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Im told me on the article glad to have you with us top story of the moment the vacancy on the u. S. Supreme court and the intense political fight surrounding it president all trump is about to name his choice for that seat media reports say he will nominate Amy Kone Barrett she would replace Ruth Bader Ginsburg who died last week and al barrett currently serves as a federal Appeals Court judge and is known for her conservative religious views. On friday he had made up his mind but he refused to confirm the speculation ahead of an official announcement on saturday. With me now here in the studio is an. Associate fellow of the German Council on Foreign Relations and. In washington our bureau chief in home lets start with. If you were in washington what do we know. About. Well if she will get picked donald trump would have hardly found anybody who is such in the poem and of the late ruth gaiter Bader Ginsburg a pioneer of womens rights she was for abortion rights she faults the discrimination of minorities from all we know from the 48 year old Amy Coney Barrett as she refers to herself as a faithful catholic as you just said atomics she stands in many many ways just for the opposite she is a prolife supporter. Banks on the drums harsh immigration politics and shes also against gun regulation so clearly conservative pick as weve mentioned. What effects with would amy kone. Nomination point meant on the Supreme Court. Because the tax is out point to a lifetime so its not something that goes away in the next Voting Period and her conservative convictions might be really the opposite to what true askins. Stood for ok thank you both to nicole and well be back as soon as President Trump steps out but in the meantime lets continue with the news. Actually we will go back to that story will. Just head back to to washington i believe is stepping out right now yeah i can see those images. Donald trump president on trumpet stepping out of the white house to. Make his statement give his announcement on his nominee for that Vacant Supreme Court position. Lets listen in. Good morning yeah yeah. Man thank you. For her her home. From. Home. For her. Thank you very much thank you. Thank you. I stand before you today to fulfill one of my highest and most important duties under the United States constitution the nomination of a Supreme Court justice. Or am this is my 3rd such nomination after justice course which and Justice Kavanagh and it is a very proud moment indeed over the past week our nation has mourn the loss of a true American Legend justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg was a legal giant and a pioneer for women her extraordinary life and legacy will inspire americans for generations to come now we gather in the rose garden to continue our never ending task of ensuring equal justice and preserving the impartial rule of law. Today it is my honor to nominate one of our nations most brilliant and gifted legal minds to the Supreme Court she is a woman of unparalleled achievement towering intellect sterling credentials and unyielding loyalty to the constitution judge Amy Coney Barrett and the it were that were we. Were also joined by amys husband jesse thank you jessica very much and their 7 beautiful children congratulations to you all very special day. With us as well our 1st lady 1st lady. Are. Along with Vice President mike pence and his amazing wife karen thank you very much for. Judge barrett is a graduate of Rhodes College and the university of Notre Dame Law School. At dover dame she earned a full academic scholarship served as the executive editor of the law review graduated 1st in her class and received the law schools award for the best record of scholarship and achievement upon graduation she became a clerk for judge Laurence Silberman on the u. S. Court of appeals for the district of columbia amy then received one of the highest honors a young lawyer could have serving as a clerk on the Supreme Court for Justice Antonin Scalia a highly or. A very highly respected law professor at notre dame wrote to Justice Scalia with a one sentence recommendation. Amy coney is the best student i ever had thats pretty good. Justice scalia hired her shortly thereafter and we are honored to have his wonderful wife maureen where is Maureen Maureen scully are with us today. And our great secretary of labor thank you very much thank you mr secretary. Very deep jeems and in that family i will say very good spirits before joining the bench judge barrett spent 15 years as a professor at the university of Notre Dame Law School she was read now and for her scholarship celebrated by her colleagues and be loved by her students 3 times she was selected at notre dame distinguished professor of the year when i nominated judge perry to serve on the u. S. Court of appeals for the 7th circuit in 2017 every lot clerk from her time at the Supreme Court endorser an endorser nomination writing quote we are democrats republicans and independents yet we write to support the nomination of professor. To be a circuit judge professor barrett is a woman of remarkable intellect in character she is eminently qualified for the job and i can tell you i did that too i loved it and i studied and you are very eminently qualified for this job you are going to be fantastic really for. The entire notre dame law facility and faculty everybody everybody at that school also we got so many letters also wrote letters of support of amys nomination to the 7th circuit. They wrote in effect despite our differences we unanimously agree that our constitutional system depends upon an independent judiciary staffed by talented people devoted to the fair and Impartial Administration of the rule of law and we unanimously agree that amy is such a person. For the last 3 years judge baird is served with immense distinction on the federal bench amy is more than a stellar scholar and judge shes also a profoundly devoted mother her family is a core part of who amy is she opened her home and her heart and adopted 2 beautiful children from haiti her incredible bond with her youngest child a son with down syndrome is a true inspiration if confirmed justice pair will make history as the 1st mother of School Age Children ever to serve on the u. S. Supreme court and it will and her to a or. Or to her shoulder and emma vivian tess john peter liam julia and benjamin thank you for sharing your incredible mom with our country thank you very much for aimee county prayer will decide cases based on the text of the constitution as written as amy has said being a judge takes courage you are not there to decide cases as you may prefer you are there to do your duty and to follow the law wherever it may take you that is exactly what judge barrett will do on the u. S. Supreme court i want to thank the members of the senate we have so many of them here today thank you very much i see you in the audience and youre so proud. But i want to thank you for your commitment and to providing a fair and timely hearing i know it will be that. Judge barrett was confirmed to the Circuit Court 3 years ago by a bipartisan vote her qualifications are unsurpassed unsurpassed and her record is beyond reproach there should be a straightforward and prompt confirmation should be very easy good luck its going to be very quick. Im sure itll be extremely noncontroversial we said that the last time didnt go. Well thank you all very much and thank you for being here thats really. Our further job members of the other side of the aisle to provide judge barrett with a respectful and dignified hearing that she deserves and frankly that our country deserves i urge lawmakers and members of the media to refrain from personal or partisan attacks and the stakes for our country are incredibly high rulings that the Supreme Court will issue in the coming years will decide the survival of our 2nd amendment our religious liberty our Public Safety and so much more to maintain security liberty and prosperity we must preserve our priceless heritage of a nation of laws and there is no one better to do that that amy coney parrot. Law and order is the foundation of the american system of justice no matter the issue no matter the case before her i am supreme lee confident that judge barrett will issue rulings based solely upon a fair reading of the law she will defend the sacred principle of equal justice for citizens of every race color religion and create congratulations again to judge barrett i know that you will make our country very very proud please amy say a few words thank you very much and gradually thank you thank you. Thank you. Thank you very much mr president i am deeply honored by the confidence that you have placed in me and i am so grateful to you and the 1st lady to the Vice President and the 2nd lady and to so many others here for your kindness on this rather overwhelming occasion i fully understand that this is a momentous decision for a president and if the senate does me the honor of confirming me i pledge to discharge the responsibilities of this job to the very best of my ability i love the United States and i love the United States constitution i am truly. I am truly humbled by the prospect of serving on the Supreme Court should i be confirmed i will be mindful of who came before me. The flag of the United States is still flying at half staff in memory of justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg to mark the end of a Great American life Justice Ginsburg began her career at a time when women were not welcome in the Legal Profession but she not only broke glass ceilings she smashed. For that she has won the admiration of women across the country and indeed all over the world. She was a woman of enormous talents and consequence and her life of Public Service serves as an example to assault particularly poignant to me was her long and deep friendship with Justice Antonin Scalia my own mentor justices scalia and ginsburg disagreed fiercely in print without rancor and person their ability to maintain a warm and rich friendship despite their differences even inspired an opera these 2 Great Americans demonstrated that arguments even about matters of great consequence need not destroy affection and both my personal and professional relationships i strive to meet that standard i was lucky enough to clerk for Justice Scalia and given his incalculable influence on my life i am very moved to have members of the scalia family here today including his dear wife maureen i clerked for Justice Scalia more than 20 years ago but the lessons i learned still resonate his judicial philosophy is mine to a judge must apply the law as written. Judges are not policy makers and they must be resolute and setting aside any policy views they might hold the president has asked me to become the 9th justice and as it happens im used to being in a group of 9 my family our family includes mate my husband jesse ama vivian peter liam juliette and benjamin they have an engine and peter as the president said were born in haiti and they came to us 5 years apart when they were very young and the most revealing fact about benjamin our youngest is that his brothers and sisters on reservedly identify him as their favorites of bling our children obviously make our life very full while i am a judge im better known back home as a room parent carpool driver and Birthday Party planner when schools went remote last spring i tried on another hat jesse and i became cold principals of the barrett Learning Academy and yes the list of enrolled students was a very long one our children are my greatest joy even though they deprived me of any reasonable reasonable amount of sleep. I couldnt manage this very full life without the end wavering support of my husband jesse at the start of our marriage i imagine that we would run our household as partners as it has turned out jesse does far more than his share of the work to my chagrin i learned a dinner recently that my children consider him to be the better cook for 21 years jesse has asked me every single morning what he can do for me that day. And though i almost always say nothing he still finds ways to take things off my plate and thats not because he has a lot of free time he has a busy law practice its because he is a superb and generous husband and i am very fortunate jesse that. Jesse and i have a life full of relationships not only with our children but with siblings friends and fearless babysitters one of whom is with us today i am particularly grateful to my parents mike and linda kone i spent the bulk of i have spent the bulk of my adulthood as a midwesterner but i grew up in their new orleans home and as my brother and sisters can also attest mom and dads generosity extends not only to us but to more people than any of us could count they are an inspiration it is important at a moment like this to acknowledge family and friends but this evening i also want to acknowledge you my fellow americans the president has nominated me to serve on the United States Supreme Court and that institution belongs to all of us if confirmed i would not assume that role for the sake of those in my own circle and certainly not for my own sake i would assume this role to serve you i would discharge the judicial oath which requires me to administer Justice Without respect to persons due equal rights to the poor and rich and faithfully and impartially discharge my duties under the United States constitution i have no illusions that the road ahead of me will be easy either for the short term or the long haul. I never imagined that i would find myself in this position but now that i am i assure you that i will meet the challenge with both humility and courage members of the United States senate i look forward to working with you during the confirmation process and i will do my very best to demonstrate that i am worthy of your support. Ok with me now in studio is dick over inverts associate fellow of the German Council on Foreign Relations and Washington Bureau chief there in s. Paul weve just been hearing Amy Kone Barrett nominee President Trumps nominee for the Supreme Court speaking there was start with you here in studio nicole no surprise obviously but what what do you take away from that weve seen trump listing her achievements and her qualifications a career but also bring her out as a family person a regular american absolutely and i was very surprised that also on her truth conspire against her she did too so they try or are they try to to be the stars in a very friendly note. I think also very interesting she has an excellent education and she pointed out twice what her main goal will be and how she will work and the striking part is that she will very much obey tooth texts that there wont be much conception then they should and text only ization off you know how she works as a josh but really sticks to the written word which is a feature which misconstrued didnt do in the same manner because she thought it has to be more put into the Current Situation and she had to think about things how you would apply certain. Texts into reality now so there you already see she is the known this is skins for it was seen. Lets go to. Washington in the us how is this news going to be received is no surprise weve been talking about this that it would be Amy Coney Barrett so how do you think americans rules will respond to this. But 1st of all all told me. Donald trump. Did a very good job regarding the Election Campaign he really made it Crystal Clear that this is one of the most important duties of president test who had to nominate Supreme Court justices having that said there is its in the room kind of that he might if he gets reelected that he might have for the 4th time in office the chance to pick a 4th Supreme Court justice and really as we said earlier on in this show really shape the Supreme Court justices for the next centuries to come not centuries but the for the next 3040 years to come coming back to it just is barrett i think she did a good job in really reaching out to those who are critical with her i had the chance to really travel this country over the last weeks and well 1st of all many people say it shouldnt be donald trump who picks the successor of rb g. E. But if he does he should pick someone who is kind of able to walk the aisle who is not too conservative or too liberal so we all know that Justice Barrett is fairly conservative judge when it comes to issues like abortion rights and gun rights but the way she presented herself as a mother as a mother who adopted 2 kids from high e. T. I think she really was able to reach out to those who were hyper critical before the speech she just gave now here in the white house. Obviously weve seen the way america is polarized at the moment but we see trump as well asking for the public to be respectful for the opponents to be respectful and dignified in the way they receive. And for the media to avoid and all and partisan attacks. What do you take from that and its a very smart move i have to say the unpredictable president now has done something predictable you picked a conservative candidate who might support many of the things he wanted to push for and might even you know get away with things like the portable care act and now in the come pain its an its an important moment for him because a lot of the attention we will see in the next few weeks we shift a little bit from his not so. Moderate way off off off dealing with the public his. His not very well received remarks to the candidate we see now and she seems to really sell herself very well which again gives him a little bit more the all rabbit he also would like to be more moderate in the next few weeks something i think we will but its a smart move on his part because again the attention would shift a little bit away from a lot of things he did in the past and werent good for his campaign ok well rounded out nicole and associates fellow of the German Council on Foreign Relations thank you and. Bureau chief in washington thank you as well. Youre watching the news room but you can keep up to date with all the news around the clock on our website its called im told me a lot of oil for me and of the team thank you for joining us. Ecosystem for the. Dragon to instead of rainy season in rwanda Climate Change is threatening harvest a startup is now increasingly yields itzhak in forms farmers about the plants water needs. Solar energy and sure is cheap irrigation. Climate smart eco africa. Next on d w. Riesling. Making it possible. And forcing venues and researchers to think their ideas about. Much of the features of. A measure of Climate Change. Are limited small d. W. In the art of Climate Change. For christmas or. Whats in store for the players players to make up for their futures in the book. Called the game a go city to the multimedia insight good answer to a. Welcome to a new edition of africa our weekly environmental sure i am sandra to nobody here in kampala uganda what was no been living with the corona virus pandemic for over a year and im sure majority of us have Something Like these were geared to the many restrictions around the world nature and the environment have been able to recover will find out more about this today. Yes indeed hello and greetings from mean now thai way in Lagos Nigeria lot to see your hero again to spend the next half hour there about with us in the force of ethiopia and on the streets of burley plus. Walking around in sandals made from the ball game. How monks in ethiopia are looking after the environment. And why cycling isnt just good for the prime. Mission to make our lives easier by using them often takes a toll on the environment when the internal Combustion Engine was developed in the 19th century there was no way of predicting that the pioneering invention would cause air pollution and a number of Serious Health issues now technology is still a beautiful thing and thats why innovators today remain committed to finding eco friendly always all piling machines and when these inventions have to counteract Climate Change then well just see for yourself. We that con has 6 ireland and Common Ground out these days the current drought has lasted months and the increasingly extreme of the threatens the livelihoods of locals from us especially those in the eastern part of the country who are not quote could be cheated its apparent that Climate Change is real and increasingly dangerous the farming seasons that people are used to annoy longer predictable at times it trains will one expected drought well drought instead of rams its confusing you can just farm and have hope over having harvest language even for an issue the money coming to a couple. Late is one from out who has been fortunate giving these hard time. Have filled me a river so shes been able to pump sufficient water to her crops. But the diesel needed to power the pumps is expensive and the exhaust that is a need to sounds out contributes to a greenhouse effect. Was known rwanda is increasing its reliance on solar power. Research and Technology Experts from around on start up developed a solar powered irrigation system that they had to project was financed by a u. S. Aid organization and they run the government the new irrigation plant came at just the right time for 40 families from a comparative in that all gone my district that god made agricultural more difficulty and the cost of renting the diesel pumps nearly consumed on east. My thirties reason was that todays honestly we ended up spending much of what awnings on buying shirley while using the fuel pump internet as i run with 2 of each of those little left for our livelihood now we have gotten beat of all those expenses we only need to replace someone to water the plugs. Of the kurdish just. Due to the more affordable litigation promise cannot attend a larger areas of land and keep farming there used a much higher as a result. I did call a hole i was only harvesting 50 kilograms of beans in 2 bags of sorghum it sees on now with so let irrigation the yield volume has multiplied by 3 when i am considering expanding my farming even on that one ill be focused on that solar powered irrigation system should be up and running in all Party Districts in the country by the end over 2021 an official from the Agriculture Ministry sees that rhonda. Helps to have a climate neutral economy by 2050 and his role for the country as a doctor and this solar system they get through this solar system. Because of. Cheaper in terms of energy cost option and the secondly. Yeah climate to smart. Climate smart also means a more plentiful way of money gene water one of the arts most valuable resources this touch up that builds the sun even gets in system has also developed a system to michelle the temperature and moisture of the soil since those calculate the exact amount of water needed by the plants. Farmers ive been notified by and up about when and how much they should what their crops the plants need to get the optimum or what to do thats why we believe when they use this technology they are going to improve their production. And it does been tested to be a success in the play which his rugby in. These pilot system is powered by solar energy a swell now the farmers know exactly which plants need water and how much of the need for the time being they improvising with plastic bottles which will soon be replaced by war to horses. But one of our us from demick sent shock waves around the world and changed our lives in countless ways but there has been an unexpected upside the environment has been able to take a breather much needed out that theres been less air traffic fewer cars on the road and fewer people needing to go from point a to point b. And in big cities around europe many people are hoping on their bikes from green a mode of transport in the german capital and on the number of bike riders as really really increased. Many people no longer want to use public transport and business is booming in lots of bike shops. Changes of cycling may soon overtake driving in berlin and elsewhere in germany theres an auto for colony people who sell their car and switch to a bike tend not to buy another car. The mechanics here it shindle how our bikes are extremely busy and have been for months. The Company Founded in 2009 designs and builds high end bikes. This year has been exceptional weve seen a huge increase in demand for bikes and that definitely has to do with the coronavirus crisis. Because it talks of. Sheen to how it produces a range of models and also office custom bikes it champions streamlined simplicity and innovation. Some of its bikes cost more than 5000. 00 euros theyre all hand built. But will the boom continue after the pandemic is over. We do expect to see a slight cooling of the market but local authorities are really promoting biking nowadays pop up by lanes are popping up all over berlin and elsewhere paris is a good example of that and its doing a lot to upgrade it cycling infrastructure so the potential is huge lots of people are switching to a bike and that will probably continue. In berlin london. Paris all across europe cycling is serious. The german bike market was worth 4200000000 year one more. This bike shop in berlin is doing well. Its called wrecking. Designing and building its own bikes 5 years ago. Because we can continue to brand bikes. I hear from a lot of other bike shops around here but theyre struggling to get new stock and. There are no more bikes available on the market right now and thats a problem for retailers. The cheaply doesnt just sell individual bikes it also offers full Service Leasing of entire fleet. Is trending in berlin stephanie ansen is a partner at. Your facility many facilities managers are happy because they need less space you can fit 8 bytes into one car parking slot Human Resources manager is unhappy because sick days go down by up to 25 percent of billeted managers are happy because theyre now leasing a fleet of 3000 euro bikes instead of 60000. Of. These. Cities are having to rethink their transport infrastructure costs may indeed be going out of favor even in cop crazy germany making way for cyclists is the order of the day. Also improve the situation here. A new vision for america could help also the environment in unexpected ways how you have a one son just made of if not you might be asking yourself how does that even walk well take a look at this simple idea that could make all planets a little bit whoa plastic free. Around 8000000 pieces of plastic end up in our oceans every day each can take more than 400 years to decompose avoiding plastic uses one solution biodegradable products like this another. Researchers at a San Diego Lab created a new material its made from an algae base and can decompose naturally 1st they grow the algae in raceway palms then when they are fully grown they take the water out and create a gooey paste. The paste can be formed into any shape but pouring it into molds and just wait for it to dry. Companies have already approached the lab about working together on everything from rigid and soft foams to paint and coatings. Almost every major show manufacturer has come to talk to us about the possibility of using our materials in their products were also talking to other companies for example for things like Food Packaging or other types of materials that we dont want to live forever in the environment we really want to those to be able to decompose or be able to be recycled. To new sandals could be a step in the right direction to keep ordinary plastic out of the environment. And how about you if youre also doing your business tell us about visit our website or send us a tweet. Hash tag doing your bit. We share your story. Plastic is also a whole topic gun as the amount of land cultivated by Small Farmers was the amount of paste we use also increases and those products come in need of plastic containers which pose to environmental problems fost they use of the chemicals themselves and 2nd whats done with the containers once the empty too often they used things like Water Bottles even though they still contain choices of toxic pesticides a local initiative in gunna is going to villages to make people aware of these positive. Mahmoud mohammed who didnt always keeps an eye out for them this plastic bottles used to contend chemical fertilizers and now pose a danger to people and environment farmers in ghana often leave the used bottles running around is going to properly disposed of it can affect the health of the farmer. What are bodies and even. If. Mahmoud no didnt is a journalist and an environmental activist in 2015 he founded an ngo for Climate Change and Food Security focusing on farming he launched a campaign against their use of these bottles here and saw for farmers have had bad experiences with them for good i used a Group Chemicals on my from and would just leave the containers there that wasnt good at all as one day my grandchild picked one fish would do with eat and drink it she fed the treatment was very costly it was a big worry fortunately the aggregate office explained to us that we should not leave the used content as on the farm so now we gathered and put them in a trice cycle which goes to dump them. Who for course be part of new didnt awareness raising tim he works for the Agriculture Ministry for and passed on his knowledge to the farmers. d center for Climate Change in food for a year now and i do kitty farmers on proper disposal of. This because the i mean there must also be a complaint our farmers are. On. The farmers ive been going through the use of the car so. You can see on how to dispose them there will be induction of these cases many of the farmers are now also taking more care when using the chemicals on their fields. Before you start to spray you have to wear boots and a proper outfit you also have to use a mask so you do not inherit the chemicals. For money but. Then vitamin tourists are trying to get the message across that it would be better to do without the chemicals altogether but it is difficult to persuade the farmers that are gunning for divisors would protect their land better in the long term in particular against drugs a growing problem due to Climate Change its an uphill battle. That we have made across the country a lot of part of Climate Change some of them lead the one percent of them dont even believe that. Well the activists are showing the farmers other ways they can help fight the effects of Global Warming for example with Tree Planting initiatives some 500 species have been planted so far. Well portugal is one of the countries in Southern Europe that has really. After it from years of tourism both the sea cost and the capital lays born among its full visitors yet since the start of the coronavirus pandemic the number of tourists has dropped dramatically and hot a profitable industry thats right sandra but sometimes what is bad for business is one major unless for instance these down on the set of groups of tories everywhere where i am also started returning to the city. For the people of list then this is nothing short of a small miracle dolphins have returned to the river take us as terrain. Many of the locals all through. Time from list. Seeing all these dolphins is an incredible feeling this is going to be. As a biologist inish clar often went dolphin watching in the azores these days she works as a sailing instructor. But because of the pandemic finding work is tough there are very few tourists. But in asia and her boss say theres a Silver Lining for the environment. This year there are more sardines and mongrel in the ocean. Thats what dolphins like feeding on. A massive 50 kilo stone passes to and huge sea passes and weve never seen this many sardines worse. Than that i can tell a isnt only thought of just when joyce birdwatching in the take a sterile turn. Today has spotted a group of flamingos a mere 20 minute car ride from lisbon city center. If you. Are not it works for an agency promoting sustainable tourism. Take this river delta is 814000 hector nature reserve and the Conservation Area is even larger. The pied ever set as one of the most common birds and havent seen these wetlands which are home to 200 species of migrate treat their. Some 60000. 00 black tailed godwit come each winter they are an endangered species. And a flamingo colony raises its young hair and stays all year round. You. Know what this paradise is under threat. To push it is government has plans to build a new airport in monte should be on the Vasco Da Gama bridge right next to the wetlands endangering this important ecosystem. H. Conservation groups are now taking the government to court. Me that people are taking action because of the many planes that will be landing beside these wetlands. Not only dangerous for the birds the birds themselves will also pose a serious danger to the aircraft. Makes no sense to build a new airport here now that lisbon has just been declared europes Green Capital miles ahead of a point more. The Water Quality of the river take us has greatly improved according to ines thats why so many dolphins have returned. And the fact that no noisy cruise ships are harboring in the portuguese capital helps too. Dolphins are very sensitive to noise. When practicable and recently my large ships are very invasive. To start fights and avoid swimming up the river and in my you know i wont list them all thirtys have plates that by 2020 to dock to cruise ships here in the new september no right beside lisbons old town must turn off their motors to reduce emissions. He said that every cruise ship docked in lisbon will have to be connected to the electricity grid to do so for up side emissions and cut pollution in the city well see the good stuff out of the at the current. Not in the n. H. Hope also as hes will keep a promise said that liston can live up to its name of europes Green Capital. Dolphins are truly amazing creatures well lets return to the african continent did you know that tribe congregations in ethiopia play a key role in Environmental Protection it all started when deforestation began to deplete the countrys indigenous tree stocks it was a congregations that fought to preserve their local forests and tame specie diversity in crawford all went to south go into where we found a community where more than 30 different kinds of trees are still growing and it turns out its not so hard to do. For almost 25 years by governor merriam go but its a lousy has been turned into straight forest some 200 months living here in this altar thats the way he took community in northern ethiopia. For centuries monks up preserve the forests around their churches taking care of the citizens as being a spiritual ritual for members of this faith they view the natural forest as a symbol of heaven. The ministry hands on and its a 3. 00. This is on and on the ship of the ministry we are committed to date and some more to transfer our history and heritage we have got from our fathers and a responsibility to plants and protect new trees whenever the old trees die. Laughing that is in them and then thanks to their efforts many church compounds both of large indigenous trees such as the wild pier or the iron tree earlier africana for example some of the trees around here are 100 years old. If your pea has less than 5 percent forest cover down from 40 percent in 1990 trees are cut down for charcoal and firewood and to make way for farming and grazing land but to protect the church flores have remained intact the south gone the region an estimated 1500. 00 tiny charred forest. The field be an afterthought still why he do churches established a commission to help further conserve them. Key floor walker who is in charge of Forest Protection in the community the dont want to force you know kit in the church therefore we have to. First we have to maintain. Well to protect the Church Forest its sense and secondly we have to replicate the experience of the church to our community. The monks have created new partnerships with local communities in schools. And drama for tree sessions a part of the environmental education. In the 2 years since the Church Community project was founded they have managed to create 3 plantations in the school grounds. The project is always intended to improve the Living Standards of local people so as to reduce over the president s an existing forest resources. With additional funding from a german protest and Aid Organization 25. 00 women here each received 3 sheep. Some have seen grown 2 heads of nearly 10 i used to say i collected mood and saw deeds to buy food for my family that is what my livelihood depended on but now its the church believes that since accepted and respected by the community that conservation activities as role models. But even with their efforts convincing people here to preserve the forest instead of creating new farmland remains a challenge. We here at a coffee can never said protecting the environment was easy this program should be a constant reminder of how important it is to preserve nature ill leave you with those thoughts as i say goodbye i hope you tune into our next show this is now its signing out from the fossil park in Lagos Nigeria thank you all for watching remember you can also discuss the big topics with us on our social media platforms and if you have a great idea for protecting the environment write to us i am sandra teen of you and it is a goodbye from uganda. A little. Dull. A little. Comic. Possibly. Enforcing demeanor some researchers think there are ideas about. What the future. Coming up w. It feels. Good it. Trendy not only for interior design but as a Building Material as well and in australia the 1st Luxury Hotels are made entirely of. Their own max. And 30 minutes on t. W. Television is for me. Is for. Beethoven is for him beethoven is for her. And beethoven is for. Beethoven is for every man. Beethoven 2020. The 50th anniversary here on d w no. Murder conspiracy the saudi consulate. A body that will never be found. Connected to the highest levels of government why did journalist Jamal Khashoggi have to die. Was threatened by his for. 2 years later and the reasons are still unclear in the case of jamal. Stern september 30th on t w. Every 2 seconds a person is forced to flee their home. The consequences of been to sas trysts our documentary series displaced depicts traumatic humanitarian crises from around the world. Fuck a family dont get a minute i didnt go to university to kill peep. I mean again. People feel for their mothers and their future so they seek refuge abroad but what will become of us to stay behind. This place to start over 16 on g. W. This is deja vu news and these are our top stories u. S. President donald trump has not made any kone barrett to the Supreme Court she would replace the late Ruth Bader Ginsburg on the countrys highest court her confirmation would tilt the court in favor of conservatives the senate is expected to confirm her ahead of the u. S. President ial election. Lebanons designated Prime Minister has resigned amid an impasse in efforts to form a new government

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