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A real full effect. This is still. A cards zite was ultimately handed a fine his informant was given 13 months probation after having spent 6 months in pretrial custody. Thanks in part to zite investigations were finally underway in germany but a central question was still unanswered was come x. Illegal or not. Hed avoids the thats his tie in it just everybody knew that you couldnt have a refund a tax that had never been paid a time that as you steam everyone knew the system created money out of nothing at the expense of the treasury in the stocks causing ordinates. I dont need any special Legal Expertise to know that thats simply not ok to eat and yet the perpetrators continue to help themselves from state coffers even though they already had plenty. At some point it was no longer about the money at some point it was just about the thrill i get just because eventually there is enough money more than you can spend in a day a week a year or maybe a new whole lot to mention that its the thrill that drives people to do very risky thing else including high stakes speculation so the idea of getting caught and what will happen if someone finds out that you called. If comics was just a game for bankers and investors then thats a real slap in the face for the millions of ordinary citizens who conscientiously pay their taxes. In early summer 2017 all of us and his journalist colleague christiane so thats where in switzerland theyd track down mr come x. On his heels the 2 journalists wanted to confront bangor with the findings of their investigation. Very eloquent and friendly man if you have a good time on the phone but then he answered with an expertise and drowns you in complexity thats going on bonding you with technical essays and so on to make it clear that from his point of view the whole thing was legal and hes an innocent being prosecuted. For it. But we havent been able to speak to him personally except on the phone. To form a bug mr berger id just like to meet with you. Mr baird to spare me your expert reports let me to get a good. Christiane zalewski had joined the at times bizarre comics reporting beat in 2016 together with other colleagues its a left ski and continue to evaluate Insider Information and meet with whistleblowers they began to uncover new details that revealed the extent of comics. And among the mountains of files there are tara we had a very early email from how it meticulously sent out the legal situation in all European Countries causing an excel spreadsheet on string to the question where can we deploy this. Very thorough aplon i think the question was was it hypothetical did they really carry out this plan in the title because its. In fact unknown comebacks perpetrators were beginning to act abroad once the practice was no longer legally possible in germany its said to have continued in Northern Europe like here in denmark. The danes are still waiting for an explanation as to why the German Government didnt warn them earlier at the time then danish tax minister albertson turned to berlin for assistance we have very good relations on different matters but when it comes to taxation and especially when it comes to this comic scandal the level of cooperation has been very very low and i have a really i really honestly cant understand why the German Government and the minister of finance didnt prioritize cooperation it would have been likely at that that the fraud in the mob would have been discovered earlier and could have been stopped earlier. By 2015 denmark is estimated to have suffered losses equivalent to 1700000000 euro that means that in per capita terms the scandal may have hit denmark even harder than germany become next perpetrators were also attracted to other countries and the journalists now chased their story across european borders. Doesnt look at that we soon realized we needed Cooperation Among european journalists and i cant speak polish i cant speak spanish i dont know the ins and outs of tax law renate countries without france europeans wouldnt offend. About that they countries most of the implementers gulf war and they are. In nov 2800. 00 the e. U. Took notice of the tax scam partly thanks to all of our sharma and his colleagues the journalists went before the European Parliament to explain the extent of the problem. With indices in these countries tax revenues are being raided right now. He cites germany by 2015 comics trades were also happening in denmark and austria later similar models appeared to have been used in France Italy Spain norway finland poland and the czech republic. It was now a european scandal uncovered thanks to international Cooperation Among journalists even then the e. U. Didnt initiate any investigations saying instead that the problem was to be solved primarily at the National Level. But some members of the European Parliament did want to hold a new institutions to account among them German Green Party m. E. P. Spending gold thats a problem in the European Parliament asked the european banking all 13 and the european securities and markets all thorazine to launch an investigation it took months because the National Supervisors didnt want to. According to google those at the National Level like Member States finance authorities delayed the investigation to prevent their own failures from coming to light it took pressure from the European Parliament to put the investigations in motion there are still ongoing. Dbu go for citizens lose faith that the state is there for everyone thats a very dangerous if people feel there are 2 kinds of justice one for the Little People who have to abide by the law and who get severely punished if theyre caught and another for the powerful who say this wasnt a crime at all it was just a trick i mean the the fire in one take. After years of draining state revenue the practice of comic share trades does seem to have dried up but there are always new breeding grounds for this type of practice. And consequently havent learned the crucial lessons that we should have from the comics a fair. Enough but doesnt sort of even after 2012 when actual comics traits were no longer technically possible similar things kept on happening for the symbiotes. This. After comebacks came come come then come fake theyre similar models resourceful Financial Traders are always on the lookout for tax loophole. Experts estimate the europe wide damages from comics and its successor models to be 55000000000. 00 euro the largest part of that was taken from german tax authorities almost 32000000000. 00 euro. There are ideas for new safeguards to strengthen tax morris but so far theyre just that i do. Think its a small force. One suggestion is to have a european find. Actual police force where investigative threads can come together instead of authority sporadically sharing bits of information here and there and i need someone to really gather information and take concerted action against White Collar Crime for going on this theres also the idea that tax advisors and Financial Advisors should have an obligation to report any legal loopholes they come across for it to be an offense not to report them less than oh it sounds somewhat trivial now but at least it would be a step in the right direction i. Didnt really feel they still. There still no such obligation but the Justice System has begun to deal with the issues. Involved yes its the 1st criminal trial in the so called come x. If it has begun then. British Investment Bankers have been charged. In september 2900. 00 suspected comics perpetrators stood trial for the 1st time the case was an opportunity to clarify whether comebacks was illegal and who would pay for the billions in damage as for farming luckovich bournemouth with the trial at the Regional Court in bonn only addresses one piece of the puzzle that was like a rift in a field this is going to occupy our courts for years to come fix it for until all the aspects of comics are covered the potatoes and some of the perpetrators are abroad if you like from some of the money may be long gone feels bad for burnt through theres no way well get everything back a list or. All the bush had to wait 6 months for a verdict to be handed down in that trial the fact that the 1st suspected perpetrators landed in court at all was due to the journalists were uncovered the dubious dividend deals despite being shadowed and even becoming a target of the authorities himself ultimately the investigation against was dropped. The end of the story for him for now at least civility is comics and the chum eggs like a Financial Crime novel is but its reality not fictional so i couldnt have imagined what would happen what we dont cover but realities like that thor as is this is one of the biggest tax frauds in european history. And what of comics bastra mine hunted burger after mom deliberation the very spotty Regional Court approved an indictment against him for tax lawyer still claims he did nothing illegal. In a liberal constitutional state everything is allowed unless its forbidden. Whether comebacks was legal is now a matter for the courts the other remaining question is who will repay the billions lost. Money will always flow into the hands of the greedy the comics case is the perfect example and no countrys Justice System has so far been able to completely stop such wheeling and dealing. With. Treasure lies hidden deep under the earths surface. One that isnt vital for human groundwater. But how much to scientists know about it. And is our most important Drinking Water resource in danger. We get to the bottom of the source. To. 30 minutes on d w. Genuine affection for convincing deception. Photo Editing Software distorts what is real. The possibilities for an election apparently. Do. The new truth. 21. 60. The fight against the coronavirus pandemic. Has the rate of infection been developing. What measures are being taken. What does the latest research says. Information and context. The coronavirus of data the code of special monday to friday on g. W. This is the w. New the live up from berlin turkey and greece are rocked by a powerful earthquake at least a dozen people are killed and hundreds more injured after buildings in the turkish city of ismy crumble as rescue crews worked through the night to save people trapped under the rubble president everyone promises all that means necessary to help also coming up on the show with a just a 3 days to go until the elections the United States is on course up for the highest of voter turnout in more than a century at least 85000000 people have already cast their ballots in person or by mail. And French Police arrest a 2nd suspect over a deadly stabbings at a church in the east this as france is stepping up security across the country to guard against islamist attacks. And Carriage Rides and now welcome to the show a strong earthquake has struck in the agency between the greek island of samaras and the Turkish Coast where it has killed over a dozen people and injured at least 400 others much of the damage is in the turkish resort city of izmir where several buildings were brought to the ground rescue efforts there are expected to continue throughout the night. It is a race against time for s. Q. Workers in this manner of trying to find survivors in the rubble of a collapsed building. Suddenly they seem to be successful someone was found. To many others came too late when the turkish result city came crashing down on friday. I thought that the ground had shattered you can think in that moment or you can try to do is to get out everything was collapsing around as luckily Old Buildings stayed intact to be really panicked and managed to get out at the last minute. This is a family home on the 15th floor of an Apartment Building in this may when the earthquake hit. Proportionately the shaking did not stop for 25 seconds. But. The quake struck deep in the ground beneath the aegean sea. 2 so it was followed by 67 aftershocks the tremors felt as far away is that than zone bulgaria. I was in my show. I was talking with someone it felt like grew on a road it started to shake but i was watching the whole building shaking i saw what this building collapse. This small scale synonymy flooded the streets in some districts sending degree in land and causing further damage. To greek island of some of those who suffered casualties dumb and and flooding but the foreign leaders of both nations pledging to help one another. Seismologists have warned that potential powerful aftershocks could be expected for several weeks to come. Once the United States now where the final days of election campaigning are gathering pace as President Donald Trump and his democratic challenger joe biden wage a fears a battle for votes into western states or the voter turnout has been a shattering records the americans going to the polls in their millions even under tough conditions hundreds of people are spending hours in line braving the cold at this parking lot in indianapolis just to be able to mark their election ballots more than 85000000 americans have already made their choice setting a new record. We were excited to vote. Motivated by the candidates motivated by. You know my ancestors fought for this right for us to commit right now in this very moment in time and so im here on high voter turnout could work in joe bidens Favor National polls show hes leading in swing states like here in iowa which however could still go either way and at a public appearance at a drive in Movie Theater because of the pandemic car honking instead of cheering for up your American Trust each other again. Run america to be united or jan. Week youre not a for 4 more years of doubts are out. In the final spurt of the campaign President Donald Trump holds 3 Public Events a day without social distancing and wearing face masks just like here in michigan a traditionally democratic stronghold which he barely won 4 years ago and the question of whether trump would accept defeat graciously keeps popping up or just he claims that voting by mail could lead to fraud who has voted so far ah ok who is going to vote on tuesday are our its a funny thing you know we tell our people go out and were not big into the ballot world we sort of the like it ok you know because too many tricks get played in some states ballots must arrive by election day in other states they only have to be postmarked by that date in pennsylvania ballots will be accepted up to 3 days after election day and in North Carolina up to 9 days after november 3rd legal arguments against that by republicans were overruled in the Supreme Court telling the ballots could take weeks only a massive lead would make it obvious fairly quickly whos won experts fear that in case of a republican lead on november 3rd. Trump could announce himself the winner or challenge the election in court if it is a close election the Republican Party or the president has certainly signal that he will do everything. From a Legal Framework in order to contest the results you didnt just today tweeting about he believes the Supreme Court going to decide this election and now with the Supreme Court having 6 conservative leaning judges of a total of 9 that could be to president trumps advantage. Lets take a look now at some of the other stories making news around the world the number of daily new coronavirus cases in the United States has reached another record high with more than 94000 infections registered in 24 hours the virus is spreading most rampantly in the midwest and the south the total number of kofi 1000. 00 infections has now passed in the 9 a 1000000 mark. Police have clashed with protesters in central barcelona after crowds took to the streets to demonstrate against the latest coronavirus measures restrictions under a new a nationwide state of emergency could last until may next year. Our media and azerbaijan have reached an agreement to diffuse their conflict over the disputed region of nagornokarabakh at peace talks in geneva they promised to not purposely attack civilians and to do a Prisoner Exchange hundreds of people have been killed in more than a month of fighting in the region. Thousands of demonstrators that took to the streets of warsaw to protest against the polish governments near total ban on abortion opponents have been defying pandemic restrictions to take part in knightly marches a court ruling last week a banned abortions in cases where the fetus has a congenital defects. Well police in france have arrested a 2nd suspect in connection with thursdays knife attack and nice investigators believe the man was in contact with the assailant who killed 3 people at the citys notre dame basilica the 3rd is the most attacked in france in 2 months the countrys interior minister says france is being targeted for its defense of Free Expression and secularism france is now beefing up security across the country as nice remembers the day. Nice is a city in mourning. For some the shock and pain of thursdays attack is difficult to bear. It makes me really sad because im from nice work 50 meters down the road could have been my mother. Were dealing with crazy people want to impose their awful rules on us. That. We need to come together to say this isnt possible we want peace but we cant continue like this this is just not acceptable. That. The 3 victims among them turned to worker vanstone look our the latest in an ever growing list of people murdered in islam is to tax on french soil. Responded by increasing Police Numbers while the foreign minister sent a message to french citizens worldwide. Threat is also very serious or brought. Messages of hate online can quickly turn into real violence and weve decided to take all the necessary measures to ensure the security of our interests. Weve given instructions to our ambassadors to reinforce security measures with the security. French prosecutors believe the suspect is a choon asean national who arrived in the e. U. In september the italian island of lampedusa his family said he never showed signs of Extremism Police are warning citizens to be extra vigilant these are desperate times for a country in lockdown due to the pandemic for some its their faith whatever it may be thats getting them through well germany a president francophile to shine meyer has condemned the attack in nice saying france and europe must stand up to acts of brutality and an exclusive interview with a d w president spoke about the need for tolerance as well as the pandemic and even us politics. Many issues have been on the plate of german president steinmeyer of late following the recent suspected terror attack in nice france where 3 people were killed steinmeier says his thoughts are with the victims families but he also wants the united stance from europe after such a brutal attack. Of course our thoughts are above all with the relatives who have sympathy but i believe what we must do know in europe not just in france is to stand up to this act of brutality and the islamist motives behind it and in funding and you know our democratic societies above all we should not base the response of the state on a cause determined by hate. And some. Parts of acceptance and Mutual Respect are a part of our society and so standing up to such acts of brutal violence and islam is motives is one thing but the other is to try and maintain the openness of our society thats the other challenge is the under the halls for. The coronavirus pandemic another issue at the top of the president s agenda germany has just approved a new partial lockdown to try to curb a record spike of cold in 1000 cases discontent with measures has also been on the rise with thousands protesting on the streets germanys president acknowledges that the restrictions are especially hard but he says their critics abrasive attitude worries him he could think of you that shuffle and criticism is getting harsher and more aggressive especially when it comes from people who are spreading conspiracy theories. But the number of people who consider the restrictions to be correct or demanding stricter measures is currently growing faster than the number of critics. They could think of in this respect its not so much the numbers that worry me. The abrasiveness of the argument. These are also. Thoughts on the Upcoming Elections in the us steinmeyer says the decision on who the next president will be lies with the American People what he would like to see is a return to a more fruitful cooperation between the u. S. And germany as. The election in the u. S. So november 3rd will have a Global Impact and side that off the words regardless of who wins the United States will again develop the ability to have a shared idea about the future of their country and the good minds. And that is one thing and what is important for us as your appearance is also to understand that european project with european integration and cooperation is invested in the transatlantic relationship this is not the case recently but i hope that a new understanding for europe will grow again but. It may take weeks or even months to see whether steinmeyer is wish will be fulfilled for the us with the election still the focal point and the coronavirus pandemic in full swing europe may not be a priority. Lets go to some football news now and in the buddhist league as a friday night game shocker and a short card to battle the 2 a one all draw malika shower opens the scoring for shall go after half an hour the youngster hitting the target with a beautiful a diving header for his 1st ever been to sleep a goal in just his 2nd match. But strich are equalized with a penalty early in the 2nd half you can ask on side as with some slick footwork to fool the shark a keeper. Youre watching news with me clarity i said thanks much for joining us. Combating the corona pandemic. Where does research stand. What are scientists learning. Background information and news. Hour carona updates. Covert 19 special next on d w

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