enthusiastic about the 1st woman of color on a president ial ticket the question for democrats is will that be enough to carry them across the finish line. Lets take a look now at some of the other stories making the news days after malis president was ousted in a military coup neighboring governments are pressing 2 leaders to return every member of the car i did to power west african countries fear the political upheaval that allowed islamist extremists to gain ground again in the region. At least 3 people have been killed as dozens of wildfires sparked by lightning rage in california tens of thousands have been evacuated from their homes in the San Francisco bay area Authorities Say at least 175 buildings have been destroyed many of them homes its develop us now or opposition politicians that long to. Has called for more strikes and factories across the country to try to force new president ial elections to fled to lithuania after rejecting the results of the election earlier this month she told supporters not to give in to intimidation and to expand strike action meanwhile bill receiving prosecutors have opened a criminal investigation into opposition members after they called for a transition of power in delos. Thousands of people have been detained in that country in protests over the election and while many have now been released reports continue to emerge of Police Violence. This small park in front of an isolation sensor on the outskirts of mens cars become an important contact point for relatives of victims of Police Violence volunteers provide information about the whereabouts of those who were arrested during the peaceful protests. Were helping those who are gradually being released from the Isolation Center and everyone waiting to be released we give them clothes and psychological and medical help. The authorities let some volunteers then inside to see the detainees they are the 1st to laird about the conditions of detention and the circumstances of the arrests some of those who have been released returned to pick up their belongings. We had distributed leaflets saying that the strike was a legitimate active resistance then we went home. Only. Half an hour later about 5 unidentified man arrived he broke into the apartment we girls had in the bedroom the boys all had to get down on the floor we were threatened with a gun. Then we were taken to the Police Station for me. We all had to stand against the wall with our legs as wide apart as possible. Behind our heads facing down a policeman put its face down my back and what hit me between the legs with a baton. Then we went to another room where we all had to kneel in a row for the body surgeons. Not a small town somehow to strip naked. Were just searched. The volunteers tell us that its sometimes difficult for them to see people coming if the Isolation Center a number of the need psychological help immediately need mesh some young people cant concentrate properly during the others laugh or smile constantly to cope with their fear you can see that they are traumatized and suffering from posttraumatic stress disorder but according to official information around 7000 people were arrested the interior Ministry Says another 112 people have been moved to various Isolation Centers across baylor use. We have time now for the latest developments in the pandemic in beijing authorities have lifted the requirement that people wear masks outdoors in chinas capital has gone 13 days without any new cases australias hot spot the state of victoria with its capital melbourne reporting its lowest number of new infections in more than a Month National government is discussing ways to manage internal borders between states and hungarys Prime Minister viktor orban says his country will tighten Border Crossing rules from september the 1st to contain the spread the virus. Here in germany a chance for all america has met in berlin with climate activists created to bergen louisa noir bower discussed steps to mitigate the effects of Climate Change and they also talked about how to keep public attention focused on the climate in spite of concerns about the pandemic. Its been 2 years since we dish climate activists claim to tune bug went on strike from school for the 1st time to call for more action against Climate Change since then her activism has led to Worldwide School strikes but the global current virus pandemic has kept protesters at home a 90 minute meeting with german chancellor Angela Merkel on thursday provided a chance to refocus attention on the Climate Change crisis we want people to listen to the science and to act on the science to back in line with the science. That is all we also thats also in our demands that we should establish annual binding call them budgets based on the contest available science and then of course based on the budgets which gives us the best chance of staying below 1. 5 degrees of global average temperature or so that is that is what we all scheme for to mug and 3 other european activists also delivered an open letter signed by 125000 people to demand stronger environmental legislation from e. U. Leaders the meeting came as temperatures continue to soar during germanys heat wave the government also confirmed today earlier that it would have missed its 2020 climate goals had it not been for the large drop in Greenhouse Gases caused by the economic havoc of the current virus pandemic. As Beirut Lebanon digs out the deadly explosion that devastated that city earlier this month were getting some gripping stories of personal heroism this image for example shows a nursery and pamela outside a hospital in beirut holding 3 newborn babies she rescued from the blast did have you had a chance to talk with her. This is the inside of beirut St Georges Hospital now it seems miraculous its Still Standing at all. When the blast happened it was. About to finish i would shift at 7 so at 630. 00. And everything came crumbling down. I was able to remove myself from underneath. To see the babies i saw. Bleeding they had cuts everywhere they wouldnt respond to me i was screaming at them. I couldnt find the babies they misplaced and everything was on the fluid. On the floor from the ceiling. So i had to move. And pick up the babies the city of them and get back to safety. Pamela kept her cool during a harrowing scene. I was really. Afraid that the babies were not to make it i might slip and. From my hands i found myself alone holding these 3 babies. Also patients on the fluid getting sutured with no anesthesia there was no electricity finally she made her way outside but her journey was far from over. As i was walking people started asking me how can we help you. I started telling them please give me something to cover the babies they started to take off and giving it to me so i could have the babies and keep them from getting. I looked at around 5 kilometers. The babies made it and pamela has become a social media hero and an inspiration. When i see this big. Hope and im happy these kids. I hope this gets just have a better future. Lets get your minder of our top story of this hour russian doctors treating Opposition Leader like senegal and so they have found no evidence he was poisoned or of using allows him to be sent to germany for medical treatment saying hes too sick to be moved his wife says no one can see him right now im only took ill aboard a flight and was rushed to hospital in siberia. Coming up we have our talk show to the point it looks at how russia is responding to the antigovernment protests in belarus im brian thomas from the entire news team thanks so much for joining us. The 2. Think in chinese childrens room. You can. Relate. Prissys online. By contrast High School Graduates to our fight for personal freedoms. And dont be denied for their. Global 3000. The next d. W. Windy day become victims of human trafficking. Young Nigerian Women in. His new job months and months in business in this country. Lured to europe under false pretense and end up on the street. Trafficked women. In 45 minutes on w. Theyve been robbed of their soul thats what a people experiences when their heritage is taken from them. Countless cultural riches were brutally stolen from africa and carted off to europe by colonialists. Each artifact has blood on it from the wounds that have yet to heal. What should be done with the stone north from africa. This is being hotly debated on both continents. Still in seoul store september 7th on g. W. Welcome to global 3000. Online schooling in china we find out how beijing is maintaining a tight grip on kids stuck i have. Jungle schooling

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