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Blocs most politically sensitive issues plus more than 200000 americans have now died after testing positive for coated 19th highest death toll in the world what does that mean for the president ial election just weeks away and an environmental disaster looming in the right seat for the 200000000 liters of oil are on this leaky tanker stranded off the coast of yemen but the cleanup is locked but the ship now a bargaining chip in the ongoing civilian. Im sorry kelly welcome to the program we begin with the breaking news doctors treating russian Opposition Leader alexina vali they say that he has been treating him after an alleged poisoning attack say that he has been discharged from the hoss. Spittal in berlin doctors say that a full recovery may be possible involvement was airlifted to germany last month after becoming sick during a visit to siberia german chancellor Angela Merkel has described the case as attempted murder after lab analysis showed that he was poisoned with a novi chucked nerve agent russia has said there is no evidence of a crime. To have you chief Political Editor michelle Affairs Standing by outside of the sharon tate hospital here in berlin where and of only was being treated so michelle what more has the hospital said. Well not that terribly much we got installments of news of his recovery over those 34 days he was in the charite clinic behind me and this morning we learned that he is well enough to have left the clinic is whereabouts is unclear at this very moment in time but that it was still unclear that press release says whats the long term effects of the poisoning will be in the u. S. And weve seen photographs. On these teen has posted them on instagram showing someone whos clearly showing the signs of a Severe Health problems and the big question now is what will never do next after his aides have indicated in recent days that he would be wanting to head back to russia that is one of the big looming questions will he go back to that country or do we know though in the meantime does he plan to continue at least his medical treatment in germany. But there are very few details we have so far we simply dont know at this very moment in time that statement we saw this morning indicates that there are long term issues still to deal with the question is whether he will remain in germany to continue to be treated at the same time we saw his team being rather upbeat about progress in recent days and the question will be now what ever he does will also have a political fallout on relations between germany and russia and the e. U. And russia after german chancellor Angela Merkel just a few days after the arrived here and when the borah tree had clearly proven here in germany that the navi chalk nerve agent was to blame for the poisoning something that was developed in soviet era russia that there were questions to be answered by moscow and we have this continuing back and forth. Between moscow and berlin now with both sides accusing each other of withholding information indeed the germans have called for an investigation in russia the russians essentially slamming the door on that proposal mahela where do these diplomatic relations stand right now between the germans and the russians because theyve already strained going into this. They were and there seems to have been a focus now on that big project between germany and russia which is the north stream to pipeline which is deeply unpopular with the exception of very few european states. That had an exclusive interview with volkoff hes a key member of staff of alex a number on the who positions himself against letting that project be used for sanctions or be terminated because he says that that is something that only strengthens hooten back in russia to show that the west is alleges the against russia as a country and so the team around the valley is in favor of individual sanctions now the big question is how germany how the European Union will continue on that road but we have over this very poisoning case. For the very 1st time question what implications this could have on the project chief Political Editor michelle reporting just outside of the Charity Hospital where we have heard doctors treating russian Opposition Leader alexina vall need they say that today he has been released. Yes. Well the European Commission meantime is expected today to unveil a long awaited policy overall on my question it comes after years of starts and stops and disagreements over how many migrants to take and and where to settle them over that time hundreds of thousands of people have fled war political instability and poverty in search of a better life in your. On the outer edges of europe thousands of Asylum Seekers are trying once more to settle in a new makeshift home anxiously waiting for political leaders to decide their fate. The devastating fire at their previous home the morea refugee camp brought renewed arjan see to europes migrant dilemma but the question remains what is the Long Term Plan for these desperate men women and children. The continents migrant issue became a migration crisis in 2050 that year thousands drawn trying to cross the mediterranean on recchi unseaworthy books in april e. U. Interior ministers proposed a 10 point plan focusing on efforts to combat people smuggling operations and a voluntary Resettlement Program but the situation was moving faster than politicians could keep up with the number of people crossing and dying in the attempt kept on rising. Chairman chancellor Angela Merkel put a positive spin on the crisis the arms of penis officials and us we can do this as germany opened its doors the socalled balkan route became the path of choice for people who wanted to avoid the dangerous expense of mediterranean crossing countries like hungary built border fences to keep them out. Which didnt always work. And early 26 the e. U. Officials announced an agreement to pay turkey billions to manage more than 2000000 refugees from syria who had sought refuge there in return turkey would curb migration into the e. U. Since then the number of illegal crossings have gone down by 90 percent. Yet migrants and refugees continue to make their way often by boat from turkey to nearby greek islands ending up in overflowing camps like the former morea camp which has no. Merit and alexander phenomena is standing by with a view from brussels alexander what more do we know about the commissions proposal. Well it appears at least according to what has been leaked so far that the European Commission is trying to break the deadlock on migration one of the most sensitive issues in the European Union by trying to present a more pragmatic proposal by trying to say that everyones red lines are going to be respected while at the same time by stressing that solidarity with those who have been affected by this crisis most very important that it needs to be amended tory solidarity from what we understand one key issue in this proposal is to beef up screenings for new arrivals at the borders one of our key issue is to intensify affords to return those migrants that were not granted the right to stay in the European Union back to their home countries but of course we have to wait and the to see what exactly is going to propose today and given that youve just highlighted there that we have these countries which are still so locked in so opposed to taking in more migrants take us through the lens of the compromises and the incentives that are in this proposal. So the European Commission is expected to tell those countries countries such as hungary poland the Czech Republic that if they are not willing to take in refugees or migrants that they have to decide to do something instead of that for example one thing that is been circulated here is that they will have to make sure that the certain amount of people who have been rejected the right to stay in the European Union needs to go home that they will sponsor the flight so that they will talk to their governments and countries where people are coming from that might sound like you know nothing nothing not not a big deal but this is a very important issue when we look at the numbers in 2018 only a bold 36 percent of those rejected in europe. Have really. Gone home alexandra phenomena with the view from brussels thank you so much. Lets look at some other stories making news around the world thousands have taken to the streets of bulgaria for and Independence Day march against the Government People gathered outside of parliament in sofia to demand the resignation of Prime Minister oil coal barge soft and his cows that they accuse them of corruption and having links to all of our eggs. In Rio De Janeiro brazil flash floods have hit the city blocking roads and leaving cars stranded residents have been struggling to make their way from waterlogged streets after torrential rains hit neighborhoods to the south of the city. More than half of the pilot whales stuck in australias biggest stranding on record are believed to have died rescuers have been struggling to free the nearly 500. 00 mammals beached off of tasmania the stranded pod was 1st believed to be about half the size before further aerial searches spotted another group of around 200. 00 nearby. Youre watching t w news still to come on the program the un says that this leaky oil tanker in the red sea could explode at any moment but war in yemen is the locking in clean up. The east more than 200000. 00 people in the United States have now died after contracting the coronavirus it is the highest number for any country in the world even though the us accounts for only about 4 percent of the global population in the capital washington d. C. The u. S. House of representatives of the moment of silence for the victims led by Speaker Nancy Pelosi rise for a moment of silence to remember its of those more than 200000 americans who have passed away from the coburg 19 virus. Palosi has blamed the deaths on the disinform nation and negligence in tackling the pandemic by the white house a President Donald Trump insists that the u. S. Is rounding the corner in the pandemic a claim he has been making for much bigger were high death toll is putting his handling of with corona Virus Outbreak in the spotlight on as he campaigns for his 2nd term in office was he feels good about. We asked us to listens in the city of denver what they have to say about this tragic milestone or that other grandmother recalls conquering the world could have struck our sense of Public Health crisis or we have relieved to. Remember the much smaller we think represent a good job. I think that there is a story on the other side that wants to say how bad hes handled it but nobody knew where nobody knew where it was coming from in the beginning or what it was all about. And amid criticism of his handling of the pandemic President Trump has lashed out at china blaming it for spreading the virus trump went on the attack in a precourt of message at the u. N. General assembly as the world body marks 75 years since its founding the annual gathering took place with coronavirus restrictions. The perfect riverside spot for a fractious global family get together at u. N. Headquarters. Face masks and tight security even though the most distinguished guests joined by video link a precaution to avoid worsening the coronavirus pandemic that has already killed almost 1000000 people worldwide. To a half empty hole of socially distance u. N. Ambassador is u. N. Chief terrorist warned about tensions between the u. S. And china threatening to ted the organization and the world a part of the 5 or so. Overholt cannot afford the future to margins because the globe integrates friction. On trade and financial rules on the internet about official intelligence capacity. A technological and economic environment risks inevitably turning into a deuce and were going to be very and we must avoid at all costs. And the increasingly difficult relationship between the 2 superpowers was on show as soon as President Trumps prerecorded statement started rolling. To address the United Nations General Assembly 75 a us leaders said the u. N. Should hold beijing accountable for the covert 19 crisis. And trump championed his policy of putting his countrys National Interests fast. For decades the same tired forces propose the same failed solutions pursuing global ambitions at the expense of their own people as president i have rejected the failed approaches of the past and i have proudly putting america 1st just as you should be putting your countrys 1st with early voting for the u. S. President ial elections already underway in some u. S. States trump speech attacking china on trade in the environment was aimed as much at u. S. Voters as other World Leaders in which on trust the pre recorded speeches from russias president putin and chinese president xi jinping urged a Global Response to the coronavirus pandemic and more cooperation between countries when we are surely we should embrace the vision of a community with a shared future we should see each other as members of the same big family if we pursue win win cooperation and not fall into the trap of a clash of civilisations. This years General Assembly debate on the schools how hard it is to keep countries talking to each other instead of past each other i well meantime in europe it is the United Kingdom reporting the highest coronavirus death toll at least 42000 people there have died from cove and 19 and as new delhi infections surge Prime Minister Boris Johnson has called on the nation to observe stricter rules on masks and social gatherings if the new measures are flouted johnson said that he could not rule out introducing even tighter restrictions. Britains shouldnt expect a return to normality this year just weeks ago workers were being encouraged back to their offices but the governments stock changing tarn fall is a dramatic surge in coronavirus cases as a trade off to ensuring a 2nd lockdown Prime Minister bars johnson announced new restrictions aimed at keeping the climbing caseload at bay im deeply spiritual reluctant to make any of these impositions or infringe anyones freedom. Unless we take action the risk use that we will have to go for tougher measures later when the deaths have already mounted and we had a huge caseload of infection such as we had in the spring. The u. K. Reported nearly 5000. 00 new cases on shoestring the highest daily rise since early my the figure is now 4 times what it was just a month ago in response pubs and restaurants were now close a 10 pm masa now mandatory more public spaces and people are being urged to work from harm where possible pasha penalties opposed to being introduced for those court flashing the new measures a Greater Police presence to monitor compliance to with the possibility of putting soldiers on the streets is back up. To new rules have been met with mixed reactions. Nor can work from the heart i love to hear it means. You cant make a play thought that we need to do everything. Decided it has to be done but id rather they do other options i dont want it to be another knocked out of they think anybody does that if thats going to save lives and that it should have been issued and. Experts are now worried about the increased risk winter poses especially if the new measures fail to bring the latest outbreak under control. And heres a round up of some of the other developments in the pandemic around the world new registered infections have surged again in india after experiencing a one day dep india has had the highest tally of infections of any country in the world madrid residents who break lock down rules face fines from today authorities are carrying out spot checks and parts of the spanish capital where movement is for strict and because of high infection levels Emergency Rooms in the city are now overwhelmed with covert patients and new daily infections recorded in israel have reached another record high a country has been in its 2nd total lockdown since last week. Fears are growing over the fate of an oil tanker that has been stranded off the coast of yemen for more than 5 years experts warn that the tanker may soon break apart causing one of the Largest Oil Spills in living memory with the devastating impacts on the environment and the economy but the vessel is being used as a bargaining chip in yemens ongoing civil war. From above its a pinprick in the waters off yemen but experts say this oil tanker is like a floating bomb that could go off at any moment the ship known as the f. S. A. Safe has been stranded off the countrys coast near the red Sea Oil Terminal a process in the port city of data for more than 5 years since the start of the civil war. The fear is now that its cargo of more than 1000000 barrels of oil will spill into the sea the u. N. Is calling for urgent action. In the Security Council. A growing list of such. Rapture. Images such as these highlight what the International Community is concerned taken in 2019 they reveal how parts of the ship are rusting and corroded and in need of vital maintenance. To show that oil is already leaking from pipes on board. But the ship has become a bargaining chip in the ongoing conflict between the rebels in yemen and the Saudi Led Coalition trying to defeat them. The tank is more close to an area controlled by rebel forces in july this year they agreed in principle to allow the u. N. To access the shit to carry out repairs and assess ways of securing the cargo. But despite the dire state of the vessel who these appear to 1st want guarantees that they own the oil on the ship only then it seems well they let inspections go ahead and avert a potential disaster. And im joined now by doug were in bridge north england he is policy director of the conflict and environment observatory welcome to the program and thank you so much for joining us we just heard about this rupture this potential rupture which could result in the Worlds Biggest Oil spill what do you expect right now from the International Community and the surrounding countries. Thank you good morning thanks for having us on and i think one of the issues is the National Community has done as much as it can sort of recently do with this state you know this issue has been raised to me u. N. Security council since april last year weve had dedicated meetings in the Security Council. Coastal states around the red sea have been engaged with this and trying to bring to attention of a Security Council and the u. N. More broadly u. N. Agencies for years now since 2017 have been trying to do the work necessary to review the state of this vessel and do the repair as. I want to shes weve seen is that in this conflict because it has become internationalized in the way it has that there arent very many neutral parties in terms of the states are involved and that has been problematic to some degree. But ultimately you know the Interest Community has plans in place as persons that have been put to the heath is meeting at this stage where we have almost had this Technical Inspection on several occasions cant really go higher than the u. N. Security council and really this is kind of richmond limits of whats a International Community can do so where exactly is the tanker and then whos to blame here. So the tanker is most of. On the west coast of yemen descent around 60 kilometers northwest of a dido which is obvious when the main entry point for humanitarian aid into yemen and i was one of hundreds of concerns about this vessel in the event that a spirit serious fire and that may well close up ports having a significant knock on effect already military nessus times. The vessel is remote 7 kilometers off the coast picked it attached to the end of a oil pipeline which fed the oil field and yes its 2015 the youth is to control of that area and ultimately its up to them to you allow access to you its National Inspection team and they are in control of the land to the vessel has more to offer in control of the coastal waters. Its ultimately and that hands if that access is not granted can you just walk us through the scenario of what we could be looking at here. Yeah i think theres a whole range of scenarios never in the worst case extension to have a huge fire and catastrophic spill and one of the issues of these tankers is that they need to be kept operational to pump gases into the storage tanks and i helps to keep down the levels of these falls how gases which naturally come off it will distort and that this vessel hasnt been doing that for years now say thats potentially a very large buildup of explosive gases of the oil and obviously thats a huge fire risk structurally the vessel is sitting in a hot humid climate on the salty sea water and so we can see from the outside an affair to have been released good evidence of corrosion weve had leaks reported in may this yes i know the potential is there for a spill of varying severity and this is 1140000 barrels of oil 4 times what was in the exxon valdez its a somewhat different kind of oil but you know the potential is there for a massive spill and that will not only have direct environmental effects knocking out coral reefs and mangroves fisheries it will also have knock on effects of the humanitarian Assistance Program in yemen and also for the local economies in fisheries along the coast 4 times what was in the exxon valdez we have not seen this before the situation very pressing doug where policy director of the conflict and environment observatory thank you so much for joining us to share that expertise. Well before we go one family in the georgian capital tbilisi have their hands full with a remarkable litter of puppies check this out veterinarians they say that they were stunned to hear the 1st time mom gave birth to 9 to feed now and 8 male pups the dogs owners say that it was one after another in the marathon 18 hour delivery pedigreed georgian shepherds are becoming more rare the family says that they are pleased to have such a big brood to help revive the breed a typical litter is between 3 and 10 puppies the vets say all 17 are doing well. Europe today thanks for watching. In the. Female world. More and more women in the indian state of maharashtra are becoming lawn tennis. In marja alitalia a sustainable approach to land. For the environment and special. Next on t w. O f 2 brothers exploring new chemo just want to leave this village once a month leave me and we dont even know what it looks like further up the river. But. Me i think brothers on a journey it seems there are many different worlds on this planet each one has its costs. Only vote coming up in the proving an amazon of. 45 w. I subscribe to g. W. Books you meet your favorite writer might object to what i write is to share where to find beautiful. Books on you tube. Compatible with the past. Most muslim women choose between their faith and selfdetermination. I dont want anyone to tell me what the right for my headstock enough how women are striving to reform their wrists away from traditional prejudices to. Start september 24th on g w. A clear to me given at the crack of dawn does this picture from bengal look familiar to you if yes we feel proud and feedforward to have a known view of a new story was in our one 1st episode

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