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Demanding the resignation of hardline president Alexander Lukashenko also coming up. Living in the new morea migrants say a makeshift camp on the greek god end of lesbos is like a prison with Restricted Movement and core sanitation we hear from a reporter who is allowed inside. Im pablo foley yes we open the program with some breaking news involving Money Laundering illegal financial flows and a banking scandal of gigantic proportions for years banks around the world appear to have helped divert and conceal funds originating from criminal activities documents leaked from u. S. Financial authority fins and seem to show how banks helped to circumvent International Sanctions including those against iran and syria danish and british banks but also Deutsche Bank are implicated in the leaked files. All over the world criminals are using the Global Financial system to launder money its a dirty with lucrative business for the banks. If a bank notices a suspicious transfer it has to report it to the authorities. Thousands of such reports were of time by by fayed news and then evaluated by the i. C. I. Jai. Its an International Network of investigative journalists. They have discovered evidence of Money Laundering worth 2. 00 trillion dollars. You could learn a lot by handling money from criminal sources. Thats why its hard for banks to say no to criminal money. In germany bank has some explaining to do the countrys largest banks already had to pay millions in fines in 27. 00 tane after a dodgy dealings in russia. The investigation reveals that those illegal activities a much more extensive than previously thought russian criminals used torture banks musk i branched along to millions the current c. E. O. Christian setting served as head of corporate order thing at the time he did not raise the alarm but subsequent external investigations deed dacha bank says it is since toughened its internal controls and it denies that c. E. O. Saving did anything wrong it says he was unaware of the external probe. Yeah i know i know how it was she founded a unit that led these investigations as would one upping the stakes to what we have since been external investigations to us and at no stage could any responsibility be traced back to the head of the business to the little bit and the fun for to listen to the consent of those who have lived in this investigation also shows that us President Donald Trump may have profited from dirty money all agog from kazakstan allegedly bought a pot mints at the trump new york property would laundered money trumps Company Denies knowing who these customers were but they did make money from the transactions. The investigation shows the scale of international Money Laundering efforts to curb it a floundering because regulators cant get to grips with highly sophisticated criminal. Well to discuss all of this im joined by anti Money Laundering expert Graeme Barrow he works with n. G. O. S including Transparency International and also worked for a number of global banks greyman thanks for joining us on the program i want to ask you can you describe the dimension of this scandal because the scale of it seems to be absolutely enormous well it is absolutely enormous im tired of the. When you look at it its still not we still just. This solved the so in tartarus the. Biggest leak of the lot of the sums of money that weve spoken. In terms of money it will banks like Deutsche Bank theyre accused of being involved in around 60 percent of the transactions are in effect at helping criminals now how does did it how does it all work in practice though. Oh well i dont know why you could put a positive gloss on all the dodgy parking because potentially there are just reporting a lot more potentially suspicious activity but we are buying so. Were that but how does it work in practice i mean most people dont understand those transactions that flow through violence every single day it is absolutely enormous the banks have this challenge which is a really important challenge to extract the most close anything that could be suspicious fundamental to that requirement is that they know who all of our customers are they need to do that properly and seriously and i think one of the things that comes out of these leaks is that thats an area that they havent taken seriously enough and a lot of these flows of happened because of a fundamental misunderstanding at the time they were happening who they would anywhere is only to be corrected later when so is it started appearing in the press or whatever and theyve gone back and had a look and oh my gosh we could business with these people yeah but i mean that thats whats also sort of quite shocking its for the amount of time that its been going on its been going on for years now the control mechanism isnt working obviously now why have the banks been allowed to continue doing this stuff for such a long period of time. Its a complex question and its been going on frankly for 20 or 30 or more years since since banking become a Global Business im in a worry were all responsible slightly for this happening because because when banks get into trouble they get fined and they dont like being fined it hurts their reputation so what they end up doing is putting in place policies and procedures that please the regulators that keep the regulators happy but it may not be the less every. Task they need to do to stop the Financial Crime from happening and the other really important thing to understand with these. With this Money Laundering side of things is that most of the risk that bank like have a cut to the if a parent elaynes a lot of money and somebody runs off with the money the bank has lost the money Money Laundering is one of the very few risks that they face where they make money on doing it im not suggesting that they do it deliberately but its a very different approach when by doing the job properly youre going to probably remove customers from your business and lose the money they bring you at the same time to spend a lot of money doing it so its psychologically its a big ask but im well weve already mentioned death a few is that the big bang some of the big well known banks are many of them actually responded yet. I think theyre being the usual responses which is the ones you would expect which is that we are able any point to remove it if we follow those cells let alone common to all the people within the other that also as we have managed to have response but his i would rather the regulations or legislation to the very best of our ability you know you can look at the following as you mentioned storage are going to space is a year now this is before and huge amounts of money so clearly the regulated dont think they have always been a very painful lesson for the banks to try and get themselves to a point where theyre. Getting it right yet Graeme Barrow anti Money Laundering expert thanks for joining us thank you. Well moving to better rooms where protesters arent giving up despite a worsening government crackdown tens of thousands of people gathered in major cities throughout the country on sunday played some the army have been out again in force to taining Peaceful Protesters calling for president to step down after disputed elections. The streets of minsk turned into a sea of red and white flags the symbol of the opposition 6 tens of thousands joined the march of justice in the capital and other cities its the 6th straight sunday of protests but what looks like a high turnout was actually significantly lower than other weekends perhaps a result of calls by president oleksandr the go for tougher action against his critics who want him to step down. Some of them have never experienced belarus without him. There recently stated i do my gratitude there is dreaming of democracy but i was dreaming of freedom and justice where laws are observed because we dont want our children to grow up in a prison and look around that people in uniforms behind barbed wire everywhere. The government is flexing its military muscles Armored Vehicles are meant to intimidate protesters metro stations were closed the internet slowed down dozens were arrested. And Police Brutality is getting more and more visible like here and got no. Im not resisting stop strangling me i havent done anything shouts this protester before Police Arrests him in response to the latest escalation of violence and online messaging channel with more than 2000000 subscribers published a list of names birthdays and addresses of more than 1000 police officers. Well demonstrations have been taking place in cities across europe calling for the evacuation of overcrowded migrant camp song the greek islands hundreds of people marched here in berlin demanding the German Government take in more than the 1500 refugees its already agreed to relocate meanwhile some 9000 migrants on the island of last boss has been moved to a new camp built to replace the maurya settlement destroyed in a fire. Your reporter Joel Dole Roy has been following this story for us and he joins me now hi joel now. What exactly has happened in the 10 days since to fire in moria or greek authorities of rapidly build a new camp on the military side on the island of lesbos then most of those margins left homeless by that fire has moved there some reluctantly the United Nations Refugee Agency says that this camp is not fit for a long term habitation but some by a war that is what will happen now we spoke to a reporter on the ground there and reka he was one of the few journalists whos been allowed inside the camp which is usually closed and what he saw from the small part that he was able to see he said is as bad as the former camp of moria is an extremely windy and exposed location as youll be able to hear in this report that he sent us from the camp. To enter the contest to see how this issue is just inside. The journalist who grew up on this. 2 incidents ive understood too since they are really bad because of all the effort since i was nipping under rocks and i saw. In front of the sister with an exactly how its going to be here live luminescent. Thats when the effort you start to realize that they dont want to end up in the new company because you need like the now. Do that 9000. 00 references inside off that they are so that choke on it also 0. 50 off can i buy despite all of them the i mean in another case. I meant offer less was theyd be in the business of them by you but everything is so awesome that theres going to be dependent on the 2nd money. Well i was a reporter and clique atena unless boss joe we heard some of the reports there from and he gets an a but really how bad are the conditions well observers say that theres very little Running Water that there are no showers and there are very dirty toilets and people arriving there already in poor hygiene condition having affectively lived homeless for over a week women in particular have been unable to wash and thats leading to hygiene concerns the electricity supplied by flimsy cables on the ground and theres a concern about what might happen when it rains and also the ground itself is a former military location and there are concerns that the ground might be contaminated and have munitions and so in the in desperate conditions from what youre telling us now why are the migrants and the observer saying its like a prison well the markers are being kept behind barbed wire but beyond that theyre also being told that theyre not allowed to leave not only margarets are allowed to leave these kind of camps but today the gods have been telling him they cant leave in the excuse of being given is that the shops are closed now thats not normal migrants are not prisoners they should have freedom of movement then of course weve got the 200. 00 who have tested positive to covert 19 and they have been locked away separately the other 9000 is still crowded together in these tents very tightly packed so yes we have a new camp on the on the day of lesbos but the condition is still there is still much to be concerned about plenty to be concerned about some awful conditions of the for those people there thanks so much for that. Well lebanon has held a concert for the victims of last months deadly beirut blast in the grounds of a 19th century palace that was wrecked by the massive explosion. Portraits of those killed in the blast were displayed in the heritage buildings crams with a candle burning beneath each one the oldest 4th blast at beiruts port killed more than 190. 00 people wounded thousands and destroyed or damaged buildings across large parts of the city. Where youre watching news live from berlin sports life is next after a short break and dont forget you can keep up to date on all the latest news on d w dot com for me and the rest of the team here in berlin take care and see you soon. Stand for. Language courses. Video for you. Anytime anywhere. W. This. How does a virus spread. Why do we panic and when were. Just 3 of the topics covered and the weekly radio show is called spectrum if you would like any information on the coronavirus or any other science topic you should really check out our podcast you can get it wherever you get your podcast you can also find us at dot com cord slash science. With. European football a landscape where big clubs can fall into oblivion left to linger in the bottom divisions think of kaiserslautern from german champions to the 3rd division all humble euro pain champions in 1903 and theyre stuck in the 2nd tier its a dog dog world capitalism at its finest. Whereas the United States it doesnt matter how bad your team plays. Theyll always be guaranteed a prime time spot. At leeds united have been free. And true fans have had to wait 16 years for turn to the top spots in us sports they look after their own in the us the n. B. A. In the n. F. L. Have a salary cap revenue sharing and even a draft system sounds almost like socialism. But hang on this is the champion of the free market economy surely they dont have socialist ideology is leading their sports today lets check it out. First on the list us supports share their revenue. But tell us cowboys are the most valuable franchise in the n. F. L. They regularly draw the biggest t. V. Ratings and sell the most tickets but i havent won a super bowl since 1996. In the n. B. A. The same can be said of the New York Knicks who have a drought stretching back to 1973. Teams can generate about revenues. Revenue because much of the. Equally competing t. V. Broadcast deals Merchandise Sales its all thrown into one pot and shared evenly thats why attain like the Green Bay Packers which only has a population of about 100000 people can compete on a similar point to actual standing as a train like the new york jets to get things are effectively handing over cash to smaller markets in order to maintain an equal Playing Field often for their own detriment. In europe on the other hand clubs hold on to most of their catch. The Top Performing clubs in europe dont give out any handouts and their success is typically rewarded with the largest share of broadcast revenues in spain brown madrid and barcelona collectively receive about 24 percent of the leagues t. V. Money a club at the bottom and can receive as little as 3 percent. Its similar in the Champions League a large chunk of the 2000000000. 00 euro price pool is dished out to clubs based on past performances that means newcomers receive far less cash so despite both teams making it to the quarterfinals bus alone to receive 32000000 euros more than atalanta. You know you. Reach. That level. Of they believe in the microscope the level of revenue sharing seen in the u. S. Looks like to me a fantasy for their Cross Atlantic neighbors. In european football sharing revenue evenly is too much a risk for the status quo thats largely down to the threat of relegation the n. F. L. And n. B. A. Franchises they dont have to worry about dropping out of the Big Money Club because their status is protected then theres the salary cap in us sports. Further leveling the Playing Field in the us is a limit on play a wager is each team Salary Budget is about 50 percent of their revenue share teams can under spend all over spend the Denver Broncos were handed 1900000. 00 in fines to a series of violations in the 19 nineties and they want to. And while the n. B. A. System is a little more forgiving the Golden State Warriors for instance have been charged additional costs known as a luxury tax for other spending. The rich are certainly punished if they try to flex their financial muscle in any other section of American Society that would be frowned upon to communism theyd scream meanwhile in european football theyre following that kill or be killed capitalist mantra. In comparison to the us europe lets the market run wild. There are no mechanisms to control labor costs in european football top clubs can spend as much cash on players as they want p. S. G. Spent 367000000 euros on neymar and back they could buy all that 70 private islands in the bahamas. Cash buys you titles which in turn gets you more cash and the cycle continues thats one reason were seeing more teams winning consecutive championships such as events in italy by and in germany celtic in scotland and in croatia but periods of dominance have always existed according to steffan. Only used to. Very. Well. This is in part as the gap in europe widens basically any team in the n. F. L. N. B. A. Can realistically win the title and even rewarded for their mediocrity its what critics of socialism hate the most but its happening right in front of their noses and its working. And the final piece in the socialist puzzle. The labor pool is highly regulated in the n. F. L. And n. B. A. Through their draft systems players are distributed according to which franchise is in the greatest need. To each according to needs from each according to our is not really. America and that seems to be. The organizing principle of the legally at least as far as we heard only that each teach you something. Needs to be. The worst teams are awarded the highest picks and successful teams are punished with lower picks. Its robin hood s take from the rich and give to the poor socialism one o one Republican Voters must be livid right well not exactly because the system allows for a much more even competition meaning the spectacle is overall more exciting but. Instead of a draft system europe has a free for all. And european football there are absolutely no mechanisms in place to control the flow of labor pains complacently spend whatever they want and even point to actual fair play has failed to really stop but. In recent years p. S. G. A Manchester City have bought their way to the top thanks to middle east investment if you have money you can just buy your way to a few titles less as the Champions League of course the big club extremely reluctant to share or to engage in any kind of equalizing. Completely. Because the way they insulate themselves threat of relegation is the. Key. To lets get real despite the socialist ideals within us the sum of its parts from marxist ideology the n. F. L. And n. B. A. Other richest leagues in the world its players some of the best paid every franchise is constantly getting richer. In 2008 stephen ross bought the Miami Dolphins for 1100000000. 00 the franchise is now valued at twice that amount Donald Sterling bought the l. A. Clippers for 12500000. 00 in the 1980 s. He sold up in 2014 for a healthy 2000000000. 00. This is capitalism on steroids you cant put lipstick on a pig the owners are purely driven by profits how else can they justify charging fans on average between 150. 00 and 500. 00 per match day tickets in comparison european clubs a lucky to break even the current of pandemic has laid bare how precariously close to the edge many clubs in europe operate. In the last decade proud clubs have been forced into administration from Glasgow Rangers in 2012 to portsmouth twice in 2 years and others are sure to follow in light of the coronavirus but stephan says that simply the nature of your pain footballs capitalist system. Going bankrupt is not actually a problem. Its not its actually a consequence of the system. This is where the differences between us sports and european football become clearer. Just as u. S. Sports are very unlikely to introduce anything like promotion and relegation its also difficult to see european football introducing Something Like a salary cap the labor supply is simply too large whereas in american football basketball its largely restricted to just one continent. The premier league introduced the salary cap the domestic competition board improves their International Standing would plummet as the best players chase higher wages elsewhere smutty says the salary cap and revenue sharing would only really be possible if the top teams broke away into a super league and constructed a closed shop system similar to the n. F. L. And n. B. A. Rules that would ensure they make money. Not only. Receive both need to make it but they also get the benefit of rowing that profit because we. Know. But it would also destroy a lot of the beauty which football fans love about the world game. Relegation is devastating but its also true that any village team can rise from obscurity to the top of the pyramid is the definition of the American Dream thats how lester could win the premier league and why major land were able to become a force in denmark the American Dream doesnt even exist in us for the n. B. A. In the n. F. L. Are closed shops and rich owners will even move into higher planes thousands of kilometers away from new cities if they think that will bring them bigger problems. I think all of the seattle supersonics. Who moved to Oklahoma City to become lets fund up. All the Oakland Raiders who so was ripped apart when they prioritized glamour over heritage and moved to las vegas. Both systems have their lives and their negatives but one thing is certain if that you were scored certainly on socialists instead the rich owners from the n. B. A. And the n. F. L. Have formed some sort of socialist collective adopting socialist ideals in order to maximize their own profit. These are not the mounties in your judgment garbage everywhere do. You know i used to be enough already the environmental activist and her fellow campaigners traveling around the country teleco educating and advising the boy and me cleaning up they are falling back to the tired of trash. News to d. W. Why cant Mother Nature rest at night are just a small light away and with grave consequences. Like pollution just a moment on our modern civilisation now researchers are looking for ways to reduce excess of light so that Mother Nature can finally sleep again tomorrow to meet. 60 minutes on d. W. Im not laughing at the germans because sometimes i am but mostly im nothing with the german people german things deep into german culture. Nudity will take his grandmother down you because its all out there no time rachel join me to meet the japanese. Both. Bushy island is burning and has been for 30 years originally a small a girl in the waste crisis on the mount eaves became so pressing that the government repurposed it as a landfill now the island keeps growing with reclaimed land may have

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