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Security forces fired tear gas at activists gathered in front of a gate leading to Parliament French president of my new on my call is visiting the city urging lebanons political leaders to implement wide ranging reforms for. Police and batteries have detained scores of University Students protesting against all starts hereon president Alexander Lukashenko hundreds of students marched through the capital minsk on the 1st day of the Academic Year calling on the president to quit when rights group has reported that some students were beaten up. This is d w news from berlin follow us on twitter and instagram or visit our website w dot com. For foroohar or. In the last week wisconsin has become an American Battleground where racial Reckoning Police brutality Peaceful Protesters and armed militia are all colliding in the middle of it all a president and his politics donald trump visited could no should today some welcomed him as the consoler in chief others told him to stay away donald trump persona nongrata president nongrata im burned off in berlin this is the day. We always have room for president s to come to visit they could increase the love and respect for a country. And the timing on this we felt was not true that we can stop the violence because for years hes fond of the violent writers here by the same talking points and they share the same agenda for our nation fires are burning we have a president who fanned the flames rather than by the flames the pressure to be ashamed of himself i think the press is actually the media is whats fueling this force now than even by i think that connotes at this present time needs peace and needs to heal and the needs. Of the people to allow us to do this. Also coming up almost one month since the beirut blast lebanon is trying to put itself and its Government Back together with help from abroad the world is now invested the french are very invested in it im stepping up the pressure so we form a government so the reforms pos with the commitment of the government the president and the president of the polonaise are going this little on. To our viewers on p. B. S. In the United States and all the around the world welcome we begin to do. With a visit by the u. S. President a visit that could hurt a visit that could help depends on whom you asked donald trump was in can osho wisconsin today can osha has become a microcosm of americas turmoil intentions last week police shot a black man 7 times in the back leaving him paralyzed protests against Police Brutality erupted some of them became violent 2 protesters were shot dead by a teenage vigilante and armed militia were seen patrolling the streets and the mayor of connection and wisconsins governor both made public pleas with the president not to visit trumps presence and his rhetoric they say can only make matters worse well those requests fell on deaf ears today in canoga trump again attacked local leaders for problems that he sees as purely political plus or minus the bad apples connection has been ravaged by antipolice an anti american riots these are not acts of peaceful protests but really domestic terror reckless far left politicians continue to push the destructive message that our nation and our Law Enforcement are oppressive or racist you have some bad apples we all know that and those will be taken care of through the system and nobody is going to be easy on him either and you have people the joke doesnt they dont want to mention the word and have a double dimensions that is a bad group of people very very bad very dangerous group of people told democrat everythings democrat all of these problems are democrats it is we dont want to say it but it is. And president from side to newbury in can and should did not include a meeting with the family of the man shot by police jacob blake his uncle had this to say that 1st that you put up an anger where its going to raise up high and you need to come on both the blacks were going to have some big changes that affect all the little jokes around us and we dont have any words for the orangemen ill ask is that he keep his his respect his foul language far away from our family we need a president thats going to unite our country and take us in a different direction are there was some strong words there from the uncle of the family lets take this now to our correspondents to find simons hes in konoha wisconsin good afternoon to you stefan trumps visit very brief there in conneaut should did his visit did it make a difference on the ground where you will or. It made a difference in terms of that it brought of course from supporters and unteach from protesters basically close together and they delivered so even if its now fairly calm it calmed significantly down they delivered each other a shouting match and chanting black lives matter which were then responded with all lives matter which then resulted in more shouting and yelling like lives matter it seems to be that and that is maybe also something the president doesnt understand that a few people here do not understand and less black lives no matter its not the case that all lives matter so this has to come 1st then all lifes matter having said that the president characterizing the last weekend promotion or today as ravaged by domestic terrorism thats of course not the case that is absolutely not the case yes there were protests yes there was violence yeah yeah buildings and cars went up in flames Water Bottles were thrown against the police who answered that hansard then with tear gas and rubber bullets and pepper spray then of course there was also the shooting of a 17 year old teenager militia type vigilante to protesters which the president in the past actually did only say well neutral or good things about nothing 2 words the black community he had no words of condolence no words of sympathy no way that people here the ones we talked to think that this president came here to unify this town or this country. To find the the white house despite what you just said there the white house said that this was a visit to heal and you 9 critics of the president say that it looked more like a Campaign Stop by a president whos running for reelection whats your take. I would agree with this there is no such thing as the president coming anywhere or doing anything right now which not which is not strictly and street connected to his campaign to his efforts to be reelected in november there is no such thing as not being symbolic policy in place of politics in place everything is a photo op everything this president as well as mr biden and the Democratic Campaign does is linked to the campaign is linked to being or having the chance of being elected november 3rd. Is this right the right thing to do in a time as america is itself or if this city hertz well thats not for me to answer theres a lot of people who say like you know that we wished all this politics could go away and we actually could focus on the on the problem and that is that america has to find a way to seoul systemic and Structural Racism but well i think weve got to wait for this a little bit longer weve got about one minute jeff let me ask you weve heard the president compare Police Shootings to golfers choking on the golf course missing a golf put hes seem to suggest the teenager who killed 2 people with Assault Rifle was acting in self defense is the president succeeding in flipping the script on the racial unrest in. I dont think so and i actually have no words for what he sat there and this imbalance which is inherently was what he says is i keep who is going to rationally and logically justify this or actually can follow this all i cant and thats just my personal opinion but i know that the from the people i talk to here theyre pretty much along this line this makes. Perfect sense for donald trump because he is trying to create fear and distrust division thats what they say and. I have to say how he says things what he said in the last few days regarding its felt here as exactly that division it. Defines imans in the story for us in connection with Constance Stefan thank you. And the amount of what the White House Press secretary or sarah gets of the president tell us president trumps message has not changed that much over the past 4 years from charlottesville to konoha the president has been reluctant to condemn Police Brutality against black men hes also been reluctant to condemn violence and provocation from the far right most recently in Portland Oregon where a crude truck caravan descended over the weekend adding fuel to the already volatile city the Fatal Shooting of a truck supporter only amplified his calls for more law and order. My next guest tonight studies this kind of messaging especially in right wing media im happy to welcome. To the day ford teaches Political Science at the j. F. K. Institute at the for university here in berlin court is going to have you on the show let me start by asking you what did you think of trumps visit to connote zhou wisconsin today well i think they should be here 1st of all but i think your correspondent has the job of summarizing this and as a political scientist its not really up to me to say you know have to call this good or bad but i mean we are faced with the question of what is happening and why and its really difficult to find an answer that doesnt end with because trump is trying to do something that ultimately benefits his campaign. You know trumps language cho has been supportive of vigilantes supportive of armed militias the president has likened Police Shooting a black man in the back 7 times to a golfer choking on the golf course as we said who are these messages meant for well i think its really difficult for for some of your viewers probably sometimes even myself to really comprehend what the president is talking about every once in a while and i think in order to really understand whats going on and kind of his messaging its important to consider who his base is but also the type of media that hes catering to so if your viewers were to follow a different channel say fox news but also certainly social media sites and a vast right wing kind of media ecosystem that exists in the us then they would find a very different version of what is going on in these cities they would find a different version of Crime Statistics of threat scenarios and its these things that trump is evoking and hes catering to hes very much tuned into these channels himself and this is the narrative that kind of unfolds so its its not necessarily enough to just follow what the president s saying sometimes we need to consider what this entire kind of news ecosystem this alternative reality is can conjure in theres a very good point in the news diet that americans consume thats important as you pointed out the right wing media they they love the message that they hear from the president what about the Mainstream Media or the non political apolitical media if you will how have they been handling trumps messages. Well i think mainstream journalism has done a much better job of late in covering trump so one of the one of the greatest mistakes that was made early on was just to take you know what the president was saying at face value and kind of reporting it right to quote whatever trump and saying and oftentimes this fell into the trap of reporting on claims you know that had no basis in factual reality but by lending you know a New York Times headline to kind of something that the president was saying this sort of gave it credence and then that was echoed in other media sources and and you know took on a life on a its own and of late journalists have become better at calming things that the president is saying outwardly racist at you know and Fact Checking while speeches are ongoing and i would say that done a better job the question that remains is if the audience is still too good point that you make if we can reach people who are not in these echo chambers when it comes to Media Consumption trump is we know its not just an american phenomenon it has jumped across the atlantic here in germany last weekend here in berlin we saw this bizarre mix of neo nazis anti vaccine conspiracy pushers even retired citizens all together to protest germanys coronavirus measures such as face massive social distancing now they even tried to storm the Parliament Building after they were told that donald trump was in berlin. Watch and listen. Sounds. Were. Will. Rubio was the answer. Now that was that was the speech that was made just moments before people actually trying to storm the Parliament Building here in berlin on saturday and how did donald trump how did he get to be the great unifier of the disaffected i mean hes an icon of conspiracy theories worldwide i mean protesters here in berlin they were even carrying the American Flag with his photo on through. Well i think one thing thats important to stress at this point is that you know these are still in germany isolated events from this very unpopular within the german population and we want to be careful not to kind of overstate the importance of these singular events that being said i think investigating this question what drives this is really important and again the media play a crucial role if you look at its not just waving the American Flag there was also iconography pointing towards the conspiracy narrative of q enron. And other other such kind of conspiracy theories and all of this kind of makes a mix for people that are disaffected with the Mainstream Media narrative and they look towards people and icons that are outside of this that are deemed deviant by the mainstream by mainstream journalism and then singular you know heads of state a couple of years ago it might have been Vladimir Putin as well that you know speak truth to kind of you know the lying press a cetera. Again and importance in these circles and are looked to for guidance so theres a connection here as well with people that are disaffected with Mainstream Media that dont trust what they see in you know established legacy news outlets and people that are willing to believe kind of these alternatives narratives that the president has also you know actively reinforced you know and its important as you say its perception and its proportion to that we have to keep in mind were talking about these stories. Joining us tonight with the j. F. K. Institute here in berlin we appreciate your time and your insights thank you. To be here by. Still to come fed up with masks sick and tired of social distancing pandemic that t. V. Sets in across year for me its like something really oppressive if i i am telling the shop if i go into metro ok but if i woke alone in the street no no doubt its really too much. This was the scene today on the streets of beirut as clashes erupted between antigovernment protesters and police as french president emmanuel microland visited the lebanese capital as for the 2nd time since that devastating blast in beiruts court today protesters use battering rams and threw stones acts of defiance against a heavily guarded part of. Where the french president today once again brought the promise of economic aid but this time he attached a stern warning that lebanons leaders would face sanctions if they failed to get political reforms underway and he gave them a deadline of 3 months saying this could be a last chance to make real lasting change but you know suspended it all when france comes to support lebanon at its request as a friend that ever taking the place of its leaders when it sends its soldiers to help clear up and support the Lebanese Forces its called a. It when the president of france comes to make a statement because he the peoples demand because the International Community demands that it is called a demond at the mall at the foot to take the shells. Are this bring in our correspondent baso really he joins me now from beirut. Lebanon should be celebrating right now with sinton or instead youve got the country appearing it looks like its falling apart but devastated. Capital economic crisis protests in parliament what is it like to be in lebanon tonight. This jewish and lebanon as you mentioned all of this mix of all these crises but the visit of the president french french president michel was upsetting time in less than a month it means something to the lebanese they hope that we make some changes in a few minutes ago he finished his press conference after peace 2 days and long meetings with the Political Parties and lebanon he met them on the round table and then him those doctors in. One by one in closed meetings and the ask these parties to deliver him bait theres that how they see the future of lebanon they see they needed 3 forms for the coming lebanese for the next years or for the next eat up this main. And he made it clear in his press conference that he gave he get promises from these Political Parties that within 2 weeks only they would Fund Government and within 8 weeks the uniforms will leitch will go to tackle for the roadmap that he discussed with those Political Parties and he sat much because he added that tonight he give his confidence his trust to these politicians and its. And he put it in their hands and its up to them whether they take care of it all that thanks and with our rights with the with the. Coordination with the e. U. Not only by france yeah i mean its a blunt message isnt it i mean either you reform or you pay the price and hes giving a very short timeline some people would say i mean is it realistic do you think you can get that kind of political change that quickly in lebanon. When we talk about financial sanctions sanctions that will hurt the political elites and the tenant then yes we can say that its feasible to reach a form of the permission of a new government within 2 weeks especially that he got these 2 just promises and the same agent computings press conference and said that if they dont keep these promises then he would address it to the National Community and was told all the International Audience that you dont use public what happened and why they didnt keep these promises so they are under heavy pressure that would be i believe that due to the formation of the new government in a body short time but these is the doc told me so mccaughan are acting on the look and the bunnys platform or stage but lets look behind that state maybe the messages from these 2 days from lebanon teach people the reagent to moto it would be in iraq he mentioned the untypically soft turkey in not syria and these will lead us to see and to think that his visit to lebanon its not only 40 bunnies given to solve the bodies crisis but also to indicate the presence of the europe thats in the specific in the east in the disarray in khost against the turkish influence and we would just like we were definitely watching to see what comes out of that as well w. s bosler really reporting tonight from beirut also thank you thank you. Millions of peoples across europe are returning to school for the 1st time since the corona virus pandemic began in france students headed back to the classroom today with masks required for all teachers and peoples over the age of 11 here and elsewhere in europe some parents and unions have expressed concern over a return to school when corona virus cases are on the rise again but governments are insisting the move is necessary to protect childrens education. Young people in belgium are also returning to school and their parents are returning to work after the summer break now the number of new coven 1000 cases is currently on the decline there but the country has one of the highest corona related death rates here in europe nonetheless a growing number of belgians say that theyre no longer willing to wait here too restrictive measures a study in the dutch speaking region of flanders where more than half the population lives shows that 70 percent of people no longer support these measures you know be used teri schultz has more. The covert 19 infection rate is declining in belgium but kovac 19 fatigue is growing so many months of isolation and so many masks for me its like something really oppressive t. Bo who doesnt want to give his last name despises social distancing and defies the rule to wear a mask in downtown brussels if i. If i go into metro ok but if i walk alone in the street no no that is really too much and tivo is hardly alone in his opposition Michael Johnson who represents the protest group virus madness says no one should have to follow restrictions except to the most vulnerable how many people would die if we would not take any measures at all but we dont know if you have no idea new Research Shows just one in 3 people surveyed in the dutch speaking part of belgium still supports the Safety Measures thats down from more than 80 percent in march when the pandemic 1st hit here university of ghent professor Martin Feldstein who led the study blames poor official communication for the dramatic drop in motivation he says its been a wake up call for authorities to pay more attention to people state of mind i dont think we have sufficiently been informing people on the consequences of their behavior for them to take a wise decision and now with the 1st of september comes the traditional way in belgium a return from holidays back to work and school it could be a toxic coronavirus cocktail were quite worried leading belgian virologist stephen vang says experts are stealing for a potential september surge he nonetheless agrees people should be given more information about actions and consequences and then more autonomy so people can have some freedom to choose what they feel is. Group yet for their situation and they can adapt their behavior but are people so sick of restrictions by now they wont follow them then believes most do comply but distinctive i dont obey them too strictly because its very difficult to do but i try anyway they come and i feel much safer wearing it re most do it all together but skepticism is clearly growing in recent days open letters have been published in belgian media signed by hundreds of experts including doctors scientists and researchers suggesting the strict measure should be reviewed to see if theyre stopping the virus or just the vitality of everyday life. Of the day is done to cover say she continues online well see tomorrow if i. Could. Do it yourself canyon style lincoln while my bills electric wheelchairs from school of metal. He wants to help people who physical disabilities in an environmentally conscious way his clients are very enthusiastic. Through to the. Next. Africa in ghana. Business savvy were finding. The nations rivers have been invaded by water hyacinth and its threatening the countrys ecological balance. Now the plants are being harvested to produce sustainable products. That. Come for good. In 16. W. Life on earth little coming to hand. But joy coincidence. That the author previously was earth was just a messy Chemistry Lab not amish in the slums. Where d. M. Cut. The 2 sued off the us with the creation of our solar system with our planet is a bit like winning the lottery that comes up there is a little. One earth where you need to start september 18th on d w. Welcome to global 3000. This week we go to paris to find out how the pandemic is reshaping the fashion industry as we know it. We had to go to thailand where Traffic Congestion tilts the lives of kmita says that there are alternatives. But we begin in iran where a crisis might economy and a 2nd wave of the coronavirus attesting pete. Limits. One country 3 crises the 1st is political irans government is built around Ayatollah Khomeini and president rouhani a set up thats viewed with suspicion by the us israel and saudi arabia in particular iran is also in broyles in long running proxy wars in syria and yemen and then theres the economy strict u. S. Sanctions have left iran in dire economic straits flagging oil revenues rising inflation recession even before the pandemic the economy was struggling now its hit. And then theres the Health Crisis around was one of the 1st countries outside china to face high Coronavirus Infection figures. 6 months later the virus is still not under control. How are you rainy and scoping with all of this. After every customer disinfect his car inside and out he tells us that no one would get into his taxi otherwise despite this most people are still avoiding taxes for fear of getting infected business is bad today hammett will drive us around tehran all day finally a good assignment for him going through the roof and i have a few customers who still havent gone out because of the Coronavirus Crisis i go to the bank for them or shopping in the supermarket but i still only earn half as much as before the Coronavirus Crisis. First stop is tehrans grand bazaar here youll understand why the numbers are going up again he says how many it stops at the entrance gate saying hell go no further than here. I dont go in there its very narrow and its covered its way too crowded the risk of getting infected is too high you can see for yourself i dont need to see any more. Most people. And to run are Wearing Masks but hardly anyone observes social distancing. We have an appointment with dr immunologist and advisor to the National Coronavirus committee in just 6 days he built a covert 19 emergency clinic with the help of private donations iran is experiencing a 2nd wave of infections the government is reporting of a 2000 new cases every day but any doubts that the number of confirmed cases overall is accurate. To calculate. Exactly but in my opinion. Is real. Statistics for. The country had got over the 1st wave of infections at the end of april travel and lockdown restrictions were eased shops and mosques began to gradually reopen but in early june the figures started rising again videos posted online showed over crowded hospitals with patients on ventilators reports said the country lacked medical supplies and hospital staff were overwhelmed. No one is prepared to confirm those reports on camera many are also afraid to criticize the governments decision not to impose a new lockdown despite the rising number of cases any policy of the government depends on the. Culture. And the economy cannot exist. In our economy. Or for economy. Sanction. The people needs to war. And around 300 patients are cared for every day in this clinic one in 10 is positive theyre either put into quarantine or referred to hospitals may stay has been his several times 2 weeks ago he tested positive for covert 19 today he came to get the results of his follow up test no longer a risk myself but i can infect others im supposed to stay in quarantine for another 5 days the situation has gotten really intense just a few days ago there was nothing going on here and today its really for. Me to meet our dr that hed like the government to take more drastic action but knows theres little chance of that happening. Very gallant to enforce a strict quarantine we would need enough money but we simply dont have that the government would have to support the people financially so that we can meet our daily needs but evidently its not able to do that alone well with. The countries in the midst of an economic crisis we need help with space that a jury designer who tells a small. 2 years ago we filmed him in his jewelry Design School hundreds of students trained with him it was a real Success Story iranian craftsmanship sold worldwide. But then came the u. S. Sanctions and the coronavirus he shows us around an empty School Building and. I have branches in tehran shiraz god and other cities a total of 11 schools some cities are not red zones they have very few infections 2 schools are still open there but all the others are closed. Because there was no support from the government he initially tried to continue in tehran he reduced the number of students and ensured a safe distance between the work spaces. Shut but things got worse i was also afraid to come to work its all a bit complicated as you know the. There was some infections at the school but he doesnt want to talk about that hes worried about his students switching to the competition for now hes trying to get his company through the crisis with online courses. In the evening hamid parked his taxi in front of his house his 11 year old daughter is only allowed out with a face mask to ride her bike for a bit his wife hardly ever leaves the house. To run a normally id invite you into my apartment but now with the coronavirus my wife is very particular about safety so we better stay outside. Habits parents live around the corner he hasnt visited them in months a few words exchanged at the window is all his parents are old and sick he tells us and his job is risky. My mother had cancer i watch out for her safety and often argue with my sister i tell her not to visit our parents but she still sometimes goes to help them someone has to do that and its a balancing act thats tearing the country and its people a pass a struggle for survival in the midst of a pandemic sanctions. A rather different struggle takes place every day on the roads of sprawling urban areas around the world long traffic jam smoke filled cities c o 2 emitting vehicles will this go on forever so far the statistics of a little optimism there are around 1300000000. 00 cars motorbikes and trucks on our planet together and they account for 16 percent of global c o 2 emissions more environmentally friendly alternatives that run on an expensive seeing hydrogen or by anything havent made much of a breakthrough so far and by mid century there could be around 2000000000. Thailands capital bangkok is notorious for its traffic drivers often waste hours sitting in jams but our camera team theyre filming frog global ideas series met some people who are driving change. Welcome to bangkok and to endless client streets the traffic crawls along if it moves at all. Most of the drivers here are commuters who live in the thai capital quiet suburbs. Is 3 jitter party as one of the millions of such commuters she lives in the locks the district of northern bangkok at 7 am she begins her journey and eats her breakfast at the wheel. Its a pattern repeated by commuters all over the city most choose to leave early. As they dont know how long theyll need to get to work. The traffic various from one day to the next some days the congestion beginnings right outside my door other days it starts somewhere on the journey but more or less the entire route from my place to work is congested its around 20 kilometers. The journey takes an hour and a half she once worked out that she wastes 32. 00 days of her life every year stuck in traffic not to mention the impact on the environment const by all the exhaust fumes. Monitoring stations across the city measure the air quality and deliver the results to the city authorities officials here say particulate matter is a real problem in bangkok as they know from personal experience. Personally id like to go for walks in the city. Sometimes i notice that its difficult to bring me there but there are times when i get home and my eyes of watering. And sometimes when i walk into the house my family starts now using as if i had brought the particulate matter with me. By that. And this is one of the worst culprits the all diesel powered buses that crisscross the city most are around 25 years old theyre popular because theyre cheap to ride they account for around one 3rd of all journeys made in the city but they too get stuck in traffic around 60 percent of journeys are made by private cars that will have to change if thailand is to meet its pledge of reducing Greenhouse Gas emissions by 20 percent and 2030. The Government Transport Department says its on the case. The 1st thing we have to do is build up a better public transport network. He d only then once there are enough public transport options for people to use when we start tackling the issue of private cars. Where they will then still insist on using their own car they will have to pay a charge. Charge. One of the main plans is to expand the elevated Rapid Transit system or sky train as its known by 2029 the network is sent to cover 500 kilometers right now the Train Service remember to me small number of people only 3 percent of over journeys are made on the sky train or underground metro system. Most of the passengers are young and middle class. And i find this guy train is the most reliable way to travel i need that for work it means i can plan and i know how long i need for the journey not like the bus which sometimes doesnt turn up all the driver refuses to let you on board. A problem im about to take the sky train station. Will take me 15 minutes. In the same journey by taxi or car would take 40 minutes its so much faster thats why i use the skytrain. For those who dont live near the train line theres a relatively new Service Available and app that allows them to book a took took which will then take them to the nearest train station. The auto rickshaw is. Providing a relatively quiet emission free journey to the skytrain. The Company Behind it move me has only been going 3 years. Were doing quite well we got. The call we bought. Before. And now we. Want to. Expand to many area on this year like elsewhere many people in bangkok have seen their income take a hit in the current pandemic so the idea of introducing a tool for cars in the city is a sensitive issue but experts advise in the Thai Government saying the experience from european cities such as london and stockholm shows its normal for the public to oppose the idea at 1st. The experience the key to explain to people for example in this even. Before the local people also has also has some protests but after. That the people are happy about it and from the result of a show 90 percent of the local support. The benefits would surely make it worthwhile but better air quality and quieter and less congested roads and the income from the toll could be invested in further improving the public transport system. But in european cities too the debate over congestion charges continued for many years before action was taken and many western countries still dont have congestion tolls but things in bangkok clearly cant continue as they are the city currently has over 10000000 motorized vehicles 1000000 of them were added last year alone. Can be a struggle especially for

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