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Disputing claims that he was poisoned saying this absolutely cannot be true this comes after german doctors said they had found evidence the russian Opposition Leader was poisoned and vani was brought to belin Charity Hospital on saturday after falling ill in siberia. Boss alone as little messi has submitted an official request to be released from his contract in follows also known as humiliating 8 to defeat by buying munich in the Champions League messi regarded among the best footballers ever has been with the club for 20 years. This is deja news from berlin follow us on twitter and instagram at all visit our website p. W. Dot com. It has happened so many times in the u. S. Police seemingly without provocation shooting a black man on sunday in wisconsin it happened to 29 year old jacob blake his 3 little boys so everything 1st before the video of the shooting went viral protesters and police in wisconsin have clashed ever since as for jacob blake he remains in intensive care and is reportedly paralyzed from the waist down his father saying he doesnt know if his son will ever walk again im brooke goff in berlin this is the day. The mathematics i dont have a message at all this is insight that to treat somebody like that. Not good ill probably i dont know the naacp has this sort of. Consciousness of the people that more than not said something thats backed me in place but its. Terrible. Its now fashionable to say that america is racist that is a lie america is not a racist country. Now must come from the government. Because. For the outrage of that its almost like this election is shaping up to be church work and school versus writing looting and battle is a im the only thing standing between the American Dream and total anarchy madness and chaos. Also coming up her name is taken off sky she campaigned to become the next president of velo roost but she says president lukashenko and a rigged election stood in her way. And people have changed and i dont know whats going on to happen and then there is tones but i know whats happened in the nearest future. People will not step away. To our viewers on p. B. S. In the United States and all around the world welcome we begin the day with an African American man and americas relationship with the police both paralyzed today the father of 29 year old jacob blake said he doesnt know if his son will ever walk again blake is reportedly paralyzed from the waist down and remains in intensive care at a hospital in the u. S. State of wisconsin on sunday Police Responded to a domestic disturbance call it was then that an officer shot blake in the back at close range as blake opened the door of an issue of the his 3 sons were inside a video of the shooting was circulated quickly on social media since sunday there have been protests in violent clashes with police and all too familiar series of events in america being repeated over and over again. It began as the mournful cry for help of a community suffering under the weight of injustice. Designed to suited the attention of some protestors in the Police Police fired tear gas in response. Shots rang out on the 2nd night of protests in Wisconsin College were torched buildings by and the family of jacob. Blake who shooting brought them all here pleaded for peace. We appreciate their support but from his mother and from our from is my brother his father would courage of people to protest peacefully not to be destructive we want justice and we want proper justice this is why witnesses say his nephew was trying to defuse a neighborhood dispute when police shot him in the back 7 times as his children watched. While. 29 year old jacob blake has sustained life changing injuries his community is also hard we are scared and theyre. Like me like a man but kids we are terrified you dont know you have no idea you have no idea how theyre out that day that house. Systemically says when Police Accountability are at the forefront of the black Life Matters Movement despite the News Reporter Stephanie Simon says many of the officers in wisconsin where we ring new id are in sync now. Any idea new state trooper. County Police City Police federal police. Has the curfew wrong crowd of protesters who run the court time as they moved out of their message and their movement doesnt seem to be going anywhere soon. Or i want to go now to our correspondent Stefan Simons he is in commercial was guns and good afternoon to use stefan we understand that more of the National Guard is being called into wisconsin to control the protests whats the situation like there right now. Thats it right there will be more National Guard coming into town here because yesterday the National Guard troops who work but which were employed here didnt do really much of a difference here and so did not local police and what i thought and think is federal Law Enforcement troops the curfew yesterday was not enforced whatsoever so that explains to some degree the looting the torching all for the buildings and cars galore last night what happens right now right here this in the background you see all this media here this is local media this is National Media this is interNational Media and those cameras are all pointed in the one direction this is the legal team there behind. You cant see it really what this is the legal team of mr jake up lake and with the 1st press conference of sorts today saying that mr blake indeed will as it looks like not be able to walk again will be paralyzed down from the hip or from the waist. Doctors as we heard earlier today said that they are not really sure of this is a permanent condition or not and of course the family hopes that it is not and mr blake probably will hope so too and everybody else but at the moment he can only show things are fairly calm police is hardly ever seen a national 2 guards are sparsely here deployed around the building here to my left and that is to my right and that is the courthouse building here where those clashes happened yesterday and the night before and so for today lets see what happens tonight its always a different game as soon as darkness falls on the town here you know thats true but the sun goes down. Police say that they were responding to a domestic disturbance call on sunday when this began do we have any further information ballads about that and about why police shot blake i mean in the video that weve all seen it looks like it was an unprovoked shooting. Yeah absolutely right the video and of course thats also the position of the defense team in the back is speaks for itself no questions asked. In their mind and their position is that this was unprovoked and of course entirely a disproportional use 047 shots in the back of a. Black person who has a black man who has a on a t. Shirt and trunk so hard to understand however the District Attorney here wants an ask the public to actually lets they we copped the Law Enforcement agencies here and the investigative bodies some slack give them 30 days to really get their head or at around they had surrounded what happened investigate this really and then their findings will be made public however 30 days is a long time we have seen this 3 months ago on the day after george floyd was murdered by a Police Officer in minneapolis people here do not want to give this time for an investigation they are frustrated they are angry they are hurt hurt hurt hurt that after 3 months Something Like this happens here after 3 months after george floyd can osha happens they of course didnt expect this to happen to their town old town in america expects this kind of thing to happen but it does happen and that is the problem for most people here our correspondent is to find ximenes in conventional wisconsin with the latest on yet another police and africanamerican tragedy in the u. S. Stefan thank you. As calls for Police Reform in the u. S. Continue some are asking what can be done to prevent police and the public from walking horns to begin with consider when police pull over a driver in the us it is standard for Police Officers to ask the driver of a car for their license and registration what happens next can be a matter of life and death but it doesnt have to be that way to take a look at this this is the not reaching pal its a plastic sleeve that holds a drivers license insurance and registration card clipped onto the drivers side air vent it was created by mother turned activist Jackie Carter she says to keep black drivers safe as they provide the documents that the police ask of them or police not to be able to speak with the not reaching parents inventor Jackie Carter she is a former Court Reporter she founded the alliance for safe trafficked stuff she joins us tonight from alexandria virginia ms carter its good to have you on the day you know youre a mother with a son and i understand your son served as an army medic in afghanistan and yet ive read that youre more worried about your son getting pulled over by a Police Officer in the u. S. Absolutely and 1st of all thank you for having me on your shell unfortunately under the circumstances yes i am i am more worried with my son in the United States on any given day or night traveling in a vehicle and being pulled over because weve seen that just trapped traveling and driving on our road and thats in the United States could end up being after a little traffic stop. I understand when you were putting together the idea for the not reaching pouch you spoke with many Police Officers and the the the issue of drivers reaching for these documents you say you kept coming up tell me a little bit about that sure when you know the fatal traffic stop a philanderer castiel occurred on july 6th of 2016 thats what really ignited my spark for trying to create a solution knowing that it wouldnt be the solution but something so the 1st thing i did was contact Law Enforcement my local Law Enforcement in pennsylvania and i started asking the simple question what is it that happens during a traffic stop that makes you nervous or escalates the stop and every officer say the reaching and the movement so it just makes sense to create something that would eliminate the reaching in a movement that makes them nervous during a traffic stop and thats where we came up with not reaching not even realizing that 2 years later i found out that the last words phalange ok still said on this earth was i wasnt reaching i wasnt reaching we were thinking about this story earlier today and asking ourselves whats the situation in other countries because police pull people you know on the streets and in every country but it seems like in the United States these police stops they can become deadly very quickly is it because america has a love affair with guns or is it because of americas racial reality. I think its both i think we have not moved or progressed as far as we like to think in the United States when it comes to Race Relations and social justice and the fact that you know guns are so prevalent and the training is really a major issue when it comes to the Police Learning how to deescalate is a key issue in all of these situations officer who shot and killed philander had just had incident a few weeks prior it wasnt to that extent but we have to rethink the way that an officer approaches a vehicle and what occurs during the approach of their vehicle and id like to think that we should start to talk about proactive compliance i think there will be the 2 buzzwords that we should start to talk about because we have to find ways to be called compliant prior to not after so that we dont continue to have situations where were coming back saying what should we have done. Brings me to the next question i want to ask you just get your thoughts on what were seeing in wisconsin in the shooting of jacob blake. Well were seeing once again and what we still dont know what led up to the shooting which still is not an excuse because there is no excuse for putting 7 bullets and 7 bullets with the same amount that Philander Casteel had in his body when he was murdered theres no no excuse for that but with proactive compliance we also now have to teach not only the motorists but also the Police Officers how to maintain a deescalated situation so with whats going on with jacob blake its anytime any tell us a i think i heard a little bit where they say that you know they never expected that to happen in wisconsin that will happen anywhere and everywhere until we start making making proactive compliance. The thing that needs to occur doing a traffic stop jackie guarded the inventor of the not reaching. We appreciate your time and your influence in your efforts thank you very much i appreciate it thank you well still to come on the day you catch covert team ones recover and then youre in the clear right where doctors now say that really infections are a reality. The 2nd week of march she had a 1st infection the 2nd case was exactly 3 months later with exactly the same symptoms. Delarue says exiled Opposition Leader. Says a peaceful revolution is underway as huge antigovernment protests continue over that disputed president ial election in the country 16 days ago the demonstrations pose the biggest challenge yet to president Alexander Lukashenko has 26 years in power denouncing the protesters as rats the president has been defined appearing on television in body armor and carrying a coalition to call a violent crackdown it will have consequences European Union is preparing to impose sanctions and has condemned the government for detaining some 7000 protesters in just the past 2 weeks. The European Union is also refusing to recognize the results of that president ial vote and that stance is being praised by exiled Opposition Leader. She fled bellerose for lithuania after the election correspondent constantine he met with her in buildings said lot of the kind of ska what do you think is going to happen in the coming days weeks and delegates weve seen massive demonstrations especially in minsk but not only as well weve seen Alexander Lukashenko being filmed by his press at this with a machine gun so hes showing that hes not going to leave. Was going to happen im afraid its going to be real violence. I have seen this in their own. Comments because its awful but. You know our people have changed and i dont know whats going on to happen in there is days but i know boards will happen in the nearest future. People will not step away they walk up and they want you. There rose and. The person who has separate is installed. People will not forgive him it will not for that anything the bards the situation that has happened after their actions at the same time the correlation council of the bill russian opposition as well as you you say that in the next coming hopefully free and Fair Elections anyone can take part so does that mean mr lucas. Its only up to him we are 3 country so are i mean any person would be able to participate in this elections. Do you expect the European Union are you satisfied 1st or are you satisfied with the support that the European Union and germany including have given to to the below russian people and to you for sure we feel great support from or all the countries and they discovered many countries. Contacted me and showed their support for our people are they inspired of our people and i am sure they. Do their best to ignite support to our people do what do you think the e. U. International community could do more to help bail russian people. You know its up to every country and i had to say that we are. We appreciate any. Have they can show by the its up to the control post thank you very much thank you. That was the bill of rights in Opposition Leader. Scalia speaking but we use constantine. Well millions of people around the world have have the corona virus and recovered we also know that millions more probably have the virus and not even known it but those exposure to cover 1000. 00 does it make us immune there is now mounting evidence that being infected with the coronavirus does not prevent a re infection in hong kong a 33 year old man contracted the virus in april and recovered when he returned from a trip to spain in august he tested positive again doctors say its the 1st documented case of reinfection who bought some people ask if theyll be immune to the virus forever after they recover there wasnt a clear answer before but now its very clear after your 1st infection that theyll always be a chance youll get infected again by. A scientists today reported 2 more cases of patients in the netherlands in belgium catching coded 19 a 2nd time but the World Health Organization is urging calm here saying re infections are not likely to happen too often am caught other important thing to know if the numbers are very very small so this is ron documented cases in over 23000000. 00 atlanta probably documented cases but it seems to be not a regular event we would have saved many more cases. Well my next guest tonight is a familiar face to our viewers hes a trusted voice in all questions concerning the corona virus pandemic dr John Campbell joins me tonight from carlisle england dr campbell its good to see you again. How worried should we be about reinfection i mean i was thinking today we catch the common cold through a virus many times in our lives. We do but the common cold virus changes very quickly and theres various forms of it and theres a rapid mutation rate in that particular form of virus now what these studies of done is that only quickly prove that someone can have corona virus infection with coverage 90 and get it a 2nd time and we have conclusive proof that this has happened 3 times out of 23 to 24000000 cases so i really think we have to keep this in perspective now this isnt really arms of this isnt really surprising weve had anecdotal cases of people being reinfected before but the difference is these 1st 3 cases that we have the one in hong kong as you say the one in the netherlands and the one in belgium these have been officially confirmed by phylogenetic analysis the scientists have looked at the genetics of the virus and have known that the virus the person was infected the 1st time is a different genetic strain to the virus that been infected with the 2nd time so we know that this happens but we have to bear in mind that we also know that corona virus does in juice and the muni and logic are reaction we know it induces surface acting antibodies we know it in juices in most people the immunoglobulin antibodies in the blood of the house most importantly of all we also know it in juices a t. Cell response which is much more likely to be long lived so i think its very much a time to keep this in perspective we are talking about 3 cases now i do expect there to be more documented cases but we have to bury my weve had a high index of suspicion of this besom time now weve been looking out for this and a lot of people have been tested and retested and yet these are only the 1st 3 definitive cases that have been confirmed by the microbiologists and vive ologists dr campbell what does this reinfection what does it mean if anything for the efficacy of a vaccine. Well if people were to be really infected regularly then that means they would not have a sustained immunological response so they could catch the virus the immune system would basically forget how to recognise that virus and then they would recount shit and of course all of vaccine doses is imitate the natural infection so if people were to get reinfected because the immunity faded then people could be vaccinated and then within a few months all who knows how long 34 months or 6 months or so then they could be infected again if the immune response was not long lived but at the moment i think the evidence suggesting that the immune response is long lived is much more than these individual cases because we dont know the full details of these cases yet the hong kong case for example is all rather strange its only circulating on social media of the moment its not Peer Reviewed paper as yet i expect it to be but its just strange that it hasnt even been formally released in preprinted yet the worlds press is talking about this because understand this because the implications are very significant and of immunity was to fade the not means herd immunity wouldnt be able to be generated as well and we could be stuck with this virus re infecting people for a long long time but i think the balance of evidence at the moment is saying that they will be immunity and were ready seeing some of the epidemiological benefits of herd immunity in some parts of the world such as new york where the level of herd immunity combined with the control measures the handwashing the distancing the mask wearing are combining to reduce the amount of infections that were seeing started them up at about 30 seconds let me ask you could the vaccine for corona virus be like the flu vaccine the flu shot that we have to get it every year about 37. 00. Yeah i suspect not because theres many different sorts of flu viruses but theres only one sort of corona virus and corona virus convict 19 so i strongly suspect that is not the case i remain optimistic about the vaccine and always optimistic dr John Campbell is always going to be here with you dr campbell thank you. Thank you. Well the day is almost done the conversation continues online join us on twitter either going to be new to follow me a great golf team always happy to hear from you and remember whatever happens between now and it tomorrow gets another day well see you then of. A sofa optimizing city that minimizes emissions separates waste and in the best case recycle say. Cammys visions become reality there are urgently needed. In the city the living space of the future with room for everyone. Gibson. Next on. The earth for a cut in the fight against illegal logging in ghana lumber and exotic woods are among the countrys most important exports but illegal logging is threatening the trade population and now an app is helping to curb the ruthless exploitation and to give Sustainable Forestry a chance. To go out for a go. In 60 minutes. We know that this is very time for us the coronavirus is changing the world changing our lives so please take care of yourself good systems wash your hands if you can stay at how we do w. For here for you we are working tirelessly to keep you with horns on all of our platforms were all in this together and together to make it through. To secure the border. Stay safe the priest has to say. Welcome to global 3000. This week we take out our crystal ball and check out the cities of the future just what will life be like in our worlds urban centers in 205100 years as we look at some of the fascinating ideas already being developed and learn about new technologies and innovations as well as the work of some visionary architects. All of which raises a central question who will actually be able to afford to live in the city of the future according to the i. M. F. Sql lobel house price index over the past 20 years prices have risen and risen with a small dip just after the financial crisis. Over the last 10 years the cost of many essentials in o. E. C. D. Country. Has gone down food for example pleasure banks have been hes placing. Others meanwhile who stays constant transportation costs and health. But rents and mortgage repayments have become significantly higher. Housing is becoming increasingly on affordable for many and yet its a basic human rights as laid out in article 11 of the uns covenant on social rights the state parties to the present government recognize the right of everyone to an adequate standard of living for himself and his family including adequate food clothing and housing. We met an activist who never tires of reminding society of this. The world cities are drawing people like magnets. Living in urban centers is often an affordable rising housing costs have become a flashpoint. The Global Real Estate market has long since become disconnected from its function of providing people with places to live real estate is an investment a commodity an object of speculation of profit. In germany alone 2000000 apartments of homes stand empty that just speculative investments. Play money fund says the system is flawed until recently the canadian was the un special rapporteur on adequate housing. She features in a recent documentary which shows her as she travels the world to get to the bottom of the housing crisis and. She speaks with politicians investors tenants associations and with people experiencing displacement vixen. Speculate un mandate ended in april 2020. 5 is still pursuing the issue she now runs her own organization from her home in ottawa. The right adequate housing is the right to live somewhere with Peace Security and dignity and i actually think its probably the most pressing social issue facing cities for sure around the world. Says adequate housing is a human right something politicians often dont realize and investors often ignore the home for everyone affordable of a decent size and location. In the film far discusses with experts why this right is being disregarded more and more. You have human rights obligation you see and you cant let these investors and the Financial System run amok on its own but i see in cells with bark and they deploy the law in ways that work for that stuff is happening now. We have arrived at a moment when there is a gaping hole. In our system. Most of our Major International systems or dont take the individual so seriously. This is billions crowds back district lively cosmopolitan in the center of the city its especially popular with young people its also changing for instance number 83 runners tosser was recently bought by an investor. But none of the tenants know what his plans are. Loss martinez originally from the United States lives here with his wife and children over the last 75 square metre flat has 2 rooms a kitchen and a bathroom. They pay less than 10. 00 euros per square meter heat included thats not cheap for. The family is happy here. We know the people in the neighborhood weve seen their children grow up and are now we have our own children and we. We just would like to stay here. Will the new owner renovate the building raise the rents and put the individual apartments up for sale thats a common strategy the courtyard has become a Meeting Place everyone here is worried will they be forced to leave their neighborhood like so many others in berlin. The buildings previous owner who passed away in 2016 didnt want the building to be sold but his will was declared invalid due to formal irregularities the building eventual ended up on the open market. It was bought by henry coles or a norwegian investor and director of a network of companies didnt answer our requests for an interview. Rebecca bushnell has lived here for more than 30 years and has seen her neighborhood transformed. Not very nice of course hell raise the rents as much as he possibly can they always raise it to the maximum until it heads in a turbo capitalistic fashion. For me that means that sooner or later ill be gentrified out of hair. The whole Business Model is based on the idea of taking square metres of living space and you have i mean this is how theyre thinking square metres of living space and squeezing every square meter as much profit as they can. So that is the extractive industry of high finance that has moved into an area that happens to be in fact a human right and thats the rub. The residents of the Apartment Building in crites back are ready to put up a fight theyve member activist group in memory of philly that former landlord. Housing demonstrations they march with tenants from other buildings facing the same situation. As a federal sport says this process of displacement is really an Anonymous One it simply happens one building off to the next to schools hop on the street the tenants are squeezed out on the outside its not visible at all unless people get organized. Learning farces much more public debate is needed as well as pressure on politicians and investors including legal action. Will that work. Can a real estate sector change its thinking and approach. I never think about. That its not possible i think because what is stronger than human rights i believe in the strength of human rights against all of the these are just human beings with greed so im on the winning side here thats for sure that thats for sure. Of course no one knows exactly what the cities of the future will be like though one things for certain theyll be fulfilled the u. N. Says that by 2052 thirds of the global population will live in cities traffic streams of commuters pollution some Big Solutions and needed the smart city model could be one of them such cities a digitally organized and highly efficient and there are already places offering a taste of this future kioto in japan and some dough in south korea. The south korean capital seoul is a teeming metropolis of 10000000 a finance hub and center for the arts theres plenty of tradition here but not much scope for large scale urban development. Thats taking place 40 kilometers to the west some dough International Business district is being built from the ground up on 6 where kilometers of reclaimed land. Its been billed as the smart city of the 21st century and own bodies pioneering work on the part of architects Construction Companies environmental and high tech firms and Computer Network experts. This model city is overseen and run by a giant Computer System its the brains of the city all public buildings and homes are equipped with digital sensors and controls that can be operated remotely and are monitored centrally. Sensors relay rooms temperature and energy use its all being tracked and can be adjusted individual that residents can monitor and reduce their consumption unisa bills staff can optimize the use of resources. They see power consumption at every node and can match production to demand. The Garbage Disposal system is also extremely clever trash from Apartment Buildings and offices travels via chutes and pipes straight to processing plants. The system regulates who may discard what kind of garbage at what time. This market city only functions thanks to the digital networking recordist monitoring isnt there also a risk of unwanted surveillance. And personal data could prove to be the most valuable product generated in a smart city because they are the basis for targeted information or advertising. In kyoto japan u. S. Technology group cisco is working on smart city solutions. Managing the flows of tourists to landmarks across the beautiful old city. And Energy Saving streetlights that only get brighter when people are nearby for all this to work peoples behavior and movements have to be captured with the help of surveillance cameras. But what if facial Recognition Software were added to the mix and if interactive information panels were to collect data to generate profiles of particular individuals Smart City Technology should make peoples lives easier and better but we have to make sure it doesnt lead to total surveillance and control. Technologies a one saying business i mean architecture todays housing policies are often about getting of hartmanns belts as quickly and cheaply as possible to get a handle on the acute shortage of them that so many architects pizzey now elevation they want sustainable buildings and a radical rethinking of priorities. The new delhi skyline is a mixture of modern skyscrapers and Energy Intensive poorly designed constructions Carbon Emissions from buildings are often neglected in the climate debate but in India Buildings alone and the construction are said to contribute up to 40 percent of Energy Related Carbon Emissions. Architect has been designing sustainable functional buildings for over 20 years. He says theyre more urgently needed than ever but there are still a lot of misconceptions about what Green Building design really means. The biggest myth is that people believe that a green home is one that a lot of green plants you put in a lot of. Law and that becomes green which is not so in a Green Building its actually green because it respects nature and its. Kind of uses replenishable sources resources and reduces various stages of uses consumption and we recycle a lot of materials. One of the worlds designs in new delhi is famous for being indias 1st 5 star rated Green Residential building called green one its been certified by the research and policy organization the energy and resources institute. Large windows provide lots of Natural Light while Double Glazing a relatively new feature in india insulates the building keeping it cool in indias hot summers. The building also generates Renewable Energy and harvests rainwater. Its able to capture 75 percent of its water needs and also saves lots of electricity. It costs more to build this way but these features pay off over time. I think it is still worth it if you spend 10 percent more or 15 percent more and after 5 years it base for itself and then after that it runs virtually free of cost and you are giving back to the future generations youre giving back to the environment we are now coming into the concept of you know 0 carbon exit or buildings which are going to you know give back more than they consume i think thats the need of the are right now. At the moment india has around 1400000 modern homes built with the green concept which amounts to less than 5 percent of all Residential Properties the indian Green Building Council Hopes to take this number to 10 percent in the next 2 years and some states have begun providing more incentives to green certified construction. However these figures do not

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